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US 20150366763A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0366763 A1
Barillari (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 24, 2015
METHOD OF USE A68/92 (2006.01)
A61O 1/10 (2006.01)
(71) Applicant: Alexandra Barilari, Gardena, CA (US) A618/89 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl.
(72) Inventor: Alexandra Barilari, Gardena, CA (US) CPC ................ A61K8/0204 (2013.01); A61O 1/10
(2013.01); A61K 8/345 (2013.01); A61 K
(21) Appl. No.: 14/838,324 8/8194 (2013.01); A61K 8/41 (2013.01); A61 K
8/97 (2013.01); A61K 8/891 (2013.01); A61 K
(22) Filed: Aug. 27, 2015 8/19 (2013.01); A61K 8/60 (2013.01); A61 K
8/8152 (2013.01); A61K 8/37 (2013.01); A61 K
Publication Classification 8/34 (2013.01); A61K 8/86 (2013.01); A61 K
8/731 (2013.01); A61K 8/922 (2013.01); A61 K
(51) Int. Cl. 8/817 (2013.01); A61K 8/8182 (2013.01);
A6 IK 8/02 (2006.01) A61K 8/8147 (2013.01); A45D 40/30
A6 IK 8/34 (2006.01) (2013.01); A61 K 2800/87 (2013.01); A61 K
A6 IK 8/8 (2006.01) 2800/43 (2013.01)
A6 IK 8/4I (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
A 6LX8/97 (2006.01)
A45D 40/30 (2006.01) The present invention relates to compositions including
A6 IK 8/19 (2006.01) humectant, colorant, matting agent, pH modifier, film form
A6 IK 8/60 (2006.01) ing agent, rheology modifier, and adhesive, as well as meth
A6 IK S/37 (2006.01) ods of producing Such compositions and using Such compo
A6 IK 8/86 (2006.01) sitions for cosmetics especially adapted for use as eyeliners.
Patent Application Publication Dec. 24, 2015 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2015/0366763 A1
Patent Application Publication Dec. 24, 2015 Sheet 2 of 3 US 2015/0366763 A1

NuN 1Nu1
FIG. 4

N9 FIG 10 N7
Patent Application Publication Dec. 24, 2015 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2015/0366763 A1

FIG. 16

Yua ay FIG. 17
US 2015/0366763 A1 Dec. 24, 2015

EYELNER DECAL COMPOSITION AND 0007 Some prior art references disclose cosmetic compo
METHOD OF USE sitions. Particularly, Dempsey (U.S. Patent Application Pub
lication No. 2012/0114585), Scancarella (U.S. Patent Appli
FIELD OF THE INVENTION cation Publication No. 2003/0017123), and Manelski (U.S.
0001. The present invention generally relates to cosmetic Pat. No. 6,458.390) disclose makeup compositions that are
compositions and method of use. More particularly, the long-lasting. These compositions, however, are semi-solid or
present invention is directed to a temporary eyeliner compo Viscous liquid in form. Specifically, Dempsey discloses a
sition that can be adhered to eyelids and Subsequently composition specifically for mascara; and Manelski discloses
removed therefrom.
a single-phase gel based makeup composition. Thus, these
compositions cannot be used for producing Solid decals that
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION can be printed and then adhered to a user's face.
0008. The eyeliners and compositions thereof disclosed in
0002 Eyeliner is a popular cosmetic used to define the the prior art have several known drawbacks, however. These
eyes. It is generally applied around the contours of the eyes eyeliners and compositions are limited in that they are not
along the rim. Eyeliners of varying degrees of thickness and configured to be used as a decal, and that can be worn on the
style create a variety of aesthetic effects. For example, winged eyelids as eyeliners. The present invention overcomes these
eyeliners draw attention to the eye and can enhance or even limitations by disclosing an eyeliner decal composition com
change the shape of the eye. Additionally, eyeliners can make prising a solvent/humectant agent, pigment, matting agent,
the eyelashes look more full, lush, and long. pH modifier, film forming agent, rheology modifier, and
0003 Eyeliners are typically applied with a pencil, brush, adhesive.
or a tipped sponge, but the process of applying eyeliners SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
accurately and evenly with these instruments is difficult. Par
ticularly, using these instruments requires a user to have a 0009. In view of the disadvantages inherent in the known
steady hand so that the user can draw smooth lines closely types of devices for eyeliners now present in the prior art, the
along the rim of the eyes. Additionally, the user must apply present invention provides an improved eyeliner composition
the eyeliner in a precise manner to make Sure that the eyeliner and method of use.
on one eye matches the eyeliner on the other eye. Applying 0010. The following discloses a simplified summary of the
eyeliners, therefore, can be a laborious and a time consuming specification in order to provide a basic understanding of
process that can cause great annoyance. In this regard, there is some aspects of the specification. This summary is not an
a need in the prior art for eyeliner that permits instant, precise extensive overview of the specification. It is intended to nei
application in order to increase convenience to the user while ther identify key or critical elements of the specification nor
enhancing the appearance of the user's eyes. delineate the scope of the specification. Its sole purpose is to
0004 Various types of cosmetics that can be temporarily disclose some concepts of the specification in a simplified
worn on a person's face, and that claim compositions for the form as to prelude to the more detailed description that is
same exist in the prior art. These include eyeliners and cos disclosed later.
metic compositions that have been patented and published in 0011. The present invention relates to compositions
patent application publications. The foregoing is a list of including humectant, colorant, matting agent, pH modifier,
devices deemed most relevant to the present disclosure, film forming agent, rheology modifier, and adhesive, as well
which are herein described for the purposes of highlighting as methods of producing Such compositions and using Such
and differentiating the unique aspects of the present inven compositions for cosmetics especially adapted for use as
tion, and further highlighting the drawbacks existing in the eyeliners. In a preferred embodiment, the present invention
prior art. comprises 38.87% glycerin, 1.28% Carbon Black, 1.09%
0005 Specifically, Tanielian (U.S. Patent Application Synafil W1234, 1.82% triethanolamine, 56.75% Centex
Publication No. 2014/001 1003), Dobler (U.S. Patent Appli LATZ latex, and 0.18% BYK 333. All of the measurements
cation Publication 2013/0337225), Hurwitz (U.S. Patent are provided in percentage by weight relative to the total
Application Publication No. 2010/0239619), and Dunlap weight of the composition.
Harris (U.S. Pat. No. 6,161,554) disclose temporary facial 0012 Another aspect of the present invention provides an
decals that can be applied to the face. These decals are gen eyeliner decal containing one or more compositions accord
erally printed on a sheet of paper and protected via a trans ing to the description herein. More specifically, the decal can
parent backing layer, which can be removed when the decals be applied to the eyelids via a transfer paper and worn simi
are ready for use. Though the foregoing prior art references larly to conventional eyeliners. Because the decals comprise
disclose decals that can be transferred to a person’s face, these pre-printed designs, the present invention provides a means
decals are limited in that they are not configured to be worn for applying different eyeliner designs in a precise and con
around the rim of the eyes or along the edges of the eyelids. Venient manner.
0006 Similarly, Maxey (U.S. Patent Application Publica 0013. It is therefore an objective of the present invention to
tion No. 2010/0242539) and Weld (U.S. Pat. No. 3.266,500) provide an eyeliner decal that can be worn easily and that
disclose a decorative eyelid covering and a combination eye enhances appearance of the eyes.
liner and artificial eyelash structure, respectively. Each of 0014. It is another objective of the present invention to
these devices comprises an adhesive backing that can be provide an eyeliner decal composition that can be worn for an
directly attached to a user's eyelid, similar to a sticker. In this extended period of time without Smudging or detaching from
regard, these devices are not transferred to the user's eyelids the user's eyelids.
when applied, as disclosed in the present invention. There 0015. It is still another objective of the present invention to
fore, Maxey and Weld do not disclose an eyeliner as described provide an eyeliner decal composition that can be worn safely
in the present invention. on the rim of the eyelids.
US 2015/0366763 A1 Dec. 24, 2015

0016. It is still another objective of the present invention to and methods of the present invention can comprise, consist
provide an eyeliner decal composition that is flexible and that of or consist essentially of the essential elements and limita
can conform to the contours of an eyelid. tions of the invention described herein, as well as any addi
0017. It is still another objective of the present invention to tional or optional ingredients, components, or limitations
provide an eyeliner decal composition that can be printed in described herein or any otherwise useful ingredient found in
various designs and shapes to increase versatility in appear personal care compositions intended for application to eye
aCC. liners.
0018. It is still another objective of the present invention to 0031) “Water-resistant” as used herein refers to the ability
provide an eyeliner decal composition that comprises variety to resist the penetration of water to some degree but not
of colors and texture. entirely. Water-resistant properties may be evaluated by any
0019. It is still another objective of the present invention to method known in the art for evaluating Such properties. For
provide an eyeliner decal composition that can be sparkly, example, an eyeliner composition may be applied to a Sub
glittery, shiny, and luminous in appearance. strate or skin, and then dried until set. Once the eyeliner
0020. It is still another objective of the present invention to composition is dried, the Substrate or skin may be submerged
provide an eyeliner decal composition that can be removed in water for a certain amount of time or splashed with water
without using a make up remover. repeatedly a certain number of times. After the expiration of
0021. A final objective of the present invention to provide the pre-determined amount of time, the eyeliner on the sub
an eyeliner decal composition that may be readily fabricated strate or skin may be evaluated for any visible Smearing or
from materials that permit relative economy and commensu Smudging. A composition may be water-resistantifa majority
rate with durability. of the product is left on the substrate or skin.
0022. In the light of the foregoing, these and other objects 0032. It is contemplated, however, that the composition
are accomplished in accordance of the principles of the herein may be also formulated as washable. The term “wash
present invention, wherein the novelty of the present inven able.” as used herein, refers to the compositions that generally
tion will become apparent from the following detailed can be removed with water and/or soap. These formulations
description and appended claims. are typically emulsions (e.g., of waxes in water). Water-resis
tant compositions, on the other hand, typically require use of
oils for removal. Such compositions generally come in the
0023 The above and other objects and advantages of the form of dispersions of waxes in organic solvents.
present invention will be apparent upon consideration of the 0033 “Transfer resistance” as used herein refers to the
following detailed description, taken in conjunction with the quality exhibited by compositions that are not readily
accompanying exemplary drawings, in which like reference removed by contact with another materials, such as, for
characters refer to like parts throughout, and in which: example, an item of clothing or the skin. Transfer resistance
0024 FIG. 1 shows a protective backing being removed may be evaluated by any method known in the art for evalu
from a printed eyeliner decal on a transfer paper. ating such. For instance, transfer resistance of a composition
0025 FIG.2 shows a printed eyeliner decal being attached may be evaluated by applying the composition to the skin and
to a user's eyelid. then rubbing a material with the skin, for example, a sheet of
0026 FIG.3 shows a transfer paper being removed from a paper, after expiration of a certain amount of following appli
user's eyelid. cation, such as after the composition is set.
0027 FIGS. 4 through 17 show various embodiments of 0034 Similarly, transfer resistance of a composition may
the eyeliner decal of the present invention. be evaluated by the amount of product transferred from a
wearer to any other Substrate. Such as transfer from the lips,
skin, or eyelashes of an individual to clothing after the expi
0028. The present invention is directed towards eyeliner ration of a certain amount of time following application. The
decal compositions and method of use. For purposes of clar amount of composition transferred to the Substrate may then
ity, and not by way of limitation, illustrative views of the be evaluated and compared. It is contemplated that a compo
present eyeliner decal composition are described with refer sition may be transfer resistant if a majority of the product is
ences made to the above-identified figures. Various modifi left on the skin. Further, the amount of transferred may be
cations obvious to one skilled in the art are deemed to be compared with that transferred by other compositions. Such
within the spirit and scope of the present invention. as commercially available compositions or alternate embodi
0029. The word “exemplary” is used herein to mean serv
ing as an example, instance, or illustration. Any aspect or 0035 “Tackiness” as used herein refers to the adhesion
design described herein as "exemplary' is not necessarily to between two Substances. For example, the more tackiness
be construed as preferred or advantageous over other aspects there is between two substances, the more adhesion there is
or designs. Rather, use of the word exemplary is intended to between the substances. To quantify "tackiness, it is useful to
disclose concepts in a concrete fashion. As used in this appli determine the “work of adhesion” as defined by IUPAC asso
cation, the term 'or' is intended to mean an inclusive 'or' ciated with the two Substances. Generally speaking, the work
rather than an exclusive 'or' of adhesion measures the amount of work necessary to sepa
0030 Additionally, the articles “a” and “an as used in this rate two substances. Thus, the greater the work of adhesion
application and the appended claims should generally be associated with two Substances, the greater the adhesion there
construed to mean “one or more' or “at least one, thus is between the Substances, meaning the greater the tackiness
including individual components as well as mixtures/combi is between the two substances. Work of adhesion or tackiness
nations, unless specified otherwise or clear from context to be can be quantified using acceptable techniques and methods
directed to a singular form. Thus, the cosmetic compositions generally used to measure adhesion.
US 2015/0366763 A1 Dec. 24, 2015

Solvents/Humectant Agents 0042. The pigments, including nacreous pigments, may be

present in the composition in a range from about 0.10% to
0036. According to the present invention, compositions 10.0% by weight of the total weight of the composition,
comprising at least one solvent, wherein said solvent is a including all ranges and Subranges therebetween, and more
humectant agent Such as glycerin are provided. Glycerin pro preferably 1.28% of the total weight of the composition.
vides a medium to adequately mix the pigments and matting
agent, along with providing the Soft feel by preventing the Matting Agent
film from completely drying out. Preferred glycerin include
those that are commercially available from the company 0043 Polypropylene provides adequate matting while
Duda Energy LLC. Without limitation, other suitable sol remaining compatible within the coating. It is to be under
vents/humectant agents include: ethyl lactate, ethanol, Sorbi stood that the amount of polypropylene needed to mattify a
tol, alcohols, water, ethers, Sugar alcohols, urea, glycols, composition should depend upon the desired affect or the
polyols, collagen, acetates, aloe Vera (aloe barbadensis leaf appearance. For example, the more polypropylene which are
juice), coconut oil (cocos nucifera), and honey. present, the more matte the appearance of the composition.
0037 According to preferred embodiments, the glycerin Other matting agents include: aluminum oxides, silicas, pro
is present in an amount Sufficient to reduce dryness of the pylenes, waxes, e.g., microcrystalline wax, acrylics, Sulfates,
composition. It is to be understood that the amount of glycerin polyester, silicates, carbonates, Zinc oxides, and titanium
needed to reduce dryness of a composition should depend 0044 Preferred polypropylenes include those that are
upon the amount of pigments, e.g., colorant, matting agent, commercially available from the company Eckart America
e.g., polypropylene, and pH modifier present in the compo
sition. For example, the more pigment and matting agent under the name Synafil W 1234, which is a cosmetic filler
which are present, the more glycerin should be added to based on synthetic fluorphlogopite and polypropylene wax. A
reduce dryness of the composition. polypropylene that is particularly preferred is in the form of
free flowing white powder comprising micronized polypro
0038. In a particularly preferred embodiment, sufficient pylene wax. When present, care should be taken that the
glycerin is present in the composition to Substantially elimi matting agent is used at a level of no more than 5% (w/w) to
nate dryness of the composition and to create a soft feel when avoid undesirable or unnatural opaque appearance. Generally
it is set and forms a film-like consistency. Generally speaking, speaking, preferred ranges of polypropylene in the composi
preferred ranges of glycerin in the composition are from tion are from about 0.1% to 5.0% by weight of the total weight
about 20.0% to 60.0% by weight of the total weight of the of the composition, including all ranges and Subranges ther
composition, including all ranges and Subranges therebe ebetween, and more preferably 1.09% of the total weight of
tween, and more preferably about 38.87% of the total weight the composition.
of the composition.
pH Modifier/Emulsifier
0045. According to preferred embodiments of the present
0039. According to the present invention, the composi invention, the composition further comprises at least one pH
tions may comprise at least one coloring agent. Carbon black modifier/emulsifier. Suitable pH modifierfemulsifier for use
provides the black color that is desired. Preferred carbon in accordance with the present invention include, but are not
black include those that are commercially available from the limited to, triethanolamine, which increases the pH of the
company MakingCosmetics Inc. Non-limiting examples of composition to improve compatibility of the various additives
other Suitable colorants include: iron oxides, charcoals, to the latex film-forming layer. Preferred triethanolamine
micas, pearlescent pigments, metallic pigments, talc, clay, include those that are commercially available from the com
kaolin, Zinc oxide, nylon powder, ultra marine, titanium diox pany Spectrum Chemical. Non-limiting examples of other
ide, titanated mica, calcium carbonate, tar pigments, organic suitable pH modifier/emulsifier include trolamine, sodium
pigments, FD&C dyes, D&C dyes, and/or a combinations hydroxide, acetic acid, lactic acid, Sodium laureth Sulfate,
thereof. polyacrylic acid, Sodium lauryl Sulfate, and sodium acetate.
0040 Although a black colorant is generally used, colo 0046. The amount of pH modifierfemulsifier to be added
rants having characteristics of being red, orange, yellow, may be calculated in order to achieve a suitable pH, which
green, blue, purple, pink, white, brown, and combinations of results in an improved compatibility of the various additives
thereof may also be used, depending upon embodiment. The to the latex film-forming layer. Care should be taken that the
pigments may be white, colored, inorganic, organic, poly pH is not too high, such that it would cause the composition to
meric, nonpolymeric, coated and uncoated pigments. be too dry and therefore cause the eyeliner to appear lacklus
0041. For example, coated pigments such as nacreous pig ter. AS Such the pH may be optimized according to the param
ments comprising thin flakes with one or more layers of metal eters of cosmetically acceptable values.
oxide including titanium dioxide, bismuth oxychloride, and/ 0047 According to preferred embodiments, the pH modi
or iron oxide may be used. Light diffraction and interferences fier(s) is/are present in the composition in an amount ranging
occur in these layers produce a pearlescent and luster effect. from 0.1% to 5.0% by weight relative to the total weight of the
Pearlescent effects can also be achieved by choosing white composition, including all ranges and Subranges therebe
nacreous pigments such as mica coated with titanium or with tween, and more preferably 1.82% of the total weight of the
bismuth oxychloride. Alternatively, colored nacreous pig composition.
ments such as titanium mica with iron oxides, titanium mica Film Forming Agent
with ferric blue or chromium oxide, titanium mica with an
organic pigment, and nacreous pigments based on bismuth 0048. According to preferred embodiments of the present
oxychloride may be used. invention, the composition further comprises at least one film
US 2015/0366763 A1 Dec. 24, 2015

forming agent, such as latex, which forms a flexible, Sturdy Additional Ingredients
film. Preferred latex includes those that are commercially 0054 The composition of the present invention can also
available from the company Centrotrade Minerals & Metals, comprise any additive usually used in the field under consid
Inc. under the name Centex LATZ, which is available in the eration. In particular, other solvents, film forming agents, oils,
form of a dilute solution. Other cosmetic film forming agents thickeners, adhesives, preserving agents, cosmetic and der
include: Sucrose acetate isobutyrate, dermacryl C, polyethyl
ene glycol (PEG) 8000, ethyl cellulose, cellulosic polymers, matological active agents such as emollients, moisturizers,
acrylics/acrylates, carbomers, polyesters, nylons, synthetic Vitamins, Sunscreens, and mixtures thereof can be added.
rubbers, silicones, polyurethane/polyuria dispersions, poly More specifically, it is contemplated that the foregoing addi
vinyl alcohol, polyvinylpyrrolidone, acrylamides, other ther tional ingredients are those ordinarily used in the art, and are
moplastic polymers, and other compounds or group of com Suitable for cosmetics use. For example, preserving agents
pounds which, when added to latex, favors film-forming. having antimicrobial properties Such as benzyl alcohol, para
0049. The film forming agents preferably prevent or helps ben, and other Suitable preservatives may be used to prolong
prevent latex coagulation while in contact with the skin, not the life of the composition prior to usage thereof.
Substantially affecting the polymerization of the compounds Adhesive
contained in the latex. Polymucosaccharides such as glu
cosaminoglycans also provide Such property, particularly one 0055 Optionally, the present composition further com
or more from hyaluronic acid, hyaluronates of metals such as prises at least one adhesive. Vinyl acrylic polymer provided
Sodium, heparin, chondroitin-Sulphate, acaran Sulphate, kera the proper level of adhesion that also could be removed in the
tin Sulphate, or dermatan Sulphate. Other considered as film presence of water, makeup remover, or other skin safe clean
forming agents are natural polysaccharides Such as starch, ers including organic solvents such as ethanol. Preferred vinyl
amylose and amylopectin, cellulose and its derivatives, chi acrylic polymer includes those that are commercially avail
tosan, alginate, agar, agarose and their mixtures among them able from the company Akron Coating and Adhesives Inc.
selves or with others. under the name ACA-20-113. Other adhesives include: poly
0050. According to preferred embodiments, the film form vinyl alcohol, polyvinyl acetate, acrylics/acrylates, nitrocel
ing agent(s) is/are present in the composition in an amount lulose, ethylene vinyl acetate, starch, and epoxies.
ranging from 20% to 60% by weight relative to the total 0056. If present, the amount of adhesive to be added may
weight of the composition, including all ranges and Subranges be calculated in order to achieve a suitable adhesion so as to
therebetween, and more preferably 56.75% of the total allow the composition to temporarily attach to the skin. Care
weight of the composition. should be taken that the amount of adhesive is not too high or
Rheology Modifier too low, such that it would cause the composition to be too
sticky or unreliable.
0051. According to preferred embodiments of the present 0057 The present invention also comprises eyeliner
invention, the composition further comprises at least one decals, kits, and/or prepackaged materials Suitable for cos
rheology modifier. For instance, polyether-modified poly metic use containing one or more compositions according to
dimethylsiloxane modified the surface tension of the system the description herein.
to provide an even Surface upon curing. Preferred polyether
modified polydimethylsiloxane include those that are com EXAMPLE 1.
mercially available from the company Altana under the name 0.058 An eyeliner composition was made according to the
BYK333, which is a silicone-containing surface additive for following formula in Table 1:
Solvent-free, solvent-born, and aqueous coating systems,
printing inks, and adhesive systems as well as ambient curing TABLE 1
plastic systems. Additionally, BYK333 has strong reduction
of Surface tension. Trade Name INCI Name % (w.fw)
0052. Non-limiting examples of rheology modifiers Glycerin Glycerin 20-60
include water-soluble polymers selected from the group con Carbon Black (D&C Carbon Black O.1-10
sisting of anionic/cationic/neutral Surfactants; silica/sili Black No. 2)
cates; silicones; and fluoropolymers. Additionally, other rhe Synafil W1234 Polypropylene O. 1-5
ology modifiers such as: cetyl alcohols; polyvinyl alcohols; Triethanolamine
Centex LATZ, Latex
O. 1-5
hydroxyalkyl starches; hydroxyl ethyl celluloses; hydrox BYK333 Polyether-modified 0.1-1
ypropyl celluloses; carboxylated latexes; hydroxylated polydimethylsiloxane
latexes; alginates; polyacrylates; natural gums, modified
gums (e.g., guar gum); polyethylene oxide; polypropylene TOTAL 1OOO
oxide:) proteins (e.g., gelatin); glycoprotein; polysaccharides
(e.g., starch, extracts from plants, such as okra and Sassafras);
capsular polysaccharides; polyacrylamides; polyvinylpyrro Process
lidine, cellulose derivatives; mucin powder, nucleic acids;
and combinations thereof may be used. 0059) 1. Glycerin, Synafil W1234, Carbon Black (i.e.,
0053 According to preferred embodiments, the rheology D&C Black No. 2) were combined in a mixing container and
modifier(s) is/are present in the composition in an amount mixed until Synafil W 1234 and Carbon Black were well
ranging from 0.1% to 1.0% by weight relative to the total dispersed in glycerin.
weight of the composition, including all ranges and Subranges 0060 2. The mixture was continuously stirred under
therebetween, and more preferably 0.18% of the total weight medium shear and triethanolamine was slowly added to the
of the composition. mixing container.
US 2015/0366763 A1 Dec. 24, 2015

0061 3. The speed of the mixture was reduced to slight EXAMPLE 4

agitation and then Centex LATZlatex was slowly added to the
mixing container. 0070 An eyeliner composition were made according to
0062 4. After Centex LATZ was incorporated, BYK333 the following formula in Table 4:
was slowly added to the mixing container. Care should be
taken to prevent Centex LATZlatex and BYK333 from being TABLE 4
added too abruptly or under too high of a shear as this can
cause the latex to begin to polymerize in the Solution. Trade Name INCI Name % (w.fw) % (w.fw)
0063) 5. Once all ingredients were dissolved and mixed Ethanol Ethanol 60-95 75
well, an initial film was roll coated at 20 wet mils on a slip Microcrystalline Wax Microcrystalline Wax 1-5 4
paper, transfer paper, decal paper, and/or the like.
Ethyl Cellulose 30 Ethyl Cellulose S-20 7
0064 6. The film was allowed to partially dry in an oven Synafil W1234 Polypropylene 1-5 3
set at 100°C.-5°C. before being removed from the oven and Coconut Oil Cocos Nucifera 1-5 2
pressed flat to 5 mils or less.
(fractionalized) (fractionalized)
0065 7. Optionally, a layer of adhesive may be evenly Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Sodium Lauryl Sulfate O. 1-5 O.1
applied over the film. Iron Oxide Black Iron Oxide Black O. 1-5 1.9
0066 8. The film was then placed back in the oven and was 10% Polyvinyl 10% Polyvinyl Alcohol 1-15 7
allowed to dry completely before being removed and allowed Alcohol in Water in Water
to cool in ambient room temperature (e.g., 23°C. to 25°C.).
Partially drying the film allows the film to be compressed, TOTAL 1OOO 1OO.O
forming a thinner and more flexible coating without Smear
0067 9. After the film was allowed to cool, it was cut into
a desired decal shape via stamping, die cutting, and/or other EXAMPLE 5
Suitable methods. Other potential means of applying the coat
ing include spraying the coating onto the slip paper, roll
coating, reverse roll coating, vapor deposition, inkjet, silk 0071 An eyeliner composition were made according to
screen, stencil, gravure coatings. the following formula in Table 5:
Trade Name INCI Name % (w.fw) % (w.fw)
0068 An eyeliner composition were made according to
the following formula in Table 2: Ethanol
Cetyl Alcohol
Cetyl Alcohol
Ethyl Cellulose 7 Ethyl Cellulose 5-15 7
TABLE 2 Synafil W1234 Polypropylene O. 1-5 2.6
Sorbitol Sorbitol O.1-10 2
Trade Name INCI Name % (w.fw) % (w.fw) Sodium Laureth Sodium Laureth Sulfate O. 1-5 O.S
Sucrose Acetate Sucrose Acetate 30-50 46 Carbon Black
Isobutyrate Isobutyrate Carbon Black (D&C O. 1-5 1.9
Dermacryl C Acrylates Copolymer 10-20 14 Black No. 2)
Ethyl Lactate Ethyl Lactate 20-50 31 TOTAL 1OOO 1OO.O
Ethanol Ethanol 1-10 9



EXAMPLE 3 0072 An eyeliner composition were made according to

0069. An eyeliner composition were made according to the following formula in Table 6:
the following formula in Table 3: TABLE 6
TABLE 3 Trade Name INCI Name % (w.fw) % (w.fw)
Trade Name INCI Name % (w.fw) % (w.fw) Centex LATZ, Latex Latex 1O-SO 32
Glycerin Glycerin 20-80 40
Ethanol Ethanol 50-95 83 Triethanolamine Triethanolamine 1-15 7
PEG 8000 Polyethylene Glycol O.25-S 1 Synafil W1234 Polypropylene O. 1-5 2.6
Ethyl Cellulose 7 Ethyl Cellulose 1-15 7 BYK 333 Polyether-modified O. 1-5 O.S
Coconut Oil Cocos Nucifera 1-5 2 polydimethylsiloxane
(fractionalized) (fractionalized) ACA-20-113 VinylAcrylic Polymer S-20 16
Iron Oxide Black Iron Oxide Black O. 1-5 2 Carbon Black (D&C Carbon Black O. 1-5 1.9
Polyvinyl Alcohol Polyvinyl Alcohol 1-15 5 Black No. 2)
US 2015/0366763 A1 Dec. 24, 2015

EXAMPLE 7 I0083 8. To remove the decal 22, the user can peel off or
0073. An eyeliner composition were made according to gently scratch off the decal 22 from the skin. In this way, the
the following formula in Table 7: present invention eliminates the need to use a make up
remover or wash the decal 22 off of the skin.
0084. It is therefore submitted that the instant invention
has been shown and described in what is considered to be the
Trade Name INCI Name % (w.fw) % (w.fw) most practical and preferred embodiments. It is recognized,
Glycerin Glycerin 20-80 30
however, that departures may be made within the scope of the
Dermacryl C Acrylates Copolymer 1O-SO 25 invention and that obvious modifications will occur to a per
Polyacrylic Acid Polyacrylic Acid 1O-SO 25 son skilled in the art. With respect to the above description
Deionized Water Deionized Water 10-60 18 then, it is to be realized that the optimum dimensional rela
Iron Oxide Black Iron Oxide Black O. 1-5 2 tionships for the parts of the invention, to include variations in
size, materials, shape, form, function and manner of opera
tion, assembly and use, are deemed readily apparent and
obvious to one skilled in the art, and all equivalent relation
0074 Another aspect of the present invention is a method ships to those illustrated in the drawings and described in the
of use of the eyeliner decal, characterized by comprising the specification are intended to be encompassed by the present
following steps, as illustrated in FIGS. 1 through 3: invention.
0075. The present invention comprises an eyeliner decal I0085. Therefore, the foregoing is considered as illustrative
21 having a protective backing layer 24 removably attached to only of the principles of the invention. Further, since numer
a slip paper 23 having a decal 22 printed on an application ous modifications and changes will readily occur to those
surface 25 thereof. It is preferred that the slip paper 23 is skilled in the art, it is not desired to limit the invention to the
Substantially transparent so as to allow a user to see through exact construction and operation shown and described, and
and determine the positioning of the decal 22 when placing accordingly, all suitable modifications and equivalents may
the slip paper 23 over the eyes. The decal 22 comprises a be resorted to, falling within the scope of the invention.
variety of shapes and sizes, as depicted in FIGS. 4through 17. 1. An eyeliner composition, comprising:
The decal 22 comprises a first end 28 and a second end 27. 20 to 60% by weight of composition glycerin;
wherein the first end 28 is configured to align with the inner 0.1 to 10% by weight of composition colorant;
corner of the eye and the second end 27 is configured to align 0.1 to 5% by weight of composition polypropylene;
with the outer corner of the eye. 0.1 to 5% by weight of composition triethanolamine:
0076 1. In use, the removable backing layer 24 is gently 20 to 60% by weight of composition latex; and
removed from the slip paper 23 to prevent tearing the decal 22 0.1 to 1% by weight composition polyether-modified poly
prior to use. dimethylsiloxane.
0077 2. The slip paper 23 is then positioned over a user's 2. The composition of claim 1, further comprising an adhe
eye 26 such that the decal 22 faces the eye. Preferably, the user sive agent, wherein the adhesive agent is present in an amount
should practice placement of the decal 22 before applying the sufficient to allow the composition to adhere to skin.
decal 22. 3. The composition of claim 1, wherein said colorant is
0078. 3. The decal 22 should be placed on the eye such that selected from the group consisting of carbon black, iron
the second end 27 aligns with the outer corner of the eye 26 oxides, charcoals, micas, pearlescent pigments, metallic pig
and that the decal 22 is positioned as close to the rim of the ments, talc, clay, kaolin, Zinc oxide, nylon powder, ultra
eyelid as possible. The user should take care to prevent touch marine, titanium dioxide, titanated mica, calcium carbonate,
ing the decal 22 as the oil from the fingers can prevent the tarpigments, organic pigments, FD&C dyes, and D&C dyes.
decal 22 from properly attaching to the skin. 4. The composition of claim 1, further comprising at least
0079 4. Once in a desired position, the slip paper 23 one nacreous pigment, wherein said at least one nacreous
should be gently pressed to the eye, taking care that eyelashes pigment is selected from the group consisting of titanium
or other debris are not stuck under the decal 22. In this regard, dioxide, bismuth oxychloride, iron oxide, titanium mica with
it is highly preferred that the skin be freshly cleansed without iron oxides, titanium mica with ferric blue, titanium mica
oils or makeup. Thus, the eyeliner should be applied before with chromium oxide, and titanium mica with an organic
any other makeup is applied to the face. pigment.
0080 5. After the slip paper 23 is substantially applied to 5. An eyeliner composition, comprising:
the eye 26, the slip paper 23 is moistened with water until at least one humectant;
completely wet, preferably from the second end of the decal at least one colorant;
22. The water should assist in removing the decal 22 from the at least one matting agent;
slip paper 23 and attaching the decal 22 to the eye. at least one pH modifier;
I0081 6. When the decal 22 has attached to the eye 26, the at least one film forming agent; and
user can slowly peel the slip paper 23 away from the eye, at least one rheology modifier.
beginning from the first end 28 of the decal 22 to the second 6. The composition of claim 5, wherein said at least one
end of the decal 22. humectant comprises 20 to 80% by weight of composition
0082 7. If the first end 28 of the decal 22 does not reach the glycerin.
inner corner of the eye 26, the user can fill in the inner corner 7. The composition of claim 5, wherein said at least one
of the eye 26 with an eyeliner after the decal 22 has been dried matting agent comprises 0.1 to 5% by weight of composition
and set. In this way, the decal 22 can accommodate various polypropylene.
eye shapes and sizes. Additionally, the user can apply other 8. The composition of claim 5, wherein said at least one
make up on top of the decal 22. colorant is selected from the group consisting of carbon black
US 2015/0366763 A1 Dec. 24, 2015

and iron oxide black, said at least one colorant comprising 0.1 agent, and rheology modifier, wherein said composition
to 5% by weight of composition. can transfer to said eyelid when applied thereto; and
9. The composition of claim 5, further comprising 1 to 10% a backing layer removably attached thereto said slip paper
by weight of composition adhesive. Such that said backing layer covers said decal.
10. The composition of claim 5, wherein said at least one 14. The eyeliner decal of claim 1, wherein said humectant
rheology modifier comprises 0.1% to 5% by weight compo comprises 20 to 60% by weight of composition glycerin.
sition polyether-modified polydimethylsiloxane. 15. The eyeliner decal of claim 1, wherein said colorant
comprises 0.1 to 10% by weight of composition carbon black.
11. The composition of claim 5, wherein said at least one 16. The eyeliner decal of claim 1, wherein said matting
pH modifier comprises 0.1 to 5% by weight of composition agent comprises 0.1 to 5% by weight of composition polypro
triethanolamine. pylene.
12. The composition of claim 5, wherein said at least one 17. The eyeliner decal of claim 1, wherein said pH modifier
film forming agent comprises 20 to 60% by weight of com comprises 0.1 to 5% by weight of composition triethanola
position latex. mine.
13. An eyeliner decal, comprising: 18. The eyeliner decal of claim 1, wherein said film form
a slip paper having a film-like eyeliner decal printed ing agent comprises 20 to 60% by weight of composition
thereon, wherein said eyeliner decal is configured to be latex.
positioned along a rim of a human eyelid so as to 19. The eyeliner decal of claim 1, wherein said rheology
enhance the appearance of said eyelid; modifier comprises 0.1 to 1% by weight composition poly
said eyeliner decal comprising a composition of humec ether-modified polydimethylsiloxane.
tant, colorant, matting agent, pH modifier, film forming k k k k k

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