A U C A R T D A - V F: T T P
A U C A R T D A - V F: T T P
A U C A R T D A - V F: T T P
Pino-Fan, L., Guzmán, I., Font, V., & Duval, R. (2017). Analysis of the underlying cognitive
activity in the resolution of a task on derivability of the absolute-value function: Two theoretical
perspectives. PNA, 11(2), 97-124.
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methodologies used are performed. Finally, the conclusions of the study are
Networking of Theories
Currently, there are several theoretical positions that allow conducting cognitive
analyses—of students, prospective teachers or teachers—depending on what is
desired to observe and which is the concerned mathematical notion (Asiala et al.,
1996; Duval, 2006; Godino et al., 2007). However, the complex nature of the
subjects’ learning phenomena has directed research groups to make efforts to
revise and find possible complementarities between theoretical and
methodological approaches that allow providing more detailed and precise
explanations of such learning processes—e.g., Font, Trigueros, Badillo, and
Rubio (2016), carry out a comparative study between the APOS theory and the
The idea of investigating the networking of theories is not new, as evidenced
in the works presented in the working group since the Fifth Congress of
European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 5) to the past CERME 9,
on different approaches and theoretical perspectives in mathematics education
research. Artigue, Bartolini-Bussi, Dreyfus, Gray, and Prediger (2005) points out
that, as a research community, we need to be aware that discussion among
researchers from different research communities is insufficient to achieve
networking. Collaboration among teams using different theories with different
underlying assumptions is called for in order to identify the issues and the
questions. In general, research studiesthat have been performed in this area, have
explored ways of handling the diversity of theories in order to better grasp the
complexity of learning and teaching processes, and understand how theories can
or cannot be connected in a manner that respects their underlying assumptions.
In this regards, there are different strategies and methods to deal with this
type of studies. For example, Prediger, Bikner-Ahsbahs, and Arzarello (2008),
describe different connecting strategies and methods for articulating theories,
which range from completely ignoring other theoretical perspectives on the one
extreme end, to globally unifying different approaches on the other. As
intermediate strategies, the authors mention the need for making one’s own
perspective understandable and for understanding other perspectives, and the
strategies of comparing and contrasting different approaches, coordinating and
combining perspectives, and achieving local integration and synthesis. For our
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study, we have utilized diverse strategies, within the framework of the methods
of networking of theories, which will be described below.
Firstly, a team of four researchers was formed, who are also the authors of
this document, two of which—the second and fourth author—have both vast
experience and deep knowledge in the use of the TRSR. The other two authors—
the first and third—have substantial experience in using the OSA. The first and
third authors use OSA mainly, but possess knowledge of TRSR too, and the
second author uses primarily TRSR but also has sufficient knowledge of OSA.
Therefore, an important first phase in networking theories is achieved: the need
to really understand the other theory.
Several authors have showed interest in determining the aspects that
characterize a theory in order to be able to classify it and compare it (e.g.,
Bikner-Ahsbahs & Prediger, 2010; Radford, 2008). According to Radford
(2008), essential elements of a theory include principles, methods, and
paradigmatic research questions. The principles of each theory entail a
positioning, explicit or implicit, about the nature of mathematical objects. For
this reason, the second step has been set to determine how both theories model
mathematical activity and what is their positioning, explicit or implicit, on the
nature of mathematical objects. This second step allows seeing the differences
and similarities between both theories and also providing a prior general idea on
how they can be coordinated.
In order to keep moving forward, once this first comparison between the
theories has been made, we have applied one of the basic principles of
networking of theories: to ensure that the job of connecting the theories be as
precise as possible. According to this principle, the third step was selecting a
specific mathematical object—the derivative—as context of reflection. The
reason for choosing the derivative over another topic is because it is a
mathematical object on which relevant research has been done by both theories,
utilizing the basic theoretical notions of each.
Once the mathematical object derivative had been selected, as fourth step we
chose a task where such object was used and one answer that, regarding the
application of the task to a sample of students, was provided by one of the
students. The selection of both the task and the answer has been done,
principally, by the first two authors and then agreed with the other two authors;
and it was selected due to the complex mathematical activity provided by the
student, which we refer to as Juliette. In such activity, Juliette shows difficulties
that are taken into account in the analysis conducted with two theoretical
As fifth step, we have analyzed the answer given by Juliette, from two
theoretical perspectives. On the one hand, we looked at the solution to the task
from the perspective of TRSR. This analysis has been basically carried out by the
two authors that use TRSR. On the other hand, we looked at the solution to the
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task from the perspective of OSA. This analysis has been basically carried out by
the two authors that use OSA.
As sixth step, in this article we focused on the comparison of the principles
used in the cognitive analysis from both theoretical perspectives, and not on the
comparison of methods and paradigmatic general research questions between
TRSR and OSA. This step has been jointly carried out by the four authors in the
section on comparison of analysis.
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Take, for example, the mathematical object linear function. First, it can be
represented by mobilizing any of the three registers below (see Figure 1).
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her answers, the lack of mastering of her mathematical knowledge did not allow
her coordinate the registers at play—graphic and symbolic.
Mathematical Practice
Firstly, we observe that Juliette begins her practice based on a visual justification
to answer, although wrongly, subtask (a), pointing out the existence of a peak at
the point of domain of the function x = 0 . From the beginning of her practice, we
can observe that Juliette confuses the non-derivability—local—at a point of
domain of the absolute-value function with, her misconception of, non-
derivability of the function—global. Later, Juliette writes the symbolic
definition, by parts, of the absolute-value function. We could say that, in a certain
way, such definition is correct, however, she does not make crucial
considerations, like for example, that the point of domain of the function x = 0
belongs to both f ( x) = x and f ( x) = - x . This fact leads her to a cognitive
conflict that is shown in her sentence “If it is considered as a function of the
type... the function would be differentiable in the whole domain, in other words,
(¥,-¥)”. This cognitive conflict generated from her visual interpretation of the
graph of the function—the function is not derivable since it has a peak in x = 0 —
in contraposition to her interpretation of the symbolic definition, by parts, of the
function—she considers that f ( x) = x exclusively for x ³ 0 , is what leads her to
give incorrect answers to the other subtasks.
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Table 1
Linguistic Elements
Mathematical objects Meanings
LE1: f ( x) = x Symbolic representation of the absolute-value function.
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Table 2
Mathematical Objects Meanings
CD1: Function Particularized as absolute-value function and referred to
graphically as well as symbolically.
CD2: Derivative of a Particularized, with the sub-task (a), as the derivative of
function and its domain the absolute-value function.
CD3: Derivative at a point Specifically, at the points of domain of the function
x = 2 and x = 0 .
CD4: Absolute value Defined symbolically as:
ì x, x ³ 0
x =í
î- x , x < 0
Juliette extrapolated this implicit definition of absolute-
value to her definition of absolute-value function.
CD5: Domain Of the derivative of the function, referred by Juliette as
(- ¥, ¥).
Note. CD=Concept/definition.
Table 3 shows properties/propositions that Juliette mobilizes in her practice.
Table 3
Mathematical Meanings
PP1: “Examine the function Proposition that establishes a previous process of
f ( x) = x and its graph” enunciation-representation, which allows the linking of
the symbolic representation of the function with its
graphic representation.
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Table 3
Mathematical Meanings
PP2: “...the function This proposition supposes the partial answer that
f ( x) = x is not Juliette provides to sub-task (a).
PP3: “If it is considered as a Proposition that accounts for a definition process—
function of the type definition of the function by parts. This proposition also
ì x, x ³ 0 refers to: (a) a process of algorithmization, which allows
f ( x) = í the to derive, implicitly, the function by parts (this process
î- x , x < 0
of algorithmization refers to a procedure); and (b) a
function would be process of argumentation, in which a special treatment
differentiable in the whole for the derivative of the function at the point of domain
domain, in other words, x = 0 is not considered. This proposition also supposes
(- ¥, ¥)”. a partial answer by Juliette to subtask (a).
PP4: “... f ¢(2) can not be Partial answer to sub-task (b). Proposition that accounts
calculated...” for a process of argumentation of a graphic-visual type,
in which Juliette presupposes that, since the value
function is not differentiable because it has peaks, then
the derivative at the point of domain x = 2 , cannot be
PP5: “... and if it was Partial answer to sub-task (b). Proposition that shows
differentiable [the absolute- evidence of the procedure of deriving by parts the
value function] then, the function. This proposition is reaffirmed with PP6.
graphic representation would
be a point on the cartesian
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Table 3
Mathematical Meanings
PP6: “Considering the type This proposition could be decomposed into two. The
of function ‘LE5’, the first one would make reference to the processes of
derivative would be ‘LE7’ algorithmization and argumentation of PP3 and PP4. A
then it would represent a second one would refer to a process of representation in
point ‘LE8’” which Juliette links LE7 and LE8.
PP7: “...if the function ‘LE5’ Answer to sub-task c). This proposition refers to a
is considered, the derivative process of algorithmization that leads to the procedure
would be ‘LE7’ and the of deriving the function by parts, and to a process of
graphic representation would argumentation, based on LE5 and the process of
be ‘LE9’” algorithmization, that allows Juliette to find the
derivative for x = 0 . Likewise, this proposition also
makes reference to a process of representation in which
Juliette links LE7 and LE9.
Note. PP=Property/proposition.
We could also analyze the meaning that Juliette gives to the sentence that lies
before PP7, “As mentioned before [her answer to sub-task (b)]...”, as a
proposition that suggests as a first partial answer to sub-task c), that f ¢(0) cannot
be calculated because the graph of the function has a peak—as in the case of sub-
task (b). This is relevant because the two propositions (PP4 and PP5) that make
reference to partial answers to sub-task (b), show contradictions in the answers
that Juliette provides to sub-task (b).Thus, a cognitive conflict arises within her
that leads her to argue that the derivative in x = 2 cannot be calculated if based
on the graphic-visual aspects only, but can indeed be calculated if based on
purely symbolic-algorithmic aspects.The same occurs with her answer to sub-
task (c).
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Table 4
Objects Meanings
P1: Graphic-Visual Procedures that allow Juliette to provide answers to
sub-tasks (a), (b) and (c), from her interpretation of the
graphof the absolute-value function. In the case of
Juliette’s answer, these kinds of procedures are
connected with the type of arguments A1. By means of
these types of procedures Juliette achieves propositions
such as PP2 and PP4.
P2: Calculation of the Procedures that Juliette utilizes to provide answers,
derivative from LE5 through propositions PP3, PP5 and PP6, to sub-tasks
(a), (b) and (c) respectively. Basically, this procedure
consists of the derivative by parts of the function, from
the definition CD4 that is also mentioned in LE5.
Note. P=Procedure.
The description of the arguments that Juliette mobilizes in her practice are
displayed in Table 5.
Table 5
Objects Meanings
A1: Graphic-Visual Argument centered on the visual consideration of the
“…because the peak in the graph of the function. This argument is
graph has a peak at the one Juliette uses to point out that the function is
the point x = 0 ” not differentiable and therefore, it is not possible to
calculate the derivative at the points of domain x = 2
and x = 0 .
A2: Symbolic- Argument presented by Juliette in which the process
Algorithmic of definition of the absolute-value function
(symbolically: CD4, LE5) and the process of
algorithmization that allows obtaining the procedure
of calculation of the derivative by parts (P2), are
Note. A=Argument.
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Table 6
Methodology for Cognitive Analysis According to TRSR and OSA
Theory of Register of Semiotic
Representation (TRSR) Onto-Semiotic Approach (OSA)
Identification of the registers involved in The proposed task is decomposed into
the formulation of the task. basic units of analysis, and based on this
decomposition, primary mathematical
objects, their meanings and previous
processes are identified. Semiotic
functions established a priori are
identified, if there are any.
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Table 6
Methodology for Cognitive Analysis According to TRSR and OSA
Theory of Register of Semiotic
Representation (TRSR) Onto-Semiotic Approach (OSA)
It focuses on the analysis of the It focuses the analysis on the subject’s
mathematical activity of the individual, mathematical practice.
focusing on the registers that are at play
when solving a task.
Identification of significant units within Describing the subject’s mathematical
the representations put into play in each practice in general terms, identifying
register. basic units of analysis.
Identification and characterization of the Identifying and describing the
subject’s cognitive operations and configuration—or sub configurations—
characterization of the cognitive of primary mathematical objects—
operations of treatments and linguistic elements, concepts,
conversions/passages in the subject’s propositions, procedures and arguments,
activities. processes and their meanings, involved
In the treatments, specify the type of in the subject’s mathematical practice.
register utilized from the subject’s Identifying and reconstructing the
production, determining: if it is a visual semiotic functions established by the
recognition, a calculation, or a subject, which provide meaning to the
utilization of a discursive or algebraic mathematical objects mobilized during
definition. his/her practice and give sense to the
In the conversions, specify the sense of elements that form the configuration
these in terms of congruence or non- described in the previous step.
congruence of the representations at
stake. In this stage, the pair of registers
mobilized and the sense of the
conversion should be indicated.
Furthermore, from a mathematical point
of view, it should be pointed out if the
conversion is explicit or implicit.
Studying conversions in terms of Studying coherence, from a
congruence—or incongruence—of the mathematical point of view, regarding
articulation—or no articulation—that a the connection—or lack of—that a
subject performs between the different subject makes between diverse sub-
registers of representation involved. configurations and, in consequence,
between the different semiotic functions
that the subject establishes within
his/her practice.
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A first key aspect that is important to distinguish is that, while the analysis from
the OSA perspective focused on the subjects’ mathematical practices, and
mathematical objects, processes and their meanings, that emerge from such
practices, the TRSR focused its analysis primarily on the registers of
representation that the subject mobilizes in his/her productions. In this way, the
methodology proposed by TRSR can be considered as more “global”, in the
sense that the subjects’ cognitive activity is analyzed without performing
valuations from a mathematical point of view, as it is done with the tools of
OSA. For example, with TRSR, it is possible to draw conclusions such as there
are deficiencies in the subject’s knowledge because he/she does not carry out
conversion, passage or treatment. However, contradictions can indeed be
detected in the subject’s cognitive activity and whether the task was successfully
solved or not can also be determined. On the other hand, with OSA it is possible
to provide a detailed explanation, from a mathematical point of view, of what are
the knowledge deficiencies the subject has in relation to a certain problem, by
identifying and describing in a detailed way, the mathematical objects, processes
and their meanings, involved in his/her mathematical practice.
Yet, it must be pointed out that in OSA there is not systematization for the
analysis of linguistic elements. As a part of the methodology proposed by OSA,
language signs—linguistic elements—can be identified, which the subject uses to
express cognitive activity. However, whether such linguistic elements make
reference to representations of objects in a same register or in different ones is
not made explicit in the analysis; in other words, the linguistic elements of OSA
would correspond to representations of objects in different registers. In this way,
a linguistic element encompasses different languages—verbal, figurative,
symbolic... These different languages could make reference both to registers of
semiotic representation and semiotic systems.
In this regard, TRSR makes a clear distinction between register of semiotic
representation and semiotic system. As discussed before, a register is a semiotic
system that fulfills three conditions: (a) traces or significant units of
representation that belong to a system must be clearly identifiable and should not
allow contradictions; (b) it allows internal treatments in each register; and (c) it
allows passages or conversions from one register to another. Thus, we can
observe how the notion of register of semiotic representation of TRSR,
complements and enriches the notion of linguistic elements of OSA, by making a
very clear distinction between register and semiotic system, and systematizing
the analysis of such registers. Having said that, it is quite undeniable that in the
methodologies of analysis proposed by both theoretical approaches, it is agreed
that language is the most relevant semiotic system of them all. In this sense, we
could add that language is a multifunctional system. Another example of
multifunctional system is the figural register, since geometries—flat,
spherical…—do not constitute a register, but a mathematical framework—or a
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framework for other disciplines, in which several registers can work. Therefore,
it is important not to confuse register with framework.
Despite the systematization that TRSR provides for the analysis of registers
of representation, by means of the study of treatments and conversions, some
relevant aspect must be taken into account for the improvement of cognitive
analysis and provide more detailed explanations, from a mathematical point of
view, about the subject’s cognitive activity to which we have access to through
his/her mathematical practice. As mentioned above, since it is a global theory
and it focused on a subject’s cognitive activity—and in his/her ability to mobilize
diverse registers of representation, the TRSR focuses its attention on the study of
registers of representation mobilized by such subject, leaving the content and the
meaning of the mathematical objects being represented implicit. For example, if
we consider the answer given by Juliette to item (c), with the TRSR methodology
of analysis it can be concludedthat she performs a treatment in the symbolic
register that allows passing from the expression f ( x) = ì x, x ³ 0
í- x, x < 0 to the
expression f ¢( x) = 1, then she performs a direct passage that allows her to move
from the latter expression—given in the symbolic register—to the graph of a
point on the cartesian plane—graphic register. In general, we can observe how
often conversions/passages always have as starting point and as point of arrival a
register of representation, that could as well be the same—in the case of
treatments—or different—in the case of conversions/passages. But, how does
Juliette’s answer relate to the way she conceives the definition of absolute-value
function? What explanation can be provided to the fact that Juliette had
expressed the derivative of the absolute-value function at x = 0 as f ¢( x) = 1
instead of f ¢(0) = 1 —although we know that such answer is mathematically
The notion of semiotic function, introduced by OSA, allows giving a better
explanation about what is Juliette’s cognitive activity to give her answer and
allows responding to the two previous questions. As evidenced with the analysis
performed with the OSA perspective, Juliette establishes two semiotic functions
as part of her answer to item (c). As described in the previous section, the first
semiotic function is established from the way Juliette defines the absolute-value
function (antecedent), considering x = 0 as part of the domain of the line segment
f ( x) = x . Afterwards, through the implicit procedure of derivation of f ( x) = x
—correspondence rule, she finally obtains f ¢(0) = 1—consequent. It is possible
to observe that, in order to establish this first semiotic function, the meaning that
Juliette gives to the mathematical object definition of absolute-value function is
emphasized, leaving the representation of such mathematical object implicit. The
semiotic function that we have just discussed has a definition as antecedent, an
implicit procedure as correspondence code, and a representation as consequent—
that lies in the same register than the antecedent. Something similar can be said
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about the second semiotic function, but the difference is that it has a
representation in the symbolic register as antecedent, a proposition in the verbal
register as correspondence code, and a representation in the graphic register as
consequent. Thus, we can notice how the semiotic function of OSA, reinterprets
and enriches the notions of treatments and conversions/passages of TRSR, by
emphasizing the meaning—personal or institutional—given to the mathematical
content of the objects represented and contemplating that both antecedent and
consequent of the function can be languages—representations,
concepts/definitions, properties/propositions, procedures or arguments.
Finally, it is important to point out that similar analyses can be carried out for
the expected solutions—from an expert or institutional point of view—from the
two theoretical perspectives—cognitive analysis of the answer of the expert in
TRSR and epistemic analysis in OSA—analysis of expected institutional
meanings. However, for length reasons and because it would be redundant with
what has already been described in this document, we do not present such a priori
analysis in this document. In any case, the last stage in the methodological
approach of both perspectives (Table 6) makes reference to the study of the
proximity of the subject’s knowledge in relation to the knowledge that was
expected to be mobilized in his/her practice.
In this paper, we discussed the relation between representations and the
underlying mathematical activity during the development of a task—about
derivative. In order to examine such a relation, it is necessary to rely on models
which analyze students’ mathematical activity. In the literature, most models are
cognitive-based. They consider that learning a mathematical concept and its
application occurs if various appropriate internal representations are developed
and integrated together with functional relations among them. Other few models
are semiotic and pragmatic-based. The pragmatic approach also gives importance
to the use of diverse representations; however, different reasons are provided in
comparison to those from the cognitive approach. On the one hand, the cognitive
approach primarily explores representations from a representational perspective.
On the other hand, the pragmatic approach emphasizes the instrumental
dimension, namely, what can be done with a representation.
We investigate this relation, first, from a cognitive perspective (TRSR) and
second, from a pragmatic and semiotic perspective (OSA). The notions of
semiotic system and register of semiotic representation of the TRSR are essential
for the comprehension of the cognitive activity needed to solve a task, while that
OSA provides a level of analysis of the subject’s cognitive activity that shows
mathematical objects that are involved in the processes of treatment and
conversion/passages between registers of semiotic representation. This level of
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analysis complements the analysis carried out using the tools of TRSR, because
with the tools of configuration of objects and processes and semiotic function,
the contents of representations become explicit and are used as part of such
cognitive activity. The registers of representation are implicitly involved in
semiotic functions; however, these emphasize the mathematical content of the
representation. The relationship between notions of mathematical objects and its
meanings—as considered in OSA—and semiotic representation—as considered
in TRSR, are essential for the analysis and characterization of mathematical
The results of the comparison of analysis presented in comparison of the
analysis section show that between these two theoretical perspectives there are
complementarities that would allow performing more precise and finer cognitive
analysis, from the subjects’ production. As a result of these complementarities,
we thought it was pertinent to propose the following methodology to develop
cognitive analysis, integrating the contributions of both perspectives:
¨ To center the analysis on subjects’ production, since it is through it that
we can get closer to their cognitive activity.
¨ To decompose the subject’s production in significant units of analysis.
¨ To identify in each significant unit, the language signs that the subject
utilizes to express his/her knowledge. It is important to specify if these
signs make reference to a semiotic system or to a register of
representation, and also, to which type does it refer to.
¨ To study and describe if the representations—language signs—that the
subject utilizes to show his/her knowledge make reference to
concepts/definitions, properties/propositions, procedures or arguments—
identification of configurations or sub configurations of objects and
processes. The meaning that the subject gives to each of such
mathematical objects (concepts, properties…) must be described.
¨ To identify and reconstruct the semiotic functions that the subject
establishes as part of his/her practice. Determine if such semiotic
functions make reference to cognitive operations of treatments or
¨ To study coherence, from a mathematical point of view, in relation to the
connections—or lack of—that the subject makes among the diverse sub-
configurations and, in consequence, among the diverse semiotic functions
that he/she establishes during his/her practice. Similarly, to study the
semiotic functions that make reference to the conversions in terms of
congruence—or non-congruence—of the articulation—or no
articulation—that a subject performs among the different registers of
representation involved.
The above-mentioned methodology can also be utilized for the performance of
respective a priori analysis, and which will unveil expected mathematical
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This study has been performed in the framework of research projects
FONDECYT Nº 11150014 (Funded by CONICYT, Chile), and EDU2015-
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