WE2110 Reference - P53 - 3 (1) .3

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The manual discusses the installation, display/controls, basic operation, and technical specifications of the HBM WE2110 industrial scale. It provides information on setting up and using the various functions of the scale.

The scale requires power supply and connection to load cells. It has two serial ports - one for networking and one for a printer. Ex-I applications and remote displays can also be connected.

The display shows weight readings and status information. The control buttons are used for functions like zero, tare, gross/net switching. Menu navigation and setup options are also accessible via the buttons.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.

HBM WE2110

200.00-7542 3.2
HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. THE TWO MANUALS .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. THE WE2110 .................................................................................................................................... 4
2. INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2. PANEL MOUNTING ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.3. POWER SUPPLY................................................................................................................................. 5
2.4. LOAD CELL SIGNALS AND SCALE BUILD ........................................................................................... 5
2.5. LOAD CELL CONNECTION .................................................................................................................. 6
2.6. EX-I APPLICATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.7. SERIAL 1 - NETWORKING PORT ........................................................................................................ 8
2.8. SERIAL 2 - PRINTER PORT ................................................................................................................ 8
3. DISPLAY AND CONTROLS ................................................................................................................ 10
3.1. GENERAL ......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2. DISPLAY ........................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3. CONTROL BUTTONS ........................................................................................................................ 11
4. BASIC OPERATION ............................................................................................................................. 13
4.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 13
4.2. USING THE PRIMARY FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................... 13
4.2.1. ZERO BUTTON........................................................................................................................ 13
4.2.2. TARE BUTTON ........................................................................................................................ 13
4.2.3. GROSS/NET BUTTON ........................................................................................................... 14
4.2.4. PRINT ........................................................................................................................................ 14
4.3. SETPOINTS - DIRECT OPERATOR ACCESS..................................................................................... 14
5. DIGITAL SETUP .................................................................................................................................... 16
5.1. GENERAL SETUP INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 16
5.1.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.2. Terminology .............................................................................................................................. 16
5.1.3. Dual Interval and Dual Range Operation ............................................................................. 17
5.1.4. Direct mV/V Operation ............................................................................................................ 17
5.1.5. Totalising – Summing Function.............................................................................................. 17
5.1.6. Peak storage and Display freeze........................................................................................... 18
5.1.7. Maintenance Date.................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.8. Filtering Techniques ................................................................................................................ 18
5.1.9. Subtractive and Additive TARE.............................................................................................. 19
5.1.10. Trade versus Industrial Mode............................................................................................ 21
5.1.11. Setup Counter...................................................................................................................... 21
5.1.12. Passcodes............................................................................................................................ 21
5.2. OPERATION OF THE SETUP MENUS ................................................................................................ 22
5.2.1. Entering SETUP ....................................................................................................................... 22
5.2.2. Groups, Items, and the Setting Buttons................................................................................ 23
5.2.3. Groups Headings ..................................................................................................................... 24
5.3. SCALE BUILD - (BUILD) .................................................................................................................... 24
5.4. SCALE OPTIONS - (OPTION) ........................................................................................................... 25
5.5. SCALE CALIBRATION (CAL) ............................................................................................................ 27
5.6. COMMUNICATIONS OPTIONS - (SERIAL)....................................................................................... 29
5.7. SPECIAL SETTINGS MENU - (SPEC) .............................................................................................. 32
5.8. SPECIAL TEST SECTION - (TEST).................................................................................................. 33
5.9. SET POINTS - (SET.PTS)................................................................................................................ 34
5.10. ANALOGUE SETTINGS – (ANALOG) ............................................................................................... 34
5.11. CLOCK SETTINGS - (CLOC) ........................................................................................................... 35
5.12. FACTORY ADJUSTMENT MENU - (FACTRY)................................................................................... 35
5.13. LEAVING SETUP............................................................................................................................. 36
5.13.1. Method 1 - Leaving Safe Setup......................................................................................... 36
5.13.2. Method 2 - Leaving Full Setup .......................................................................................... 36

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3
5.13.3. Method 3 - Leaving Setup.................................................................................................. 36
6. CALIBRATION ....................................................................................................................................... 37
6.1. INTRODUCTION AND WARNINGS ...................................................................................................... 37
6.2. USING THE DIGITAL CALIBRATION ................................................................................................... 37
6.2.1. (ZErO) - Zero calibration routine........................................................................................... 37
6.2.2. (SPAn) - Span calibration routine .......................................................................................... 37
6.3. DIRECT MV/V CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................ 38
6.4. USING THE LINEARISATION.............................................................................................................. 38
6.4.1. (Ed.Lin) - Edit Linearisation points ........................................................................................ 39
6.4.2. Clear Linearisation................................................................................................................... 39
6.5. FACTORY CALIBRATION (FACCAL) ............................................................................................... 39
7. THE SERIAL OUTPUTS....................................................................................................................... 40
7.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 40
7.2. AUTOMATIC WEIGHT OUTPUT FROM THE WE2110......................................................................... 40
7.3. BASIC COMMAND SET ...................................................................................................................... 42
7.4. RS422/485 TERMINATION RESISTERS .......................................................................................... 43
7.5. PRINTER DRIVING ............................................................................................................................ 43
7.5.1. The single line printout ............................................................................................................ 43
7.5.2. Double Spaced Printout .......................................................................................................... 43
7.5.3. Full Printed Ticket .................................................................................................................... 43
7.5.4. Printer Space ............................................................................................................................ 44
7.5.5. Custom Ticket Headers........................................................................................................... 44
7.5.6. Custom Ticket Format ............................................................................................................. 44
7.5.7. Total Ticket Printing ................................................................................................................. 46
7.5.8. ASCII Table............................................................................................................................... 47
8. SETPOINTS – LIMIT SWITCHES ....................................................................................................... 48
8.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 48
8.2. THE STATUS LAMPS ........................................................................................................................ 48
8.3. CONNECTION ................................................................................................................................... 48
8.4. SETTINGS......................................................................................................................................... 48
9. REMOTE INPUT FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................ 51
9.1. FRONT PANEL KEYS ........................................................................................................................ 51
9.2. BLANKING ........................................................................................................................................ 51
9.3. LOCKING .......................................................................................................................................... 52
9.4. TOTALISING...................................................................................................................................... 52
9.5. SINGLE SERIAL TRANSMISSION....................................................................................................... 52
9.6. PEAK STORAGE ............................................................................................................................... 52
10. ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS......................................................................................................... 53
10.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 53
10.2. INSTALLING OPTION CARDS ............................................................................................................ 53
10.3. THE SETPOINT CARD - WE2110/ZS............................................................................................. 53
10.3.1. The Output Drivers.............................................................................................................. 53
10.3.2. The Remote Inputs.............................................................................................................. 54
10.4. THE ANALOGUE OUTPUT CARD – WE2110/ZA ............................................................................ 54
10.5. THE COMBI-CARD – WE2110/ZMCC ........................................................................................... 56
11. COMMAND SET (EXTENDED) ........................................................................................................... 57
11.1. CONNECTION OF THE WE2110 NETWORK..................................................................................... 57
11.1.1. RS232 Connection .............................................................................................................. 57
11.1.2. RS485/RS422 Connection................................................................................................. 57
11.2. COMMAND OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 58
11.2.1. Commands and Queries .................................................................................................... 58
11.2.2. Responses ........................................................................................................................... 58
11.2.3. Parameters........................................................................................................................... 58
11.2.4. Termination .......................................................................................................................... 58
11.2.5. Initial sequence to start communication........................................................................... 59
11.2.6. Trade Counter...................................................................................................................... 59

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3
11.3. COMMAND DETAILS ......................................................................................................................... 59
11.3.1. ADR SET ADDRESS........................................................................................................ 59
11.3.2. ASF SET FILTERING........................................................................................................ 61
11.3.3. BDR SET BAUD RATE. .................................................................................................... 62
11.3.4. CDL SET ZERO. ................................................................................................................ 63
11.3.5. CLK SET CLOCK ............................................................................................................... 64
11.3.6. COF SET OUTPUT FORMAT.......................................................................................... 65
11.3.7. CWT SET CALIBRATION WEIGHT................................................................................ 67
11.3.8. DPF and DPS DEFINE PASSCODE FULL/SAVE ......................................................... 68
11.3.9. ENU SET UNITS ................................................................................................................ 69
11.3.10. ESR? QUERY STATUS ..................................................................................................... 70
11.3.11. IAD SET SCALE BUILD .................................................................................................... 72
11.3.12. ICR SET MEASUREMENT RATE ................................................................................... 73
11.3.13. IDN SET IDENTIFICATION .............................................................................................. 74
11.3.14. LBT BUTTON LOCK SETTINGS..................................................................................... 75
11.3.15. LDW CALIBRATE ZERO DEAD WEIGHT ..................................................................... 76
11.3.16. LIC LINEARISATION........................................................................................................ 78
11.3.17. LIV SET LIMIT VALUE ..................................................................................................... 79
11.3.18. LWT CALIBRATE SPAN.................................................................................................... 80
11.3.19. MSV? QUERY MEASURED WEIGHT VALUE............................................................... 82
11.3.20. MTD MOTION SETTINGS................................................................................................. 83
11.3.21. PFT SET CUSTOM TICKET FORMAT........................................................................... 84
11.3.22. PRS PRINTER\SERIAL 2 SETTINGS ........................................................................... 85
11.3.23. PRT PRINT ........................................................................................................................ 86
11.3.24. POR SET DIGITAL OUTPUTS ......................................................................................... 88
11.3.25. PST SET PRINTER HEADERS....................................................................................... 89
11.3.26. QAF DATE FOR MAINTENANCE................................................................................... 89
11.3.27. RBT REMOTE BUTTON SETTINGS.............................................................................. 90
11.3.28. RES RESET........................................................................................................................ 90
11.3.29. Sxx SELECT UNIT............................................................................................................. 92
11.3.30. STP STOP CONTINUOUS TRANSFER ........................................................................ 92
11.3.31. TAR TARE........................................................................................................................... 93
11.3.32. TAS GROSS / NET........................................................................................................... 94
11.3.33. TAV SET TARE VALUE................................................................................................... 95
11.3.34. TDD LOAD/SAVE SETUP ................................................................................................ 96
11.3.35. VAL?...................................................................................................................................... 97
11.3.36. WMD SET WEIGHING MODE .......................................................................................... 98
11.3.37. ZST ZERO SETTINGS ................................................................................................... 99
11.4. COMMAND SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 100
11.4.1. Set Scale Build .................................................................................................................. 100
11.4.2. Calibration .......................................................................................................................... 100
11.4.3. Set Operating Parameters ............................................................................................... 100
11.4.4. Set Communication Parameters ..................................................................................... 100
11.4.5. General Commands.......................................................................................................... 100
11.4.6. Queries ............................................................................................................................... 101
12. ERROR MESSAGES .......................................................................................................................... 102
12.1. WEIGHING ERRORS ................................................................................................................ 102
12.2. SETUP ERRORS........................................................................................................................ 102
12.3. CALIBRATION ERRORS .......................................................................................................... 103
12.4. DIAGNOSTIC ERRORS ............................................................................................................ 103
13. FAILURES AND SOLUTIONS........................................................................................................... 105

14. INDEX.................................................................................................................................................... 106

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


1.1. The Two Manuals

This Reference Manual is part of a set of two manuals covering the setup and
operation of the HBM WE2110. The set includes a Quick-Start manual and a
Reference Manual.
The Quick-Start manual contains all the information needed to set up and calibrate
the WE2110. It requires a minimum of reading as it makes use of simple graphics
and flow charts wherever possible. It is an ideal installation guide for those installers
with a little experience with digitally programmed indicators, or anyone who has used
the WE2110 before.
The Reference Manual (this book) contains detailed information on the WE2110, and
includes data on the extended modes of operation. It has a more technical

1.2. The WE2110

The WE2110 is a precision digital indicator using the latest Sigma-Delta A/D
converter to ensure extremely fast and accurate weight readings. This advanced
technology allows the WE2110 to be configured for up to 100,000 divisions with up to
60 A/D conversions per second. The WE2110 has extended sensitivity adjustment
which can handle scales with outputs ranging from 0.2 to 3.0 mV/V for full range. Its
design is optimized to deliver precision performance on scale bases delivering above
0.5 mV/V at display resolutions of up to 6000 divisions in single range mode, or 3000
divisions in dual range mode.
The WE2110 has a green six digit 14 mm LED display with additional indication
weighing and output status. It can either operate from mains supply from 86V ... 260
VAC 48-62Hz or from stable DC supplies between 12 and 24.
The setup and calibration are digital, with a non-volatile security store for all setup
parameters. There is an NVRAM store to ensure day to day operating settings (zero
/ tare / clock etc) are retained when power is removed. There is a built-in clock for
date-stamping printed outputs.
The WE2110 has a simplified keypad to minimize operator confusion.
The instrument has four trip points with status display on the front panel.
Two optional expansion cards are available for the WE2110. The first is an Analogue
Output card giving isolated 10,000 counts 0 - 10 volt and 4 - 20 mA precision
outputs. The second is an Output Driver card which provides 4 opto-isolated open-
collector output drive transistors (one for each setpoint), and 4 opto-isolated inputs
(one for each front button). There is only one expansion slot.
Serial outputs are standard in the WE2110. These allow communication with external
computers, printers and remote displays. Two RS232 Serial outputs are available.
One of the outputs can also provide RS422/485 format.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


2.1. Introduction

The WE2110 can be used as either a desk-top or panel-mount instrument. It

contains precision electronics and must not be subject to shock, excessive vibration,
or extremes of temperature, either before or after installation. The operating
environment must fall within the allowed temperature range and humidity.
The inputs of the WE2110 are protected against electrical interference, but
excessive levels of electromagnetic radiation and RFI may effect the accuracy and
stability of the instrument. The WE2110 should be installed away from any sources
of electrical noise. The load cell cable is particularly sensitive to electrical noise, and
should be located well away from any power or switching circuits. Termination of the
load cell shield at the WE2110 end (with a sound connection to the WE2110 case via
the DB9 plug) is very important for EMC immunity.

2.2. Panel Mounting

Panel mount requires the optional mounting kit, consisting of a pair of clamp slides.
The unit can be fitted into DIN 43 700 standard 138(-0/+1)mm x 67(-0/+1)mm panel
Remove the two 5mm screws attaching the side clamp slides to the rear of the case.
remove the slides to the rear. Fit the case into the panel from the front. Replace the
side slides into the slots. Replace the two 5mm clamp screws. Do not over-tighten
the screws as this could damage the case.

2.3. Power Supply

The power supply for the WE2110 must be a AC input between 86 and 286 volts
from 48 - 62 Hz.
For the DC-version of the WE2110 the supply need not be regulated, provided that it
is free of excessive electrical noise and sudden transients. This WE2110DC can
operate out of good quality plug-packs of sufficient capacity to drive both the
WE2110 and the load cells. The case ground connection is available on the power
connection socket.
The WE2110 complies with all the relevant EMC standards, and carries full CE
approval provided that the case ground connection is correctly made. The resistance
measured between the case of the WE2110 and the nearest earth point should be
less than 2 ohms.

2.4. Load Cell Signals and Scale Build

The WE2110 can drive any number of full bridge strain gauge load cells up to the
equivalent of eight 350 ohm cells (44 ohm load).
The span range of the load cell outputs (the change of signal from the loadcells
between zero load and full gross load) must be within the range of 0.2 to 3.0 mV/V.
Very low output scale bases can be used with the WE2110, but may induce some
instability in the weight readings when used with higher resolutions. Generally
speaking, the higher the output, or the lower the number of divisions, the greater the
display stability and accuracy.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

The dead load output of the load cells can be anywhere within the range of +2.0
mV/V. The zero calibration of the WE2110 cannot cancel out dead load outputs
outside of this range, and some means of load cell shunting will be required. When
shunting load cells use only good quality metal film resisters with high temperature
stability ratings. Typical values for zero adjustment would fall within the range of
500k ohms (small effect) to 50k ohms (larger effect).
The WE2110 has a mV/V meter test mode which can be used to check scale base
signal output levels. Refer to Section 5.8.

2.5. Load Cell Connection

The load cell shield MUST be installed so as to connect electrically with the metal
shell of the DB9 plug in order for the WE2110 to provide it’s full EMC resistance. Any
noise absorbed by the cable shield must be conducted as quickly as possible to the
WE2110 case via the DB9 plug shell, then direct to a solid earthing point via the
earth terminal in the power input socket.

Six Wire Connection

The connection is made using a standard DB9 male plug. The load cell socket is
wired for six wire systems as follows:

Pin Function HBM Colour

1 Positive Excitation Blue (Green with
four wire)
2 Positive Excitation Sense Green
3 Negative Excitation Black
4 Negative Excitation Sense Grey
9 Positive Signal White
8 Negative Signal Red
5 Load Cell Shield Yellow
Sense Lines MUST be connected
When wiring load cells use only high quality shielded multi-core cable. The cable
should be run as far away from any other cabling as possible (minimum separation
distance 150mm). Do not bundle load cell cables with power or control switching
cables as interference can trigger display instability, and cause unreliable operation.
Four Wire Connection
When a four wire load cell system is connected, pins 1 and 2, and pins 3 and 4 must
be joined by solder bridge or wire bridge to ensure that the excitation voltages are
fed into the sense inputs (pins 2 and 4). Failure to do this will result in the WE2110
displaying an error message (E0040, E0080 or E00C0). The unit will not operate if
the sense pins are not connected correctly.

2.6. EX-I Applications

The WE2110 can be installed with the Zener barrier SD01 for EX-i applications.
The real six-wire connection is necessary in this case to achieve an acceptable
performance. The WE2110 itself is not intrinsic safe and has to be installed outside
the hazardous area.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Connections for an EX-I application

The following tables show the recommended limits:

Not legal for trade WE2110 with Zener barrier SD01: (Input signal ≥
0,2 µV/e, divisions 3000d, load cells 2mV/V)
No of load cells Minimum yield of the Minimum yield of the load
load cells 350 Ω cells 700 Ω
1 7% 6%
2 11 % 7%
3 14 % 9%
4 17 % 11 %
6 24 % 14 %
8 31 % 18 %

Legal for trade WE2110 with Zener barrier SD01: (Input signal ≥ 1,0
µV/e, divisions 3000d, load cells 2mV/V)
No of load cells Minimum yield of the Minimum yield of the load
load cells 350 Ω cells 700 Ω
1 36 % 28 %
2 53 % 36 %
3 70 % 45 %
4 87 % 53 %
6 - 70 %
8 - 87 %
The minimum yield of the load cells is proportional to the divisions. E.g. at 2000d and
4 load cells 350 Ohm the minimum yield is 58%. These calculation are valid for an

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

overall cable resistance of max. 3,5 Ohm per leads. Larger cable resistance increase
the minimum yield.

2.7. Serial 1 - Networking Port

Serial 1 is the first of the WE2110 standard serial ports. This port has two types of
output drivers (RS232 and RS422/485) and is fitted with transmit and receive. It is
intended to be used either as a connection link to external computers or PLCs, or as
a driver for remote displays. External devices can be connected as either RS232 or
RS422/485 4 wire, or RS485 2 wire.
All connections for the port are on the Serial 1 connector. This is a standard DB9
socket requiring a female DB9 plug. Since both the RS232 and RS422/485 are
connected in parallel within the WE2110, they will both output exactly the same
message. The connections for the outputs are shown below

Pin Function Description Connect To

2 RX1 RS232 Receive Line External Transmit Receiver
(Usually Pin 3)
3 TX1 RS232 Transmit Line External Device Receiver
(Usually Pin 2)
5 GND1 RS232 Digital Ground External Device Digital
Ground (Usually Pin 7
DB25; Pin5 DB9)
6 RA RS422/485 Receive A (-)
7 RB RS422/485 Receive B (+)
8 TA RS422/485 Transmit A (-)
9 TB RS422/485 Transmit B (+)
The table above shows the connections for RS422/485 in a four wire configuration.
Connect shield as directly as possible to the metal DB9 shell.
The end devices in a multi-drop RS422/485 network must be provided with
termination resistors to balance the network loading. These resisters are built into
the WE2110 and they can be enabled or disabled using the digital setup, refer to
Section 5.5.
!! Do not connect pins 6 .. 9 to the PC if RS232 is used. !!

2.8. Serial 2 - Printer Port

Serial 2 is the second of the WE2110 standard serial ports. It is fitted with a
transmitter, basic handshaking (DTR type), but no receiver. It is intended to drive
serial printers. Like Serial 1, it can be configured to download the weight data
automatically to a remote display.
All connections for the port are on the Serial 2 connector. This is a standard DB9
socket requiring a female DB9 plug. The only output available from Serial2 is RS232.
The connections for this are shown below.
Note that pins 6..9 of serial 2 are connected directly to pins 6..9 of the Serial 1
connector. This provides for convenient implementation of multi-drop RS422 or
RS485 communications.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Function Description Connect To

3 TX2 Output Transmit Line External Device Receiver
(Usually Pin 3)
4 DTR DTR Handshake Line External Device Busy Line
(Usually Pin 20)
5 GND2 Digital Ground External Device Digital
Ground (Usually Pin 7
DB25; Pin 5 DB9)
6 RA RS422/485 Receive A (-) (connected directly to
7 RB RS422/485 Receive B (+) the same pins of
8 TA RS422/485 Transmit A (-) Serial 1)
9 TB RS422/485 Transmit B (+)
Connect shield as directly as possible to the metal DB9 shell.

Realization of a RS485 bus system

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


3.1. General

The front panel of the WE2110 has a six digit LED display (1), and a four key keypad
(5). A sealing screw (6) at the right of the panel allows access to a hidden key which
is used to trigger full digital setup and calibration. The diagram below shows the main
elements of the front panel.

The WE2110 has three main display sections for the visual output of weight
information, the Weight Display (1), the Unit Indicator (2) and the Indicators (3) and

3.2. Display

Weight Display (1)

Displays the weight readings and setup information.
Unit Indicator (2)
Shows the units for the weight reading as either grams (g), kilograms (kg), pounds
(lb) and tons (t).
Indicator (3) and (4)
The indicator bank made up of two groups of four high intensity LEDs. The status set
(3) show the status of the displayed reading.

The function of the number set (4) depends on the mode of the scale selected on the
setup. In industrial mode they display setpoint status. In dual interval or dual range
modes the show which range the display is using.

ZERO Lit when the displayed reading is within ± ¼ of a division of

true zero.
GROSS Lit when the display reading represents GROSS weight.
NET Lit when the display reading represents NET weight.
MOTION Lit when the displayed reading is not stable.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

1,2,3,4 Lit to indicate when a set point output is active

In dual-range/interval mode these show the current range.
The status of the set-points is not indicated.

3.3. Control Buttons

The WE2110 has five front panel buttons that control the operation of the instrument.
The four main buttons (5) are visible on the front panel. The fifth button (SETUP) is
hidden behind a security screw at the right (6). The security screw can be sealed to
prevent unauthorized tampering with the calibration of the WE2110.
Each of the four main buttons have two separate functions :
• a Primary Function that is available during normal weighing - this function is printed
in white at the top of the button.
• a Secondary Function which is available during digital setting and calibration - this
function is printed in blue beneath the button.

Primary ZERO Sets the Zero of the scale display.
If held in for two seconds, the
WE2110 will cancel all previous
zero operations.
(except in Trade use)
Secondary [SELECT GROUP] Steps through the list of available
Groups. Returns the display to
“Group Display” from anywhere.

Primary TARE Carries out an automatic Tare
Press for 2 seconds to access the
setpoint trip values.
Secondary [SELECT ITEM] Steps through the list of Items
within a selected Group. Returns
the display to “Item Display” from

Primary GROSS/NET Toggles the display between the

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Gross and Net weights.

Press for 2 seconds to engage
safe digital setup.
Secondary [SELECT CHANGE] Selects the displayed Item (or next
display character) to be examined
or changed.

Primary PRINT Triggers a printed output of the
displayed value.
Secondary [CHANGE] Changes the flashing character or
steps through available settings.

[SETUP] Enter and exit full digital setup
(behind screw) mode.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

4. Basic Operation

4.1. Introduction

In basic weighing mode, the WE2110 acts as a simple weight readout with printing
and serial output capability. Each button triggers the weighing operation printed on it.
The WE2110 allows individual buttons to be disabled in the setup. All keys are
enabled at factory, but some buttons may have been intentionally disabled during
installation. If a button beeps to acknowledge the press, but does not appear to
trigger the desired action, this may be due to three possible causes.

1. The button has been disabled in setup

2. The weight is outside of limits permitted for that button operation
3. The operation is being blocked by motion in the scale weight.

The successful operation of a key is quitted by a short beep, the unsuccessful one is
quitted by a long beep.

4.2. Using the Primary Functions


This button is used to perform a zero setting on the scale display if the empty scale
has drifted away from a true zero reading. The zero setting is stored by the WE2110
when power is removed, and is re-used when next powered up (see also 0 and

The range of the zero setting is limited according to the digital setup of the unit (see
also 5.4 and 11.3.37).


This button is used to temporarily set the scale to zero (such as in the case of
cancellation the weight of a carton before performing a filling operation). The display
will show NET weight and the NET indicator will be lit (see also 0 and 11.3.31)

The TARE button can operate over the entire valid range of the display. In Trade
Mode the Tare Button will not operate if the gross weight is negative. Negative tare is
permitted in Industrial Mode.

The weight tared is deducted from the allowable range of the scale, reducing the
maximum weight that can be displayed.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

A two second press on the Tare button accesses the trip-point settings on
installations when setpoint mode is used.


The action of this button is to toggle the weight display between the Gross weight
and the Net weight provided that a Tare has previously been acquired using the Tare
button (see also 0 and 0).

A two second press of the Gross/Net button accesses the safe setup menus (refer to

4.2.4. PRINT

If a printer or computer has been attached to the WE2110 and the manual print
function selected, the Print button will trigger a output of the current weight reading
(see also 0 and 11.3.23).

Stability Considerations
Once a Zero, Tare or Print button is pressed the unit waits for a stable valid reading
before performing the associated operation. If the weight readings remain unstable
or invalid due to some Diagnostic Error for longer than 15 seconds the operation is
cancelled and an error message is displayed.

It is possible in non-trade applications to bypass this feature so that the operations

are performed immediately upon button press. See Section 5.7, page 32, for details.

4.3. Setpoints - Direct Operator Access.

The WE2110 can drive up to four set points. The status of the outputs is displayed
on the “1, 2, 3 and 4” lamps in the display. If a lamp is ON, the corresponding output
is energised. Note that in multi-range applications that these lamps are used to
indicate the current range, and do not show the setpoint status.
The trip values (Target, Flight) of these setpoints can be accessed directly by
pressing the TARE ([SELECT ITEM]) button for 2 seconds. Full access to all
setpoint options is only possible through the normal digital setup menus. See Section
5.9, page 34 for details.
Use the following procedure for direct operator changes to setpoint trip values:
Press [SELECT ITEM] for 2 seconds to enter the Setpoint Operator Setup.
Press [SELECT ITEM] to select a setpoint parameter.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Press [SELECT CHANGE] to check or change the parameter.

Use the [SELECT CHANGE] and [CHANGE] buttons to edit the value shown.
Press [SELECT ITEM] to save changes and exit, or [SELECT GROUP] to abandon
the changes.
Press and hold [SELECT ITEM] for 2 seconds to return the WE2110 to weighing
mode. Any new values entered will be used immediately.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


5.1. General Setup Information

5.1.1. Introduction

Digital setup and calibration is carried out entirely from the front panel using the
secondary functions on the Control Buttons. There are two methods of entering the
digital setup program.

The FULL SETUP is accessed by removing the security screw at the right of the
keypad, and pressing the concealed button behind the screw. This setup program
allows all steps to be accessed, including calibration.

The SAFE SETUP is accessed by pressing the Gross/Net button for at least 2
seconds. Safe Setup is similar to the Full Setup, except all critical steps controlling
the calibration and trade operation of the WE2110 cannot be accessed. Safe setup
only permits those digital functions to be accessed that will not effect a trade scale’s

Once configured and calibrated, the WE2110 can be passcode protected (see
Section 5.1.12 on page 21) to prevent unauthorized tampering. If the scale has been
previously passcode protected, Safe Setup cannot be accessed until the correct
code has been entered.

5.1.2. Terminology

A knowledge of the basic weighing terms is useful in setting up and calibrating the
WE2110. The terms used include “Units”, “Range”, “Count-by” and “Graduations”.
These terms are used throughout the setting procedure and are defined as follows:-

Units describes the actual units of displayed measurement (kilograms, tones, pounds

Range describes the total change in weight between zero gross load and full
capacity gross load. It is always given in displayed weight units. This is the
nominated total capacity of the scale.

Count-by (E1 or E2) describes the smallest change in weight units that the display
can show.

Graduations describes the maximum number of display steps between zero gross
load and full capacity gross load. It is equal to the Range divided by the count-by.

Example:- A 10,000kg 2.0mV/V load cell is used in a application with a 5000kg

range, displaying in 5kg steps.

The values of each of the above terms is:-

Units = kg Range = 5000 Count-by = 5 Graduations = 1000

Signal Voltages are as follows:

The fullscale load cell signal is (5,000 / 10,000) * 2.0 mV/V = 1.0 mV/V

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Since the WE2110 uses 8 V excitation, the absolute signal voltage is 8 * 1.0 = 8.0
mV The signal resolution is therefore 8.0 / 1000 = 0.008 mV / division or 8 µV /

5.1.3. Dual Interval and Dual Range Operation

The WE2110 provides both Dual Interval and Dual Range modes of operation as
well as the traditional single range setting. In non-trade operation, up to 100,000
divisions are available so it is rare for the precision of the displayed reading to be a
problem. However in Trade applications where the number of divisions that can be
legally displayed is limited, the use of Dual Interval or Dual Range operation allows
greater precision in the displayed readings without exceeding the maximum number
of graduations available in the certification of the load cell.

Both of these modes of operation allow for WE2110 to operate with 2 count-by
settings so that it is possible to weigh for example up to 2 kg in 1g increments and
then up to 5kg in 2g increments.

Dual Interval and Dual Range are identical in many respects and can be treated the
same for the purposes of setup and calibration. The difference in the two comes
about in the operation of the scale. With Dual Range operation the range is
determined based on the gross weight. Once the scale changes from low range to
high range it may not change back to low range again until the scale is returned to a
stable zero reading. Dual Interval operation however is based on the net weight and
no restrictions are placed on the change from the high interval to the low interval.
With Dual Interval operation it is therefore possible to weigh in the low interval with
high tare weights.

The WE2110 is equally accurate in either mode but due to hysteresis effects with
many load cells it may not be possible to operate accurately in Dual Interval mode.
In these cases Dual Range mode ensures that the weight readings taken from the
load cell are accurately displayed during loading and unloading operations.

5.1.4. Direct mV/V Operation

It is possible to calibrate WE2110 without test weights if the output capacity of the
load cell is known. For applications like silo weighing etc where it is impractical to
use test weights this mode of operation allows the mV/V signal strength at no load,
as well as the mV/V signal strength of the span to be entered directly. This type of
calibration is only as accurate as the load cell output figures but for many
applications this is more than adequate. Extended features like multi-range and
linearisation are not compatible with this form of calibration. For more details see 6.3.

5.1.5. Totalising – Summing Function

The WE2110 can add single weight and store the sum in an internal storage. The
following steps are needed for that:
• Select printer type TOTAL or A.OTAL
• If SERIAL 2 is set to PRINT then the output goes to the printer as well. If set to
OFF the output goes only to the display.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

• Pressing the PRINT-Key forces the WE2110 to add the current weight to the
sum. The W2110 displays (COUNT) (000004) – no of items is four, followed by
(TOTAL) (003456) – sum is 3456.
• Pressing the PRINT-Key for 2 seconds does not add, but displays the no of items
and sum again, print out this information if selected and deletes the sum.
• Using external keys in connection with the optional setpoints the following
extended functions can be realized:
• Display the sum w/o deleting it
• Display sum and delete – as 2 seconds PRINT-Key
• Undo last print

5.1.6. Peak storage and Display freeze

Using external keys in connection with the optional setpoints the following extended
functions can be realized. These functions are only possible in the INDUSTRIAL
Peak storage
• First press peak value is displayed – unit flashes
• Second press back to normal display
• 2 seconds press sets the storage to zero

Freeze of the display

• First press display is on hold –unit flashes
• Second press back to normal display

5.1.7. Maintenance Date

The WE2110 is able to indicate that it is now due to do a re-calibration or a regular

check of the system. This is set in the menu items QA.OPT and QA.DATE in the
CLOCK menu. If the time is over the WE2110 displays (CAL) (DUE). Pressing a key
this message can be disabled, but will occur again later on. Finally this message can
only be switched off by changing the QA-date in the Full-setup.

5.1.8. Filtering Techniques

The WE2110 has a number of advanced filtering options available which allow it to
be optimized to produce the most accurate readings possible in the shortest time.
There is a trade off between noise filtering and the step response time of the system.
The step response being the time between placing a weight on the scale and the
correct weight reading being displayed. This does not effect the number of readings
per second that are produced, it simply defines the amount of time that is required to
determine a final weight reading.

FIR Filter:

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

The first level of filtering provided is a FIR filter that is linked to the measurement
rate. The measurement rate is set in the SYNC option of the SPEC menu. This filter
is a very high performance ‘tuned’ filter that provides up to 180 dB of attenuation at
multiples of the SYNC frequency and broad band filtering of between 40 and 80 dB
generally. For example setting the SYNC frequency at 25Hz would provide 180 dB
of noise rejection at 25, 50, 75 … Hz .

Changes to the SYNC setting effect the calibration of the system, so it is wise to
determine the primary noise frequency of the system prior to calibration. Often the
primary noise source is the mains power so the SYNC is usually set to 50 or 60Hz
depending on mains frequency. However for applications with high levels of
mechanical noise it is better to tune this filter to the natural frequency of the scale.
(e.g. a mixing paddle in a hopper scale may induce a vibration of 40 Hz)

The FIR filter introduces a delay of 3 samples to the step response. So for a SYNC
frequency of 50Hz (i.e. readings every 20 milliseconds) there is a delay of 60
milliseconds between a weight change and the final weight reading.

Digital Averaging:

In addition to the FIR filter the WE2110 has two levels of digital averaging. The first
is a fixed length sliding window average where the average of the last ‘n’ readings is
calculated. As each new reading is taken the oldest reading is discarded and a new
average calculated. The length of the window is set using the FILTR option from 1
reading to 200 readings. Each reading in the average adds a delay to the step
response equal to the measurement period. For example an average of 10 readings
with a SYNC frequency of 50Hz results in a step response of (10 + 3) * 20 = 260

The second average is similar to the first but has a variable length which grows from
1 reading up to a maximum of 10 readings. If a disturbance on the scale is detected
the old readings are discarded and a new average starts all over again. Each of the
10 readings is calculated over the window length of the fixed average. In this way
very long term averages are calculated without causing any delays. The amount of
fluctuation that causes the average to be restarted can be selected as FINE or
COARSE in the JITTER option. The COARSE setting is more tolerant of weight
change than the FINE.

5.1.9. Subtractive and Additive TARE

The WE2110 can operate subtractive and additive tare functions.
Subtractive Tare allows tareing in a fixed weighing range limited by ZERO and MAX
(given by CAP1 or CAP2). Weights over the tare value are positive, weights under
are negative. Beyond that fixed weighing range the WE2110 shows overload or
underload. Any tare value is subtracted from the weighing range and reduces the
usable (positive) range of the scale.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Subtractive Tare
Load Zero Tare MAX
Points Value

° * °

Display Underload Negative Positive Overload

Weight Weight

Additive Tare (AT) - Tare Value below AT-Limit

Load Zero Tare MAX Load-limit
Points Value AT -Limit +Tare Value

° * ° * °

Display Underload Positive Overload


Additive Tare (AT) - Tare Value over AT-Limit

Load Zero Tare Load-limit
Points AT -Limit Value

° ° * °

Display Underload Negative Positive Overload

Weight Weight

°* = Fixed points - not influenced by Tare-Value

= Variable points - set by Tare-Value

With Additive Tare (AT) the load-limit is calculated by MAX + AT-Limit (given by
AD.TARE). The size of the weighing range is the same as with subtractive tare (Zero
to MAX), but this range is shifted by the tare value in the larger “window” between
Zero and MAX + AT-Limit.
If the tare value is below the AT-Limit there is no reduction of the usable weighing
range. The WE2110 indicates positive weights from tare value to tare value + MAX.
It does not indicate negative values.
If the tare value is over the AT-Limit the WE2110 operates as subtractive tare. The
usable weighing range is between tare-value and the load-limit.

! Using the Additive Tare please be sure that the load cells can stand the load-
limit !

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

5.1.10.Trade versus Industrial Mode

The WE2110 may be operated in Trade or Industrial mode. Following is a list of the
differences in operation for each of the two modes:


Underload -1% or -2% of fullscale -105% of fullscale

depending on zero range setting

Overload Fullscale +9 divisions 120% of fullscale

TARE TARE values must be > 0 No restrictions on TARE.

Preset TARE Not available 2 second press of the Tare

gives access. Press [SELECT
CHANGE to enter value

De-Zero Not available 2 second press of the Zero

Key will clear the zero setting

Test Modes Display limited to 5 seconds Unlimited time allowed

HOLD and PEAK Not available Operate via remote functions

5.1.11.Setup Counter

Within the Setup program there is a number of critical steps that can effect the
calibration or trade performance of the WE2110. If any of these steps are altered, the
trade certification of the scale could be voided. These steps are automatically
blocked in the Safe Setup (refer to the Quick Manual diagrams).

The WE2110 provides a built in Setup Counter to monitor the number of times the
critical steps are altered. The value of this counter is stored within the unit, and can
only be reset at the factory. Each time a critical step is altered, the counter will
increase by one. Whenever the WE2110 is powered up, or Safe Setup is accessed,
the current value in the counter is displayed briefly.


The WE2110 has two passcodes that provide a security lock on the setup program.
One passcode is used to secure the Safe Setup and the other one is used for Full

These Passcodes are set in the “SAFE.PC” and “FULL.PC“ ITEMS in the “Special”
GROUP. A setting of “000000” clears the Passcode and allows free access to the
related setup. This is the default setting and must be changed by the installer to
restrict operator access . Any other number will enable the passcode function and
restrict access to the setup routines.

When a passcode is enabled, the WE2110 will stop for passcode confirmation before
entering Setup. A default passcode will be displayed. This number must be changed

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

using the [SELECT CHANGE] and [CHANGE] buttons, and the new number entered
using the [SELECT ITEM] button. Correct code entry will allow access to the Setup.
An incorrect passcode will trigger an error message and the display will return to
normal weighing.

The Safe Setup passcode may be cleared or changed at any time by using the Full
Setup. This will require the Seal Screw to be removed and the entry of a Full Setup
Passcode if enabled. The passcode for the FULL Setup must not be forgotten as it is
only possible to circumvent it at the factory. Clearly care must be taken with the use
of the FULL Setup Passcode to ensure that the instrument is not permanently

Functions of the passcodes:

SAFE.PC: Protects only the SAFE Setup, which can be entered pressing the
[SELECT CHANGE] key for two seconds. The interface is not blocked at
all. This is meant to protect against misuse by the operator.

FULL.PC: Protects the FULL Setup, which can be entered through the hidden
setup button and bocks the interfaces regarding trade relevant changes.
This is meant to keep the control about the maintenance.

5.2. Operation of the Setup Menus

5.2.1. Entering SETUP

There are two methods of entering setup mode. One accesses the complete Full
Setup. The other only allows access to the more restricted Safe Setup.

[SETUP] Enter and Exit Full Setup
(behind screw) mode.

GROSS/NET Enter Safe Setup mode.
(2 seconds)

If a passcode has been set it is necessary to enter the appropriate passcode to gain
access to the Safe Setup.

Once access to the Setup has been achieved the display will show (SEtUP) for two
seconds before displaying the first group title.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

5.2.2. Groups, Items, and the Setting Buttons

All setup options in WE2110 are organized into Groups and Items.
Groups The digital settings are divided into a series of
“Groups”. Each Group has a distinctive Group Title.
All items in any one Group have related functions.
Items Each Group is divided into numbers of individual
setting “Items”. Each item represents a parameter
that can be changed.

In the entire setting process, only four main operations are required. Each operation
is assigned one button. The four basic operations are as follows:-

[SELECT GROUP] Steps through the list of available Groups .
Returns the display to Group Headings List
from anywhere

[SELECT ITEM] Steps through the list of Items within a given
Returns the display to Item Headings List from


[SELECT Selects the displayed Item or digit to be
CHANGE] examined or changed.

[CHANGE] Changes the flashing digit or steps through
available settings.
If an entry has just been changed using the [CHANGE] button, the WE2110 will
automatically save the new value when returning to the Items list (Press
[SELECT GROUP]). To discard the change press the [SELECT ITEM] key

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

5.2.3. Groups Headings

Groups Display Use
Build (build) Configures the scale build.
Options (Option) Sets display dynamics
Calibration (CAL) Calibrates the scale zero and span
Communications (SErIAL) Sets the serial outputs and printing
Special Modes (SPEC) Sets passcode, button locking and
special modes
Test (TEST) Test routines for the scale and indicator.
Analogue Output (AnAloG) Setup the Analogue output option card
Setpoints (SEt.PtS) Setting up the basic setpoint operation
Clock (Cloc) Sets the time and date
Factory (FACtry) Setting menu for factory use (Passcode
END (End) Exit point from Setup

5.3. Scale Build - (build)

Items within this Group are used to configure the indicator to suit the current
application. It is important to fully set the options within this Group before calibration
is attempted, as later changes to Items within this Group may invalidate the current
calibration data.

⊗ = Change only possible in SAFE Setup

Items Display Use

Display Type ⊗ TyPE Selects the type of display to suit the application.
This can be set for Single Range, Dual Interval, Dual
Range or direct mV/V calibration.
Decimal ⊗ DP Sets the location of the decimal point on the display.
Point Can be set from 000000 (none) to 0.00000
Max1 capacity ⊗ CAP 1 Sets the nominal maximum capacity (or Range) of the
(lower range) scale in single range mode, or sets the maximum
range of the lower range in dual mode.
This is set in weighing units (e.g. kg, t etc.) with the
decimal point in place (for example, if a scale is to
weigh 500.0 kg in 0.5kg increments, then set Capacity
to 500.0, and set Resolution to 0.5).
Interval ⊗ E1 Sets the minimum verification interval (e) of the
(lower range) display for single range, or sets the (e1) of the lower
range in dual mode.

Valid for legal applications: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50

Please notice the limits of the certificate of the

Max2 ⊗ CAP 2 Sets the maximum capacity (or Range) of the scale.
Capacity of Dual Range and Dual Interval modes only.
upper range
Interval ⊗ E2 Sets the minimum verification interval (e2) of the
(upper range) display for the second range.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Valid for legal applications: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50

Please notice the limits of the certificate of the

Additive Tare ⊗ AD.TARE Sets the Additive Tare Limit.
Limit See 5.1.9 for more details
Default : 0

Weighed ⊗ UNItS Sets the units for display and printing.

units Setting are listed below
Default : kg
(NONE) other units than those below
(g) – grams
(kg) – kilograms
(lb) – pounds
(t) – tons

Valid for legal applications: g, kg, lb, t

5.4. Scale Options - (Option)

Items within this Group are used to configure the operating parameters of the scale.

Only some of these items may be changed after calibration without effecting the
calibration accuracy.

Items Display Use

Scale Use ⊗ USE The basic scale use must be set here.
Configures the programme of the WE2110 for
either Industrial or Trade operation.
Trade configuration will limit the operation of
the unit to comply with OIML provisions.
Industrial configuration removes all restrictions
on operation.
Default: Trade

Valid for legal applications: Trade

Reading FILTR The WE2110 can average a number of
average sequential readings when calculating the
displayed weight. This is used to dampen
unwanted weight fluctuations caused by
vibrations or dynamic forces. High settings will
stabilize the display at the expense of rapid
response to sudden weight changes.
Set in steps from 1 to 200.
Default 10

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Anti jitter JittEr This feature can automatically damp out small
weight weight fluctuations without effecting the speed
stabilization of response to rapid weight changes (separate
to averaging). Useful for stabilizing minor
changes in weight readings.
Set to either OFF, Fine, Coarse.
Default : OFF
Motion ⊗ MotiOn Sets how much weight variation over a defined
Detection time period is allowed before the displayed
weight is deemed to be unstable.
The value is displayed in weight change (in
graduations) per time period (0.5 or 1.0
When set to “none”, the Motion Detection is
ignored and ZERO, TARE and PRINT actions
are instantaneous.
Motion can be set from 0.5 counts per 1.0
seconds (fine) to 16 counts per 0.5 (coarse).
The best setting depends on the scale design
and has to be found with tests.
Default : 0.5 -1.0S

Valid for legal applications: all but NONE

Auto-Zero on AutO.Z This function can be used to automatically

Start-up ZERO the indicator during power-up. The
amount of weight that can be zeroed is limited
to +/- 10% of Range.
Set to ON or OFF
Default : OFF

Zero Tracking ⊗ Z.trac Zero tracking allows the display to adjust for
sensitivity minor changes in the zero balance of the
scale. The zero track limit sets the fastest rate
of change that is allowed to be compensated
The value is displayed in the number of
graduations per time period (0.5 or 1.0

When set to “none”, the Zero Tracking is

Rate of weight change can be set from 0.5
graduations per 1.0 seconds (fine) to 16
graduations per 0.5 second (coarse).
Default : none

Valid for legal applications: None, 0.5-1.0S

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Allowable ⊗ Z.rAngE This setting restricts the range over which the
Zero Setting Zero functions can operate.
Range Set in steps from -1% - 3% to ±100%.
Default : 02 - 02 (i.e. -2% to +2%)

Valid for legal applications: 01-03, 02-02

Zero Dead ⊗ Z.bAnd This sets the range of zero (= zero dead band
Band + 0.5d).
Used by the functions auto print, zero track
and range indication. The signal has to be
stable in the zero dead band for operation.
Default : 0

Valid for legal applications: 0

5.5. Scale Calibration (CAL)

For scale calibration procedures refer to Section 6 CALIBRATION.

Certain items in the Scale Build and Options sections can effect the calibration of the
scale. Always check that these two sections are correctly configured to suit the
current application before attempting to Calibrate the scale.

The only non-calibration step available in the group is the Factory Calibration step
(FAC.CAL). This step can be used to return the WE2110 to its original factory
calibration. This serves to clear all calibration and calibration information when a
WE2110 is being moved to a different scale application.

Zero ⊗ Zero Operates the zero calibration. The message

Calibration “Z. in. P” (Zero in Process) is displayed.

If direct mV/V calibration is selected the zero

signal in mV/V can be entered. The WE2110
prompts the current mV/V reading.

Span ⊗ Span Operates the span calibration. The message

Calibration “S. in. P” (Span in Process) is displayed.

If direct mV/V calibration is selected the span

signal in mV/V can be entered.

Edit ⊗ Ed.Lin Select to view linearisation setup and start

Linearisation linearisation routines..
Clear ⊗ Clr.Lin Select to view linearisation setup and start
Linearisation linearisation routines..

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Restore ⊗ Fac.Cal Select this to restore default factory calibration.

Factory This restores all settings in the Build menu and
Calibration Cal menu back to factory defaults.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

5.6. Communications Options - (SERIAL)

Items within this Group set the serial and printing outputs.
Items Display Use
Serial Output 1 Ser1 Sets the function of the number 1 serial output.
The port can be disabled, or set to run as an
automatic output or a network device.
Off - Disables the output
Auto.Lo - Enable auto transmit at 10 Hz
Auto.Hi - Enable auto transmit at the maximum
possible update rate. (See Sync in Section
Single – Enable transmit of one reading (see
also 9.5)
Net - sets the WE2110 to function as a network
device (see also Address)
Default is: Net
Serial Output 2 Ser2 Sets the function of the number 2 serial output.
The port can be disabled, or set to run as an
automatic output or as a printer driver with DTR
Off - Disables the output
Auto.Lo - Enable Auto transmit at 10 Hz
Print - enable the output for printer
Single – Enable transmit of one reading (see
also 9.5)
Default is Print
Serial Address AddrES This will be the address used by this WE2110
to identify it’s printouts. It will also be used as
the unique address in network applications.
Selectable from 00 to 31
31 is the default entry.
Auto Transmit AUT.OPT This is a list of all items concerned with
Options automatic and single serial transmission of
weight data.
Auto output Type This line sets the type of Auto transmit data
format. Description of these formats is given in
Section 7.2 pg. 40 .
(Auto.A) - Format A. Standard HBM output
(Auto.B) - Format B.
(Auto.C) - Format C.
(Auto.D) - Format D.
Default : Auto.A
Auto Output SrC Select the weight source for the output data
Source from the following:
(disp) - Displayed reading
(GroSS) - Gross Weight
(nEt) - Net weight
(Total) - Total weight

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Start St.Chr Sets the character sent at the start of the

Character automatic message string. Can be set for any
valid ASCII character. If set to Null (00) , no
character will be sent in this position.
Default is (02) for Start Of Text
End Character End.ch1 Sets the first of the two characters sent at the
1 end of the automatic message string. Can be
set for any valid ASCII character. If set to Null
(00) , no character will be sent in this position.
Default is (03) for End Of Text
End Character End.ch2 Sets the second of the two characters sent at
2 the end of the automatic message string. Can
be set for any valid Hex character. If set to Null
(00) , no character will be sent in this position.
Default is (00) for no character sent
Printing Options PRN.OPT This is a list of all items concerned with
Printer Type Prnt.TP This line sets the type of printout sent via the
serial port when the PRINT button is pressed.
Descriptions of these printouts are given in
Section 7.
(SINg) - Print a single line with no extra line
(doub) - Print single line output but double
(tic) - Print full weight ticket
(A.SINg) - Auto print a single line with no extra
line feed
(A.doub) - Auto print single line output but
double spaced
(A.tic) - Auto print full weight ticket

(Total) – Totalising printer mode

(A.Total) – Automatic Totalising printer mode

Default : SING

Auto print is active when the reading is at

least 5d.
Ticket Header Header The custom ticket header can be entered here.
Refer to Section 7.5.5 for information on the
method of entering a custom header.
Ticket Format Tic.FMT The custom ticket format can be entered here.
Refer to Section 7.5.6 for more information.
Space SPACE Positioning of the printout. 1st paramenter for
Columns and the columns (horizontal) 2nd parameter for the
rows for print rows (vertical).
Default: 00.00
(see 11.3.22)

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Baud Rate BAUd Determines the speed of data transmission.

Avoid using faster settings unless specifically
required as most receiving devices cannot
process the received data at the higher speeds.
Setting steps are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,
9600 and 19,200 bits per second.
Default : 9600
Bitmap pattern, BitS The (bits) menu allows the data transmission
Duplex, and bit pattern to be changed.
Termination The display will show the current setting in the
form (n81-F-) where each character has a
meaning as shown below.
N, O, E - parity is set for none, Odd or Even
8, 7 - The number of data bits
1, 2 - The number of stop bits
-, t - enables termination resistors
2, 4 - RS232 or RS485
WARNING: It is important that the setting is
correct for proper operation of networking.
-,d -DTR handshake disabled/enabled
For most applications, set the display to the
factory default of (N81-2-).

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

5.7. Special Settings Menu - (SPEC)

Items within this Group set the Security Code, button locking and special modes.
Items Display Use
Security passcode Safe.PC Set to any number. This number must be
for SAFE digital entered as a passcode to access the
setup Safe Setup routines. A setting of 0000
bypasses the passcode function and
allows free access.
Default is 00000.
Security passcode FULL.PC Set to any number. This number must be
for FULL digital entered as a passcode to access the
setup Safe Setup routines. A setting of 0000
bypasses the passcode function and
allows free access.
Default is 00000.
Locks or unlocks ⊗ Button Set individually for each button except
operating buttons SETUP in the order ZERO, TARE,
(y) for yes, enable this button
(n) for no, this button not allowed.
(I) for immediate operation (don’t wait for
motion for this button)

Valid for legal applications: Y, n

Operation of the Inp.Fn Set the function of each of the 4 remote

external inputs inputs provided with the setpoint option
See Section 9 for a detailed description
of each of these functions.
Default is ----
A/D ⊗ Sync This sets the primary anti-noise filter of
synchronisation the WE2110. It will deliver optimum
frequency (effects stability in a 50Hz environment when set
calibration) to 50 cps.
Set in cycles per second from 10 to 100
(default 50).
This also sets the number of new
readings taken per second. So a setting
of 50 means that the unit will take 50
readings per second.

WARNING - This setting will affect the

calibration of the indicator and should
be set before calibration is done.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

5.8. Special Test Section - (TEST)

Items within this Groups allow access to the testing routines for the WE2110. These
routines permit the display and scale base to be tested, as well as the optional
analogue and digital outputs.
Items Display Use
Scale base test Scale Used to test the scale base for load cell or
display connection errors.
Sets up the WE2110 as a simple test meter to
measure the load cell input. Display reads in
mV/V. In TRADE mode this display is only
active for 5 seconds before returning to the
High resolution HI.rES Allows the high resolution (x 10) display mode to
display (for scale be turned ON or OFF. Once enabled, the
testing) WE2110 will remain in high resolution mode
until switched back to normal weighing in this
step. In safe setup mode and TRADE mode the
(x10) weight reading is displayed for 5 seconds
before returning to the menu. The high
resolution can only be changed permanently in
Full Setup.
Force the Digital Frc.Out Forces ON each of the optional digital output
outputs drivers in turn. All outputs turn OFF when this
step is entered.
Test the Digital tSt.InP All four digital inputs are displayed at the same
Inputs time. The status of the inputs are changed as
contact closures are detected.
( - ) - Input not present
(1/2/3/4) - contact closure detected on input

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

5.9. Set Points - (SEt.PtS)

This section is used to set all of the operational logic of the setpoint system, as well
as provide for the entry of secure setpoint target and flight values.
Items Display Use
Enable Setpoints ActIvE Sets each of the four setpoints to either inactive
(-) or active (A). An inactive setpoint is
completely disabled.
Lock out LOC Allows operator access to each setpoint via the
Operator TARE key. A setpoint can be locked (L) or left
changes unlocked (-).
Weight Data SrC Each setpoint can be set to work from either
Source the Gross Weight (G) or the Net Weight (n)
Output Switching Dir Sets the direction of action of the outputs. Can
Direction be set to trigger on either rising(o) or falling
Active Relay LOGIC Determines the sense of the outputs. (H) for
Logic active high, (L) for active low.
Alarm Alarm Sets the alarm options for each setpoint.
Alarms can be off (-), single beep (S), double
beep (d) or continuous (C) and flashing display
Setpoint 1..4 Target Enter the target weight for setpoint 1..4
Setpoint 1..4 HyS Enter the Hysteresis for setpoint 1..4
Setpoint 1..4 In- FLt Enter the In-flight for setpoint 1..4

5.10. Analogue Settings – (AnALoG)

Items within this Group set the options for the optional analogue output card.
Items Display Use
Reading Src Select the reading source for analogue transmit.
Source Options are:
(DISP): Displayed weight reading, either gross
or net.
(GROSS): Gross weight only.
(Net): Net weight only.
Default: DISP
Ouput Type Type Select either voltage or current output.
(Cur) - 4-20 mA current output
(Abs.Cur) - 4-20 mA current output linked to
absolute value, e.g. for loss in weight systems
(volt) - (-10V to 0 to 10V) voltage output. (0V at 0
Default is Cur.
Calibrate Zero CAL.Lo This allows a fine calibration of the analogue output
output corresponding to zero weight. (either 4 mA or 0 V).
The analogue output cards are factory calibrated
but this allows for any fine adjustment on site.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Calibrate CAL.Hi This allows a fine calibration of the analogue output

Fullscale corresponding to fullscale weight. (either 20 mA or
output 10 V). The analogue output cards are factory
calibrated but this allows for any fine adjustment on
Test Analogue Frc.Anl Test analogue output. This function forces the
Output analogue output either Low(0V or 4 mA) or
High(10V or 20mA) so that the analogue output
function can be tested independent of the weight

5.11. Clock Settings - (CLOC)

This Group is used to set the clock/calendar.

Items Display Use
Time set TimE The correct time is entered here in the format
HH - hours in 24 hour format (00 - 23)
MM - minutes (00 - 59)
Date set dAtE The current date is entered here in European
format (DD.MM.YY)
DD - Day of month (01 - 31)
MM - month of year (01 - 12)
YY - year (1997 - 2200)
QA Option qA.Opt Turn ‘Cal Due’ QA date option on or off.
Setting (OFF) - Turn feature off.
(On) - Turn feature on.
Default = Off.
QA Date qA.Date The date that the next calibration check is due
is entered here in European format
DD - Day of month (01 - 31), MM - month of
year (01 - 12)
YYYY - year (1998 - 2098)

5.12. Factory Adjustment Menu - (FACtry)

This Group is for restoring the original factory default setup, plus any items that are
for “Factory Use Only”.
Items ⊗ Display Use
Restore Factory DEfLt Restores all of the digital setup of
default the WE2110 back to the original
“new” settings installed at the
factory. The previous calibration is
not influenced by that. To reset
calibration see section 6.
The main use of this routine is to
completely reset a WE2110 that
is being installed to different scale.
Factory reset ⊗ Fac.rst Factory access only

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

5.13. Leaving SETUP

5.13.1. Method 1 - Leaving Safe Setup

This method is used where the [SETUP] button is not accessible (hidden behind the
seal screw)
1. Press [SELECT GROUP] button until the (-END-) group header appears in
the display.
2. Press the [SELECT ITEM] button to exit the setup.

5.13.2. Method 2 - Leaving Full Setup

3. This method is used where the [SETUP} button is not sealed and can be
freely accessed.
4. Press the [SETUP] button once.
5. Reseal the button with the seal screw. In trade applications, the screw head
can be sealed with a destructible verification sticker.

5.13.3. Method 3 - Leaving Setup

Press the [SELECT ITEM] button for 2 seconds. This leaves the setup in any case.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


6.1. Introduction and Warnings

The calibration of the WE2110 indicator is fully digital. The calibration results are
stored in permanent memory for use each time the unit is powered up.
Some of the digital setup steps can effect calibration. The (BUILD) and (OPTIONS)
sections of the digital setup MUST be completed before calibration is attempted.
Most importantly, the (TYPE) and (SYNC) settings must not be changed after
To perform a calibration, select the (CAL) Group using [SELECT GROUP]. Due to
restrictions in Trade Use applications, the Calibration Routines are not available in
Safe setup (accessed through the GROSS/NET button). Calibration can be
accessed only through the Full Setup using the hidden [SETUP] button behind the
seal screw.
The calibration program will automatically prevent the WE2110 from being calibrated
into an application outside of it’s specification. If an attempt is made to calibrate the
WE2110 outside of the permitted range, an error message will show and the routine
will be abandoned. Refer Section 11 Command Set (extended) page 57.
The WE2110 has a wide-range amplifier section. The non-trade calibration range of
the instrument extends well beyond the Trade approved range. It should not be
assumed that just because the WE2110 has successfully calibrated a scale, that the
scale is correct for trade use. Always check the scale build against the approval

6.2. Using the Digital Calibration

Start from the (CAL) group header. This is the third group to appear when setup is
Press [SELECT ITEM] to choose the ZERO or SPAN calibration Item. It is important
that an initial ZERO calibration is performed before any SPAN calibrations.

6.2.1. (ZErO) - Zero calibration routine

• Press the [SELECT CHANGE] button to start the zero routine running. The
display will show the current weight. Remove all weight from the scale structure.

• Press the [CHANGE] button to execute Zero Calibration. The display will show
(Z.in.P) to show that zeroing is in progress. When the process is complete the
display will return to weight to allow the zero to be checked.

• Press the [SELECT ITEM] button to leave the Zero routine.

6.2.2. (SPAn) - Span calibration routine

• Press the [SELECT CHANGE] button to start the Span setting routine. The
display will show the current weight on the scale.

• Add the calibration test mass to the scale. The minimum acceptable span
calibration weight is 2% of the scale range. A weight this small may limit

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

calibration accuracy. The closer the test weight is to full range, the better the

• Press the [SELECT CHANGE] and [CHANGE] buttons to change the display
reading to equal the calibration weight being used.

• Press the [SELECT ITEM] button to trigger the Span Calibration routine. The
display will show (S.in.P) to show that spanning is in progress. When the process
is complete the display will return to weight to allow the new weight reading to be

• When the Span Calibration is complete, press the [SELECT ITEM] button to
leave the routine.

Refer to 5.13 Leaving SETUP page 36 for details on leaving calibration.

6.3. Direct mV/V calibration

This calibration mode can be set in 5.3. Note that the linearisaton function is not
possible here. The absolute adjustment of the WE2110´s internal mV/V basis has
a tolerance of 0,1%.
How to proceed:
• Select direct mV/V mode in <BUILD> <TYPE> <DIRECT>
• Enter decimal point <BUILD> <DP>
• Enter scale capacity <BUILD> <CAP1>
• Enter verification interval e1 <BUILD> >E1>
• Select unit <BUILD> <UNITS>
• Go to CAL menu. Press [SELECT ITEM] to choose the ZERO or SPAN
calibration Item. It is important that an initial ZERO calibration is performed
before any SPAN calibrations.
• Do a zero calibration – see quick start manual for that. Zero calibration allows
entry of the dead load in mV/V and defaults to the current reading upon entry.
E.g. having an empty vessel the default value can be taken directly.
• Calculate the span value in mV/V = SensitivityLC * CAP1 / (nLC * CAPLC)
• Do a span calibration. Span allows entry of the span signal in mV/V at nominal
load. E.g a vessel with 4 load cells 30t ( = 120t load cell capacity), sensitivity
2mV/V and nominal load of the scale 60t the span value is 1mV/V.
• Select further settings in the option menu

6.4. Using the Linearisation

This section provides instructions on the use of the linearisation. First follow the
steps outlined above for zero and span calibration. Both the zero and span
calibration points are used in the linearisation of the scale base. These two points
are assumed to be accurately set and thus have zero linearisation error.
Up to five linearisation points can be set independently anywhere in the operating
range of the scale. Unused points may be cleared.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Important: The linearisation changes the entire scale sensitivity without zero
and calibration point. Therefore please double check the scale in critical load
ranges. Linearisation is not possible with the direct mV/V calibration.

6.4.1. (Ed.Lin) - Edit Linearisation points

• Press the [SELECT ITEM] button to view the list of linearisation points currently in
• Press the [SELECT CHANGE] button to step through the list of points. Each
point is shown as ‘Ln. ppp’ where n is the point number 1..5 and ppp is the
approximate percentage of full scale where the linearisation is applied. For
example L1. 50 designates that linearisation point number 1 is active and was
entered at about 50% of full scale. Used linearisation points are shown with a
row of dashes (e.g. L2. ----).
• Add the calibration test mass to the scale. The closer the test mass is to the
point of maximum error in linearity the more effective will be the correction.
• Press [SELECT ITEM] to change the linearisation point selected or press
[SELECT GROUP] to exit without making any changes.
• Press the [SELECT CHANGE] and [CHANGE] buttons to change the display
reading to equal the calibration weight being used.
• Press the [SELECT ITEM] button to trigger the Linearisation routine. When the
process is complete the display will show the weight for 5 seconds to allow the
new weight reading to be checked before returning to the menus.

6.4.2. Clear Linearisation.

• Press the [SELECT ITEM] button to view the list of linearisation points currently in
• Press the [SELECT CHANGE] button to step through the list of points. Each
point is shown as ‘Ln. ppp’ where n is the point number 1..5 and ppp is the
approximate percentage of full scale where the linearisation is applied. For
example L1. 50 designates that linearisation point number 1 is active and was
entered at about 50% of full scale. Used linearisation points are shown with a
row of dashes (e.g. L2. ----).
• Press [SELECT ITEM] to clear the linearisation point selected or press [SELECT
GROUP] to exit without making any changes.
• This linearisation point is now cleared.

6.5. Factory Calibration (FACCAL)

Reset the factory calibration. The setup of the parameters is not influenced by that.
To reset the parameters see 5.12

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

7. The Serial Outputs

7.1. Introduction

The standard WE2110 provides a number of different serial output options allowing
communications with such external devices as printers, computers, PLCs or remote
displays. Two serial outputs are available. each on a separate DB9 connector
socket. Serial Port 1 is bi-directional (in RS232 or RS422/485), and can be set for
driving Automatic Weight Output, or Network. Serial Port 2 is RS232 transmit only,
and can be set for Automatic Output or Printing (with DTR handshake). The WE2110
requires an external converter to transmit in TTY Current Loop (20mA).
The various printer and serial output options are enabled using the Serial Options
Menu (Serial) in the digital setup procedure.
Computer communications can be set from simple automatic “streamed” output,
through to multi-drop networked systems. The WE2110 can be programmed and
calibrated via the network if required. The setup counter will increment when the
calibration related steps are accessed via the serial port. This means that calibration
via the serial port cannot be carried out without effecting the certification of a trade
The bit pattern of the serial data can be altered, as can the start and end characters
of the automatic data strings.
Printer Driving allows for three basic printer outputs including a date and time
stamped printed ticket with a custom header if required. An automatic print mode is
available where the WE2110 automatically generated printouts at the appropriate
time in the weighing process.

7.2. Automatic weight output from the WE2110

The automatic output is normally used to drive remote displays, or dedicated

computer or PLC communications. The output generates a simple weight message
at intervals programmed in the digital setup.
The WE2110 Auto Weight String consists of 2 basic Weight Formats along with 3
Programmable Characters. The weight format and Programmable Characters can be
redefined in the setup. If a Programmable Character is set to NULL (ASCII 00) then it
will not be transmitted. The standard string is as follows:-

START - <Weight Format String> - END1 - END2

START = Start character - normally ASCII 02 (can be changed)
END1 = First End character - normally ASCII 03 (can be changed)
END2 = Second End character - normally NULL (can be changed)

Note:- START, END1 and END2 characters can be defined in setup to suit the
receiving device. An alternative configuration may be START = NULL, END1 = CR
(carriage return - 13), END2 = LF (line feed - 10). This type of setup would better suit
printer type devices.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Weight Formats are as follows

Format A: HBM standard Format

Sign - Weight(7) - STATUS

Sign = Blank or "-"
Weight = 7 ASCII characters of including decimal point. If no decimal, then first
character is blank (hex 20). Leading zero blanking applies.
STATUS = G/N/U/O/M/E for Gross, Net, Underload, Overload, Motion and Error.

Format B:

STATUS - Sign - Weight(7)- Units(3)

Sign = Blank or "-"
Weight = 7 ASCII characters of including decimal point. If no decimal, then first
character is blank (hex 20). Leading zero blanking applies.
STATUS = G/N/U/O/M/E for Gross, Net, Underload, Overload, Motion and Error.
Units = 3 ASCII characters, the first being a space. e.g. ‘ kg’ or ‘ t’ . The units string
is sent as 3 blank characters (hex 20) if the weight reading is not stable.

Format C:
Sign - Weight(7)- S1-S2-S3-S4-Units(3)
Sign = Blank or "-"
Weight = 7 ASCII characters including the decimal point. If there is no decimal point,
then the first character is blank (ASCII 32). Leading zero blanking applies.
S1 = G/N/U/O/E for Gross, Net, Underload, Overload, and Error.
S2 = M for motion, blank otherwise
S3 = Z for Center of Zero, blank otherwise
S4 = -/1/2. 1 or 2 for range 1 or 2 if in dual-interval or dual range mode, ‘-‘ otherwise
Units = 3 ASCII characters, the first being a space. e.g. ‘ kg’ or ‘ t’ .

Format D:
Sign - Weight(7)
Sign = Blank or "-"
Weight = 7 ASCII characters including the decimal point. If there is no decimal point,
then the first character is blank (ASCII 32). Leading zero blanking applies.

To set the format via the PC refer to Chapter 11.3.22 PRS – Command.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

7.3. Basic command set

The WE2110 supports two levels of networking, Basic and Extended. The Basic level
allows for simple weight acquisition by PLC or computer from a number of WE2110
on a simple RS232 or RS422 network. The extended network language allows for full
control over all functions of the instrument. The section here describes only the basic
command structure. For the Extended structure refer to 11.

The WE2110 may be set to respond to commands sent via the serial port from a
PLC or PC. The command structure is:

STX - “K” - (Command) - POLL - ETX


• STX = ASCII code (hex 02)

• “K” is ASCII upper case letter K (hex 4B)

• POLL is two ASCII numbers giving this unit’s network address (set in the
[AddrESS] Item in the [SEriAL] Group).

• ETX = ASCII code (hex 03)

Command Description

Z ZERO button
T TARE button
G GROSS/NET button
P PRINT button
p Print. This triggers the transmission of the current weight using the
format as set in the (Type.A) item of the (SERIAL) group. Use this
command to request weight readings on serial port 1. Use the ‘P’
command to trigger printing from serial port 2

S Show Total
C Clear Total
U Undo Last Print
1 Single Transmit Serial 1
2 Single Transmit Serial 2
H Hold current weight (unit display flashing) / return to normal weighing
e Show peak weight reading (unit display flashing) / return to weighing
E Clear peak weight

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

7.4. RS422/485 Termination Resisters

The termination resistors required by RS422 or RS485 networks are built into the
WE2110. The resisters are used to terminate the ends of the network to provide a
balanced loading.

The termination resisters in the WE2110 are controlled in 5.6.

7.5. Printer Driving

Three types of printout are available. They are based on a 20 or 40 column width
and may be printed on a 20 or 40 column tally roll serial printer, or a 80 column dot
matrix serial printer.

Printing may be initiated by the user pressing the Print Key. The WE2110 may also
be set to auto-printing. Auto-printing triggers an output when the scale reaches no
motion with a weight above the pre-set zero dead band.

Listed below are the three available print options.

7.5.1. The single line printout

This is intended to produce the most compact printout a single line of print is output
for each PRINT button press. The printout is as follows.

Output is - ID, Time, Date, Weight, Units, Gross or Net.

Example: 0005 05/10/94 16:47 3654 kg G

7.5.2. Double Spaced Printout

This is a double line printout. ID, date and time in the first row, weight in the second

7.5.3. Full Printed Ticket

This setting produces a full ticket-style printout containing all the weight parameters.
It includes the date and time. Allowance is made for a two line header at the top of
the ticket. This can be can be programmed by the user to provide for custom tickets.
Up to two lines of 20 characters each is allowed.

The full printed ticket is as shown below.

05/10/94 16:50:12
ID: 0008
T: 654 kg
G: 3654 kg
N: 3000 kg

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

The “ID” is a sequential number generated by the WE2110 to identify the individual
ticket. It is stored in the permanent memory.

7.5.4. Printer Space

It is possible to specify the number of columns and rows of space to leave for each
printout. In this way each printout can be separated from the next by a number of
rows of space and the printouts may be centered on the page. The space data is
entered as cc.rr where cc is the number of columns and rr is the number of rows of

7.5.5. Custom Ticket Headers

The 2 lines of 20 characters at the top of the printed ticket can be edited to provide
custom headers including such items as company names and phone numbers.

Select the (HEAdEr) item from the (SEriAL) Group.

Within this setting item, the display shows each of the heading characters in turn
using the following format:-


where L is the line number (1 or 2)

CC is the position of the character in that line (01 to 20)

XXX is the ASCII code for the printed character

Use the [SELECT CHANGE] and [CHANGE] keys to edit the message one character
at a time. When the message is complete use the [SELECT ITEM] or [SELECT
GROUP] key to return to the setup system. The printer program can accept all
printable ASCII codes.

Example: The following table shows the coded entry for “JOE’S FRUIT & VEG”. The
‘J’ would be entered as 1.08.074 for line 1, column 8, ASCII Code 74.

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 J O E ‘ S
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 74 79 69 39 83 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

2 F R U I T & V E G
32 32 32 70 82 85 73 84 32 38 32 86 69 71 32 32 32 32 32 32

7.5.6. Custom Ticket Format

Up to 50 characters of ticket format information can be entered to define the exact

style of ticket printout.

Select the (Tic.Fmt) item from the (SEriAL) Group.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Within this setting item, the display shows each of the characters in turn using the
following format:-


where CC is the character number (01 to 50)

XXX is the ASCII code for the format character

Use the [SELECT CHANGE] and [CHANGE] keys to edit the format string one
character at a time. Enter NULL (ASCII 00) as the last character in the string. Any
characters entered after a NULL are ignored. When the message is complete use
the [SELECT ITEM] key to return to the menus. Each format character can be a
literal ASCII code (eg 065 for ‘A’) or a special format character (e.g. 132 for \D for a
time\Date field)

Example: The following table shows the coded entry for a custom ticket. The header
is the same as the example custom ticket header entered above.

No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Code \H I D : \I \E \D \E \N \E \E End
ASCII 136 073 068 058 137 133 132 133 32 32 32 32 142 133 133 00



ID: 000005

1/1/1999 10:25:30

25.5 kg N

The following table shows the available format characters. These same format
characters may be sent in a temporary weight string via the network communications
to define the format of a single printout.

ASCII Escape Effect

Code Sequence

128 \. Print a literal NULL character (NULL can’t be entered as 00 as this is

used to identify the end of the format string)
129 \A Print line 1 of the header w/o CRLF
130 \B Print line 2 of the header w/o CRLF
131 \C Print the number of Columns of SPACE specified by the Printer Space
132 \D Print Date Time field : hh:mm:ss dd:mm:yyy
133 \E Print End of Line : literally prints CRLF (ASCII 013, 010)

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3
135 \G Print Gross Weight : “weight(7) units(3) G”
136 \H Print Custom Ticket Header
137 \I Print ID number
142 \N Print Net Weight : “weight(7) units(3) N”
143 \O Print Total Weight : “weight(7) units(3) G”
146 \R Print the number of Rows of SPACE specified by the Printer Space
148 \T Print TARE weight: “weight(7) units(3) T (or PT or numeric Tare weight)
149 \U Print units
151 \W Print displayed weight. “weight(7) units(3) G (or N)
155 \+ Print displayed weight as with \W but add weight to total.
156 \- Undo last \+ operation.

7.5.7. Total Ticket Printing

This setting enables totalising. The operation of each press of the Print Key causes
a single line printout of the current weight which is added to the total weight. When
all of the items have been weighted press the Print Key for 2 seconds to print and
clear the total. Refer to Section 9.4for extended totalising functions using external

An example of a total printed ticket is shown below:

000491 01/01/1999 10:35:08 100.2 kg G

000492 01/01/1999 10:35:08 105.7 kg G

000493 01/01/1999 10:35:08 124.9 kg G

ITEMS: 3 TOTAL: 330.8 kg

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

7.5.8. ASCII Table

The printer program can accept all printable ASCII codes. The following table the
ASCII codes for control and printable characters.
Code Char Code Char Code Char Code Char Code Char

000 NULL 026 SUB 052 ‘4’ 078 ‘N’ 104 ‘h’

001 SOH 027 ESC 053 ‘5’ 079 ‘O’ 105 ‘I’

002 STX 028 FS 054 ‘6’ 080 ‘P’ 106 ‘j’

003 ETX 029 GS 055 ‘7’ 081 ‘Q’ 107 ‘k’

004 EOT 030 RS 056 ‘8’ 082 ‘R’ 108 ‘l’

005 ENQ 031 US 057 ‘9’ 083 ‘S’ 109 ‘m’

006 ACK 032 ‘‘ 058 ‘:’ 084 ‘T’ 110 ‘n’

007 BEL 033 ‘!’ 059 ‘;’ 085 ‘U’ 111 ‘o’

008 BS 034 ‘”’ 060 ‘<’ 086 ‘V’ 112 ‘p’

009 HT 035 ‘#’ 061 ‘=’ 087 ‘W’ 113 ‘q’

010 LF 036 ‘$’ 062 ‘>’ 088 ‘X’ 114 ‘r’

011 VT 037 ‘%’ 063 ‘?’ 089 ‘Y’ 115 ‘s’

012 FF 038 ‘&’ 064 ‘@’ 090 ‘Z’ 116 ‘t’

013 CR 039 ‘’’ 065 ‘A’ 091 ‘[‘ 117 ‘u’

014 SO 040 ‘(‘ 066 ‘B’ 092 ‘\’ 118 ‘v’

015 SI 041 ‘)’ 067 ‘C’ 093 ‘]’ 119 ‘w’

016 DLE 042 ‘*’ 068 ‘D’ 094 ‘_’ 120 ‘x’

017 DC1 043 ‘+’ 069 ‘E’ 095 ‘-’ 121 ‘y’

018 DC2 044 ‘,’ 070 ‘F’ 096 ‘`’ 122 ‘z’

019 DC3 045 ‘-‘ 071 ‘G’ 097 ‘a’ 123 ‘{‘

020 DC4 046 ‘.’ 072 ‘H’ 098 ‘b’ 124 ‘|’

021 NAK 047 ‘/’ 073 ‘I’ 099 ‘c’ 125 ‘}’

022 SYN 048 ‘0’ 074 ‘J’ 100 ‘d’ 126 ‘~’

023 ETB 049 ‘1’ 075 ‘K’ 101 ‘e’ 127 DEL

024 CAN 050 ‘2’ 076 ‘L’ 102 ‘f’

025 EM 051 ‘3’ 077 ‘M’ 103 ‘g’

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


8.1. Introduction

The WE2110 is fitted with four built-in setpoints. The status of the setpoints is
displayed on four lamps in the display window. An optional Output Driver card can be
fitted to allow each of the setpoints to drive external devices. The lamps then show
the status of the output drivers.
Each of the setpoints provides a simple comperator function that can be modified in
the digital setup for switching direction, hysteresis and logic. These settings are all
that are required to configure normal level or limit operation. Free-Flight (Free-Fall)
functions can be enabled to configure the WE2110 for weight-batching applications.
Weight target and flight settings can be pre-set in the digital setup. This method is
used where the settings are changed infrequently, and are to be as tamper-proof as
possible. Optionally, weight target and flight settings can be set from the front panel
buttons. This allows settings to be changed much more readily by the operator.

8.2. The Status Lamps

The display of the WE2110 contains four status lamps labeled 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each of
these corresponds to a setpoint status, where the lamp number represents the
number of the setpoint displayed. Each lamp is linked with the output driver in such a
way that when the driver is ON (enabled) the lamp is ON.
Note that for multi-range instruments the status lamps are used to show current
range and not setpoint status.

8.3. Connection

Refer to Section 10 ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS page 53 for the method of

connection of the external relay drivers.

8.4. Settings

Setpoint targets and flights can be entered into the digital setup in the Setpoint
Group. The digital setup can be locked with a security code to prevent unauthorized
tampering with the pre-set values.
An alternative method of accessing the setpoint values is via the front buttons.
See Section 4.3 for details on operator access to setpoint parameters.
Any change to a setpoint value will be used immediately.
The following sections describe each of the available setpoint settings

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Each of the setpoints may be disabled in the digital setup. Any setpoint set to be
Active will be enabled. Any Inactive setpoint are disabled.

Active Functions Description

- No function – POR command enable
A Setpoint used as limit switch
M Setpoint linked to the motion detection
0 Setpoint linked to the zero detection. The zero band is
calculated as ± ZERO DEADBAND + ½ d. Thus it differs from
the ZERO LED which indicates ± ¼ d.

E Setpoint linked to the error status.

N Setpoint linked to the Net status.

Individual setpoints can be locked against operator alteration. Setpoints that have
been locked to block access via the TARE key may still be edited in the normal
secure setup.
The Source setting directs each setpoint to operate off either the Gross or Net weight
The Logic determines the direction of weight movement that the setpoint is intended
to trip on. It can be set for Over ( for increasing weights) or Under (for decreasing
The Logic determines the sense of the output. A setting of High will activate the
output above the trip point (assuming direction is Over). A setting of Low will activate
the output below the trip point (assuming direction is Over).
The WE2110 can be set to sound it’s internal beeper when any particular setpoint
output is energised. Three types of warning sounds are available to allow the audible
response to designed to suit the weighing application. Audible alarms can be either
continuous, or sounding once, or twice, at one second intervals.
Hysteresis forces a pre-set margin in the trip point. This stops the output from
‘chattering’ due to minor weight fluctuations at the trip point value.
This is the target weight value. The WE2110 calculates a trip point based on the
values of target, flight and the direction of operation. For increasing weights (Over)

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

the trip point is the target value minus the flight compensation. For decreasing
weights (Under) the trip point is the target value plus the flight compensation.
Flight compensation is used in weigh-batching installations to force the feeders to
shut off early to allow for the amount of material still in flight between the feeder gate
and the surface of material already in the weigh-bin. If a setting of 00000 is entered
for the flight, then compensation for that setpoint will be disabled.

Example 1 (Filling a bag):

Direction = Over, Logic = High, Source = Gross, Target = 2000kg, Flight = 50 kg,
Hysteresis = 5 kg. Weight initially 0 kg.

Trip point = target - flight = 2000 - 50 = 1150 kg.

The output will switch ON at a weight over 1150 kg and switch OFF again at a weight
under 1145 kg.

If the Logic is changed to Low, the output will be ON at 0 kg, switch OFF at a weight
over 1150 kg and switch ON again at a weight under 1145 kg.

Example 2 (Loss in weight system):

Direction = Under, Logic = High, Source = Gross, Target = -100kg, Flight = 5 kg,
Hysteresis = 1 kg. Weight initially 0 kg.

Trip point = target + flight = -100 + 5 = -95 kg.

The output will switch ON at a weight under -95 kg and switch OFF again at a weight
over -94 kg.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


The WE2110 has up to four independent remote input functions that may be
triggered by external keys connected to the optional set-point card. The function of
each of these keys may can be configured to any of the options detailed below.

INPUT Description
- No function
0 Operates the ZERO key
t Operates the TARE key
G Operates the GROSS/NET key
P Operates the PRINT key
b Blank the display
L Lock the WE2110
S Show total - only if total functions are activated
C Clear total - only if total functions are activated
u Undo last print - only if total functions are activated
1 Single transmission to serial 1 – serial port has to be configured for
SINGLE operation

2 Single transmission to serial 2 – serial port has to be configured for

SINGLE operation

H Hold current weight (unit display flashing) ) / Return to normal display

E Show peak weight reading (unit display flashing) / Return to normal
display / Long press: Delete peak level.

9.1. Front Panel Keys

The function of each of the front panel keys may be implemented with the remote
keys. The Front Panel keys are designated ‘0TGP” to match Zero, Tare, Gross/Net
and Print.

9.2. Blanking

This function designated ‘b’ for blanking allocates the selected input as a blanking
input. When active this input causes the front display to be blanked to “------“ and
blocks the operation of the front keys. This function is intended for use with tilt
sensors on mobile weighing platforms to block operation of the weight indicator if the
scale is not level. This function may also be used to block operation of the
instrument pending authorization or payment etc.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

9.3. Locking

This function designated ‘L’ for locking allocates the selected input as a locking input.
When active all keys, including the remote keys are blocked. This may be used with
a keylock switch to lock the instrument when not in use.

9.4. Totalising

To enable totalising it is necessary to select either Total or A.Total from the Printing
Type Menu. See Section 5.6 for details.

When Total Printing is enabled, the Print key is used not only to print the current
weight but to add that weight to the current total. The current total is displayed on the
indicator with the tag ‘Total’. If the total weight is too large to display in 6 digits, it is
shown as “TOT.HI” with the upper 6 digits followed by “TOT.LO” with the lower 6
digits. A long press of the Print key causes the total accumulated weight to be
printed and then cleared. The Print ID number which counts the number of items
printed is also cleared.

Three other functions are available remotely. These are Show Current Total (‘S’),
Clear Total (‘C’) and undo last print (‘u’).

Show Current Total forces the indicator to display the current total weight.

Clear Total prints the current total and clears it .

Undo Last subtracts the last item added to the current total and prints “Last Entry
Canceled”. The Print ID is also updated to account for one less item in the total.

See Section 7.5.7 for details of the printed output from totalising.

9.5. Single Serial Transmission

Two functions (‘1’ & ‘2’) are available to implement a single transmission of weight
data from either of the serial ports. Use ‘1’ to specify serial port 1 and ‘2’ for serial
port 2. To use this feature it is also necessary to configure the respective serial port
for SINGLE operation. See Section 2.8 for details.

Each time a single serial key is pressed the unit transmits one weight message from
the serial port. The format of the message is setup in the AUT.OPT menus and is
exactly the same format as for an equivalent automatic transmission message.

The single serial transmission functions are a convenient way to implement simple
PLC communications and logging without the complexity of setting up two way
communications on the serial ports.

9.6. Peak Storage

With the functions e the peak storage can be operated. The peak storage works
absolute that means -200 over writes +100.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


10.1. Introduction
The WE2110 can be expanded by the installation of optional accessory cards. Three
different cards are available, an analogue output card, an output driver card with
remote inputs and a combi-card. Only one accessory card can be installed in the

10.2. Installing Option Cards

Isolate the WE2110 from the power before attempting to install an accessory card.
Avoid excess handling of the accessory card as each card contains static sensitive
devices. Hold the card by the edges or mounting plate as much as possible.
Each option card is installed into a slot in the back panel of the WE2110. The slot is
accessed by removing the cover plate at the top left. The connector lead is attached
to the inside of this plate. Separate the lead from the plate taking care not to lose the
lead inside the WE2110. Discard the plate, but retain the two mounting screws.
Plug the lead connector onto the four pin socket on the accessory card. The
connector only fits one way round.
Slide the card into the slot in the back of the WE2110, cable end first, until the
mounting plate is fitted against the back plate. Re-install the two retaining screws
complete with the shakeproof washers.
The EMC resistance of the accessory card depend on a sound electrical connection
between the support plate and the case of the WE2110. Make sure that this
connection is as sound as possible by refitting the shakeproof washer under the bolt

10.3. The Setpoint Card - WE2110/ZS

The standard WE2110 displays the results of checkweigh or setpoint function on the
front panel indicator (3, 4) lamps only. These signals can be used to drive external
devices by installing an output driver card. The card carries four independent opto-
isolated open-transistor drivers. These can be used to operate external devices such
as relays, signal lamps or PLC inputs. The card also has four opto-isolated remote
inputs that can be used to remotely trigger the four front panel buttons.

10.3.1.The Output Drivers

Each of the four driver transistors can switch up to 300 mA each at up to 28 volts
DC. They are current limited at 650 mA. The output stage does not contain a power
source and must be powered externally. The external supply should ideally be from
12 to 28 volts DC. It is strongly recommended that this external supply is as smooth
as possible.

The circuit diagram below shows a typical connection for one of the outputs. Each
driver is protected against electrical noise, but it is strongly recommended that spark
suppressors are fitted across any inductive loads such as relay and solenoid coils.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


12 - 28
suppressor - VOLTS DC

10.3.2.The Remote Inputs

Each input is opto-isolated, and requires an voltage input of between 12 to 28 volts

DC to trigger. The following diagram shows a typical input circuit.

12 - 28

The following table shows the connections for the Setpoint card.
Pin Function Description Connect To
1 OUT 1 Output 1 Load 1
9 OUT 2 Output 2 Load 2
2 OUT 3 Output 3 Load 3
10 OUT 4 Output 4 Load 4
3 OUTCOM Output Common Output Supply Negative

6 INCOM Input Common Input Supply Negative

14 IN 1 Remote ZERO Contacts 1
7 IN 2 Remote TARE Contacts 2
15 IN 3 Remote GROSS Contacts 3
8 IN 4 Remote PRINT Contacts 4
SHELL CH.GND Chassis Ground Cable Shield

10.4. The Analogue Output Card – WE2110/ZA

The card provides both a 4 to 20 mA and a 0 to +10 volt output proportional to the
displayed reading. The two outputs are optically isolated from the internal circuits of
the WE2110, but are not isolated from each other.
The current loop driver is active and supplies the source of power for the loop. The
maximum circuit impedance must not exceed 700 ohms.
The Voltage output can drive into loads down to 2,000 ohms. Shielded cable should
be used for connecting the analogue outputs to external devices.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

The connections for the two outputs are given in the following table.

Pin Function Description Connect To

1 I (-) Current Loop Return Maximum load - 700
2 I (+) Current Loop Output
4 V (+) Voltage Output Minimum load - 2000
Positive ohms
5 V (-) Voltage Output
SHELL GND Chassis Ground Cable Shield

The analogue outputs are factory adjusted and should not require further
adjustment in the field. At no time should the analogue card be removed while
the power is connected as this may permanently damage the indicator.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

10.5. The Combi-Card – WE2110/ZMCC

This card provides either a –10 to 10 Volt analogue output or a 4 to 20 mA analogue

output. In addition is also provides two digital outputs an 1 input as per the setpoint
card. For more information on the connection of the outputs and inputs see details
on the setpoint card above.
The current loop driver is activate and supplies the source of power for the loop. The
max. circuit impedance must not exceed 500 Ohms.
The Voltage input can drive into loads down to 2,000 Ohms. Shielded cable should
be used for connecting the analogue outputs to external devices.
With the Combi-card card either voltage or current must be selected. It is not
possible to drive both simultaneously. Fine adjustment of the analogue output is
possible using the CAL.LO and CAL.HI options in the ANALOGUE menu.

The following table shows the connection for the Combi-card WE2110/ZCC.
Pin Function Description Connect To
1 OUT 1 Output 1 Load 1
9 OUT 2 Output 2 Load 2
3 OUTCOM Output Common Output Supply Negative

6 INCOM Input Common Input Supply Negative

14 IN 1 Any input function, Contacts 1
see chapter 9

4 V (+) Voltage output pos. Min. load 2,000 Ohm

5 I (+) Current loop output Max. load 500 Ohm
12 V (-) Voltage output neg.
13 I (-) Current loop return

SHELL CH.GND Chassis Ground Cable Shield

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

11. Command Set (extended)

11.1. Connection of the WE2110 Network

11.1.1. RS232 Connection

COM 1 WE2110

COM 2 5 GND WE2110
Figure 1: Connection of a single WE2110 unit to an IBM PC either using COM1 or
COM2 on the PC. A Null-Modem-Cable 9/9 for connection is not possible due to
conflict with the RS485 interface.

11.1.2. RS485/RS422 Connection

RS485/RS422 RB 1
TA 8
TB 9
RB 7
TB 9 2

RA 6
TA 8 1
TB 9
RA 6
RB 7
TB 9

Figure 2: Connection of a RS485/RS422 network.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

11.2. Command Overview

11.2.1.Commands and Queries

A command consists of three ASCII-characters (e.g. IDN).

A query consists of four ASCII characters and ends with a question mark (e.g. IDN?).

11.2.2. Responses

The WE2110 responds with 0CRLF to indicate that a command has been accepted
or ?CRLF to indicate that the command was either not understood or could not be
performed. If the command causes a further response like MSV? or ADR? and the
command was sent correctly the WE2110 will respond directly without the 0CRLF
string. Only the commands Sxx (Select) and RES (Reset) do never respond.
Specific queries cause the WE2110 to respond with the data requested by the query.
(e.g. The WE2110 would respond with 4 to a ADR? Query if it was setup with
address 4)
As from software status P53x some commands response as follows:
Response of the commands CDL, TAR, TAV, TAS and PRN
?CRLF Command not understood
0CRLF Command correctly operated
1CRLF Scale in motion
2CRLF Range out – e.g. zero setting out of range
3CRLF System error
4CRLF Device not ready – e.g. printer not ready

11.2.3. Parameters

A command or query can be followed by one or more parameters.

Parameters are either numeric (e.g. 3000) or strings (e.g. “Otto”).
String parameters are delimited by quote characters ( ‘“’ ASCII 34). They are taken
literally so that “AbC d” is not the same as “abcd”.
Numeric parameters are variable and leading and trailing spaces are ignored. As a
result 003 03 and 3 are identical.
Parameters are separated by the comma sign ( ‘,’ ASCII 44).
Parameters may be left out completely so that it is possible to change one parameter
without altering the others. For example IAD1,,2; will change the position of the
decimal point only.


Termination characters are sent to define the end of a command, query or response.
Permissible termination characters are ‘;’ (ASCII 59), LF (ASCII 10), CRLF (ASCII 13
10), LFCR (ASCII 10 13). E.g. ADR?; is the same as ADR? CRLF

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

The WE2110 always uses CRLF as the termination of its responses.

11.2.5. Initial sequence to start communication

Under all circumstances the first command to the WE2110 should be Sxx even if
only one unit is used. That ensures that the WE2110 starts in a well defined way.

11.2.6.Trade Counter

All trade relevant functions are guarded by the trade counter. There is no difference
in changing settings via the communications interface or via the front panel. If the
counter reaches 60000 the WE2110 operation is blocked and it must be returned to
the factory.
Note that the WE2110 does not check to see if new data is different from the old
data before incrementing the Trade Counter, so sending IAD1,6000 will increment
the counter even if the WE2110 is setup with a fullscale of 6000 kg already.

11.3. Command Details


Set the address of a unit.

No. of parameters 2
Save changes. with TDD1
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Address 0 .. 31 31
2 Serial Number “0000001” “xxxxxxx”
.. factory set

Each WE2110 must be assigned a unique address to enable the implementation of a

multi-drop network. This address can be set using the digital setup menus as
described in the reference manual. It is also possible to use the network itself to set
the unit addresses. The ADDRESS COMMAND is used to assign the unit address
via the communications network,
Before the address of a unit can be changed the unit must be selected to respond to
commands. The SELECT COMMAND (see Sect 11.3.29 pg 92) is used to select a
unit. If the current address of the unit is known use this to select the unit, if not
issue the S99; command to select all units. To distinguish between units of the
same address use the serial number parameter of the ADDRESS COMMAND. The
serial number is unique to each units and only the unit with the matching serial
number will respond to the ADDRESS COMMAND. If neither the current address
nor serial number of the units is known, turn off all the units in the network and then

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

turn on one unit at a time. The combination of S99; and ADR commands will then
allow each unit to be configured.

Example 1:
Change address of unit from 1 to 2
Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
ADR2; 0 CRLF Set address to 2
TDD1; 0 CRLF Save change
S02; Select new unit 2
IDN?; WE,”WE2110”,”123456”,P52 CRLF ask for ID

Example 2:
Two units with unknown addresses are configured using their serial numbers.
Command Answer Descrition
ADR01,”123456”; 0 CRLF unit with serial no.
“123456” gets
address 01
ADR02,”123457”; 0 CRLF unit with serial no.
“123457” gets
address 02
TDD1; 0 CRLF save address
against power loss
S01; select the new
unit 1
ADR?; 1 CRLF address is 1
IDN?; WE”WE2110”,”123456”,P52CRLF ask for ID

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the filtering characteristics of a unit.

No. of parameters 2
Save changes. with TDD1
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Number of consecutive 0 1 9
readings to average 1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
10 25
11 50
12 75
13 100
14 200
2 Anti-Jitter Setting 0 off 0
1 fine
2 coarse

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
ASF?; 9,0CRLF Query filtering setting
ASF4,1; 0 CRLF Changed to a 5 reading average with fine
anti-jitter setting.
TDD1; 0 CRLF Save new settings.

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Set the communication parameters, baud rate, parity etc.

No. of parameters 4
Save changes. with TDD1
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Baud Rate 1 300
2 600
3 1200 6
4 2400
5 4800
6 9600
7 19200
2 Parity 0 none
1 odd 0
2 even
3 Data Bits 7,8 8
4 Stop Bits 1,2 1
5 Termination Resistors 0 OFF 0
1 ON

Change baud rate settings of unit 1.
Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
BDR?; 6,0,8,1,0 CRLF Query baud rate setting
BDR4,1,7,1,1; 0 CRLF (Note that the Settings changed to 2400
reply is sent using the new baud, odd parity, 7 data bits,
settings) 1 stop bit, termination on.
TDD1; 0 CRLF Save new settings.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

11.3.4. CDL SET ZERO.

Set the zero dead load cancellation. This is analogous with pressing the ZERO key
on the front of the instrument.

No. of parameters 0
Save changes. At input
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

If the zero operation is not possible due to the value of the current weight reading or
due to instability the WE2110 will return ‘?’.

Set zero dead load of unit 1.
Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
CDL; 0 CRLF Zero dead load set
< load disturbed>
CDL; ? CRLF Command not

Table of possible answers:

?CRLF Command not understood
0CRLF Command correctly operated
1CRLF Scale in motion
2CRLF Range out – e.g. zero setting out of range
3CRLF System error
4CRLF Device not ready – e.g. printer not ready

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Set the time and date.

No. of parameters 6
Save changes. At input
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Hour 0..23 -
2 Minute 0..59 -
3 Second 0..59 -
4 Date 1..31 -
5 Month 1..12 -
6 Year 0..99 -

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
CLK?; 9,20,10,22,6,97 CRLF Query current time & date
CLK10,0,0,23,6,97; 0 CRLF Change to 10 am 23/6/97

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Set the output format of the MSV? Query.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. with TDD1
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Format setting 0..11 3

Binary Formats
Format Data Order
0 4 Byte (binary) CRLF MSB before LSB(=00h)
2 2 Byte (binary) CRLF MSB, LSB
4 4 Byte (binary) CRLF LSB(=00h) before MSB
6 2 Byte (binary) CRLF LSB, MSB
8 4 Byte (binary) CRLF MSB before LSB (=Status)

ASCII Formats
Format Parameter Parameter Parameter 3
1 2
1&3 Weight (8) CRLF
5&7 Weight (8) , Address (2) CRLF
9 & 10 Weight (8) , Address (2) , Status (3) CRLF
11 Weight (8) , Address (2) , Extended CRLF
Status (3)

Values in brackets signify the number of characters in the fixed length response.
The weight format is the sign (space or minus), followed by 7 digits 0..9 including the
decimal point if used.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

STATUS Details
Status Description Bit Comment
001 Overload 0 Weight reading out of
range overload or
002 Standstill 1
004 Gross 2
008 Range 2 active 3 Only with multi-range or
016 Limit Value 1 active 4
032 Limit Value 2 active 5
064 Limit Value 3 active 6
128 Limit Value 4 active 7
256 Centre of Zero 8 This status bit is only
available in the extended
status - Format 11 only.

Note that the status bits are added together, for example a status of 6 (4+2) means
the weight reading is a Gross value with no motion, range 1, and all limit values are
Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
COF?; 3 CRLF Query format
MSV?; -00001.0 CRLF Query weight reading.
COF9; 0 CRLF Change to format 9
TDD1; 0 CRLF save new setting
MSV?; -00001.0,01,006 CRLF Query weight reading
using the new format.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the calibration weight to be used for span calibration. This must be set before
using the LWT; span calibration command.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. with TDD1
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Calibration Weight 2% - 100% of full 3000
scale weight.
( Send IAD? to
read full scale

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
CWT?; 3000 CRLF Query calibration
weight setting
CWT4000; 0 CRLF Change calibration
(Note that weight is sent without weight to 4000.
any decimal point. So 400.0 kg is
send as 4000 not 400.0)
TDD1; 0 CRLF Save new setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Define the passcodes. The Save Passcode just protects against misuse by the
operator. The Save-Setup cannot be entered w/o the right passcode. It does not
block the serial ports at all. The Full Setup can be accessed normally.
The Full Passcode protects against the access to the Full setup through the keys
and blocks the change of all trade relevant items through the serial ports. So it
enables the control about the maintenance.
Sending the passcode in the free stage defines the passcode and locks the unit,
sending the passcode in locked stage open the unit again until it is deselected.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter No
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Passcode 000000 - 999999 000000

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
DPF?; 0 CRLF No passcode set
DPF123456; 0 CRLF Full passcode set to
TDD1; 0 CRLF Save new setting.
DPF?; 1 CRLF Unit is blocked
DPF666666; ? CRLF Wrong passcode sent”
DPF123456; 0 CRLF Open unit with
passcode “123456”.
ENU2; 0 CRLF Weighing unit set to kg
TDD1; 0 CRLF Save new setting.
S02; Select unit 2- deselect
unit 1
S01; Select unit 1
ENU1; ? CRLF Unit #1 is blocked
DPF123456; 0 CRLF Full passcode set to
ENU1; 0 CRLF Weighing unit set to g
TDD1; 0 CRLF Save new setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the units of weight to be displayed and printed.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. with TDD1
Increment Trade Counter yes
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Weight units 0 none
1 g
2 kg 2
3 lb
4 t

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
ENU?; 2 CRLF Query units setting.
ENU1; 0 CRLF Change units to grams
TDD1; 0 CRLF Save new setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Query the error status of the instrument.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. -
Increment Trade Counter -
Response Time of command -
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 select type of status 0..1 0

The WE2110 contains both current and latched error status flags. The latched errors
are only cleared by resetting the unit (RES command or power off). The response
string is 4 hexadecimal characters representing the 16 error bits.
Error Description
0001 The power supply voltage is too low.
(check supply)
0002 The power supply voltage is too high.
(check supply)
0004 The load cell excitation voltage is too low.
(check scale/supply)
0008 The load cell excitation voltage is too high.
(check scale/supply)
0010 The temperature is outside of allowable limits.
(check location)
0020 Scale build is incorrect. The number of graduations has
been set < 100 or > 100000.(fix up scale build)
0040 The positive sense line is not connected.
(check connection)
0080 The negative sense line is not connected.
(check connection)
0100 The digital setup information has been lost.
(re-enter setup)
0200 The calibration information has been lost.
0400 The factory information has been lost.
0800 The EEPROM memory storage chip has failed
8000 The EPROM memory storage chip has failed

The status bits are additive. For example if a condition is detected where the power
supply voltage is low, resulting in a reduction of excitation voltage, the resulting

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

status setting will be 0005 (0001 + 0004). The numbers add in hexadecimal as
(For example, 2 + 4 = 6, or 4 + 8 = C)

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
ESR?; 0000 CRLF No current errors.
ESR?1; 00C0 CRLF Positive and Negative Sense lines were not
connected at sometime in the past.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the scale build parameters including max1,e1,max2,e2,decimal point etc.

No. of parameters 5
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter yes
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Range 1..2 1
2 Maximum Load 100 .. 999999 Range 1: 3000
(max1 or max2) Range 2: 6000
3 No. of right side digits. 0..5 0
(decimal point position)
4 Resolution (e1 or e2) 1 1 Range 1: 1
2 2 Range 2: 2
3 5
4 10
5 20
6 50
7 100
5 x10 mode 0 off 0
1 on

Note that the full scale weight of the instrument is set to Nominal Load 1 for single
range installations, and Nominal Load 2 for dual-range and dual-interval installations.
In single range installations Nominal Load 2 is not used.

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
IAD?1; 1,3000,0,1,0 CRLF
IAD1,4000,1,2,0; 0 CRLF max1 = 4000, e1 = 2 with 1
digit after decimal point on
range 1. x10 mode is off.
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

If IAD? is issued without the range parameter then the returned data is range 1 for
single range setup or range 2 for dual interval or dual range setup. In this way it is
possible to query the maximum load without the need to issue a WMD? Command to
determine the weighing mode.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the fundamental measurement frequency of the instrument.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter yes
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Measurement Rate in 15-60 50

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
ICR?; 50 CRLF Query current measurement
ICR60; 0 CRLF Change to 60 Hz
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the unit identification string.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Identification string. “ string ” “WE2110”
(15 bytes max).
2 Serial Number string “0000000” factory set,
.. unique to each
“9999999” unit
3 Version string P50x - P59x

Note that only the identification string may be changed. The serial number and
version are fixed at the factory and are available for information only by using the
IDN? Query.
Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
IDN?; WE”WE2110”,”1234567”,P52x Query current
CRLF identification.
IDN”Site A”; 0 CRLF Change
string to
“Site A”
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the operation status of each of the 4 front panel buttons.

No. of parameters 2
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Button 0 ZERO -
2 Operation 0 LOCK 1

Operation of each of the 4 front panel buttons may be set independently. NORMAL
is obviously the normal function of the button. LOCK means that the button is locked
and its’ normal operation is blocked. IMMEDIATE allows for the button function to
operate without waiting for stable readings.

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
LBT?0; 1 CRLF ZERO is currently set to NORMAL Operation
LBT0,0; 0 CRLF Block operation of the ZERO button
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Calibrate the zero dead weight of the scale. Note there are two different way of
calibration either with standard weight or direct input of mV/V.

No. of parameters 0 (1 if mV/V calibration)
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter yes
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

a.) Calibration with weight

This way of calibration is required if the weighing mode is 1,2 or 3 (see 11.3.36)
The calibration process takes some time to complete. As a result it is necessary to
monitor the calibration process to determine when it is finished. To do this issue a
LDW? Query. Following is a list of the possible calibration status responses.
Calibration Status
Status Value Description
0 Calibration finished successfully
1 Calibration in process (Busy)
101 Error Zero too high (> 2 mV/V),
Calibration aborted.
102 Error Zero too low (<-2 mV/V),
Calibration aborted.

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
LDW; 0 CRLF Start zero calibration.
LDW?; 1 CRLF Query status of the zero
calibration process
LDW?; 1 CRLF still busy
LDW?; 0 CRLF zero calibration finished
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

b.) Calibration in mV/V

This way of calibration is required if the weighing mode is 4 (see 11.3.36)

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Zero signal in mV/V -20000 ... 20000 -
20000 = 2 mV/V

Example (Calibration in mV/V):

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
VAL?; 5076CRLF Current reading is 0,5076
LDW5076; 0 CRLF Zero set to 0,5076 mV/V
LDW?; 5076CRLF Zero is 0,5076 mV/V
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


This command gives access to the dual-point linearisation functions of the WE2110.
A special query LIC? is available to verify the linearisation correction.
Important: The linearisation changes the entire scale sensitivity without zero and end
point. Therefore please double check the scale in critical load ranges.

No. of parameters 2
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter yes
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Linearisation Point 1..5 1
2 Test Weight Value 0..999999 -
without decimal point
(none = cancel lin. of
this point)
Query Details
Parameter Description Range
1 Percentage of Full Scale reading -100..100
(this value is given as integer - i.e.
24,999 is given as 24)
2 Correction ( weight value without -100000 .. 100000
decimal point x10)

To clear one of the Linearisation points leave the test weight value off.

Example: Scale Build is max1 = 500.0 kg, e1 = 0.1 kg

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
LIC1; 0 CRLF Clear Linearisation Point 1.
LIC?1; 0,0 CRLF No correction for point 1
MSV?; 120.5 CRLF
LIC1,1200; 0 CRLF Set Linearisation Point 1 to correct for the
current test weight of 120.0 kg.
(Note that weight is sent without any decimal
point. So 400.0 kg is send as 4000 not 400.0)
LIC?1; 24,-50 CRLF Current linearisation is approx. -0.5 kg at
approx. 24% of fullscale reading.
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the parameters for the four setpoints.

No. of parameters 10
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter No
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 setpoint number 1..4 -
2 Active 0 off 0
1 on
2 motion
3 zero indication
4 error indication
5 Net indication
3 Data source 1 gross 1
2 net
4 Switching direction 1 over 1
2 under
5 Target Weight -999999 .. 999999 0
6 Pre-flight Weight 0 .. 999999 0
7 Hysteresis Weight 0 .. 999999 0
8 Logic 1 Active High 1
2 Active Low
9 Lock 0 off 0
1 on
10 Alarm 0 off
1 single 0
2 dual
3 continuous

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
LIV?1; 1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0 CRLF Query setpoint 1 parameters
LIV1,1,1,1,1000, 0 CRLF Change to:
100,10,1,0,0; active, gross, over
target = 1000,in-flight = 100,
hysteresis = 10,active high
logic, no lock, alarm off
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Calibrate the span of the scale. Note there are two different way of calibration either
with standard weight or direct input of mV/V.

No. of parameters 0 (1 if mV/V calibration)
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter yes
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

a.) Calibration with weight

This way of calibration is required if the weighing mode is 1,2 or 3 (see 11.3.36)
The calibration process takes some time to complete. As a result it is necessary to
monitor the calibration process to determine when it is finished. To do this issue a
LWT? Query. Following is a list of the possible calibration status responses.

Calibration Status
Status Value Description
0 Calibration finished successfully
1 Calibration in process (Busy)
103 Error Span too Low (< 0.1mV/V),
Calibration aborted.
104 Error Span too high (> 3.0 mV/V),
Calibration aborted.
105 No Zero calibration

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
LWT; 0 CRLF Start span calibration.
LWT?; 1 CRLF Query status of the span
calibration process
LWT?; 1 CRLF still busy
LWT?; 0 CRLF span calibration finished
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

b.) Calibration in mV/V

This way of calibration is required if the weighing mode is 4 (see 11.3.36)

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Span signal in mV/V 0 - 30000 -
20000 = 2 mV/V

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
LWT15000; 0 CRLF Span set to 1,5000 mV/V
LDW?; 15000CRLF Span is 1,5000 mV/V
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Query weight readings.

No. of parameters 2
Save changes. -
Increment Trade Counter -
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Type of reading 1 displayed weight 1
2 gross weight
3 net weight
4 number of items in
5 Total weight
6 -
7 Peak weight
2 Number of consecutive 0..60000 1
readings ( 0 means continuous

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
COF3; 0 CRLF set output format 3
MSV?; 00200.0 CRLF query displayed weight
MSV?2; 00400.0 CRLF query gross weight
MSV?2,5; 00400.0 CRLF query the next 5
00400.1 CRLF consecutive gross weight
00400.2 CRLF readings.
00400.3 CRLF
00400.4 CRLF
MSV?,0 00400.0 CRLF Enable continuous output
00400.1 CRLF
00400.2 CRLF
STP; Stop continuous output

Note that the CRLF is sent after each reading for the ASCII formats but not for the
binary formats. With the binary formats a single CRLF is sent at the end of the
response regardless of the number of readings requested.
To stop continuous output send a STP; command. During continuous output the
WE2110 will not respond to other commands.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Alter the Motion Option settings.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter yes
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Motion Setting 0 OFF 1
1 0.5d in 1 sec
2 1.0d in 1 sec
3 2.0d in 1 sec
4 3.0d in 1 sec
5 1.0d in 0.5 sec
6 2.0d in 0.5 sec
7 4.0d in 0.5 sec
8 8.0d in 0.5 sec
9 12.0d in 0.5 sec
10 16.0d in 0.5 sec

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
MTD?; 1 CRLF Current Motion detection is 0.5 divisions in 1
MTD2; 0 CRLF Set Motion detection to 1.0 divisions in 1 second.
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the customer ticket format.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter No
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Format String “ string up to 50 chars ” ““
(Max 50 characters)

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
PFT?; ““ CRLF Query string
PFT”Weight = \W \E”; 0 CRLF New print ticket looks like:
Weight = 127.8 kg G CRLF
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


No. of parameters 6
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Mode of Operation 0 OFF 2
2 Printing Function 1 Single 1
2 Double
3 Ticket
4 Automatic Single
5 Automatic Double
6 Automatic Ticket
7 Total
8 Automatic Total
3 Auto Transmit Format 1 Auto A 1
2 Auto B
3 Auto C
4 Auto D
4 No. of Columns to Pad 0..20 0
5 No. of Rows to Pad 0..10 0
6 Auto Transmit Source 1 Display 1
2 Gross
3 Net
4 Total

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
PRS?; 0,1,1,0,0 CRLF Currently Serial 2 is OFF.
PRS2,3,,2,3; 0 CRLF Set for Ticket Printing with two
columns and 3 rows padding.
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

11.3.23. PRT PRINT

Force the instrument to print using serial 2. This is analogous with pressing the Print
button on the front of the instrument. Sending a String to the WE2110 allows free
layout of the printout. If the printout could not be performed the reply of the WE2110
is ?CRLF.

No. of parameters 2
Save changes. -
Increment Trade Counter -
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Mode of Operation 0 Normal print 0

1 Print with response of

ID, Date, Time and
Displayed Weight to
serial 1
(For Date and Time
format see CLK?

2 As 1, but Gross weight

3 As 1, but Net weight

4 As 1, but Tare weight

2 String to be printed 1:1 -
(up to 250 characters)
\010 = LF
Backslash followed by \013 = CR
a three digit number \094 = Backslash self
for special ASCII
\T = Tare weight
Backslash followed by \G = Gross weight
a letter for fields \N = Net weight
\D = Date and Time
\G or \g makes no \I = Printout
difference \U = Unit
\H = Standard Header
See 7.5.6 for more \R = Free rows from PRS
details command
\C = Free columns from
PRS command
\E = Prints end of line

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

\W = Prints displayed
\+ = as \W but add to total
\- = Undo last print

Table of possible answers:

?CRLF Command not understood
0CRLF Command correctly operated
1CRLF Scale in motion
2CRLF Range out – e.g. zero setting out of range
3CRLF System error
4CRLF Device not ready – e.g. printer not ready

Example for PRT:

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
PRT; 0 CRLF Force unit to print using the printer
port. This is exactly the same as
pushing the print button.
PRT?; 38CRLF ID number of the last printout is 38
PRT0,“Weight = 0 CRLF Prints: Weight = 100.0 kg G
PRT1,“Weight = 40, Prints: Weight = 100.0 kg G
\G\010\013“; 9,20,10,22,6,97,
00100.0 CRLF Returns to serial 1:

Printout ID = 40
Hour = 9
Minute = 20
Second = 10
Date = 22
Month = 6
Year = 97
Displayed Weight = 100.0
PRT; ? CRLF Printout was not successful

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the 4 digital output to on or off. This is only enable, if setpoints are not activated !
POR? replies the status of the 4 digital outputs followed by the status of the 4 digital

No. of parameters 4
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter No
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1-4 Output 1 - 4 0 or 1 -

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
POR1,1,1,1; 0 CRLF Output 1 – 4 set
to on
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.
LIV1,1; 0 CRLF Setpoint 1 is
POR1,1,1,1; ? CRLF Not possible as
POR not enable
for setpoint 1
POR,1,1,1; 0 CRLF Ok, only
setpoint changed
POR?; 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 CRLF Output 1- 4 are
Input 1 – 4 are off

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the 2 line header for printed tickets.

No. of parameters 2
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Line number 1..2 1
2 Line contents “ string up to 20 chars ” “WEIGHT “
(Max 20 characters) „TICKET“

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
PST?1; “ Weight “ CRLF Query line 1 data
PST?2; “ Ticket “ CRLF Query line 2 data
PST1,”Joe Bloggs Pty Ltd”; 0 CRLF Change line 1
PST2,”ph 3312 1234”; 0 CRLF Change line 2
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.


No. of parameters 4
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Off = 0, On = 1 0 .. 1 0
2 Day 01 .. 31
3 Month 01 .. 12
4 Year 00 .. 99 or 1998 .. 2097

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
QAF?; 0,15,6,99 CRLF QA-function off, date set to
QAF1,21,6,1999 0 CRLF QA-function on, date set to
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Setup the functions of each of the 4 remote inputs or artificially force the execution of
the function. This may be used to implement the extended features w/o external keys
and no need of the option cards.

No. of parameters 3
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter No
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Input number 1..4 1
2 Operation 0 None -
1 Zero
2 Tare
3 Gross/Net
4 Print
5 Blank
6 Lock
7 Show Total
8 Clear Total
9 Undo Print
10 Single Tx Serial 1
11 Single Tx Serial 2
12 Manual Hold
13 Show Peak
3 Duration of key press 0 Short press 0
1 Long press

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
RBT?1; 0 CRLF Get current operation of input 1
– none at the moment
RBT1,7; 0 CRLF Set input 1 to “Zero”
TDD1; 0 CRLF save setting.
RBT1; 0 CRLF Simulate “Zero”
RBT1,,1; 0 CRLF Simulate “De-Zero” – Long
press of Zero key

11.3.28. RES RESET

Use this command to simulate a power-on reset.

No. of parameters 0
Save changes. -

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Increment Trade Counter -

Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
RES Reset unit.

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11.3.29. Sxx SELECT UNIT

The Sxx command is used to select one or more units with which to communicate. It
should be used under all circumstances as first command to the WE2110 even if
only one instrument is connected.
S00 to S31 selects a single unit with the matching address 00 to 31.
S96 to S99 have special functions:
S96: de-select all units.

S97 & S98: All units are selected but none reply to commands. This
mode is very useful for blanket commands for an entire network of

S99 selects all units and all respond. S99 is useful when a single unit
is connected to the network as it is possible to select this unit
regardless of its address setting.
Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
MSV?; 00400.0 CRLF Query current weight
S02; Select unit 2
MSV? 00623.5 CRLF Query current weight.
S96; De-select all units


Stop continuous weight transmission started by MSV?,0; command.

No. of parameters 0
Save changes. -
Increment Trade Counter -
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
MSV?,0; 00400.0 CRLF Start continuous data
00400.1 CRLF transmission.
00400.2 CRLF
STP Stop continuous data

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

11.3.31. TAR TARE

Force a TARE operation.

No. of parameters 0
Save changes. At input
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

This command is exactly the same as pressing the TARE key on the front of the
instrument except that the WE2110 does not wait for no motion. If the current weight
reading is not stable the WE2110 will return ‘?’ and ignore the TAR command.

Table of possible answers:

?CRLF Command not understood
0CRLF Command correctly operated
1CRLF Scale in motion
2CRLF Range out – e.g. zero setting out of range
3CRLF System error
4CRLF Device not ready – e.g. printer not ready

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
MSV?; 00400.0 CRLF Query current weight
MSV?; 00000.0 CRLF Query current weight
MSV?1 00400.0 CRLF Query gross weight

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

11.3.32. TAS GROSS / NET

Select Gross or Net weight display.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. At input
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Gross or Net 0 net -
1 gross

Table of possible answers:

?CRLF Command not understood
0CRLF Command correctly operated
1CRLF Scale in motion
2CRLF Range out – e.g. zero setting out of range
3CRLF System error
4CRLF Device not ready – e.g. printer not ready

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
MSV?; 00200.0 CRLF Query current weight
TAS?; 0 CRLF unit is is net mode
TAS1; 0 CRLF Switch to Gross weight
MSV?; 00400.0 CRLF Query current weight
TAS?; 1 CRLF unit is in gross mode

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set a numeric tare value directly.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. At input
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 TARE value 0 .. full scale -

Table of possible answers:

?CRLF Command not understood
0CRLF Command correctly operated
1CRLF Scale in motion
2CRLF Range out – e.g. zero setting out of range
3CRLF System error
4CRLF Device not ready – e.g. printer not ready

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
MSV?2; 00300.0 CRLF Query net weight
TAV?; 1000 CRLF Tare value is 100.0
TAV2000; 0 CRLF Set Tare value to 200.0
MSV?2; 00200.0 CRLF Query net weight
TAV?; 2000 CRLF Tare value is 200.0

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Save or restore instrument settings.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes. -
Increment Trade Counter yes (TDD0 only)
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range
1 command 0 Load ROM default values
1 Save current settings
2 Reload previous settings

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
IDN”Site A” 0 CRLF Set ID string
TDD1; 0 CRLF Save settings

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

11.3.35. VAL?
Reads the current signal in mV/V.

No. of parameters 1
Save changes.
Increment Trade Counter no
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Current signal in mV/V -20000 ... 30000 -
20000 = 2.0000 mV/V

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
VAL?; 5076CRLF Current reading is 0,5076 mV/V

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the weighting mode of the instrument. This selects between single range, dual
range and dual interval weighing modes.

No. of parameters 2
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter yes
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default
1 Weighing mode 1 single range 1
2 dual range
3 dual interval
4 direct mV/V calibration
2 Trade mode 0 Trade 0
1 Industrial

Use the WMD command to setup the weighing mode of the instrument. This setting
is a fundamental scale build parameter and should be used along with the IAD and
ICR commands before the unit is calibrated.

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
WMD?; 1,0 Query current weighing mode
WMD2,1; 0 CRLF change to dual range, industrial mode
WMD?; 2,1 weighing mode is dual range, industrial
TDD1; 0 CRLF save settings

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


Set the various options associated with zero balance.

No. of parameters 4
Save changes. With TDD1
Increment Trade Counter depends on parameter
Response Time of command
Response Time of query

Parameter Details
Parameter Description Range Default Trade
1 Zero on Startup 0 OFF 0 No
1 ON
2 Zero Tracking 0 OFF 0 Yes
1 0.5d in 1sec
2 1.0d in 1 sec
.. ..
10 16d in 0.5 sec
3 Zero setting 1 -20% .. 20% 3 Yes
Range 2 -100% .. 100%
3 -2% .. 2%
4 -1% .. 3%
4 Zero Dead Band 0..100000 0 Yes

Command Answer Description
S01; Select unit 1
ZST?; 0,0,3,0 CRLF Query current zero settings
ZST1; 0 CRLF Change to zero on startup
ZST,,,10; 0 CRLF Change Zero Dead Band to 10
ZST?; 1,0,3,10 CRLF Query new settings
TDD1; 0 CRLF save settings

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


11.4.1. Set Scale Build

Command Description Page
IAD Set max1,e1,max2,e2,decimal point,x10 mode 72
WMD Select weighing mode 97
ENU Select weight units 68
ICR Set measurement frequency. 73

11.4.2. Calibration
Command Description Page
LDW Calibrate Zero Dead Load 76
CWT Set calibration weight 67
LWT Calibrate Span 80
LIC Linearisation 78

11.4.3. Set Operating Parameters

Command Description Page
ASF Set filtering options 61
COF Set output format for MSV? 65
CLK Set time & date 64
DPF Set Full Passcode 68
DPS Set Safe Passcode 68
LBT Button Lock 75
LIV Set parameters for the setpoints 79
MTD Motion Setting 83
PFT Customer Ticket Format 84
PRS Printer/Serial 2 Settings 85
PST Set printer header 88
QAF Date for Maintenance 89
RBT Remote input functions 90
ZST Zero Settings 99

11.4.4. Set Communication Parameters

Command Description Page
ADR Set unit address 59
BDR Set communications parameters 62
IDN Set unit identification 75
Sxx Select unit for communication 92

11.4.5. General Commands

Command Description Page
CDL Set Zero Dead Load. 63
POR Set digital outputs 88
PRT Force print from serial 2 85
RBT Remote input functions 90
RES Reset unit 90
STP Stop continuous weight transmission 92
HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

Command Description Page

TAR Tare unit 93
TAS Select Gross or Net 94
TAV Set numeric Tare 95
TDD Save or restore units settings 96

Command Description Page
ADR? Current address 59
ASF? Filter settings 61
BDR? Serial Interfaces settings (Baud rate etc) 62
CLK? Time and date 64
COF? Output format for MSV? 65
CWT? Calibration weight 67
DPF? Status Full Passcode 68
DPS? Status Safe Passcode 68
ENU? Engineering unit 69
ESR? Error status 70
IAD?x Scale build settings for range x 72
ICR? Measuring rate (Sigma-Delta conversion rate) 73
IDN? Identification of the unit 74
LBT?x Status of button x 75
LDW? Status of running zero calibration 76
or Zero setting in mV/V
LIC?x Linearisation of point x 78
LIV?x Settings for limit switch x 79
LWT? Status of running span calibration 80
or span setting in mV/V
MSV? Weight readings 82
MTD? Motion settings 83
PFT? Customer Ticket Format 84
POR? Status of outputs and inputs 88
PRS? Settings of serial 2 85
PRT? ID of the last printout 86
PST?x Line x of printout header 88
QAF? Date for Maintenance 89
RBT?x Remote input functions 90
TAS? Gross/Net mode 94
TAV? Tare Value 95
VAL? Current reading in mV/V 97
WMD? Weighing mode as Multiple range etc 98
ZST? Zero settings 99

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

12. Error Messages

A number of error message may be displayed to warn of operation outside of
acceptable limits. These messages are given below. Short messages (xxxxx) will
appear as a single message on the display. Longer massages (xxxxx)(yyyyy) will
appear on the display in two parts, first the (xxxxx) part, then the (yyyyy) part.


These messages show status messages or errors that have occurred during the
normal weighing operation.
(U-----) The weight is below the minimum allowable weight
For Trade scales below the zero setting range.
Unimportant for industrial scales.
(O-----) The weight is has exceeded 9 graduation above full range
in Trade mode.
The weight is has exceeded 120% of full range in Industrial
(ZERO) (ERROR) The weight reading is beyond the limit set for Zero setting.
The operation of the ZERO button is limited in the setup
during installation. Zero cannot be done at this weight.
(Use TARE instead.)
(STABLE)(ERROR) Scale motion has prevented a Zero, Tare or Print operation
from occurring on command. (Try the operation again once
the scale is stable.)
(PRINT) (ERROR) A printer problem has prevented the printout from being
completed. (Look for loss of printer power, no paper or
cable fault.)
(CAL) (DUE) Maintenance required. See Sect.5.1.7.


These messages warn of setup entries that are not acceptable to the program.
(RES) (LO) The scale build is configured for less than 100 intervals.
(Check the interval and capacity settings)
(RES) (HIGH) The scale build is configured for more than 100.000
intervals. (Check the interval and capacity settings)
(CHEC) (TRADE) # At least one parameter is not acc. to OIML requirements.
Check the trade relevant items. This is only checked in the
TRADE mode when leaving setup.

Error numbers:
1 = Verification interval e1 or e2 >50
2 = Graduations >6000d
3 = No weighing unit selected
4 = Motion detection is set to NONE
5 = Zero tracking not OFF or 0,5d/s
6 = Zero setting range not ±2% or -1% +3%
7 = Zero dead band not set to 000000
8 = Buttons set for instant operation
9 = Direct mV/V calibration selected

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3


These messages warn of incorrect calibration technique, or of attempts to calibrate

the beyond it’s specification.
(ZERO) (HI) The load cell output is beyond allowable zero calibration
range. (Check for incorrect scale connection. Reduce the
dead load, or shunt the load cells.)
(ZERO) (LO) The load cell output is below allowable zero calibration
range. (Check for incorrect scale connection. Increase the
dead load, or shunt the load cells.)
(SPAN) (LO) The load cell signal range (span) is too small for these
settings. (Incorrect span weight entered. Scale wiring
incorrect. Wrong load cell capacity [too large]. Wrong or no
calibration weight added to scale.)
(SPAN) (HI) The load cell signal range (span) is too large for these
settings. (Incorrect span weight entered. Scale wiring
incorrect. Load cell capacity too small for application.)
(NO) (ZERO) A new must be zero calibrated before span calibration can
be attempted.


The continually monitors the condition of the internal circuits. Any faults or out-of-
tolerance conditions are shown on the display as an E type error message. In the
table below the following terms are used:-
• (check) = this item can be checked on site by service personnel
• (service) = the must be returned for factory service
(E 0001) The power supply voltage is too low.
(check supply)
(E 0002) The power supply voltage is too high.
(check scale / cables)
(E 0004) The load cell excitation voltage is too low.
(check scale)
(E 0008) The load cell excitation voltage is too high.
(check scale)
(E 0010) The temperature is outside of allowable limits.
(check location)
(E 0040) The positive sense line is not connected.
(check connection)
(E 0080) The negative sense line is not connected.
(check connection)
(E 00C0) Both sense lines are not connected
(check connection)
(E 0100) The digital setup information has been lost.
(re-enter setup)
(E 0200) The calibration information has been lost.
(E 0300) All setup information has been lost
(enter setup and calibrate)
(E 0400) The factory information has been lost. (service)

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

(E 0800) The EEPROM memory storage chip has failed (service)

(E 8000) The EPROM memory storage chip has failed (service)
The “E” type error messages are additive. For example if a condition is detected
where the power supply voltage is low, resulting in a reduction of excitation voltage,
the resulting Error messages will be E 0005 (0001 + 0004). The numbers add in
hexadecimal as follows:-
(For example, 2 + 4 = 6, or 4 + 8 = C

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

13. Failures and solutions

Symptom Solution
Display not stable • Check connection to the load cells
• Filter connector for load cell not used
• No proper connection of the cable
screens to the housing of WE2110
• DC unit not connected to ground
• Display resolution to high

No communication to PC with RS232 • Check serial settings BITS, Com-port,

• Null-Modem-Cable used. This does not
work as the RS485 is at the same port.
Connect only Rxd, TxD and GND.
Bus communication does not work with • No Select command send before
RS485 (4 wire only) communication
• 2 – wire connection is not possible
• Bus termination (menu BITS) not set
with last unit
• Check converter RS232/485.
Recommended HBM 1-SC232/422A

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3

14. Index

High resolution display ............................. 33, 72

0 to 10V .............................................................54
Industrial mode .......................................... 25, 98
In-Flight............................................................. 34
4 to 20 mA.........................................................54
4-wire connection...............................................6
Leaving Full Setup .......................................... 36
Leaving Safe Setup....................................... 36
6-wire connection...............................................6 Linearisation............................................... 38, 78
Load cell shield.................................................. 5
Load cell shunting ............................................. 6
A/D converter......................................................4
A/D synchronisation...................................32, 73
Accessory cards...............................................53 Maximum capacity .................................... 24, 72
Additive tare......................................................25 Measurement Rate ......................................... 73
Address .......................................................29, 59 Motion detection ........................................ 26, 83
Alarm............................................................34, 49
Analogue Output ................................................4
ASCII codes......................................................47 Network............................................. 8, 29, 42, 57
Auto print .....................................................30, 43 Null-Modem-Cable .......................................... 57
Automatic output ........................................29, 40
Panel mount ....................................................... 5
Batching ............................................................50 Parity ........................................................... 31, 62
Baud rate...........................................................62 Passcode.............................................. 21, 32, 68
Baud Rate .........................................................31 peak storage .............................................. 42, 52
beep ...................................................................13 Peak storage.................................................... 82
Buttons ..................................................11, 32, 75 PLC ................................................................... 40
Preset TARE .................................................... 21
Print command ................................................ 86
Calibration .........................................................37 Printer output ............................................. 43, 85
Calibration in mV/V ..........................................38 Printer type ....................................................... 30
Calibration weight ............................................67
Case ground connection...................................5
CE approval ........................................................5 Remote displays.............................................. 40
Commands........................................................58 Remote Inputs................................................ 54
Reset................................................................. 90
RS232 connection....................................... 8, 57
Date..............................................................35, 64 RS422/485 ......................................................... 8
Dead load cancellation................................6, 63 RS485 bus system............................................ 9
Decimal point..............................................24, 72
Dual interval................................................24, 98 Safe setup ........................................................ 11
Dual range ..................................................24, 98 Scale base test ................................................ 33
Scale build ................................................ 24, 72
Serial outputs ............................................... 8, 40
EMC ...............................................................5, 53 Set points........................................ 14, 34, 48, 79
Error message................................................102 Single range............................................... 24, 98
Error status .......................................................70 Spann calibration ............................................ 80
EX-I ......................................................................7 Stop bits...................................................... 31, 62
Factory defaults..........................................35, 39 Tare ............................................................. 13, 93
Filter .............................................................25, 61 Tare value ........................................................ 95
Full setup.....................................................10, 12 Termination resistors ...................... 8, 31, 43, 62
Testing routines ............................................... 33
Ticket......................................... 30, 84, 88, 89, 90
Handshake..........................................................9 Time ............................................................ 35, 64

HBM WE2110 - Software Version P53 3.3
Trade counter ...................................................59 Z
Trade mode ..........................................13, 25, 98
Zero calibration................................................ 76
TTY Current Loop ............................................40
Zero Dead Band ........................................ 27, 99
U Zero on Start-up ........................................ 26, 99
Zero setting range ..................................... 27, 99
Unit.........................................................10, 25, 69
Zero settings .............................................. 26, 99
V Zero tracking .............................................. 26, 99
Verification interval ....................................24, 72

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