Shri Sunukhi.
Shri Sunukhi.
Shri Sunukhi.
but very significant and extremely important, which hinders our development and
cripples our lives. Consciously or not, one way or another, we build our actions in
accordance with our beliefs and principles, we are attracting concrete events and
looking for confirmation of our convictions. We still continue to act according to
the entrenched principles, even when we outwardly changed our concepts. And
what is happens if an events emerges are not as we want? Then we look for the
guilty and we are thinking of a treason. Although we are unconsciously came to
this, actually, do that and inspired (I knew it!). As long as all those are beyond
understanding and avoided, all those are suppressed and accused, and
development is difficult. Sumukhi helps to understand, accept and realize all there
are those things in the mind, that allows to radically change the internal qualities.
Matangi Herself requires the destruction of templates, far-fetched principles and,
in particular, an imaginary sense of own importance. By the way, the offering of
food leftovers as the treat for Devi, this is some extent test for ability to get out of
framework. And moreover when Matangi comes as Sumukhi we are beginning to
see, hear and feel own nightmares; that was refused to admit becomes obvious, this
is shock and ferociously frightens the mind, an illusory sense of personal greatness
is crumbling. This is very painful. Beautiful Sumukhi turns into a horror for our
mind. And just here, then experiencing fear and pain, we say: "Sumukhi? She is the
angry form of Matangi. " But in fact Sumukhi shows us our "pictures", blows off
the settled dust, lifts and makes them accessible for perception. This is passage
through own darkness and own dirt. This is recognition and acceptance of own
vices and delusions, in addition, an understanding of the mechanism of the action
of instincts and (acquired) reflexes. Of course, the subconscious also contains a lot
of good, Mahapishachini can also reveal and this. Nevertheless, the most valuable
is that She corrects defects, she brings cleanliness and order in actually
inaccessible places those a lot of garbage settles in. She removes vices and devours
the poisons of consciousness by Her dragon's maw. By transforming tamas into
sattva, vices in dignity, lust in the bhakti and poisons into nectar, Sumukhi helps to
do very deep, very dirty and very complex internal work, which leads to
purification and transformation of consciousness on the path of our evolution.
Sumukhi is really Guhya Vidya rising from the earth. She is the drop of pure sattva
in the deep tamas. There are no wrathful forms of the Divine. But there is human