Bashayer Awadh Lesson Plan 1 The Life Cycle of A Frog
Bashayer Awadh Lesson Plan 1 The Life Cycle of A Frog
Bashayer Awadh Lesson Plan 1 The Life Cycle of A Frog
The life cycle of a frog
Worksheets/ -
materials Colored Paper, Pictures, Words, PowerPoint, and Video.
Student Scissor, Glue, Colors, Words, Pictures of frog cycles, colored paper
Others -
Lesson Plan Template
word glossary definition Image
Students’ Prior Knowledge (What do the students already know that enables them to understand
the lesson?):
• The animals have a life cycle and their life cycle is different from each other.
Possible Problems and Misconceptions (What are some problems that students will face because it
is assumed that they have the previous knowledge?):
• To correct the order stages of the frog’s life cycle and pronounce the stages in the right
Targeted teacher language (what will the teacher say throughout the lesson?
• I will explain the lesson first to the students by using a video and PowerPoint. Then, I will
let the students start doing their activity individually. If they had any difficulties, I will
move around and help them or show them the PowerPoint again. I will use the words
(stage, develop, change, life cycle of frogs, Eggs, Tadpole, Froglet, and Adult Frog).
Student Language (What language will the students use throughout the lesson?
• The students will speak in English.
Lesson Plan Template
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): 5 minutes
• First, I will start the lesson by telling the students about the animal that we are
going to learn about and I will ask them if they saw it in real life. I will ask
them where it lives and then I will teach them the life cycle of the frog and
show them pictures in the PowerPoint and a video about it.