Aos 35%
Aos 35%
Aos 35%
Shows synergism give superior performance and cost benefit when used in
combination with LABSA.
Used in spry dried detergent powder, compact powder non tower route,
liquid detergents, personal care products.
Is rapid bio degradable, less toxic, has low skin sensitization and reduces
protein-denaturing effect.
Substitute part of total fatty matter (TFM) in oil based soap for better
foaming and detergency.
ECO friendly
Detergent by Alpha Olefin Sulphonates (AOS) can be achieved at a lower concentration than
in case of Linear-Alkyl benzene Sulphonate (LAS).
AOS are less sensitive to water hardness; they do not form readily insoluble calcium
or magnesium salts.
AOS have less yellowing effect on fabrics.
Caking in powder formulation is reduced when AOS is used with or instead of LAB.
AOS has far better anti-re-deposition of soil on matrix of materials.
When enzyme system is part of the formula, AOS are less harmful to the biological
detergent active than LAS. Hence deducing cost and improve efficacy.
AOS foam ability is more controllable to satisfy customers taste.
SAFETY; AOS are more readily biodegradable than common low cost other
surfactants, so exhibiting less influence on aquatic organism- more environment
SAFETY; Chronic experiments on OAS have shown considerable safety indicators than
LAS and other detergents.
SAFETY; AOS are gentle to hair, skin, mucosal membranes, abrasions and cuts (e.g.
eye, nose genitalia and mouth, bruises and open wound); hence their use in washes,
lotions, shampoos, beauty soaps, cosmetic or pharmaceutical formulae of creams and
Some detergents when combined with a bleach such as hypochlorites, cause serious
irritations or hypersensitive reactions to some customers; but this is not or rarely the
case when AOS is used.
Available in powder, Liquid (Barrel packing and Tanker load) and needles.
The household and personal care sectors of the industrial triad present the largest market for
surfactant chemicals in terms of dollar value. The first sector covers, detergent products and
laundry aids. These consist of laundry detergent-powders, concentrated powders,
concentrated liquids (now the dominant category), dishwashing detergents (both solid and
liquid), hard-surface cleaners and fabric softeners, and other laundry aids. They are being
supplemented by new dispensing modes, such as tablets and capsules, and challenged by
new energy-saving requirements. The second sector covers a diverse group of products that
also represent a significant market for surfactant chemicals; Toilet soaps, and hair care, skin
care, and oral care products. At present this is a buoyant market, and is constantly
challenged by novelty and fashion.
Chevron Philips Chemical’s normal alpha olefins are excellent intermediates for producing
alpha olefin sulfonate (AOS) surfactants. These surfactants provide outstanding detergency,
high compatibility with hard water, and good wetting and foaming properties.
AOS is free of skin irritants and sensitizers, and it biodegrades rapidly. It is used in high-
quality shampoos, light-duty liquid detergents, bubble baths, and heavy-duty liquid and
powder detergents. It is also used in emulsion polymerization. C14-C16 AOS blends are
frequently used in liquid hand soaps.