Classifying Relations by Ranking With Convolutional Neural Networks

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Classifying Relations by Ranking with Convolutional Neural Networks

Cı́cero Nogueira dos Santos Bing Xiang Bowen Zhou

IBM Research IBM Watson IBM Watson
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Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Yorktown Heights, NY, USA Yorktown Heights, NY, USA
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract task 8 dataset (Hendrickx et al., 2010), which en-

codes the task of classifying the relationship be-
Relation classification is an important se- tween two nominals marked in a sentence. The
mantic processing task for which state-of- following sentence contains an example of the
the-art systems still rely on costly hand- Component-Whole relation between the nominals
crafted features. In this work we tackle the “introduction” and “book”.
relation classification task using a convo- The [introduction]e1 in the [book]e2 is a
lutional neural network that performs clas- summary of what is in the text.
sification by ranking (CR-CNN). We pro-
Some recent work on relation classification has
pose a new pairwise ranking loss function
focused on the use of deep neural networks with
that makes it easy to reduce the impact
the aim of reducing the number of handcrafted fea-
of artificial classes. We perform experi-
tures (Socher et al., 2012; Zeng et al., 2014; Yu et
ments using the the SemEval-2010 Task
al., 2014). However, in order to achieve state-of-
8 dataset, which is designed for the task
the-art results these approaches still use some fea-
of classifying the relationship between two
tures derived from lexical resources such as Word-
nominals marked in a sentence. Using CR-
Net or NLP tools such as dependency parsers and
CNN, we outperform the state-of-the-art
named entity recognizers (NER).
for this dataset and achieve a F1 of 84.1
In this work, we propose a new convolutional
without using any costly handcrafted fea-
neural network (CNN), which we name Classifi-
tures. Additionally, our experimental re-
cation by Ranking CNN (CR-CNN), to tackle the
sults show that: (1) our approach is more
relation classification task. The proposed network
effective than CNN followed by a soft-
learns a distributed vector representation for each
max classifier; (2) omitting the representa-
relation class. Given an input text segment, the
tion of the artificial class Other improves
network uses a convolutional layer to produce a
both precision and recall; and (3) using
distributed vector representation of the text and
only word embeddings as input features is
compares it to the class representations in order
enough to achieve state-of-the-art results if
to produce a score for each class. We propose a
we consider only the text between the two
new pairwise ranking loss function that makes it
target nominals.
easy to reduce the impact of artificial classes. We
1 Introduction perform an extensive number of experiments using
the the SemEval-2010 Task 8 dataset. Using CR-
Relation classification is an important Natural CNN, and without the need for any costly hand-
Language Processing (NLP) task which is nor- crafted feature, we outperform the state-of-the-art
mally used as an intermediate step in many com- for this dataset. Our experimental results are ev-
plex NLP applications such as question-answering idence that: (1) CR-CNN is more effective than
and automatic knowledge base construction. Since CNN followed by a softmax classifier; (2) omit-
the last decade there has been increasing interest ting the representation of the artificial class Other
in applying machine learning approaches to this improves both precision and recall; and (3) using
task (Zhang, 2004; Qian et al., 2009; Rink and only word embeddings as input features is enough
Harabagiu, 2010). One reason is the availability to achieve state-of-the-art results if we consider
of benchmark datasets such as the SemEval-2010 only the text between the two target nominals.

Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 626–634,
Beijing, China, July 26-31, 2015. 2015 Association for Computational Linguistics
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 details the proposed neural net-
work. In Section 3, we present details about the
setup of experimental evaluation, and then de-
scribe the results in Section 4. In Section 5, we
discuss previous work in deep neural networks
for relation classification and for other NLP tasks.
Section 6 presents our conclusions.

2 The Proposed Neural Network

Given a sentence x and two target nouns, CR-CNN
computes a score for each relation class c ∈ C.
For each class c ∈ C, the network learns a dis-
tributed vector representation which is encoded as
a column in the class embedding matrix W classes .
As detailed in Figure 1, the only input for the net-
work is the tokenized text string of the sentence. In
the first step, CR-CNN transforms words into real-
valued feature vectors. Next, a convolutional layer
is used to construct a distributed vector represen-
tations of the sentence, rx . Finally, CR-CNN com-
putes a score for each relation class c ∈ C by per-
forming a dot product between rx| and W classes .

2.1 Word Embeddings

The first layer of the network transforms words
into representations that capture syntactic and
Figure 1: CR-CNN: a Neural Network for classi-
semantic information about the words. Given
fying by ranking.
a sentence x consisting of N words x =
{w1 , w2 , ..., wN }, every word wn is converted into
a real-valued vector rwn . Therefore, the input to
between two target nouns normally comes from
the next layer is a sequence of real-valued vectors
words which are close to the target nouns. Zeng
embx = {rw1 , rw2 , ..., rwN }
et al. (2014) propose the use of word position em-
Word representations are encoded by column
w beddings (position features) which help the CNN
vectors in an embedding matrix W wrd ∈ Rd ×|V | ,
by keeping track of how close words are to the tar-
where V is a fixed-sized vocabulary. Each column
w get nouns. These features are similar to the posi-
Wiwrd ∈ Rd corresponds to the word embedding
tion features proposed by Collobert et al. (2011)
of the i-th word in the vocabulary. We transform a
for the Semantic Role Labeling task.
word w into its word embedding rw by using the
In this work we also experiment with the word
matrix-vector product:
position embeddings (WPE) proposed by Zeng et
rw = W wrd v w al. (2014). The WPE is derived from the relative
distances of the current word to the target noun1
where v w is a vector of size |V | which has value and noun2 . For instance, in the sentence shown in
1 at index w and zero in all other positions. The Figure 1, the relative distances of left to car and
matrix W wrd is a parameter to be learned, and the plant are -1 and 2, respectively. As in (Collobert
size of the word embedding dw is a hyperparame- et al., 2011), each relative distance is mapped to
ter to be chosen by the user. a vector of dimension dwpe , which is initialized
with random numbers. dwpe is a hyperparameter
2.2 Word Position Embeddings of the network. Given the vectors wp1 and wp2 for
In the task of relation classification, information the word w with respect to the targets noun1 and
that is needed to determine the class of a relation noun2 , the position embedding of w is given by

the concatenation of these two vectors, wpew = sentence. The fixed-sized distributed vector rep-
[wp1 , wp2 ]. resentation for the sentence is obtained by using
In the experiments where word position the max over all word windows. Matrix W 1 and
embeddings are used, the word embed- vector b1 are parameters to be learned. The num-
ding and the word position embedding of ber of convolutional units dc , and the size of the
each word are concatenated to form the word context window k are hyperparameters to be
input for the convolutional layer, embx = chosen by the user. It is important to note that dc
{[rw1 , wpew1 ], [rw2 , wpew2 ], ..., [rwN , wpewN ]}. corresponds to the size of the sentence representa-
2.3 Sentence Representation
2.4 Class embeddings and Scoring
The next step in the NN consists in creating the
distributed vector representation rx for the input Given the distributed vector representation of the
sentence x. The main challenges in this step are input sentence x, the network with parameter set
the sentence size variability and the fact that im- θ computes the score for a class label c ∈ C by
portant information can appear at any position in using the dot product
the sentence. In recent work, convolutional ap-
proaches have been used to tackle these issues sθ (x)c = rx| [W classes ]c
when creating representations for text segments
where W classes is an embedding matrix whose
of different sizes (Zeng et al., 2014; Hu et al.,
columns encode the distributed vector representa-
2014; dos Santos and Gatti, 2014) and character-
tions of the different class labels, and [W classes ]c
level representations of words of different sizes
is the column vector that contains the embedding
(dos Santos and Zadrozny, 2014). Here, we use
of the class c. Note that the number of dimensions
a convolutional layer to compute distributed vec-
in each class embedding must be equal to the size
tor representations of the sentence. The convo-
of the sentence representation, which is defined by
lutional layer first produces local features around
dc . The embedding matrix W classes is a parame-
each word in the sentence. Then, it combines these
ter to be learned by the network. It is initialized
local features using a max operation to create a
by randomly sampling each value from r an uniform
fixed-sized vector for the input sentence. 6
Given a sentence x, the convolutional layer ap- distribution: U (−r, r), where r = .
|C| + dc
plies a matrix-vector operation to each window
of size k of successive windows in embx = 2.5 Training Procedure
{rw1 , rw2 , ..., rwN }. Let us define the vector zn ∈ Our network is trained by minimizing a pairwise
Rd k as the concatenation of a sequence of k word ranking loss function over the training set D. The
embeddings, centralized in the n-th word: input for each training round is a sentence x and
two different class labels y + ∈ C and c− ∈ C,
zn = (rwn−(k−1)/2 , ..., rwn+(k−1)/2 )| where y + is a correct class label for x and c− is
not. Let sθ (x)y+ and sθ (x)c− be respectively the
In order to overcome the issue of referencing scores for class labels y + and c− generated by the
words with indices outside of the sentence bound- network with parameter set θ. We propose a new
aries, we augment the sentence with a special logistic loss function over these scores in order to
padding token replicated times at the be- train CR-CNN:
ginning and the end.
The convolutional layer computes the j-th ele- L = log(1 + exp(γ(m+ − sθ (x)y+ ))
c (1)
ment of the vector rx ∈ Rd as follows: + log(1 + exp(γ(m− + sθ (x)c− ))
[rx ]j = max f W 1 zn + b1 j where m+ and m− are margins and γ is a scal-
ing factor that magnifies the difference between
c w
where W 1 ∈ Rd ×d k is the weight matrix of the the score and the margin and helps to penalize
convolutional layer and f is the hyperbolic tangent more on the prediction errors. The first term in
function. The same matrix is used to extract local the right side of Equation 1 decreases as the score
features around each word window of the given sθ (x)y+ increases. The second term in the right

side decreases as the score sθ (x)c− decreases. of relations that may not have much in common.
Training CR-CNN by minimizing the loss func- An important characteristic of CR-CNN is that
tion in Equation 1 has the effect of training to give it makes it easy to reduce the effect of artificial
scores greater than m+ for the correct class and classes by omitting their embeddings. If the em-
(negative) scores smaller than −m− for incorrect bedding of a class label c is omitted, it means that
classes. In our experiments we set γ to 2, m+ to the embedding matrix W classes does not contain
2.5 and m− to 0.5. We use L2 regularization by a column vector for c. One of the main benefits
adding the term βkθk2 to Equation 1. In our ex- from this strategy is that the learning process fo-
periments we set β to 0.001. We use stochastic cuses on the “natural” classes only. Since the em-
gradient descent (SGD) to minimize the loss func- bedding of the artificial class is omitted, it will not
tion with respect to θ. influence the prediction step, i.e., CR-CNN does
Like some other ranking approaches that only not produce a score for the artificial class.
update two classes/examples at every training In our experiments with the SemEval-2010 rela-
round (Weston et al., 2011; Gao et al., 2014), we tion classification task, when training with a sen-
can efficiently train the network for tasks which tence x whose class label y = Other, the first
have a very large number of classes. This is an term in the right side of Equation 1 is set to
advantage over softmax classifiers. zero. During prediction time, a relation is clas-
On the other hand, sampling informative nega- sified as Other only if all actual classes have neg-
tive classes/examples can have a significant impact ative scores. Otherwise, it is classified with the
in the effectiveness of the learned model. In the class which has the largest score.
case of our loss function, more informative nega-
tive classes are the ones with a score larger than 3 Experimental Setup
−m− . The number of classes in the relation clas- 3.1 Dataset and Evaluation Metric
sification dataset that we use in our experiments is
We use the SemEval-2010 Task 8 dataset to per-
small. Therefore, in our experiments, given a sen-
form our experiments. This dataset contains
tence x with class label y + , the incorrect class c−
10,717 examples annotated with 9 different rela-
that we choose to perform a SGD step is the one
tion types and an artificial relation Other, which
with the highest score among all incorrect classes
is used to indicate that the relation in the exam-
c− = arg max sθ (x)c .
c ∈ C; c6=y + ple does not belong to any of the nine main rela-
For tasks where the number of classes is large, tion types. The nine relations are Cause-Effect,
we can fix a number of negative classes to be con- Component-Whole, Content-Container, Entity-
sidered at each example and select the one with Destination, Entity-Origin, Instrument-Agency,
the largest score to perform a gradient step. This Member-Collection, Message-Topic and Product-
approach is similar to the one used by Weston et Producer. Each example contains a sentence
al. (2014) to select negative examples. marked with two nominals e1 and e2 , and the
We use the backpropagation algorithm to com- task consists of predicting the relation between
pute gradients of the network. In our experi- the two nominals taking into consideration the di-
ments, we implement the CR-CNN architecture rectionality. That means that the relation Cause-
and the backpropagation algorithm using Theano Effect(e1,e2) is different from the relation Cause-
(Bergstra et al., 2010). Effect(e2,e1), as shown in the examples below.
More information about this dataset can be found
2.6 Special Treatment of Artificial Classes in (Hendrickx et al., 2010).
In this work, we consider a class as artificial if it is The [war]e1 resulted in other collateral imperial
[conquests]e2 as well. ⇒ Cause-Effect(e1,e2)
used to group items that do not belong to any of the
The [burst]e1 has been caused by water hammer
actual classes. An example of artificial class is the
[pressure]e2 . ⇒ Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
class Other in the SemEval 2010 relation classifi-
cation task. In this task, the artificial class Other The SemEval-2010 Task 8 dataset is already
is used to indicate that the relation between two partitioned into 8,000 training instances and 2,717
nominals does not belong to any of the nine rela- test instances. We score our systems by using the
tion classes of interest. Therefore, the class Other SemEval-2010 Task 8 official scorer, which com-
is very noisy since it groups many different types putes the macro-averaged F1-scores for the nine

actual relations (excluding Other) and takes the di- 4 Experimental Results
rectionality into consideration.
4.1 Word Position Embeddings and Input
Text Span
3.2 Word Embeddings Initialization In the experiments discussed in this section we as-
sess the impact of using word position embeddings
The word embeddings used in our experiments are (WPE) and also propose a simpler alternative ap-
initialized by means of unsupervised pre-training. proach that is almost as effective as WPEs. The
We perform pre-training using the skip-gram NN main idea behind the use of WPEs in relation clas-
architecture (Mikolov et al., 2013) available in sification task is to give some hint to the convo-
the word2vec tool. We use the December 2013 lutional layer of how close a word is to the target
snapshot of the English Wikipedia corpus to train nouns, based on the assumption that closer words
word embeddings with word2vec. We prepro- have more impact than distant words.
cess the Wikipedia text using the steps described Here we hypothesize that most of the informa-
in (dos Santos and Gatti, 2014): (1) removal of tion needed to classify the relation appear between
paragraphs that are not in English; (2) substitu- the two target nouns. Based on this hypothesis,
tion of non-western characters for a special char- we perform an experiment where the input for the
acter; (3) tokenization of the text using the to- convolutional layer consists of the word embed-
kenizer available with the Stanford POS Tagger dings of the word sequence {we1 − 1, ..., we2 + 1}
(Toutanova et al., 2003); (4) removal of sentences where e1 and e2 correspond to the positions of the
that are less than 20 characters long (including first and the second target nouns, respectively.
white spaces) or have less than 5 tokens. (5) lower- In Table 2 we compare the results of different
case all words and substitute each numerical digit CR-CNN configurations. The first column indi-
by a 0. The resulting clean corpus contains about cates whether the full sentence was used (Yes) or
1.75 billion tokens. whether the text span between the target nouns
was used (No). The second column informs if
the WPEs were used or not. It is clear that the
3.3 Neural Network Hyper-parameter use of WPEs is essential when the full sentence is
used, since F1 jumps from 74.3 to 84.1. This ef-
We use 4-fold cross-validation to tune the neu- fect of WPEs is reported by (Zeng et al., 2014). On
ral network hyperparameters. Learning rates in the other hand, when using only the text span be-
the range of 0.03 and 0.01 give relatively simi- tween the target nouns, the impact of WPE is much
lar results. Best results are achieved using be- smaller. With this strategy, we achieve a F1 of 82.8
tween 10 and 15 training epochs, depending on using only word embeddings as input, which is a
the CR-CNN configuration. In Table 1, we show result as good as the previous state-of-the-art F1 of
the selected hyperparameter values. Additionally, 83.0 reported in (Yu et al., 2014) for the SemEval-
we use a learning rate schedule that decreases the 2010 Task 8 dataset. This experimental result also
learning rate λ according to the training epoch t. suggests that, in this task, the CNN works better
The learning rate for epoch t, λt , is computed us- for short texts.
λ All experiments reported in the next sections
ing the equation: λt = .
t use CR-CNN with full sentence and WPEs.

Full Word
Parameter Parameter Name Value Prec. Rec. F1
Sentence Position
dw Word Emb. size 400 Yes Yes 83.7 84.7 84.1
dwpe Word Pos. Emb. size 70 No Yes 83.3 83.9 83.5
dc Convolutinal Units 1000 No No 83.4 82.3 82.8
k Context Window size 3 Yes No 78.1 71.5 74.3
λ Initial Learning Rate 0.025
Table 2: Comparison of different CR-CNN con-
Table 1: CR-CNN Hyperparameters figurations.

4.2 Impact of Omitting the Embedding of the a softmax classifier. We tune the parameters of
artificial class Other CNN+Softmax by using a 4-fold cross-validation
In this experiment we assess the impact of omit- with the training set. Compared to the hyperpa-
ting the embedding of the class Other. As we rameter values for CR-CNN presented in Table 1,
mentioned above, this class is very noisy since it the only difference for CNN+Softmax is the num-
groups many different infrequent relation types. ber of convolutional units dc , which is set to 400.
Its embedding is difficult to define and therefore In Table 4 we compare the results of CR-
brings noise into the classification process of the CNN and CNN+Softmax. CR-CNN outperforms
natural classes. In Table 3 we present the results CNN+Softmax in both precision and recall, and
comparing the use and omission of embedding improves the F1 by 1.6. The third line in Ta-
for the class Other. The two first lines of results ble 4 shows the result reported by Zeng et al.
present the official F1, which does not take into (2014) when only word embeddings and WPEs
account the results for the class Other. We can see are used as input to the network (similar to our
that by omitting the embedding of the class Other CNN+Softmax). We believe that the word embed-
both precision and recall for the other classes im- dings employed by them is the main reason their
prove, which results in an increase of 1.4 in the result is much worse than that of CNN+Softmax.
F1. These results suggest that the strategy we use We use word embeddings of size 400 while they
in CR-CNN to avoid the noise of artificial classes use word embeddings of size 50, which were
is effective. trained using much less unlabeled data than we
Use embedding
Class Prec. Rec. F1 Neural Net. Prec. Rec. F1
of class Other
No All 83.7 84.7 84.1 CR-CNN 83.7 84.7 84.1
Yes All 81.3 84.3 82.7 CNN+SoftMax 82.1 83.1 82.5
No Other 52.0 48.7 50.3 CNN+SoftMax
- - 78.9
Yes Other 60.1 48.7 53.8 (Zeng et al., 2014)

Table 3: Impact of not using an embedding for the Table 4: Comparison of results of CR-CNN and
artificial class Other. CNN+Softmax.

In the two last lines of Table 3 we present the

4.4 Comparison with the State-of-the-art
results for the class Other. We can note that
while the recall for the cases classified as Other In Table 5 we compare CR-CNN results with
remains 48.7, the precision significantly decreases results recently published for the SemEval-2010
from 60.1 to 52.0 when the embedding of the class Task 8 dataset. Rink and Harabagiu (2010) present
Other is not used. That means that more cases a support vector machine (SVM) classifier that is
from natural classes (all) are now been classified fed with a rich (traditional) feature set. It ob-
as Other. However, as both the precision and the tains an F1 of 82.2, which was the best result
recall of the natural classes increase, the cases that at SemEval-2010 Task 8. Socher et al. (2012)
are now classified as Other must be cases that are present results for a recursive neural network
also wrongly classified when the embedding of the (RNN) that employs a matrix-vector representa-
class Other is used. tion to every node in a parse tree in order to com-
pose the distributed vector representation for the
4.3 CR-CNN versus CNN+Softmax complete sentence. Their method is named the
In this section we report experimental results com- matrix-vector recursive neural network (MVRNN)
paring CR-CNN with CNN+Softmax. In order and achieves a F1 of 82.4 when POS, NER and
to do a fair comparison, we’ve implemented a WordNet features are used. In (Zeng et al., 2014),
CNN+Softmax and trained it with the same data, the authors present results for a CNN+Softmax
word embeddings and WPEs used in CR-CNN. classifier which employs lexical and sentence-
Concretely, our CNN+Softmax consists in getting level features. Their classifier achieves a F1 of
the output of the convolutional layer, which is the 82.7 when adding a handcrafted feature based on
vector rx in Figure 1, and giving it as input for the WordNet. Yu et al. (2014) present the Factor-

based Compositional Embedding Model (FCM), gram for Entity-Origin(e1,e2) is “away from the”,
which achieves a F1 of 83.0 by deriving sentence- while reverse direction of the relation, Entity-
level and substructure embeddings from word em- Origin(e2,e1) or Origin-Entity, has “the source
beddings utilizing dependency trees and named of” as the most informative trigram. These re-
entities. sults are a step towards the extraction of meaning-
As we can see in the last line of Table 5, CR- ful knowledge from models produced by CNNs.
CNN using the full sentence, word embeddings
and WPEs outperforms all previous reported re- 5 Related Work
sults and reaches a new state-of-the-art F1 of 84.1.
Over the years, various approaches have been
This is a remarkable result since we do not use
proposed for relation classification (Zhang, 2004;
any complicated features that depend on external
Qian et al., 2009; Hendrickx et al., 2010; Rink and
lexical resources such as WordNet and NLP tools
Harabagiu, 2010). Most of them treat it as a multi-
such as named entity recognizers (NERs) and de-
class classification problem and apply a variety of
pendency parsers.
machine learning techniques to the task in order to
We can see in Table 5 that CR-CNN1 also
achieve a high accuracy.
achieves the best result among the systems that
Recently, deep learning (Bengio, 2009) has be-
use word embeddings as the only input features.
come an attractive area for multiple applications,
The closest result (80.6), which is produced by the
including computer vision, speech recognition and
FCM system of Yu et al. (2014), is 2.2 F1 points
natural language processing. Among the different
behind CR-CNN result (82.8).
deep learning strategies, convolutional neural net-
4.5 Most Representative Trigrams for each works have been successfully applied to different
Relation NLP task such as part-of-speech tagging (dos San-
tos and Zadrozny, 2014), sentiment analysis (Kim,
In Table 6, for each relation type we present the 2014; dos Santos and Gatti, 2014), question classi-
five trigrams in the test set which contributed the fication (Kalchbrenner et al., 2014), semantic role
most for scoring correctly classified examples. labeling (Collobert et al., 2011), hashtag predic-
Remember that in CR-CNN, given a sentence x tion (Weston et al., 2014), sentence completion
the score for the class c is computed by sθ (x)c = and response matching (Hu et al., 2014).
rx| [W classes ]c . In order to compute the most rep- Some recent work on deep learning for relation
resentative trigram of a sentence x, we trace back classification include Socher et al. (2012), Zeng
each position in rx to find the trigram responsible et al. (2014) and Yu et al. (2014). In (Socher et
for it. For each trigram t, we compute its particular al., 2012), the authors tackle relation classification
contribution for the score by summing the terms using a recursive neural network (RNN) that as-
in score that use positions in rx that trace back to signs a matrix-vector representation to every node
t. The most representative trigram in x is the one in a parse tree. The representation for the com-
with the largest contribution to the improvement of plete sentence is computed bottom-up by recur-
the score. In order to create the results presented sively combining the words according to the syn-
in Table 6, we rank the trigrams which were se- tactic structure of the parse tree Their method is
lected as the most representative of any sentence named the matrix-vector recursive neural network
in decreasing order of contribution value. If a tri- (MVRNN).
gram appears as the largest contributor for more Zeng et al. (2014) propose an approach for re-
than one sentence, its contribuition value becomes lation classification where sentence-level features
the sum of its contribution for each sentence. are learned through a CNN, which has word em-
We can see in Table 6 that for most classes, the bedding and position features as its input. In par-
trigrams that contributed the most to increase the allel, lexical features are extracted according to
score are indeed very informative regarding the re- given nouns. Then sentence-level and lexical fea-
lation type. As expected, different trigrams play tures are concatenated into a single vector and
an important role depending on the direction of fed into a softmax classifier for prediction. This
the relation. For instance, the most informative tri- approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on
This is the result using only the text span between the the SemEval-2010 Task 8 dataset.
target nouns. Yu et al. (2014) propose a Factor-based Com-

Classifier Feature Set F1
SVM POS, prefixes, morphological, WordNet, dependency parse,
(Rink and Harabagiu, 2010) Levin classes, ProBank, FrameNet, NomLex-Plus, 82.2
Google n-gram, paraphrases, TextRunner
RNN word embeddings 74.8
(Socher et al., 2012) word embeddings, POS, NER, WordNet 77.6
MVRNN word embeddings 79.1
(Socher et al., 2012) word embeddings, POS, NER, WordNet 82.4
word embeddings 69.7
CNN+Softmax word embeddings, word position embeddings,
(Zeng et al., 2014) word pair, words around word pair, WordNet
FCM word embeddings 80.6
(Yu et al., 2014) word embeddings, dependency parse, NER 83.0
word embeddings 82.8
word embeddings, word position embeddings 84.1

Table 5: Comparison with results published in the literature.

Relation (e1,e2) (e2,e1)
e1 resulted in, e1 caused a, had caused e2 caused by, was caused by, are
the, poverty cause e2, caused a e2 caused by, been caused by, e2 from e1
e1 of the, of the e2, part of the, e2 ’s e1, with its e1, e2 has a,
in the e2, e1 on the e2 comprises the, e2 with e1
was in a, was hidden in, were in a, e2 full of, e2 with e1, e2 was full,
was inside a, was contained in e2 contained a, e2 with cold
e1 into the, e1 into a, e1 to the,
Entity-Destination -
was put inside, imported into the
away from the, derived from a, had the source of, e2 grape e1,
left the, derived from an, e1 from the e2 butter e1
are used by, e1 for e2, is used by, with a e1, by using e1, e2 finds a,
trade for e2, with the e2 e2 with a, e2 , who
of the e2, in the e2, of this e2, e2 of e1, of wild e1, of elven e1,
the political e2, e1 collected in e2 of different, of 0000 e1
e1 is the, e1 asserts the, e1 that the, described in the, discussed in the,
Message-Topic on the e2, e1 inform about featured in numerous, discussed
in cabinet, documented in two,
e1 by the, by a e2, of the e2, e2 of the, e2 has constructed, e2 ’s e1,
by the e2, from the e2 e2 came up, e2 who created

Table 6: List of most representative trigrams for each relation type.

positional Embedding Model (FCM) by deriving 6 Conclusion

sentence-level and substructure embeddings from
word embeddings, utilizing dependency trees and
In this work we tackle the relation classification
named entities. It achieves slightly higher accu-
task using a CNN that performs classification by
racy on the same dataset than (Zeng et al., 2014),
ranking. The main contributions of this work are:
but only when syntactic information is used.
(1) the definition of a new state-of-the-art for the
SemEval-2010 Task 8 dataset without using any
costly handcrafted features; (2) the proposal of a
new CNN for classification that uses class embed-
There are two main differences between the ap- dings and a new rank loss function; (3) an effective
proach proposed in this paper and the ones pro- method to deal with artificial classes by omitting
posed in (Socher et al., 2012; Zeng et al., 2014; Yu their embeddings in CR-CNN; (4) the demonstra-
et al., 2014): (1) CR-CNN uses a pair-wise rank- tion that using only the text between target nomi-
ing method, while other approaches apply multi- nals is almost as effective as using WPEs; and (5)
class classification by using the softmax function a method to extract from the CR-CNN model the
on the top of the CNN/RNN; and (2) CR-CNN most representative contexts of each relation type.
employs an effective method to deal with artificial Although we apply CR-CNN to relation classifica-
classes by omitting their embeddings, while other tion, this method can be used for any classification
approaches treat all classes equally. task.

Acknowledgments Yoon Kim. 2014. Convolutional neural networks for
sentence classification. In Proceedings of the 2014
The authors would like to thank Nina Wacholder Conference on Empirical Methods for Natural Lan-
for her valuable suggestions to improve the final guage Processing, pages 1746–1751, Doha, Qatar.
version of the paper. Tomas Mikolov, Kai Chen, Greg Corrado, and Jeffrey
Dean. 2013. Efficient estimation of word represen-
tations in vector space. In In Proceedings of Work-
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