Lesson Plan 3

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GCU College of Education


Section 1: Lesson Preparation

Teacher Candidate Nicole Whelan


Grade Level: 4th ICT


Unit/Subject: Reading, Session 5, Bend 1

Instructional Plan Reading the Weather, Reading the World, Unit 2


Lesson Summary The central focus on this lesson is to teach students to learn from text.
and Focus: Students will as themselves what signals do author give readers to allow them to know
when a part of a text should be read through the lens of the story or when a part of the
text should be read with a lens to read for information.

Classroom and Students are paired so that they are grouped with a peer of the same reading level, and
Student their social interaction level is conducive to learning.

National/State RI.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says
Learning Standards: explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
RI.4.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details;
summarize the text.
RI.4.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or
technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the

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RI.4.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or

phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area.
RI.4.5 Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect,
problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.
RI.4.7 Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, g
RI.4.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including
history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 4-5 text complexity
band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Specific Learning We are learning to understand that some text structures are hybrid.
Target(s)/Objectives: What I am Looking for is for students to be able to use an authors’ signals to
determine which lens to read through and how different parts of a nonfiction text fit
together. The objective is That students will be able to read an informational text to
deepen their knowledge while focusing on determining the main ideas and supporting
details, notetaking, using context clues to determine word meanings, fluency and
paragraph writing, My objective aligns to the learning goal because When students are
reading a text it is important the understand what they are reading and can synthesize
or summarize the text they read while understanding the content. As we move into our
second writing unit, personal and persuasive essays students will begin the writing unit b
help structure their writing. At the end of the unit student will develop a writing piece.

Academic Language  Text structures

 Hybrid Text Structures
 Chronological
 Compare/Contrast
 Problem/ Solution
 Cause and Effect
 Transition words (first, next, then, etc.)

Resources,  Anchor Chart

Materials,  Markers
Equipment, and
 Readers Notebook
 Pencil
 Everything Weather by Kathy Furgang
 Ted Talk video

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 SMART Board

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set 5 mins

The teacher will begin the lesson by referring to the anchor chart and reviewing different
text structures in a nonfiction text. The teacher then connect the lesson to previous days
by stating “another way that structure gets complex is when texts are “hybrids.” Has
anyone heard the word hybrid before? Maybe a hybrid car? A hybrid car has a gas
engine and an electric motor, so it has two different power sources that help the car run.
The same is true for a hybrid text. A hybrid text has two distinct parts to it, a narrative
part that sounds like a story, and an expository part that feels like it’s teaching a ton of

 I will use the anchor chart , “To read nonfiction Well…”

 I will display on the smart board the learning targets to show students while
discussing them.

Multiple Means of Representation 10 mins

In this lesson, many learners would benefit from visuals so I will create a power point
that displays the learning targets, key vocabulary works and an example of a students
work so they can follow along. Students will also watch a TED Talk video called,
Science is for Everyone. I will stop throughout the video to discuss key details of the
structure of the video.

 English language learners (ELL):

I have one student who uses a text to speech device on his IPAD. He also benefits
from visual pictures which be displayed on the power point.

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Multiple Means of Engagement 3 mins

My goal for engaging students in interacting with the content and academic language is
to provide them with opportunities to collaborate with one another throughout the lesson.

 Students will Turn and Talk to a partner throughout the lesson on their ideas and

 English language learners (ELL): This students is a high functioning ELL and is
able to discuss his thoughts and ideas with a partner.

 Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
resources/support):Will be given another challenge to discuss with their partner
or be asked to join another group to share ideas and expand onto the

Multiple Means of Expression 7 mins

Since students differ in ways that they show an understanding of a lessons I will use
various assessment tools to gain an understanding of the content from the students.
One way this will be demonstrated is through observations. The teacher will observe the
conversation between students through Turn and Talk and will provide the student with
extended questions to push their thinking. Another way I will provide assessments of the
content is by using a WALT and WILF tracker. I will keep track of What Are
Learning To and What I’m Looking For. This will help me to determine if I need to wok
in small groups with students who need extra support in a certain topic.

In order to monitor student learning I will provide them with continued feedback during
the lesson as well as a formative assessment. In order to gage their understanding of the
unit I will ask students to write a summary on the Ted Talk, discussing What they saw,
what the think and what they wonder. Students who need extra support will be provided
with a chart that has Think, See, Wonder set up for them on the smart board. They will
copy this into their note books and record their answers.

 English language learners (ELL): My ELL will have a Chart on his IPAD that
says, See, Think, Wonder with pictures so he is able to identify where to Talk to
Text his information.

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Extension Activity and/or Homework Time


Three instructional strategies I included in my lesson plan include Turn and Talk, graphic
organizer and visuals. These strategies promote collaboration, communication, critical
thinking, and creativity. Turn and Talk supports students scaffolded interactions to
generate ideas and share their thinking with their peers. This strategy allows students to
share their ideas and gain knowledge through hearing others thoughts. During this lesson
I will provide a graphic organizers for students. By doing so students will be able to
illustrate concepts and understand concepts in a text. This will also allow students to stay
focused on certain concepts while being organized.

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