21 Negros Oriental II Electric Cooperative Vs
21 Negros Oriental II Electric Cooperative Vs
21 Negros Oriental II Electric Cooperative Vs
Philippine Judges Association vs. Prado (G.R. No. (3) The respondents counter that there is no
105371, November 11, 1993 discrimination because the law is based on a valid
classification in accordance with the equal protection
G.R. No. 105371 November 11, 1993 clause. In fact, the franking privilege has been
The Philippine Judges Association, etc., petitioners withdrawn not only from the Judiciary but also the
vs Hon. Pete Prado, etc., respondents Office of Adult Education, the Institute of National
Ponente: Cruz Language; the Telecommunications Office; etc.
(1) We are convinced that the withdrawal of the
franking privilege from some agencies is germane to
the accomplishment of the principal objective of R.A.
No. 7354, which is the creation of a more efficient and
effective postal service system. Our ruling is that, by
virtue of its nature as a repealing clause, Section 35 did
not have to be expressly included in the title of the
said law.