Project Management - MGMT627 2011 Solved Mcqs
Project Management - MGMT627 2011 Solved Mcqs
Project Management - MGMT627 2011 Solved Mcqs
Behavioral management theory: : a method that focuses on people as individuals with needs
(also known as the human relations movement).
Continuous process: : a system that produces goods by continuously feeding raw materials
through highly automated technology.
Cost-leadership strategy: : system that focuses on keeping costs as low as possible through
efficient operations and tight controls.
Crisis problem: : an unexpected problem that has the potential to lead to disaster if not
resolved quickly and appropriately.
Cross-functional teams: : groups of experts in various specialties (or functions) who work
together on solutions to organizational problems.
Decentralized organizations: : firms that consciously attempt to spread authority to the lowest
possible levels.
Development plans: : a series of steps that can help employees acquire skills to reach long-term
goals, such as job promotions.
Financial audits: : formal investigations to ensure that procedures, policies, laws, and ethical
guidelines are followed in the handling and reporting of financial activities.
Job enlargement: : a type of job re-design that increases the variety of tasks a position
includes (also known as horizontal job loading).
Job sharing: : process in which one full-time job is split between two or more persons (also
known as twinning).
Joint venture: : a business relationship formed between a domestic and foreign firm.
Kaizen: : a Japanese term used in the business setting to mean incremental, continuous
Learning organizations: : firms that utilize people, values, and systems to continuously
change and improve performance based on the lessons of experience.
Licensure agreement: : contract that grants one firm the right to make or sell another
company's products.
Line authority: : a manager's right to direct the work of his or her employees and make
decisions without consulting others.
Manager: : a person responsible for the work performance of one or more other persons.
Quality: : reflects the degree to which a goods or services meet the demands and
requirements of the marketplace.
Quotas: : government regulations that limit the import of specific products within the year.
Referent power: : influence that results from leadership characteristics that command
identification, respect, and admiration from subordinates (also known as charismatic power).
Risk: : the environment that exists when a manager must make a decision without complete
Rule: : an explicit statement that tells a supervisor what he or she can and cannot do.
Satisfice: : the making of the best decision possible with the information, resources, and time
Scalar principle: : a system that demonstrates a clearly defined line of authority in the
organization that includes all employees.
Simulation: : a broad term indicating any type of activity that attempts to imitate an existing
system or situation in a simplified manner.
Strategic change: : revision that takes place when a company changes its tactics (strategy) —
possibly even its mission statement — to achieve current goals.
Strategic plan: : an outline of steps designed with the goals of the entire organization as a
whole in mind, rather than with the goals of specific divisions or departments.
Structural change: : variation that occurs when a company changes its procedures, policies,
and rules, and as a result, its organizational structure.
Structured problems: : familiar, straightforward, and clear difficulties with respect to the
information needed to resolve them.
Tactical plan: : steps detailing the actions needed to achieve the organization's larger strategic
Job analysis: : a study that determines all tasks and qualifications needed for each position.
Job enrichment: : a type of job re-design that not only includes an increased variety of tasks,
but also provides the employee with more responsibility and authority (also known as vertical
job loading).
Job rotation: : temporarily assigning employees to different job, or tasks to different people, on
a rotating basis.
Team structure: : organizational design that places separate functions into a group
according to one overall objective.
Technology: : the knowledge, machinery, work procedures, and materials that transform inputs
into outputs.
Telecommuting: : a work arrangement that allows at least a portion of scheduled work hours
to be completed outside of the office, with work at home as one of the options (also known as
Total Quality Management (TQM): : a philosophy that states that uniform commitment to
quality in all areas of the organization promotes a culture that meets consumers' perceptions of
Unity of command: : principle that states that an employee should have one and only one
supervisor to whom he or she is directly responsible.
Validity: : proof that the relationship between a selection device and some relevant job
criterion exists.
Vision: : the ability of the leader to bind people together with an idea.
Work specialization: : the degree to which organizational tasks are divided into separate jobs
(also known as the division of labor).
Zero defects: : a program that emphasizes doing it right the first time.
Bureaucracy: : a form of organization based on logic, order, and legitimate use of formal
Expectancy theory: : a motivational theory stating that the three factors that influence behavior
are the value of the reward, the relationship of the reward to performance, and the effort required
for performance
Expert power: : a leader's special knowledge or skills regarding the tasks performed by
Feedforward controls: : method used to identify and prevent defects and deviations from
Incentive pay: : links compensation and performance by paying employees for actual
results, not for seniority or hours worked.
Income statement: : a report that presents the difference between an organization's income and
expenses to determine whether the firm operated at a profit or loss over a specified time.
Network structure: : an operating process that relies on other organizations to perform critical
functions on a contractual basis.
Open system: : a method in which an individual or organization must interact with various and
constantly changing components in both the external and internal environments.
Operational goals: : specific, measurable results expected from first-level managers, work
groups, and individuals.
Organizational chart: : a pictorial display of the official lines of authority and communication
within an organization.
Organizing: : the process of establishing the orderly use of resources by assigning and
coordinating tasks.
Philosophy of management: : a manager's set of personal beliefs and values about people and
Plan: : a blueprint for goal achievement that specifies the necessary resource allocations,
schedules, tasks, and other actions.
Planning: : the act of determining the organization's goals and defining the means for
achieving them.
Privacy laws: : legal rights of employees regarding who has access to information about their
work history and job performance.
Procedure: : a set of step-by-step directions that explain how activities or tasks are to be
carried out.
Process theories: : rationales that attempt to explain how workers select behavioral actions to
meet their needs and determine their choices.
Accountability : the answering for one's actions and accepting the consequences
Affirmative action : a plan that requires employers to make an extra effort to hire and promote
people who belong to a protected group
Boundary spanning: : the process of gathering information from the external environment to
identify current or likely events and determine how those events will affect the organization.
Chain of command: : a line of authority that links all persons in an organization and defines
who reports to whom.
Classical adminsitrative: : the branch of classical management theory that emphasizes the
flow of information in organizations.
Classical management theory: : a theory, developed during the Industrial Revolution, that
proposes "one best way" to perform tasks. Classical management theory developed into two
separate branches: the classical scientific school and the classical administrative school.
Closed system: : an organization that interacts little with its external or outside
Contingency theory: : this principle examines the fit between the leader and the situation and
provides guidelines for managers to achieve an effective fit (also known as situational theory).
Classical scientific: : a branch of the school of classical management theory, whose emphasis is
on increasing productivity and efficiency.
Condition of certainty: : situation that occurs when the decision maker has perfect
knowledge of all the information needed to make a decision.
Content theory: : identifies physical or psychological conditions that act as stimuli for
human behavior.
Financial statements: : reports that provide management with information to monitor financial
Formal structure: : the hierarchical arrangement of tasks and people within an organization.
Functional structure: : an organizational design that groups positions into departments on the
basis of the specialized activities of the business.
Functional teams: : work groups that perform specific organizational functions with members
from several vertical levels of the hierarchy.
Management information systems: (MIS) : collects, organizes, and distributes data in such a
way that the information meets managers' needs.
Means-end chain: : the effective design of organizational goals that encourages the
accomplishment of low-level goals as a way of achieving high-level goals.
Mission statement : a document that describes what an organization stands for and why it
Motion study: : research designed to isolate the best possible method of performing a
given job.
Need theory: : a construct of motivation based upon physical or psychological conditions that
act as stimuli for human behavior.
Nonverbal communication: : actions, gestures, and other aspects of physical appearance that
can be a powerful means of transmitting messages (also known as body language).
Operational plan: : developed by a first level supervisor as the means to achieve operational
objectives in support of tactical plans.
Selective perception: : the tendency to single out for attention those aspects of a situation or
person that reinforce or appear consistent with one's existing beliefs, values, or needs.
Self-fulfilling prophecy: : a belief that a manager can, through his or her behavior, create a
situation where subordinates act in ways that confirm his or her original expectations.