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Lagrange Housner Hudson

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Chapter 9


"When one obtains a simple result by means of complicated calculations,

there must exist a more direct method of obtaining the result; the simplifi-
cations which occur and the terms which disappear during the course of the
calculations are certain indications that a method exists for which these
simplifications have already been made and in which these terms do not
appear."-M. Lam&,Thborie de l'%la.sticitb (1866).

As the problems in dynamics become more complex it naturally

becomes increasingly difficult to work out the solutions. This
difficulty is associated not only with the solution of the equations of
motion, but with their formulation as well. In fact, the derivation
of the basic differential equations of motion in a form suitable for a
particular complicated problem may well be the most difficult part
of the investigation. A number of methods, more powerful than
those hitherto considered in this book, have been developed for
deriving the equations for these more involved situations. Perhaps
the most generally useful of these more advanced methods for
engineering problems is that of Lagrange, who has put the basic
equations of motion in such a form that the simplifying features of a
particular problem can be utilized most advantageously. I n the
present chapter we shall derive Lagrange's equations, and we shall
indicate their application by a number of examples.
9.1 Generalized Coordinates. One of the principal advantages
of Lagrange's method is that one uses for each problem that co-
ordinate system which most conveniently describes the motion.
We have already seen that the position of a particle can be described
in a large number of different ways, and we have found in the
problems already discussed that the choice of a proper coordinate
system may introduce a considerable simplification into the solution
of a problem. In general, the requirement for a system of co-
ordinates is that the specification of the coordinates must locate
completely the position of each part of the system. This means that
there must be one coordinate associated with each degree of freedom
of the system.* We shall restrict the following treatment to systems
whose coordinates are independent, in the sense that a change can
be given to any one of the coordinates without changing any of the
other coordinates.? By the generalized coordinates ( 9 1 , qz, . . . qn)
we shall mean a set of independent coordinates, equal in number to
the degrees of freedom of the system. We use the word "general-
ized " to emphasize the fact that such coordinates are not necessarily
of the type of the simple ( x , y ,z ) or ( r ,0, $) systems which we have
already used, and to indicate that they are not necessarily lengths or
angles, but may be any quantity appropriate to the description of
the position of the system.
The ( x , y , z) coordinates of a point are expressible in terms of the
generalized coordinates ( 9 1 , 92, q3) by functional relations::

For example, if (ql, q2, q3) are the cylindrical coordinates ( r , 0, z )

the foregoing equations become:

The equations of motion in generalized coordinates for any parti-

cular system could always be obtained by writing the equations
* Morc exactly, there must be a t least one coordinate associated with each
degree of freedom. So called non-holo?~onzicsystems exist, for which, because
of t h e particular geometrical constraints involved, more coordinates are
required than thcre are degrees of freedom. Such systems are not often
encountered and will not be considered here. See Appendix I, references 32
and 33.
t I n some problems it may be more convenient to use coordinates which are
not all independent. See Appendix I, references 2, 7, 32, and 33.
: W e havc supposed t h a t t h e relation betwecn the coordinate systems does
not involve time. I n the more general treatment in which x = d ( q l , qa, . . . qn, 1 )
the analysis can proceed along essentially the same lines. Sec Appendix I ,
reference 2.
first in an (x, y, z) system, and then transforming to the q's by
Equations (9.1). This procedure usually leads to involved algebraic
manipulations, and it is better to make the transformation in general
terms and to write the equations of motion directly in generalized
9.2 Lagrange's Equations for a Particle. We shall first show
how the transformation to generalized coordinates may be made
for one particle. The extension to systems of particles will be a
direct one involving only a summation of the result over all of the
particles of the system.
The equations of motion of the particle will first be written in the
form :
F, = mx F , = my F , = mi
Multiply through the first equation by 6x, the second equation by
6y, and the third equation by 62, and add the resulting equations:

The quantities ax, 6y and 62 are small displacements, and they have
been written as deltas to emphasize that they may have arbitrary
values, consistent with the physical restraints, and hence are not
differentials.* The quantities ax, 6y and 62 are virtual displacements,
in the sense that this term is used in statics, and Equation (9.2)
is equivalent to Equation (7.30) previously obtained by a combination
of D'Alembertls Principle and the Principle of Virtual Displacements.
We now transform the coordinates in Equation (9.2) from the
(x, y, z) coordinates to the (ql, 92, q3) system, using the general trans-
formation Equations (9.1) above. From Equation (9.1) the dis-
placements 6x, 6y, and 62 can be written in terms of the q's as:

* If, for example, in a particular situation y = ax2, then dy = 2axdx, and

dy and dx are related. The symbol d rather than 6 would be used in such a
case to indicate that dy is not arbitrary but depends upon the value of dx.
In order to introduce a simplification into the algebra of the deriva-
tion, we shall now suppose that 6ql f 0 while 6q2 = 693 = 0.
This is permissible since we have defined the generalized coordinates
above as independent coordinates. Equations (9.3) thus become:

Substituting these values into Equation (9.2), we obtain:

The left side of Equation (9.4) has a simple physical meaning:
it is the work done by the external forces of the system during the
displacement 641. We shall equate this work to the expression
(Q18ql) and thus define the generalized force Q1 as:

This definition of the generalized force Q indicates the way in which

Q can be determined in specific problems. To find Qr, the total
work done by all of the external forces during a small displacement
696 of one of the coordinates is calculated, and Qr is then obtained by
dividing this total work by 6qr. I t should be noted that the general-
ized force does not necessarily have the dimensions of a force; for
example, if qt is an angle, 6qt is dimensionless, and Qc would have the
dimensions [FlLlTO]. In this particular case, Qa would be a moment.
Similarly if the generalized coordinate is a volume, then the dimen-
sions of the generalized force would be [FlL-ZTO].
We next transform the right side of Equation (9.4). From the
formula for the differentiation of a product we have:

From Equations (9.1) we may write:

a3 ax
so that: - - -; etc.
agl aql
We may also put:

With these substitutions, Equation (9.6) becomes:

Substituting this into the right hand side of Equation (9.4)along with
similar expressions for y and z , we obtain:

But the kinetic energy T of the particle is:

T = & m ( i 2+ y2 + t2)
So we have :

from which :

This is Lagrange's equation in the form in which it is most useful for

engineering problems.
If in the above derivation we had put 8qz # 0 while 691 = 6q3 = 0,
we would have obtained the same Equation (9.7) in terms of qz
instead of q l , and in a similar way an equation in terms of 43 could be
obtained. The above procedure thus leads to three independent
Lagrangian equations of motion corresponding to the three degrees
of freedom of the single particle, which we can write as:

If the forces acting on the system are conservative forces, so that

they can be derived from a potential energy V we may say by
definition that :
Thus for conservative systems Lagrange's equations can be written
in the form:

The potential energy V is a function of the generalized coordinates

qt but does not involve the velocities (it, thus - = 0, and Equation
(9.10) may be written in the form :

where L = (T - V). The quantity L, the difference between the

kinetic and the potential energy, is called the Lagrangian Function,
or the Kinetic Potential of the system.
I t should be noted that Lagrange's
equations in the form of Equations
(9.10) or (9.11) apply to conservative
systems only, whereas Equation (9.8)
applies to non-conservative systems as
EXAMPLE 1. Derive the equations
of motion for a particle in cylindrical
coordinates, using Lagrange's equa-
Solution. In this problem we have :

The kinetic energy T of the particle is:

T = hm(i2 + 7 2 4 2 + i 2 )
Thus, Lagrange's equation for the r-coordinate becomes:
and the differential equation of motion is:
m(7 - ~ $ 2 )= Fr
For the &coordinate :

and the differential equation of motion is:

m(r4 + 2 4 ) = Fb
For the z-coordinate :
a(-a zT ) - g = Qz

and the differential equation of motion is:

I t will be noted that these are the same expressions obtained in

Chapter 2, Equations (2.8).
EXAMPLE2. A simple pendulum con-
sisting of a concentrated mass m and a
weightless string of length I is mounted on
a massless support which is elastically re-
strained horizontally by means of a spring
having a spring constant k, as shown in
Fig. 9.2. Write the equations of motion
for the system, using Lagrange's equations,
and find the frequency of small oscillations FIG.9.2
of the pendulum.
Solution. We shall use as generalized coordinates for this problem
the angle 4 of the pendulum with the vertical, and the horizontal
displacement x of the point of support. The velocity of the mass m
in terms of these coordinates can be found by combining the two
velocity components x and 1$ by the cosine law, the angle between
these velocity component vectors being 4. The kinetic energy of
the mass is thus given by:

Since this is a conservative system, the forces can be determined from

the potential energy, or they can be determined directly from the
basic definition of the generalized force. Lagrange's equations can
thus be used either in the form of Equation (9.8) or of Equation
(9.10). We shall use in this example both methods for purposes of
The potential energy of the system may be computed, from its
basic definition, as the negative of the work done by the forces of the
system as the coordinates are increased from zero to general positive
For the spring:

For the pendulum, taking h as a vertical displacement:

vp = - l ( 1 - cos n
( - mg) dh = mgl(1 - cos 4)

thus the total potential energy is

V = +kx2 + mgl(1 - cos 4)

To find the generalized force Q,, imagine that the spring is stretched
a positive amount x, and consider the work done by all of the forces
of the system during an additional displacement 6x. The gravity
force on the pendulum, mg, does no work, and the spring force does
the work ( - kx)6x. Equating the total work to Q,Sx we obtain:

Similarly, to find Q,+,start the pendulum at some positive angle 4

and increase this angle by an amount 64. During this increase the
spring force does no work, but the gravity force mg is raised by an
amount Ah, as shown in Fig. 9.3.
Therefore :
Qd84 = - mgAh
but :
Ah = 1(8$) sin C+
so :
Q48Q = - rngl sin $84
and :
Qd = - rngl sin 4
We may check these expressions for the general-
ized forces by deriving them from the potential
energy :
av a
- - [ikxz + mgl(1 - cos +)] = - kx
Qz= -z= ax

Qh= - -a v- - - -
a [$kx2 + mgl(1 - cos $)I = - rngl sin 4
a+ a+
Now, using Lagrange's equations (Equations (9.8) or (9.10)) we
obtain, for the x-coordinate :
d aT d
&) = a (mx + mZQ cos +) = mx + mZ d; cos 4 - mZq9 sin 4

so the differential equation becomes :

mx + mld; cos + - ml42 sin 4 + kx = 0
For the +coordinate :
= (m/zQ + mlx cos Q) = ml24 + mlx cos 9 - mi&$ sin 4
- - -s i n ; Qd =
av = - rngl sin 4
a+ 84
so the differential equation becomes:
m124 + mlx cos t$ + rngl sin t$ = 0
A general solution of these two simultaneous non-linear differential
equations would be difficult, if not impossible, to obtain. I n practice,
solutions would be calculated by numerical techniques. If we limit
ourselves to small oscillations of the system, however, the equations
become linear, and a solution can easily be obtained. Setting
sin 4 x 4, cos 4 x 1 and neglecting terms of higher than second
order in displacements or velocities, the two differential equations
become :
mx + ml4 + kx = 0

Subtracting these two equations, we obtain:

Eliminating the 1 from the second equation by means of this expres-

sion gives:

Thus the pendulum executes small sinusoidal oscillations of

frequency :

If the point of support of the pendulum is fixed, k = cx, and the

frequency reduces to the known value for a simple pendulum.

9.1. By means of Lagrange's equations, derive the differential equations
of motion for a particle in spherical coordinates r , 0, 4.
9.2 A spherical pendulum consists of a particle of mass m supported by
a massless string of length 1. Using the angles 0 and 4 as generalized
coordinates, derive the two differential equations of motion by means of
Lagyange's equations. Show that these equations reduce to previously
known results when 0 and 4 are successively held constant.
9.3. .A particle moves in a plane and is attracted toward the origin of a
coordinate system by a force which is inversely proportional to the square
of the distance from the origin. Find, using Lagrange's equations, the
differential equations of motion of the system in plane polar coordinates.
9.4. A particle of mass m rests on a smooth horizontal table whose
surface lies in the x, y plane. The particle is connected by a massless
string of length 1 to a point which moves along the x-axis according to the
law x = f (t),starting from a position in which the string is parallel to the
y-axis as shown in the figure. (a) Using the coordinates x, 4 as shown, de-
rive by the use of Lagange's equations the differential equations of motion
of the particle. (b) If x = f (t) = vt, solve the equations of part (a),
determining the motion of the particle and the tension in the string.

9.5. A particle of mass m is supported by a frictionless horizontal disk

which rotates about a vertical axis through its center with a constant
angular velocity w . The particle is connected by a massless string of
length 1 to a point located a distance a from the center of the disk. Show
that the motion of the particle with respect to the disk is similar to that
of a simple pendulum, and find the frequency of small oscillations of the
system. Set up the equations in this problem by means of Lagrange's
9.3 Lagrange's Equations for a System of Particles. The
methods of the preceding section, which lead to Lagrange's equations
for a single particle, can be extended directly to a system of particles.
There will be (ql,qa, . . . q n ) independent coordinates required, where
n is the number of degrees of freedom of the system. The derivation
follows the same lines as for the single particle, except t h a t the
equations must now be summed over all of the particles of the
system. Thus, equation (9.4) becomes:
the total kinetic energy of the system becomes:

and as in the preceding section, we obtain the result:

and the number of equations obtained will just be equal to the

number of degrees of freedom of the system.
The total kinetic energy T can be computed by any means appro-
priate to the type of system involved. For rigid bodies, Equation
(9.13) has already been evaluated in terms of the moments and
products of inertia of the body, as in Equations (7.19) and (7.20) of
Chapter 7 , and can be introduced into Lagrange's equations in that
The following advantages of Lagrange's equations as compared
with some of the methods used in preceding chapters may be noted:
(1) The equations of motion are derived in the same way for
any set of coordinates. For each problem the most
suitable set of coordinates can thus be selected, with-
out altering the basic methods used.
(2) Since the kinetic energy involves velocities only, accelera-
tions do not have to be determined. This considerably
simplifies the kinematics part of many problems.
Since the velocities occur in squared terms, some
possible difficulties with algebraic signs are avoided.
(3) The required number of equations of motion are auto-
matically obtained.
Some of these advantages are simply the basic advantages of the
energy method, and Lagrange's equations may be thought of as
perhaps the most general and the most useful expression of the energy
EXAMPLE1. A rigid body rotates about a fixed axis under the
action of a torque M t . Find the equation of motion of the body by
means of Lagrange's equations.
Solution. The position of the rotating body can be completely
specified by one angle 4, which we shall take as the coordinate for
this one degree of freedom system. The kinetic energy of the body
is T = $142 where I is the moment of inertia of the body about the
axis of rotation. The work done by the torque Mt as the coordinate
is changed by an amount S+ is M&, therefore the generalized force
Qd = Mt. Then:

which checks the results of the analysis made in Chapter 7, Equation

EXAMPLE 2. A pulley of moment of
inertia I about its horizontal axis of rota-
tion is restrained by a spring of spring
constant kl as shown in Fig. 9.4. From
the other side of the pulley a spring of
spring constant kt and a concentrated
mass m are suspended, as shown. Find
by the use of Lagrange's equations the
equations of motion of the system.
Solution. We choose as the two co-
ordinates for this two degree of freedom
system the clockwise angle of rotation x
of the pulley +, and the downward dis- FIG. 9.4
placement x of the mass, measured from
the position of static equilibrium. There is no energy loss in the
system, and the potential energy of the system may be written as:

Note that since we are measuring the coordinates from the position
of static equilibrium there are initial forces mg in the springs, which
lead to terms in the potential energy expressions for the springs which
cancel the potential energy change of the mass due to the gravity
force (See Example 1, Section 3.6.) The kinetic energy of the
system is:
T = 9142 + imx2
Substituting these expressions directly into Lagrange's equations,
we obtain:
mx + k2x = kzr4
I4 + +
( k ~ k2)r24 = kzrx
A method of finding the solution of such simultaneous differential
equations will be discussed in the next section.

9.6. A rigid body oscillates about a horizontal axis as a compound
pendulum. The moment of inertia of the body about its axis of rotation
is I, and the distance from the axis to the center of mass of the body is a.
Derive the differential equation of motion of the system by Lagrange's
equations, and find the period of small oscillations.
9.7. A double pendulum consists of two equal masses and two strings
of equal length and of negligible mass. Using as coordinates the angles
between the strings and the vertical, as shown in the figure, find the
differential equations of motion for the system, by means of Lagrange's
equations. Show also the simplified form assumed by these equations for
small oscillations.

9.8. A rigid straight uniform bar of length 1 and mass m is pinned at one
end and is supported at distance a from the pinned end by a spring having
a spring constant k . Find by the use of Lagrange's equations the dif-
ferential equation of motion describing small oscillations of the bar about
the position of static equilibrium, and find the frequency of the motion.
9.9. A solid homogeneous disk of radius R and mass m is constrained to
roll, without slipping, in its own plane. Two massless springs, each of
spring constant k, are attached to the disk in such a way that the position
of static equilibrium, with the springs in an unstretched position, is as

shown in the figure. Derive the equations of motion of the system, using
Lagrange's equations, and find the natural period of the motion.
9.10. A rope of negligible mass passes over a fixed pulley of moment of
inertia I l , mass ml, and radius rl, and supports a movable pulley of moment
of inertia I z , mass mz, and radius Y Z as shown in the diagram. A con-
centrated mass is attached to one end of the
rope, and the other end is fixed, with the rope
sections vertical as shown. Assuming no slip-
ping of the rope on the pulleys, find by means
of Lagrange's equations the differential equation
describing the motion of the mass ms, as the
system moves under the action of gravity.
9.11. The string of a simple pendulum is
assumed to be elastic with a spring constant k,
as indicated in the diagram. Taking as general-
ized coordinates of the mass a displacement x in
the direction of the spring, and the angle 4
between the spring and the vertical, find the
differential equations describing small oscilla- 1
tions of the system.
9.12. A block of mass M has a cylindrical PROB.9.11
groove of radius R , as shown in the diagram. A
small cylinder of radius r and mass - rolls without slipping in the groove
under the action of gravity. The contact between M and the supporting
horizontal surface is frictionless. Find, using Lagrange's equations, the
two differential equations of motion of the system.

9.13. A circular gear of radius r, mass m, and moment of inertia about

the geometric axis I, rolls around the inside of a fixed circular gear of
radius R. The plane of the gear is horizontal. A straight uniform bar
of mass M connects the axis of small gear with a fixed point 0. A torque
Mt is applied to the system as shown in the diagram. Find, by the use
of Lagrange's equations, the equation of motion of the system in terms
of the angle 8. The connecting bar OA may be
assumed to be of length (R - r).
9.14. A circular cylinder of radius r and mass
m rolls without slipping in a semi-circular groove
of radius R cut in a block of mass &I which is
constrained to move without friction in a vertical
guide. The block is supported by a spring of
spring constant k, as shown in the figure. Taking
as coordinates the vertical displacement of the
block x , and the angular position of the cylinder
4, both measured from the position of static
equilibrium, find, by means of Lagrange's equa-
tions, the equations of motion of the system.
PROB. 9.14 Write also the simplified equations of motion for
small oscillations of the system.
9.15. A car of mass M moves along a frictionless horizontal plane. The
car carries a simple pendulum of length I and concentrated mass m as
shown in the diagram. Two equal springs of spring constant k attach the
pendulum, a t a distance a from the axis of rotation 0, to fixed walls.
Find, using Lagrange's equations, the differential equations of motion
describing small oscillations of the system.
9.4 Oscillations of Two Degree of Freedom Systems. Con-
sider a conservative system consisting of two equal masses m and

three equal springs of spring constant k connected as shown in Fig.

9.5. This is the simplest type of system which illustrates the new
features which appear in a vibration problem when more than one
degree of freedom is present. Taking x l and x2, the displacements
of the two masses from the equilibrium position, as the coordinates,
we have :
T = +m(d12 + x 2 2 )
V = + k ~ l 2+ + k ( x l - X Z ) ~+ + k ~ z 2
= k~12+ k ~ 2 2- ~ X ~ X Z

Substituting these expressions into Lagrange's equations, we obtain

the two simultaneous differential equations of motion :

Each of these equations involves both x l and x2. Since a displace-

ment of x l changes the force applied to the x2 mass, such coordinates
are said to be statically coupled.
From the form of the equations, and from the nature of the
physical problem, we expect the oscillations of the system to be
harmonic, i.e., a solution of the form sin o t or cos wt should be
suitable. We shall thus take as trial solution:
xl = -41 sin wt

xe = A2 sin wt

and we shall see, by direct substitution in the equations of motion,

whether we can make this form, involving two constants and a
common frequency, satisfy all of the conditions of the problem.
Substituting these assumed solutions into the differential equation
and cancelling common factors, we obtain:

Each of these equations gives a value for the ratio A l / A z ; equating

these ratios gives:

This is the frequency equation which determines the proper values of

w . The equation is quadratic in w2 and has two roots giving the

The frequency equation can also be obtained by noting that since

the two simultaneous algebraic equations in A1 and A2 are homo-
geneous, they can have a solution other than zero only if the deter-
minant formed from the coefficients of the A's disappears:

This, of course, gives the same frequency equation.

To find the configuration of the system corresponding to the two
natural frequencies of vibration found above, we solve for the ratio
from either of the algebraic equations; for example:

Substituting wlZ = -, we obtain:

hence, the two masses move in phase with equal amplitudes. Sub-
stituting wz2 = 3 - we obtain:

and the two masses move with equal amplitudes but in opposite
directions, that is, with a 180" phase difference.
The physical significance of these two motions can easily be seen.
If A1 = A2 the two masses move together with equal amplitudes
and the center spring connecting them is neither extended nor
compressed; hence it cannot affect the motion. The frequency of
vibration should thus be the same as for one of the masses restrained
by only one of the springs, that is, w2 =-.m For the motion in which
the two masses always move in opposite directions, we note that the
displacements are symmetrical and that the center point of the center
spring can be considered as fixed. We can thus represent the
system as shown in Fig. 9.6, which is a single degree of freedom
system having a spring constant of k + 2k = 3k and hence a fre-

The above analysis started with the assumption that the solution
was of the form x = A sin wt. We could just as well have started

with a solution of the form x = A cos wt, in which case the same
algebraic equations for the A's would have been obtained. Since
both sine and cosine terms will satisfy the original equations, and
since superposition of solutions will be valid for the linear differential
equations involved, the general solution can be made up of a sum of
sines and cosines as:

xi = A l ( l )sin wlt+ A I ( ~sin) w2t + B 1 ( l )cos wit + B 1 ( 2 )cos w2t

Xz = A 2 ( l ) sin w ~ +
t A Z ( ~sin) w2t + Bz(1)cos wlt + B2(2) cos 0 2 t

where the subscripts on the A's and B's refer to the coordinates, and
the superscripts refer to the frequencies. We have already seen that
the A's and hence the B's, which must satisfy the same equations
as the A's, are not arbitrary, but must satisfy the conditions:
so the general solution becomes:

x2 = Alcl) sin wlt - A I ( ~sin

) wet + Bl(1)cos wlt - B1(2)cos w2t
We thus have four arbitrary constants A l ( l ) ,A I W , B 1 ( l )and Bl(2)
which will suffice to specify the two initial displacements and the two
initial velocities for the two masses. The most general motion of the
system can thus be thought of as a superposition of the motions
corresponding to the two natural frequencies.
9.5 Principal Modes of Vibration. The two configurations in
the preceding section which correspond to motions having the two
natural frequencies of vibration of the system, are called the two
natural modes of vibration. In general, by the word "mode" we
refer to a motion of the system that can be described by a single
frequency. We have seen that the solution of the preceding problem
is a superposition of two modes of vibration, each having its charac-
teristic frequency. There is often a decided advantage in choosing
for the system that set of coordinates for which each coordinate has
only one frequency. In the present problem this can be done by
introducing the new coordinates [I and (2, defined as :

If we write the general solution for xl and xs, as obtained in the

preceding section, in terms of these new coordinates, we obtain:

and each coordinate involves only one frequency and one mode of
vibration. Coordinates which have this property are called normal
coordinates, and the modes of vibration corresponding to them are
called the principal modes, or the normal modes of the system.
Once the normal coordinates of a system have been determined,
the problem has been essentially reduced to a study of a set of inde-
pendent single degree of freedom systems. This can be illustrated
by the system of Fig. 9.5 with a force F = FOsin ot applied to the
left mass, as shown in Fig. 9.7. Since we have already seen that the
coordinates ( I , ( 2 describe the principal modes of the system, we shall
use these normal coordinates as the generalized coordinates for the
forced oscillation problem. Substituting xl = + 6 2 ; x 2 = 6 1 - 6 2

in the equation for kinetic and potential energy of the preceding

section, we obtain:
T = m(k12+ $22)

v = k(Ei2 + 3 ( z 2 )
To find the generalized force Q associated with the applied external
force F, we note that the work done by F during the displacement
6x1 = 651 + 8 6 2 is:

from which we see that:

Q1 = F, Q2 = F
Lagrange's equations are now used in the form:

Note that some of the forces acting on the masses have been included
in the potential energy, while some have been left as generalized
forces. This is often a convenient procedure in problems in which
the forces fall naturally into two different categories as in the above
example. I t is necessary, however, to be careful that all of the forces
are included, and that no forces are included twice.
Substituting the expressions for T, V and Q into Lagrange's
equations, we obtain :

Fo sin
m%z + 3k& = mt

These are two independent equations, each involving only one

unknown, which describe the forced oscillations of the system.
They are equations of the same type as those discussed in Chapter 5,
so that the conclusions reached in that chapter as to the behavior
of a single degree of freedom system can be applied directly to the
motion of the present two degree of freedom system. I t should be
noted that any coordinate system for which the expressions for the
kinetic and potential energies are sums of squares and do not involve
cross-product terms will lead directly to a set of independent
equations of motion. One of the ways in which the normal co-
ordinates of a system can be found is to determine the transformation
of coordinates required to make the cross-product terms in the kinetic
and potential energies disappear simultaneously. In the above
example we were able to determine the normal coordinates by inspec-
tion, because of the simplicity of the system and the symmetry
involved. In most problems this is not possible, and the normal
coordinates must be determined from the natural mode shapes, as
calculated for the free vibration problem.
In the next section we shall show how the theory of theabove
section can be extended to include a wide class of vibration problems
of any number of degrees of freedom. The fact that linear vibration
problems of any complexity can be considered as a number of super-
imposed single degree of freedom systems makes it possible to apply
the theory of Chapter 5 directly to the more complex systems, and
provides an additional justification for a detailed study of the single
degree of freedom system.

9.16. Derive the differential equations of motion for the system of
Fig. 9.5 by a direct application of Newton's second law in the form F = ma.
9.17. Find the natural frequencies of vibration of the two-mass system
shown in the figure.

9.18. Two simple pendulums having equal lengths I and equal con-
centrated masses m are connected by a spring of spring constant k as
shown in the figure. Find the frequencies of vibration for small oscil-
lations, and the principal modes of vibration of the system. What initial
conditions would be necessary to obtain free oscillations of the system in
the first mode without exciting the second mode, and vice versa?
9.19. For the purpose of studying
torsional oscillations, a particular
engine-pump system is idealized as two
equal disks of mass m and moment of
inertia I about the geometric axis,
- equally spaced on a shaft one end of
which is built in. The torsional spring
constant kt lb ftlrad of the two portions
of the shaft are equal. Find the natural
PROB. 9.19 frequencies and mode shapes of tor-
sional oscillations of the system.
9.20. Find the natural frequencies of small oscillations of the double
pendulum of Prob. 9.7, and determine the shapes of the corresponding
modes of vibration.
9.21. In the expressions given above for the general solution x l and x2
for the two degree of freedom system, determine the four constants A l c l ) ,
A I ( ~ B) ,l ( l ) and B1(2)in terms of the initial displacements x l o , x2o and the
initial velocities xlO, i 2 0 .
9.22. (a) Starting with the expressions given above for the general
solution x l and x2 for the two degree of freedom system in terms of the
four constants A 1 ( l ) , A I W , B 1 ( l ) and B I ( ~show
) that if when t = 0,
xl = x2 = 0 and i1= xlo, x2 = x20, the displacement xl is given by:
xl = Cl sin wlt + C2 sin w2t
(b) Using the result of part (a), show that if wl is nearly the same as
w2 SO that (wl - w2) = Aw, X I varies between the values (C1 Cg) and+
(C1 - C2) with a frequency Aw, as shown in the figure. This modulation

of the amplitude of a sinusoidal motion resulting from the superposition of

two sinusoidal motions of different frequencies is called the phenomenon
of beats, and the frequency Aw = ( w l - w z ) is called the beat frequency.
Note that if C 1 = C 2 , xl passes through zero at periodic times corre-
sponding to the beat frequency.
9.23. A double pendulum consists of two equal masses suspended from
massless strings of equal length I . The masses are connected to a wall by
equal springs of spring constant k as shown in the figure. Initially the

system has a vertical position with the springs in an unstretched condition.

Find the natural frequencies of small oscillation about the position of
equilibrium, and determine the corresponding mode shapes.
9.24. Two equal masses are attached to a stretched string of length 31
as shown in the diagram. The tensile force in the string is F and can be
assumed to be constant during small transverse oscillations of the masses.
Neglecting gravity forces and the mass of the string, find the principal
modes for small transverse vibrations of the system and their frequencies.
9.25. Show that if the coordinates of a system are selected so that the
kinetic and potential energies can be written as the sums of squares with
no cross-product terms in the form:
T = +(a1q12 + ~ 2 9 2+~- . -)
V = + ( h q i 2 + b2q22 + . . )
the equations of motion will each involve only one unknown and hence
can be solved directly. Note that q l , q z , . . . in this case would be the
normal coordinates for the system.
9.26. A rigid machine of mass m, and moment of inertia I about an axis
through the center of mass normal to the plane of the figure, is supported

on springs as shown in the diagram. The supports are equivalent to a

spring of spring constant 2k located a t a distance of a from the center of
mass, and a spring having a spring constant of k located a distance of 2a
from the center of mass and 3a from the first spring as shown. Consider-
ing only plane oscillations of the system it will be seen that the machine
can vibrate vertically and can also perform rotational oscillations about
an axis through the center of mass. Find the natural frequencies of small
oscillations of the machine about the position of static equilibrium.
9.27. A uniform disk of mass ml and radius Y is free to roll without
slipping on a horizontal surface. At the center of the disk is attached a
weightless string of length 1 which carries a concentrated mass mz at its
lower end. (a) Find the natural frequencies of vibration of the system
for motion in the plane of the disk for small oscillations of the pendulum.
(b) Describe the motions of the system corresponding to each of the
frequencies found in part (a).
9.28. A solid homogeneous cylinder of mass 2 m and radius R rolls with-
out slipping on a car of mass m which slides without friction on a smooth
horizontal plane. The car is attached to a wall by a horizontal spring of
spring constant k, and an identical spring attaches the center of the
cylinder to the car as shown in the figure. Taking as coordinates the
absolute displacements of the car X I , and of the center of the cylinder xz,

find the frequencies of vibration of the system and the corresponding

mode shapes.
9.29. A horizontal uniform beam rests on two similar circular cylinders
which can rotate freely without friction about their geometric axes. The
beam rolls freely on the cylinders without slipping. The mass of each
cylinder is am and the mass of the beam is 2m. A pendulum having a

length I and a concentrated mass m is attached to the center of the beam

which is initially midway between the cylinders. (a) Write the dif-
ferential equations of motion for the system. Do not assume small
motions. (b) Assuming small displacements and velocities, determine
the natural frequencies of the system.

9.6 Small Oscillations of a Conservative System. In the pre-

ceding sections and in Chapter 5 a number of vibration problems of
various kinds have been discussed, and many common features have
been noted in the behavior of systems that were physically quite
dissimilar. We shall now show that a more general approach to the
vibration problem can be made, and that many of the characteristics
of vibrating systems can be derived in general terms that can be
applied to a large variety of physical situations.
We shall limit the present discussion to systems in which there are
no energy dissipations, and for which the forces can be derived from
a potential energy function. I t will further be supposed that the
displacements and velocities of the system are small, so that higher
order terms in these quantities can be dropped. This assumption
of small oscillations will usually result in a set of linear differential
equations, for which solutions can readily be obtained. We will
consider an n degree of freedom system having the generalized
coordinates (91~92,. . . qn),which are defined in such a way that they
all have zero values a t a position of stable equilibrium of the system.
9.7 The Potential Energy Function. The potential energy V
will be a function of the generalized coordinates (ql, 92, . . q,) .
Expanding this function in a Taylor series about the position of
static equilibrium we obtain :

+ higher order terms

where the derivatives are all evaluated at the origin. If we define
the potential energy of the system as zero at the origin, V O= 0.
Since the system is in static equilibrium at the origin, the sum of the
forces on the system vanishes at the origin, thus :

Also, by virtue of the assumption of small oscillations, terms of

higher order than the second can be dropped, as being small
compared to the second order terms. The expression for V thus
becomes :

Since -= - the term involving the mixed derivative can
aqi 841 841 84;
be written :

All the terms in the expression for V will thus have the same form,
and a summation convention can be used as follows:

The derivatives in this expression, since they are all evaluated a t the
origin, are constants, which we may write in the form:

and we have finally for the potential energy:

The terms k2j may be called the generalized spring constants for
the system. In some simple systems these k's will be the same as
the familiar spring constants of a spring element, but more generally
they are combinations of such spring constants, and may relate to
torsional restoring forces, gravitational restoring forces, etc.
9.8 The Kinetic Energy Function. The total kinetic energy of
a system can be expressed in terms of the orthogonal coordinates
( x i , yt, zt) of each particle as
We shall now express T in terms of the generalized coordinates. We
xr = + 1 ( q 1 , 9 2 , 9,)
Yt = $2(41, 9 2 , ' qn)
zt = +3(ql, 921 ' ' ' qn)
and thus:

The expression for T thus becomes :

Collecting terms, this becomes:

T = t zi= mI t { [ ( $ ) + (g)+ (2)')I q12

+ [ 2 (8%4 1 ) ( 3a q)2 + 2 ( 3 ) ( ! 2 ) + 2(*)(*)]q1q2 + . ..
aq1 a92 aq1 aq2

using the summation convention as above:

n n

T = 12 x m & j j
i=l j=l
where, for example:

+ m2[(-32 + (g)'+ ($)'I +

In general, the coefficients mtj are not constants, but are functions of
the coordinates. If a typical mil be expanded in a Taylor series about
the origin, we obtain :

We shall now make use of one of our basic assumptions that the
velocities (dl, q2, . . . qn) remain small. If any of the terms in the
above series expansion for mtj beyond the constant term ( m t j ) ~
were to be retained, the expression for T would have third order
terms in it, since the mtj is multiplied by (jagj). We thus see that
for small oscillation problems the mi, terms are constant, and we
have finally for the kinetic energy expression :
n n

T = i2 2 mtjjth; mtj = mjt = constant (9.16)

The constants mif are called the inertia constants of the system.
For simple systems they may be simple masses or moments of inertia,
but more commonly they are combinations of such quantities
depending on the coordinate system used.
It will be noted that both the potential energy and the kinetic
energy are similar quadratic forms. This fact has made it possible
to apply directly to small oscillation problems many of the mathe-
matical techniques which have been developed for the study of
quadratic forms.
9.9 The General Equations of Free Oscillations. Since the
kinetic energy expression, Equation (9.16), does not involve the q's
directly, but only the q's, the term - in Lagrange's equations will
vanish, and we have:
The terms involving the ktj cross-products are referred to as the
static coupling terms, and those containing the mrj cross-products as
dynamic coupling terms. Note that the word "coupling" refers to
the coordinates and not to the systems, so that the kinds of coupling
present depend upon the coordinates chosen rather than upon the
characteristics of the system itself. I t can be shown in general that
it is always possible to choose the generalized coordinates in such a
way that all the static coupling terms, or all the dynamic coupling
terms, or all the static and dynamic coupling terms together, will be
We shall suppose, in the following sections, that the coordinates
have been selected in such a way that all of the dynamic coupling
terms are zero. This simplification is for convenience only, and does
not represent any limitation of the basic theory.
The expression for the kinetic and potential energies for this
statically coupled system are:

where we no longer need a double subscript for the mtj terms, since
there are no cross-product terms. Substituting these expressions
for T and V into Lagrange's equations, Equation (9.17) above, we
obtain :
mlql +kllql + k12q2 + ' ' i- k2nqn = 0
m2q2 h l q l + A2242 + . . + k2nqn = 0

Since there is no damping, the solution of this set of equations will

be of the form:
qt = A t sin wt + Br cos wt
since the sine and cosine terms will lead to the same equations, we
shall take as the solution, following the same method as in the two
degree of freedom example of Section 9.4,
qi = Ar sin wt (9.19)
where A t is the amplitude of the harmonic solution of frequency o.
Substituting Equation (9.19) into Equations (9.18), we obtain the
following set of algebraic equations:

This set of homogeneous simultaneous equations will have a non-

trivial solution only if the determinant of the coefficients vanishes:

This determinant is the frequency equation, from which the natural

frequencies of free vibration, w,, can be determined if the k's and
m's for the system are known. This frequency equation will give n
values of w2 from which the n positive real values, (wl, w2, . . .
w, . . . wn) can be determined.
Corresponding to each natural frequency w, will be a set of A
values (Alc'), A2('), A3('), . . . An(')) which will describe the con-
figuration of the system as it vibrates harmonically with the fre-
quency w,. Such a set of A(r)'s defines the shape of a @inci$al mode
of oscillation of the system. Note that the values of the A's are
not determined; it is only the ratios between the A's, that is, the
"shape" of the mode, that can be determined from the set of homo-
geneous Equations (9.20). Physically this means that while the
shape of the harmonic mode is fixed, its absolute amplitude can have
any value, so long as it remains small. The notation that is used for
the A's should be carefully considered; note that the subscript refers
to the coordinate, while the superscript in parentheses refers to
the mode of vibration. On the other hand, for the frequency a ,
which involves the mode only, and not the individual coordinates, it
is more convenient to use the single subscript referring to the mode,
as w,.
The general solution of the set of simultaneous differential
equations of motion Equation (9.18) can be obtained by a super-
position of the solutions corresponding to the principal modes:

A similar expression involving a cos wrt instead of the sin w,t could
be added if necessary to satisfy the initial conditions of a particular
9.10 Orthogonality of the Principal Modes. In the present
section a basic property of the principal modes of vibration will be
developed which will be of considerable use for the calculation of
natural frequencies and mode shapes, as well as for further extensions
of the theory.
Consider two particular principal oscillations having different fre-
quencies w , and w,. From Equations (9.20) we may write:

where each equation is of the form:

Multiply the first equation by A ~ ( s )and

, the second equation by
A&'), obtaining :

each of these equations is a set of (i = 1, 2, 3, . . . n) equations;

adding this system of equations term by term on each side, we obtain:

In the left side of the second equation the subscript i may be written
as j and the subscript j may be written as i without affecting the
value of the term, since krj = kjc and in each case we are only
summing from 1 to n on the subscripts. We thus see that the left
sides of the two equations are identical and hence if the second is
subtracted from the first there results:

Since we have picked w, we have, finally:

# us,

This equation is called the orthogonality relation. The reason for

this name may be seen by considering two vectors a and b which are
perpendicular, or orthogonal, to each other. The analytical con-
dition for this orthogonality is a * b = 0, or:

Thus, Equation (9.24) may be thought of as the condition that two

n-dimensional vectors m*A (s) and m*A(r) are orthogonal.
9.11 Example: The @alculationof Natural Frequencies and
Mode Shapes. As an illustration of the above general theory, we
shall work out a particular example. Three equal masses slide

without friction on a horizontal plane. They are connected together

by three equal springs of spring constant k as shown in Fig. 9.8.
Find the natural frequencies and mode shapes for this system.
Solution. Take as coordinates the three absolute displacements
of the masses, X I , x z , and x3. Then, in terms of these coordinates:
T = im(x12 + 222 + $32)
V = i k ~ 1 2+ i k ( ~ -1 ~ 2 ) 2+ Qk(x2 - x3)2
= & ( 2 k ) ~ 1+ 2 $(2k)xz2 + ikx32 - ~ X ~ - X Z~ X Z X ~
Thus, in this particular problem, we have a statically coupled set of
coordinates, with :

Substituting these values into Equation (9.20) we obtain:

(2k - mw2)Al - kA2 = 0
- k A i 4 (2k - mw2)Az - k A 3 = 0
- k A z + (k - mwZ)A3 = 0

or, putting

The frequency determinant, Equation (9.2l), becomes :

Expanding the determinant, we obtain the following polynomial

equation for f :
f3 - 5 f 2 + 6 f - 1 = 0
from which :
f i = 0.198; j 2 = 1.555; f3 = 3.247

Thus, the three natural frequencies of vibration are:

We find the mode shapes from the three algebraic equations

for Al, A z , A 3 in terms of the f. Since it is only the ratios between
the A's that can be determined, we can arbitrarily set A1 = 1 for
each of the modes, so that we can work with numbers; then:

For the first mode, for which f l = 0.198

For the second mode, fa = 1.555

L Equilibrium position

First mode

Second mode

Third mode

For the third mode, f3 = 3.247

Thus, in the lowest mode of vibration the three masses always

move in the same direction, with ma having 2.245 times the ampli-
tude of ml, and mz having 1.802 times the amplitude of ml. I n the
second mode, ml and ma move in the same direction, while m3
moves in the opposite direction, and in the third mode ml and ma
move in the same direction while ma moves in the opposite direction.
The configuration of the system as it vibrates in each of the principal
modes of vibration can be indicated diagrammatically as in Figure 9.9.
W e m a y use t h e orthogonality relationships of Equation (9.24) t o
check the values of t h e A's:

So :


Note t h a t in this particular problem t h e m's drop out of t h e ortho-

gonality relation, since all of t h e masses are equal.

9.30. In the expression for the kinetic energy T, Equation (9.16), write
the general term mtj in the form of a summation, and show that mtj = mjc.
9.31. Refer to Example 2 , Section 9.2 above, and show that for small
oscillations the equations for kinetic and potential energy derived there
in terms of the coordinates x and 4 reduce to the form of Equations (9.15)
and (9.16). Find the mcj's and the ktj1s for this particular example.
What kind of coupling exists between the (x, 4) coordinates ?
9.32. Referring to the two masses on a stretched string of Prob. 9.24
above, write the kinetic and potential energies in terms of suitable
coordinates, and determine the ktj's and the mij's for the problem. Cal-
culate the natural frequencies of vibration of the system by a direct sub-
stitution of the k's and m's into the frequency determinant Equation (9.21).
9.33. The figure shows three different coordinate systems suitable for
the description of small oscillations of a double pendulum consisting of
two equal masses and two massless strings of equal length. Write expres-
sions for the kinetic and potential energy of the system in each of the three
coordinate systems, and state whether static coupling or dynamic coupling
is present in each.
9.34. Three equal simple pendulums of length 1 and concentrated mass
m are coupled by two equal springs of spring constant k located a distance
a from the point of support as shown in the figure. (a) Using as co-
ordinates the three angles 41, c&, 4 3 and considering small oscillations only,
write the expressions for the potential and kinetic energy of the system,
and find the values of the kills and the mu's for this problem. (b) Find
the natural frequencies of vibration of the system. (c) Find the mode
shapes for the system.
9.35. An approximate dynamic model of a three story steel-frame

building can be formed from three concentrated masses and three massless
springs as shown in the figure. During lateral vibrations of the building,
as for example, during an earthquake, it is assumed that the floors move
parallel to each other, so that the action is primarily that of shear. The

masses of the three floors and the shearing spring constants are as shown
in the figure. Show that the frequency equation for small lateral
oscillations is :
2f3- 13f2+ 20f- 6 = 0 ; f = -
9.12 Forced Oscillations. We shall now suppose that the
statically coupled conservative system which has been considered
above is acted upon by a system of periodic exciting forces Fz sin wt
so that the basic equations of motion become :

$(%) + = F , sin wt

Following the same procedure that was successful for the single
degree of freedom system of Chapter 5, we shall assume that the
steady state solution will be harmonic and of the same frequency as
the exciting force, In what follows we shall consider steady state
motion only. We suppose that there is a small amount of damping
present which after a time will eliminate the transient terms, but
which is not large enough to change appreciably the steady state
forced amplitudes.
It cannot be expected that the solution will involve only a single
mode of vibration, since all of the modes may be excited simul-
taneously. We accordingly write a trial solution in the form :

where the coefficients c z ( r ) are the steady state amplitudes of the

forced oscillations of the various modes. We do not need to include
a phase angle in this expression, since for the undamped system the
phase shift will be either zero or 180".
Substituting the general expressions for kinetic and potential
energies into Equation (9.25) we obtain:

Putting Equation (9.26) into this equation, and cancelling the

common sin wt term leads to:
The next step will consist of expressing the coefficients ct(r) in
terms of the mode shape numbers Ar(r) that have been defined above
in connection with the free oscillation problem. We define a new
coefficient, a @ )as:

The physical significance of Equation (9.28) is that we suppose each

mode excited by the external forces to have the same shape as the
free oscillation mode, with an amplitude a(r) that remains to be
Substituting Equation (9.28) into Equation (9.27), we find that
the second term becomes:

We now refer back to Equation (9.23), which states that:

Introducing this into the last expression above, we can write Equation
(9.27) as:
Note that for the single degree of freedom case Equation (9.29)
reduces to the form :

which checks the conclusions reached in Chapter 5 for the steady state
amplitude of the single degree of freedom system with no damping.
For the multiple degree of freedom system this calculation is not so
simple, because the amplitude coefficients a(r) occur in Equation
(9.29) as the coefficients in a series. These constants can be deter-
mined, however, by expanding the exciting forces Fr into a series of
the same normal functions A t @ ) that appear with the amplitude
coefficients. We will thus write the exciting force as:

where we use j instead of i to indicate that such an expansion could

be applied in general to any one of the forces. This process of
expanding the function F5 into a series is similar in principle to the
expansion of a function in a Fourier series, but instead of sines and
cosines we use the functions A+r) because of their appropriateness to
the particular problem involved. The method of determining the
unknown coefficients is analogous to that used for the Fourier
Writing several terms of Equations (9.30) gives:

Multiply both sides of this equation by Ar(r),and thus obtain:

Summing over both sides of this set of n equations gives:

where r # s. The second term on the right becomes:

but by the orthogonality relation of Equation (9.24) :

and hence the only term left on the right is the single term involving
f ( r ) , and we find :

Substituting Equations (9.31) and (9.30) into Equation (9.29) will

then give the amplitude coefficients a @ :)

The final solution for the steady state vibrations is then given by
Equation (9.28) and (9.26):


As a specific example illustrating the use of Equation (9.33) consider

the system of three masses of Figure 9.8. Suppose that a force
F sin at acts on the middle mass m2, and that we are to determine
the steady state motion of the first mass m l . Using Equation (9.33)
we first substitute i = 1, since we wish the motion of the first mass:


j- 1

We then expand the r-summation, and obtain the three terms:

We next expand the j-summations, noting that F1 = F3 = 0,

F2 = F ; thus, for example:

Thus we have :
The values of the A's have already been determined in the example
of Section 9.11 above, where we obtained :
A 1 ( l )= 1 Al(2)= 1 A1(3)= 1
A2(l) = 1.802 A2(2) = 0.445 A 2 ( 3 )= - 1.247
A3(1) = 2.245 A3(2) = - 0.802 A3(s)= 0.555
which gives directly the final answer:

XI = -
(0.9 - w2)
( ~ 3 -
0.435 I
2 w2)

sin wt

where ~ 1 =2 0.198 -. wz2 = 1.555 -. w32 = 3.247 - as determined

m' m' m
in the example of Section 9.11.

9.36. In the example of the three masses and the three springs worked
out above, suppose that the force F sin wt acts on the right hand mass,
and determine the steady state motion of the left hand mass.
9.37. Refer to the triple pendulum system of Prob. 9.34, and apply a
sinusoidal horizontal force F sin wt
to the left hand pendulum. Calcu-

late the steady state motion of the
middle pendulum.
9.38. Suppose that during an
earthquake the ground supporting
a shear-type building moves with a
h o r i z o n t a l acceleration a ( t ) .
(a) Show that if xl, x z and xs are
the lateral displacements of the
floors relative to the moving ground,
the equations of forced oscillations (a) (b)
of the building are the same as if PROB. 9.38
the ground were fixed and external
exciting forces as shown in diagram (b) were applied.
(b) If a = a0 sin wt, find the displacement of the first story relative to
the ground, in terms of the applied motions, the natural frequencies, the
masses, and the mode shape numbers A&').
9.13 The Calculus of Variations. Many problems of classical
mechanics are most naturally formulated in terms of maximum or
minimum statements. Consider, for example, the famous problem
of the Brachistochrone, as formulated b y John Bernoulli in 1696.
"A particle, under the action of gravity, slides along a smooth curve
which lies in a vertical plane. Find the form of the curve for which
the time required for the particle to move between two given points
on the curve is a minimum." As a second example, consider the
statics problem of the determination of the equilibrium form of a
flexible chain, supported a t its ends and hanging in a vertical plane.
This problem can be solved by finding the shape of the chain which
makes the potential energy of the system a minimum.
Such problems have aroused the interest of some of the greatest
investigators. The Brachistochrone problem was first solved
independently by John Bernoulli, Newton,
and Leibnitz and the development of the basic
theory of such problems was carried out by
Euler and Lagrange. An idea of the funda-
mental mathematical problem may be obtained
y " f ( ~ ) from the analytical statement of the Brachi-
stochrone problem. In Fig. 9.10, the particle
of mass m slides down the vertical curve AB
Y under the action of the gravity force mg, and
FIG.9.10 we wish to determine the shape of the curve
y = f ( x ) such that the time from A to B is a
minimum. The time required by the particle to travel an arc length
ds is dslv, and thus the total time from A to B is:

From the energy principle, the velocity of the particle will depend
upon the vertical distance traveled :

we also have ds =
[1 + B)'1 ' dx and hence the final expression
for the time becomes:

We thus see that the problem requires the minimization of a definite

integral by means of a change in the form of the integrand function.
We may now compare this problem with the type of minimum and
maximum problem with which we are already familiar.
I n ordinary maximum and minimum problems, we are generally
given a function of several variables in the form:

and we wish to find the values of the x's for which the function has an
extreme value. The necessary conditions for the solution of this
problem are given by the equations:

In the calculus of variations we also have the problem of finding an

extremum, but now the expression to be investigated no longer
depends upon a finite number of independent variables, but depends
instead upon the behavior of one or more dependent variables. The
particular expression of this type with which we shall be concerned
has the form:

I = Ixa
/ (x,y, $) dx, where y = C(x) (9.34)

Given the function f we are to determine the function t$ which will

give I a stationary value. I t will be observed that the analytical
expression for the Brachistochrone problem is a special case of
Equation (9.34).
The solution of this mathematical problem will not only enable us
to solve many specific problems, but will also permit us to put the
basic equations of motion into several new forms, which have been
of great importance in the development of advanced dynamics.
9.14 Euler's Differential Equation. The basic solution of the
problem defined in Equation (9.34) is given by Euler's Differential
Equation, which we shall derive by a method similar to that employed
by Lagrange. Given the definite integral I

y =
C f (y, y', x) dx, where
d~ find y = +(x) so that I has a stationary value.
&), and y' = -,
Referring to Fig. 9.11, we note that if the curve shown there as a
solid line is actually the correct +(x) to give the minimum value to I,
then the integral evaluated over some slightly different curve, such
as the dotted curve, will have a slightly larger value. This slightly
different curve, which has the same end points A and B as the exact
curve, is called the varied path. If we imagine that at a particular
value of the independent variable x we move to the varied curve, the
ordinate of the varied curve a t that point will be y + Sy which can
be written as:
y + sy = + ( X I + E~(x) (9.35)
B where Sy is called the variation in y
and the small quantity E indicates
that the varied path is slightly
different from the minimum path.
A We use the variation symbol S to
distinguish Sy from the differential
x dy. Note that dy is the infinitesimal
FIG.9.11 change in the given function $(x)
caused by an infinitesimal change dx
in the independent variable x, whereas Sy is a small arbitrary change
in y equal to &(x).
As the path in Fig. 9.11 is changed from the original to the varied
path, the value of the integral I will change by a small amount
61, called the variation of the integral. If F(y,y', x) is the modified
integrand corresponding t o the varied path, we have :

and we see that the processes of variation and integration can be

We next consider the way in which f (y,y', x ) varies as we go from
the original to the varied path. At one particular value of x, y ,
will change to y + 6y, and the slope will change from y' to y' -I- Sy',
thus :
The slope of the varied curve is

d d
and thus 6y' = y' +-
(6y) - y ' = - (6y), which indicates that the
processes of variation and differentiation can be interchanged. Equa-
tion (9.37) can now be written as:

which, when introduced into equation (9.36) gives:

Integrating by parts the second term in this integral, we obtain:

Since the varied curve coincides with the exact curve at the end-
points A and B, 6y = 0 at A and B and the term

Thus Equation (9.38) becomes :

For a stationary value of I , 6 I = 0. Since 6y is arbitrary and can

be taken as different from zero, 61 can be zero only if the expression
in the square brackets is zero:
( a )
This is Euler's Differential Equation, and the function y = +(x)
which satisfies this equation is the desired function which will give
the integral I a stationary value.
There are two special cases in which the solution to Euler's
Differential Equation can be obtained with relative ease.

Case I . If the function does not containy, so that I = f (yl,x)dx


then af = 0, and Equation

- (9.39) becomes:
d (3) a! = constant
= 0; -
ayl ayl
and we have obtained a general first integral of Euler's equation for
this special case.
Case 2. If the function f does not contain x, so that
I = [ f (31,yl,) dx Equation (9.39) may be written as:

multiply through this equation by y', and add and subtract the term
y" ,-?fobtaining:

the first three terms in this expression are equal to - y1 g) and the

last two terms are equal to ( - 2)

so we have :

; -&)
- -& = 0 =
d [(Y'
& g1)f ]-

this is a perfect differential, and can be integrated directly to give:

y !-
I a - f = constant
thus giving a general first integral of Euler's equation for this special
EXAMPLE 1. Find the form of the plane curve y = +(x) joining
two points AB with the shortest length.

Solulion. The element of length is ds - + (%)'It

[I dx and the
total length of a plane curve between A and B will be:

The function f in the integrand is of the form f (y') and hence we can
use the integrated form of Euler's equation described in Case 1
above :
-a !-- constant


and the curve is a straight line.

EXAMPLE 2. We have shown previously that the solution of the
Brachistochrone problem involves the minimization of the integral

In this problem f = f (y,y') and since x is not involved the integrated

form of Euler's equation discussed in Case 2 above may be used:

from which :

This may be shown to be the equation of a cycloid-the curve traced

by a point on the circumference of a circle as the circle rolls along a
straight line. In the coordinate system of Fig. 9.12, the coordinates
of the point P which traces out the cycloid are :
x = r(B - sing)
y = r(1 - cos 8)

Substituting these expressions into the above equation for d~

--, we
obtain :
sin 8 - 1 - 2czgr(l - cos 8)]+
1 - cos 8 [ 2c2gr(l - cos 8)

Squaring both sides and putting

this becomes :
1 + cos 0 - 1 - 2c2gr + 2c2gr cos 8
1 - cos 8 2c2gr(l - cos 8)
If we put 2c2gr = 4,this equation is identically satisfied, so that the
Brachistochrone is a cycloid of radius r = 1/4c2g.
It should be noted that in some problems a simplification can be
introduced by an interchange of the independent and dependent
variables. I n the above example of the Brachistochrone, suppose
that we take y as the independent variable and x as the dependent
variable so that the integral becomes:
and Euler's Differential Equation becomes

This corresponds to choosing a varied path as shown in Fig. 9.13.

af = 0
I n this form, the problem falls into special Case 1 above, since -
and we have :

from which: - = as before.

I n this problem, the use of y as the independent variable leads t o a
simpler solution.

9.39. A flexible cable of length I hangs under its own weight from two
supports on the same level a distance d apart. The shape which the cable
assumes is such that the potential energy is a minimum. Set up an
integral expression for the potential energy of the system, and minimize
this integral to find the equation for the cable.
9.40. A particle moves in the x-y plane from a point A to a point B.
The velocity v of the particle is variable, but is a function of y only.
Show that for the path which makes the time from A to B a minimum, the
angle between the tangent to the curve and the y-axis obeys the law:
sin 4
= constant

Note that this problem is the mechanical version of the optical problem
of determining the path of a ray of light through a medium which has an
index of refraction which varies in one direction. In the optical case the
above expression is called Snell's Law.
9.41. A container of height h has a circular top and bottom, each of
radius R. The sides are formed of an axially symmetrical surface of
revolution. What should be the shape of the sides to give a minimum
surface area ?
9.42. In studying the resistance of bodies of revolution in a flowing
fluid, Newton made assumptions equivalent to supposing that the pressure

a t each point on the surface would be proportional to the square of the

component of velocity normal to the surface. . I t is desired, under this
assumption, to find the shape of the solid of revolution which would have
the minimum total drag.
(a) Show that this problem involves the minimization of the integral

(b) Show that the shape of the curve which minimizes the integral of
part (a) must satisfy the equation
(c) Show that the equation of the surface of minimum drag in para-
metric form is:

Note that the basic assumption described above applies to only a few
very special cases, and that for ordinary flow conditions the results are
not even a rough approximation.

9.15 Hamilton's Principle. I t will be observed that Euler's

Differential equation (9.39) which is the condition for minimizing
a certain integral, has the same form as Lagrange's equations of
motion. Writing Lagrange's equations for a conservative system
in the form:

we see from Equation (9.39) that an equivalent statement is:

Equation (9.40) is an analytical statement of Hamilton's Principle,

which says that the actual path followed by a dynamical process is
such as to make the integral of the function (T - V) a minimum.
For most problems of the type hitherto considered in this book,
Hamilton's Principle does not lead to any particular advantage in the ,

setting up of the equations of motion, since it is equivalent in such

applications to the use of Lagrange's equations, as is shown in
Example 1 below. Hamilton's Principle does have important
engineering applications, however, in the setting up of the partial
differential equations of motion describing infinite degree of freedom
systems. In such problems as the vibrations of beams, Hamilton's
Principle plays the same role in establishing the equations of motion
that was played by Lagrange's equations for the finite degree of
freedom systems. Typical examples of this use of Hamilton's
Principle are given below in Example 2 and in the problems.
EXAMPLE1. Find by Hamilton's Principle the equation of
motion for a single degree of freedom undamped harmonic oscillator.
Solution. For such a system, T = imx2 and V = 4kx2 thus:

Applying Euler's differential equation to minimize the integral,

we have :
f = gmx2 - Bkx2
thus :

For problems of this kind it will be noted that Hamilton's Principle

leads to exactly the same steps as the use of Lagrange's equations.

EXAMPLE 2. A straight uniform beam having a length I , a mass

per unit length p, a cross-sectional moment of inertia I, and a
modulus of elasticity E is pinned at each end as shown in Fig. 9.14.
The beam performs small transverse bending oscillations in the
horizontal x, y plane. Using Hamilton's Principle, find the differen-
tial equation of motion of the system.
Solution. From the theory of strength of materials we know that
the potential energy of bending of the beam is:

where M is the bending moment in the beam, and M = d2y

EI -

= EIy". The kinetic energy of the beam is T = .+

pya dx.
Hamilton's Principle in the form of Equation (9.40) then-becomes:

Instead of applying Euler's differential equation to this problem, we

shall go through the steps which lead to Euler's equation. I n many
problems this procedure will be more suitable than a direct substitu-
tion into Euler's equation.
Performing the variation as indicated, we obtain:

a a2
writing 6y = - (6y) and 6y" = - (6y) we have :
at ax2

Integrate the first term by parts, as follows:

Since by the definition of the varied path, 6y = 0 a t the two end-

points tl and tz, the first part disappears.
We next integrate the second term in the integral by parts twice,
as follows:

jotEIy " -
(6y)dx =
1 IOz
E Iy " - ( 6 ~ )
EIy" - (6y)dx

= EIy" ,
a lo 1
(6y) - EIy" Sy lo +
~ o l E I y zSy
v dr

In this expression, the first term is zero, since a t both 0 and 1 the
bending moment in the beam, which is proportional to y", is zero,
because the beam is supported by frictionless pins a t the ends.
The second term is zero since 6y is zero a t the two ends of the beam.
Thus, the variational equation becomes :
Since 6y is arbitrary, and can be taken as different from zero, the
condition that the integral should vanish requires that the term in
the parentheses should be zero. This gives the required partial
differential equation of vibration of the beam:

Note that the above variational procedure not only developed the
differential equation, but that the boundary conditions as well
were automatically involved.

9.43. A uniform flexible string of mass per unit length p is fastened at
each end to rigid supports a distance I apart. The string is subjected to a
tension force F which may be assumed to be constant for small lateral
motions of the string.
(a) By considering the change of length of the string as it is deflected,
show that the potential energy of the system is:

where y is the deflection perpendicular to the length.

(b) Applying Hamilton's Principle as in Example (2),above, show that
the partial differential equation describing small transverse motion of the
string is:
- -a2y
a2y- - CL
ax2 F at2
(c) Find the velocity of propagation of waves along the string.
9.44. A straight shaft of length 1 has a uniform circular cross section of
polar moment of inertia I p and area A . The material of the shaft has a
density p and a modulus of elasticity in shear of G. The angle of twist 4
of the shaft is a function of the position x along the shaft, and of the time t.
(a) ,Given that the total angle of twist of the shaft under a twisting
moment Mt is 4 = -MtJ , show that the potential energy of the shaft is:

(b) Find by Hamilton's Principle the partial differential equation

describing the motion of the shaft. Assuming that both ends of the shaft
are free, indicate the way in which these boundary conditions appear in
the derivation.
(c) What is the speed of propagation of a torsional wave along the
shaft ?
9.45. In connection with the design of an oil pipe-line, the question of
the effect of a fluid flowing through the pipe on the natural frequencies of
transverse vibrations should be considered.* It will be assumed that a
section of the pipe between two supports can be treated as a pin-ended
beam. The following nomenclature will be used:
v = fluid velocity relative to the pipe, assumed constant.
m = mass per unit length of pipe plus fluid.
p = mass per unit length of fluid.
I = moment of inertia of pipe cross section about the neutral axis.
x = coordinate along length of pipe.
y = coordinate transverse to pipe.
1 = distance between supports.
E = modulus of elasticity of pipe.

(a) Assuming small displacements of the pipe, show that the x-com-
ponent of the fluid velocity is v, and that the y-component is - + v ar
at -a
(b) Show that the kinetic energy of the system is:

(c) Show that the potential energy of the system (strain energy of
bending in the pipe) is:

(d) Using Hamilton's Principle, as in Example 2 above, derive the partial

differential equation describing the transverse vibrations of the pipe.
* G. W. Housner, "Bending Vibrations of a Pipe Line Containing Flowing
Fluid", Journal of A++lied Mechanics, Vol. 19 (June 1952), p. 205.
9.16 Hamilton's Canonical Equations of Motion. For
engineering applications of dynamics, Lagrange's equations in the
form of Equation (9.14) or Hamilton's Principle in the form of
Equation (9.40) are usually the most convenient formulation of the
basic laws of motion. For certain applications in physics, however,
other forms of these basic principles are often used. We shall
briefly indicate the way in which some of these alternative state-
ments are made.
We start with Lagrange's equations for a conservative system in
the form : [Equation (9.11).]

Introduce the definition er =

- = generalized momentum.

In terms of pi, Equation (9.11) becomes:

A new function H, the Hamiltonian Function, is now defined as:

In general, the Lagrangian function L is a function of qi, qt, and t ;

L(qt, qr, t). The qt enters through the kinetic energy as a quadratic
term, and thus Equation (9.41) above will give pi as a linear function
of qt. This set of linear equations involving Pi and qt could in theory
be solved giving qi in terms of pi, and hence the qa's could in principle
always be eliminated from Equation (9.43). We may thus say that
H can always be expressed as a function of pi, qi, and t,
H = H(ptl qi, t) (9.44)
We shall now express the differential of H in two ways, first by
differentiating Equation (9.43))and then by differentiating Equation
From equation (9.43) :

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