Cricket-Steps To Success

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Steps to Success

Ralph Dellor

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dellor, Ralph, 1948-

Cricket / Ralph Dellor.
p. cm. -- (Steps to success sports series)
ISBN-13: 978-0-7360-7873-3 (soft cover)
ISBN-10: 0-7360-7873-8 (soft cover)
1. Cricket. I. Title.
GV917.D64 2010

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This book is dedicated to Stephen Lamb, co-director of
Sportsline Media Limited, who has contributed enormously
to the compilation of this book. Also to Les Lenham, who first
got me involved in coaching and who is still a major
influence on my coaching.
And it is dedicated to my son, Tim Dellor, to whom
I obviously conveyed any coaching ability I might have because he
is now adding considerably to my knowledge of cricket. However,
his impressive coaching credentials have not prevented him from
being vulnerable to the ball swinging away outside
off-stump, especially when bowled by his father.

Climbing the Steps to Cricket Success vi

The Sport of Cricket viii

Step 1 Basic Bowling 1

Step 2 Fast Bowling 17

Step 3 Spin Bowling 31

Step 4 Basic Batting 49

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Step 5 Defensive Batting 61

Step 6 Attacking Batting 75

Step 7 Fielding 111

Step 8 Wicket-Keeping 137

Step 9 Team Roles 149

Glossary 159

About the Author 163
Climbing the Steps
to Cricket Success

For beginning and intermediate players, as well it. Cricket: Steps to Success offers more thorough
as their teachers and coaches, using the informa- explanations of the necessary techniques than
tion and practising the skills outlined in Cricket: do basic instruction books. Refine and polish
Steps to Success can help build a foundation or your skills with game-specific drills as you move
add to what players have already accomplished towards playing at an advanced level. Gain more
in the sport. insight into what strokes are appropriate to be
The steps to success are logically arranged to played for specific deliveries, which balls you
deal with each discipline in cricket. By following might want to bowl and why, and how you need
the steps, you should improve in all aspects of to think through a match, whether you are a
the game and be more likely to find your niche. batsman, bowler or wicket-keeper.
That is the great thing about cricket: it accommo- If you are a teacher or coach, Cricket: Steps to
dates people of all shapes and sizes, and it has a Success provides an easy-to-follow instructional
place for everyone. Not all players are skilled in package. If you already have an established
all disciplines. This means that unlike in some teaching system, you can select information,
other sports, you do not have to master one step drills, activities and methods of grading that
before moving on to the next. For example, you fit your programme. The background section
do not have to excel at defensive batting (step includes a brief history of cricket, information
5) before moving on to attacking batting (step about the type of equipment required, warm-
6); however, unless you can defend your wicket, up and cool-down guidelines, ways to avoid
you will not be around long enough to play those injuries and Web-based cricket resources. The
attacking strokes. Similarly, if you are going to book also includes skills, strategies, self-paced
specialise in spin bowling (step 3), you will not drills and methods of evaluating students, plus
want to spend much time on fast bowling (step an extensive cricket glossary. In short, this book
2). But regardless of your interest, you will want is designed for coaches, parents working with
to have spent time on basic bowling (step 1), their children and players themselves. If you are
which is the foundation for all styles of bowling. a player, using this book is like having a coach
The explanations and accompanying photo- with you at all times. When you have a problem,
graphs not only provide clear instructions for you can delve into the book to solve it. One of
executing every technique that forms the basis the great things about cricket is that the player
of the game, but they also offer options. You will who is honest with himself and admits errors will
not be forced to comply with a standard way make more progress and improve. It is important
of playing; rather, you will have the freedom to to learn what is wrong and work to eradicate the
find what suits you. Experiment to find a style problem. There is nothing wrong with failing,
that fits your playing level, your body and your providing you learn from that failure.
attitude. Cricket coaches, even those who were suc-
Intermediate players already know the basics cessful players, do not automatically acquire a
of the game and the skills required for playing complete understanding of the mechanics of

Climbing the Steps to Cricket Success

the game, which is why great players do not apply the basics, they can attain the necessary
always make great, or even adequate, coaches. consistency to perform well at the top level.
As a coach, you add pieces of information to Throughout this book, I refer to the male sex.
your personal database step by step and year This is merely for ease of writing and is in no way
by year. Cricket: Steps to Success can accelerate intended to ignore females. Women’s cricket is
that learning process. growing rapidly, and the standard of play is im-
Cricket: Steps to Success provides a systematic proving dramatically. Cricket is most definitely
approach to playing and teaching cricket. Follow a sport for both sexes, and what girls might lack
this sequence as you work your way through in terms of physical strength, they compensate
each step: for by having excellent techniques. I also refer
to the right-handed player as the norm, again
1. Read the explanation of what is covered for stylistic purposes. Unless left-handed players
in the step, why the step is important, and are specifically mentioned, the same technique
how to execute or perform the step. applies, but in a mirror image.
2. Follow the photos and illustrations. Make Cricket: Steps to Success work for you.
3. Review the missteps, which note common Learn the game from scratch as a beginner,
errors and their corrections. sharpen your skills as an intermediate player,
4. Perform the drills. Drills help improve teach the game using a systematic approach or
skills through repetition and purposeful coach with a more comprehensive understand-
practice. Read the directions and record ing of the game. Even if you are an advanced
your score. Drills appear near the skill player, you will find drills that challenge your
instructions so you can refer to the in- skills and strategy tips that might give you an
structions easily if you have trouble with edge over opponents.
the drill. The reward for completing the steps to suc-
cess is whatever you want it to be. For some,
As coaches and cricketers, you can help your- playing cricket is just plain fun. For those of you
selves considerably if you keep one thought at who enjoy competition, a world of league cricket
the forefront of your mind: cricket is really a is out there, waiting to test your skills at whatever
simple game. It might not appear so when you level you attain. Enjoy this step-by-step journey
first encounter it, but it is the players themselves to developing cricket skills, building confidence
(often aided and abetted by their coaches!) who and experiencing progress. Whether you are
make it complicated. Remember, the best play- male or female, right- or left-handed, go out and
ers are those who do the simple things better enjoy your cricket. Cricket: Steps to Success is
than anybody else. Watch the great players and ready to take you several steps closer to becom-
see how they go about their game. Compare the ing the best player you can be. The objective,
strokes they play and their bowling actions with whether you are starting out as a cricketer or
the examples that appear in this book to see just are already experienced, is to make you a more
how close you are to them. Of course, the best successful player. The more successful you are,
players perform well consistently; because they the more you will enjoy the game. Have fun!

The Sport of Cricket

White balls, black sightscreens, coloured cloth- It concerns payment to the chaplain of the
ing, TV referrals, fourth umpires, blaring music— King’s son “for monies paid out himself or by
what on earth would W.G. Grace have made of the hands of others, for the said Prince playing
it all? Undoubtedly, the game developed greatly at creag and other sports at Westminster on
in the days of cricket’s grand old man (not least 10th March.” A more precise reference occurs
due to his influence), but it is hard to imagine a in 1598, when a witness at a court case on
period of more rapid evolution than the past 30 disputed land mentions that “he and diverse of
years. The advent of the Indian Premier League his fellows did runne and play there at creckett
as the game’s modern financial powerhouse and other plaies.”
contrasts starkly with cricket’s humble origins Much evidence follows of cricket incurring
in England centuries ago. the wrath of the Church. In Sussex, a case was
So how did it all begin? Ancient references brought against six men for playing cricket in-
abound to bat and ball games in England and stead of attending Sunday evensong, and two
Europe, and it has even been suggested that churchwardens were admonished for joining
China was cricket’s cradle. But it is more widely them. In 1629 a curate, Henry Cuffin, was cas-
acknowledged that the modern game originated tigated for “playing at crickets” on the Sabbath
in England and was played by shepherds, whose “in a very unseemly fashion with boys and other
sheep would have kept the grass short enough very mean and base persons.”
to permit the procedure of rolling the ball along The growing importance of wagers on match-
the ground. A shepherd’s crook might well have es was highlighted in a court case in 1646 over
been the prototype bat, given the curved shape the non-payment of a cricket-related bet, and by
of the earliest known specimens. A ball could the end of the century there was a press report
have been made of matted wool, held together of an 11-a-side match in Sussex played for “fifty
by wax. And what better target for the bowler guineas apiece.” By the 1700s, private clubs
than a wicket gate from a sheep’s pen? were flourishing, and cricket, by then acknowl-
Gradually, the ball developed a broadly uni- edged as a conventional sport, represented a
form shape. Stuffing became the means of form- comparatively new opportunity for gambling.
ing the centre, with a covering of leather stitched Evidence of a recognised form of the game
around it. Regulations followed concerning ball existed in 1706, and although the Laws were
weight and then size. Meanwhile, the stick was not formulated until nearly 40 years later, the
honed into a club, initially with a distinctive earlier document shows how the various local
curve at the bottom, designed to deal with un- versions of cricket had come together in an ac-
derarm deliveries bowled along the ground. Over cepted form. The ball was made of leather and
time, a shoulder to the bat emerged, followed by bowled at one of two batsmen who defended a
the splice that made it look much as it does now. wicket comprising two stumps with a single bail
The wardrobe accounts of Edward I in 1300 across the top; there were also fielders, umpires
contain one of the earliest references to cricket. and scorers.

The Sport of Cricket

A significant part in cricket’s development Crowds of people were now flocking to watch
was played by the village of Hambledon in the big matches, heralding cricket’s emergence
Hampshire, which boasted a team including so as a major spectator sport. Important matches
many of the leading players of the era between included Gentlemen versus Players (amateurs
1772 and 1781 that they won more than half against professionals), North versus South, Not-
of 51 matches played against All England. The tingham versus Sheffield and various games
village’s legendary ground at Broadhalfpenny involving the MCC. But before long, the Victorian
Down survives still, as does the Bat and Ball public had tired of such fare, engaging instead
Inn just across the road. In 1775, at the Artillery with county cricket and, later still, with Test
Ground in London, the last Hambledon bats- cricket. In both cases, the public was demon-
man made the 14 runs required to beat Kent, strating a need for representative rather than
despite being “bowled” on no less than three commercial forms of the game.
occasions when the ball went between the two Test cricket is officially regarded as having
stumps without removing the bail. A third stump begun in 1877 when Australia defeated England
was added the following year to eradicate this by 45 runs in Melbourne. The Ashes legend was
absurdity. born five years later, and in 1889 South Africa
Hambledon eventually left Broadhalfpenny became the third Test-playing nation. The West
Down for nearby Windmill Down, but such was Indies entered the international arena in 1928,
their status that many of their matches were just two years before New Zealand. In 1932
played in London. As Hambledon’s influence India joined Test cricket, and 20 years later so
declined towards the end of the century, London did the seventh Test nation, Pakistan. Sri Lanka
clubs grew in importance. One such club was joined in 1982, followed by Zimbabwe in 1992
Marylebone, which was set up at a new ground and Bangladesh in 2000.
opened by Thomas Lord, where Dorset Square To the purist, Test cricket remains the ulti-
is now situated. Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) mate form of the game. It is played over five
was established in 1787, the year the venue days, allowing the fullest opportunity to display
opened. talent. It is a stage W.G. Grace bestrode in its
Lord was twice obliged to move his ground, early years, and where generations of cricket-
first half a mile northwards, where he replanted ing legends have taken their bows, from Donald
the turf at North Bank. The MCC went with him, Bradman, surely the greatest batsmen of them
as it did when the new Regent’s Canal was dug all, through Garfield Sobers, unchallenged in all-
through the second ground in 1814. Lord picked round versatility, to Shane Warne, a latter-day
up his turf again and took over a horticultural spin wizard. It has also produced the game’s
nursery in St. John’s Wood. Thus was Lord’s greatest controversies, never more than in the
Cricket Ground established, where the MCC ex- Bodyline Ashes series of 1932 to 1933, when
ists today. By 1788 the club was authoritative the fast-bowling tactics of the England captain
enough to declare an overhaul of the Laws, of threatened diplomatic relations between his
which it is still the guardian. country and Australia.
In 1828 the MCC was compelled to approve There was no clear-cut commencement of
roundarm bowling, which developed from the the County Championship. County clubs existed
previous underarm technique in which the from around 1825, and talk of a champion
bowler’s hand was as high as his elbow. Barely county was initially no more than a bragging
had the new Law been introduced than it was right when a team had an outstanding season.
broken: Players went further and bowled from In 1864 Surrey were proclaimed champions
shoulder height, forcing the MCC to endorse such after winning six and drawing their other two
bowling as legitimate in 1835. By 1864 overarm matches. Nine years later, a meeting in London
bowling was permitted, and the game was well drew up some rules for the foundation of an
on its way to appearing broadly as it does today. authentic championship.

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The Sport of Cricket

Nine counties were involved beginning in game from potentially terminal decline. Gil-
1873. Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Kent, Lan- lette matches were 65 overs a side in the first
cashire, Middlesex, Nottinghamshire, Surrey, year, reduced to 60 the following season. They
Sussex and Yorkshire took part, using various remained as such, under successive sponsors,
means for determining the champions. Essex, until their reduction to the one-day international
Hampshire, Leicestershire, Somerset and War- measure of 50 overs in 1999.
wickshire joined by 1895, the year that marks, The year 1969 saw the start of the Sunday
for many, the commencement of the established League, the next domestic limited-overs contest.
championship. The number increased to 15 four Simplicity was the cornerstone of its success: It
years later when Worcestershire were included, started at two o’clock every Sunday and was 40
followed by Northamptonshire in 1905. Glamor- overs a side, with bowlers allowed run-ups of no
gan’s admittance in 1921 increased the number more than 15 yards (13.7 m). This restriction
to 17, where it remained until 1992 when Dur- was later lifted among other changes, which
ham were accorded first-class status. included allowing the matches to start earlier,
The birth of one-day internationals, like so and it became a 50-over competition in 1993
much in cricket, owed more than a little to the before falling back again to 40.
weather. When England were in Australia in England’s third one-day tournament, the
1970 to 1971, persistent rain forced the aban- Benson & Hedges Cup, was launched in 1972.
donment of the third Test in Melbourne. Out of It started on a league basis, with the country
courtesy to the spectators, a limited-overs match partitioned into qualifying leagues before the
was hastily arranged to take place on what would knockout phase, with 55 overs available be-
have been the final day of the Test. It was 40 tween 1972 and 1995. It then went to 50 overs
overs a side and proved to be an instant hit, lead- and was eventually replaced in 2003 by a new
ing to the short, one-day series and the birth of competition designed to appeal to a different
the World Cup less than five years later. Since section of the public. The Twenty20 surfed a
that unscheduled encounter in 1971, more than wave of hard sell and hype, but whatever the
2,500 one-day internationals have been played quibblers thought, it has been spectacularly and
across the world. commercially successful.
Amongst innumerable one-day competitions, As cricket put down roots across the world, of-
the World Cup remains the most prestigious. The ten following the empire-building armed forces,
first two tournaments were won by Clive Lloyd’s England was the role model for other nations.
West Indies, who were favourites to take the third Just as the County Championship evolved, so
but were upset by Kapil Dev’s India. England, did domestic cricket elsewhere. The Sheffield
who have yet to raise the trophy, were finalists Shield was born in Australia, the Currie Cup in
but were beaten in 1987, when Australia won, South Africa and the Quaid-e-Azam Trophy in
and mauled in 1992 after Imran Khan famously Pakistan. As in England, successive sponsors
urged his Pakistan team to emulate the action gave their names to the different first-class or
of a cornered tiger. Australia were surprisingly one-day tournaments. And however inconsistent
beaten by Sri Lanka four years later but have England may be in playing one-day cricket, there
dominated all three tournaments since. can be no doubting her continuing influence on
The venue for the first three World Cups its evolution. The Twenty20 format was soon ad-
was England, where one-day cricket had been opted internationally, with India winning World
popular since the inauguration of the Gillette Cup silverware in 2007 and Pakistan in 2009.
Cup in 1963, a move that rescued the county
The Sport of Cricket

Field of Play
When you consider the complexities of the The Laws state that the pitch will be 22 yards
strategy that underlie a match, the oft-used ex- (20.1 m) long and 10 feet (3 m) wide (figure 1,
pression “cricket is like a game of chess played page xii). Although it might sound archaic to
on grass” makes perfect sense. But what about refer to imperial rather than metric measure-
the board and the pieces—the field of play and ments (both are now mentioned in the Laws),
the players? consider the fact that the 22-yard measurement
A stylised ground is regarded as being oval in came about in the 18th century because it was
shape. In fact, the oldest ground on which Test the length of a standard agricultural chain. To
cricket is played in England is known as the Oval, delve further, a chain is a tenth of a furlong
located in southeast London. However, not only that, in turn, is an eighth of a mile (.2 km). It is
is the playing surface of the Oval not oval, even derived from “furrow-long,” or the length of a
though the perimeter wall of the ground is, few furrow characteristic of Anglo-Saxon farming.
other grounds conform to the assumed shape. The game is deeply rooted in history.
Irregular sizes and shapes abound to give each At either end of the pitch, lines on the ground
ground a character of its own. In New Zealand, denote the creases. The bowling crease indi-
for example, most major grounds double as cates where the stumps go and from where the
Rugby Union venues, with that sport dominat- bowler must deliver the ball. The popping crease
ing the structure of the stadia. At the home of is the area within which the batsman must be
the Kent County Cricket Club, the St. Lawrence to avoid being stumped or run-out. The wicket
Ground in Canterbury, there used to be a historic itself consists of three stumps with two bails
lime tree growing within the boundary itself. across the top (figure 2, page xiii). At least one
When it was finally felled by a storm, what did of these bails must be dislodged for a batsman
the authorities do? Did they take the opportunity to be bowled, run-out or stumped.
to eradicate any trace of it? Of course not! They As for the fielders, they are positioned accord-
made the quintessentially English decision to ing to the state of the game, the type of bowler
plant another in its place. and the strategy being employed by the captain.
The Laws of Cricket do not set a distance for In general, there are three categories of fielders,
the boundary from the stumps, let alone define each with its own job to do. There are the close
the shape of the field. However, the national catchers—the slips, gully, short legs and those
governing bodies and the International Cricket in the appropriately termed silly positions—who
Council lay down minimum sizes for certain are placed specifically to accept any chance of
competitions. That is one of the joys of cricket: a catch. Captains use fielders in these positions
It can accommodate players on the village green when they are on the attack and taking wickets
as well as in a great arena. There are, however, is of prime importance.
strict regulations about the size of the pitch and Then there are the single savers. Of course,
the wicket. they also try to stop the fours and will readily
Those two terms—pitch and wicket—have accept any catches coming their way if they can.
become interchangeable in recent times; to be However, their primary function is to prevent
slightly pedantic, the pitch refers to the strip of the batsmen from taking quick runs or to run
carefully prepared grass between the two sets them out if they try. These fielders patrol the
of stumps or the two wickets. So, although a covers on one side of the pitch, the square leg
wicket is never referred to as a pitch, a pitch is and mid-wicket area on the other and the mid-
often called a wicket. on and mid-off.


22 yards (20.1 metres)



Figure 1  The wicket and creases.

E4660/Dellor/Fig 01/340908/GaryH/R4-kh

The Sport of Cricket



Figure 2  Parts of the wicket.

Further out, on the boundary edge, are the The positions shown in figure 3 (page xiv) are
deep fielders. Their job is to stop the ball from the most commonly used ones and are where
crossing the boundary for four. If the ball is the fielders normally stand if they are posted to
struck straight to them, they should be able to certain positions. These are only approximations
cut the scoring potential of a stroke down to a and can vary considerably. However, they are the
single run. But there is always the possibility of positions to which the ball is most likely to go for
a catch, especially when the batsman is trying to certain types of bowlers, given the knowledge
hit the ball over the boundary for six. With deep gained from experience. As bowling styles de-
fielders in the right place and a slight misjudge- velop and batsmen employ different techniques
ment from the batsman, another wicket can fall. to counter them, so fielding positions go in and
Whereas a bowler might prefer the satisfaction out of fashion.
of seeing a catch off his bowling close to the Even the most unathletic fielder might have a
wicket as a reward for his skill, he will never say valuable role to play for the team by becoming
no to one that results from a batsman’s mistake. a specialist close catcher. He might not be very
Bad balls as well as good ones result in wickets, mobile, but he may be adept at taking anything
and there are no pictures in the scorebook to in the air that comes within reach. On the other
illustrate just how the wickets fell. hand, a superb athlete who is fast across the
Recognised fielding positions have evolved ground and has a powerful throw is invaluable
over the course of time, but there is no compul- in the outfield. One of the joys of cricket is that
sion to have men posted in the usual positions. there is room for all types, shapes and sizes. The
Often a game can be turned by some fine ad- higher up in the game you go, the greater the
justment to the field, which is why the captain need for proficiency in all positions in the field,
may be seen moving a fielder just a little one but there is still a place for everybody.
way or the other.

ird Fin
Th an leg e

Lo g
Backward Slip Wicket-
point Gully keeper

Shor t legs

square le


Point Silly Square

point leg

Cover Silly Silly
point mid-off mid-on

cover Bowler

Mid-off Mid-on



Lo n
-o on
ff L

Figure 3  Fielding positions.

E4660/Dellor/Fig 02/340909/GaryH/R3-kh

The Sport of Cricket

Playing Cricket
Cricket is a simple game, yet that is hard for If the captain decides to bat first, two of his
someone to believe who first comes to it and side, the opening batsmen, go out to face the
tries to pare away the intricacies in order to get bowling. The opposing captain usually picks the
to the basics. There is a famous tea towel on fastest bowlers in his team to operate with the
which those basics are made anything but clear new ball. Its hardness causes it to bounce more,
to someone who knows nothing about the game. and the prominent seam and shine will help it
It reads as follows: move off a straight line as it travels through the
air and when it is pitched. This means that the
You have two sides, one out in the field and opening batsmen usually have the best tech-
one in. Each man that’s in the side that’s nique and are prepared to face the fast bowling
in goes out, and when he’s out he comes that is likely to come their way.
in and the next man goes in until he’s out. The objective of the fielding side is to prevent
When they are all out, the side that’s out the batsmen from scoring runs and to get them
comes in and the side that’s been in goes out. The five most common ways to dismiss a
out and tries to get those coming in out. batsman are these:
Sometimes you get men still in and not out.
1. Bowled. The batsman misses the ball, and
When a man goes out to go in, the men who it strikes the stumps (the wicket).
are out try to get him out, and when he is out 2. Leg before wicket (LBW). The batsman
he goes in and the next man in goes out and misses the ball, but the batsman’s leg
goes in. There are two men called umpires who prevents the ball from hitting the wicket.
stay all out all the time and they decide when Some qualifications make this Law com-
the men who are in are out. When both sides plex. For example, the ball cannot pitch
have been in and all the men have been out, outside the line of the leg stump, and it
and both sides have been out twice after all the must not touch the bat. LBW decisions
men have been in, including those who are not tend to be contentious.
out, that is the end of the game!
3. Caught. The ball is caught by a member
Someone who knew nothing about the game
of the fielding side after it hits the bat and
before reading that description not only would
before it touches the ground.
still know nothing about the game but would
probably have given up any intention of find- 4. Run-out. When attempting to run, the
ing out what makes this game the best there is. batsman does not have part of his per-
Like most clever pieces of satirical writing, son or bat grounded behind the popping
there is an element of truth in the tea towel text, crease (figure 4, page xvi) at the moment
albeit contorted into a grotesque travesty. But the ball hits the stumps after being thrown
if the contortions are ironed out, it should be by a fielder, or when someone, usually
possible to gain an understanding of what the the wicket-keeper, takes the return and
game is all about. removes the bails.
There are, indeed, two sides of 11 players 5. Stumped. The batsman misses the ball
each. A coin toss is used to determine which side and is out of his ground when the ball
bats and which fields. Traditionally, the captain reaches the wicket-keeper, who removes
of the home side flicks the coin into the air, and the bails.
the visiting skipper calls heads or tails. The win-
ner of the toss then makes a decision based on A batsman also can be out if he handles the
the state of the pitch, weather conditions, the ball, is timed out, hits the ball twice, hits the
composition of the teams or simply intuition wicket or obstructs the field. These, however,
whether to bat or field first. are very rare occurrences.

The Sport of Cricket

Bowling crease

Stumps Return crease

Popping crease

Figure 4  The bowling crease, return creases, and popping crease.

E4660/Dellor/Fig 03/340910/GaryH/R3-kh

While the batsmen are trying to stop the bowl- boundary without bouncing in the field of play,
ers from getting them out, they also must score six runs are added to the score. However, add-
runs. It is often fairly easy for the batsmen sim- ing a maximum number of runs requires hitting
ply to concentrate on staying in, but when they the ball in the air, which increases the risk of the
try to score runs, they must take more risks. That ball being caught. Attempting to hit the ball that
is the great dilemma of the game. The bowlers hard increases the risk of missing it completely.
know this, too, and strive to prevent the bats- In addition to the runs scored by the batsmen,
men from scoring runs. The bowlers know that there are extras. These are additional runs that
the time will come when the batsmen have to accrue largely through mistakes by the fielding
increase the risks they take in order to put runs team and their bowlers. If the bowler trans-
on the scoreboard. gresses by overstepping the popping crease in
Runs are scored when a batsman has hit the act of bowling, for example, the umpire will
the ball far enough away from a fielder to be call, “No-ball,” and one run is added to the total.
able to run to the other end of the pitch before But the batsman can score runs off that delivery
the fielder can return the ball to either set of as well, safe in the knowledge that the Laws of
stumps. For this reason, single runs are the most Cricket state that he cannot be out off a no-ball
common, but it is not unusual to run twos or unless he is run-out. Similarly, a run is scored
threes. If the ball is hit to the boundary along if the umpire considers the ball was bowled
the ground, the batsman gets four runs without beyond the reach of the batsman. If a ball goes
actually having to run. If the ball is hit over the past the batsman, does not hit the wicket and is

The Sport of Cricket

not stopped by the wicket-keeper, the batsman Remember the tea towel: “There are two
can run; this is recorded as a bye. A leg bye is men called umpires who stay all out all the time
added to the total when the batsmen complete and they decide when the men who are in are
a run after the ball has hit the batsman’s body out.” In essence this is exactly what they do,
as opposed to his bat. adjudicating on appeals for wickets. The bats-
It is this balance of risk that is at the very man is hit on the pad, the bowler appeals with
heart of the game, for it affects the thinking a raucous cry of “How’s that?” and the umpire
of the fielding captain as well as the batsmen. decides whether the ball meets all the criteria
The fielding captain knows that he can position for an LBW decision. If the umpire is happy that
fielders in such a way that they might well stop it does, he raises his index finger to signify that
runs from being scored, but by being in those the batsman is out. The umpires adjudicate on all
positions, they may not be ideally placed to take matters, from counting the six legitimate balls in
catches and hasten the demise of the batting an over to deciding if conditions are fit for play,
side. Furthermore, bowlers get tired. The captain generally ensuring that the Laws of Cricket are
has to decide whether he can risk one more over adhered to in all their minutiae. And the umpires
from his opening bowler, who has perhaps taken are out there for the whole game. Umpires never
three wickets and is bowling well, or rest him in win the toss and sit in the comfort of the pavilion
the hope that he will come back into the attack watching their team-mates bat!
later, refreshed and ready to strike again. So, when the bowlers have taken their wickets,
These are the tactical conundrums that make the batsmen have scored their runs, the umpires
cricket the game it is. The strategic battle that have given their decisions and the scorers have
unfolds is almost as important to the developing recorded the progress of the game, we reach a
drama of a match as the technical contest be- result. Put simply, the side that scores the more
tween bat and ball. The higher up in the game’s runs wins. However, this is cricket, and it is not
levels you go, the more important the captain’s always as straightforward as that. In a limited-
role is in achieving the desired outcome, as will overs game, the rule generally holds. Side A bat
be seen in Step 9, where the roles of the captain for the full quota of 50 overs and score, say, 260
and other members of the team are examined in for the loss of five wickets. Side B reach 240 for
more detail. At lower levels, the captain’s influ- eight in 50 overs, and so side A win by 20 runs.
ence is limited by the technique of the players Or, if side B had scored 261 for eight in 49.5
at his disposal; at the very top, where there is a overs, side B would have won by two wickets.
high level of technical competence among play- If the scores had finished level after both sides
ers, it is the inspired bowling change or subtle had faced the same number of overs, then the
alteration in the position of a fielder that can result would have been a tie, irrespective of the
make the vital difference between winning and number of wickets lost.
losing. And winning is the object of the game: In matches where time is allotted for the
If you are not playing to win, do not bother to completion of the match, be it two innings a
keep score. side or one, another result becomes possible—a
The scorers have a long and distinguished draw—and another means of achieving a result
place in the game as the accountants of cricket. enters the equation. This is called a declaration.
At one time they were known as the notchers, If the captain of the side batting first considers
literally cutting notches in a piece of wood as there are enough runs on the board and that
runs were scored. The task has developed, like the other side can be bowled out in the time
the game itself, so that now scorers in the top available, he will declare the innings closed.
echelons of the game rely on computers with For example, side A reach 200 for five with two
sophisticated software programmes. But they and a half hours of playing time remaining. The
are the bookkeepers, subservient to the two captain declares in the belief that side B can be
umpires who are out in the middle making the bowled out in the time available before scoring
vital decisions relating to the Laws. 201 runs. Side B are bowled out for 160, and

The Sport of Cricket

side A win by 40 runs. Or side B score 201 for cannot match a two-innings game that gives the
seven and win by three wickets. If side B finish ebb and flow of superiority time to unfold. In
on only 90 for nine, the match is drawn, as it the shorter matches, it is the clock that dictates
is if side B score 200 for nine; if they score 200 the pattern of play, rather than a figure on the
all out, it is a tie. scoreboard that indicates how long there is to go.
The shorter versions of the game—Twenty20 There is nothing to equal the drama and tension
or other limited-overs matches during which a of a five-day Test match that reaches the last
team’s innings are restricted in overs rather than available over with any of the four results still
time—can generate instant excitement, but they possible. That is cricket at its very best.

Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Gone are the days when players fell out of the For a team to arrive at the venue and then
pub and went straight out onto the field to play. go through a warm-up routine as a unit is also
More thought is given to the game and how it a good way to prepare mentally. The team ethic
is played, so it is not enough to just go out and is instilled, and all extraneous thoughts and
face or bowl the first ball. That statement in itself concerns brought along to the match can be
encapsulates one of the problems associated forgotten. This is the time to focus on enjoying
with preparing to play cricket. An all-day game cricket and to get away from personal, school
might start at 11:00 a.m. The players might well or professional problems.
arrive at the ground ready to begin their pre- Before doing any stretching exercises, be
performance routines at 10:00 a.m. They all go they dynamic or static, make sure to raise each
through the team warm-up and then some field- player’s body temperature by doing some gentle
ing practice before undertaking routines specific jogging that becomes a little more intense as it
to their roles in the game. The opening bowler is goes on. As a team, go through some loosen-
fired up and ready to go, except that his captain ing exercises and ensure that everyone gets
wins the toss and decides to bat first. It might be involved. This does not mean just going through
mid-afternoon before that bowler is called into the exercises, but also allowing as many players
action, and by then he has been sitting around as possible to organise one aspect of the routine
and has had lunch. under the overall control of the captain or coach.
For each session of play, it is important to Even the most junior member can then be aware
prepare properly, not only physically but men- of his role and of the contribution he can make
tally. Cricket is a cerebral game, with so many to the team—even before play has started.
elements played in the mind. It is also a team Once loose, do some fielding practice. Not
game, so the first preparation activity should be only does this add more intensity to the prepa-
a team warm-up. ration, but it also is more cricket orientated
Some doubt has been cast on the physical than stretching. Fielding practice can also be
value of a static warm-up routine. In fact, the of value in this vital area of the game. A player
doctor in charge of a British Olympic team once might not suddenly improve as a fielder, but he
opined that human muscles and tendons have can get used to the particular conditions at the
evolved to react immediately. Early man would ground on the day and hopefully will be better
have needed his body to be ready for action, able to reach his individual level of ability for
without the benefit of a warm-up, if he had to that match.
run away from a wild animal. Be that as it may, Next, go through specialist preparation. De-
most medical opinion is that the body will work pending on the facilities available, this might
more efficiently and will be less prone to injury involve batsmen having a session in the nets,
if it is properly warmed up before serious sport- bowlers doing the same thing and the wicket-
ing activity. keeper going through his practice routine. Net

The Sport of Cricket

surfaces of dubious quality are of no benefit to Similarly, a bowler should not get cold and
anyone; in such circumstances, batsmen will be detached in the field when he is not actually
better served by taking some throw-downs on bowling. As a waiting bowler, watch individual
any decent surface, while bowlers hone their ac- batsmen to get an idea of how you might get
tions on the outfield, providing there are reliable them out if you were bowling to them. Go
footholds. Batsmen must be properly attuned to through some gentle loosening exercises in the
face the first ball, while bowlers must be at peak field at appropriate moments to prevent stiff-
levels from the outset. If a bowler takes three ening up. It is also important to take in fluids
overs to reach optimal performance, the game at every opportunity. Dehydration is a major
can be won or, more often, lost. factor in falling performance as fatigue sets in.
It is not enough simply to be ready for the first A suitable intake of energy drinks or even plain
ball of the match. A player must be prepared water keeps tiredness at bay and maintains
for the first ball of any session and stay ready concentration levels.
for action throughout that session. It is not easy Just as there was a group warm-up at the start
for a batsman to sit in the pavilion for hours, of the match, so there should be a team cool-
ready to go in at any moment. A good routine down at the end. After taking account of the level
is to relax until you are the next but one to go of fatigue, go through some fairly gentle routines
in. So, number six in the order puts his pads on that allow the build-up of acids in the body to
when the second wicket falls. At the fall of the dissipate and ensure that you will not be stiff a
third wicket, he gets completely ready, decid- day or two later when you might be required to
ing whether to wear a sweater, cap, helmet or do the same thing again.
whatever. From then on, he concentrates solely
on his task.

Cricket requires a fair amount of equipment. The bat made for an international player will not
If you have any doubts about that, just look at be the same as one you might buy off the shelf,
the number of equipment manufacturers and and there is no guarantee that the bat wielded
suppliers specialising in the game. Of all the by a top player was even made by the firm
equipment used, the bat is undoubtedly the whose logos appear all over it. You cannot play
star of the show. More time and money goes properly if the bat you are using is too big or too
into the choice of a bat than any other piece of heavy. Finally, the price tag does not necessarily
equipment. How much of that decision-making indicate quality in either direction.
process is informed? Among the reasons for not Instead of falling into these traps, go for a bat
choosing a particular bat are these: that is the right size and, more importantly, the
right weight. If you can play imaginary strokes
• The colours of the manufacturer’s logo with just your top hand holding the bat, it is prob-
match the colours on the club sweater. ably about right. The bat should pick up well. It
• The national cricket hero of the moment should not feel heavy; rather, it almost flies up
uses exactly the same bat. when you lift it back. A straight grain down the
• The bat is a bit big at the moment, but blade is usually a good sign. In general, a nar-
there’s room to grow into it. row grain is considered to be of higher quality
• It is the cheapest, or most expensive, bat than a wide one. Only then does price come
in the shop. into your decision, and only you know what
you can afford.
Let’s deal with those points in order. Colours Good footwear is vital for all cricketers, but
have nothing to do with the quality of the bat. it is especially important for fast bowlers. Their

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The Sport of Cricket

boots must grip well and support the feet, which keeper will have his gloves made to measure
are exposed to great strains and pressures. Fast with any special features that he requires. If
bowlers’ boots generally will be sturdier than you purchase wicket-keeping gloves in the mass
those worn by batsmen, but it is important that market, make sure they fit as well as possible
all boots fit well, are comfortable and offer some and offer proper protection along with the in-
protection against the ball to prevent injury. ners. Wicket-keeping gloves must be worked in
In a hard-ball game, protective equipment is and made flexible before being used in a match.
essential. Pads should be substantial enough to When you take account of the basic clothing
afford protection but also allow easy movement of socks, trousers, shirt, perhaps a long-sleeved
so that you can run. Using thigh pads for each and a sleeveless sweater, a tracksuit for warm-up
leg, arm guards and chest protectors is a mat- and training wear, and then you add in playing
ter of individual preference. A box, or protec- equipment, it is no wonder that specialist cricket
tive cup, should not be considered an optional bags come equipped with wheels today. Other-
extra. Gloves should not be too bulky but need wise, a player might strain something carrying
to protect all parts of your hands and fingers. his bag between the car park and the pavilion.
For youngsters, a helmet is obligatory, but adult One additional item of equipment is the ball.
batsmen have a choice. More players at all levels Usually, the home side provides the ball, but not
are wearing helmets at all times. always. A full-size cricket ball weighs 5.5 ounces
Fielders who stand close to the batsman at (0.2 kg); youngsters, whose fingers cannot grip
short leg or silly point may choose to wear hel- such an object, use a smaller, 4.75-ounce (0.1
mets, light pads under their trousers and a box. kg) ball. Traditionally, the colour for a cricket ball
Even wicket-keepers sometimes wear helmets is red, dating back to the days when shepherds
when they are standing up to the wicket, and used red wax from a ram’s raddle to bind the
they all wear pads and a box, along with their wool together into a ball. Currently, white balls
gloves. In general, wicket-keeping pads are are used in most limited-overs cricket matches
lighter and shorter than those worn by batsmen when coloured clothing is worn. The white balls
because they should not be used often to stop are meant to be easier to see, but they soon
the ball. A wicket-keeper’s gloves, however, are become dirty. Experiments have taken place
the tools of his trade. They are as important to using orange, yellow and even pink balls to test
him as a bat is to a batsman, and a top wicket- their visibility.

International Cricket Council: Pakistan Cricket Board:
Cricket Australia: United Cricket Board of South Africa:
Bangladesh Cricket Board: Sri Lanka Cricket:
England and Wales Cricket Board: West Indies Cricket Board:
Board of Control for Cricket in India: Zimbabwe Cricket:
New Zealand Cricket:


Basic Bowling

Most cricket coaching books start with bat- the consistency that allows the bowler to exert
ting, because that is the glamorous aspect of control over the batsman.
the game. Yet at the start of a match, when Consistency should not be confused with
the umpire calls, ‘Play’, the bowler is the one predictability. It might be argued that if the
who gets proceedings under way by delivering bowler does not know where the ball is going,
the first ball. Until he does so, the game does what chance does the batsman have? Although
not begin. Therefore, bowling is the logical first that is true, it is possible to make the batsman’s
step on your path to cricket success. Just as the life difficult without trying to surprise him with
bowler begins the game, Cricket: Steps to Success a straight one. Bowlers should strive to control
begins by examining the bowler’s craft from the the ball and use the skills associated with their
outset. Everything else follows from that point. bowling style to confuse the batsman. These
By reading about the history of the game, skills include pace, swing and seam movement
you will appreciate that bowling, like cricket for quicker bowlers, with turn and flight the main
itself, has developed over the years. The art of weapons in the armoury of the spinners. The two
propelling a cricket ball towards a set of stumps main groups of bowlers, fast bowlers and spin-
22 yards (20.1 m) away has become a highly co- ners, are considered in detail in steps 2 and 3.
ordinated athletic pursuit. Whether a fast bowler Whatever the style, the principles of bowling
gallops up to the wicket or a spinner takes just remain the same. Bowling is not necessarily a
a few paces at a gentle trot, the principles are natural movement. If you listened to biomecha-
the same: The bowler wants an action that will nists talking about co-ordinated muscle move-
give him consistency and, at the same time, ments, you will soon come to the conclusion that
prevent injury. Guidelines for avoiding injury muscle co-ordination is impossible to achieve.
are discussed later in this chapter and in The Similarly, if you listened to someone going
Sport of Cricket. Consistency can be achieved through the mechanics of breathing and tried
only if the action is simple. If it is, the action can to follow the instructions, you would probably
be repeated, and that repetition can produce asphyxiate! It is important to encourage those

Cricket: Steps to Success

with natural ability to progress by polishing their bowl. However good you might be already, it is
actions until they reach the required level of not a bad thing to revisit the basics occasionally
consistency; it is equally important to help those to ensure that you have not allowed bad habits
who are starting from scratch to learn how to to detract from the efficiency of your actions.

Delivering the ball requires a variety of physi- to prevent youngsters from being overbowled
cal movements, some of which could leave the at a time when their skeletal structure was still
bowler vulnerable to injury if he is not carefully maturing. Of course, if young bowlers develop
monitored. For example, safe actions are those good actions from the outset, such protection
that will not increase the risk of injury in what should not be necessary. At one time, all bowlers
is an explosive physical movement in the case were taught to be side-on when they delivered
of a fast bowler. The main areas of concern are the ball (figure 1.1a). Then it became acceptable
the lower back, knees and ankles. Some injuries to be chest-on (figure 1.1b). It was said that these
are inevitable, but you can ensure that the risk were the only two ways of bowling without caus-
is kept to a minimum by using the right equip- ing undue stress to the back. Later it was admit-
ment, warming up thoroughly and ensuring that ted that there was a third acceptable way: 45
the action does not put excessive strain on any degrees (figure 1.1c). In this case, the bowler is
part of your anatomy. For years, many fast bowl- neither side-on nor chest-on, but somewhere in
ers reached a certain stage of their professional between. All this misses the point: Problems oc-
careers when they suffered stress fractures of cur when the feet, hips and shoulders are not in
the lower back. Some recovered with the help the same plane. It is safe to be side-on, chest-on
of expert medical treatment, but others were or at any of the 88 degrees in between, providing
forced to leave the game. the feet, hips and shoulders are aligned properly.
To counter the problem, authorities intro- If all three parts of the anatomy conform to the
duced fast bowling directives that were designed same plane, the bowling action should be safe.

Figure 1.1 Fast Delivery Styles
1. Back foot parallel to bowling crease
2. Hips and shoulders at right angles to bowl-
ing crease
3. Front shoulder and hip pointed at batsman
4. Head poised to lead down the pitch

1. Feet, hips and shoulders in same plane


Cricket: Steps to Success

Figure 1.1 (continued)

45 Degrees
1. Feet, hips and shoulders in same plane

Although individual approaches differ, this either a mark on a wall or a partner. If you are
step concentrates on what has always been con- a right-arm bowler, your left shoulder should
sidered to be the classical, side-on action. This is point directly at the target with the right shoulder
not an attempt to produce clones, all bowling in pointing away from it. Bring the hand with the
exactly the same manner; rather, it stresses the ball in it up under your chin, and then lift your
importance of using a simple action that can be front arm so that it is pointing straight up, with
repeated ball after ball, over after over, in order particular emphasis on the section between the
to attain the desired consistency. shoulder and the elbow. Without lowering this
Whether you are an experienced bowler start- arm, look behind it by arching your back before
ing out on a new season or a new bowler just lifting your front leg, so that you are showing the
starting out, certain basics should be followed sole of your foot to the batsman while keeping
to ensure that your action is in good order and your back foot parallel to the bowling crease
that you begin with good habits. (figure 1.2b).
To deliver with a side-on action, stand side-
ways to the target (figure 1.2a), which could be

Figure 1.2 Stationary Side-On Delivery
Initial Stance
1. Sideways to target
2. Left shoulder pointing at target (right-arm
3. Back foot parallel to bowling crease
4. Hold ball in simple standard grip
5. Bring ball under chin
6. Lift front arm
7. Look at batsman from behind front arm

Front Leg Lifted

1. Lift front leg
2. Show sole of foot to batsman
3. Keep back foot parallel to bowling crease

Figure 1.2 (continued)

Front Arm Chop

1. Front arm chops down
2. Front arm figuratively splits target in two

Arm Pulls Through

1. Front arm pulls down and through close to
body and front leg
2. Bowling arm comes over as high as pos-
3. Ball is released to target

Basic Bowling

1. Bowler’s momentum takes him down pitch
towards batsman
2. Bowler runs towards off side to prevent
damaging pitch

From this side-on position, you are ready to If your head falls away in the action, your
bowl. To do so, your front arm effectively chops brain tries to make an adjustment. It knows the
down as if giving a karate chop to the target, target, the wicket, has not moved, so if your
splitting it in two (figure 1.2c). It then travels head is moving towards the off side, the target is
down past your front leg and is pulled through to now to the right. Compensation often results in
finish high behind your head (figure 1.2d). At the the ball being fired down the leg side. However,
same time, your bowling arm follows an identi- if everything moves in a straight line towards
cal path, going from under your chin down to the target, it is likely you will bowl straight.
the side of your body and then sweeping over as When you are really proficient, you will be able
high as possible. Your back leg powers through to nominate which stump you are going to hit
to become the leading leg, propelling your head merely by getting everything moving towards
towards the target (figure 1.2e). that stump.
This might appear as a disjointed set of move- Be aware of different parts of your body at
ments, but even from a standing start, these particular stages of your action. It is a good idea
movements form the basis of sound action. to warm up before a match by standing at the
Be careful not to let the heaviest part of your crease and going through your action a few times
body—your head—fall away to the off side. If without releasing the ball, merely to ensure that
you do, your leg will flail out in an attempt to your action is working as it should. It sometimes
maintain balance instead of adding impetus to helps to close your eyes while doing this so that
the action. In the process, your bowling arm has you can concentrate on what various parts of
swept over 12 o’clock high to release the ball at your body are doing without being distracted by
the top of your action, ensuring that you extract the scenery. Then, go through the same routine
any possible bounce from the pitch and, at the off half a dozen paces before going off your full
same time, helping you bowl straight. run and releasing the ball as if for real.

Cricket: Steps to Success

If you are in the process of modifying your ac- the net. In this way, you will not appear to lose
tion, you will put too much pressure on yourself any pace while you are making changes to your
if you try to make adjustments in a competitive action—in fact, you will appear to be bowling
situation. It is best not to make changes in a quicker than ever—and there will be no bats-
match. If you usually have the upper hand on a man to take advantage of any waywardness that
certain batsman in the nets, you will not want might be evident before the remodelling of your
to lose that superiority while working on your action is complete.
action, which is a work in progress. To improve, Make improvements in your own time. Once
you will probably have to go backwards before you are comfortable, gradually move back to-
going forwards. If you are a fast bowler, don’t be wards the full 22 yards (20.1 m). At the same
discouraged if you lose pace while opening up time, adjust the mark at the back of the net until,
the opportunity to be even quicker in the future. from 22 yards away, you are aiming at a target
To counter these problems, it’s a good idea on the length you are trying to hit. Start with
to put a mark on the back of the net at ap- a large target that you can hit easily; gradually
proximately the height above the pitch that the decrease the size until it tests you but is not so
ball would be some 15 yards (13.7 m) along its small as to be demoralising. After you have mas-
trajectory. Make the mark big enough to hit with tered that target, you can think about bowling
regularity, and then put the stumps from which at a batsman again and taking your modified
you deliver the ball 15 yards from the back of action into a match situation.

The ball repeatedly goes down the off side.
Make sure you are set up correctly and your alignment is towards the target rather than too
far to the off side. Both these faults can be countered to help you bowl straight and direct
balls at the wicket.
The ball repeatedly goes down the leg side.
Keep your head up and moving towards the target during the delivery, rather than falling away.

You might have been surprised that we dealt need to get airborne to change from running or
with the delivery before the run-up, but if you walking straight to the wicket in order to turn
are prepared to attend to the detail described in your body through 90 degrees.
the previous section, the honing of the delivery The other reason for a run-up is to add mo-
actually takes place before you start to run up to mentum to your action, especially if you are a
the crease. Why do you need to run in to bowl quicker bowler. There is a danger that you may
anyway, especially if you are a spinner? run in too quickly, striving for that desirable extra
The answer to that question is that if you are pace. However, no proven formula says that the
a spinner, you do not really need a run-up. In quicker you approach the wicket, the faster the
fact, possibly the greatest spinner in cricket his- ball is bowled. In fact, if you are belting into the
tory, Australian leg-break bowler Shane Warne, delivery stride, there is every chance that you
walked just a couple of paces before jumping will be off balance, will not get the full benefit
into his delivery stride. The key word is jump. of the action and will actually lose pace and
If you want to get into the side-on position, you control. That is why bowlers such as Warne take

Basic Bowling

such a measured approach to the stumps: there If you have confidence in your action, you will
is no danger they would not be in total control want full benefit from its mechanics and will not
of their action. want to rush through it too quickly. When you
Research conducted at the New Zealand High run up to the wicket (figure 1.3a), jump high
Performance Centre at Lincoln University, just enough to get side-on, ready to deliver (figure
outside Christchurch, when the Australian play- 1.3b and c). As you land on your back foot, bring
ers were on tour there found that the speed of your bowling hand and the ball up to your chin
Warne’s arm in the delivery was in fact quicker and point your front arm upwards (figure 1.3d).
than that of his pace-bowling colleague, Glenn Look behind that front arm and raise your front
McGrath. The difference was that Warne put all foot. Does this position sound familiar? It should,
his energy into spinning the ball, while McGrath because this is exactly how a good action from a
converted his energy into sending the ball down standing position was described earlier. That is
quickly. He would not have been able to do so if why it is important even for experienced bowlers
he had not been as balanced as Warne, despite to run through the basics every now and then to
running in quicker. check that their action is in good order.

Figure 1.3 Run-Up

1. Start slowly with short strides
2. Lean forward and gather pace with bal-
anced strides
3. Reach top pace as you reach delivery stride


Figure 1.3 (continued)

1. Jump into delivery stride

1. Turn 90 degrees in midair
2. Land in the coiled position

Basic Bowling

1. Land on your back foot
2. Bring front arm upwards
3. Point front arm upwards

How far should a bowler run? Although this not be cajoled into shortening your run below
is personal preference, some basic guidelines what you are comfortable with.
are worth considering when you are trying to The important thing is to gather momentum
achieve the right run-up, one that gives you gradually as you approach the wicket. You prob-
the rhythm to bowl as effectively as possible. ably will start with a couple of walking paces
Spinners require shorter approaches than pace before breaking into a trot and gathering pace
bowlers, but if a spinner wants to run 5, 7, even until just before the delivery stride. Do not try
10 paces in order to achieve the rhythm that to increase pace through the delivery stride or
allows him to arrive at the crease in a balanced you will lose your balance. Bear another point in
position, so be it. mind: you might come in at a slight angle, but
Quicker bowlers may run as a minimum the once you are within 4 or 5 yards (3.7 or 4.6 m)
same distance as a spinner’s maximum. If your of the wicket, you should be running straight
delivery is built around a strong action with use towards the target, the stumps that are 22 yards
of your wrist to generate pace, why tire yourself (20.1 m) away. Any deviation means that your
by running 30 yards (27.4 m) when a dozen run is wasted, and you are building momentum
paces are adequate? On the other hand, if you in the wrong direction. Remember that your
have the type of action that requires momentum head is the vital part of your body, and the longer
through the crease, it can be more exhausting you can keep it going towards the target, the less
trying to bowl off 15 paces than off 25. It is likely you are to stray from your direction and
pointless to run farther than required, but do bowl a bad line.
Cricket: Steps to Success

In the classical side-on delivery, the ball is Plenty of first-class bowlers have been
delivered from close to the stumps. What if you plagued with no-ball problems, and it seems
find that such an action does not come natu- ridiculous that they did not sort it out early in
rally, and your feet, hips and shoulders are in their careers, or at least have a coach sort it out
one of the other 89-degree planes mentioned for them. The process is simple. Start on the
at the start of the step? You perhaps can afford popping crease and run backwards away from
to run in a little straighter and not jump as high the pitch. Remember which foot you lead off
because you do not need to get side-on. You can with and run until you feel comfortable that you
run straight through and put all your momentum have reached optimum speed and are ready to
into the delivery. However, the basic principle bowl. Go through your action and note where
remains the same. From your approach to the your front foot lands or get a colleague to mark
wicket until natural momentum takes you away it for you. Pace out from that point to the crease,
to the off side of the pitch before you risk the remember the number of paces and with which
umpire’s wrath by running onto the danger area, foot you led off, add a few inches for safety—and
make sure your head is going towards the target. you have your run.
If you manage that, your line should be good It is important not to look down as you ap-
enough to eliminate wides. However, you should proach the stumps—look at the target. You get
also do everything you can to avoid overstepping some weird replies when you ask a bowler where
and bowling a no-ball. Both wides and no-balls he looks as he delivers the ball, if he is aware of
are known as extras because both add a run to where he is looking at all. A darts player tends
the total without the batsman having to do any- to look at the treble twenty if that is where he is
thing to earn it. A ball is deemed to be a wide aiming on the board. Why should a bowler be
when the bowler delivers too far away from the different? The only difference is that the man
batsman to allow him to reach it with his bat. A throwing the darts is not bouncing his arrows
no ball occurs when the bowler fails to have at before they hit the board. A bowler can concen-
least some part of his front foot behind the pop- trate either on where he is pitching the ball or on
ping crease. In these cases, a run is added to the the target itself, if he is confident that his length
total, and the batsman has a free hit. Because will be right, but he must focus on what he is
you know that the batsman can only be run-out concentrating on, rather than just looking in its
off a no-ball, why strive for that last fraction of general direction. It is good to have a mark some-
an inch that will make no perceptible difference where along the run so that you know, as soon
to the pace of the ball? Sacrifice the final inch as you hit it with a particular foot, that you will
or so to make sure you have part of your front be right from there on in. You can concentrate
foot behind the popping crease. You have yards on your action rather than worry about where
behind the line in which to land your foot, while your feet are going to land.
a fraction of an inch over it results in a no ball.

The length of the delivery is not as you would want.
This usually occurs because you are looking at the wrong spot when delivering. If you are
bowling too short, look farther up towards the wicket; if too full, bring your focus back to a
point on the pitch nearer you than the batsman.

Basic Bowling

Concentration is vital for a bowler, but you Remember the old adage about not being
must focus that concentration only on what able to get the last ball back. It is no good get-
you can control. It is no good being distracted ting upset with yourself if the last ball was not
by peripheral thoughts. You might have just had what you intended. Make the adjustment and
a row with a friend, but you cannot resolve it get the next one right. Do not get upset with the
as you run up to bowl. Put it out of your mind. batsman if he has played and missed. To do so
Similarly, you cannot control whether the bats- only shows him that he got to you. Do not get
man is right- or left-handed; you might not enjoy upset with the umpire if he turns down an ap-
bowling to a left-hander, but there is nothing peal that is blatantly out, for you hope to have
you can do about it. Put it out of your mind. other appeals upheld.
You cannot control the direction of the wind, the When you are having a bad day, have confi-
slope of the ground, the little niggle in your right dence in yourself to pull it round. You might have
knee, whether the captain will give you an extra 0 for 45 off 12 overs, but a couple of maidens
slip or even the feel of the ball in your hand. Put will show that you are not bowling too badly.
everything that you cannot control outside your Then an overconfident batsman goes for a big
sphere of concentration. You can control the shot and gets out and, in the next over, the new
type of delivery you are going to bowl, how you man in the middle falls across his stumps and
are going to bowl it, where you are going to aim is given out leg before wicket (LBW). Another
it and where you are going to pitch it. Those are is bowled, and suddenly 3 for 52 off 16 overs
the things on which to concentrate. looks rather good. The fact is that if you gener-
This requires intense concentration, and you ally take a wicket every 7 overs, and you go 21
cannot be expected to maintain it at that level overs without taking one, you are putting wickets
throughout the day or even through a session. in the bank for future withdrawal. Adopt the
Bowl the ball, see where it has gone, make a attitude that you are owed 3 wickets from the
mental note of what adjustment you need to previous barren spell, not that you may never
make to ensure the next one is right and then take a wicket again. Have that confidence and
relax as you walk back to your mark. When you you will avoid the fatal error of trying too hard
get there, use some sort of trigger mechanism to produce a magic ball every time you run up
to switch your concentration back on, such as to the wicket. Have confidence but be realistic at
taking a deep breath or taking the grip on the the same time, and the results will follow.
ball, and then start again.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Basic Bowling Drill 1.  Stationary Bowling to a Target

Mark an area on a wall about 4 feet high and 2 • Look behind front arm.
feet (1.2 m high by .6 m) across. From about 15 • Lift front foot towards target.
yards (13.7 m), bowl at the target from a standing
• Bring front arm down, splitting target.
position. Bowl six times.
• Swing bowling arm over by ear.
To Increase Difficulty
• Drive back foot through towards target.
• Reduce the size of the target until it is 28 • Move head towards target.
inches high and 9 inches across (71.1 cm
high and 23 cm across). Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty 5 or 6 balls on target = 5 points
• Increase the size of the target until you can 3 or 4 balls on target = 3 points
score 5 points every time. 1 or 2 balls on target = 1 point
Your Score ___
Success Check
• Stand side-on to the target.
• Raise front arm upwards.

Basic Bowling Drill 2.  Run-Up Bowling to a Target

Mark an area on a wall about 4 feet high and 2 Success Check
feet across (1.2 m and .6 m). From about 18 yards
• Establish the length of your run.
(16.5 m), bowl at the target from a full run-up.
Bowl six times. • Have a good rhythm, gradually gathering
pace as you near the wicket.
To Increase Difficulty
• Jump into the delivery position.
• Reduce the size of the target until it is 28 • Bowl the ball and follow through towards
inches high and 9 inches (71.1 cm and 23 the target.
cm) across.
• Increase the length of delivery to 22 yards Score Your Success
(20.1 m).
5 or 6 balls on target = 5 points
To Decrease Difficulty 3 or 4 balls on target = 3 points
• Increase the size of the target until you can 1 or 2 balls on target = 1 point
score 5 points every time. Your Score ___
• Move closer to the target before delivering
the ball.

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Basic Bowling

Basic Bowling Drill 3.  Technique Check

Mark out your run. Without the ball, run in and • Jump into the delivery position.
execute your bowling motion while someone • Bowl the ball and follow through towards
watches you. Have your observer use the success the target.
checks to evaluate your technique. Bowl six times.
Score Your Success
Success Check
Bowl 6 balls with sound technique = 5 points
• Establish the length of your run.
Bowl 4 or 5 balls with sound technique = 3
• Develop good rhythm, gradually gathering points
pace as you near the wicket.
Your Score ___

Success Summary of Basic Bowling

Remember that the key to successful bowling is to bowl. You cannot take wickets unless you are
a good action; a smooth, rhythmical approach bowling.
to the wicket; and a jump into the action itself. Before moving on to step 2, Fast Bowling, or
Make sure you keep your shoulders and hips in step 3, Spin Bowling, evaluate how you did on
the same plane, use your non-bowling arm as the basic bowling drills in this step. Tally your
a direction finder and follow right through with scores to determine how well you have mastered
your head always going towards the target. You the skill of basic bowling. If you scored at least 8
want a simple action that can be repeated be- points, you are ready to move on. If you did not
cause this will give you consistency. Concentrate score at least 8 points, practice the drills again
and do not let your attention wander. And want until you raise your scores before moving on.

Basic Bowling Drills

1. Stationary Bowling to a Target ___ out of 5

2. Run-Up Bowling to a Target ___ out of 5
3. Technique Check ___ out of 5

Total ___ out of 15

Once you have mastered basic bowling, you become a medium-pace bowler who relies on
will want to specialise in the style of bowling that control and movement to take wickets. On the
will suit you best. You might want to be a fast other hand, the prospect of becoming a spin
bowler with the associated thrill of seeing the bowler might appeal to you, in which case move
stumps flying. In step 2, Fast Bowling, you will on to step 3. There, you will learn all about flight
learn what is required to be a quick bowler who and turn, and you will derive your satisfaction
demands respect from all batsmen because of not from brute force but from deception and
the physical threat posed to them. Or you might from testing the batsman’s patience.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Whichever style you opt for now, you are not site direction, so it would be a good idea to go
compelled to bowl that way forever. You might through steps 2 and 3 to discover what suits you
try your hand at being a fast bowler, but if you best. Both styles require a good basic action, so
find it is not for you, have a go at spin bowling if you have mastered step 1, you are in a good
instead. You might want to move in the oppo- position to make rapid strides from here.


Fast Bowling

Fast bowlers are the kings of cricket. Batsmen bowler at the moment of delivery, and you will
might hog the glamour, and spinners might see that he is straining every sinew (figure 2.1).
beguile with their craft, but the genuine quickie Unless you are physically prepared and properly
rules the roost. A successful off-spinning all- warmed up, something is going to give, hence
rounder playing for Oxford University once re- the importance of a good action that will not
marked, ‘I so wish I was a fast bowler. Nobody increase the strain on any part of your body.
would bowl bouncers at me when I was batting
and everyone would treat me with respect.’ It is
easy to sympathise, for with their ability to break
wickets and bones, fast bowlers bend the knee
to no one in the game, at least when they bowl
well. But if they are wayward, a good batsman
will simply pick off the bad balls and use the
pace to help the ball speed to the boundary.
Because everything in the delivery moves
quickly, it is absolutely vital that you get your
action right as a fast bowler. If you are slightly
out of synchronisation, pace will be lost. If you
fail to apply the basics, any faults will be mag-
nified with spectacularly bad results and, quite
possibly, injury if the faulty action is allowed to
continue. In addition to the possibility of injury
to the batsman, caused by the sheer pace of the
ball hitting him, there is a serious risk to you,
the bowler.
You need to be fit if you are going to deliver
the ball at real speed. Bowling places great
strains on the body, and the impact pressures
are immense. Look at a still photograph of a fast Figure 2.1  A fast bowler puts a lot of strain on his body.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Despite the effort that goes into bowling bowler’s athleticism and physical power pitted
quickly, the very best do not betray the strain against the courage of the batsman.
but seem to glide in to the wicket and deliver As a young, aspiring fast bowler at school, I
the ball with silky smoothness. Their pace does was playing in a match in front of my history
involve effort, but their actions are so fluent master. Next day in class, he turned to me and
and their co-ordination is such that the ball flies said, ‘Well, my boy, you look like a fast bowler,
out of their hands and gives the batsman just and you’re probably stupid enough to be one!’
a fraction of a second to respond. That is the That is a common misconception. A fast bowler
thrilling spectacle of a great fast bowler at work. who does not think about his art is probably
A contest with a top batsman contains all the not a very good fast bowler. Being successful
elements that make cricket such a great game: requires thought about how to fully utilise the
skill from both batsman and bowler and the great gift of speed, and fast bowling is an art as
well as sheer physical effort.

You fail to generate pace to reflect the effort being expended.
Ensure that you are using each element of your action.

The faster you are, the more margin for error the outset. The majority of bowlers will fall into
you have with regard to line and length because the fast-medium category and so require other
the batsman has less time to take advantage of weapons in their armoury if they are to succeed.
a poor ball. But only the very fastest bowlers Swing, seam, change of pace and variation of
can rely on pace to take wickets. Although it is length are additional means for taking wickets. If
possible to increase your speed by improving you can master all these skills, you will improve
your action and physical condition, a naturally your bowling and your understanding that fast
fast bowler has the correct physical makeup at bowling is indeed an art.

Step 1 considered the classical, side-on action of on action gives you the best chance to make the
bowling. This action is perfect for encouraging ball move away from the batsman through the
the ball to out-swing or away-swing, making the air. Even more important is your wrist position
ball deviate away from a right-handed batsman at the moment of release, which results from
(figure 2.2). The bowler starts the ball’s journey how you grip the ball.
on a leg-stump line, but then tries to hit middle Place the ball in your fingers—never in the
or off. If the ball swings to find the edge of the palm of your hand—with the seam upright but
bat, it can result in a catch to the wicket-keeper turned slightly in the direction you want the ball
or the slip cordon, the row of slips and gulley. to swing, in this case towards the slips. Your first
More annoyingly for the bowler, the ball can two fingers are on either side of the seam, while
evade the catchers and fly down to the third- the bottom of the seam rests on the side of your
man boundary for four. It is one of the perpetual thumb (figure 2.3). This position is important: If
bugbears for the out-swing bowler. you change your grip and have the seam resting
Being side-on is just one of the prerequisites on the flat of your thumb, this will radically alter
for bowling the away-swinger, but it does not your wrist position, making it virtually impos-
guarantee success by itself. Some bowlers can sible to release the ball in the correct way.
bowl this ball while being chest-on. Still, a side-


Figure 2.2  On an out-swing, or away-swing, the ball

deviates away from a right-handed batsman.

E4660/Dellor/Fig 2.3/340928/GaryH/R3-kh

Figure 2.3 Out-Swing

1. Ball held in fingers, not palm
2. Fingers spaced on either side of seam
3. Seam upright and pointing in direction of
intended swing
4. Shiny side of ball is to your right
5. Seam rests on side of thumb
6. Wrist is in position behind ball to help it
swing away

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Cricket: Steps to Success

To help the ball swing, you need to work on it. goes through the air. That is a simplification of
It is well within the Laws of Cricket to enhance the aerodynamics involved, as is the statement
the shine on one side of the ball, providing you that the shiny side goes through the air more
use only natural substances, such as the sweat quickly than the rough side, and so the ball
from your face. One reason why a new ball may swings away from the shiny side.
not swing appreciably is that there has not been These are things that make swing more likely
time for its two sides to attain differing condi- to occur, but they will not be evident unless your
tions, one shiny and the other rough. Once it action and delivery are right. When you are
has reached this state, make sure you grip the side-on and using the correct grip, your bowl-
ball with the shiny side on the outside of the in- ing arm will sweep across your body with your
tended curve. As the ball travels down the pitch, wrist in the right position to encourage the ball
the shiny side should be to the right of the seam to swing. Imagine that you are doing all you can
as you watch it go. To achieve this result, keep to maintain contact between the ball and your
the seam upright. If the ball is wobbling, you will fingers for as long as possible, right down to the
not be able to make it swing. The upright seam last millisecond. Doing so will cause the ball to
is a product of your grip. rotate backwards as it leaves your fingers, and
If you can get a red and white half ball, bowl this will enhance the chance of swing. That is
with it in order to experiment with your grip until all we can aspire to: creating the optimum envi-
you are confident that you can always deliver ronment for the ball to behave in the intended
the ball with the seam upright. Pay attention manner through the air.
to how you hold the ball before each delivery. The ball must be pitched up to allow it to
If you don’t, the eighth ball you bowl might be swing. If you bang it in halfway down the pitch,
perfect, but you might not know what you did there will not be enough time for it to deviate
to make it so. through the air. Bowl it full enough to allow it
It would be easy to become very technical to swing. Draw the batsman into a drive. The
about why a cricket ball swings, but all you ball will move away at the last minute to find
need to know is what makes it most likely to the edge of his bat before flying as a catch to
swing. Still, humid atmospheric conditions usu- the slip. A late swing to the ball is important,
ally help, but because you have no control over for it is much easier for the batsman if the ball
the weather, that should not be a focus of your swings from the moment it leaves your hand.
concentration. You can control the angle of the An injection of pace, if at all possible, will help
seam, which acts as a sort of rudder as the ball the swing of the ball to occur later.

You fail to achieve the required accuracy.
Review your action. You might be striving to bowl too quickly or too slowly, and you might
not be allowing your action to go through at a natural pace.

Clever bowlers will adjust the amount of swing grip, away-swing bowlers find it easier to bowl
so that every ball is not the same. They will also the off-cutter. (Figure 2.4 shows the grip for the
change their pace and the position from which off-cutter.) To do so, impart a downward move-
they deliver the ball on the crease, from close ment to the shiny side of the ball as you release
to the stumps to near the return crease. Some- it by dragging your fingers down that side. This
times they will vary the delivery itself: instead puts a spin on the ball, which will not swing but
of trying to swing the ball away, they will bowl should go straight until it hits the pitch, at which
a cutter. Because of the wrist position and the point it cuts back into the batsman.

Fast Bowling

Figure 2.4  Grip for off-cutter.

Many of the principles that apply to out-swing

also apply to in-swing. As its name suggests, an
in-swinger deviates the ball in towards the body
of the right-handed batsman, moving from left Bowler
to right as viewed by the bowler (figure 2.5). In
Figure 2.5  On an in-swing fast delivery, the ball deviates
this instance, you do not need to get side-on as
towards the right-handed batsman, moving from left to
you deliver. A slightly open-chested action can right.
help, with your bowling arm not sweeping across
E4660/Dellor/Fig 2.5/340933/GaryH/R3-kh
your body but perhaps even finishing inside your
front leg rather than past the outside. be comfortably spaced on top of and on either
Your grip on the ball and your wrist position side of the seam; at the bottom, the seam should
are all-important. The seam should still be up- rest on the flat of your thumb (figure 2.6). If you
right, but now it points to the leg side because take a ball and change the seam from resting on
this is the direction in which you want the ball the side to resting on the flat of your thumb, you
to swing, from off-stump towards the line of the will see how the shape of your wrist changes.
leg stump. Because you want the ball to swing For the in-swinger, having the ball resting on the
towards the batsman’s body, the shiny side flat of your thumb sets the wrist to stay behind
should be to the left of the seam. Just as they the ball and helps it move towards the way you
are for an away-swing bowl, your fingers should want it to swing.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Figure 2.6 In-Swing

1. Ball held in fingers, not palm
2. Fingers spaced to either side of seam but
closer together than with out-swinger grip
3. Seam is upright and points in direction of
intended swing
4. Shiny side of ball is to your left
5. Seam rests on flat of thumb
6. Wrist is in position behind ball to encourage
it to swing in

The ball is not swinging or hitting the seam on the pitch.
Check your grip to ensure that the seam is in the correct position.

Just as the away-swing bowler has a variation

in the off-cutter, so the in-swing bowler’s grip
makes it easier to bowl a leg cutter. (Figure 2.7
shows the grip for the leg cutter.) To do so, drag
your fingers down the shiny side of the ball, this
time to the left of the seam. This puts a rotation
on the ball so that when it pitches, it should dart
away from the batsman.

Figure 2.7  Grip for leg cutter.

Fast Bowling

There is a tendency to refer to all pace bowlers to find the optimum angle to guarantee the ball
as seamers, but there is a distinct difference pitches the way you want. The higher your bowl-
between those who simply bowl quickly, swing ing arm in the delivery, the greater consistency
bowlers and seam bowlers. Seamers are those you are likely to experience, and the higher the
who attempt to confuse batsmen by making the bounce you will get. Bounce and movement off
ball pitch on the seam and then move. If the ball the seam are more effective than movement
moves away from the right-handed batter, there on its own.
is every chance it will take the outside edge and
be caught by the slips or wicket-keeper. If the
ball goes the other way, it can go between the
bat and the pad to bowl the batsman or hit him
on the pad to win an LBW decision.
The big question is, which way will it move?
Even the best practitioners of this art don’t know
which way it will go. Some claim they do, but
it is a question of trying to pitch the ball on the
seam. If the ball happens to land on one side of
the seam, it will go one way; if the ball lands on
the other, it will go in the opposite direction. This
is a fine line, and no bowler, however good, can
be accurate enough to determine which edge of
the seam will hit the ground first.
As a bowler, all you can do is ensure that the
seam goes through the air in an upright position,
and then let the ball and the pitch do the rest.
Hold the ball with the seam between your first
two fingers at an angle that propels it through
the air in an upright position (figure 2.8). The Figure 2.8  Hold the ball with the seam
height of your arm in the delivery will affect the between first two fingers to propel the ball
ball’s movement, so it requires plenty of practice through the air in an upright position.

You fail to get sufficient bounce.
Stand tall in the delivery and bowl the ball into the pitch rather than just skidding it through.

Just as swing bowlers require favourable con- bounce. A typical English green pitch is ideal,
ditions to have the best chance of success, so which is why seamers have been so successful
do seamers. The best condition is a pitch that in England.
allows the seam to bite and then offers some

Cricket: Steps to Success

Yorkers, Bouncers and Other Tricks

Fast bowlers do not rely solely on pace and or harmlessly down the leg side, a bouncer
movement either through the air or off the pitch steepling towards a batsman’s head or throat is
to get their wickets. They have other ways of de- an entirely different matter. The bouncer must
ceiving batsman, which is why the fast bowler’s not be too wide, but neither can it be so short
art is just as practised as that of a spinner. In that it climbs way over the batsman’s head. A
addition to using the cutters mentioned earlier, bouncer or two that shake up the batsman might
a fast bowler has several other ways to unsettle get him on his back foot or even force him to
batsmen and take wickets. back away. If either of these happens, the bats-
The yorker is a delivery that is pitched right up man is vulnerable to the yorker.
to the batsman and lands at his feet. When this It might sound strange, but one of the most
happens, there is every possibility the batsman potent weapons in the fast bowler’s armoury is
will play over the top of it. The delivery might the slower ball. The batsman will find it difficult
initially appear as a half volley or full toss, just to adjust to the odd ball that arrives at a reduced
ripe for driving; in reality, an attempted drive pace, and he might well be through his shot
is likely to find the bat passing over the ball. before the ball arrives. Bowl the ball straight to
Because the ball does not bounce, it gets to the hit the stumps if the batsman misses, or have
batsman sooner than he thinks it will. Since him LBW. Even if the ball is slightly off line, the
the ball is in its trajectory through the air longer batsman might find himself hitting the ball in
than the standard pitch, it has more chance to the air to offer a catch, so the delivery has plenty
swing. The fast, swinging yorker is one of the of potential as a wicket-taker.
most difficult balls to counter: The batsman Disguise is the key. If the ball is obviously
often jabs down on it at the last minute if he slower, the batsman will have little difficulty
makes contact at all. adjusting. Your arm should come over at the
Because there is such a fine margin of er- same speed as usual. Vary your grip to bring
ror, practice this delivery in the nets before at- the ball out of your hand more slowly. Putting
tempting it in the middle. If the pitch is too full, three fingers on the ball instead of two, holding
it is indeed a full toss. If the pitch is a fraction the ball farther into your hand rather than with
short of yorker length, it becomes a half volley your fingers or using a spinner’s grip to deliver
that deserves to be driven. To achieve the right the ball with an off-break action will all produce
length, it might help to look a little farther ahead the desired effect (figure 2.9, a-c). Bowling with a
towards the target so that you release the ball leg-break action will have the same effect as well,
at the right time in the action. For instance, if but that requires a high degree of control and is
you usually look at the point on the pitch where difficult to conceal—even though spotting it is
you want the standard ball to land, try looking one thing, and playing it is quite another. Some
at the batsman’s feet. If you normally look at bowlers have more than one way of bowling a
the base of the stumps, look at a point halfway slower ball; that can lure a batsman into trouble
up the middle. if he thinks he can detect the slower ball from
A good ploy is to bowl a yorker straight after the bowler’s action, only to discover that there
a bouncer, which tests the batsman’s courage as is another variety with which to cope.
well as his technique. The bouncer is banged into These deceptive deliveries distinguish the
the pitch short of a length, with the idea that the very good fast bowler from the ordinary one.
steeper trajectory will get the ball to rise higher They require much practise to perfect, but when
than from a normal length. But the ball has to they have been mastered, the rewards justify the
be well directed, for a bouncer that is not close effort that goes into getting them right. Stupid
enough to the batsman to cause him concern is enough to be a fast bowler? I don’t think I was
a wasted ball. Although most batsmen will hap- ever bright enough.
pily watch bouncers pass wide of the off-stump

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Fast Bowling

a b c

Figure 2.9  Three ways to pitch a slower ball: (a) grip the ball with three fingers instead of two; (b) hold the ball farther
into the hand; and (c) use a spinner’s grip to deliver the ball with an off-break action.

Fast Bowling Drill 1.  Technique Check

Mark out your run. Without the ball, run in and ex- • Make sure your front foot lands with some
ecute your bowling action while someone watches part behind the popping crease.
you. Have your observer use the following success • Follow through, moving off the pitch as you
checks to evaluate your technique. Bowl six times. do so.

Success Check Score Your Success

• Hit your mark with the same foot each time. Bowl 6 balls without a no ball = 5 points
• Gradually increase momentum as you ap- Bowl 5 balls without a no ball = 1 point
proach the crease.
Bowl 4 balls or fewer without a no ball = 0
• Don’t look down once you have hit your points
Your Score ___
• Go through your bowling action, making
sure that your feet, hips and shoulders are
in the same plane.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Fast Bowling Drill 2.  Out-Swing Bowling

Using a red-and-white-halved ball, bowl out- • Rest the seam on the side of your thumb,
swingers. Make sure the seam stays upright and with your fingers spread to either side on
that the ball swings in the intended direction. the top of the seam.
Bowl six times. • Get side-on and sweep your bowling arm
To Increase Difficulty across your body.

• Put down a target and ensure you hit it as Score Your Success
well as make the ball swing away.
5 or 6 balls bowled with the seam upright =
To Decrease Difficulty 5 points
• Remove the target and just make sure the 3 or 4 balls bowled with the seam upright =
ball swings away as intended. 3 points
1 or 2 balls bowled with the seam upright =
Success Check 1 point
• Grip the ball correctly, with the seam upright Your Score ___
and pointing in the intended direction of
the swing.

Fast Bowling Drill 3.  In-Swing Bowling

Using a red-and-white-halved ball, bowl in- • Rest the seam on the flat of your thumb,
swingers. Make sure the seam stays upright and with your fingers on either side on the top
the ball swings in the intended direction. Bowl of the seam.
six times. • Try bowling from more of a front-on action,
To Increase Difficulty with your bowling arm coming over in front
of your body rather than across it.
• Put down a target and ensure you hit it as
well as make the ball swing in. Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty 5 or 6 balls bowled with the seam upright =
• Remove the target and just make sure the 5 points
ball swings in the intended direction. 3 or 4 balls bowled with the seam upright =
3 points
Success Check 1 or 2 balls bowled with the seam upright =
• Grip the ball correctly, with the seam upright 1 point
and pointing in the intended direction of Your Score ___
the swing.

Fast Bowling

Fast Bowling Drill 4.  Seam Bowling

Using a red-and-white-halved ball, bowl deliveries • Make sure you deliver the ball with a high
making sure the ball pitches on the seam. Bowl bowling arm in order to extract as much
six times. bounce as possible.
To Increase Difficulty • Use your action to get as much height as
• Put down a target and ensure you hit it as
well as make the ball deviate off the seam. Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty 5 or 6 balls bowled so the ball pitches on the
• Remove the target and just make sure the seam = 5 points
ball deviates off the seam on the pitch. 3 or 4 balls bowled so the ball pitches on the
seam = 3 points
Success Check 1 or 2 balls bowled so the ball pitches on the
• Grip the ball correctly: seam upright with seam =1 point
your fingers on either side of the seam. Your Score ___

Fast Bowling Drill 5.  Slower Balls

Bowl slower balls without changing your normal • Make sure you deliver the ball with a normal
action. Use one of the grip changes explained in action rather than with an obvious variation.
the text. Bowl six times.
Score Your Success
To Increase Difficulty
5 or 6 balls bowled as disguised slower balls
• Put down a target and ensure you hit it as
= 5 points
well as bowl slower balls.
3 or 4 balls bowled as disguised slower balls
To Decrease Difficulty = 3 points
• Remove the target and just make sure the 1 or 2 balls bowled as disguised slower balls
ball is a disguised slower ball. = 1 point
Your Score ___
Success Check
• Grip the ball correctly, either with the ball
held in the palm of your hand, with three
fingers instead of two on top of the ball or
with a spinner’s grip.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Fast Bowling Drill 6.  Yorkers

Bowl a yorker, landing the ball on the popping • Try to pitch the ball on the popping crease
crease. Bowl six balls. and straight at the stumps.
To Increase Difficulty • Adjust your point of focus until you can land
the ball on the popping crease.
• Try to aim each ball directly at the middle
stump rather than at the wicket as a whole. Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty Bowl 6 balls that land on the popping crease
• Bowl the ball to hit one of the three stumps. = 5 points
Bowl 4 or 5 balls that land on the popping
Success Check crease = 3 points
• Run up to bowl with the idea of bowling a Bowl 1 to 3 balls that land on the popping
yorker. crease = 1 point
• Go through your usual delivery action. Your Score ___

Fast Bowling Drill 7.  Bouncers

Bowl a bouncer with the goal of getting the ball to • Try to pitch the ball halfway down the pitch.
bounce above an imaginary batsman’s shoulder. • Follow through so that you get the maximum
Bowl six balls. effect from your action.
To Increase Difficulty
Score Your Success
• Bowl each bouncer so that it goes within an
imaginary box a foot (.3 m) to either side and Bowl 6 balls that bounce to shoulder height
above or below a batsman’s head. = 5 points
Bowl 4 or 5 balls that bounce to shoulder height
To Decrease Difficulty
= 3 points
• Just try to get the ball to bounce and be Bowl 1 to 3 balls that bounce to shoulder height
within reach of a batsman. = 1 point
Your Score ___
Success Check
• Run in with your normal approach.
• Bowl quickly and with a high action.

Fast Bowling

Fast Bowling Drill 8.  Mix It Up

Bowl six balls to a batsman who plays each ball • When you bowl the second ball with the
on merit. Each ball should be a different type of seam upright, make sure it lands on the
bowling. The first ball should be an in-swinger seam.
or out-swinger, depending on your normal style. • Disguise the fourth ball so the batsman
Bowl the second ball with the seam upright so that cannot detect it.
it lands on the seam. The third ball should be a
• Make the fifth ball, the bouncer, bounce to
cutter, either an off-cutter or a leg cutter, which-
shoulder height.
ever you find easiest to bowl. For the fourth ball,
bowl a slower ball, disguising it so the batsman • Bowl the final ball, the yorker, straight so it
cannot detect it. Bowl a bouncer for the fifth ball, lands at the batsman’s feet.
getting it to bounce to shoulder height. Finally,
deliver a yorker to the batsman’s feet, bowling Score Your Success
it straight. Bowl 6 balls that do what they were meant to
To Increase Difficulty do = 5 points
Bowl 4 or 5 balls that do what they were meant
• Bowl every ball at maximum pace while to do = 3 points
maintaining accuracy.
Bowl 1 to 3 balls that do what they were meant
To Decrease Difficulty to do = 1 point
• Reduce your pace but make sure that the Your Score ___
ball behaves as intended.

Success Check
• Run up and bowl without changing your
normal action.

Success Summary of Fast Bowling

Remember that fast bowling takes a lot of physi- the opposite way from how you normally bowl,
cal effort, but it is not just the result of brute but the important thing is to not overdo the
force. You need the skills described in this step. variations, or the batsman will not be surprised
Make sure you have a smooth, rhythmical run- by them.
up, and that you have a sound action that is not Before moving on, evaluate how you did on
going to cause injury. Use all your height to get the fast bowling drills in this step. Tally your
bounce and then follow through. Check your grip scores to determine how well you have mastered
for the type of delivery you are going to bowl. the skill of fast bowling. If you scored at least 25
Decide which is your stock delivery and bowl points, you are ready to move on. If you did not
that way 17 balls out of 18, but occasionally try score at least 25 points, practice the drills again
a variation, such as a cutter, seamer, slow ball, until you raise your scores before progressing.
yorker or bouncer. You can even try to swing it

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Cricket: Steps to Success

Fast Bowling Drills

1. Technique Check ___ out of 5

2. Out-Swing Bowling ___ out of 5
3. In-Swing Bowling ___ out of 5
4. Seam Bowling ___ out of 5
5. Slower Balls ___ out of 5
6. Yorkers ___ out of 5
7. Bouncers ___ out of 5
8. Mix It Up ___ out of 5

Total ___ out of 40

If you master the art of fast bowling—and be a fast bowler, it might be a good idea to see
it is an art—you will not want to consider spin what step 3 has to offer. You could find that you
bowling in step 3. You will be too enthralled by are an even better spin bowler than fast bowler.
the power at your fingertips. However, if you At worst, you will learn a little bit about the art
have found fast bowling is not for you, give step of spin, and that will stand you in good stead as
3 your full attention. You might find that you are you head for step 4. And everyone has to bat,
a natural spin bowler. Even if you are going to against the spin bowlers as well as the quicks.


Spin Bowling

Once the opening bowlers have done their stuff, There is not the dramatic sight of stumps being
and the third and possibly fourth seamers have knocked out of the ground. Instead of power
had a go, the attack is usually placed in the hands and pace, there is flight and subtlety. If you are
of the spinners. This is not to denigrate their role bowled as a batsman, it matters not whether
or to establish some sort of pecking order, but is the stumps have gone flying through the air or
merely the best way to utilise bowling resources. a single bail has dropped to the ground—you
When the shine has gone from the ball and the are still out bowled.
pace bowlers have become less effective, the Because they employ different, more cerebral
spinners come into their own. methods to defeat the batsmen, spin bowlers of-
If the pitch is one that encourages spin, the ten take longer to mature and reach their peak. A
pace bowlers might well have to give way earlier. fast bowler might get away with youthful exuber-
This strategy can help the spinners in that they ance to blast batsmen out, but the spinner can-
benefit from bounce, which can be as potent a not rely on physical attributes to take wickets.
weapon as turn. They are more likely to achieve Instead, he must learn his craft thoroughly and
it with a newer, harder ball than with one that develop enough control to ensure he can outwit
has been battered into a soft state. This is where and eventually snare a batsman. Different quali-
a captain who understands the game is required. ties are demanded of the spinner, but that does
Without one, spin bowlers often are employed not mean he should be passive or subservient. It
as a last resort and tossed the ball when all else is often said of a spin bowler that he possesses
has failed. Doing so undervalues the spin bowl- the attitude of a fast bowler: He approaches his
ers and reveals a total lack of appreciation for job aggressively. If that aggression can be har-
their potency. nessed, a spin bowler can be mightily effective
The fast bowler comes thundering up to the by conserving runs and taking wickets. It is no
wicket and hurls the ball down at great pace; coincidence that the three leading wicket-takers
the spin bowler employs more subtle tactics. in the history of Test cricket are all spinners.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Right-arm spinners who turn the ball from on the ball if absolutely necessary, but it should
off to leg are known as off-spinners. They are not be used to try to impart spin. The thumb is
also sometimes referred to as finger spinners inflexible compared with other digits, and so it
because they use their fingers to impart the acts more as a brake than a lever to spin the ball.
required revolutions on the ball as it leaves the You generate spin by straightening that
hand. When their action is examined in greater crooked index finger and then flicking both fin-
detail, this might be the truth, but it is not the gers in a clockwise direction as the ball leaves
whole truth: It is not only the fingers that con- your hand. To achieve maximum rotation, your
tribute to turning the ball. From the feet to the fingers cannot operate on their own. Turn your
fingers, most of the body is involved. whole hand as if it were opening a door. The
A spin bowler holds the ball in the first two palm of your hand faces downwards initially,
fingers, which should be spread as far apart as with your fingers on top of the ball; after the
possible, tips gripping the seam and the index release, your hand should face upwards.
finger bent from the first joint (figure 3.1). Con- It is important that the ball revolves on an
trary to what many people think, the thumb axis that will result in it pitching on the seam.
plays no part in the action. It can rest lightly If the ball lands on its smooth part, it will not
have the same traction as when the rough seam
makes contact with the pitch, and so it will not
turn as much. The smooth part slides while
the seam grips the surface. To ensure that this
happens consistently, practice with a red-and-
white-halved ball. Adjust your grip so that as
the ball travels towards the batsman, you can
see only one colour. If the ball is a blur of red
and white, it is unlikely to pitch on the seam. If
you see just red or white, that means the ball
is spinning with the seam upright and at right
angles to the line of flight, guaranteeing that the
ball pitches on the seam.
How do your feet play a part in this action?
The answer is that to be effective, the ball should
be bowled from the highest point possible in
order to achieve maximum bounce. This cannot
be achieved with a long delivery stride because
the wider the base, the lower the hand will be at
the top of the action. Keep your delivery stride
Figure 3.1  Grip for an off-spin bowler: ball short, with your feet landing as close together as
held in first two fingers, tips gripping seam is comfortable, but wide enough apart to ensure
and index finger bent from first joint. balance (figure 3.2, a-d).

Figure 3.2 Bowling an Off-Break
1. Hold ball between first two fingers
2. Spread first two fingers as wide as comfort-
able along seam
3. Keep index finger bent, ready to straighten
to increase spin
4. Keep thumb away from ball; it plays no part
in action
5. Position wrist to the right to add to turn

1. Deliver ball from over a short stride
2. Position front foot slightly to the leg side of
3. Point toes towards fine leg
4. Hold bowling arm not quite upright
5. Hold head high
6. Deliver ball with momentum towards bats-


Figure 3.2 (continued)

1. Pivot on front foot
2. Move hips and shoulders in same plane

Prepare to Field
1. Move off pitch quickly after releasing ball
2. After bowling, take position to take advan-
tage of any caught and bowled chance

Spin Bowling

You fail to get over the front leg when bowling off-breaks.
Take a shorter delivery stride.

Once your front foot lands, your whole body Turn and bounce are two of the off-spinner’s
should pivot around and over it because that weapons, but there are others. Off-spinners also
enhances the spinning action of the ball as it use flight. This means that the ball travels in a
leaves the hand. Moving your shoulders and hips looping trajectory towards the batsman, rather
add to the sense of your body pivoting around than inscribing a regular parabola through the
the front foot, achieving more turn without re- air. Flight will be achieved only if you bowl the
quiring more forced finger action, which could ball with plenty of revolutions on it and a vigor-
lead to a loss of control. After your back leg has ous action. Then it will travel along a regular
driven through to finish straight down the pitch, path but dip as it reaches the batsman (figure
your body will have gone through 180 degrees, 3.3, a and b), causing him to misjudge the
and the spikes on your front foot should have length. Without that vigorous action, if the ball
inscribed a circle in the turf. is given more air or bowled on a higher trajec-
tory, it will merely be a lob without the element
of deception.

Bowler Bowler

Figure 3.3  (a) Off-break right-arm spinner; (b) left-arm orthodox.

E4660/Dellor/Fig 3.3a/360680/R1/alw E4660/Dellor/Fig 3.3b/360681/R1/alw

Cricket: Steps to Success

The ball lacks turn when you bowl off-breaks.
Check your grip and action to see if you are giving yourself the best chance of getting turn.

In addition to spinning or flighting some

balls more than others, you can employ another
simple variation. Instead of flicking your fingers
down the side of the ball as it is released, adjust
your grip as if bowling an away-swinger. With
no perceivable change of action, the ball will
drift away from the batsman through the air
rather than spinning back into the batsman off
the pitch, often resulting in an outside edge to
the wicket-keeper or to the slip.
Like everything else you bowl as an off-spin-
ner, the arm ball or floater needs to be perfected
before using it in a match. (Figure 3.4 shows the
grip for the floater.) You need to perfect your
delivery. Deliberately bowl the delivery to ensure
that the ball lands on the smooth part rather
than the seam. Release the ball with the seam
parallel to the ground rather than at right angles
Figure 3.4  Grip for floater.
to it. The ball will still spin around the seam and
appear to be a standard delivery, but without
the same grip on the pitch, it will go straight on.

The batsman spots the arm ball.
Make sure you bowl the arm ball with the same action as the off-break.

It takes time, practice and patience before you more often, the surfaces on which you have to
can learn all the off-spinner’s tricks and achieve operate will be unresponsive. That is when you
control before you step up with confidence have to rely on experience and your craft to
against a batsman in full flow. Sometimes you take wickets.
will be bowling on pitches that assist you, but

Leg Spin
Leg spinners, also known as wrist spinners, turn a-c). The leg-break delivery takes a longer period
the ball from leg to off (figure 3.5). The wrist ac- to master, but when perfected, it brings with it
tion imparts most of the spin on the ball. If the a high degree of satisfaction. A good leg spinner
off-break delivery appears complex, it is nothing has the opportunity to make a complete fool of
compared to the leg-break delivery (figure 3.6, an otherwise competent batsman.


Figure 3.5  Leg break.

Figure 3.6 BowlingE4660/Dellor/Fig

a Leg Break 3.4a/360682/R1/alw

1. Use thumb and first two fingers to form a
cup for the ball
2. Rest seam along fingertips
3. Keep third finger bent, then straighten it in
delivery to impart extra revolutions on ball
4. Cock wrist, ready to flick fingers over top
of ball as it is released

Figure 3.6 (continued)

1. Hold bowling arm high
2. Align feet straight down pitch
3. Assume side-on position
4. Deliver ball with high arm

1. Bring bowling arm over quickly
2. Keep head upright and follow ball down
pitch until natural momentum takes you
away to the off side
3. After delivering the ball, take a position
ready for a caught and bowled chance

Spin Bowling

The ball lacks turn when you bowl a leg break.
Check your grip and action to ensure that you are giving yourself the best chance of getting

For the basic leg-spinner’s grip, hold the ball in he reached the stumps, everything was moving
your cupped hand with your thumb and first two in a straight line towards the target. As a result,
fingers extended, and your ring and little finger he could concentrate on what ball he was going
bent into your palm (figure 3.7). The ball rests to bowl and put all his effort into that, rather than
with the seam running along the ring finger; this having to correct any misdirection in his run.
is the finger that straightens as the wrist flicks When you put as many revolutions on the ball
on release, while the other two fingers snap over as Warne, the ball will dip into the batsman as
the seam. With practice, you’ll be able to have it moves through the air and then will fizz away
the ball come out with the seam at right angles off the pitch. That is the standard delivery of
to the line of flight, spinning rapidly so that all the leg-break bowler, but top leg-spinners have
purchase can be obtained from the ball pitching so many more variations at their disposal. The
on the seam. most common of these is the googly (figure
Your bowling arm needs to strike through 3.8), a delivery that appears as if it is going to
to give enough energy to your wrist as it flicks
over the ball. At the end of an over, a leg spinner
should be puffing a bit, not because he is unfit
but because he has put a great deal of effort into
his bowling. The greatest leg spinner of them all,
Australia’s Shane Warne, certainly put in the ef-
fort, yet he would walk just a few paces up to the
wicket and then bowl. He made sure that once


Figure 3.7  Grip for leg break. Figure 3.8  Googly.

E4660/Dellor/Fig 3.6/360683/R1/alw

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Cricket: Steps to Success

turn as a leg break, from leg to off, but in fact wrist so far around, the same movement of the
goes the other way (figure 3.9, a and b). This is fingers produces turn in the other direction. To
achieved by turning your wrist around during ensure that your wrist can get into this position,
delivery so that the back of your bowling hand it sometimes helps to drop your left shoulder
faces the batsman. The ball comes out over the a little in delivery. Be careful with this because
tips of your fingers, rather than out of your hand doing so does make it a little more obvious to
as the fingers spin over the top. By turning your the batsman that something different is coming.

Figure 3.9 Googly

1. Use thumb and first two fingers to form a
cup for the ball
2. Rest seam along fingertips
3. Keep third finger bent, then straighten in
delivery to impart extra revolutions on ball
4. Cock wrist, ready to flick fingers over top
of ball as it is released

1. Lower left shoulder slightly
2. Turn wrist so back of bowling hand faces
3. Bring arm over quickly
4. Keep head upright and follow ball down
pitch until natural momentum takes you
away to the off side
5. After delivering the ball, take a position
ready for a caught and bowled chance

Spin Bowling

You are unable to bowl a googly.
Try dropping your front shoulder in the delivery stride to get your wrist into the correct position.

Deception is all part of the craft, which is snapping over the ball as it comes out of the side
why good leg-spin bowlers might be able to of the hand and has the spin going straight down
bowl more than one type of googly. There is the pitch. This delivery is particularly effective in
the googly you use at first, which the batsman trapping batsmen LBW because it goes straight
learns to recognise, and then there is the one on rather than turning.
you disguise in a different way. Just as the bats- So, too, is the flipper (figure 3.11). This is
man has learnt to pick whether it is a leg break bowled like a top spinner, but instead of your
or googly coming towards him, you slip in the fingers putting overspin on the ball as it leaves
other googly to ensure that confusion reigns in your hand, they flick the other way so they
the batsman’s mind.
Warne, among others, played on this uncer-
tainty by announcing that he had just developed
a new mystery ball. He might have done so, or
he might not, but if the batsman was looking for
something new, Warne had established doubt
and fear in his opponent’s mind. Warne was,
however, master of all the deceptions going. He
bowled the top spinner (figure 3.10 shows the
grip for the top spinner), which has the fingers


Figure 3.10  Grip for top spinner. Figure 3.11  Flipper.

E4660/Dellor/Fig 3.8/360684/R1/alw

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underspin the ball (figure 3.12). Like the top The answer is that the flipper is also more
spinner, this ball goes straight on but has the difficult to bowl. This dilemma sums up leg-spin
added benefit of keeping low on pitching. bowling as a whole. It is an exacting art to master
So why bowl the top spinner if the flipper is but offers great rewards to those who reach the
potentially more difficult for the batter to play? highest level.

Figure 3.12 Flipper

1. Use first two fingers to form a cup for the
2. Bend thumb back under seam
3. Bend third finger, then straighten it in de-
livery to impart extra revolutions on ball
4. Cock wrist, ready for thumb to flick forward
under ball as it is released

Left-Arm Spin
Left-arm spinners warrant special mention be- left-arm spinner pitches it on off-stump or just
cause of the variation they bring to an attack. outside, the batsman has to play it in case it does
Their skills are directly mirrored in the right-arm not turn and carries on to bowl him. However,
spin bowler (figure 3.13, a-c), but the fact that if it does turn, there is every chance that it will
the same action turns the ball in the opposite find the edge, resulting in a catch to the slip or
direction poses different problems for the bats- wicket-keeper.
man. For example, a left-arm finger spinner, If a left-arm spinner wants to keep the bats-
bowling with a right-arm bowler’s action, will men quiet, he can bowl over the wicket and pitch
turn the ball from leg to off. It means that he the ball in the footmarks created by a right-arm,
can enjoy all the control associated with being over-the-wicket bowler at the other end. With
a finger spinner, but he still turn the ball away the ball generally pitching outside leg-stump,
from the batsman and can exploit all the angles. there is no chance of an LBW; therefore, the
A left-arm spinner can attack the batsman batsman should not be bowled. Even so, it lays
by bowling around the wicket or delivering the down the challenge to the batsman to attack
ball from the left-hand side of the stumps as he the bowling. With uneven bounce and turn out
looks down the pitch. If the ball is turning, he can of the rough, this can prove to be dangerous. It
pitch it in line with the stumps and straighten comes down to who has the greater patience,
it to have the batsman LBW or bowled. If the batsman or bowler.

Figure 3.13 Left-Arm Spin
1. Grip ball in left hand
2. Raise right arm
3. Lift right foot

1. Right arm chops through
2. Left arm brings ball over
3. Front foot pivots
4. Left leg drives through

Cricket: Steps to Success

Figure 3.13 (continued)

1. Left arm follows through naturally after
2. Move off pitch quickly after releasing ball

Good left-arm wrist spinners also provide

problems for batsmen, in a similar way to their
right-arm, leg-spinning colleagues. But just like
leg spinners, chinaman (the name given to a
left-arm wrist spinner who bowls the standard
delivery; see figure 3.14) and googly bowlers
have a demanding job gaining enough control
and consistency to be really effective. However,
the end results make all the hours of practice

Figure 3.14  Chinaman.

44 E4660/Dellor/Fig 3.11/360685/R1/alw
Spin Bowling

Spin Bowling Drill 1.  Off-Break Bowling

Using a red-and-white-halved ball, bowl six off- • Take a short delivery stride and pivot on your
breaks. Make sure you can see only one colour front foot as you bowl.
as the ball goes towards the batsman. • Reinforce the spin from your fingers by turn-
To Increase Difficulty ing your whole hand as you release the ball.
• At the completion of the action, your body
• Place a target progressively further outside
should have turned 180 degrees so what
off-stump and turn the ball back to hit the
was your bowling shoulder is now pointing
at the target.
To Decrease Difficulty
Score Your Success
• Place a target close to the stumps so you
have to turn the ball only slightly to hit the 5 or 6 balls turn from off to leg = 5 points
stumps. 3 or 4 balls turn from off to leg = 3 points
1 or 2 balls turn from off to leg = 1 point
Success Check
Your Score ___
• Grip the ball correctly, with your first two
fingers spread along the seam.
• Make sure that your thumb does not impede
the spin.

Spin Bowling Drill 2.  Leg-Break Bowling

Using a red-and-white-halved ball, bowl six leg • Move in a straight line towards the target.
breaks. Make sure you can see only one colour • Bring your arm over high.
as the ball goes towards the batsman.
• At the moment of release, straighten your
To Increase Difficulty third finger and rotate your wrist to impart
more spin.
• Place a target progressively further outside
the leg stump and turn the ball back to hit • Strike through with a fast arm to give the
the stumps. action snap.

To Decrease Difficulty Score Your Success

• Place a target close to the stumps so you 5 or 6 balls turn from leg to off = 5 points
have to turn the ball only slightly to hit the 3 or 4 balls turn from leg to off = 3 points
1 or 2 balls turn from leg to off = 1 point
Success Check Your Score ___
• Grip the ball correctly, with the ball cupped
between your first and second fingers, the
base of your thumb and a bent third finger.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Spin Bowling Drill 3.  Googlies

Using a red-and-white-halved ball, bowl six • Move in a straight line towards the target.
googlies. Make sure you can see only one colour • Bring your arm over high and drop your front
as the ball goes towards the batsman. shoulder as you release the ball.
To Increase Difficulty • At the moment of release, straighten your
third finger and rotate your wrist so that
• Place a target progressively further outside
the ball comes out over your fingers with
the off-stump and turn the ball back to hit
the back of your hand facing the batsman.
the stumps.
• Strike through with a fast arm to give the
To Decrease Difficulty action snap.
• Place a target down close to the stumps so
you have to turn the ball only slightly to hit Score Your Success
the stumps. 5 or 6 balls turn from off to leg = 5 points
3 or 4 balls turn from off to leg = 3 points
Success Check
1 or 2 balls turn from off to leg = 1 point
• Grip the ball correctly, with the ball cupped Your Score ___
between your first and second fingers, the
base of your thumb and a bent third finger.

Spin Bowling Drill 4.  Off-Spinners and Arm Ball

Bowl six off-spinners, or left-arm spinners, to a • Take a short delivery stride and pivot your
batsman and put in one arm ball. Have the bats- front foot as you bowl.
man attempt to hit the ball. • Reinforce the spin from your fingers by turn-
To Increase Difficulty ing your whole hand as you release the ball.
• At the completion of the action, your body
• Try to bowl progressively further outside
should have turned 180 degrees so what
off-stump and turn the ball back to hit the
was your bowling shoulder is now pointing
stumps, or get the ball to swing away further
at the target.
in the air if you are bowling an arm ball.
• Grip the ball for the arm ball (floater) with the
To Decrease Difficulty seam upright and pointing in the direction
• Try to bowl closer to the stumps so you have you want the ball to swing; go right through
only to turn the ball slightly to hit them, or with your action.
just swing the arm ball enough to get it just
off the straight. Score Your Success
5 or 6 balls behave as intended = 5 points
Success Check 3 or 4 balls behave as intended = 3 points
• Grip the ball correctly, with your first two 1 or 2 balls behave as intended = 1 point
fingers spread along the seam.
Your Score ___
• Make sure that your thumb is not impeding
the spin.

Spin Bowling

Spin Bowling Drill 5.  Leg Breaks and Googly

Bowl six leg breaks to a batsman and put in one • Bring your arm over high.
googly. The batsman attempts to hit the ball. • At the moment of release, straighten your
To Increase Difficulty third finger and rotate your wrist to impart
more spin.
• Try to pitch the ball progressively further
• Strike through with a fast arm to give the
outside the line of the stumps and turn the
action snap.
ball back to hit them.
• For the googly, drop your front shoulder a
To Decrease Difficulty little, if necessary, and release the ball with
• Try to bowl closer to the stumps so you have the back of your bowling hand facing the
only to turn the ball slightly to hit them. batsman.

Success Check Score Your Success

• Grip the ball correctly, with the ball cupped 5 or 6 balls behave as intended = 5 points
between your first and second fingers, the 3 or 4 balls behave as intended = 3 points
base of your thumb and a bent third finger. 1 or 2 balls behave as intended = 1 point
• Make sure that you are moving in a straight Your Score ___
line towards the target.

Success Summary of Spin Bowling

Successful spin bowling is all about control and too long a delivery stride. If you bowl leg spin,
deception. The more you can turn the ball, the remember to move your body directly towards
more successful you are likely to be. You only the target and bowl with a snap in your action.
have to turn it a few inches to beat the bat. On Before moving on to step 4, Basic Batting,
some pitches, you will not be able to turn the evaluate how you did on the spin bowling drills
ball as much as on others, but then you have the in this step. Tally your scores to determine how
option of beating the batsman with clever flight. well you have mastered the skill of spin bowling.
The grip is all important to ensure you are able If you scored at least 15 points, you are ready to
to turn the ball. Make sure you use the right grip move on to step 4. If you did not score at least
for whatever style of spin bowler you are. If you 15 points, practice the drills again until you raise
are bowling off-spin, or left-arm orthodox, pivot your scores before moving on to step 4.
on your front leg and make sure you do not take

Cricket: Steps to Success

Spin Bowling Drills

1. Off-Break Bowling ___ out of 5

2. Leg-Break Bowling ___ out of 5
3. Googlies ___ out of 5
4. Off-Spinners and Arm Ball ___ out of 5
5. Leg Breaks and Googly ___ out of 5

Total ___ out of 25

Now that you have dealt with bowling, either hundreds. Even if you consider yourself to be
spin or pace, it is time to move on to batting. primarily a bowler, it is very useful to be able to
Even the best bowler in the world has to bat, contribute a few runs to the team’s total. When
and it is a good idea to become as proficient a it comes to a selection between two bowlers,
batsman as possible. Like all other aspects of the one who can bat usually gets the last place
the game, there are some simple basics to be in the side.
learned. Master those, and you will be scoring


Basic Batting

It is often said that cricket is a batsman’s game. no side can expect to win. However, the game
Perhaps it is the bowlers who say that, because situation dictates how soon the incoming bats-
they suspect that no sooner do they take the man is prepared to take risks. If there is plenty
upper hand than the administrators help the of time available, he can get used to the condi-
batsmen restore their star status. In truth, the tions, examine the bowling and gradually ease
administrators are usually trying to re-establish himself into his innings as his confidence grows
parity because cricket is nothing without a fine with time at the crease. Conversely, towards the
balance between bat and ball. If batsmen were end of a limited-overs match, he might have to
allowed to hold sway unchallenged, runs would dispense with caution and go after the bowling
be easy to come by, and the game as a whole from the very first ball.
would be devalued. As in every aspect of the game, the best play-
The object of batting is to score runs. There ers are those who do the simple things better
are times when the conservation of wickets is than others. This is particularly true of batting.
the prime objective because of the game situa- Without proper mastery of the basics, a batsman
tion. It is rare, even in the most ferocious fight is unlikely to have the choice whether he tries to
for survival, that some runs are not scored. Runs stay in or goes for runs. Any half-decent bowler
are a batsman’s oxygen, and unless he can make will solve the batsman’s problems by dismissing
the occasional sortie to the other end or pick up him. However, all the best batsmen attend to the
the odd boundary, he will suffocate. This is the basic principles, and only a genius can afford to
great dilemma of batting. There is a need for flout them and still score consistently.
runs, but trying to score them more quickly than So what are these unforgiving principles, or
the bowling allows means taking risks. That, in the golden rules of batting? They are not com-
turn, increases the likelihood of dismissal, and plicated in themselves, but their application can
there has never been a batsman who has scored be. Like so much in cricket, the key to successful
runs while sitting in the pavilion ruing the fall batting is in your head. Before you even face a
of his wicket. ball, you can give yourself a decent chance of
Batsmen go to the middle with the intention playing well by getting your head in the right
of scoring runs—without runs on the board, place and the correct position.

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Cricket: Steps to Success

Always take a guard when you get to the crease. Comply with his instructions and move the bat
The common guards are middle stump, middle along the crease until it is right in front of middle
and leg stump and leg stump (figure 4.1, a-c). stump. When it is, make a mark on the crease
The stumps are important because you hold your (figure 4.2) and prepare to face every ball from
bat in front of them and ask the umpire for your that position. The same applies to leg stump.
guard. If you ask for middle stump, the umpire Middle and leg stump refers to a position directly
will tell you where that is on the popping crease. between the middle stump and the leg stump.

Figure 4.1 Common Guards

Middle Stump
1. Hold bat with its edge towards umpire
2. Shift toe of bat until it is straight in front of
middle stump
3. Make a mark on the crease

Middle and Leg Stump

1. Hold bat with its face towards the umpire
2. Shift toe of bat until it covers middle and
leg stumps
3. Make a mark on the crease

Basic Batting

Leg Stump
1. Hold bat with its edge towards the umpire
2. Shift toe of bat until it is straight in front of
leg stump
3. Make a mark on the crease

Figure 4.2  Mark on the crease.

Ask some batsmen why they take a particular The reason for taking any guard is to ensure
guard, and they have little idea. Although they that your head is directly in front of the stumps.
may offer some sort of idea, it seldom makes If you are tall and bend over a long way in your
any sense. The suggestion that they take a leg- stance, you will need a leg-stump guard; other-
stump guard because they prefer playing on wise, your head will be outside off-stump as you
the off side is scarcely valid unless the bowler settle into your stance. Even if you are tall, if you
is prepared to co-operate by bowling as the stand upright in your stance, you might want to
batsman wants.

Cricket: Steps to Success

take middle so that your head is directly in front your head still, you know that any ball passing
of the stumps. There is a good reason for this. wide of your right ear will miss off-stump; any
The wicket is 9 inches (23 cm) wide, about the ball wide of your left ear will pass by leg stump.
same size as a human head. Therefore, if your If the ball is in line with your head, you had bet-
nose is in line with middle stump, and you keep ter get a bat on it to keep it out of the wicket.

You don’t know where the stumps are behind you.
Check your guard so that you know the stumps are always directly behind your head.

To make the best judgement about the line of are likely to bring the bat across the line of the
the ball, keep your eyes as nearly parallel with ball from leg to off, reducing your chances of
the ground as possible. When you want to stare making good contact. Or if you bring your head
at something intently, you hold your head and up from that leaning stance, your eyes will need
eyes level; you don’t cock your head to one side. to adjust while the ball is on its way. That is not
Many batsmen cock their heads to one side and giving you the best chance to focus on the ball.
still try to watch a cricket ball intently. If you By ensuring that your head is over middle stump
start like that, you will usually fall away with with your eyes parallel to the ground, you will
your head towards the off side. This means you avoid these simple errors.

You topple over towards the off side.
Stand more upright; make sure your eyes are level and not at an angle as you prepare to
face the bowling.

The rest of your body is important as well. making contact. If you swish across the line, your
Your feet should be comfortably apart, with bat path and the line of the ball will coincide for
knees slightly flexed (figure 4.3, a and b), so that no more than a split second. If you are extremely
you are balanced and able to move backwards talented and well co-ordinated, you may still be
or forwards as the delivery demands. You should able to hit the ball in those circumstances. But
be side-on to the bowler because it will be easier you are more likely to make contact if the path
to play straight. All you have to do is pick the bat of your bat and the line of the ball are the same,
up straight and let it come down straight again to although travelling in opposite directions. If you
keep your bat on the line of the ball for as long are a little early or a little late, you will not hit
as possible. This gives you the best chance of the ball as you intend, but you will still hit it.

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Figure 4.3 Stance

Front View
1. Stand side-on to the bowler
2. Place feet comfortably apart and parallel
to crease
3. Keep knees slightly flexed
4. Hold head upright
5. Keep eyes parallel to ground

Side View
1. Stand side-on
2. Place feet comfortably apart and parallel
to crease
3. Keep knees slightly flexed
4. Hold head upright
5. Keep eyes parallel to ground

Cricket: Steps to Success

It also is important to hold the bat properly.
When Tiger Woods gets ready to tee up, the
first thing he does is look at where he wants to
hit the ball, even before he checks his grip. That
golf ball is not going anywhere until Woods hits
it; you, however, are going to have a cricket ball
coming towards you at up to 90 miles (145 km)
per hour. If it is worth it to Woods to check his
grip, that should make sense for you, too. Get
into the habit of checking your grip before every
ball to give yourself the best chance to hit it.
Hold your hands close together on the handle
(figure 4.4). This enables your hands to work
together, rather than having one dominate the
other. It is one of the quirks of cricket that the
dominant, and therefore strongest, hand is in
the position where it can hinder rather than help
correct stroke play. A right-handed batsman will
grip the bat with his left hand near the top of
the handle and his right hand just below it; the
top hand will control the shots. If the bottom,
or right, hand takes over, the batsman will hit Figure 4.4  Hands are close together on
the handle with the top hand near the top of
across the line as his right hand pushes through
the handle. The Vs formed by the thumb and
and his head falls over. He will be in no position forefinger on both hands are in line and mid-
to play. way between the middle of the splice and the
Your grip can help prevent this from happen- outside edge.
ing. Put your top hand on the bat so the point of
the V formed by your thumb and forefinger is the V of that hand in line with that of the top
in line with a point halfway between the middle hand. If you get the grip right, the face of the
of the splice and the outside edge of the bat. bat will come down at a right angle to the line
The back of your left hand should face mid-off. of the ball, giving you the best possible chance
Then put your right hand just below the left with of hitting it cleanly.

You hit every ball towards the leg side.
Your grip is faulty. Make sure your grip on the bat is correct and that you are not letting your
bottom hand take over.

Cricketers talk of bringing the bat down on the the first place. That means the bat will go back
ball, but first you need to pick up the bat. It can over middle stump (you know where that is—it
be taken up towards third man and still come is directly behind your nose!) with your top hand
down straight, but it is much simpler to avoid the pushing it back and up rather than your bottom
need for adjustment by picking it up straight in hand pulling it up (figure 4.5, a and b).

Figure 4.5 Backlift
Front View
1. Top hand pushes bat straight back and up
2. Toe of bat is higher than hands
3. Hands are above waist

Side View
1. Top hand pushes bat straight back and up
2. Toe of bat is higher than hands
3. Hands are above waist

Cricket: Steps to Success

You get no power in your shots.
You need to employ a higher backlift and make sure that it is straight back.

To play down on the ball, get the toe of the bat makes them hit the ball in the air. Make sure you
above your hands and your hands above your pick up the bat early. It takes time to lift your bat
waist. Your forearm will be parallel to the ground high. It is no use starting your backlift when the
if you have picked up the bat properly. Too many ball is already on its way. Pick the bat up when
batsmen think they are picking up the bat high the bowler is in his delivery stride so that no
enough if they merely cock their wrists in their matter how quick his delivery is, all you have
stance. They are not. If the ball bounces, they to do is bring the bat straight down.
have to bring their hands up, and that invariably

Judging the Line of the Ball

You know how to judge the line of the ball be- is going to come. That way, you will see the ball
cause your head is in line with the stumps. You much earlier than if you look in the general di-
will pick up this line early and get an idea of rection of the bowler and try to pick up the ball
length if you watch the ball all the way from the after it has left his hand.
bowler’s hand. As you took guard, the umpire Batting can be made more complicated than
told you where the ball would be coming from it should be. These basic routines of standing
by announcing, ‘Right arm over’ or whatever. properly; using a correct grip; and then lifting
Focus on the point from where the ball is to be the bat up straight, high and early all happen
released. If you can see how the bowler is hold- before the ball reaches you. All players can per-
ing the ball, you might get an idea of what he form these basics just as well as a Test batsman.
is going to bowl; however, you will not be able Without perfecting them, though, you will not
to keep watching the ball as the bowler’s hand give yourself the best chance of dealing with the
sweeps over in his action. Therefore, focus on ball when it does arrive.
that small area from where you know the ball

Basic Batting

Basic Batting Drill 1.  Grip Check

Take hold of the bat six times while a partner • Check whether your hands are close to-
checks your grip. A coach, experienced player or gether on the bat handle.
a friend from the team can evaluate your grip. If
a partner is unavailable, look in a mirror to check Score Your Success
that your grip, stance and backlift conform to the
6 correct grips = 5 points
photographs in this step.
3 to 5 correct grips = 1 point
Success Check 1 or 2 correct grips = 0 points
• Grip the bat with the Vs in line midway be- Your Score ___
tween the splice and the outside edge.

Basic Batting Drill 2.  Stance Check

Take your stance as if you are about to face a • Flex your knees.
ball and have a partner check you. Get into your • Keep your eyes level and parallel to the
stance six times. ground.
To Increase Difficulty
Score Your Success
• Have your partner check that you maintain
this position as a bowler comes in to deliver 6 correct stances = 5 points
a real ball. 3 to 5 correct stances = 1 point
1 or 2 correct stances = 0 points
Success Check Your Score ___
• Stand side-on, feet comfortably apart.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Basic Batting Drill 3.  Backlift Check

Have your partner check your backlift; swing the • Bring the bat down straight as if playing a
bat back six times. forward defensive stroke (see step 5).
To Increase Difficulty
Score Your Success
• Have your partner check whether you pick
6 correct backlifts = 5 points
the bat up and bring it down straight when
a bowler delivers a real ball to you. 3 to 5 correct backlifts = 1 point
1 or 2 correct backlifts = 0 points
Success Check Your Score ___
• With your top hand in control, lift the bat
straight behind you over the middle stump.
• With your front forearm parallel to the
ground, get the toe of the bat above your
hands and your hands above your waist.

Basic Batting Drill 4.  Complete Position Check

Have your partner check your complete set-up, • Have your partner check your stance.
including grip, stance and backlift. Get into posi- • Check that your backlift is high and straight,
tion and face a bowler who bowls six balls at you. and that the bat comes straight down.
To Increase Difficulty • Make sure you do not move your feet until
you have seen the length and line of the ball.
• Face a very good bowler who causes you
to hurry.
Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty 6 balls with correct set-up = 5 points
• Have a bowler simply lob balls towards you 3 to 5 balls with correct set-up = 3 points
rather than bowl properly. 1 or 2 balls with correct set-up = 1 point
Success Check Your Score ___

• Ensure the grip is correct.

Basic Batting

Success Summary of Basic Batting

Compared to other steps in this book, basic bat- what goes wrong in cricket. Make sure you do
ting might not appear to be a very exciting step. not succumb to basic errors. Move on to score
However, just as you cannot hope to be a decent hundreds of runs.
bowler until you have mastered the basics, you Before moving on to step 5, Defensive Batting,
cannot become a proficient batsman until you evaluate how you did on the basic batting drills
are in full command of the basic rules of batting. in this step. Tally your scores to determine how
Before facing each ball, check your grip in well you have mastered the elements of basic
order to use the full face of the bat to play the batting. A total of 20 points is possible. If you
ball. Make sure you are standing correctly. Get scored 18 points, you are ready to move on to
ready to lift your bat straight back over middle step 5. If you did not score 18 points, practice
stump with your hands high. It all sounds very the drills again until you raise your scores before
simple—and it is—but faults in meeting these moving on to step 5.
basic requirements account for so much of

Basic Batting Drills

1. Grip Check ___ out of 5

2. Stance Check ___ out of 5
3. Backlift Check ___ out of 5
4. Complete Position Check ___ out of 5

Total ___ out of 20

Now that your set-up is correct, you are ready what you have learnt in this step to make sure
to move on to step 5, Defensive Batting. You can you are able to defend your wicket. And when
have the best set-up the game has ever seen, you can do that confidently, you can start to
but unless you hit the ball, you are not going to think about scoring runs.
get very far as a batsman. The next step applies

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There are two principal types of stroke played backwards or forwards to counter a ball that
in cricket. Supposedly, batsmen refer to them is directed at the stumps, and then offer the
as the ‘get past that’ stroke and the ‘fetch that’ broadest of bats to keep the ball out. This is an
stroke. The ‘get past that’ stroke is a defen- important rule to keep in mind. You should never
sive stroke that prevents the ball from getting play a defensive shot to a ball that is not going to
through. The ‘fetch that’ stroke is an attacking hit the stumps. When you play defensively, you
stroke that sends the ball racing towards the are not trying to score runs. Instead of the bat
boundary so one of the fielders has to go to get hitting the ball, you are allowing the ball to hit
it. Unless you are able to describe a defensive the bat. If you are not trying to score runs, why
stroke with conviction by imagining that you play a ball that is not threatening the wicket? If it
are saying, ‘Get past that’ to the bowler, you are is wide of the stumps, it is not going to bowl you.
unlikely to survive long enough at the crease to You cannot be LBW, but you might offer a catch
say, ‘Fetch that’ very often. Unless you are really by playing this otherwise harmless delivery.
trying to wind up the bowler, say these phrases This means that there is another possibility:
to yourself, rather than out loud. the leave. When you decide that the percent-
A batsman should intend to score off every ages of playing a particular ball are not in your
ball, although the bowler can force him to favour, let it go. Think of this as a positive ac-
change his mind. If a ball is likely to get you out tion because you made a conscious decision
if you attack it, you must be prepared to accept to leave the ball alone. But make sure your bat
the bowler’s superiority for that delivery. Have and gloves are well out of the way. There are
patience. Nothing is worse than getting out and plenty of instances of a batsman trying to leave
then watching the next batsman dispatch a a ball only to have it take an edge and deflect
succession of long hops and half volleys. Had onto the stumps. It is just as infuriating to draw
you treated the ball that dismissed you with a away from a bouncing delivery and have it flick
little more respect, you could have been the one a glove, offering a simple catch. Like all shots,
taking advantage of those wayward deliveries. the leave needs practice.
Within the ‘get past that’ category, there
are only two possibilities. You can move either

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Cricket: Steps to Success

Forward Defensive
Although often considered the most boring the way and allow the ball to hit it. The answer
stroke in cricket, the forward defensive is also is that before the bowler lets go of the ball, you
the most important. It is played to a good-length intend to score runs if possible; therefore, it is
ball that is going to hit the stumps, and this is important to get your hands and bat high in
exactly the ball that the bowler tries to deliver readiness for an attacking stroke. This move-
every time. The dangers inherent in the forward ment should take place even before you can
defensive stroke illustrate why it is so important judge the line and length of the ball. And it car-
to have sound technique. ries another advantage: you want to bring your
As with every other cricket shot, you need bat down onto the ball. Failure to get your hands
a high backlift (figure 5.1a) to play a forward high in the backlift can result in your hitting the
defensive effectively. You might ask why this is, ball into the air.
when all you are going to do is put your bat in

Figure 5.1 Forward Defensive Stroke

High Backlift
1. Top hand pushes bat straight back and up
2. Toe of bat is higher than hands
3. Hands are above waist

Head and Front Shoulder

1. Lead with head and front shoulder towards
pitch of the ball

Defensive Batting

Execution, Front View

1. Head in line with where ball pitched
2. Top hand in control
3. Bat brought down in angled position
4. Ball contacted slightly ahead of front pad

Execution, Side View

1. Weight on front foot
2. Front knee bent
3. Head over front knee
4. Back foot parallel to crease
5. Back heel raised slightly
6. Back leg straight

You keep getting bowled by balls you think you have covered.
You are most likely bringing the bat down across the line. This may be because you are not
lifting the bat straight up, or you are toppling to the off side and allowing your bottom hand
to take over.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Once you have decided that the ball is threat- In fact, this is not magic at all. If your foot did
ening the stumps and is of a good length—not not take up that position, you would fall over as
full enough to drive but not short enough for you leaned forward. As you pick up the money,
you to move backwards—the next movement is your foot automatically moves to an ideal posi-
with your head and front shoulder (figure 5.1b). tion for the forward defensive stroke.
Generations of batsmen were taught to get their If you concentrate on leading out towards
front feet to the pitch of the ball. What nonsense! the ball with your head, your foot will follow
This led to them plunging forward, often too correctly. It will be in the right place, straight
early, so that not only would they find their feet under your head and 45 degrees to the line of
in the wrong place, but their heads would not the ball. If your foot points straight down the
be in the correct position either. pitch, it is a sure sign that you have moved it
There is a very good illustration for this point. first and need to get it out of the way to allow
If you are walking along the street and see mon- the bat to come through. It also means that you
ey on the ground, you would not put your foot do not have a firm base and are likely to topple
alongside it as you picked it up. What you would over. With your foot in the 45-degree position,
do is lead with your head towards the money, you will be balanced throughout the shot. This
and almost magically, your foot would move to should happen naturally if you concentrate on
the right place as you bent down to pick it up. getting the head movement right.

Your pad gets in the way when you are playing the forward defensive.
You have moved your front leg before assessing the line of the ball.

With your weight balanced over a bent front that front leg, an edge may pop up to waiting
knee and your back heel raised off the ground fielders, and you would have no room to adjust
but with that foot parallel to the crease, you are to a late swinging delivery.
in a good position to play the ball (figure 5.1c).
If you allow your back foot to pivot so that the
top rather than the inner side is in contact with
the ground, your back leg is likely to collapse at
the knee, prompting your body to fall backwards,
and you will hit across the line. If you have as-
sumed a good position, you will be able to bring
the angled bat down on the ball with your top
hand in control and your bottom hand relaxed
into a thumb and forefinger grip (figure 5.1d).
The ball should hit the middle of the bat (fig-
ure 5.2). There is a danger of playing this shot
too low. If you do, and the ball bounces, there
is every chance that it will take the corner of
the bat or your glove and offer a catch. To avoid
giving a catch off the inside edge, play with the
bat just in advance of your front leg. This should
ensure that inside edges pass harmlessly down Figure 5.2  The ball hits the middle of the
past the leg stump. If you ram your bat against bat on a forward defensive stroke.

Defensive Batting

When playing forward defensively, you pop up catches in front of the wicket.
Make sure the bat is angled down; allow the ball to come to the bat rather than pushing out
at it.

Forward Defensive Drills

In order to concentrate on the techniques in- stated otherwise. As you progress, you can put
volved, it is a good idea to run through all the bat- on full protective equipment and face a cricket
ting drills using a tennis ball on a hard surface, ball in a suitable area, such as in a practice net
such as in a sports hall or at a playground, unless or on the pitch itself.

Forward Defensive Drill 1.  Playing Forward

  Defensive Strokes
Work with a partner or coach, or simply stand in • At the completion of the shot, make sure
front of a mirror, and play six forward defensive your bat is angled down.
strokes to imaginary balls.
Score Your Success
Success Check 5 or 6 correct forward defensive shots = 5
• Make sure your set-up is correct and use a points
high backlift. 3 or 4 correct forward defensive shots = 3
• Lead with your head towards the imaginary points
ball. 1 or 2 correct forward defensive shots = 1 point
• Bring the bat down with the top hand in Your Score ___
control and the bottom hand relaxed into a
thumb and forefinger grip.

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Cricket: Steps to Success

Forward Defensive Drill 2.  Forward Defensive Strokes

  With Rotation
Work in threes: one player bats; one feeds straight, Success Check
good-length balls; and the third player acts as
• Make sure your set-up is correct and use a
wicket-keeper. You can involve additional field-
high backlift.
ers if available. The batsman plays a forward
defensive stroke to the balls. Once the batsman • When you have judged the line and length of
has faced six balls, the players change around the ball, lead with your head towards the ball.
so that everybody gets a chance to bat, feed and • Bring the bat down on the ball with the top
keep wicket. hand in control and the bottom hand relaxed
into a thumb and forefinger grip.
To Increase Difficulty
• At the completion of the shot, make sure the
• Increase the speed of the service of the ball. ball drops straight down in front of you off
• Place fielders all around the bat who are the downward-angled bat.
ready to catch anything that goes off the
bat in the air. Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty 5 or 6 safe forward defensive shots = 5 points
• Decrease the speed of the service of the ball. 3 or 4 safe forward defensive shots = 3 points
• If fielders are used, place them farther away 1 or 2 safe forward defensive shots = 1 point
from the bat. Your Score ___

Forward Defensive Drill 3.  Wicket or Not?

Play six forward defensive strokes against a ball • When you have judged the line and length of
served to you. Judge whether the ball is going the ball, lead with your head towards the ball.
to hit the wicket or not. Play a stroke only if you • Bring the bat down on the ball with the top
think the ball would go on to hit the stumps. If not, hand in control and the bottom hand relaxed
leave it. Have a colleague watch and keep score. into a thumb and forefinger grip.
To Increase Difficulty • At the completion of the shot, make sure the
ball drops straight down in front of you off
• Increase the speed of the service of the ball.
the downward-angled bat.
• Place fielders all around the bat who are
ready to catch anything that goes off the Score Your Success
bat in the air.
5 or 6 correct judgements as to when to play a
To Decrease Difficulty forward defensive shot = 5 points
• Decrease the speed of the service of the ball. 3 or 4 correct judgements as to when to play a
• If fielders are used, place them farther away forward defensive shot = 3 points
from the bat. 1 or 2 correct judgements as to when to play
a forward defensive shot = 1 point
Success Check Your Score ___
• Make sure your set-up is correct and use a
high backlift.

Defensive Batting

Forward Defensive Drill 4.  Practice Against Bowler

Play against a bowler in a practice situation. Play • Bring the bat down on the ball with the top
forward defensive strokes against six balls when hand in control and the bottom hand relaxed
the delivery warrants it. Again, get a colleague to into a thumb and forefinger grip.
observe whether your judgement is sound and • At the completion of the shot, make sure the
to keep score. ball drops straight down in front of you off
To Increase Difficulty the downward-angled bat.

• Face a better bowler who tests your tech- Score Your Success
nique more and bring in some close fielders
looking for a catch. 5 or 6 correct playing of forward defensive
shots = 5 points
To Decrease Difficulty
3 or 4 correct playing of forward defensive
• Face a bowler who does not present such a shots = 3 points
stern test and dispense with fielders. 1 or 2 correct playing of forward defensive
shots = 1 point
Success Check Your Score ___
• Make sure your set-up is correct and use a
high backlift.
• When you have judged the line and length of
the ball, lead with your head towards the ball.

Backward Defensive
If the ball is just short of a length and threaten- When you moved forwards to play defen-
ing the wicket, you need to move backwards. sively, the first thing you moved was your head.
Given the tendency to plunge onto the front Almost the same thing applies to moving back-
foot, players seem to find moving backwards wards. Get your head in line with the ball, and
more difficult than moving forwards. But if you your feet will automatically go to the right place
learn to go back towards the stumps in the cor- to maintain balance. The slight difference from
rect fashion, batting should become a far easier the forward defensive, apart from the direction
experience. of movement, is that you want your weight to
Fast bowlers would give their eye teeth for an be slightly forward. Coaches talk about moving
extra yard of pace. However when you use the backwards with your head left behind so that
full depth of the crease to go backwards, you you do not lean back while playing the shot.
effectively add an extra yard to the length of the Although your head determines the line, your
pitch, thereby reducing the bowler’s pace. Once back foot, moving at the same time as your
you have moved in the correct manner, you need head, enables you to get into line and to get
to present the bowler with another challenge to back far enough.
‘get past that’.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Because you are only going to defend if the your head to be over the line of the ball, bring
ball is heading for the stumps, you should not your front foot alongside the back one. This helps
need to go very far in a lateral direction. One you maintain a side-on position rather than, as
of the major faults of batsmen who move back- too often happens, playing the backward de-
wards, especially against quicker bowlers, is a fensive shot with your chest facing the bowler.
tendency to back away to leg. That spells trouble. Fast bowlers are aggressive by nature, and you
The batsman exposes his stumps to the full view do not want to present them with a larger target
of the bowler and is in no position to defend than necessary! Furthermore, if you have moved
them. Courage is required of a batsman—and backwards with your head over the line of the
courage is not shown if you back away. ball and your body just inside that line, it will be
Once you have moved your back foot back- easier for you to execute the stroke.
wards to land parallel with the crease, enabling

When you are playing back defensively, you have to bring your bat down and around your
body to play the ball.
Check the position of your toes. You have likely opened up as you went backwards so that
your toes are pointing back down the pitch rather than being parallel to the popping crease.

Once you have lifted your bat high and early wards the bowler, you will not be able to do this.
and have taken up the prescribed position, all Instead, you will have to make an adjustment
you need to do is bring your bat straight down by either getting the bat around your body or
for the ball to hit it (figure 5.3a). If you have gone straightening the bat as it comes down to get it
too far over to the off side or have been squared in line. Neither conforms to the requirement to
up as you went back with your toes pointing to- keep batting simple.

When you move backwards, you find that you are playing defensively away from your body.
You are either moving straight back rather than back and across, or you are defending balls
that are too wide.

As with all back-foot shots, move into position to ensure that you bring your hands down onto
for the backward defensive and then play the the ball. Ensure that your top hand is control,
ball. The speed of the ball and your movement with your bottom hand relaxed into a thumb
determine how much time you have between and forefinger grip and the bat angled down at
moving and playing, but this sequence should impact (figure 5.3b).
be what you strive for. You need a high backlift

You find yourself playing the ball up rather than keeping it down.
As you move backwards, keep your head forward rather than leaning back, and do not let
your bottom hand push through.

Figure 5.3 Backward Defensive Stroke
Execution, Front View
1. Have top hand in control
2. Bring bat down at an angle
3. Maintain perfect balance
4. Play stroke

Execution, Side View

1. Play ball out in front of your head
2. Get head behind line of ball
3. Play off firm base

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Cricket: Steps to Success

Remember that both defensive shots are de- firm grip but allow the ball to come to you and
signed solely to conserve your wicket. But it is meet it with your bottom hand relaxed. Then,
not enough to keep the ball out of the stumps if should the ball find the edge, the chances are
you make a slight error that results in a catch. It that it will not carry to waiting fielders. You will
is important to ensure you play defensive strokes have achieved what you wanted: survival to
with what are called soft hands. This means that face the next delivery that might easily be put
you should not thrust the bat at the ball with a away for four.

Backward Defensive Drill 1.  Playing Backward

   Defensive Strokes
Work with a partner or coach, or simply stand in • Make sure your bat is angled down at the
front of a mirror, and play six backward defensive completion of the shot.
strokes to imaginary balls.
Score Your Success
Success Check 5 or 6 correct backward defensive shots = 5
• Make sure your set-up is correct and use a points
high backlift. 3 or 4 correct backward defensive shots = 3
• Move backwards far enough to get your points
head in line with the imaginary ball. 1 or 2 correct backward defensive shots = 1
• Bring the bat down with your top hand in point
control and your bottom hand relaxed into Your Score ___
a thumb and forefinger grip.

Backward Defensive Drill 2.  Backward Defensive

   Strokes With Rotation
Work in threes: one player bats; one feeds straight Success Check
balls just short of a length; and the third player
• Make sure your set-up is correct and use a
acts as wicket-keeper. You can involve additional
high backlift.
fielders if available. The batsman plays a backward
defensive to any ball that warrants it. Once the • When you have judged the line and length
batsman has faced six balls, the players change of the ball, move backwards beside the line
around so that everybody gets a chance to bat, with your head left behind to keep your
feed and keep wicket. weight forward and stay side-on.
• Bring the bat down on the ball with your
To Increase Difficulty
top hand in control and your bottom hand
• Increase the speed of the service of the ball. relaxed into a thumb and forefinger grip.
• Place fielders all around the bat who are • At the completion of the shot, make sure the
ready to catch anything that goes off the ball drops straight down in front of you off
bat into the air. the downward-angled bat.
To Decrease Difficulty
Score Your Success
• Decrease the speed of the service of the ball.
5 or 6 safe backward defensive shots = 5 points
• If fielders are used, place them farther away
3 or 4 safe backward defensive shots = 3 points
from the bat.
1 or 2 safe backward defensive shots = 1 point
Your Score ___

Defensive Batting

Backward Defensive Drill 3.  Wicket or Not?

Play six backward defensive strokes against a ball • When you have judged the line and length
served to you. Judge whether the ball is going to of the ball, move backwards in the crease,
hit the wicket and only play a stroke if you think remaining side-on so that you finish in a
the ball would go on to hit the stumps. If not, leave balanced position with your head over the
it. Ask a colleague to watch and keep score. line of the ball.
To Increase Difficulty • Bring the bat down on the ball with your
top hand in control and your bottom hand
• Increase the speed of the service of the ball. relaxed into a thumb and forefinger grip.
• Place fielders all around the bat who are • At the completion of the shot, make sure the
ready to catch anything that goes off the ball drops straight down in front of you off
bat into the air. the downward-angled bat.
To Decrease Difficulty
Score Your Success
• Decrease the speed of the service of the ball.
5 or 6 correct judgements as to when to play a
• If fielders are used, place them farther away
backward defensive shot = 5 points
from the bat.
3 or 4 correct judgements as to when to play a
Success Check backward defensive shot = 3 points
1 or 2 correct judgements as to when to play a
• Make sure your set-up is correct and use a
backward defensive shot = 1 point
high backlift.
Your Score ___

Backward Defensive Drill 4.  Practice Against Bowler

Play against a bowler in a practice situation. Play remain side-on so that you finish in a bal-
backward defensive strokes against six balls when anced position with your head over the line
the delivery warrants it. Again, ask a colleague to of the ball.
observe whether your judgement is sound and to • Bring the bat down on the ball with your
keep score. top hand in control and your bottom hand
To Increase Difficulty relaxed into a thumb and forefinger grip.
• At the completion of the shot, make sure the
• Face a better bowler who tests your tech-
ball drops straight down in front of you off
nique more and bring in some close fielders
the downward-angled bat.
looking for a catch.
To Decrease Difficulty Score Your Success
• Face a bowler who does not present such a 5 or 6 correct backward defensive shots = 5
stern test and dispense with fielders. points
3 or 4 correct backward defensive shots = 3
Success Check points
• Make sure your set-up is correct and use a 1 or 2 correct backward defensive shots = 1
high backlift. point
• When you have judged the line and length Your Score ___
of the ball, move backwards in the crease;

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Cricket: Steps to Success

Defensive Batting Drill.  Forward and Backward

   Defensive Strokes
Play against a bowler in a practice situation. Play defensive stroke, move backwards in the
forward or backward defensive strokes against six crease, remaining side-on; finish in a bal-
balls when the delivery warrants it. Again, ask a anced position with your head over the line
colleague to observe whether your judgement is of the ball. If you are playing a forward de-
sound and to keep score. fensive stroke, lead with your head towards
the line of the ball.
To Increase Difficulty
• Bring the bat down on the ball with your
• Face a better bowler who tests your tech- top hand in control and your bottom hand
nique more and bring in some close fielders relaxed into a thumb and forefinger grip.
looking for a catch.
• At the completion of the shot, make sure the
To Decrease Difficulty ball drops straight down in front of you off
the downward-angled bat.
• Face a bowler who does not present such a
stern test and dispense with fielders.
Score Your Success
Success Check 5 or 6 correct defensive shots = 5 points
• Make sure your set-up is correct and use a 3 or 4 correct defensive shots = 3 points
high backlift. 1 or 2 correct defensive shots = 1 point
• When you have judged the line and length Your Score ___
of the ball, if you are playing a backward

Success Summary of Defensive Batting

In defensive batting, the first thing you must Before moving on to step 6, Attacking Batting,
concentrate on is the line of the ball. If the ball evaluate how you did on the defensive batting
is threatening the stumps, you need to defend by drills in this step. Tally your scores to determine
going either forwards or backwards, depending how well you have mastered the skill of defen-
on the length of the ball. If it is a good length, sive batting. If you scored 40 points, you are
go forwards; if it is short of a length, go back- ready to move on to step 6. If you did not score
wards. Use a high backlift so you can bring your 40 points, practice the drills again until you raise
hands down onto the ball. Keep your top hand your scores and then move on to step 6.
in control and relax the grip of the bottom hand
as you allow the ball to hit the bat. Play the ball
softly down straight in front of you.

Defensive Batting

Forward Defensive Drills

1. Playing Forward Defensive Strokes ___ out of 5

2. Forward Defensive Strokes With Rotation ___ out of 5
3. Wicket or Not? ___ out of 5
4. Practice Against Bowler ___ out of 5

Backward Defensive Drills

1. Playing Backward Defensive Strokes ___ out of 5

2. Backward Defensive Strokes With Rotation ___ out of 5
3. Wicket or Not? ___ out of 5
4. Practice Against Bowler ___ out of 5

Defensive Batting Drill

1. Forward and Backward Defensive Strokes ___ out of 5

Total ___ out of 45

Once you have mastered the art of defensive long enough to play those strokes. As you build
batting, you are ready to move on to the excit- your innings, you become accustomed to the
ing array of attacking strokes described in step conditions and the bowling. When you have,
6, Attacking Batting. Unless you have a sound you will be ready to start inviting the fielders to
defence, though, you will not be at the wicket ‘fetch that’.

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Attacking Batting

Nothing in cricket can match the elegance of Eliminating some shots from your repertoire
a flowing cover drive or the excitement of a might appear to be a negative way of playing
hook shot whistling to the boundary. This ap- cricket, but in reality it is not. It is a case of
plies whether you are the batsman who has playing to your strengths rather than allowing
just executed the stroke or a spectator appre- deficiencies in your game to detract from your
ciating the finer points of the game. If you are contribution. Some of the very best batsmen do
the bowler who has just seen the effort of your not play all the strokes. If they are not proficient
delivery go to waste, you might have another in playing the on-drive, for example, they might
viewpoint entirely. But the fact remains that opt for a nudge into the leg side for a single.
attacking strokes bring the game to life. Sound They may have sacrificed three runs, but they
defence is important, but if you are going to be have kept the scoreboard moving and rotated
a successful batsman, you must have a range of the strike, which is preferable to losing a wicket.
attacking shots. A key to good attacking batting is the ability
That does not mean that you have to play and the mindset to play every ball on its merit.
them all. A batsman’s individual style might re- Too many batsmen, particularly at the lower
strict him from playing certain strokes with any levels of the game, have a restricted range of
degree of safety. For example, if you struggle to strokes and a resulting preconception about
hook because you keep getting out to catches which they will play. You cannot know where
in the deep, it would be as well to duck or sway the ball is going to pitch until the bowler has
out of the way of short, lifting deliveries down delivered it, so wait until you have assessed the
the leg side. Attacking batting is all about per- delivery before selecting your stroke. Bowlers
centages. If they are in your favour, go for the are not keen to offer the type of ball that suits
stroke; if the risk is too great, you would be you. Good bowlers will work a batsman and bowl
better advised to exclude that particular stroke to his weaknesses, rather than to his strengths.
from your armoury. Of course, the game situa- Just as bowlers assess batsmen and decide
tion might demand that you take risks; in that where to bowl at them, batsmen need to assess
case, you might have no alternative other than to bowlers. If a bowler is not very good, a bats-
attack the ball, but do not do so without having man knows he does not have to create scoring
practiced the stroke you need. chances. He can simply wait for a bad ball and

Cricket: Steps to Success

punish it because it will not be long before one ing the result you want, and you are reducing,
comes along. Against better bowlers, however, rather than increasing, your chances of success.
it is necessary to manufacture a situation in When attacking the bowling, try not to hit the
which you can score runs because you will not ball too hard. You tend to lose your balance if
receive as many bad balls. You can achieve this you do. Once that happens, you lose your shape,
by moving down the wicket to turn a good-length and the ball is likely to go in the air if you get any
ball into a half volley or by taking greater risks bat on it. That is one of the most common mis-
in order to unsettle the bowler and gain the up- takes, most of which come down to not thinking
per hand. properly about your batting. If you really smash
Whatever strategy you adopt, it is absolutely the ball, and it goes along the ground, over the
vital that you attain a high level of technique boundary rope, across the car park and into the
when playing attacking strokes. Without that, road, you get four runs for your trouble. If you
what you envisaged as an on-drive might well place the ball between fielders, and it has just
end up as an ugly smear over mid-wicket, with enough power to go a couple of inches over the
all the associated risks. You might even miss the boundary, you still get four. Which do you think
ball completely. Either way, you are not achiev- is the safer option?

Front-Foot Drive
Whether straight or to the off, on or through the risks arise from poor technique or impatience
covers, drives are among the most glamorous in playing the stroke. You cannot decide before
shots in the game. They tend to be the most com- the ball is bowled that you are going to drive it
monly played strokes, yet they probably cause or play any other stroke. Just because you like
more dismissals than any other when they are driving does not mean you should decide on
used inappropriately or played loosely. Choosing the stroke before you have judged the length
the right ball to drive is as important as how you or the line.
play the stroke, so it is vital to establish exactly Once you have determined that the ball has
where a delivery comes within driving range. been overpitched and that you can safely drive
A ball that is overpitched or of half-volley it, lead with your head onto the line of the ball
length can be dispatched to the boundary with as with the forward defensive stroke. This time,
a flowing bat. If the ball is straight, it should be however, instead of bringing the bat down to let
driven straight back past the bowler (figure 6.1). the ball hit it, allow the bat to continue through
If the ball is to the on side or the off, it should the line to send the ball to the boundary (figure
be played accordingly; if it is a little wider of 6.2, a-d). Your top hand controls the stroke,
the off-stump, the cover drive comes into play. bringing it down the line of the ball from that
All these strokes have common characteristics. high, straight backlift so that, ideally, you make
Played correctly, they can bring a host of runs; contact with the ball right under your head.
however, they are not risk free, although most

Wider ball same percieved
length as straight ball,
but too wide to drive

Driveable length Driveable length

of straight ball of wider ball

Figure 6.1  Width of ball determines drivable length.

E4660/Dellor/Fig 6.1/340973/GaryH/R3-kh
Figure 6.2 Front-Foot Drive
Execution, Front View
1. From high backlift, lead with head and front
shoulder towards the pitch of the ball
2. Keep top hand dominant as bat strikes ball

Figure 6.2 (continued)

Execution, Side View

1. Head in advance of front pad
2. Front foot alongside line of ball

Full Follow-Through, front view

1. Bat swings through line

Attacking Batting

Full Follow-Through, Side View

1. Finish with bat handle pointing in direction
ball goes

You hit the ball in the air every time you drive.
Make sure you get your head over the ball when driving; do not play the shot with your weight
leaning back.

It is critical to keep your shape when driving. whether this has happened can be found in the
If you lose your shape, disaster can follow. If you follow-through. Review your follow-through to
try to hit the ball too hard, your back foot will check whether your bat has travelled straight
pivot, and your back leg will collapse, forcing through the hitting zone.
your body weight to fall back. A telltale sign of

Every time you drive, the ball goes to mid-wicket or you miss it completely.
You are hitting across the line because you are trying to hit the ball too hard, your bottom
hand is taking over as you allow your back leg to collapse or because of a combination of
these factors.

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Cricket: Steps to Success

There are two ways to follow through. Against through the line of the ball, the blade will point
quicker bowlers, you might want to use the where the ball has been dispatched. If you play
pace on the ball to play with a checked follow- with a full follow-through (see figure 6.2c and
through, in which case you would not allow the d), the handle of the bat will point at the ball. If
bat to continue over your shoulder (figure 6.3, neither the blade nor the handle is in the correct
a and b). The bat stops, and your front elbow position, you have brought your bat across the
stays high, with the bat acting like an extension line of the ball rather than through it.
of your forearm. If you have swung it straight

Figure 6.3 Checked Follow-Through

Checked Follow-Through,
Front View
1. Bat looks like extension of forearm
2. Blade of bat points in direction ball goes

Checked Follow-Through,
Side View
1. Left elbow high

Attacking Batting

In order to hit cleanly through the line, you you might be able to drive it on the up, but the
need to drive the ball along the line it pitched. percentages are not necessarily in your favour.
If the ball is straight, drive it straight back past Furthermore, if you try to drive a ball too wide
the bowler. If it is to the on side, drive through of the stumps, the bat is only on the line of the
mid-on. If it is just outside off-stump, either side ball for a fraction of a second. It requires remark-
of mid-off is the target area. Some batsmen get able co-ordination to ensure that the bat crosses
into trouble trying to drive a ball too wide of the line at exactly the same moment as the ball.
off-stump through the covers. A cover drive is Sometimes, you actually will want to drive
a beautiful shot to behold when executed well, the ball in the air (figure 6.4), especially when
but if it is played without proper judgement of using your feet to go down the pitch against a
length, it is fraught with problems. spinner. This is thrilling to watch, but it has to
If a ball on the line of middle stump pitches be undertaken with due care and only when
3 feet (1 m) from the popping crease, a man of you are confident that you can keep your shape
average height can easily get over it to drive it throughout the stroke. When you do go down
along the ground. However, if the ball pitches the pitch, you are under no obligation to drive
18 inches (.5 m) outside off-stump but still 3 over the top or even play an attacking stroke at
feet from the popping crease, the same bats- all. If you have misjudged your sortie, you can
man cannot get his head over it, for effectively still defend and survive to face the next ball.
it is several inches (cm) shorter. On a true pitch,

Figure 6.4 Lofted Drive

1. Maintain side-on shape but come up a little
with torso in shot
2. Make contact slightly earlier
3. Use full follow-through

If you do go through with the stroke, make upwards. Put enough into the stroke to ensure
sure your head does not bob up and down but that it goes all the way for six or play it safely
remains steady as you move. Remain side-on into a gap in the field. There is a lot of room in
when you reach the pitch of the ball. In that the air, but you will not be able to use it profit-
position, swing the bat through the ball as with ably unless you maintain a correct shape and
a static drive; as you make contact, raise your have a technique that is up to the task.
body up slightly and deliberately play the ball
Cricket: Steps to Success

You get no power in your shot however hard you try to hit it.
Make sure you have a high backlift and do not try to hit the ball too hard. Instead, rely on timing.

Front-Foot Drive Drill 1.  Imaginary Front-Foot Drives

Play front-foot drives against an imaginary ball • Have your top hand in control as you bring
with either a coach or experienced partner watch- the bat down into the hitting zone under
ing or in front of a mirror. Shape to play six balls, your head.
one each to leg, straight and to the off, with a full • At the completion of the stroke, make sure
follow-through, and one of each with a checked either the blade of the bat or the handle
follow-through. points in the direction the ball has been hit.

Success Check Score Your Success

• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high 5 or 6 well-executed drives = 5 points
3 or 4 well-executed drives = 3 points
• Lead with your head towards the pitch of
1 or 2 well-executed drives = 1 point
the imaginary ball.
Your Score ___
• Keep your back foot parallel to the popping

Front-Foot Drive Drill 2.  Target Front-Foot Drives

Mark a target with two cones. Exactly where the • Lead with your head towards the pitch of
target is depends on the room available. In an the ball.
average-size sports hall, for example, the target • Keep your back foot parallel to the popping
can be on the back wall. A feeder drops a ball. crease.
Attempt to drive it between the cones and along
• Have your top hand in control as you bring
the ground. Hit six balls.
the bat down to strike the ball under your
To Increase Difficulty head.
• Reduce the size of the target. • At the completion of the stroke, make sure
either the blade of the bat or the handle
• Place fielders to guard the target.
points in the direction the ball has been hit.
• Have the feeder throw the ball towards you
on the half volley or bobble it along the Score Your Success
5 or 6 balls driven along the ground between
To Decrease Difficulty the target cones = 5 points
• If you have difficulty hitting a moving ball, set 3 or 4 balls driven along the ground between
the ball up on a tee and drive it off the tee. the target cones = 3 points
1 or 2 balls driven along the ground between
Success Check the target cones = 1 point
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high Your Score ___
Attacking Batting

Front-Foot Drive Drill 3.  Mix It Up

Put on full protection and have a bowler deliver • Lead with your head towards the pitch of
six balls for you to drive. Judge the line of the the ball.
ball before deciding which of the three front-foot • Keep your back foot parallel to the popping
drives you are going to play. Use both a full and a crease.
checked follow-through. Play six front-foot drives
• Have your top hand in control as you bring
aimed at a target of cones.
the bat down to strike the ball under your
To Increase Difficulty head.
• Reduce the size of the target. • At the completion of the stroke, make sure
either the blade of the bat or the handle
• Place fielders to guard the target.
points in the direction the ball has been hit.
• Get a more-challenging bowler to bowl at
you. Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty 5 or 6 balls driven along the ground between
• Widen the target areas. the target cones = 5 points
• Face a less-challenging bowler. 3 or 4 balls driven along the ground between
the target cones = 3 points
Success Check 1 or 2 balls driven along the ground between
the target cones = 1 point
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high
backlift. Your Score ___

Back-Foot Drive
Just as the initial movements for front-foot drives is played to a ball that is short of a length and,
are similar to the forward defensive stroke, so critically, is not bouncing above stump height.
the back-foot drives begin with a movement If it bounces any higher, you will not be able to
allied to the backward defensive stroke. The control the stroke.
shot, whether straight, to the on or to the off,

When you try to force the ball off the back foot, the ball goes in the air.
You are probably trying to force a ball that is bouncing too high, and therefore you cannot
get over the top of it.

A high backlift is important because low alongside the back one. Your top hand controls
hands will prevent you from playing down to the stroke. If you have allowed the ball to come
the ball. If you have a high, straight backlift, you to you, your top hand brings the bat down on
will merely have to assess the line and move the line of the ball. Your bottom hand comes
backwards with your head over the line and into play as you punch the ball away, finishing
your body alongside it (figure 6.5, a and b). Make with the blade of the bat facing the point on the
sure that when you move backwards, you keep boundary where the ball is heading.
your side-on position by bringing your front foot

Figure 6.5 Back-Foot Drive
Execution, Front View
1. From high backlift, bring bat down
2. Keep top hand in control
3. Strike through line of ball under head
4. Bat handle looks like extension of front arm
5. Blade of bat points in direction ball goes

Execution, Side View

1. Move back foot backwards to get head in
2. Draw feet alongside each other
3. Remain side-on
4. Maintain firm base
5. Left elbow held high

Attacking Batting

When you attempt the shot, the ball tends to go in the air to the slips.
You are not getting across as well as going backwards; as a result, you are wafting at the
ball rather than getting behind it.

Because you have a small margin for error This forcing shot can be played into the same
in moving into a balanced position, don’t at- areas as the front-foot drive: straight, to the
tempt to hit the ball too hard. If you lose your on and off sides and even through the covers.
balance, you are likely to lose your wicket, too. However, the same restrictions apply. Do not
By playing this controlled stroke you will not try to play it too wide of the stumps, especially
need a flourishing follow-through. Be content outside the off-stump, because you will risk hit-
with a checked swing of the bat, with your front ting across the line. To prevent this from hap-
elbow the highest part of your body when you pening, move backwards and across. Make sure
complete the stroke. you know where your wicket is to stop yourself
from chasing balls that are too wide.

You get no power in your shot however hard you try to hit it.
For this shot, you need to time the ball rather than belt it. You need a high backlift to come
down on the ball, and it is vital that you retain your balance.

Back-Foot Drive Drill 1.  Imaginary Back-Foot Drives

Play back-foot drives against an imaginary ball • Have your top hand in control as you bring
with either a coach or experienced partner watch- the bat down into the hitting zone under
ing or in front of a mirror. Shape to play six balls, your head.
one each to leg, straight and to the off, with a • At the completion of the stroke, make sure
checked follow-through. either the blade of the bat or the handle
points in the direction the ball has been hit.
Success Check
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high Score Your Success
backlift. 5 or 6 well-executed drives = 5 points
• Lead with your head towards the pitch of 3 or 4 well-executed drives = 3 points
the imaginary ball. 1 or 2 well-executed drives = 1 point
• Keep your back foot parallel to the popping Your Score ___

Cricket: Steps to Success

Back-Foot Drive Drill 2.  Target Back-Foot Drives

Mark a target with two cones. Exactly where the • Move backwards to get into line while main-
target is depends on the room available. In an taining a side-on position and leaving your
average-size sports hall, for example, the target head behind.
can be on the back wall. A feeder serves the ball • Have your top hand in control as you bring
without allowing it to bounce above stump height. the bat down to strike the ball close to your
Attempt to drive the ball between the cones and body.
along the ground. Hit six balls.
• At the completion of the stroke, make sure
To Increase Difficulty the blade of the bat points in the direction
the ball has been hit, with the bat as an
• Reduce the size of the target.
extension of your forearm.
• Place fielders to guard the target.
To Decrease Difficulty Score Your Success
• If you have difficulty hitting a moving ball, set 5 or 6 balls driven along the ground between
the ball up on a tall tee and drive it off the tee. the target cones = 5 points
3 or 4 balls driven along the ground between
Success Check the target cones = 3 points
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high 1 or 2 balls driven along the ground between
backlift. the target cones = 1 point
Your Score ___

Back-Foot Drive Drill 3.  Mix It Up

Put on full protection and have a bowler deliver • Move backwards to get into line while main-
six balls for you to drive. Judge the line of the taining a side-on position and leaving your
ball before deciding which of the three back-foot head behind.
drives you are going to play. Play six back-foot • Have your top hand in control as you bring
drives aimed at a target of cones. the bat down to strike the ball close to your
To Increase Difficulty body.
• At the completion of the stroke, make sure
• Reduce the size of the target.
the blade of the bat points in the direction
• Place fielders to guard the target. the ball has been hit, with the bat as an
• Get a more-challenging bowler to bowl at extension of your forearm.
Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty
5 or 6 balls driven along the ground between
• Widen the target areas.
the target cones = 5 points
• Face a less-challenging bowler.
3 or 4 balls driven along the ground between
the target cones = 3 points
Success Check
1 or 2 balls driven along the ground between
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high the target cones = 1 point
Your Score ___

Attacking Batting

The sweep (figure 6.6, a and b) is a cross-batted With a sweep, your backlift needs to be high
shot played to a ball that is not full enough to to counter any extra bounce. You want to hit the
drive but which can still be reached by a bats- ball into the ground unless you are particularly
man moving forwards just after it pitches. A proficient, there are no fielders in the deep on
sweep usually is played to a ball pitching outside the leg side or the match situation demands that
the leg stump. Proficient sweepers often ignore you take risks by taking the aerial route. Lead
the line and sweep on length alone. However, with your head towards the line of the ball; keep
if the ball is straight, you must be absolutely your front pad directly in line so that if you miss
sure that you make some sort of contact with the ball, it will strike your pad. Bend your front
the bat, or you will be a prime candidate for an leg at the knee; keep your back leg bent so that
LBW dismissal. If the ball has pitched outside knee rests on the ground or just above it. Keep
the leg stump, you cannot be out LBW; however, your weight forwards, with your head over the
there is the possibility it will bounce unpredict- front knee to ensure that you are in a position to
ably out of the rough created by a right-arm, hit down on the ball. Aim just in front of square
over-the-wicket bowler at that end. The sweep and bring the bat down in an arc, making contact
is not without its perils, but it can be extremely at a full arm’s stretch just after the ball pitches. At
effective in knocking a bowler off his rhythm. the completion of the stroke, your right shoulder
should be pointing at the bowler.

Figure 6.6 Sweep

Execution, Front View
1. Use high backlift
2. Make contact with arms fully extended in
front of front pad
3. Natural follow-through

Execution, Side View

1. Lead with head and front shoulder towards
pitch of ball
2. Bend front knee
3. Keep head straight
4. Sweeping motion of bat

Cricket: Steps to Success

You keep hitting sweeps in the air.
Make sure you hit down on the ball from a high backlift. Fully extend your arms when playing
the shot.

It is important that you lead towards the ball it to make contact. That is why you should try
with your head and front pad because there is to sweep in front of square, sometimes sending
little hope of making contact if you are inside the the ball backwards of square if you hit it later
line of the ball. In that case, the ball would pass than intended.
you, and your bat would have to catch up with

You do not make any contact when you go to sweep.
You are probably trying to play the ball too fine. Try to hit the ball just in front of square.

The sweep is usually played against slower by a batsman to exploit any gaps in the field. It
bowlers because it takes perfect timing and no should be played only when you are well set or
little courage to use it against anyone bowling the situation demands it, but it can prove a bene-
at medium pace or above. Keep your head still ficial way of imposing authority over the bowler.
throughout the execution of the shot; your head Even though it is a very aggressive stroke, it is
should be low down and directly in line with the important to avoid trying to hit the ball too hard.
ball. You need confidence in your ability to play Maintain your shape as you go down on one
a sweep; a half-hearted approach is unlikely to knee and try to hit up to dispatch the ball over
succeed with any consistency. Do not try to hit mid-wicket. During the follow-through, the bat
the ball too hard. That will topple you off bal- is in different plane than for a sweep along the
ance. Without balance, your chances of success ground, transcribing an arc that hits the ball in
are severely impaired. the air. This is a pleasing stroke to play, but it
On occasion, you may deliberately try to is a pity that there is not a more aesthetically
sweep the ball in the air. Unattractively named pleasing way of describing it.
a slog-sweep (figure 6.7), this stroke can be used

Attacking Batting

Figure 6.7 Slog-Sweep in the Air

1. Go down on one knee
2. Maintain shape
3. Get under ball
4. Hit up

Sweep Drill 1.  Imaginary Sweeps

Play sweeps against an imaginary ball with either • Extend your arms as you try to play the ball
a coach or experienced partner watching or in just in front of square.
front of a mirror. Shape to play six balls.
Score Your Success
Success Check 5 or 6 well-executed drives = 5 points
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high 3 or 4 well-executed drives = 3 points
1 or 2 well-executed drives = 1 point
• Lead with your head towards the pitch of
Your Score ___
the ball.
• Bend your front leg as you bring the bat
down and across your body.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Sweep Drill 2.  Target Sweeps

Mark a target with two cones. Exactly where the • Lead with your head towards the pitch of
target is depends on the room available. In an the ball.
average-size sports hall, for example, the target • Bend your front leg as you bring the bat
can be on the back wall. A feeder delivers a ball. down and across your body.
Attempt to sweep it between the cones and along
• Extend your arms as you try to play the ball
the ground. Hit six balls.
just in front of square.
To Increase Difficulty
Score Your Success
• Reduce the size of the target.
• Place fielders to guard the target. 5 or 6 balls swept along the ground between
the target cones = 5 points
To Decrease Difficulty
3 or 4 balls swept along the ground between
• If you have difficulty hitting a moving ball, the target cones = 3 points
set the ball up on a high tee and drive it off 1 or 2 balls swept along the ground between
the tee. the target cones = 1 point
• Have the feeder drop the ball; sweep it after Your Score ___
it bounces.

Success Check
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high

Sweep Drill 3.  Full Delivery

Put on full protection and have a bowler deliver • Lead with your head towards the pitch of
six balls for you to sweep between target cones. the ball.
To Increase Difficulty • Bend your front leg as you bring the bat
down and across your body.
• Reduce the size of the target.
• Extend your arms as you try to play the ball
• Place fielders to guard the target. just in front of square.
• Get a more-challenging bowler to bowl at
you. Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty 5 or 6 balls driven along the ground between
the target cones = 5 points
• Widen the target areas.
3 or 4 balls driven along the ground between
• Face a less-challenging bowler.
the target cones = 3 points
Success Check 1 or 2 balls driven along the ground between
the target cones = 1 point
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high
Your Score ___

Attacking Batting

Square Cut
If you are faced with a ball that is short and head—is over that foot. The wider the ball, the
wide of the off-stump and you have lifted your more you want to move your back foot farther
bat high, four runs are there for the taking with towards the off side. If the ball is closer to your
the square cut (figure 6.8, a and b). As its name body, move your foot farther back than across.
implies, you want to play the ball square. If you Be careful about trying to play this shot if the
are a little early in making contact, the ball will ball is not sufficiently wide of off-stump. Oth-
go in front of square; if you are slightly late, you erwise, you may be cramped for room, risking
should reach the boundary backwards of square. a bottom edge onto the stumps or a top edge
Because this is another cross-batted shot, it is to give a catch behind the wicket. Any follow-
sometimes regarded as risky; however, if it is through associated with this shot will be purely
well executed, it should not present too many a natural finish. You do not want to check the
problems. follow-through, but neither should you attempt
For once, you do not need to get your head to hit the ball so hard that there is a great flour-
behind the line of the ball because the ball is ish of a follow-through. If that happens, you will
too wide for that. You still should move your not be able to control the stroke and will end
back foot and ensure that your weight—your up off balance.

You give a catch to the wicket-keeper when playing the stroke.
This usually occurs when you try to cut a ball that is too close to you.

Figure 6.8 Square Cut

Execution, Front View
1. Use high backlift
2. Turn shoulder
3. Bring bat down to make contact with ball


Cricket: Steps to Success

Figure 6.8 (continued)

Execution, Side View

1. Move back foot backwards and across,
based on line of ball
2. Shift weight to back foot
3. Keep weight on back foot
4. Do not use deliberate follow-through
5. Allow bat to move through natural momen-

When you play the cut shot, the ball goes in the air.
Make sure you play the shot from a high backlift, thereby playing down onto the ball.

As you move backwards, keep watching the lessen the chances of making good contact if
ball but turn your front shoulder away so that you overexert yourself when playing the stroke.
its back is almost facing the bowler. This pushes The bowler has done the hard work by putting
your bat even higher, allowing you to bring it pace on the ball and delivering it short and wide
down with a full swing into the hitting zone. You of the wicket. It is a bad ball that deserves to
can use the pace of the ball on the bat, so you be punished; you, as the batsman, can take full
do not need to hit it too hard. In fact you will advantage with minimal effort.

You fail to make contact at all.
The most common cause is pushing a straight bat across the line of the ball. Make sure you
play with a cross bat. Do not try to hit it too hard; instead, use the pace of the ball to get your

Attacking Batting

In addition to the square cut, you can run your back foot right back and watch the ball
the ball finer towards third man by playing the closely, so that you can run the ball off an angled
late cut (figure 6.9, a and b). Instead of throw- bat in the direction you want it to go. You need
ing the bat at the ball to hit it square on the off not put any force into the stroke. Use the pace
side, delay the stroke, especially against a slower on the ball and timing to guide rather than hit it.
bowler, to finesse it backwards of point. Move

a b
Figure 6.9  The late cut is very similar to the square cut, but the batsman brings the bat down on the ball later in its path
to finesse it towards third man. (a) Front view; (b) side view.

Square Cut Drill 1.  Imaginary Square Cuts

Play square cuts against an imaginary ball with • Bring the bat down on the ball with your
either a coach or experienced partner watching arms extended.
or in front of a mirror. Shape to play six balls. • At the completion of the shot, make sure
your weight is on your back foot.
Success Check
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high Score Your Success
backlift. 5 or 6 well-executed square cuts = 5 points
• Move your back foot backwards and across 3 or 4 well-executed square cuts = 3 points
towards the line of the ball, turning your
1 or 2 well-executed square cuts = 1 point
front shoulder as you do to take the backlift
higher. Your Score ___

Cricket: Steps to Success

Square Cut Drill 2.  Target Square Cuts

Mark a target with two cones. Exactly where the • Move your back foot backwards and across
target is depends on the room available. In an towards the line of the ball, turning your
average-size sports hall, for example, the target front shoulder as you do to take the backlift
can be on the back wall. The feeder delivers the higher.
ball. Attempt to cut it between the cones and • Bring the bat down on the ball with your
along the ground. Hit six balls. arms extended.
To Increase Difficulty • At the completion of the shot, make sure
your weight is on your back foot.
• Reduce the size of the target.
• Place fielders to guard the target. Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty 5 or 6 balls cut along the ground between the
• Begin with the bat raised in the backlift target cones = 5 points
and your weight already on your back foot, 3 or 4 balls cut along the ground between the
ensuring the feeder delivers the ball to the target cones = 3 points
right place for you to hit. 1 or 2 balls cut along the ground between the
target cones = 1 point
Success Check Your Score ___
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high

Square Cut Drill 3.  Full Square Cuts

Put on full protection and have a bowler deliver • Move your back foot backwards and across
six balls for you to cut between target cones and towards the line of the ball, turning your
along the ground. front shoulder as you do to take the backlift
To Increase Difficulty
• Bring the bat down on the ball with your
• Reduce the size of the target. arms extended.
• Place fielders to guard the target. • At the completion of the shot, make sure
• Get a more-challenging bowler to bowl at your weight is on your back foot.
Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty
5 or 6 balls cut along the ground between the
• Widen the target areas.
target cones = 5 points
• Face a less-challenging bowler.
3 or 4 balls cut along the ground between the
target cones = 3 points
Success Check
1 or 2 balls cut along the ground between the
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high target cones = 1 point
Your Score ___

Attacking Batting

There is an argument that the pull shot (figure The first movement is with your back foot,
6.10, a and b) should be the easiest to play be- which moves backwards and, depending on
cause it is perhaps the most natural. Throw a how wide the ball is, possibly slightly outside the
ball to a young child holding a bat, and he will leg stump. Slightly is the key word: do not get
swing the bat from off to leg to hit the ball in outside the line of the ball. Your head should be
that direction. He may not know it at the time, right in line. Your front foot moves backwards
but he is playing the pull shot. An older player to the same depth in the crease as your back
needs to retain the uninhibited swing but apply a foot. You are now chest-on to the bowler, with
few basic requirements to keep his swing under your head in front of your body so that you are
control. And he needs to do is pick the right ball, hitting down on the ball. It is important to keep
one that is short a length down the leg side or watching the ball so that you can adjust to any
even on the wicket. unpredictable bounce.

If the bounce of the ball varies, you miss it completely.
You might be turning your head too early. Keep watching the point at which you make contact
with the ball, and then you will not miss it.

Figure 6.10 Pull

Execution, Front View
1. Use high backlift
2. Move into chest-on position
3. Bring bat down to make contact at full


Cricket: Steps to Success

Figure 6.10 (continued)

Execution, Side View

1. Move back foot backwards
2. Throw front leg to leg side
3. Keep head behind line
4. Contact ball at full stretch in front of body
5. Follow-through along natural arc

The ball invariably goes past your body on the leg side without making contact with your bat.
You are not getting into the correct position to play the ball, or you are trying to hit it too fine.
If you miss the ball, it should hit you. Try to hit it in front of square.

From a high backlift, bring the bat across not be a natural thing to do, but it does prevent
your body and try to hit the ball at a full arm’s you from turning your head too early and tak-
stretch into an area between square leg and mid- ing your eye off the ball. As with most attacking
wicket. At the completion of the shot, transfer strokes, the main problem when pulling is trying
your weight to your front leg; keep your head to hit the ball too hard. This will result in a loss
straight and still. Keep looking at the spot where of balance and shape.
your bat made contact with the ball. This may

You usually hit the ball in the air.
You have not used a high backlift and are hitting up instead of down onto the ball.
You have no control over the shot.
Do not try to hit the ball too hard.

Attacking Batting

Pull Drill 1.  Imaginary Pull Shots

Play pull shots against an imaginary ball with ei- • Keep watching the point at which you plan
ther a coach or experienced partner watching or to make contact, rather than turning your
in front of a mirror. Shape to play six balls. head too early.
• At the completion of the shot, make sure
Success Check your weight is on your front foot. Do not
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high move your head to the leg side.
Score Your Success
• Move your front foot backwards and across
to get your body in line with the imaginary 5 or 6 well-executed pulls = 5 points
ball. 3 or 4 well-executed pulls = 3 points
• Bring the bat down with your arms extended. 1 or 2 well-executed pulls = 1 point
Your Score ___

Pull Drill 2.  Target Pull Shots

Mark a target with two cones as shown in figure ball between the cones and along the ground.
6.11. The server bounces the ball in the designated Hit six balls.
area, in line with or just outside the line of the leg This layout can be adapted to practice all at-
stump. The batsman plays a pull shot, aiming at tacking strokes. Adjust the targets to fit whichever
the target area. The batsman attempts to pull the stroke is being practiced.

Target area


Area in which
server bounces ball

Batsman Server

Figure 6.11  Set-up for target pull shots.

E4660/Dellor/Fig 6.11/341000/GaryH/R3-kh


Cricket: Steps to Success

Pull Drill 2.  (continued)

To Increase Difficulty • Move your front foot backwards and across
to get your body in line with the ball.
• Reduce the size of the target.
• Bring the bat down on the ball with your
• Place fielders to guard the target area. Make
arms extended.
sure fielders are far enough away from the
batsman to be out of danger. • Keep watching the point at which you make
contact, rather than turning your head too
• The batsman runs to the stumps on the
server’s end and back before the fielders
return the ball to the wicket-keeper. • At the completion of the shot, make sure
your weight is on your front foot. Do not
To Decrease Difficulty move your head to the leg side.
• Begin with the bat raised in the backlift and
your body already in position, ensuring the Score Your Success
feeder delivers the ball in the right place for 5 or 6 balls pulled along the ground between
you to hit. the target cones = 5 points
3 or 4 balls pulled along the ground between
Success Check
the target cones = 3 points
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high 1 or 2 balls pulled along the ground between
backlift. the target cones = 1 point
Your Score ___

Pull Drill 3.  Game-Like Pull Shots

Put on full protection and have a bowler deliver • Bring the bat down on the ball with your
six balls for you to pull between a target of cones. arms extended.
To Increase Difficulty • Keep watching the point at which you make
contact, rather than turning your head too
• Reduce the size of the target. early.
• Place fielders to guard the target* Get a • At the completion of the shot, make sure
more-challenging bowler to bowl at you. your weight is on your front foot. Do not
To Decrease Difficulty move your head to the leg side.

• Widen the target areas. Score Your Success

• Face a less-challenging bowler.
5 or 6 balls pulled along the ground between
the target cones = 5 points
Success Check
3 or 4 balls pulled along the ground between
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high the target cones = 3 points
1 or 2 balls pulled along the ground between
• Move your front foot backwards and across the target cones = 1 point
to get your body in line with the ball.
Your Score ___

Attacking Batting

In contrast to the pull, which is played to a short, to the conditions and the bowler. You also need
leg-side ball that rises to about chest height from to know where the fielders are because, given
a medium pace bowler or spinner, the hook variable bounce, it is not always possible to play
(figure 6.12) is a response to a short ball from this shot down. You are better advised to duck
a quicker bowler that has bounced up between or sway out of the way unless you are confident
chest and head height on the leg side. Attempt a that you can avoid any fielders positioned to
hook only when well set because it can be risky catch an unwary hooker.
if you try it before you have had time to adjust

You always hook the ball straight up in the air without any control.
You are probably trying to hook a ball that is too far to the off. Let it go.

Once you decide to hook, as soon as you see harmlessly over your front shoulder. From your
that short ball bouncing towards your head, high backlift, bring the bat across your body in
move backwards and pivot on your back leg, front of your eyes and help the ball towards the
bringing your head inside the line at the critical boundary between square leg and fine leg.
moment so that if you miss the ball it will pass

You get hit every time you go to hook.
Make sure you get inside the line so that the ball passes over your front shoulder if you miss it.

Figure 6.12 Hook

1. Move back to get your head just inside line
of ball
2. Pivot on back leg
3. Make contact as ball passes over front
4. Pivot completely around
5. Hit ball behind square on leg side

Cricket: Steps to Success

You sometimes hear of rolling your wrists stroke. It carries a high degree of risk, but it is
when you hook, but there is usually insufficient also a means of taking the game to the bowler.
time to complete this manoeuvre. You can try to It is up to you to assess the percentages and de-
hook down if the ball has not climbed too high, cide if they are in your favour at any particular
or you can deliberately attempt to hit it in the stage of the game.
air for six. Balance is the key to controlling this

Whenever you try to hook, you get caught at long leg.
Give up playing the stroke if the percentages of success are not in your favour.

Hook Drill 1.  Imaginary Hook Shots

Play hook shots against an imaginary ball with • For two imaginary balls, instead of going
either a coach or experienced partner watching through the shape of the hook, get out of the
or in front of a mirror. Shape to hook six balls. way, either ducking down or swaying back.
Success Check
Score Your Success
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high
5 or 6 well-executed hooks or leaves = 5 points
3 or 4 well-executed hooks or leaves = 3 points
• Move your back foot backwards to get your
body inside the line of the imaginary ball. 1 or 2 well-executed hooks or leaves = 1 point
• Pivot round as you play the shot as if you are Your Score ___
helping the ball on its way.

Attacking Batting

Hook Drill 2.  Hooking Tennis Balls

Have a feeder deliver tennis balls towards your • Move your back foot backwards to get your
head. Attempt to hook, duck underneath or sway body inside the line of the ball.
out of their way. Take six balls. • Pivot around as you make contact with the
To Increase Difficulty ball so you are helping it on its way.
• If you decide not to hook, duck underneath
• Increase the speed of the service. In order to
the ball, getting your hands and bat out of
increase the speed considerably, the feeder
the way, or sway inside or outside the line.
can use a tennis racket to feed the ball.
• Put fielders in position to take the catch. Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty 5 or 6 balls hooked or successfully avoided =
• Decrease the speed of the service to give you 5 points
more time to make a decision and execute 3 or 4 balls hooked or successfully avoided =
the shot. 3 points
1 or 2 balls hooked or successfully avoided =
Success Check 1 point
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high Your Score ___

Hook Drill 3.  Full Hook Shots

Put on full protection and have a bowler deliver • Move your back foot backwards to get your
six balls for you to hook. You can go through with body inside the line of the ball.
the shot, or you can sway or duck out of the way. • Pivot around as you make contact with the
Play six balls. ball so you are helping it on its way.
To Increase Difficulty • If you decide not to hook, duck underneath
the ball, getting your hands and bat out of
• Position fielders to take possible catches.
the way, or sway inside or outside the line.
• Increase the pace of the delivery.
To Decrease Difficulty Score Your Success
• Have the bowler bowl very short but not too 5 or 6 balls successfully hooked or left = 5
quickly, giving you time to play or leave. points
3 or 4 balls successfully hooked or left = 3
Success Check points
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high 1 or 2 balls successfully hooked or left = 1 point
backlift. Your Score ___

Cricket: Steps to Success

Leg Glance
You can work the ball away on the leg side for If the ball has pitched outside leg stump, put your
the easy run that keeps the board ticking over front pad between it and the stumps. As you lean
without much risk. You can do this off the back into the ball and your straight bat makes contact
or front foot. The leg glance (figure 6.13, a and b) with it, angle your bat down towards square leg
is particularly useful early in your innings against by using your wrists and nudge the ball into a
quicker bowlers because you can use the pace gap in the field. Be careful not to close the bat
they provide. face too early; otherwise, the ball may hit the
If the ball is of a good length, pitching around leading edge and present an easy catch.
leg stump, lead with your head towards the line.

You frequently give a catch from a leading edge when playing the leg glance.
You are turning the bat too early. Wait for the ball to come up. Make contact before turning
your wrists.

Figure 6.13 Leg Glance off Front Foot

Execution, Front View
1. Bring straight bat down onto ball
2. Turn wrists at contact
3. Glance ball away on leg side

Attacking Batting

Execution, Side View

1. Lead with head and front shoulder towards
line of ball or just inside it
2. Keep front foot in natural position

Playing the ball off your back foot is similar. wards, using the depth of the crease, with your
Allow a ball pitching short of a length on the head forward and over the line of the ball; bring
leg side, but not bouncing very much, to come your hands down towards the ball with your bat
up to your hip before you turn it away. This is a angled down (figure 6.14, a and b). You then sim-
relatively simple way to add runs. Move back- ply turn the bat face to help the ball on its way.

Figure 6.14 Leg Glance off Back Foot

Move Backwards
1. Move backwards to get in line of ball or
just inside it

103 (continued)
Cricket: Steps to Success

Figure 6.14 (continued)

Angle Bat
1. Allow ball to come to you
2. Angle bat by turning wrists
3. Send ball away to leg side

You fail to make contact with the ball when you attempt the leg glance off either the back
foot or the front foot.
You are moving too far inside the line of the ball rather than moving into the line.
You hit the ball up in the air rather than playing it down.
Make sure you have a high backlift. When you are glancing off the front foot, lead out with
your head over the ball as you make contact. When you are glancing off the back foot, let
the ball come up and play it from under your head.

Attacking Batting

Leg Glance Drill 1.  Imaginary Leg Glances

Play leg glances against an imaginary ball with • To glance off the back foot, move backwards
either a coach or experienced partner watching into line, with your head over the imaginary
or in front of a mirror. Shape to glance six balls, ball.
three off the back foot and three off the front foot. • At the moment of contact, turn your wrists.

Success Check Score Your Success

• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high 5 or 6 well-executed glances = 5 points
3 or 4 well-executed glances = 3 points
• To glance off the front foot, lead with your
1 or 2 well-executed glances = 1 point
head towards the line of the imaginary ball.
Your Score ___

Leg Glance Drill 2.  Tennis Ball Leg Glances

Have a feeder deliver a tennis ball that is either • To glance off your front foot, lead with your
down the leg side and of a good length or just head towards the line of the ball.
short of a length. Attempt to play the ball between • To glance off your back foot, move back-
the cones using a leg glance. Play six balls. wards into line with your head over the ball.
To Increase Difficulty • Allow the ball to come to you rather than
push at it with firm hands.
• Mix up the length of ball so you have to de-
cide whether to go forwards or backwards • At the moment of contact, turn your wrists
to play the stroke. to direct the ball into a gap in the field.
• Set up a number of targets to which the ball
Score Your Success
must be played.
5 or 6 balls glanced along the ground into the
To Decrease Difficulty
target area = 5 points
• Have the feeder tell you in advance whether 3 or 4 balls glanced along the ground into the
you will be receiving a ball to glance off the target area = 3 points
back or front foot. 1 or 2 balls glanced along the ground into the
target area = 1 point
Success Check
Your Score ___
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high

Cricket: Steps to Success

Leg Glance Drill 3.  Full Leg Glances

Put on full protection and have a bowler deliver six • To glance off the front foot, lead with your
balls for you to glance. You can play off the front head towards the line of the ball.
or back foot, depending on the length of the ball. • To glance off the back foot, move backwards
To Increase Difficulty into line with your head over the ball.
• Allow the ball to come to you rather than
• Position fielders to take possible catches.
push at it with firm hands.
• Increase the pace of the delivery.
• At the moment of contact, turn your wrists
To Decrease Difficulty to direct the ball into a gap in the field.
• Have a less-challenging bowler tell you in
Score Your Success
advance whether you will need to move
forwards or backwards. 5 or 6 balls successfully glanced = 5 points
3 or 4 balls successfully glanced = 3 points
Success Check 1 or 2 balls successfully glanced = 1 point
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high Your Score ___

Batting Strategies
Steps 4, 5, and 6 cover basic batting, defensive In addition, there is always the leave. You always
batting and attacking batting. After developing have that option once you have determined
the skills described in these three steps, you will which strokes fit easily into your repertoire and
have the strokes to deal with all balls that are which are likely to reduce the probability of
bowled at you. Awareness of the match situation your success.
should determine your approach. You react to To summarise, if your set-up—grip, stance
the ball that is bowled. With practice and suf- and backlift—is good, you can concentrate
ficient thought, you should be able to automati- on the ball and watch it all the way from the
cally respond to any ball bowled. Once you get bowler’s hand. If you judge the line and length
to that point, all you need to do is execute the so that you can select the correct shot, all you
appropriate shot, which should itself be honed have to do is execute that shot well. Being able to
to perfection by meaningful practice. do that will come with diligent practice. After all
To get used to the idea of reacting to the ball, these skills and decisions are second nature, all
rather than predetermining the stroke and hop- that remains is to practice how to acknowledge
ing that the bowler delivers the ball in the right your hundred!
place, consider table 6.1.
As alternatives, you can play the leg glance off
the front or back foot, or you can play a late cut.

Attacking Batting

Table 6.1  Batting Strategy Based on Ball Bowled

Step and page
Ball bowled Best batting option number
Good length ball threatening the stumps Forward defensive Step 5, page 62
Ball just short of a length threatening the stumps Backward defensive Step 5, page 67
Overpitched straight ball Straight drive Step 6, page 81
Overpitched ball on the leg side On-drive Step 6, page 76
Overpitched ball on the off side Off-drive Step 6, page 76
Overpitched ball a little wider on the off side Cover drive Step 6, page 76
Straight ball just short of a length and not bouncing Straight drive off the back foot Step 6, page 83
Ball just short of a length on the leg side and not
bouncing On-drive off the back foot Step 6, page 83
Ball just short of a length on the off side and not
bouncing Off-drive off the back foot Step 6, page 83
Short ball on the leg side off spinner or medium pacer Pull Step 6, page 95
Short ball on the leg side off quicker bowler Hook Step 6, page 99
Short ball on the off side Square cut Step 6, page 91

Batting Drill 1.  Imaginary Batting

Shape to play all the attacking strokes again an • Refer to the individual strokes so that you
imaginary ball with either a coach or experienced know the shape you are aiming for.
partner watching or in front of a mirror. Shape
to play 12 balls, going through all the strokes Score Your Success
mentioned in this step. If you have a partner, he
11 or 12 well-executed strokes = 10 points
can decide which stroke you must demonstrate.
8 to 10 well-executed strokes = 7 points
Success Check 1 to 7 well-executed strokes = 3 points
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high Your Score ___

Cricket: Steps to Success

Batting Drill 2.  Hitting a Tennis Ball

Have a feeder deliver a tennis ball against which Success Check
you play the appropriate attacking stroke deter-
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high
mined by line and length. Play 12 balls.
To Increase Difficulty • Refer to the individual strokes so that you
• Increase the pace of the delivery. know the shape you are aiming for.
• Set up a number of targets to which the ball
must be played.
Score Your Success
11 or 12 well-executed strokes = 10 points
To Decrease Difficulty
8 to 10 well-executed strokes = 7 points
• Have the feeder tell you in advance what
1 to 7 well-executed strokes = 3 points
sort of delivery he is going to make so that
you can preset yourself for the appropriate Your Score ___

Batting Drill 3.  Full Batting

Put on full protection and have a bowler deliver 12 Success Check
balls for you to play. Depending on the length and
• Ensure you have a good set-up with a high
line of the ball, decide on the appropriate stroke.
To Increase Difficulty • Refer to the individual strokes so that you
• Position fielders to take possible catches. know the shape you are aiming for.
• Increase the pace of the delivery.
Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty
11 or 12 well-executed strokes = 10 points
• Have a less-challenging bowler tell you in 8 to 10 well-executed strokes = 7 points
advance what sort of ball he is going to bowl.
1 to 7 well-executed strokes = 3 points
Your Score ___

Attacking Batting

Success Summary of Attacking Batting

The key to attacking batting is shot selection. air, cut that stroke out of your repertoire until
Provided you have mastered the basics of batting you have done more work to perfect it. Think
and have good defensive techniques to deal with about glancing instead. If you are not good at
those balls that should not be attacked (except hooking, make sure you can get out of the way
in situations when all balls must be attacked), of a short ball aimed at your upper body.
the next problem is determining which stroke Before moving on to step 7, Fielding, evalu-
to play. Try to compartmentalise your mind so ate how you did on the attacking batting drills
that as soon as you see a half volley, you drive it; in this step. Tally your scores to determine how
when you see a short ball outside off-stump, you well you have mastered the skill of attacking
cut it; and so on. Refer to the chart on page 107. batting. If you scored 100 points, you are ready
But remember, if the ball is short, go backwards; to move on to step 7. If you did not score 100
if the ball is well pitched up, go forwards. Do not points, practice the drills again until you raise
try to play every stroke described in this step. your scores before moving on to step 7.
For example, if you are hitting on-drives in the

Front-Foot Drive Drills

1. Imaginary Front-Foot Drives ___ out of 5

2. Target Front-Foot Drives ___ out of 5
3. Mix It Up ___ out of 5

Back-Foot Drive Drills

1. Imaginary Back-Foot Drives ___ out of 5

2. Target Back-Foot Drives ___ out of 5
3. Mix It Up ___ out of 5

Sweep Drills

1. Imaginary Sweeps ___ out of 5

2. Target Sweeps ___ out of 5
3. Full Delivery ___ out of 5

Square Cut Drills

1. Imaginary Square Cuts ___ out of 5

2. Target Square Cuts ___ out of 5
3. Full Square Cuts ___ out of 5


Cricket: Steps to Success


Pull Drills

1. Imaginary Pull Shots ___ out of 5

2. Target Pull Shots ___ out of 5
3. Game-Like Pull Shots ___ out of 5

Hook Drills

1. Imaginary Hook Shots ___ out of 5

2. Hooking Tennis Balls ___ out of 5
3. Full Hook Shots ___ out of 5

Leg Glance Drills

1. Imaginary Leg Glances ___ out of 5

2. Tennis Ball Leg Glances ___ out of 5
3. Full Leg Glances ___ out of 5

Batting Drills

1. Imaginary Batting ___ out of 10

2. Hitting a Tennis Ball ___ out of 10
3. Full Batting ___ out of 10

Total    ___ out of 135

Whether you are a specialist batsman or ensure that you are as proficient as possible in
bowler, you will spend a lot of time fielding. It is this area of cricket. Take all the advice you are
important to become a good fielder so you can about to get in step 7, and you will be well on
play your full part on the team. A good fielding your way to achieving that goal.
side is usually a successful side, so you need to



Catches win matches is one of the oldest clichés Across all levels of cricket, it is now the good
in cricket, but time has not diminished its truth. fielder who gets the nod when other factors can-
A side no better than ordinary in other aspects of not separate players vying for the same place in
cricket can be transformed into a useful team by a side. Players work on their fielding skills, and
achieving a higher standard of fielding. Catches coaches develop new methods to help them
do win matches, just as dropped catches can lose improve. The climate of indifference towards
them, and ground fielding is also important in fielding has dissipated so that anyone who fails
determining the outcome. to reach a minimum standard in the field is
Despite these proven tenets, for many years embarrassed for himself and looked down upon
fielding was disregarded when it came to devel- by team-mates.
oping cricketers. Natural athletes were seen to Various elements of fielding require study to
add value to the team in the field, but the true succeed at this vital step in cricketing success.
value of improving fielding skills was not ap- You need to be able to move properly to stop
preciated. Attention was focused on batting and the ball or chase after it. You need to be able
bowling. It was the advent of one-day cricket at to throw. You need to be able to catch the ball.
the highest level that underlined the need for You will spend more of a match fielding than
good fielders. It slowly dawned on players and you will batting or bowling, so it is important
coaches that a proficient batsman or bowler who to use this time profitably. If you hide and hope
was a liability in the field could not command a the ball never comes your way, you are unlikely
place in the team. All players have since had to to enjoy the game as a whole. If you want the
reach an acceptable standard of all-round field- ball to come to you so that you can demonstrate
ing ability; more work has been done to ensure your fielding skills, you will get so much more
that each member of the team, even if not a from cricket.
natural gazelle, reaches an acceptable standard
of mobility, catching and throwing.

Cricket: Steps to Success

The first job of a fielder is to keep the ball from should the ball evade your hands. Hence the
getting past him. If the ball is in the air, you term long barrier. Before using this technique,
want to catch it; if it is along the ground, you save time by moving towards the ball so you in-
still have an important job to do. There used to tercept it before it travels towards your position,
be a differentiation between attacking and de- which is probably on the boundary.
fensive fielding, but as the game has progressed, As soon as you have judged the line of the
all fielding should be undertaken with attack in ball, race in to meet it as close to the stumps as
mind. Even when fielding in the deep, get to the you can. When you meet the ball, form a long
ball as quickly as possible and return it to the barrier by going down on one knee and using
stumps with similar rapidity. the length of your leg as an extra line of defence.
This rule applies to what might be thought of A right-handed thrower goes down so that his
as the most defensive way of stopping the ball: left knee is on the ground; a left-handed thrower
the long barrier. To make absolutely sure that the goes down on his right knee. You will be able
ball will not get past you on even the bumpiest to get up into a throwing position more easily
of outfields, go down on one knee and use the if you use the correct leg to form your barrier.
length of your leg as an extra line of defence Every second is crucial.

When using the long barrier, you take a long time to get into the throwing position.
You are going down on the wrong knee. Right-handed throwers should go down on their
left knees so that they can stand straight up to throw. Left-handed throwers should go down
on their right knees.

But there is more to it than going down on the down in line with the ball, which should come
correct knee. Make sure your head is right over to rest in your grasp (figure 7.1a). When the
the line of the ball; this will allow you to adjust ball is in your hands, and not before, rise to the
more easily than if you are looking askance at throwing position, take aim and fire (figure 7.1b).
the ball. Hold your hands with fingers pointing

Figure 7.1 Long Barrier

Kneel and Secure the Ball
1. Go down on left knee (right-handed
2. Keep left knee next to right heel
3. Point fingers down
4. Receive ball with fingers down
5. Keep head over line of ball
6. Watch ball into hands


Rise and Throw

1. Rise to side-on position
2. Hold throwing arm back and ready to throw
3. Hold non-throwing arm out, seeking target

Despite using the long barrier, the ball still gets past you.
Consider whether you are really making a long barrier. Perhaps you have left a gap between
your knee on the ground and your heel, or your leg is not on the ground or your leg is at the
wrong angle so that it is not 90 degrees to the line of the ball.

The long barrier technique usually is used some adopt the position taken by a goalkeeper
when you are fielding close to the boundary. facing a penalty: weight balanced and ready
Your first objective is to stop the ball from cross- to pounce. If fielders are in the latter category,
ing the rope. If you are a little closer in, you want they usually will have walked in a few paces,
to put pressure on the batsmen by attempting ready to go one way or the other. Once you
to run them out. At this range, some 40 yards have determined where the ball is going, move
(36.6 m) or so from the stumps, you will be too as quickly as possible towards it, timing your
far away to execute an underarm throw but are step pattern to arrive with your head over the
risking that the ball may bobble on the outfield ball as it reaches the same side of your body as
and go past you. Still, you should apply good your throwing arm. Bend down and watch the
technique to give yourself the best possible ball into your hands. Use a one- or two-handed
chance of stopping the ball before concentrating intercept (figure 7.2, a and b). Then, with a fluid
on the run-out possibility. movement, come up into the throwing position
When you are in the field, anticipate that the and send the ball on a straight trajectory towards
ball will come to you and be ready to move. the target. Stay low even after releasing the ball
Most fielders walk in as the bowler delivers, but (figure 7.3, a and b).

a b
Figure 7.2  (a) For a one-handed intercept, the fielder picks up the ball in his right hand alongside his right foot; (b) for a
two-handed intercept, the fielder watches the ball into both hands.

a b
Figure 7.3  (a) The fielder draws back his throwing hand while his head and momentum move towards the target. (b) He
says low even after releasing the ball.


When using the two-handed intercept, you find that you cannot get down to pick up the ball
because your front leg gets in the way.
You are getting your front foot in line with the ball rather than approaching the ball so that
you can pick it up to the throwing side of your body.

Closer in, say 20 yards (18.3 m) from the you are, your speed must be allied to accuracy.
stumps, you will not need to lift the ball up for Move to intercept the ball in the right manner.
an overarm throw at the target. You are in range Get low early so that as you reach the point of
for a fast underarm throw at the stumps aimed interception, you are crouching over the ball as
at running out the batsman. Speed is of the es- it comes into your throwing hand; your fingers,
sence, but no matter how quick over the ground as ever, are pointing down.

It takes too long to get the ball back to the wicket-keeper when you use a one-handed
intercept because you need time to adjust after stopping the ball.
Make sure you approach the ball so that your fingers are pointing down, with the palm of
your hand, not the back, facing the target.

Your head is also a major consideration. Your low and stayed low, there should be little danger
head should move in the direction you want the of throwing the ball too high.
ball to go after you pick it up. Get low early and Hitting the target with the batsman out of his
stay low to prevent your head, and therefore ground can be a match-turning moment. Just to
your body weight, from bobbing down to the ball save time, some fielders who are at close range
and then up again. Instead, watch the ball into actually launch themselves as well as the ball
the hand that is alongside the outside of your towards the target. The object is to get the ball
foot. Take one step to give your body impetus as in as quickly as possible. You will probably have
you bring your hand back; then launch the ball to hit the stumps because there is often little
towards the target. If your head is moving in the chance of the wicket-keeper or bowler getting
right direction, the ball should, too. If you got there in time to take a return.

Although you make a good intercept with one hand, the subsequent throw usually goes over
the wicket-keeper’s head.
Get low early on your approach to the ball and keep low until after you have released the ball.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Intercept Drill 1.  Long-Barrier Intercepts

Stand some 50 yards (45.7 m) away from your • With your head over the line of the ball, go
target, a wicket-keeper who stands behind a set down on the correct knee.
of stumps. Have a feeder send the ball towards • Collect the ball with your fingers pointing
you with enough force to reach you. Use the long down.
barrier to stop the ball and throw it to the wicket-
• Get up to throw the ball accurately to the
keeper. Attempt six intercepts.
To Increase Difficulty
Score Your Success
• Run in more quickly to meet the ball earlier
to decrease the length of the subsequent 5 or 6 successful intercepts using the long
throw; make sure your technique remains barrier = 5 points
good despite the increase in speed. 3 or 4 successful intercepts using the long
To Decrease Difficulty barrier = 3 points
1 or 2 successful intercepts using the long
• Have the feeder use a slower feed. barrier = 1 point
• Use the long barrier to pick up a stationary Your Score ___
ball and throw a shorter distance.

Success Check
• Once you have judged the line, go to meet
the ball.

Intercept Drill 2.  Two-Handed Intercepts

Stand 30 yards (27.4 m) away from your target, • With your head over the line of the ball, allow
a wicket-keeper who stands by a set of stumps. room to let the ball pass beside your body.
Have a feeder send the ball towards you. Use a • Collect the ball with your fingers pointing
two-handed intercept to stop the ball and throw down alongside your body.
it to the wicket-keeper. Attempt six two-handed
• Draw back your throwing arm to despatch
the ball accurately to the wicket-keeper.
To Increase Difficulty
Score Your Success
• Have the feeder deliver the ball a little wider
than usual to force you to cover more ground 5 or 6 successful two-handed intercepts = 5
before intercepting. points
To Decrease Difficulty 3 or 4 successful two-handed intercepts = 3
• Have the feeder use a slower feed. 1 or 2 successful two-handed intercepts = 1
• Use a two-handed intercept to pick up a point
stationary ball. Your Score ___
Success Check
• Once you have judged the line, go to meet
the ball.


Intercept Drill 3.  One-Handed Intercepts

Stand 15 yards (13.7 m) away from your target, • Try to adjust your step to pick up the ball on
a wicket-keeper who stands by a set of stumps. the throwing side of your body alongside
Have a feeder send the ball towards you. Use a your foot.
one-handed intercept to stop the ball and throw • Get low early and stay low.
it to the wicket-keeper. Attempt six one-handed
• Collect the ball with your fingers pointing
To Increase Difficulty • Take one step as you draw back your throw-
• Have the feeder deliver the ball to one side or ing arm; throw the ball underarm either at
the other to force you to cover more ground the stumps or to the wicket-keeper.
before intercepting.
Score Your Success
• Try to hit the stumps rather than return the
ball to the wicket-keeper. 5 or 6 successful one-handed intercepts = 5
To Decrease Difficulty
3 or 4 successful one-handed intercepts = 3
• Have the feeder deliver the ball slowly points
straight to you. 1 or 2 successful one-handed intercepts = 1
• Pick up and throw a stationary ball. point
Your Score ___
Success Check
• Once you have judged the line, go to meet
the ball.

Intercept Drill 4.  Mixed Intercepts

A feeder stands at the bowler’s stumps and a • The feeder serves each ball straight to you.
wicket-keeper stands at the other set of stumps.
The feeder delivers six balls to you. Intercept each Success Check
with a long barrier: three balls with a two-handed
• Refer to the section on each type of inter-
intercept and three with a one-handed intercept.
cept in order to refresh the key elements of
As each ball is on its way to you, the feeder shouts
technique involved.
randomly, ‘Bowler’s end’ or ‘Wicket-keeper’; you
have to make the intercept and return the ball to
Score Your Success
the nominated end.
5 or 6 successful intercepts and returns = 5
To Increase Difficulty
• The feeder makes the call more quickly so 3 or 4 successful intercepts and returns = 3
you have less time to react. points
• The feeder stands farther away from you 1 or 2 successful intercepts and returns = 1
so you have to move to your right or left to point
intercept. Your Score ___
To Decrease Difficulty
• The feeder tells you in advance the end to
which each throw should go.

Cricket: Steps to Success

However good you are at intercepting the ball, stop before the boundary, do so as quickly as
there will be times when the ball will get past possible and turn away from your throwing arm.
you, forcing you to give chase. Naturally, you will For example, a right-handed thrower will turn
want to catch up with the ball before it reaches his body to his left (figure 7.4b), putting him in
the boundary—and the sooner the better. But the throwing position much more quickly than
it is not enough to simply hare after it without by turning to the right.
some idea of what you are going to do when you As you turn, start getting into the throwing
have caught up with it. There is a technique for position by drawing back the hand that now has
getting the ball back to the stumps as quickly the ball in it; at the same time, your other hand
and accurately as possible. seeks the target (figure 7.4c). If you are particu-
After having caught up with the ball, posi- larly athletic, you can turn and throw in one
tion yourself so you can reach down with your fluid movement, sometimes lifting yourself off
throwing hand to pick it up (figure 7.4a) or, if it the ground as you do so. However, it is normally
is still moving, allow it to run into your fingers. advisable to establish a balanced position before
If you are at the boundary edge, you might have you throw in order to gain distance and accuracy.
to flick the ball back into the playing field to If you have dived for the ball, your balanced po-
prevent yourself from carrying it over the line; sition might be on your knees. Follow-through
other times, you might have to slide and flick it after releasing the ball (figure 7.4d).
back into the playing field. If you have time to

After you have reached the ball and picked it up, you have to spin around before getting the
throw away.
Make sure you turn in the correct direction—away from your throwing arm.

Figure 7.4 Retrieving

Still Ball
1. Get to ball as quickly as possible
2. Reach down with throwing hand to pick up

1. Pick up ball
2. Turn away from throwing arm

1. Draw back throwing arm
2. Seek target with non-throwing arm


Cricket: Steps to Success

Figure 7.4 (continued)

1. Release ball
2. Bring throwing arm through towards target

It takes you too long to get the throw away after picking up the ball.
Do not overrun the ball. Pick up the ball, take a steadying step if necessary and immediately
turn and throw.


Retrieving Drill 1.  Chase and Retrieve

Stand alongside the wicket-keeper. The wicket- • Reach down with your throwing arm, allow-
keeper rolls the ball out away from you for more ing the ball to roll into your hand with your
than 25 yards (23.9 m). Chase after the ball, pick fingers pointing down.
it up, turn and throw it back to the wicket-keeper. • Stop as quickly as possible and turn away
Retrieve six balls. from your throwing arm.
To Increase Difficulty • Return the ball accurately to the wicket-
• The wicket-keeper feeds the ball faster so
the chase and throw are longer.
Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty 5 or 6 retrieves = 5 points
• The wicket-keeper feeds the ball more slow- 3 or 4 retrieves = 3 points
ly, resulting in a shorter chase and throw. 1 or 2 retrieves = 1 point
Success Check Your Score ___

• Chase after the ball as quickly as possible.

Retrieving Drill 2.  Chase and Return to Called End

A feeder stands at the bowler’s stumps, and a • Reach down with your throwing arm, allow-
wicket-keeper stands at the other set of stumps. ing the ball to roll into your hand with your
The feeder delivers six balls to you to chase and fingers pointing down.
retrieve over varying distances up to 50 yards (45.7 • Stop as quickly as possible and turn away
m). As you chase each ball, the feeder shouts, from your throwing arm.
‘Bowler’s end’ or ‘Wicket-keeper’. Retrieve the ball
• Return the ball accurately to the wicket-
and return it to the called end.
To Increase Difficulty
Score Your Success
• The feeder makes the call later so you have
less time to react. 5 or 6 successful retrieves and returns = 5
• Increase the length of the chase. points
3 or 4 successful retrieves and returns = 3
To Decrease Difficulty
• The feeder tells you in advance the end to 1 or 2 successful retrieves and returns = 1 point
which each throw should go. Your Score ___
• Reduce the distance of the chase.

Success Check
• Chase after the ball as quickly as possible.

Cricket: Steps to Success

The three main types of catches are high catch- follow these steps, you should catch a lot more
es, flat catches and catches taken close to the than you drop. The first step is to get into the
wicket. All require you to watch the ball closely right position, directly under where the ball is
as it goes into your hands and to close your going to land (figure 7.5a). When you are field-
hands securely round the ball once it is caught. ing in the deep, and you see the ball hoisted in
Catching requires confidence. If you get tense your direction, you may have a tendency to run
and nervous, the chances of success diminish. in. If you do, the ball may go over your head,
Nobody drops a catch on purpose. As long as and you will have to backpedal frantically in
you make the best effort possible, nobody can an attempt to salvage the catch. When you see
criticise you. However, it takes a certain mental the ball go up, steady yourself for a moment
strength to come back from missing a catch to in order to judge the trajectory before moving.
take the next one that comes your way. As with It might even be a good idea to say the word
every other aspect of the game, sound technique trajectory to yourself to avoid rushing off in the
gives you the best chance of success. wrong direction.

High Catches
Standing under a high catch is one of cricket’s
more daunting experiences. Nevertheless, if you

High catches frequently go over your head.
Wait to judge the trajectory before moving. Do not run in as soon as you see the ball in the
air unless you are certain that it is going to drop well short of you.

Figure 7.5 Catching a High Ball

Watch Ball Into Hands
1. Judge trajectory of ball
2. Stand directly under where ball would land
3. Take balanced position
4. Hold hands outstretched and horizontal to
5. Point fingers away from you
6. Keep hands butted together
7. Watch ball into hands above eye level


Close Hand Over Ball

1. Catch ball in strongest hand
2. Close other hand over top once ball is safe
3. Bend elbows and pass them by sides
4. Clasp ball to chest

Once you have judged the flight of the ball, watch the ball because it will speed past your
move towards it as quickly as possible. Try to line of sight as it drops into your hands. Second,
achieve a balanced position so that you can if you attempt to catch the ball above the level
watch the ball into your hands above eye level. of your eyes and it pops out of your grasp, you
This is important for two reasons. First you will have a chance to make another attempt before
be able to watch the ball right into your hands. it reaches the ground.
If you catch it lower, you will not be able to

You get into position to take a high catch, but you fail to hold the ball.
Make sure you are catching the ball above eye level. This means that you will be able to watch
the ball right into your hands.

The conventional way of taking a high catch in your strongest hand and close the other one
is with your hands outstretched and horizontal over the top once the ball is safely held (figure
to the ground, palms up, and your fingers point- 7.5b). When you have made the catch, allow
ing away from you. Make sure that your hands your elbows to bend to pass either side of your
are butted together; otherwise you leave a gap body and clasp the ball to your chest. This giving
for the ball to go through. Because the join be- motion will prevent you from presenting stiff
tween your hands is the weakest point of the hands to the ball, which might cause the ball to
cup receiving the ball, ideally you will catch it bounce out.

Cricket: Steps to Success

The other way to take a high catch is known your hands in this position as you watch the ball
as the reverse cup (figure 7.6, a-c). Instead of right into them. You still allow the elbows to
putting your hands together with the fingers give in order to cushion the ball to your chest.
pointing away from you and your little fingers Either method can achieve a high percentage
touching, bend your elbows and raise your hands of success, but try both in practice to find out
with your fingers pointing towards you and your which you prefer.
thumbs touching. You might find it easier to relax

Figure 7.6 Reverse Cup

Get Into Position
1. Move quickly to get into position directly
under falling ball
2. Hold hands higher than eyes
3. Point fingers back towards you
4. Touch thumbs

Make the Catch

1. Catch ball in stronger hand


Give With Ball

1. Allow arms and hands to give with ball
2. Allow ball to come to rest on right shoulder

Flat Catches you below chest height, your fingers should be

pointing down with your head directly in line
When a catch is hit hard at you on a flat trajec- with the ball. Watch the ball right into your hands
tory, you have little time to get into position; and allow your elbows to give (figure 7.7), just
however, you still need to give yourself the best as you did with a high catch.
possible chance of catching it. If the ball reaches

Figure 7.7 Catching a Flat Ball Below Chest Height

Make the Catch
1. Get behind line of ball
2. Prepare to receive ball at waist height
3. Hold hands in position to catch ball
4. Keep little fingers butted together
5. Point fingers down
6. Watch ball into hands
7. Allow elbows to give as with high catch

Cricket: Steps to Success

If the ball arrives above chest height, reverse correct position and watching the ball intently
your hands so that your thumbs are together and help you to judge the line, turn your head to one
your fingers are pointing upwards (figure 7.8). side as you take the catch in case the ball bursts
Remember the join of your hands is the weakest through your hands and goes into your face.
point of the cup you fashion, so try to take the With practice, you will become adept at turning
ball in your strongest hand. This is especially your head as your hands give with the ball and
important if the ball is travelling at speed directly let it come to rest on your shoulder.
at your head. Although getting your head in the

Figure 7.8 Catching a Flat Ball Above Chest Height

Make the Catch
1. Judge ball’s line
2. Hold hands in position to catch ball in front
of face
3. Point fingers upwards
4. Butt thumbs together
5. Turn head out of way as you catch ball
6. Give with hands
7. Let hands with ball come to rest on shoul-

When the ball is hit hard in the air to you at head height, you get your hands on it, but it then
pops out.
As with all catches, you need to relax your hands as you catch the ball. You would do so if
you were catching an egg, so apply the same principle with a cricket ball.


Catches Close When in the slips, crouch down with your feet
comfortably apart and ready to move in either
to the Wicket
direction (figure 7.9a). Some slip fielders put
Most commonly, catches are taken close to the their weight on the insides of both feet; doing
wicket. Whether in the slips, at short leg or silly so makes it easier to push off in either direction.
point, these are often reaction catches; once Your weight should always be on the balls of
again, good technique will improve your chances your feet rather than on the heels. Your hands
of making these catches. If you are standing back are low in the ready position because you have
in the slips with a fast bowler operating, tech- back muscles designed to lift your body up.
nique is all-important because these are not re- Your hands are ready to take the catch; your
ally reaction catches. At first slip, you can watch head is still. Never allow your fingers to point at
the ball all the way from the bowler’s hand and the ball, no matter what type of catch you are
have time to react. If you are further around in making, or you will be particularly vulnerable
the slip cordon and in the gully, you might find to a finger injury.
it easier to watch the outside edge of the bat.

When fielding in the slips, you find yourself reaching down for slip catches that often end
up on the ground.
You are either getting up too quickly or not getting low enough in the first place.

Figure 7.9 Catch Close to Wicket

1. Get into position to take catch
2. Keep eyes parallel to ground
3. Keep hands ready to take ball
4. Bend knees to get body close to ground
5. Stand with feet comfortably apart
6. Keep weight on inside of balls of feet, not
back on heels


Cricket: Steps to Success

Figure 7.9 (continued)

Move to One Side

1. Push off inside of left foot if ball is to the
2. Hold hands in position to catch ball
3. Keep palms at right angles to ball’s line of
flight to prevent injury to ends of fingers
4. If ball goes wide, dive and perhaps take
catch with one hand
5. Watch ball into hands
6. Take catch slightly in front of body if pos-

As the ball comes, you will probably have to It is vital that your hands do not become tense
move right or left. If the ball comes straight at in the slips. Hard hands usually mean hard luck
you, apply the same principles as for the hard, for the fielder, good luck for the batsman. It is
flat catch. If you do move to one side, keep the same when fielding close to the bat, square
watching the ball as closely as possible as it of or in front of the wicket. All the same prin-
comes right into your hands or hand (figure ciples apply, but a high proportion of catches
7.9b). that come your way in these positions will be
If you dive to take a catch, make sure you land of the bat or pad variety rather than straight
properly. There is nothing more annoying than to edges. You have to be ready to dive forwards as
dive and take a stunning catch, only to have the well as sideways, and you should also be ready
ball jarred out of your hand as your elbow hits for a catch off the face of the bat. You need to
the ground. Review step 8 on wicket-keeping to apply all the principles mentioned earlier. Above
learn how to dive in the correct manner. all, keep your fingers from pointing at the ball.

Your reaction time is slow when fielding close to the bat.
Unless you are fielding at first slip, where you watch the ball from the bowler’s hand, try
watching the edge of the bat rather than the ball.

You also need to keep watching the ball very a millisecond for you to decide whether to opt for
closely. You will not be able to watch it from attempting the catch or for self-preservation. The
the bowler’s hand, so you need sharp reactions advent of helmets, shin pads and boxes for close
to respond as soon as you see the ball coming fielders has alleviated the dangers, but short leg
close enough to be within your grasp. You also is not known as Boot Hill (after the graveyard
need physical courage, especially at short leg, in Dodge City beloved of westerns) for nothing.
where the ball can fly in your direction with only

Catching Drill 1.  High Catches

Have a feeder hit high balls towards you. It doesn’t • After judging the trajectory, get into position
matter how far away the feeder is. Make high to take the catch with either a conventional
catches. Attempt six catches. or reverse cup.
To Increase Difficulty • Try to take the catch with your hands above
eye level.
• Have the feeder hit the ball higher and on
• Allow your hands and arms to give as you
different trajectories and lines.
catch the ball.
To Decrease Difficulty
Score Your Success
• Have the feeder hit the ball straight toward
you and not as high. 5 or 6 catches = 5 points
3 or 4 catches = 3 points
Success Check 1 or 2 catches = 1 point
• Judge the trajectory before moving. Your Score ___

Catching Drill 2.  Head-Height Catches

Have a feeder hit hard balls to you at about head • Watch the ball right into your hands, but take
height from about 10 yards (9.1 m) away. Catch your head out of the line as the ball reaches
the ball at head height. Attempt six catches. your hands.
To Increase Difficulty • Allow your hands to give as you catch the
ball, taking it one side of your head or the
• Have the feeder hit the ball harder and to the other and letting it rest on your shoulder.
side instead of straight toward you.
To Decrease Difficulty Score Your Success
• Have the feeder hit the ball straight toward 5 or 6 catches = 5 points
you and not so hard. 3 or 4 catches = 3 points
1 or 2 catches = 1 point
Success Check Your Score ___
• Get your hands directly behind the line of the
ball, with your fingers pointing up.

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Cricket: Steps to Success

Catching Drill 3.  Catches in the Slips

Have a feeder throw the ball hard at shoulder • Watch the ball into your hands, which should
height toward a batsman. The batsman deflects always be pointing at right angles to the line
a catch towards you in the slips. Attempt six of the ball.
catches. • Take the catch in two hands if possible, al-
To Increase Difficulty lowing them to give as you take the catch.

• The batsman can hit the ball harder and at Score Your Success
different heights, forcing you to move one
way or the other. 5 or 6 catches = 5 points
3 or 4 catches = 3 points
To Decrease Difficulty
1 or 2 catches = 1 point
• The batsman does not hit the ball as hard Your Score ___
and hits it straight toward you.

Success Check
• Take up a position with your hands close to
the ground, knees flexed, weight on the balls
of your feet and eyes parallel to the ground.

Catching Drill 4.  Short-Leg Catches

A feeder lobs the ball to a batsman. The batsman • Watch the ball right into your hands.
hits balls to you fielding at short leg. Attempt six • Allow your hands to give as you catch the
catches. ball.
To Increase Difficulty
Score Your Success
• The batsman can hit the ball harder and to
the side instead of straight toward you. 5 or 6 catches = 5 points
3 or 4 catches = 3 points
To Decrease Difficulty
1 or 2 catches = 1 point
• The batsman does not hit the ball as hard Your Score ___
and hits it straight toward you.

Success Check
• Crouch down and watch the bat in order to
pick up the flight of the ball.


It was not long ago that some fielders were noted tum in the right direction. As you do so, point
for having good throws, while others were picked at the target with your non-throwing hand or
out as candidates for the ‘one for the throw’ elbow, then draw your throwing hand up behind
school of fielding. Currently, at the top level at you. You want to ensure that at the moment of
least, all fielders must be able to deliver hard, release the elbow on your throwing arm is not
accurate throws from anywhere in the outfield. below the level of your shoulder. If it drops, you
When such fielders were rare, they were known increase the chances of injuring your shoulder
as having strong arms, but as the standard of because of rotation in the joint.
throwing has risen, so has the understanding of
what action produces a good throw. It is not just
a strong arm but also a strong technique that
produces those bullet-like throws that whistle
into the wicket-keeper’s gloves alongside the
The grip used by a bowler always gets a lot
of attention, but a fielder also needs to adjust
his grip on the ball before throwing it. As you
field the ball, manoeuvre it in your hand so that
the seam is at right angles to the line of the
throw (figure 7.10). This prevents the ball from
swinging off target as it flies through the air.
Some claim the ball will actually travel farther
because the backward rotation imparted on
release causes it to float in the air longer. It is
worth spending a fraction of a second to get the
grip right as you balance in order to achieve that
flat, straight throw you are seeking.
With the ball in your hand, establish a strong
base with your feet. This is where the power
comes from. Get side-on to the target (figure
7.11a), which can involve taking a step towards Figure 7.10  Seam is at right angles to the line of the
the target to give yourself some bodily momen- throw.

You can throw the ball a long way, but it is not always in the right direction.
Check that you are side-on to the target and point at it with your front arm or elbow. Also
check that you are turning the seam in your hand as you pick the ball up so that the seam
will not cause the ball to swing as it travels through the air.

What follows is like a spring uncoiling. Your way (figure 7.11c). All this is completed in a flash,
hips start the movement, becoming square to but it is important to include all the elements of
the target rather than sideways. The torso fol- a good throw in the sequence. The set-up is vital,
lows, and as your front arm pulls back tight in and those seconds you take to get the grip right
to your body, your shoulders turn square to the and the base established is time well spent in
target (figure 7.11b), and your throwing arm order to achieve consistent success.
whips through to send the ball on its unerring

Figure 7.11 Throwing the Ball

Establish a Strong Base

1. Stand in side-on position with feet spread
2. Point non-throwing arm or elbow at target
3. Draw back throwing arm ready to throw

Square Body to Target

1. Hips, torso and shoulders uncoil in that
order to produce maximum leverage


Throw Ball
1. Hips, torso and shoulders uncoil in direc-
tion of target
2. Throwing arm is last part of body to strike
3. Ball is released at target

However hard you try to throw the ball, there is no power to it.
Make sure you adopt a good throwing technique, which will enable you to throw more

Cricket: Steps to Success

Throwing Drill.  Flat Throws

Have a feeder hit balls along the ground to you. Success Check
Begin with a distance of about 25 yards (23.9 m).
• Stop the ball and adjust the seam as you pre-
Pick up each ball and return it accurately to the
pare to throw; it should be at right angles to
wicket-keeper with a hard, flat throw. Attempt
the direction of the throw and in your fingers.
six throws.
If a feeder and wicket-keeper are unavailable, • Get side-on to the target with your weight
perform the drill on your own. Mark a target on a on your back foot and either your front arm
wall. Throw the ball at the target and collect the or elbow pointing at the target.
rebound. If you decide on this option, use a tennis • Draw your throwing arm back with the ball
or rubber ball. above shoulder height to prevent putting too
much strain on that shoulder as it rotates
To Increase Difficulty
during the throw.
• Increase the length of the throw by moving • Start to unwind the hips, torso and shoulders
farther away from the target. as you transfer your weight forward, releas-
• If you are performing the drill on your own, ing the ball at the end of the unwinding
reduce the size of the target. process.
To Decrease Difficulty
Score Your Success
• Decrease the length of the throw by moving
5 or 6 throws reach the target on the full (on
closer to the target.
the fly) = 5 points
• If you are performing the drill on your own,
3 or 4 throws reach the target on the full (on
increase the size of the target.
the fly) = 3 points
1 or 2 throws reach the target on the full (on
the fly) = 1 point
Your Score ___

Fielding Drill.  All-Around Fielding

Get out on a field with a wicket-keeper and bowler • Have balls hit more softly or not as high.
positioned at the relevant ends of the pitch. Have
the coach or a teammate stand at the striker’s Success Check
end and hit a variety of catches: balls along the
• Refer to the relevant section of the previous
ground to be intercepted and balls that go past
text to make sure you have a good technique
you for you to chase and retrieve and then return
for each skill.
to a called end.
To Increase Difficulty Score Your Success
• Extend the range of throws that have to be 5 or 6 successful techniques = 5 points
made. 3 or 4 successful techniques = 3 points
• Have balls for a particular skill either harder 1 or 2 successful techniques = 1 point
or higher.
Your Score _____
To Decrease Difficulty
• Have the feeder ensure that the throws will
be over a shorter distance


Success Summary of Fielding

Much of fielding is about confidence. Increase to hold such a catch when it comes off the last
your confidence to deal successfully with field- ball of a match, and the result depends on you
ing challenges by making sure your technique holding it. Practice diligently. Your skill level will
for each skill is good. Judge where the ball is increase, and you will have the confidence that
going as early as possible and then move to it breeds success.
as quickly as possible. Get your feet, head and Before moving on to step 8, Wicket-Keeping,
hands in the correct position to perform the evaluate how you did on the fielding drills in this
fielding skill as needed, and make sure your step. Tally your scores to determine how well
throw is fast and accurate. The important thing you have mastered the skill of fielding. If you
is not to panic, and make sure your technique scored 50 points, you are ready to move on to
will stand up to performance under pressure. It step 8. If you did not score 50 points, practise
is all very well to take high catches when there the drills again until you raise your scores before
is no pressure; the important thing is to be able moving on to step 8.

Intercept Drills

1. Long-Barrier Intercepts ___ out of 5

2. Two-Handed Intercepts ___ out of 5
3. One-Handed Intercepts ___ out of 5
4. Mixed Intercepts ___ out of 5

Retrieving Drills

1. Chase and Retrieve ___ out of 5

2. Chase and Return to Called End ___ out of 5

Catching Drills

1. High Catches ___ out of 5

2. Head-Height Catches ___ out of 5
3. Catches in the Slips ___ out of 5
4. Short-Leg Catches ___ out of 5

Throwing Drill

1. Flat Throws ___ out of 5

Fielding Drill

1. All-Around Fielding ___ out of 5

Total ___ out of 60

Cricket: Steps to Success

This fielding step frequently mentioned the that gives great satisfaction when performed
wicket-keeper, the natural target for fielding well. It is also a role that is often performed by
throws. The wicket-keeper is a very important one of the most accomplished fielders in a side,
member of the side, for he tends to be involved one who has good eye–hand co-ordination. If
in every ball bowled. He either takes the ball if you have done well in this step, you might con-
it goes past the bat or is ready to take the throw. sider applying those skills to wicket-keeping.
Wicket-keeping is a demanding role, but it is one



The wicket-keeper is the heartbeat of a side, the The true test of a wicket-keeper comes when
pivotal point of the whole fielding effort. A poor he is standing up to the wicket. Most proficient
wicket-keeper prevents any team from reaching fielders can make a passable impression of the
its potential because he sets the tone. Converse- role when standing back, ready to take the ball
ly, a good glove man can lift the performance of from a quicker bowler, for there is little differ-
the whole side by supporting the bowlers with ence between doing that and fielding at slip. But
appeals, tidying up poor returns from fielders when he is standing up, the wicket-keeper’s job
and, of course, catching every chance that comes becomes a vocation. Courage comes into the
his way and not letting anything else past him. equation as well as talent, for when the bat is
A good wicket-keeper is agile, fit and able to flailing, the ball is turning and lifting or the ball
concentrate for long periods. He is a constant is being delivered by medium pacers, a flying
source of encouragement to his team-mates as bail or edged ball can cause serious injury.
the ball virtually melts into his gloves whenever The wicket-keeper also is in the best position
he takes it. It is unusual for a wicket-keeper to be to see what the ball is doing, feel how hard it
hopeless with the bat; indeed, he is expected to hits his gloves and assess how the batsmen are
make a significant contribution to the scorecard. coping with particular bowlers. Often, he is the
One of the game’s eternal debates concerns captain’s first lieutenant if he does not assume
whether selectors should pick their very best the captain’s role himself. Either way, he is a
wicket-keeper, irrespective of his batting abil- very influential member of the team and often
ity, or settle for lesser ability with the gloves in is something of a character. He can have a di-
favour of someone who might produce more rect input on the outcome of a match through
runs. There is no doubting that runs from the catches, stumpings and general performance.
wicket-keeper are useful, but do they outweigh You should judge a wicket-keeper not by the
the risk of dropping a catch offered early by the number of dismissals he makes, but by the ratio
opposition’s star batsman? of chances he takes to those he does not.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Another of cricket’s debates concerns whether standing back (figure 8.1, a and b). Any lower
wicket-keepers should stand back or up to the and edges probably will not carry to you. You
stumps, especially with the medium pacers. would not be comfortable continually taking
When a wicket-keeper stands up to anyone the ball much higher than that when a higher
above medium pace, it certainly gives cause for bounce or a top edge will take the ball over your
comment as this is the true test of his ability. head. You also want to be in a position to see the
But he does not just stand anywhere he fancies, ball all the way from the bowler’s hand, which is
whether up or back. Numerous factors come into just to the off side of the stumps. This position-
play, even when he is standing back, and his job ing should ensure that you take a vast majority
is rather more straightforward. of balls with minimal movement.
As a wicket-keeper, you want to make sure the
ball reaches you at thigh height when you are

a b
Figure 8.1   (a) Wicket-keeper’s stance when standing back, which gives him a good view of the ball all the way from the
bowler’s hand. (b) Wicket-keeper takes the ball at thigh height.

The ball hardly ever comes to you at the right height.
If you are standing back, your positioning is wrong. If you are standing up to the wicket, you
might be getting up too early. Allow your gloves to rise with the bounce of the ball.


Some wicket-keepers appear to the unin- of footwork, he must dive, but only then. A top
formed observer to be better than others be- wicket-keeper will spend little time prone on the
cause they are forever diving about and making ground. With consistent bowlers in operation, he
their takes look spectacular. In fact, the unspec- will allow for late movement. With an out-swing
tacular wicket-keeper usually is more proficient bowler, the wicket-keeper tries to take balls that
because he uses his feet to get into position come straight through just inside his body. If
without needing to dive. Of course, when the a ball takes an outside edge, he will have less
good wicket-keeper reaches the end of his range ground to cover before taking the catch.

You frequently have to dive to take the ball when it is not directed at the stumps.
Use footwork to get to the ball rather than diving unless the ball is at the outer limits of your

Standing up to the wicket (figure 8.2, a and b) stumps are within reach. You do not want to take
creates the possibility of a stumping. You are the ball and then have to move forward before
still there to take catches and generally stop the removing the bails. You also should watch the
ball, but the batsmen is put under additional ball from the bowler’s hand. For a right-handed
pressure, knowing that he must keep one foot batsman, your left foot will be on the line of the
behind the line at all times if he is not to be middle and off stumps.
dismissed. Meanwhile, you must ensure that the

a b
Figure 8.2  Wicket-keeper standing up to the wicket. Weight is on the balls of the feet, gloves are together and ready to
rise with the ball. Wicket-keeper still has a good view of the ball. (a) Front view; (b) side view.

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Cricket: Steps to Success

The movement of the wicket-keeper’s feet

when standing up is determined by the line and
bounce of the ball. You may not take the ball
cleanly if you get up from your squatting posi-
tion before seeing how the ball has bounced,
which may cause you to hurriedly jab down
on the ball with your gloves. It is important to
keep your gloves down and only rise with the
bounce, although you can straighten your legs
earlier in case you have to move to the side. If
the ball has not bounced much but is outside the
off-stump, move your right foot parallel to the
bowling crease so that you can get your head
right over the line.
If the ball bounces more, perhaps reaching
you above waist height, move your right foot
across, but this time backwards at an angle of
approximately 45 degrees to the crease (figure
8.3). This will enable you to get your body out
of the way as you take the rising ball with your
hands moving up and backwards. You also will
keep your right foot out of the way of any edge
that you cannot take but which would carry to

Figure 8.3  Wicket-keeper catching the ball above waist


When the ball bounces outside off-stump, you have difficulty getting your gloves up to take it.
Make sure your right foot moves backwards at 45 degrees to the stumps, thereby getting you
body out of the way and allowing room for your gloves to rise with the ball.

As a wicket-keeper, your positioning and move- to the line of the ball (figure 8.4) so there is no
ment determine how many catching opportuni- danger of being hit on the ends of your fingers.
ties come within your reach, but once you have As you take the catch, your gloves should give to
a glove or gloves on the ball, you want to make cradle the ball into safe keeping. Only when it is
sure it sticks. Watch the ball right into your firmly lodged in your hands should you appeal
gloves; keep your fingers pointing at right angles or hurl the ball skywards in celebration.


Figure 8.4 Wicket-Keeper Catching

1. Follow ball with eyes right into gloves
2. Use gloves to form large cup for ball
to nestle into

This is fine when the ball comes to you com- body so that you land on the back of your right
fortably within your grasp. However, when you shoulder. For a two-handed catch to your right
are forced to dive, it is important to land the cor- (figure 8.6), let the ball come into your gloves
rect way to prevent the ball from popping out of and then twist to land on the back of your left
your gloves as your elbows hit the ground. If you shoulder. This might appear complicated, but
dive for a one-handed catch to your right (figure it should become simple with practice and will
8.5), scoop up the ball with your right hand; produce improved results.
once the ball is safely in your glove, twist your

Figure 8.5 One-Handed Diving Catch

1. Dive towards the ball
2. Watch ball into glove
3. Secure catch
4. Twist to land on back of shoulder
5. Scoop ball so it will not be jarred out
on impact with ground

Cricket: Steps to Success

Figure 8.6 Two-Handed Diving Catch

1. Dive towards the ball
2. Watch ball into glove
3. Secure catch
4. Turn in air to land on back of shoul-
5. Prevent ball from being jarred out
on impact with ground

The ball pops out of your grasp when you dive for a catch.
Make sure you land correctly. Do not land on your elbow but twist after you take the catch to
land on the back of your shoulder. If you are moving to your right, land on the back of your right
shoulder for a one-handed catch and the back of your left shoulder for a two-handed catch.

Stumping marks a quality wicket-keeper. The The ball has to pass the stumps before you are
batsman plays and misses while shifting his foot permitted to touch it, provided it has not come
a hair’s breadth out of his ground. In a flash, off the bat or the batsman. That is where the
the wicket-keeper takes the ball and whips off composure comes in: do not grab at the ball as
the bails, and another wicket has fallen. Such soon as you realise there is a chance. Get your
success demands a high level of concentration gloves into position, allow the ball to come to
and composure. If the wicket-keeper gets too you and only then move your hands towards the
excited about a stumping opportunity, he will bails (figure 8.7, a and b). Until you hold the ball,
almost certainly miss it. stumping is not on the agenda.

Figure 8.7 Stumping
Gather Ball
1. Gather ball once it passes stumps
2. Lean head and body towards wicket

Remove Bails
1. Take off bails before batsman can regain
his ground

Cricket: Steps to Success

When going for a stumping, you frequently drop the ball.
You are snatching at the ball rather than watching the ball right into your gloves before taking
them to the bails.

It was noted earlier that when you stand up to to the bails. Even when the ball is wide of leg
the wicket, you should always be able to reach stump, watch its line and trajectory for as long
the bails from where you take the ball. That ap- as possible before it is hidden by the batsman’s
plies to the distance you stand back behind the body. Then step across to the leg side as the ball
stumps, but the width of the ball determines reappears, watch it into your gloves and, lean-
how far wide of the stumps you must go. Even ing into the stumps, whip the bails off. That is
so, you can help yourself by leaning in towards a classical piece of wicket-keeping!
the stumps as you begin to bring the ball back

More often than not, you effect a run-out. A run-
out may follow a remarkable piece of fielding
and return towards the stumps. Without your
help, though, the fielder’s excellent work will
probably come to nothing. If you are standing
up, get into position to take the return. However,
if you are standing back, as soon as you see the
batsman hit the ball, set off to get alongside the
stumps as quickly as possible. Be alert to the
situation. If you think you have the best chance
of effecting a run-out, demand that the ball be
thrown to your end.
As the ball arrives, apply the same principles
as you would for a stumping. Watch the ball
right into your gloves, lean your body towards
the stumps and take the ball back to break the
wicket as quickly as you can. Sometimes the
throw will be wayward, resulting in a consider-
able distance to take the ball back to the stumps.
That is where agility comes in. The most difficult
return to take is one that comes in on the half
volley. In this case, try to get behind the line of
the ball and lead with your head in the same Figure 8.8  Wicket-keeper securing a half-volley return.
way as a batsman starting to drive (figure 8.8).
Instead of the bat being on the ball just as it hits
the ground, your gloves should be there to collect
the ball and take it to the stumps.


There is one other common way for you to (figure 8.9). This decision requires awareness of
effect a run-out: when the ball is returned to the situation and the whereabouts of the stumps
you and you realise there is more chance of a at the other end. And you also need to bear in
dismissal at the bowler’s end. As the ball arrives, mind that you might be facing in any direction
remove your glove from your throwing hand when you receive the ball. That is all part of
and take the ball in your other glove; transfer the wicket-keeper’s demanding, yet thoroughly
the ball into your throwing hand for a shy at the satisfying job.
stumps at the other end or a throw to the bowler

Figure 8.9 Throwing the Ball to the Bowler

1. Remove glove from throwing hand
2. Transfer ball to throwing hand
3. Throw ball to bowler

Cricket: Steps to Success

Wicket-Keeping Drill 1.  Behind the Stumps

Stand behind the stumps. Have a feeder serve • Watch the ball right into your gloves, hold-
the ball from just short of a pitch length away for ing them at right angles to the line of the
you to take and return to the top of the stumps. ball, before taking them back to the top of
Take six balls. the stumps.
To Increase Difficulty • If the ball is wide of the stumps, move one
foot (.3 m) parallel to the crease if the ball
• Have the feeder serve the ball faster, without is not bouncing; move your foot back at 45
telling you whether the ball is going to be degrees to the crease if the ball is bounc-
straight, to the leg or to the off. ing high.
To Decrease Difficulty
Score Your Success
• The feeder lets you know the direction of the
delivery before he releases the ball. 5 or 6 successful takes = 5 points
3 or 4 successful takes = 3 points
Success Check 1 or 2 successful takes = 1 point
• Take the correct position so you can see the Your Score ___
ball all the way.
• Only raise your gloves with the bounce of
the ball.

Wicket-Keeping Drill 2.  Stand Back

Stand back from the stumps and have a feeder • Watch the ball right into your gloves, holding
serve the ball from just short of a pitch length them at right angles to the line of the ball.
away for you to take. Take six balls. • If the ball is wide of the stumps, move your
To Increase Difficulty feet to get as close to the ball as possible.
Dive only if the ball is outside that range.
• Have a batsman give catches and mix up
• Should you need to dive, twist in the air after
straight, leg and off-side deliveries.
you have taken the ball to land on the back of
To Decrease Difficulty the correct shoulder rather than your elbows
so that the ball will not pop out.
• Have the feeder call out the direction of the
delivery before releasing the ball.
Score Your Success
• Do not use a batsman.
5 or 6 successful takes = 5 points
Success Check 3 or 4 successful takes = 3 points
• Take up the correct position so you can see 1 or 2 successful takes = 1 point
the ball all the way; make sure it arrives at Your Score ___
thigh height.


Wicket-Keeping Drill 3.  Diving

Put down crash mats to your right and left. Have Success Check
a feeder stand about 5 yards (4.6 m) away and
• Take up the correct position so you can see
serve six balls to your right and left so that you
the ball and move easily in either direction.
have to dive to catch the ball.
• Watch the ball into your gloves; always
To Increase Difficulty keep your gloves at right angles to the line
• Do not have the feeder tell you to which side of the ball.
the catch is going. You will need to make the • As you dive, twist in the air after you have
decision and show good technique in catch- taken the ball to land on the back of the
ing the ball and landing correctly. correct shoulder rather than your elbows so
• Have the feeder serve the ball quicker and that the ball will not pop out.
Score Your Success
To Decrease Difficulty
5 or 6 successful takes (catches) = 5 points
• The feeder tells you the direction of the catch
3 or 4 successful takes (catches) = 3 points
before he releases the ball.
1 or 2 successful takes (catches) = 1 point
• Have the feeder slow down the delivery and
not throw the balls as wide. Your Score ___

Wicket-Keeping Drill 4.  Match Situation

Have a bowler deliver six balls as in a match situ- • Watch the ball right into your gloves; always
ation and have a batsman deliberately miss a high keep you gloves at right angles to the line
proportion of the deliveries. Mix up straight, leg of the ball.
and off-side deliveries. Put crash mats down if you • If the ball is wide of the stumps, move your
are standing back from the wickets to practice feet to get as close to the ball as possible.
diving for wide balls. Both batsman and bowler You will only need to dive if the ball is outside
should realise that this drill is designed with you that range.
in mind, not either of them.
• Should you need to dive, twist in the air after
To Increase Difficulty you have taken the ball to land on the back of
the correct shoulder rather than your elbows
• Stand up to the stumps against a medium-
so that the ball will not pop out.
pace bowler.
To Decrease Difficulty Score Your Success
• Stand back from the stumps against a 5 or 6 successful takes = 5 points
medium-pace bowler. 3 or 4 successful takes = 3 points
1 or 2 successful takes = 1 point
Success Check
Your Score ___
• Take up the correct position so you can see
the ball all the way; make sure it arrives at
thigh height.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Success Summary of Wicket-Keeping

The wicket-keeper plays a crucial part in overall this step; once those are mastered, successful
team performance. As a wicket-keeper, you set wicket-keepers continue to work so that their
the tone for the fielding side, so it is vital for you standard improves all the time. Like every other
to be physically fit to withstand the rigours of the aspect of the game, the best wicket-keepers
job. You need to have a passion about keeping are those who do the simple things better than
wicket. And you need to retain your enthusiasm anyone else.
all the time your side is in the field because your Before moving on to step 9, Team Roles,
vitality will rub off on others. evaluate how you did on the wicket-keeping
Some people are natural wicket-keepers; drills in this step. Tally your scores to determine
others might not be as gifted but still reach how well you have mastered the skill of wicket-
an acceptable standard. Either way, it is those keeping. If you scored 15 points, you are ready
wicket-keepers who work at their games who to move on to step 9. If you did not score 15
have the greatest success. Wicket-keepers need points, practice the drills again until you raise
to apply the basic techniques as described in your scores before moving on to step 9

Wicket-Keeping Drills

1. Behind the Stumps ___ out of 5

2. Stand Back ___ out of 5
3. Diving ___ out of 5
4. Match Situation ___ out of 5

Total ___ out of 20

Now it is time to move on to see how the make a team perform better than its individual
wicket-keeper fits in with the team ethos and components might suggest. It is a wonderful
look at the roles other players perform. The feeling to be part of such a team.
interaction between members of a side can


Team Roles

One of the great things about cricket that it pro- roles. Should individual ambition become more
vides a role for everyone, no matter how tall or important than the team ethic or should factions
short, fat or thin. There is nothing more fascinat- develop within the side, there is little chance of
ing than watching a strapping fast bowler being a team forming a winning mentality. If there is
defied by a diminutive batsman who can cancel a feeling of togetherness, there is every chance
out the physical disparity by the application of that the potential of the team will be realised.
correct cricketing skills. Conversely, you may see If players are more interested in their team’s
a powerful batsman being tied up in knots by a performance than in their own, that joyous
clever spin bowler. The game’s appeal rests on state exists where, to use that time-honoured
a balance between bat and ball; if ever one of expression, the whole is worth more than the
the two takes precedence, the character of the sum of its parts. Players often go through three
game is lost until that balance is restored. stages before they adopt that philosophy. When
The presence of so many facets in the game first selected for a side, they feel fulfilled they
encourages a wide range of abilities. The ideal have reached their goal. That lasts for a few
cricketer has a sound defence and an array of matches before they become consumed by the
attacking strokes when batting, can bowl like the desire for good personal performances in order
wind and spin the ball on glass and is so good to remain in the team. Only after that will they
in the field that he can catch sparrows. Alas, subscribe to the idea that team performance is
such players are rare, and to be outstanding in of paramount importance. They learn to accept
just one element or competent in at least two and value the idea that even if they have failed
measures up well to requirements. It is this rich to score runs or take wickets themselves, they
variety that gives the game its soul. can take pleasure in the fact that someone else
It must always be remembered that cricket is has ensured the team’s success.
a team game, and that the players are members This does not mean that personal perfor-
of a single team. If that team is to be success- mances are not important to the team effort.
ful, all the parts have to function as a unit, with Success demands that everybody does his job
batsmen scoring runs, bowlers taking wickets well. When doubts arise about a player’s ability
and the wicket-keeper and fielders playing their to perform his given task, selection reflects those

Cricket: Steps to Success

doubts. For instance, if there are concerns about more likely to contribute with his bat. However,
the top-order batting, an extra batsman might be before players can fulfil their roles in the team,
included at the expense of a bowler, or a lesser those roles have to be defined.
wicket-keeper might be selected because he is

As well as performing his own specialist role,
the captain needs to perform many others:
leader, strategist, diplomat, psychologist, disci-
plinarian, motivator, communicator and agony
aunt. It helps if he is lucky as well! Such are the
demands on the captain that it is no surprise if
his playing form dips. However, a player with
true leadership qualities is more likely to be
inspired by captaincy than to find the role op-
pressive. Being willing and able to undertake
the role should go a long way towards gaining
respect from other members of the team. Once
a captain commands respect, he is a long way
down the road to success.
Respect for the captain is enhanced by the
way he conducts himself on and off the field
and by the way he runs the side. The captain The team captain performs many roles both on and off the
needs a thorough understanding of the game at field.
the level he is playing. Players soon see through
a captain who is ignorant of basic strategies,
which will make it difficult for him to be a good has been bowling for six overs at full throttle.
manager. This does not mean the captain has to Does he rest that bowler to conserve his ener-
be forever coming up with wild and adventur- gies, or does he keep that bowler going to make
ous ideas for winning a game, but he should be the breakthrough when he might have nothing
able to make the most of the resources available left for another spell later? There is no right or
to him. Anyone can be a successful captain if wrong answer. Other factors to be taken into ac-
blessed with 10 world-class players in his side. count include the importance of the particular
It becomes rather more taxing if his players are wicket, whether the bowler in question will be
no better than mediocre. There have been few needed again if he can take it, the proximity
great captains of poor sides. of the lunch or tea interval and what other re-
A good captain will know which players need sources are available.
sympathy, cajoling and gentle persuasion, and If a captain wants his players to put the team’s
which have to be challenged to perform. He will interests before their own, he must do so as well.
know the limitations and potential of his team in The time for a captain to drop down the order
order to make sensible declarations. He must be when his side is batting is not when the oppo-
a good reader of the game, quickly determining sition have a fearsome attack, but when there
the strengths and weaknesses of the opposition are easy runs to be had. When in the field, the
and exploiting them by shrewd field placements captain should take the ball when the pitch is
and bowling changes. flat and the batsmen are on the rampage, rather
This is not always as straightforward as it than when the others have done the hard yards,
might appear. For example, a captain might well and he rolls over nine, ten and jack to grab the
spot that a particular batsman is uncomfortable best figures.
against pace. However, his main strike bowler

Team Roles

A captain who puts himself at the heart of the In such a situation, a certain amount of luck
action is not going to be questioned when he will come into play, and it is luck that plays a vital
asks the same of his players. It might be that his role at the outset of a match. The two captains
bowler has four wickets and desperately wants toss a coin to give one of them the choice of
a fifth. The match might be going very much in batting or bowling first. No amount of practice
his side’s favour, with many runs required and can help you with that unless you employ under-
a new batsman at the non-striker’s end, while hand tactics. The legendary Victorian cricketer
an established batsman is facing the last ball W.G. Grace was not averse to gamesmanship,
of an over. In order to put the new batsman on and whenever possible he would make sure the
strike for the next over, the bowler should be opposition captain used a penny for the toss. In
told to forego the chance of five-wicket glory for those days, the queen’s head was shown on one
the moment with a ball that is unlikely to take a side and a depiction of Britannia on the other.
wicket but will ensure that a single is not scored. While the coin was in the air, Grace would call,
The captain sets the field to prevent that single, “The lady.” Regardless of which side landed face
which might well result in the ball going for four, up, he had called it correctly; he would then say
but runs are not as important as opening up an whether he would bat or bowl first. Of course,
end. The bowler knows that the captain will do you need to know what you are going to do if
all he can to give him a new batsman to bowl at you win the toss, and that comes down to judge-
in future overs and therefore does as he is told. ment rather than luck.
The ploy may or may not work, but it shows that
the captain is thinking about the game.

Opening Batsmen
The first job of the opening batsmen is to survive. not a job for the fainthearted, but good opening
They should have sound technique in order to batsmen relish the challenge.
do so and be even sounder temperamentally. For the opening batsmen, this is a partner-
By definition, they will be expected to go out ship; it is not two individuals playing on their
and face the fastest of the opposition bowlers own. The opening batsmen need to communi-
at their freshest and when the ball is new. It is cate and be ready to take any runs going in order

The opening batsmen must communicate effectively with each other in order to run between the wickets

Cricket: Steps to Success

to rotate the strike. This prevents the bowlers make it. This might happen if, unbeknown to
from settling down against a particular style of his partner, the striker slips on playing a shot.
batsman and spreads the concentration work- The non-striker should always back up as the
load. Not letting the bowlers settle is particularly bowler delivers the ball so he has less distance
important when a right- and left-handed open- to run if he is required to do so. When running,
ing pair is used. If the bowler continually has each batsman should carry his bat in the hand
to change his line to attack a different type of that allows him to best see where the ball has
batsman, it is harder for him to concentrate on gone. If a right-handed striker plays the ball into
his primary job of getting them out. the covers and runs, he should carry his bat in
If the opening batsmen are going to run ef- his left hand in order to stretch for the crease at
fectively between the wickets, they need good the other end and still be facing the direction of
understanding between them. With regular the ball. A right-handed non-striker in the same
opening partnerships, an almost intuitive un- situation carries the bat in his right hand for the
derstanding exists, and calling becomes virtu- same reason. This will enable both batsmen to
ally unnecessary. The customary calls of “Yes,” see if another run is available without craning
“No” and “Wait” become redundant after a time. their necks to look over their shoulders at the
There are even cases, particularly in limited- ball. If they are running more than a single, they
overs cricket, in which the batsmen assume will need to change hands as they do so to be in
there is at least a single off every ball unless the correct position at the other end.
either of them calls otherwise. Batsmen should always make sure that they
This calling approach is only for a pair of ground their bats over the popping crease (figure
batsmen who have absolute trust in each other. 9.1). Few things are worse than completing two
In general, the rule is that when the ball can be or three runs and then having the umpire signal
seen easily by the batsman on strike, he calls. one short. And however hopeless the situation,
Therefore, anywhere from backward point to give everything you have to make your ground.
mid-wicket is the striker’s call. Anywhere else, There have been many examples of a batsman
it is the non-striker who calls. Calling should be giving up halfway down the pitch because he
clear and loud, and either batsman should have thinks he is going to be run-out, only to have the
the right to veto a call to run if he is unable to wicket-keeper or bowler drop the return. Had

Figure 9.1  The batsman grounds his bat and slides it over the popping crease.

Team Roles

the batsman gone for it and dived, he would should not throw their wickets away; however,
have got in before the wicket had been broken. they do need to press on if they are going to
Once the opening batsmen have become ac- capitalise on the start they have enjoyed. As
customed to the bowling and conditions, they they become more confident, they effectively
can be a little more expansive in their stroke become middle-order batsmen in the context
play. After having done all the hard work, they of the game.

Middle-Order Batsmen
The key to a large total of runs is building part- figures. They can then go up in increments of
nerships. Unless the opening batsmen have put 10 until a major target such as 50 runs becomes
on a serious stand and the middle-order bats- the goal.
men do not have to worry unduly about the loss A batsman must never be satisfied with 50.
of further wickets, they need to play themselves He needs to go on to a really big score, well
in before taking the bowlers on. There is an old in excess of 100, before he can relax in the
saying in cricket that one brings two, meaning knowledge that his job is done. And even when
that if one wicket falls, another will follow. This he approaches that big personal tally, he needs
is either because a member of a successful part- to be aware of the pace at which he scores his
nership loses concentration when his colleague runs. Often, there is talk of a one-paced bats-
is out and soon suffers the same fate or because man, meaning one who is unable to increase the
a new batsman fails to play himself in properly tempo as he progresses. If he scores too slowly
and gets out. and fails to take a tiring attack apart, he will not
Either way, it is a great fillip to the bowlers to be doing his best for the side.
break a big partnership, and they will be rein- At times, even the most fluent stroke maker
vigorated by a wicket. The bowlers then believe has to curb his innate desire to attack and
they can take another, and they frequently do. concentrate instead on preserving his wicket.
That is why a new batsman should take his time If a win becomes impossible but a draw is still
before launching into the shots that will speed available, the chances of reaching safety are
him to a 50 or even a century. This is even more greatly enhanced if the middle-order batsmen
important if an early wicket falls. Any number can concentrate for long periods while runs are
three batsman should be able to gear his innings not flowing. They might prefer to cane the ball
to the demands of the situation. He might need to all parts, but sometimes the needs of the team
to think like an opening batsman if one of them come before personal glory. That can be as dif-
was out very early, or he should be able to take ficult for someone who prefers to score quickly
the attack to the bowlers after a profitable open- as it would be for a dour opening batsman to
ing partnership. suddenly cut loose.
Should several wickets tumble early, batsmen The situation may occur in which a middle-
four and five might be required to play the same order batsman is left with only inferior batsmen
way, but generally they are considered to be the in the closing stages of the innings. Such a situa-
best stroke makers in the order and the source tion requires special qualities, especially in terms
of the bulk of the runs. Usually, they are classi- of temperament. This batsman is responsible for
cal batsmen with an enviable range of strokes. protecting batsmen of lesser ability while scor-
They should nonetheless play themselves in, ing runs himself. It is not easy because captains
setting themselves small targets rather than im- will set fields to check his opportunities, and
mediately thinking of a big score. They might improvisation becomes essential to overcome re-
discipline themselves not to attempt any at- strictions. If 20 or 30 extra runs can be garnered
tacking strokes, unless there is a rank bad ball, by the tail with the help of the last remaining
for the first three overs they are batting. They specialist batsman, he has done a job that may
will pick up the odd run without having to play make the difference between victory and defeat.
big strokes, so the next target might be double

Cricket: Steps to Success

It is very easy to mistake a player who does not rather than training to reach the top and stay
quite cut the mustard with either bat or ball for there. The physical demands on an all-rounder
an all-rounder. He is not. That player is a bits and are daunting. Unlike a pure batsman, an all-
pieces cricketer who cannot command a place rounder cannot relax in the field, contemplating
in the team as a specialist batsman or bowler his next innings, nor can he put his feet up and
but can do a bit of both. A genuine all-rounder relax when his side are batting, like an out-and-
can get into a team as either a batsman or a out bowler.
bowler; however, if he performs both roles in one All-rounders come in several guises. All have
match, that is a rare bonus. An all-rounder can to bat to earn the label, but some are quick bowl-
make up for failure in one discipline by success ers or medium pacers, while others are spin-
in the other. As the sophistication of the game ners. The wicket-keeper/batsman all-rounder
increases, though, there are fewer genuine all- is becoming increasingly common, sadly at
rounders and more batsman who can bowl or the expense of the genuine wicket-keeper. A
bowlers who can chip in with useful runs. wicket-keeper used to be selected for his ability
It takes a special type of player to excel at with the gloves and might make a contribution
more than one facet of the game. The practice with the bat. That balance has changed so that
needed to achieve competence in one is consid- batsmen, especially fast-scoring batsmen, are
erable, and that has to be doubled to reach the taught to keep wicket. Just like the batsman/
same level in both. That is why all-rounders tend bowler all-rounder, a genuine wicket-keeper/
to be gifted players who rely on natural ability batsman all-rounder is an asset to be cherished.

The job of the bowlers is to take wickets. And when the new ball becomes due. They form
keep the opposition batsmen from scoring. And the spearhead of the attack, working to force
do their share of fielding. Bowlers may also a breach in the opposition defences that other
be called upon to determine the outcome of a bowlers can exploit or give themselves an op-
match with their batting. The batsmen may take portunity to come back and take advantage of
their side close to a target or to the safety of a that initial breach.
draw, but then the bowlers may have to go out Once the opening bowlers have had the
to finish the job. But unless they are all-rounders, chance to work on the ball and create a shiny
their primary role is to win matches with the ball. and a rough side, the fast-medium or medium-
The attack is usually, but not always, opened pace bowlers take over. Because they bowl with
by the quickest bowlers. Fast bowlers seldom less speed, the ball is in the air longer and has
rely exclusively on pace, but that is the weapon more chance to swing or deviate off the pitch if
that earns them respect and their wickets at the it lands on the still-prominent seam. These are
top of the order when the ball is new. That is the bowlers who deliver subtle variations, which
why they bowl to attacking fields, with wicket- are designed to deceive the batsman rather than
keeper, slips, gully and short legs waiting to take blast him out. Like all bowlers, the medium pac-
the edges and deflections, rather than having ers are expected to take wickets, but they should
men in front of the bat to protect the boundar- also make it difficult for the opposition to score.
ies from drives. They do not intend to offer up Without so much pace on the ball, the batsmen
half volleys, preferring to see the batsman on cannot rely on deflections to pick up runs. When
his back foot. batsmen have to go after the bowling, they take
If the opening bowlers can knock over some more chances.
top-order batsmen, they have started off well in Once the ball has become older and less suit-
fulfilling their role. They often will come back to able for quick bowling, the spinners come into
polish off the tail or, in first-class cricket, return the attack. Wrist spinners tend to give away

Team Roles

more runs, but they are more potent. Finger Spinners also are needed if the pitch is flat,
spinners are likely to impose more control but and the faster bowlers are not threatening. That
often have to work harder for their wickets. is why it is important for any side to have a bal-
Some captains underestimate the value of good anced attack. Attacks that are too reliant on pace
spinners in their side and fail to utilise their tal- often find playing conditions less favourable
ents properly. Batsmen may not feel the same than expected, leaving the captain in a situation
physical apprehension against spin as they do in which he can change the bowlers but not
against pace, but the mental torture a good spin- the bowling. That poses few questions for the
ner can exert makes him a very useful member batsmen to answer. One of the joys of cricket is
of the attack, especially against good batsmen that it can accommodate players with a variety
who can counter the physical challenge of pace. of styles. Cricket comes into its own when this
It is the same when the pitch begins to wear, rich variety is on display for all to see.
and the spinners can extract more purchase,
turn and unpredictable bounce from the surface.

Team Roles Drill 1.  Hit to the Marked Zone

A batsman has to hit the ball into a marked area, Success Check
irrespective of the line and length of the ball. The
• Make sure you have a good set-up, with
bowler can use a coloured ball that he conceals
attention paid to grip, stance and backlift.
from the batsman before he bowls it. The bats-
man then has to hit the ball into a zone marked • Be aware of where the zones are so you can
by coloured cones that coincide with the colour react quickly to the ball.
of the ball. The size and distance of the zones can • Maintain good technique when playing the
be adjusted according to the space available. If a appropriate stroke.
supply of coloured balls is unavailable, the coach • When an appropriate orthodox stroke cannot
can call out a coloured zone into which the ball be played, adapt an orthodox stroke to meet
must be hit as the bowler releases the ball. Each the requirements of the situation.
bowler faces six balls.
To Increase Difficulty Score Your Success
• Reduce the size of the zones. Play 5 or 6 balls into the correct zone = 5 points
• Call the zone that is the target later in the Play 3 or 4 balls into the correct zone = 3 points
play and for a particular delivery. Play 1 or 2 balls into the correct zone = 1 point
To Decrease Difficulty Your Score ___

• Increase the size of the target zones.

• Inform the batsman early into which zone
he must hit the ball.

Cricket: Steps to Success

Team Roles Drill 2.  Quick Running

A pair of batsmen face six balls from a bowler • The non-striking batsman must back up and
with fielders set back. On an outside field, fielders be ready to run.
should be positioned 30 yards (27.4 m) from the • The facing batsman must try to work the
bat. When practicing indoors, fielders should be ball into areas away from the fielders and
touching the walls as the ball is delivered. Every be ready to run at all times.
time a batsman makes contact with the ball, both
• Both batsmen must run quickly and run their
batsmen should complete a run, irrespective of
bats in correctly.
where the ball goes.
To Increase Difficulty Score Your Success
• Allow the fielders to come closer to the bat. Successfully complete 5 or 6 runs = 5 points
To Decrease Difficulty Successfully complete 3 or 4 runs = 3 points
Successfully complete 1 or 2 runs = 1 point
• Position the fielders farther away from the
bat. Your Score ___

Success Check
• The batsman facing the bowler must have
a good set-up.

Although the two drills in this step focus on the batsman simply stops the ball and runs. The
the batsman, the bowler in these drills also can bowler can score his success by reversing the
check how successful he is. The bowler can try batsman’s score. For example, if the batsman
to stop the batsman by bowling the ball on a successfully completes only one or two runs in
line and length that makes it difficult for the six balls, the bowler scores 5 points, and so on.
batsman to hit the identified zone in drill 1. For Fielders also can score on the same lines or the
drill 2, the bowler should try to bowl yorkers and team can be scored collectively, whether batting
slower balls to make it difficult for the batsman; or fielding.
the bowler follows through to prevent a run if

Team Roles

Success Summary of Team Roles

Tally your drill scores to evaluate how well you however grand or minimal his contribution, it
have mastered this step. is the team’s result that counts. There is no bet-
This final step is all about playing as a team. ter feeling than to be part of a successful team,
Cricket requires individuals to perform for and that takes precedence over individual glory,
themselves but at the same time contribute to for that on its own rarely ensures team success.
the team. A batsman might score a century, but There are many examples of teams made up
his side loses. A bowler might not take a wicket, of 11 ordinary cricketers playing to potential
but his team triumphs. This is why it is so im- and defeating a team that relies on one or two
portant that every cricketer is a team player. A outstanding individuals. Adopt this team ethic
team player does not blame others for failings or and you will get true enjoyment and fulfilment
take all the praise for a success. He knows that from this best of all sports—cricket.

Team Roles Drills

1. Hit to the Marked Zone ___ out of 5

2. Quick Running ___ out of 5

Total ___ out of 10

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all-rounder—Player who specialises in more than one discipline; usually a batsman and
bowler, but the term can apply to a batsman and a wicket-keeper.
appeal—When the umpire is asked to adjudicate on a dismissal by the bowler or fielders.
“How’s that?” or “How is he?” are the usual appeals, truncated to “howzat” or “howzee.”
away-swing—A ball that moves through the air from leg to off as it approaches the
batsman; also known as an out-swing.
back-foot drive—An attacking shot from a batsman who has moved backwards before
hitting the ball back past the bowler.
backward defensive—A defensive shot from a batsman who moves backwards in his
crease and then blocks the ball from hitting his wicket.
backward point—Single-saver fielding position whose primary function is to prevent
batsmen from taking quick runs or force batsmen to run them out if they try; will try
to stop the fours and will accept any catches that come his way.
ball—Refers either to the spherical object that is bowled and hit or to a delivery (“That
was a good ball”).
bouncer—A short ball from a quick bowler that rears up towards the batsman’s head
or upper body.
bowler—The player who bowls the ball.
bowling crease—Location of the stumps and from where the bowler must deliver the ball.
captain—The player who is in charge of the team on the field.
cover point—Single-saver fielding position whose primary function is to prevent bats-
men from taking quick runs or force batsmen to run them out if they try; will try to
stop the fours and will accept any catches that come his way.
crease—The markings of the pitch, explained in figure 3 on page xiv.
cutter—A ball the bowler makes cut off the pitch to deceive the batsman by deviation
on bouncing.
deep mid-wicket—Deep fielder position whose primary role is to prevent the ball from
crossing the boundary for four.
deep point—Deep fielder position whose primary role is to prevent the ball from cross-
ing the boundary for four.
deep square leg—Deep fielder position whose primary role is to prevent the ball from
crossing the boundary for four.
extra cover—Single-saver fielding position whose primary function is to prevent bats-
men from taking quick runs or force batsmen to run them out if they try; will try to
stop the fours and will accept any catches that come his way.
fine leg—Deep fielder position whose primary role is to prevent the ball from crossing
the boundary for four.

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forward defensive—A defensive stroke from a batsman who moves forward to prevent
the ball from hitting the wicket.
front-foot drive—An attacking stroke played when the batsman moves forward to strike
the ball back past the bowler.
googly—A ball delivered with an action that makes it appear as a leg break, but it turns
the other way.
gully—Close-catcher fielding position in which the fielder accepts any chance of a catch;
used when the batting team is on the attack and taking wickets is the primary goal.
hook—An exciting shot played by a batsman to a short ball that is rising towards him.
in-swing—A ball that moves from off to leg through the air as it approaches the batsman.
leg before wicket (LBW)—A means by which the bowler dismisses the batsman when
the pad gets in the way of the wicket.
leg glance—Can be played off the back or front foot; involves diverting the ball down
the leg side.
long barrier—A fielding technique that involves going down on one knee and present-
ing a barrier between the ball and the boundary.
long leg—Deep fielder position whose primary role is to prevent the ball from crossing
the boundary for four.
long-off—Deep fielder position whose primary role is to prevent the ball from crossing
the boundary for four.
long-on—Deep fielder position whose primary role is to prevent the ball from crossing
the boundary for four.
maiden—An over off which no runs (other than byes or leg byes) are scored.
mid-off—Single-saver fielding position whose primary function is to prevent batsmen
from taking quick runs or force batsmen to run them out if they try; will try to stop
the fours and will accept any catches that come his way.
mid-on—Single-saver fielding position whose primary function is to prevent batsmen
from taking quick runs or force batsmen to run them out if they try; will try to stop
the fours and will accept any catches that come his way.
mid-wicket—Single-saver fielding position whose primary function is to prevent bats-
men from taking quick runs or force batsmen to run them out if they try; will try to
stop the fours and will accept any catches that come his way.
no-ball—When a bowler transgresses the Laws as he delivers the ball.
non-striker—The batsman in the middle who is not facing the bowling.
off side—The side of the pitch to the right of a batsman turned front on to the bowler.
on side—The side of the pitch to the left of a batsman turned front on to the bowler.
one-day cricket—Matches played over a set number of overs rather than over time.
pace bowler—A bowler who relies primarily on speed to dismiss the batsman.
pitch—The 22 yards between the two wickets and the immediate surrounding area.
The pitch of the ball is where the ball lands after it has been bowled.
point—Single-saver fielding position whose primary function is to prevent batsmen
from taking quick runs or force batsmen to run them out if they try; will try to stop
the fours and will accept any catches that come his way.


popping crease—The area in which the batsman must stay to avoid being stumped or
run out.
pull—A shot played to the leg side against a short ball.
return crease—The line running perpendicular to the popping crease behind which the
bowler must ground his back foot at the moment he delivers the ball.
reverse cup—The position a fielder uses when he turns his palms towards the ball and
his fingers point upwards or back towards his face.
run-out—A means of dismissing the batsman when he has not reached his crease by
the time the ball hits the wicket at the end to which he is running, or when a fielder
catches the ball and removes the bails before the batsman gets in.
short leg—Close-catcher fielding position in which the fielder accepts any chance of a
catch; used when the batting team is on the attack and taking wickets is the primary
silly mid-off—Close-catcher fielding position in which the fielder accepts any chance
of a catch; used when the batting team is on the attack and taking wickets is the pri-
mary goal.
silly mid-on—Close-catcher fielding position in which the fielder accepts any chance
of a catch; used when the batting team is on the attack and taking wickets is the pri-
mary goal.
silly point—Close-catcher fielding position in which the fielder accepts any chance of a
catch; used when the batting team is on the attack and taking wickets is the primary
slip—Close-catcher fielding position in which the fielder accepts any chance of a catch;
used when the batting team is on the attack and taking wickets is the primary goal.
slip cordon—The line of slip fielders waiting for a catch.
slog-sweep—A shot played by a batsman when he plays a sweep in the air rather than
along the ground.
spinner—A bowler who imparts spin on the ball so it deviates off the pitch on bouncing.
square leg—Single-saver fielding position whose primary function is to prevent batsmen
from taking quick runs or force batsmen to run them out if they try; will try to stop the
fours and will accept any catches that come his way.
standing back—The position a wicket-keeper takes some way behind the wicket as he
prepares to take the ball from a quicker bowler.
standing up—The position a wicket-keeper takes within arm’s reach of the wicket as
he prepares to take the ball from a slower bowler.
striker—The batsman who is facing the bowler.
stumping—When a wicket-keeper takes the ball and removes the bails with the bats-
man out of his crease.
sweep—A shot to leg played by a batsman going down on one knee.
Test match—A match played over five days between top international teams.
tail—lower-order batsmen.
third man—Deep fielder position whose primary role is to prevent the ball from cross-
ing the boundary for four.


Twenty20—The shortest form of the game played at the top level, in which each side
has only 20 overs to bat.
wicket—The three stumps and two bails that constitute the target at which a bowler
aims. It also refers to a batsman being out. Sometimes, erroneously, it is a term used
instead of pitch.
wicket-keeper—The fielder with pads and gloves who stands immediately behind the
wicket, waiting to take the ball should the batsman miss it, and the ball miss the stumps.
wide—A ball that is bowled too wide of the stumps for a batsman to be able to hit. This
adds a run to the total, and another ball has to be bowled that over.
yorker—A ball of full length that lands on the popping crease and goes under the bat.

About the Author

Ralph Dellor has been involved with cricket for over 50 years as a player,
broadcaster, journalist and coach. In a career that has taken him to some
25 countries, he has coached the England women’s team and was on the
coaching staff at Oxford University. More recently, Ralph has been coach
of the Norwegian national team that has risen from relative obscurity to
enter the first division of European cricket.
Fully involved in spreading cricket’s popularity, Dellor was the first
chairman of the England and Wales Cricket Board Coaches Association,
worked for the International Cricket Council, was a selector for the Eng-
land Amateur XI, serves on the Berkshire County Cricket Club commit-
tee and is chairman of his local village club. He was also a member of
the UK Sports Council and an advisor to a former UK minister for sport.

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