Task 55
Task 55
Task 55
notes about what the teacher does and photograph (with permission) and note what the children do in
each of the stages of the lesson. Create a table which clearly illustrates this.
Structure of What the teacher Language What the children comments
lesson does Teaching Method do
Start of
lesson Teacher starts with: The student replays It is important
greetings good morning, then *Communicative at the teacher to first start
asks what day is language questions , get with an
warm up today and what teaching involve and engaged interesting
month, she asks who “The focus of this to the lesson. story to get
is absent, then she method is to the students
activity time
starts an enable the learner attention,
introduction and to communicate because when
next a presentation effectively and you do the rest
about the bird nest, appropriately in of the lesson
what is made from, the various will continue
how he keeps the situations she successfully
bird warm etc. would be likely to
find herself in.”
*Input approach