Plant Engineering 11-20117
Plant Engineering 11-20117
Plant Engineering 11-20117
New solutions
to old challenges
IIoT offers a fresh approach
to pipe fabrication 26
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input #1 at
Sweet Savings!
A compressed air audit opens a world of savings opportunities
PROBLEM: One of the world’s leading candy and gum manufacturers had no idea
how much their compressed air system was costing them. Four compressors (totaling
290 hp) supplied the air needed for pneumatic controls, packaging, and wax line extru-
sion applications. Excessive water in the compressed air lines, steep maintenance costs,
and high noise levels had them looking for a new solution.
RESULT: In just over 9.5 months, the project has paid for itself. Annual energy costs
have been cut by more than 800,000 kWh. Part of these savings came from reducing
the plant pressure from 125 psi to 100 psi. Additionally, the new energy efficient dryers
installed have taken care of the moisture concerns. Needless to say, these savings
couldn’t get any sweeter.
Let us help you measure and manage your compressed air costs!
input #2 at
Kaeser Compressors, Inc. • 866-516-6888 •
Built for a lifetime is a trademark of Kaeser Compressors, Inc. ©2017 Kaeser Compressors, Inc. [email protected]
The gift of global presents.
input #3 at
Cover Story
26 | Capitalize on IIoT
to make better decisions
Improved data and analytics offer a greater
insight into efficiency
18 | 2017 Safety Study
Five findings on plant safety
Editor’s Insight 2 | Connect the physical with the digital
20 | Answering the big question: ‘What if?’
5 | Best practices for industrial cloud
computing delineated
9 | Core technologies make edge
41 | 2017 Product of the Year Finalists intelligence possible
PLANT ENGINEERING (ISSN 0032-082X, Vol. 71, No. 9, GST #123397457) is published 10x per year, monthly except in January and July, by CFE Media, LLC, 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #325, Downers Grove, IL
60515. Jim Langhenry, Group Publisher /Co-Founder; Steve Rourke CEO/COO/Co-Founder. PLANT ENGINEERING copyright 2017 by CFE Media, LLC. All rights reserved. PLANT ENGINEERING is a registered trademark of CFE Media,
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input #4 at
Saving time and money
with remote monitoring
7 As a viable and cost-effective solution,
many facilities have implemented remote
monitoring to help anticipate machine
maintenance, improve operating efficiencies,
and save money.
core equipment and processes
are going into overdrive. that managers depend on daily.
input #5 at
By Brian Blum, Atlas Copco Compressors
lants and manufacturing facilities often know exactly what’s going on with your machines
encounter machine breakdowns due without having to be physically present on the
to missed maintenance. The cost of a plant floor.
breakdown extends far beyond the cost
of repair – it also impacts production, product How does it work?
quality, shipping schedules and the bottom line. Remote monitoring collects and sends information
As a viable and cost-effective solution, many facili- straight from the controller, using sensors that are
ties have implemented remote monitoring to help placed on each machine you wish to monitor. With
anticipate machine maintenance, improve operat- this technology, plant managers get complete insight
ing efficiencies and save money. into their machines’ production when viewing the
Remote monitoring is just what the name online system dashboard or when they receive noti-
implies – having the ability to monitor machines fications and updates via email and text messaging.
from afar with automated data collection that you
can access anytime, anywhere. That means you What types of information does
it provide?
Remote monitoring provides machine data on com-
Remote monitoring of compressed air systems helps anticipate ponents such as temperature, pressure, volume,
machine maintenance, improve operating efficiencies and saves energy consumption, loaded hours, and unloaded
money. Image courtesy: Atlas Copco hours. These data points can be exported as graphs
so users can see trends and use
them to predict potential problems
and set a maintenance schedule to
avoid expensive machine failures.
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input #6 at
time when it comes to repairing the equipment, which also minimizes machine
Hey Buddy…Fix Me!!
Benefits of remote monitoring Did you ever imagine that the day would come
when machines would actually tell you when
1. Saves time and increases efficiency they need to be maintained or repaired? Just
Remote monitoring can reduce the plant’s labor costs. Employees no longer think about it, how many products in your home
have to continuously check on each machine on the plant floor and record tell you they need attention. Your air conditioner
production times and data points. Employees can focus on analyzing the data tells you to replace the air filter. Your alarm
as opposed to collecting it. system tells you to replace the backup battery.
Remote monitoring sensors can be placed on machines located in remote, Your car will let you know when it is time for an
hazardous and hard-to-access places. This allows plant managers and employ- oil change…and remind you again it you forget
ees to monitor all machines regardless of location and receive automated data to do it. So it only makes sense that these
throughout the day to save time and increase efficiency. technologies make their way onto the industrial
Staying connected throughout the day keeps plant managers on top of manufacturing floor as technologies continue to
machine performance and energy consumption. When malfunctions arise, advance.
they are immediately recognized by the system and can be addressed to avoid
downtime. Its analysis reporting function also allows users to identify if the Today, almost every-top shelf manufacturer of
correct machine is running based on application demand so no energy is products used to make other equipment run are
wasted. Data parameters, temperature, pressure, loaded hours and unloaded developing a roadmap based around intelligent
hours can all help to make informed decisions about increasing operating monitoring and maintenance. With Industry
efficiency. 4.0 and IIoT all the rage, don’t be surprised to
see more and more of the sensor technologies
2. Provides proactive maintenance currently used in residential and commercial
It’s always better to be proactive rather than reactive. With remote machine applications make their way to the industrial
monitoring, plant managers and employees receive alerts when the system plant floor…in fact, it is already happening!
senses machine irregularities and errors. Warnings are sent before a complete
To remain globally competitive, many manu-
machine shutdown occurs so plants can fix the problem immediately to avoid
facturers are finding the right applications to
unnecessary downtime. Some remote monitoring systems can even request
employ plant floor automation and robotics. In
service quotes for any maintenance that’s needed.
many cases, this
Remote machine monitoring can also send notifications when scheduled
new automation
maintenance is due or when it has been missed. These service checks help
equipment will
ensure that machines are performing at their optimal level and not wasting
diagnose itself on
energy. This is also a time when audits can be done to see if machines are
a scheduled basis
sized correctly to support plant applications.
and provide a ma-
3. Receive valuable insight chine health report
to the operator. So
Remote monitoring data is useful when it comes to finding trends based
maybe the equip-
on energy use and maintenance. The software can produce graphs so it’s
ment won’t actually
easy for plant managers to compare data points week over week, month over
say “Fix Me” but
month, and year over year. These trends provide insight into whether or not
sends a signal that
some machines are working harder than others, when maintenance normally
lights up an alert on a control panel or possibly
occurs and what fixes can be made to optimize operations.
even shuts the equipment down before cata-
Save time and money when you can have access to the machine data you
strophic failure speaks loud enough.
need throughout the day from wherever you are. Remote monitoring helps
you make intelligent decisions with important data insight that allows you to: At Motion, we are seeing more and more plants
• Cut labor costs with less physical monitoring of your machines. move to smart products on applications such as
material handling conveyors, pumps, large elec-
• Receive notifications and alerts to schedule service intervals for your tric motors and more. So watch out, pretty soon
machines that help avoid costly downtime and equipment failure. the equipment in your plant may be smarter
than a 5th grader!
• Evaluate data trends over select periods of time to determine if machines
are operating efficiently. PE Randy Breaux
Senior VP Marketing, Distribution,
Brian Blum is a product marketing manager for connectivity and optimiza- and Purchasing
tion at Atlas Copco Compressors LLC in Rock Hill, S.C. Motion Industries
input #7 at PLANT ENGINEERING November 2017 • 9
By Kevin Price, Infor
ooking at the way maintenance and parts optimizing the efficiency and reliability of the core
inventories have evolved a more strategic equipment and processes that managers depend
approach to enterprise asset management on daily.
(EAM) in recent years, it is apparent that
visibility is one of the most important drivers at Visibility at every stage
every step in the process. The shift to EAM emphasizes visibility through-
There was a time when the process for maintain- out the asset management universe.
ing mission-critical equipment and replacing com- Sensors monitor every step in a business process,
ponents when they failed was deceptively simple. every device or component it depends on, and
The unit failed, or it began to perform so far outside issue real-time warnings when a piece of equip-
expected parameters that it clearly needed attention. ment falls outside its normal operating parameters.
A maintenance team checked it and got it back in The monitoring system quickly accumulates a
working order. mass of historical data that is more reliable and
If they needed a part, they took it out of inven- easily accessible than paper records, and much
tory. If there was no inventory in stock, they ordered more effective at pinpointing the early signs of
it, and the repair was eventually done, whenever equipment stress and predicting failures before
the part arrived. they occur.
For some companies, that is still the way things The user dashboards at the front end of the
are done. (After all, they might say, it’s the way we’ve system deliver proactive alerts and key metrics
always done them.) But chances are, these compa- and performance reports, providing the right level
nies do not enjoy the fact that their maintenance of tactical detail or aggregate analysis at different
systems cost them more than they should—in more levels within an organization.
than one way. At its most basic, an EAM system does a better
It is more expensive to rush in a part on an urgent job of tracking what’s going on with the critical
basis than to post a routine order. If an essential equipment and infrastructure a business depends
piece of equipment has failed, it can bring a whole on every day. However, its real power is demon-
line to a sudden, screeching halt until it is back up strated in the deployment of data to set targets,
and running. boosted efficiency, optimized distribution of
If your first inkling of a failing part is that a equipment and maintenance personnel, and sav-
machine has stopped working, it probably means ings that go straight to the company’s bottom line.
the unit has been sub-optimal for some time, slow-
ing down or complicating the Soaring to greater heights
M More
business process that depends
on it. The final failure might
even damage the equipment
As the Internet of Things (IoT) technology
spreads through the modern production envi-
ronment, the need for a strategic approach to
Looking for more information on much more than if the ini- asset management is soaring, and the benefits of
enterprise asset management? Go tial problem had been caught adopting EAM are going into overdrive.
to and sooner. An integrated EAM system spots the problem,
type EAM into our search engine to There was a time when a supports a timely response, triggers the purchas-
find these and other articles: purely reactive approach to ing system to replace spare parts before they’re
maintenance management was needed again—then applies the decision to future
Lines blurring between CMMS the only choice companies had. challenges, becoming smarter all the time.
and EAM Those days are gone—great It’s a far cry from the paper-based systems that
news for anyone who wants generations of plant engineers have had to settle
The first three steps are always
to run an efficient business or for. PE
the hardest
public sector organization.
Finding the right tools to delve New integrated EAM sys- Kevin Price is the technical product evangelist
into process data. tems pay companies back by and strategist for Infor.
Blowoff Comparison
Comp. Air Sound Annual Approx. Annual First
Horsepower Purchase
Level Electrical Maintenance Year
Required Price
Type of blowoff PSIG BAR SCFM SLPM dBA Cost* Cost Cost
Drilled Pipes 60 4.1 174 4,924 35 91 $50 $4,508 $920 $5,478
Flat Air Nozzles 60 4.1 257 7,273 51 102 $208 $6,569 $1,450 $8,227
Blower Air Knife 3 0.2 N/A N/A 10 90 $5,500 $1,288 $1,500 $8,288
Super Air Knife 60 4.1 55 1,557 11 69 $594 $1,417 $300 $2,311
*Based on national average electricity cost of 8.3 cents per kWh. Annual cost reflects 40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year.
By Jessica Potts, TopEngineer
reat engineers are competent, creative, 4. Good analytical skills
yet logically practical, and incredibly There is a world of difference between something
influential on everyone’s daily lives. And working and something working well. Engineers
yet, for some, the thought of being an are typically tasked with finding the most efficient
engineer seems like an unattainable and distant solution to a problem, which requires being able to
goal that can never be achieved. The truth is that analyze the issue as well as all possible answers to
anyone can be an engineer, but great engineers are identify the best course of action. Analytical abil-
a rare breed. These six inherent traits are the ones ity comes in many shapes and forms; even English
that make some engineers rise above the rest. majors must be analytical in some sense. However,
engineers’ analytical minds are constantly run-
1. They’re naturally curious ning, revising plans to ensure the best possible
Engineers must be able to observe a process, struc- outcomes. People who are able to logically pick
ture, machine, or system and determine how it problems apart and discover optimal solutions on
works and how they can improve upon it. Curios- the fly have the right stuff as a potential engineer.
ity is a beneficial quality in nearly every industry
because it indicates interest and drives creativity. 5. Strong mathematical skills
Engineers must have the energy and determination In every engineering discipline, from computer
to research and understand problems and their engineering to petroleum engineering, you will
solutions and it starts with that natural curiosity. work with numbers and equations. At its very
Kids who grew up asking, “Why?” are good can- core, engineering is the application of theoretical
didates for engineering programs - but those who mathematics to the physical world to solve every-
excel at engineering are more often those who pur- day problems. Engineering programs are often
sue “Why?” to “Oh, that’s why.” Asking questions rigorous in mathematical studies, putting students
isn’t enough for an engineer; they want to find out through advanced calculus, statistics, trigonom-
the answer and are willing to spend as much as time etry, and geometry. Students curious about engi-
it takes until they reach a satisfying conclusion. neering should be confident and comfortable in
writing and using formulas to solve problems
2. They are self-organized because it will be required after graduation.
Engineering teams usually have managers tasked
with keeping workers on course, but most engi- 6. Good communication skills
neers still must be able to manage their own proj- While engineers may seem to be asocial, numbers-
ects to some degree. Often, engineering projects focused professionals, they are far from hermits.
last months or years, and ideas or discoveries made Engineers almost always work in teams, which
long ago must be readily available for application. means communication between team members
Even better, by displaying project management occurs on a regular basis. Communication failures
skills, you are more likely to obtain raises and within engineering result in low-quality machines,
promotions. Fortunately, self-organization is one inefficient systems, and worse. So the ability to
of the few top engineering qualities that can be express thoughts and opinions must be finely
improved upon with concerted effort. honed.
As with project management skills, engineers
3. They are detail-oriented who prove themselves adept at communication
To succeed in engineering, the person needs to be often excel in management positions. Thus, if you
able to parse details and organize them to create believe your ability to communicate is above and
an effective machine—process, system, structure. beyond the average engineer’s, you should consider
This is part of an engineer’s daily responsibili- advanced education to prepare you for your accel-
ties and such attention to detail allows engineers erated career in engineering. PE
to analyze intricate problems and produce high-
quality work. Jessica Potts is head of marketing at TopEngineer,
a CFE Media content partner.
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programmable logic controller (PLC) passed away on Oct. 17 in New Hamp-
shire at the age of 84. Morley was the founder and president of Bedford
Associates, where he created Modicon, the first PLC, in 1968.
In 2008, Control Engineering covered Morley’s contributions to the PLC
is everything and to automation as a whole in an article designed to honor the 40th
Gerald “Gerry” Bauer anniversary of the technology.
President, EccoFab - Rockford, IL The project came about because they were frustrated at spending several months getting a minicomputer installation running properly at a client
site. It was especially frustrating because the projects Bedford did were
similar. Morley considered the idea of building a computer-like control
unit that could replace minicomputers for machine tool control and parts
handling. On January 1, 1968, Morley composed a 12-page document that
would become the earliest documentation for PLC development.
Morley, who was also a contributor to Control Engineering and Plant
Engineering, wrote about that process in a 2008 article:
“The hardware had to look good to manufacturing, be power- and voltage-
insensitive, rugged and high priced,” Morley wrote. “I knew then cost was
a bad word. We believed our user would want total value, not entry costs.
If the programmable controller saved one month of factory up-time, it was
worth a million dollars.
It doesn’t quit.
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Our compressors are a lot like the people who use them.
Discover the complete line of Sullair stationary air Image courtesy: Schneider Electric
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Sharp decrease
in 2016 OSHA
The annual OSHA Top 10 work-
place safety violations list is notable
in 2017 not for the order of violations,
but for the sharp decrease in the num-
ber of reported safety violations.
Announced Sept. 26 at the National
Safety Council’s Congress and Expo
in Indianapolis, the OSHA Top 10 list
saw no change among the top five vio-
lations. Fall protection remains the
most often cited safety violation, but FOR THE CONSTRUCTION
there was a 14% decrease in violations
from 2016 (6,929) to 2017 (6,072). The
announcements were made by Patrick
Kapust, deputy director of OSHA’s
Directorate of Enforcement Programs.
There were similar drops for the
other Top 4 violations: HEARTLAND
tHazard Communication: down
35.9% from 5,677 in 2016 to 4,176
in 2017
Connect with the entire supply chain – designers &
manufacturers, engineers & suppliers, distributors &
tS caffolding: down 18.8% from end users at the world premier fastener exhibition in
3,906 in 2016 to 3,288 in 2017
the Center of America’s manufacturing base.
tR espiratory Protection: down
15.7% from 3,585 in 2016 to 3,097 Learn about the latest technologies
in 2017
and meet with experts at the first DON'
tL ockout/Tagout: down 18.7% Fastener Fair in the USA. MISS T
from 3,414 in 2016 to 2,877 in
an you imagine a football game where Four rules for winning the game
you don’t keep score? What if the coach Companies that want to improve their efficiency
doesn’t even go to the games? What if the can go from maintaining to improving by follow-
players don’t know what position they’re ing these four rules:
in? We know that’s not the reality.
But a similar situation happens all the time in 1. Visibility and transparency.
manufacturing, said Mark Hungerford, director of Have some way everyone can score. Are we slid-
customer services at Leading2Lean, during his pre- ing back, or are we just simply maintaining? The
sentation, “Using Cloud Technology for Plant Floor collected maintenance data is used by all and
Efficiency at West Liberty Foods,” at the Process decision are made based on data rather than emo-
Expo in September in Chicago. “People who need tions. Transparency allows workers to see what
to know aren’t in the game,” Hungerford told the works and what doesn’t, as well as which depart-
audience. “They don’t have the information they ments or people are not carrying their weight.
need. They don’t know if they’re winning or losing.”
Hungerford noted that, “Ninety-nine percent of 2. Real-time visibility.
the plants I go into are operating this way. Managers “You need to be able to adjust in real-time dur-
aren’t there or they receive the information late. We ing the game,” Hungerford said. “If the offense
can’t imagine that in a professional football environ- isn’t working, they need to know now so they
ment, so how do we avoid that on the plant floor?” can make adjustments.” This means there needs
Maintenance hasn’t changed much, according to be instant access to data and instructions and
to Hungerford. Many don’t see it as a value-added real-time communication through the appropri-
process. They’re out of sight, and they don’t know ate departments.
if they’re winning or losing. Technicians experi-
ence déjà vu as they fix the same problems, and 3. Make sure people have the right tools.
they don’t know if they’re contributing to the The tools should compliment the process rather
problem. than burden it, Hungerford said. Real-time tools
encourage real-time decision-making, and they
Strength on both sides provide personal value to the user and to the
The maintenance of the future, Hungerford said, company as a whole. Those tools, Hungerford
will focus on improving and maintaining and said, have changed, and mobile has become the
being a critical part of the team along with pro- new standard on the plant floor.
duction. Each has a clear role to play. Production
needs to be a strong offense; maintenance a strong 4. Focus on continuous improvement.
defense. And both sides, Hungerford said, need Companies that know they are good shouldn’t
to learn from one another so they can help each rest on their laurels. Hungerford used an example
other understand how each department’s actions related to Formula One pit stops. In the 1950’s, a
improve the bottom line. pit stop took 67 seconds. In 2017, it takes less than
Maintenance of the future requires a different two seconds. That’s continuous improvement.
mindset to be successful. Technicians need to be Doing the small things right and learning from
engaged and contribute their creativity to improve your mistakes, Hungerford said, are part of con-
the design of product equipment, processes, and tinuous improvement. And when a problem con-
overall efficiency. Instead of maintaining, workers tinues to come up, workers need to know how to
should be giving them the tools and the expecta- problem-solve. That’s not always easy, he said,
tion to improve. and it takes practices, but keeping at it will be
“It’s time to eliminate the maintenance depart- beneficial in the long run. PE
ment and replace it with the improvement depart-
ment,” Hungerford said. “Do we really want to Chris Vavra is production editor for CFE Media.
just maintain?” Leading2Lean is a CFE Media content partner.
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espondents to the Plant Engineering 2017 Safe- of industries and insurance claims have also decreased
ty Study indentified five high-level findings since following a safety program.
impacting the manufacturing industries today:
4. Enforcing safety: More than 78% of facilities hold
1. Commitment to safety: Seventy-one percent of regular safety meetings, perform safety audits, and have
operations personnel and 69% of senior management established a safety committee to enforce safety meth-
are very committed to safety in their facilities, followed ods. Another 74% have implemented job safety analysis
by line supervisors (68%) and line workers (53%). procedures and 68% discipline, suspend, and/or termi-
nate staff for irresponsible actions.
2. Work group safety: The work groups that feel the
safest in their daily tasks are plant management/cor- 5. Safety strategies, technologies: The top strategies
porate executives (73%), safety executives/managers or technologies that facilities use to support safety pro-
(65%), and engineering (64%). cedures include personal protective equipment (90%),
lockout/tagout procedures (84%), job safety analysis
3. Safety programs: Ninety-four percent of respondents (76%), and internal safety audits (66%).
believe their employees feel safe on the job, and 83%
have observed an increase in productivity over time due View more information at
to the implementation of a safety program. The costs
42% ofeither
facilities monitor their natural gas usage
twice a year or on a continual basis.
Source: Plant Engineering 2016 Energy Management Study
50% ofspreadsheets/schedules
facilities use a CMMS or in-house created
to monitor or manage
56% ofpositive
engineers have observed a direct and
impact on productivity as a result of The average plant engineering professional
implemented safety procedures at their facilities. earned a bonus of $9,100 in 2016. Source:
Source: Plant Engineering 2017 Safety Study Plant Engineering 2016 Salary Survey
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Now in its 30th year, Product of the Year plants are in, it’s hard to find the time to take MARK WATSON, Senior director, manufacturing technology,
IHS Markit
remains the most coveted new product a breather, step back and see how things [email protected]
award in the industry because the win- could be better. Yet that kind of evaluation
ners are selected by our qualified readers. is essential to improve, and continuous CFE MEDIA CONTRIBUTOR
We only allow people who buy or specify improvement has been at the forefront of GUIDELINES OVERVIEW
Content For Engineers. That’s what CFE Media stands for,
products in their manufacturing plant to Plant Engineering’s message to our audience and what CFE Media is all about—engineers sharing with their
cast votes, and we disqualify a fair number for the last 70 years. peers. We welcome content submissions for all interested
parties in engineering. We will use those materials online, on
of votes each year from people who don’t This particular issue of Plant Engineering our Website, in print and in newsletters to keep engineers
meet that voting qualification. (I mention is a great time to stop, take a few minutes, informed about the products, solutions and industry trends.
and leaf through this issue to take a look * explains how to
this both as encouragement to all of you who submit press releases, products, images and graphics, bylined
do vote and as a reminder to those folks who at what manufacturing innovations await feature articles, case studies, white papers, and other media.
try to slip a few votes past us. We’ve been at you in the coming year. These are the best * Content should focus on helping engineers solve prob-
lems. Articles that are commercial in nature or that are critical
this 30 years. Trust me—we check.) new ideas in the market, from fundamental of other products or organizations will be rejected. (Technol-
Product of the Year is one of my favor- maintenance products to the latest automa- ogy discussions and comparative tables may be accepted if
non-promotional and if contributor corroborates information
ite issues because it’s all about continuous tion innovations. Any of them can help your with sources cited.)
innovation, and that should be exciting to plant improve. All of them show the supplier * If the content meets criteria noted in guidelines, expect
to see it first on our Websites. Content for our e-newsletters
everyone in manufacturing. To the many community’s commitment to look for new comes from content already available on our Websites. All
companies who entered Product of the Year ways to help plant operations move forward. content for print also will be online. All content that appears
in our print magazines will appear as space permits, and we
in 2017—we have more than 100 qualified Please review this year’s Product of the will indicate in print if more content from that article is avail-
entries—it’s an affirmation that they are Year Finalists. Please evaluate these great able online.
always looking for new ways to improve their new ideas against your own needs. And * Deadlines for feature articles intended for the print maga-
zines are at least two months in advance of the publication
contribution to the manufacturing plant. please vote. All of this helps you get better date. Again, it is best to discuss all feature articles with the
These product innovations emerge each as a manufacturing operation. content manager prior to submission.
year from continuing conversations between And it keeps you from having to answer Learn more at:
product managers and plant personnel. It’s the bigger question: “What if we DON’T
that conversation that leads to the answer to improve?” PE
Watts Water Technologies, Inc. is a leading manufacturer
of valves and other products for water heaters and boilers.
When Watts built a 42-acre addition at their Franklin, New
Hampshire location, the company decided to integrate
high-efficiency dust collection equipment. This equipment
would help them meet tightening industry standards while
handling their production facility’s rigorous demands.
Water and wastewater treatment plant design is a large-scale, complex engineering effort
that requires a multi-discipline design team often spread across many offices, and involving
collaboration among different consulting firms, contractors, and owners. Multi-discipline 3D models can
optimize project delivery and improve the management of infrastructure asset information as the project
passes from design into construction and ultimately through to operations.
This white paper demonstrates how the transition to 3D and intelligent multi-discipline models can
empower organizations to capitalize on the use of digital engineering models to establish data integrity
and continuous information flow throughout the lifetime of these assets.
Industry and infrastructure consume more than 31% of the available energy in
the world, and electrical motors alone represent more than 60% of that energy
consumption. Designing a more energy efficient machine creates cost savings
over the lifetime of the equipment. This lower cost can then be passed directly
to end users.
This paper compares the technological capabilities and limitations of AC and synchronous motors,
quantifying that a synchronous motor allows up to 20% energy savings while increasing performance.
Chain & Cable Fluid - Penetrating Oil Gear Shield Extra Heavy Spray Lube ‘A’ - White Lithium Grease
A superior, cleansing, non- This tough, tacky, extreme A super multi-purpose,
gumming penetrating oil for wire pressure lubricant was white lithium-based lubricant
rope, chains, cables and general developed for the lubrication of medium density. Sprays
lubrication. Prevents rust and of open gears, slides, pins like a fluid, congeals
corrosion and protects brightwork. and other applications to a grease.
Now with CO-2 propellant it is where an adhesive Excellent for latches,
significantly less flammable and lubricant is needed. locks, hinges, tools,
safer for the environment and It is also excellent for battery terminals,
workplace. fifth wheel applications. and other hardware.
11 OZ. spray can 11 OZ. spray can 11 OZ. spray can
PART NO. L0135-063 PART NO. L0152-063 PART NO. L0034-063
Oil Well In A Bottle - Multi-Purpose Oil Metal Working Fluid Biodegradable Penetrating Oil
An excellent multi-purpose, A specially developed An eco-friendly, bio-based,
penetrating oil ideal for slides, product for metalworking biodegradable (Pw1),
hinges, rollers, cables, frozen operations. Excellent for lubricating oil for general
nuts and bolts. Prevents rust drilling, tapping, sawing, lubrication. Provides a
and corrosion. Moisture and grinding. long lasting protective
displacing agent works on film that prevents friction,
wet ignition for “wet start.” wear, rust and corrosion.
FGL-1 Food Machinery Lubricant FMO-350AW - Food Machinery Oil Food Grade Silicone Lubricant
A multi-purpose, NSF H1 A multi-purpose, NSF H1 A multi-purpose, NSF H1
registered, food machinery registered, anti-wear fortified, registered silicone lubricant
lubricant in handy, easy to food machinery oil, in easy for use on bottling, dairy and
use spray can. Quick and to apply spray can. food processing machinery.
clean applications. For use where a H1 For slides, chains, O-rings,
Fortified with anti-wear, registered oil is rubber seals and general
anti-rust, and anti-corrosion required. lubrication.
11 OZ. spray can 12 OZ. spray can 9.5 OZ. spray can
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Newark, NJ 07105 / Toledo, OH 43605 / 800-733-4755 Color Coded Lube Charts & Machine Tags / [email protected] Lubrication Software / Follow-Up Oil Analysis
input #18 at
COVER STORY Seven tips for proper
bearing maintenance
Capitalize on IIoT to Bearing life can be affected based
on the type of bearing, the load 28
make better decisions they carry and the maintenance
schedule. Properly maintained,
bearing life can be extended and
downtime can be reduced.
Companies are discovering
new solutions to old
challenges through intelligent Industrial energy
web connectivity. This new training and certification
industrial revolution enables
On the national and even the
better processing of big data international level, well-structured
for enhanced productivity, training and highly recognized
streamlined operations,
reduced costs, and perhaps
certification programs help develop
a highly skilled and qualified
workforce to maintain and improve
most importantly, improved facilities’ energy performance,
safety. particularly as technologies within
these systems become more and
more advanced.
Web Exclusive
A look at energy training programs
The ultimate purpose of training programs is to
provide attendees with skills so that they can
actually operate their equipment and do real
work to improve their systems. Therefore, adding
a field hands-on training component would
significantly increase attendees’ confidence in
applying what they have learned to their own
facilities and thus increase the value of the
training programs.
Go to and review
the specific training programs available.
Capitalize on IIoT
to make better decisions
Improved data and analytics offer a greater insight into efficiency.
mart technology is an indispensable data exchange built on improved data analytics, better
resource for business competitiveness human-machine interfaces, and advanced production
and growth in the Information Age. It methods. This has the potential to dramatically change
has introduced a new paradigm to the how goods are made.
economic model, changing the way com- Huge advances are being achieved by adapting this
panies operate and invest in business technology for predictive maintenance, enabling com-
development. panies to review sensors and obtain feedback remotely.
Today, digitization is allowing a multitude of devices By communicating with analytic software to interpret
to be connected using communication technologies information, machine tool operators, construction
that produce systems able to monitor, collect, exchange, managers, and manufacturers can make decisions in
and analyze data to deliver valuable insights like never real time and know immediately if they are operating
before. By capitalizing on the Industrial Internet of at peak efficiency. This improved decision-making is
Things (IIoT), companies are finding ways to remove one of the most promising attributes of IIoT.
inefficiencies and use these insights to improve produc- Much can be learned from the productivity gains
tivity, delivering smarter and faster business decisions. manufacturing is experiencing through the application
Manufacturing was among the first business sec- of smart tools and systems.
tors to recognize that leveraging the IIoT and Big
Data could improve productivity by reducing human Manufacturing sector outpaces
error and expediting decision-making. What began as construction industry
a move to manage the risks of cost increases, decreases Some sectors of industry are advancing more rapidly
in profitability, and the persistent fear that jobs would than others in this new ecosystem. A recent McKinsey
be lost overseas became the foundation of progres- & Company report looked at performance in sev-
sive manufacturing that uses eral industries and discovered a noticeable productiv-
M More
smart systems and tools to sig-
nificantly streamline operations
and increase productivity.
ity gap between the manufacturing and construction
industries. In analyzing production data, McKinsey
found that manufacturing has nearly doubled its
Looking for more help with data man- Today, companies are discov- productivity in recent decades while construction
agement? Go to ering new solutions to old chal- productivity has been flat over the same time period. and lenges through intelligent web While some of this growth can be attributed to
check out these and other stories under connectivity. This new industrial modularity/standardization and minimizing waste
the Keyword: Data Management: revolution enables better process- through the application of lean principles, the success-
Data management is driving the ing of big data for enhanced pro- ful implementation of IIoT is undeniably a significant
IIoT revolution ductivity, streamlined operations, contributor.
reduced costs, and perhaps most Recognizing the successes achieved in manufactur-
The new age of data manage- importantly, improved safety. ing, the construction industry is seeking manufacturing
ment and analysis in the oil and In the age of IIoT, companies companies that are willing to share IIoT experiences
gas industry
are seeing the expansion of auto- and the lessons they have learned. The hope is that by
Big Data: Getting tangible results mated production and increased understanding the successes in manufacturing and
earings play a significant role in the free 1. Handle with care
and unrestricted movement of mechanical Bearings are delicate and can get damaged quickly.
parts or components, from car wheels to As such, they should be stored horizontally in a clean
skateboards as well as many other things. and dry environment with their packaging intact. Do
Bearings accept the weight of the load and make things not expose them to airborne contaminants, as even a
move without any or with much less friction. In a world tiny speck of dirt can cause premature failure. Never
without bearings, mechanically moving parts would hammer or pound them, or apply a direct force on
malfunction and stick, preventing smooth operation. them or their outer ring, which can damage the roll-
Bearing life can be affected based on the type of bear- ing elements, resulting in misalignment. The most
ing, the load they carry and the maintenance schedule. important thing to remember is to never remove
Properly maintained, bearing life can be extended and bearings from their packaging until ready for use.
downtime can be reduced.
2. Check the bearing housing and shaft
Here are seven tips for bearing maintenance to help It is crucial that the housing and shaft are inspected
ensure a longer lifespan. for defects or damage. Always use a soft cloth to
305.591.8935 |
Introducing the
Machining System
he major industrial energy systems particularly as technologies within these systems
commonly found in manufactur- become more and more advanced.
ing facilities are compressed air, A review of vendor-agnostic training and certi-
ammonia refrigeration, chilled fication programs concludes:
water, steam, process heating,
combined heat and power, pumps, • Most training programs focus on operations,
and fans. The efficiency of these systems contrib- maintenance, safety, and design, though some
utes significantly to the whole-facility energy per- briefly touch on energy performance aspects.
formance. On the national and even the interna-
tional level, well-structured training and highly • The Certified Refrigeration Energy Specialist
recognized certification programs help develop a certification by the Refrigerating Engineers and
Image courtesy: highly skilled and qualified workforce to main- Technicians Association (RETA) and Pump Sys-
CFE Media tain and improve facilities’ energy performance, tem Assessment Professional certification by
M More
Go to
and enter the Keyword: Energy
Management to review our exten-
sive coverage of energy manage-
Implementing energy manage-
ment for machinery and process-
ing plants
Making the case for energy man-
agement technology
Getting to the core of energy
32 • November 2017
input #22 at
“Well-structured training programs enhance the attendees’ understanding of
working principles, knowledge of best practices, and capability to analyze the
energy performance data of industrial energy systems. Training employees on these
systems also helps create a safer working environment. ”
level, they would help in developing a
more qualified and stronger workforce
that would continuously improve the
energy efficiency of industrial facili-
Air-Driven Power
ANSI accreditation for personnel
certification agencies ensures that the
operation of these agencies conforms
Meets Results.
to the requirements of the Interna-
tional Standards ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024
Conformity Assessment—General
NEW Model 15 Industrial Air-Vac offers 15 gallons of cleaning
Requirements for Bodies Operating capacity for powders & combustible dusts, running only on
Certification of Persons. The ANSI compressed-air, No Electricity Required! With its uniquely
accreditation is recognized nation- portable design, 99% filter efficiency rating, noise levels
below OSHA standards, and a performance guarantee, the
ally and internationally. To ensure MDL15 is more than an industrial vac; it’s a business asset.
these certifications are designed and
• VAC-U-MAX Single-Venturi Power Unit:
executed based on high and consistent Adjustable for “Double-the-Vacuum” Power
standards and are internationally rec- • PTFE Pre-Filter & Secondary Cartridge Filter
ognized, it might be worth consider- • Suction Power: 16” Hg (208” H2O)
• “Off-the-Shelf” Static-Conductive Polybags
ing having all certification programs • Anti-Sparking 304 & 316 Stainless Steel
focused on energy efficiency be ANSI- • Lowest Compressed-Air Consumption Available
• Complete Tool Kit for Floors Walls,
accredited. Doing so could result in Machinery & Overhead Surfaces
these certifications being adopted by • Quiet!
other countries and would advance
the development of a highly skilled
industrial energy system workforce
Current training
and certification programs
Compressed air system PREVIEW VIDEO!
The Compressed Air Challenge Visit
(CAC) and Compressed Air and Gas (800) VAC-U-MAX
Institute (CAGI) are two major non-
profit trade associations that provide
training. CAC currently offers four
training programs: Fundamentals of
Compressed Air Systems, Advanced
Management of Compressed Air Sys-
tems, AirMaster+ Specialist Qualifi-
cation (in partnership with the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE)), and
“Compressed Air, It’s Not Free!”.
CAGI’s training program, called
“Smart Site,” is a series of eight online
e-learning modules covering various
November 2017 • 33
input #23 at
hands-on and classroom training on general compressed air system knowl- One online education provider,
compressed air system optimization edge and their products and services., offers seven online
through the Better Plants program’s Typically, these training sessions can be courses for compressed air systems:
In-Plant Trainings. tailored to meet clients’ specific needs. C ompressed Air Energ y Storage,
Some air compressor system manu- Limited information was available C ompressed Air Systems, Intro-
facturers and vendors provide train- regarding the details of the training duction to Industrial Compressed
ing sessions to educate their clients on content. Air Systems, Improving the Perfor-
mance of Compressed Air Systems,
Compressed Air Energy Efficiency,
Air Compressors—Basic Concepts
and Application, and Introduction
to Compressed Air Systems. The
detailed content of the courses is
not accessible without registration
for the courses.
Only one certification was found
for compressed air systems—Quali-
fied AIRMaster+ Specialist, which is
offered by CAC and DOE. This cer-
tification recognizes candidates for
their ability to use the AIRMaster+
software effectively with industrial
end use equipment. Candidates for
certification must pass an exam,
which includes both written and
practical components.
In summary, not including train-
ing provided by manufacturers or
vendors, 12 training programs and
courses were found. Only two online
courses seemed designed to focus on
the energy efficiency perspective of
compressed air systems. The only
certification found was Qualified
AIRMaster+ Specialist, and it is not
accredited by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI).
energy training programs and federal resources to help
you find and evaluate training.
trial refrigeration systems, industrial refrigeration sys-
tem operation, process hazards and safety, and energy
The Department of Engineering Professional Develop-
ment at the University of Wisconsin–Madison provides
a set of courses covering the basics, principles, design,
safety, and hazard analysis of industrial refrigeration
systems. DOE offers hands-on and classroom training
on ammonia refrigeration system optimization through
the Better Plants program’s In-Plant Trainings.
Some manufacturers and vendors also provide train-
ing on refrigeration systems and their products. Limited
information was available on the details of the training
RETA provides four certifications: Certified Assistant
Refrigeration Operator (CARO), Certified Industrial
Refrigeration Operator (CIRO), Certified Refrigera-
tion Energy Specialist (CRES), and RETA Authorized
Instructor (RAI). Note that CARO and CIRO are ANSI-
accredited, and candidates for these two certificates must
pass exams with both written and practical components.
CRES and RAI are not ANSI-accredited.
The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration
(IIAR) provides a certification for Safe Design of Closed- •
Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems.
In summary, not including training provided by manu- •
facturers or vendors, 48 training programs and courses
were found. Three of those training programs focus on •
the energy efficiency of ammonia refrigeration systems.
Five ammonia refrigeration system-related certifications • on in-stock parts*
were found, two of which are ANSI-accredited. One of
the five certifications is for energy efficiency; it is not • on demand
• with competitor
Chilled water system
The main providers of training in chilled water systems part numbers
are the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the University
of Wisconsin–Madison, Northwest Energy Efficiency
Alliance, and a few training companies. Major chiller
manufacturers also offer training. Most training pro-
grams are focused primarily on the design of chilled
water systems. 800-237-5225
Not including the training provided by manufactur- ISO 9001:2008
ers or vendors, 12 training programs were found, two
of which (provided by Northwest Energy Efficiency *Order must be placed by noon PST
Alliance) focus on energy efficiency. No chilled water input #25 at
PLANT ENGINEERING November 2017 • 35 Don’t see what you’re looking for?
Contact our Custom Department.
system-related certifications—focused process heating system optimization ited detailed information regarding
on either design, operation, or energy through the Better Plants program’s the content of the training.
efficiency—were found. In-Plant Trainings. Two certifications were found:
Numerous engineering consulting Qualified Process Heating Assessment
Process heating system firms also provide training in process and Survey Tool Specialist, available
The Industrial Heating Equipment heating energy assessment and burner but no longer actively offered by DOE,
Association (IHEA) and Gas Technol- operation. Their websites offer lim- and Chartered Industrial Gas Consul-
ogy Institute (GTI) are the tant, offered by GTI.
two major nonprofit trade
associations that provide
training in process heating. By The Steam system
GTI has a two-day course to provide
Two training programs pro-
vided by IHEA are focused
NUMBERS an essential understanding of com-
plex industrial steam generation and
on t he f u nd ame nt a ls of in-plant distribution. The American
pro cess he at ing and t he S ociety of Mechanical Engineers
understanding of various (ASME) has a two-day course focusing
industrial process heating on boiler operation and maintenance.
technologies, whereas the Percentage of total energy DOE offers hands-on and classroom
two training courses pro- use consumed by industrial training on steam system optimization
vided by GTI concentrate through the Better Plants program’s
more on the energ y effi- facilities in 2016. In-Plant Trainings.
ciency of new and existing Source: Oak Ridge National Numerous training programs are
process heating technolo- provided by steam system manufac-
Laboratory data
gies. DOE offers hands-on turers and vendors of steam systems,
and classroom training on and some of them focus on system
New Insulation
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38 • November 2017
input #28 at
of the
t’s been 30 years since Plant Engineering first intro- ation this year represent the best efforts of product managers
duced Product of the Year, and it’s remarkable how and innovators around the world. They’ve spent years talk-
many of the great innovations in the 2017 edition are ing to plant managers like yourself, reviewing the needs of
improvements on products from the past. A review manufacturing and then putting their product development
of the 2002 Product of the Year finalists and those teams on the trail of ways to make their great products just
from this year find that fuses, voltage testers, lower-wattage a little better.
lighting and flow controls can be found in both listings.
And yet there is much that has changed. For Now it’s your turn. The other aspect of Product
one thing, there was no Automation & Con- of the Year that makes it such a sought-after award
trols category in 2002, and there was no Asset is that selecting the winners are your responsibility.
Management category, let alone a Maintenance Because each year’s Gold, Silver and Bronze win-
Software category. We added a Safety category ners in each category are selected by qualified sub-
more than a decade ago to bring more attention scribers to Plant Engineering, we can confidently
to this critical area of plant operations. say that this is the best award in manufacturing.
Taken individually, each of this year’s 102 The awards are won by the individual suppliers,
Product of the Year finalists offer a unique but the awards themselves belong to our readers.
solution to a specific problem. In some cases, Each year, we ask you to consider these entries,
that improvement is incremental, but then, so and I’m happy to say that each year, you get it right.
is the entire concept of improvement. Process And we ask you to do it again this year. The
improvement is, by definition, a process; manu- voting ballot for Product of the Year is now live
facturers are looking for ways to get a little better at along with
every day. the link to each of this year’s products. Each vote
What Product of the Year offers each year is screened to make sure only qualified readers
is a way to identify in one place all the ways to vote on these product categories. This ensures the
improve operations. Not every product fits every integrity of the contest; it also lets both our sup-
plant application, but what we also hope Product pliers and our readers know that when the awards
of the Year does each year is expose readers are handed out in April 2018, they represent the
to think about how each of these categories best insight from our readers.
impact their operations. As it has been for 30 years, Product of the Year
There are 15 categories this year; in 2018, is a three-step process: Review the entries. Cast
we’ll add robotics as a category to identify your votes. Think about your manufacturing
another area of plant operations getting a lot of plant and ways new products can lead to process
attention. The products you’ll find for consider- improvement.
BRX PLC Micro 800 S7-1200 FC6A
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• Expansion capabilities
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(with simulator)
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Wireless accelerometer
Prognostic service The third generation GTI-220 is a 2-axis wireless accel-
erometer that contains an internal biaxial sensor with an
Guardian Support is a prognostic service designed to
external channel to connect a tachometer for balancing
optimize reliability and performance of automation sys-
applications or an additional
tems and improve competitive advantage through critical
sensor for phase measure-
service and support information. The service can help
ment. Pairing the GTI-220 with
improve productivity by analyzing data and delivering
VibePro 8 creates a powerful
useful, relevant, critical, real-time, system-specific informa-
predictive maintenance sys-
tion to keep plants current. By making day-to-day systems
tem. VibePro software offers
management tasks fast and efficient, Guardian Support
solutions for vibration analysis,
can also reduce operations and maintenance costs by
dynamic balancing, infrared
shifting from a reactive/preventive maintenance strategy
thermography, and shaft laser alignment on a single
to a predictive strategy.
device. The software communicates directly to the align-
Emerson Electric Co.
ment component of the GTI-220.
GTI Predictive Technology Inc.
Thank you to our customers for voting for Infor EAM in Plant Engineering’s
Product of the Year awards.
[email protected] 2017
Electrical Safety
Discrete output module Double-door safety switch
The SIO8.20 DO is a 20-channel low-voltage discrete out- The double-door line isolation switch features an innova-
put module. The SIO8.20 DO enables software-selectable tive two-door design with an internal barrier that isolates
electronic fusing, latching, and the fuse base from line-side power.
fail-safe shutdown for each 24 V The switch provides lowered exposure,
dc output at 1 A max current per enhanced safety, and improved uptime
channel. It provides galvanically- when accessing the load-side fuse com-
isolated output switching in a rug- partment. The switch enables main-
ged, all-metal enclosure. Delivering tenance personnel to prevent doors
programmable electrical capability from being opened when the switch is
within the cyber secure Bedrock energized: an interlocking mechanism
control platform reduces cost, keeps the door closed when the handle
maintenance, and vulnerability of external electrical con- is in the ON position, while a defeat
nectors. mechanism enables user access when necessary.
Bedrock Automation Eaton Corp.
50 November
50 • • November 2014 2017
2017 Product of the Year
Electrical Safety
Overload relay Square body fuse
The MP8000 Bluetooth-enabled overload relay is The PSR Series square body fuse combines extreme
designed to communicate current limitation, excellent cycling capability, and low
directly with a mobile watt-loss design in a direct
device. The MP8000 bus-bar mount construction
allows maintenance per- with blown fuse indication. The
sonnel to communicate square body design accommo-
with the relay from up to dates high current ratings with
30 ft away using an app enhanced dc performance in a
on an iPhone or Android smaller footprint than the tra-
smartphone or tablet ditional round body style of high-speed fuses. Features
computer. A worker can set up the relay, view real-time include flexibility to mount directly to a system’s bus-bar
data and troubleshoot fault codes while the panel door and an optional micro switch is also available for remote
remains closed to minimize potential shock and arc flash indication requirements.
hazards and help create a greater level of safety. Littelfuse Inc.
Littelfuse Inc. November
November 2014 • • 51
Electrical Safety
Remote monitor HMI
Modular contactor Sm@rtGear offers remote monitoring, configuration, and
The Sirius 3RT1 certified contactor is designed with an control of intelligent devices
integrated fail-safe con- across low- and medium-voltage
nection, making it possible motor control and power distribu-
to attain SIL CL2 with one tion equipment. By monitoring
contactor or SIL 3 with two and controlling systems remotely
contactors, according to IEC via a human machine interface,
62061. The S6 to S12 (100 to operators avoid the dangerous arc
400 hp at 480 V) contactor boundary near the equipment. The
versions are suitable for direct technology also has the capability
control from failsafe control- to learn from current operations to
lers and feature a certified suggest predictive maintenance
digital input for activation from fail-safe or standard con- actions and features an expedited
trollers. They are also available with non-removable, lateral “search and repair” with system diagnosis that can be used to
auxiliary switches. quickly identify a power distribution’s root cause.
Siemens Siemens
Energy Management
Uninterruptible power system Uninterruptible power supply
The 93PM uninterruptible power system (208/220 V The 9900CX uninterruptible power supply (UPS) provides
model) features deployment and offers 1400, 1750, or 2100 kVA of power in one unit. The modu-
enhanced business continuity and lower lar design affords the
total cost of ownership over critical infra- capability of providing
structure. The 208/220 V model delivers internal redundancy up
improved uptime in the event of a power to 1.75 MVA in a single
loss or outage to a variety of facility types, enclosure. The 9900CX
including multi-tenant and co-location facili- can be paralleled with
ties and edge data centers. The included up to six units for capac-
lithium-ion battery offers exponentially lon- ity or N+1 redundancy
ger battery life and lighter physical weight and delivers high power density per square foot of floor
than standard valve-regulated lead-acid batteries. space. The UPS reduces operating and cooling costs and
Eaton is ideal for large data centers. Mitsubishi Electric Power Products Inc.
Cloud-based lighting control Connected lighting system
The SiteWorx Tune lighting control system applies mul- LumaWatt Pro is a distributed network of smart LED light-
tiple lighting control strategies—occupancy sensing, task ing fixtures with the ability
tuning, daylight harvesting, progressive dimming, and off- to capture real-time data.
hour setback—to achieve The network is Internet of
up to 90% energy savings. Things (IoT)-equipped and
It harnesses the power of maximizes potential energy
the Industrial Internet of savings through fixture-fixture
Things to react in real-time controllability. This connected
and automatically act on lighting system offers up to a
energy savings opportuni- 70% savings in energy costs
ties. Tune allows for facilities to customize their lighting as well as up to a 20% reduction in time spent looking for
needs, which can be easily managed through the Site- equipment. The dashboard and specialized apps make it
Worx dashboard on both desktop and mobile devices. easy to view when and where cost savings are possible.
Digital Lumens Eaton
Baldor Electric Co. Electric Motors & Drives 48 Exair Maintenance Tools & Equipment 55
CMMS Data Group Maintenance Software 54 FasTest Inc. Automation & Controls 44
DL Manufacturing Material Handling Systems 56 GTI Predictive Technology Inc. Asset Management 41
Emerson Electric Co. Asset Management 41 ITW Vortec Automation & Controls 46
Emerson Electric Co. Maintenance Tools & Equipment 41 JAMAS Enterprises LLC Material Handling Systems 57
Emerson Electric Co. Automation & Controls 42 Kaeser Compressors Inc. Compressed Air 48
Eruditio LLC Productivity & Training 58 Ludeca Inc. Maintenance Tools & Equipment 55
Eruditio LLC Productivity & Training 58 Maintenance Connection Inc. Maintenance Software 54
Exair Automation & Controls 44 MH&W International Electric Motors & Drives 48
Exair Material Handling Systems 47 Mitsubishi Electric Automation Inc. Automation & Controls 46
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Nidec Control Techniques Electric Motors & Drives 48 Siemens Automation & Controls 46
Phoenix Contact Automation & Controls 51 Siemens Electric Motors & Drives 49
Regal Beloit America Inc. Material Handling Systems 48 Siemens Energy Management Electrical Safety 52
Regal Beloit America Inc. Material Handling Systems 57 Siemens Inc. Fluid Handling 53
Regal Beloit America Inc. Material Handling Systems 57 Siemens Industry Inc. Maintenance Tools & Equipment 50
Regal Beloit America Inc. Electric Motors & Drives 57 Siemens Industry Inc. Electric Motors & Drives 56
Rexnord Material Handling Systems 49 SPX Cooling Electric Motors & Drives 50
Rockwell Automation Electric Motors & Drives 42 Trihedral Engineering Ltd. Automation & Controls 47
Rockwell Automation Electric Motors & Drives 49 United Electric Controls Safety 59
Rockwell Automation Maintenance Tools & Equipment 49 Viega LLC Maintenance Tools & Equipment 56
Rockwell Automation Plant Analytics & Design 58 Yale Materials Handling Corp. Material Handling Systems 58
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replace a battery.
t its recent user conference, the always thought- piece. “The readiness and capacity for change is limited,”
ful management of Emerson Automation Solutions said Train.
discussed work’s changing nature. Emerson is expanding its service offerings to help
The U.S. manufacturing sector experienced 4.0% pro- fill the gap. What industry needs, Emerson said, is an
ductivity growth from 1990 to 2000, and 4.7% from 2000 increased focus on education and upskilling along with
to 2007. Analyses of productivity growth statistics can be improved organizational workflows to effectively leverage
highly speculative. At the time, however, experts and media their technology investments. An analysis commissioned
credited computerization for these productivity gains. by Emerson of the organization behaviors of Top Quartile
Since then, productivity growth has stagnated at about industry performers indicated five essential competencies
1.5%. Yet computerization has continued apace. If digita- for the digital era.
lization was the cause of productivity growth in the 1990s Automated workflow allow focus on exceptions requir-
and in the first decade of the 21st century, what caused ing human intervention. Analytics and embedded exper-
the subsequent productivity growth slowdown? tise reduce complexity. Workforce upskilling empowers
Computers today are communication devices in support personnel to acquire knowledge and experience more
of the coordination of work, as much as they are any- quickly. Mobility provides access to information regardless
thing else. If the network is the computer, then advances of location. Change management accelerates institution-
depend on integration, and just 50 years into the com- alization of operational best practices.
puter revolution we’re faced with a multi-layered installed
base. In fact, integration seems to be the constraining Expectations expanding
challenge. Moving forward, while remaining cognizant of “Process control has been digitalized already,” said Pe-
legacy systems, has proved complex and daunting. ter Zornio, chief technology officer, Emerson Automation
Solutions. “Users expect real-time information, embed-
Essential competencies ded expertise, and a closed-loop system. We can now
Another kind of “installed base” is the industrial work do the same thing for other type operations, including
force involved. In the last 40 years, many kinds of work reliability, safety, and energy, for example. In the new era,
were transformed, and quantified, as computerization core production workers will be focused on collaboration,
supported work-process reengineering. interpretation, and analytics, rather than data collection
At the conference, Emerson tackled the topic during a and reporting.”
briefing on “essential competencies for an empowered Where are we at this moment? One last quotation
digital workforce.” taken from the user conference provides a hint:
“The past 30 years have brought fantastic advances “Wireless is arguably the most impactful technology for
in the manufacturing sector, including greater operating industrial manufacturers since the introduction of digital
efficiencies enabled by automation. But the incremental instrumentation more than three decades ago,” said Bob
gains are diminishing,” Mike Train, executive president, Karschnia, vice president and general manager, wireless,
Emerson Automation Solutions, said. Emerson Automation Solutions. “Industrial wireless com-
The silver lining will come with an emerging generation bined with smart sensors are the foundation to support
of technologies able to revitalize productivity gain, as in cloud-based applications, remote monitoring, and other
the former era. However, the work force is the essential IIoT programs over the next decade.” IIoT IIoT For Engineers NOVEMBER 2017 | 1
By Dr. Keshab Panda techniques support these efforts. IIoT IIoT are to enable augmented opera-
gives these companies an opportunity tions, human-robot collaboration, ad-
ridging the divide between to go beyond Six Sigma, fool-proofing vanced digital-product development,
the physical and the digital many activities and processes related data-driven control of operations, and
worlds, the Industrial Internet to operational efficiency. predictive maintenance.
of Things (IIoT) transforms how com- These trends see support in a survey Early adopter feedback shows that
panies function and how work gets from L&T Technology Services and the transition to an IIoT ecosystem
done, based on gains in sensor and ARC Advisory Group conducted at depends on employee initiative. The
microcontroller technology, connec- this year’s ARC Forum. Half the survey survey also highlights that 42% of
tivity, and analytics. These emerging respondents were with large corpora- business leaders feel that organiza-
technologies are also conceptualized tions having more than $10 billion tional culture acts as an impendent
as Industrie 4.0. in revenue. According to the survey to IIoT adoption. Capital expenditure
Businesses focus on operational results, 57% of business leaders and concerns are also prevalent.
excellence to streamline and tighten organizations embrace IIoT for opera- While about 40% of organizations
production processes. Six Sigma tions-related work. Key focus areas for said their companies are at the pilot
The positive impact of IIoT can be short-term operational efficiency, but it also can have a
long-term influence on resource optimization, product design, and automation. All graphics courtesy L&T Technology Services
by Melissa Topp However, without the ability to data to a selected cloud service. For
connect devices from behind fire- instance, a manufacturer may have
ntegrating the Industrial walls and to publish data securely to updated assembly machines with
Internet of Things (IIoT) into IIoT-integrated applications, organi- units equipped for more advanced
traditional supervisory control zations may miss out on the promise networking. This works well for
and data acquisition (SCADA) and of advanced analytics via Cloud com- companies that can afford such ret-
human-machine interfaces scenarios puting. If your organization is consid- rofitting, but might not be the most
delivers multiple benefits. ering an IIoT integration strategy, the cost-effective means of ensuring IIoT
Increased scalability follows from answers to the following questions connectivity.
secure access to multiple locations highlight some best practices. Legacy industrial machinery can be
via cloud platforms, including the connected to an IIoT infrastructure.
popular Microsoft Azure. Hardware 1. Does your organization However, some add-on hardware
obsolescence can be alleviated, as the already have existing IoT/cloud- connection options often prove,
“heavy lifting” of processor-intensive ready hardware? comparatively speaking, cost-prohib-
analysis can be off-loaded. Connectiv- Some organizations planned for itive. That’s where the concept of IoT
ity is enhanced, as increasing num- IIoT’s emergence, to ensure machin- gateway devices comes in.
bers of devices communicate via IIoT ery electronics and discrete devices IIoT gateways are lightweight
transport protocols. in production facilities can transfer devices that act as a bridge be-
tween on-premise communications
networks and cloud services, at a
fraction of the cost of an equip-
ment retrofit. These edge devices
provide “southbound” data con-
nectivity to end devices, completely
on-premises. A device also provides
a “northbound” communication
path for connectivity between itself
and the cloud.
IIoT gateways incorporate strict se-
curity requirements. They serve as the
delivery mechanism between the data
generated and stored on-premise and
that shared with the outside world.
Intel, through its IoT Solutions Alliance
One benefit of Internet-based automation is that it allows program, supports original-design
centralization of disparate operations, and for expertise to be manufacturers with advanced security
more easily brought to bear at remote locations. All graphics courtesy: Iconics features such as unique hardware IDs,
many manufacturers throughout many open-source examples coded connectivity. Additional value can
multiple industries. The protocol can in multiple popular programming be obtained via IIoT connectivity.
cover serial lines (Modbus RTU and languages. MQTT is recommended This includes connected applica-
Modbus ASCII) as well as Ethernet when network bandwidth is a con- tions that are provided through a
(Modbus TCP). cern and should always be used in Cloud-services provider, which take
Simple Network Management tandem with a secure communica- customer data at the edge and use
Protocol (SNMP) allows devices to tion method such as TLS. it for mobile visualization or analysis.
expose useful information to other Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Examples include energy manage-
connected devices. Almost all tradi- Secure (HTTPS) was designed to ment or fault detection and diagno-
tional IT devices can handle SNMP serve requests and responses in a sis, rapid data historian storage and
requests. computing model for Web-page retrieval.
BACnet is the most widely used communication. It can more easily Some IIoT gateway software
open communications standard in traverse firewalls without the need solutions provide seamless integra-
the building automation industry. for specific IT policies that handle tion for these types of applications.
Some organizations might use server request messages and return Off-the-shelf SCADA and other type
a proprietary communications responses in the form of resources interfaces, analytics, and data histo-
method, either in unison with one such as HTML files, content, and rians can connect to a cloud-servic-
of the industry standard protocols or completion status details. es provider, subscribing to an “IIoT
exclusively. Representational State Transfer Hub” from where these applications
Northbound communications (REST)/JSON provides a stateless can ingest the provided data. One
involve additional protocols, with means for IoT-friendly informa- possible use case is energy monitor-
the need for high security levels and tion access. It leverages the HTTP ing, where IIoT gateway software
often using a pub/sub mechanism. transport protocol to deliver data, running on typical IIoT gateway
These protocols include: typically using JSON, which is a flex- hardware can connect to popular
Advanced Message Queuing ible, lightweight format like XML, energy, gas, or water meters for se-
Protocol (AMQP) provides flow- to define its presentation. cure, real-time infrastructure moni-
controlled, message-oriented com- When considering IIoT hard- toring and timely analytics. Another
munication with built-in options for ware devices and accompanying use case is innovative fault detec-
message-delivery guarantees. Au- software solutions, consider both tion and diagnostics, where the IIoT
thentication and encryption is based your organization’s southbound software suite can alert personnel
on popular Internet authentication and northbound communication of actions to prevent equipment
and data-security protocols such as requirements. failures or excessive energy use.
Simple Authentication and Security Cloud-based computing options,
Layer (SASL) and Transport Layer 4. What additional functional- like other emergent technologies,
Security (TLS). AMQP, optimized for ity is needed for the industrial will continue to evolve. A com-
messaging between devices, sup- cloud-based solution? bined IIoT-integrated hardware and
ports read-and-write functionality By this point, it may be known software solution delivers value in
for command and control or indus- what new equipment is needed the forms of equipment monitor-
trial-automation equipment. to connect electronic assets to the ing, predictive maintenance, and
Message Queuing Telemetry cloud, who the preferred cloud- operational efficiency. Cognizance
Transport (MQTT) was created for services provider will be, and what of suggested best practices can lead
SCADA environments and related communication protocols are consid- to more informed decisions for any
networks, using pub/sub to minimize ered most important. organization’s cloud integration
payloads and overhead with appli- Cloud connectivity initially may plans. IIoT
cation-specific, custom JavaScript have been considered to secure the
Object Notation (JSON) or binary benefits of increased scalability with Melissa Topp is senior director of
formats. Widely accepted in IT ensured security, reduced hard- global marketing at ICONICS
departments worldwide, MQTT has ware obsolescence, and expanded (
©2017 Hilscher North America, Inc. All trademarks are the properties of their respective companies.
s the Industrial Internet of Deploy, update, upgrade, and source and send only the valuable
Things (IIoT) evolves it’s im- maintain large numbers of fraction to a Cloud center.
pacted by the same integra- devices and services. Edge computing is a distributed
tion challenges as previous automa- Transform Big Data into valuable information technology (IT) architec-
tion generations. Besides changing business information. ture in which client data is processed
requirements, many different hard- at the periphery of the network, as
ware and software technologies and Thus, an IIoT product or solution close to the originating source as
applications apply. However, today, must meet challenges related to possible. Time-sensitive data in edge
with open standards, these diverse sensors, connectivity, security, Cloud computing may be processed at the
elements can be melded together to point of origin by an intelligent
deliver solutions. device or sent to an intermediary
In IIoT product and application server located in close geographical
Emerging architectures
development, developers’ goals may proximity. Data that is less time-
include: help companies develop sensitive can be sent to the Cloud for
historical analysis, Big Data analytics,
Support heterogeneous sensors
complex IIoT infrastruc- and long-term storage.
and actuators via the Internet. tures in an integrated Companies must have the means
Integrate heterogeneous wired to manage the edge-computing
and wireless connectivity proto- ecosystem paradigm, whether the solution
cols, including Modbus, LoRa, be referred to as an infrastructure,
Sigfox, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and architecture, platform, or server. What
others. services, storage, device hardware, Advantech calls its edge intelligence
Port original software to differ- device maintenance, edge/Cloud server (EIS) solution enables local IIoT
ent hardware, including MCU, analytics, system integration, appli- networks to allow edge intelligence
x86/ARM CPU, GPU, and others, cation development, and so on. The to maximize energy efficiency, reduce
and operating systems that first challenge many companies face privacy threats, promote ease of
include Microsoft Windows, is migrating to an IoT application implementation and modularization,
Linux Distributions, mbed OS, while balancing design time, time- and minimize latencies.
Android, and others. to-market, and risk. IIoT software platform services are
Connect cloud services that might based on three key components: the
include WISE-PaaS, Microsoft Anatomy of a network IIoT node, edge-Intelligence server,
Azure, IBM Bluemix, and others. IoT data can be large in volume. and Cloud services. The following
Maintain data ownership and Applications typically have real-time describes some technology choices
integrity and understand its impli- requirements. Transmitting massive any supplier or using enterprise must
cations for security and privacy. amounts of raw data puts a load on make in developing its platform.
For edge-device development, real time, as data is generated. A The last component is Cloud
“southbound” sensing-device con- predictive maintenance and quality services, with SSL/TLS communica-
nectivity must handle diverse sensing capability serves as a proof-of-con- tions and Intel Security both on
protocols, such as Modbus, OPC, cept for edge field prediction. the edge device and for Cloud. The
BACnet, and Wireless IP/NonIP. These Using companies extend this data service can provide the Post-
protocols can be handled by plug-in framework to develop analytic or greSQL DB and Mongo NoSQL DB
modules that process sensor data, data predictive-maintenance modules via as standard offerings, and supports
normalization, and communications. the architecture’s open standard, a standard integration interface
The solution then handles the based on the ubiquitous MQTT with a wide range of data pro-
“northbound” Cloud connectivity communications protocol and the cessing and storage products. The
and intelligence facilities using the modularizing Docker container dashboard website serves as the
microservice container paradigm to technology. IoT application user interface, and
modularize the different Cloud con- Other technologies, like RESTful displays information via browser or
nections and enable device manage- API, MQTT, and Node-RED, facilitate mobile device through visualization
ment. Similarly, intelligence facilities drag-and-drop application develop- facilities such as Azure Power BI or
also adopt the microservice container ment. Node-RED and the configura- Tableau.
architecture to support the data tion utility make it easy to imple- At end of day, a platform pro-
ingestion workload, such as data pre- ment custom applications. Moreover, vides a marketplace for sourcing
processing and cleaning. well-documented SDK-with-MQTT diverse IoT software utilities, provid-
Perhaps most valuable of all is the sample code and the RESTful API ing pure Cloud solutions such as
on-demand, real-time analytics service interface allow advanced developers database, dashboard, and machine-
that extracts pre-set data features, in to fulfill high-level requirements. learning tools.
Further explication a RESTful API that the client and Component interactions can be
Now let’s look a little more server are coupled loosely and the dominant factor in user-per-
closely at some of the technologies remain independent of each other, ceived performance and network
previously mentioned. allowing either client or server efficiency.
MQTT is a simple, lightweight to be coded in any language and Scalability to support large num-
publish/subscribe messaging pro- improved upon at will, which leads bers of components and interac-
tocol used for constrained devices to system longevity and ease of tions among components.
and low-bandwidth, high-latency, evolution. The simplicity of a uniform
or unreliable networks. The service The RESTful API specifies what interface.
publishes its capability and data to it can provide and how it can be Modifiability of components
an MQTT broker and subscribes to used, and requires that details such to meet changing needs, even
specific topics for input interfaces. as query parameters, response while the application is running.
A RESTful API defines a set of format, request limitations, public Visibility of communication
functions that developers use use/API keys, methods (GET/POST/ between components by service
to perform requests and receive PUT/DELETE), language support, agent.
responses via HTTP protocols, such callback usage, HTTPS support, and Portability of components by mov-
as GET and POST. Because REST- resource representations should all ing program code with the data.
ful APIs use HTTP as a transport, be self-descriptive. Resistance to failure at the
they can be used by practically any The properties impacted by the system level despite failures of
programming language and are constraints of the RESTful architec- components, connectors, or
easy to test. It’s a requirement of tural style include: data.
Edge computing is a distributed IT architecture in which client data is processed at the network periphery, as close to the originating
source as possible.
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