Management of Thin Gingival Biotype With Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation Post Orthodontic Treatment
Management of Thin Gingival Biotype With Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation Post Orthodontic Treatment
Management of Thin Gingival Biotype With Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation Post Orthodontic Treatment
DOI: 10.13189/ojdom.2015.030204
University of California, USA
Department of Periodontics, College of Dentistry, University of Illinois, USA
Abstract Background: In the United States, orthodontic [2]. As with most treatment and preventive modalities,
therapy has become a common phase in people’s lives. orthodontic treatment is associated with potential risks and
Patients seek treatment for esthetic and functional reasons. side effects. Patients present with various facial and skeletal
As with most treatment modalities, it has its own risks and characteristics and no orthodontal approach can fit all
benefits. Anatomic variations can predispose certain patients patients. Those anatomical variations can predispose the
to problems. Presenting with a thin gingival tissue biotype, patients to certain risks. Thin gingival tissue biotype can
where arch expansion is needed, can predispose the patients predispose patients to loose supporting alveolar bone hence
for mucogingival defects and bony dehiscences. The purpose compromising esthetics and function. Multiple studies have
of this case report is to present a surgical approach to associated periodontal and mucogingival defects with
augment both hard and soft tissue, post orthodontic treatment orthodontic treatment [3]. A retrospective study of
to manage the resulting dehiscence and prevent potential orthodontically treated adults, found 5% prevalence of
future recession. Methods: An eighteen year old patient mucogingival defects [4]. A narrow band of gingiva is
presented to the University of Illinois, College of Dentistry capable of withstanding the stress caused by orthodontic
six years after completion of active orthodontics. The lower forces [5]. A study performed on adult monkeys revealed
anterior segment was characterized by a thin gingival tissue that irrespective of the soft tissue dimensions, provided that
biotype, prominent roots and a minimal zone of keratinized the tooth is moved within the envelope of the alveolar
tissue. A surgical procedure was performed by placing an process, the risk of harmful effects on marginal soft tissue is
allogenic bone graft with subepithelial connective tissue minimal [6]. However, it is possible for teeth to be moved
graft and enamel matrix protein. Results: Surgical procedure outside their alveolar housing to fulfill orthodontic therapy
augmenting hard and soft tissue was completed with goals. The probability of recession during tooth movement in
uneventful post-operative healing. The goals of increased thin biotype is high to justify gingival augmentation when
tissue thickness and prevention of recession were the dimension of gingiva is inadequate. In addition, cases in
accomplished through this technique and the results were which there will be a facial tooth movement outside of the
stable after a one year follow up. alveolar process need to be considered for a gingival
augmentation procedure [7]. These risks should be carefully
Keywords Recession, Post-orthodontic, Hard and Soft assessed prior to initiation of orthodontic therapy.
Tissue Augmentation There are four main categories describing the
mucogingival problems, which occur with orthodontic
therapy: Labially prominent teeth, rotated teeth with labial
prominence, anticipated labial movement or lingual tipping
(i.e. Angle Class III correction), or distal movement of teeth
1. Introduction with thin periodontium into an area of the alveolar ridge with
Orthodontic Therapy has become a common phase of narrow width [8].
many dental patients’ life at least in the US. Patients seek An alveolar dehiscence is described as a defect of the
orthodontic treatment for many reasons, not only esthetics, crestal bone margin exposing the root surface [9].
but also for function and a better overall oral health [1]. Controversy exists regarding the association between lower
According to an NHANES III survey, the Index of Treatment incisor advancement and the incidence of bony dehiscences
Need to the reveals that 57% to 59% of each racial/ethnic in susceptible individuals [10]. Gingival thickness had
group has at least some degree of orthodontic treatment need greater relevance to gingival recession when comparing
54 Management of Thin Gingival Biotype with Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation Post Orthodontic Treatment: A Case Report
gingival thickness to facial inclination of lower incisors [11]. region. The area exhibited prominent root surfaces and
A moderate association has been shown between the clinical minimal zone of attached and keratinized gingiva. The
thickness of the labial gingival and the underlying bone [12]. patient is a non –smoker, her medical and social histories
Thin gingival biotype, visual plaque, and inflammation are were non-contributory.
useful predictors of gingival recession [10]. Periodontal A comprehensive periodontal exam was performed on the
biotype is significantly related to labial plate thickness, patient. Oral hygiene was determined to be fair with an
alveolar crest position, keratinized tissue width, gingival O’Leary’s Plaque index of 17%. Periodontal probing depths
architecture, and probe visibility but unrelated to facial ranged from 2 to 3 mm with no mobility in the mandibular
recession [13] anterior region. The mucosa overlying the labial surfaces of
Proper diagnosis and treatment planning is of utmost the lower anterior teeth appeared to be thin. The patient’s
importance in minimizing the iatrogenic effects. The gingival tissue biotype was classified as a thin-scalloped type
gingival biotype of the patient must be taken into or thin biotype [14]. Prominent roots were observable with
consideration when deciding on orthodontic treatment no gingival recession noted. A zone of attached and
mechanics. There are two major biotypes; a thin-scalloped keratinized gingiva of 1 mm in height throughout the labial
and thick-flat [14]. Gingival biotypes can be categorized aspect of the anterior region was noted. Figure (1) the
into three groups: flat, scalloped, and pronounced scalloped outlines of the roots were clearly evident and prominent
[15] . The distance from CEJ to the direct facial aspect of concavities were seen between the roots. Radiographic
crestal bone normally ranges from 0.5 mm to 1.9 mm and the examination of the area revealed no apparent interproximal
gingival margin is on enamel [16, 17]. In scalloped and bone loss.
pronounced scalloped biotypes this distance is 2.8 mm and
4.1 mm on average respectively which results in the gingival
margin being right at the CEJ or on the cementum [15].
Numerous studies have shown that a thin gingival biotype
is associated with thin underlying labial plate [13]. It has
been reported that thin biotypes (scalloped or pronounced
scalloped) are more associated with gingival and periodontal
diseases [18].
Advancement of lower anterior teeth during orthodontic
treatment is done in order to reduce the overjet or increase
the arch length to relieve crowding. This movement can
become even more pronounced in non-extraction treatments.
The increased risk of plaque accumulation throughout the
course of fixed orthodontic therapy also contributes to the
periodontal problems seen post orthodontic treatment [3]. Figure (1). Pre-operative
Post orthodontic hard and soft tissue defects present a
Given the fact that the patient has a thin gingival biotype,
challenge to the treating clinician. In many cases, the
with minimal amount of keratinized and attached gingiva in
connective tissue is firmly attached to exposed root surfaces
the mandibular anterior region at a young age with
and upon surgical entry these attachments are severed
inconsistent plaque control, it was decided to perform a
causing an exacerbation of the mucogingival problem [9].
grafting procedure with the purpose of augmenting both hard
Guided bone regeneration and subepithelial connective
and soft tissue using an autogenous subepithelial connective
tissue grafting have been proposed as useful in treating these
tissue graft procedure and an allogenic bone graft and
clinical situations [19].
biological material to enhance healing. This procedure
The objective of this case study was to treat areas of thin
would produce a thicker band of attached gingiva, increase
soft tissue and bony dehiscences in the anterior mandible by
the thickness of the labial plate which would allow for
simultaneous bone grafting and subepithelial connective
long-term stability and health of the periodontium. The
tissue grafting to enhance the quality and stability of the soft
findings and recommendations were explained to the patient
and hard tissue.
and the patient consented to undergo the surgical procedure.
2. Case History
3. Surgical Technique
An eighteen-year-old white healthy female patient
presented to the Postgraduate Department of Periodontics at Local infiltration was used to anesthetize the surgical site
the University Of Illinois College Of Dentistry, Chicago, using 3 cartridges (102 mg) of 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000
Illinois. The patient had completed orthodontic treatment epinephrine. A buccal horizontal incision was made at the
approximately six years prior to being referred for a level of cemento-enamel junction from the distal of the lower
periodontal consultation regarding the mandibular anterior left first premolar to the distal of the lower right first
Open Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine 3(2): 53-58, 2015 55
premolar. The papillae were kept intact. A full was repositioned at the level of the cemento-enamel junction
mucoperiosteal flap was reflected to access the defect [20]. and single interrupted Vicryl sutures were placed. Figure (7).
Upon entry, dehiscences were seen on all the teeth. The
lower left canine showed the largest labial dehiscence
extending to the apical third of the root. The lower left lateral
also exhibited a large defect extending to the apical third of
the root. The defects on lower central incisors and lower
right lateral incisor extended 2-4 mm apically from the CEJ.
The lower right canine also exhibited a significant
dehiscence extending to the apical third of the root. Figure
Figure (4A). Connective tissue donor site
dehiscence and fenestrations could potentially and arguably loss in the thickness of the labial plate [36, 37] a single
be augmented using bone graft materials. surgical entry could be superior to conventional multi-stage
A case series of a patient presenting a similar problem in surgeries especially in terms of morbidity, surgical time and
the lower anterior region post orthodontic treatment had been cost. Further long term randomized controlled trials will
published previously [19]. Two separate surgical procedures shed more light on the success of this approach.
were performed to treat the case. As a first stage surgery, a
bone grafting procedure using DFDBA was performed. A
second stage surgery performed six months later to perform 6. Conclusions
the subepithelial connective tissue grafting.
The present report represents a simultaneous It is crucial to assess the amount of hard and soft tissue in
augmentation of both soft and hard tissue using bone grafting comparison to teeth size and the anticipated orthodontic
material as well as connective tissue grafting procedure in a movement prior to starting orthodontic treatment. In patient
single surgical entry. Enamel matrix derivative has been with thin gingival biotype, labial movement of teeth outside
used to improve the soft tissue healing and clinical the alveolar housing will predispose the patient for future
attachment level in surgical root coverage procedures [30, loss of supporting labial alveolar bone and so recession
31]. In this clinical situation, the use of EMD might have compromising esthetics and function. Treating a patient after
enhanced the healing process post surgically. the fact that labial dehicenses has already occurred can be
No surgical re-entry was performed in this case so it is not challenging. As single stage soft and hard tissue
possible to assess any regeneration and the amount of bone augmentation using biological material can be performed
formation in the area without surgical re-entry or the use of post-orthodontic treatment to prevent future recession.
Cone Beam Computed Tomography Scan (CBCT)
technology. Clinically, the filling of interradicular
concavities and the presence of thick connective tissue can
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