Weather and Climate - Chapter One
Weather and Climate - Chapter One
Weather and Climate - Chapter One
Investigation Notebook
What Is a Scientific Argument?
1. It answers a question with a claim about the natural world.
2. It includes evidence to support the claim.
3. It uses scientific language.
4. It is written for an audience.
© 2018 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
Name: _______________________________________ Date: ________________
Measuring Rainfall
1. Take turns pouring water into the rain cup so it rains over Cup X and Cup Y.
2. Measure the rainfall in Cup X and Cup Y in a way that will allow you to
compare the two amounts.
3. Draw or describe your measurements for Cup X and Cup Y.
Cup X:
Cup Y:
Weather and Climate—Lesson 1.2 3
© 2018 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
Name: _______________________________________ Date: ________________
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
________ We can only know what the weather is like in the place we live.
________ There are different kinds of precipitation. Rain, snow, hail, and
sleet are some examples.
What did the boy in Sky Notebook learn from making his sky notebook?
Cloud Cover
Clear = no clouds
Partly cloudy = some clouds, mostly blue sky
Mostly cloudy = many clouds, but still some blue sky
Overcast = whole sky covered with clouds
Foggy = clouds near the ground so it is hard to see clearly
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Reflecting on Evidence
1. List the evidence card numbers for cards with strong evidence for
comparing the weather in different places in the left column.
2. List the evidence card numbers for cards with weak evidence for
comparing the weather in different places in the right column.
3. You may list more than one card number in each box.
4. Select one card in each category to answer the questions below.
A. Choose one piece of evidence that you think is strong. Card #: _________
B. Choose one piece of evidence that you think is weak. Card #: __________
12 Weather and Climate—Lesson 1.5
© 2018 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
Name: _______________________________________ Date: ________________
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Claim A: The weather on Arc Island is most like the weather where
orangutans live.
Claim B: The weather on Blue Island is most like the weather where
orangutans live.
Claim C: The weather on Creek Island is most like the weather where
orangutans live.
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.