Colin Buchanan 2010 Newsletter
Colin Buchanan 2010 Newsletter
Colin Buchanan 2010 Newsletter
Over the last few years, the issue of simplified The trial allowed the council to formally assess
streetscape design has been gathering momentum, what happens when a busy junction is allowed
and the case for considering ‘naked streets’ or to operate without any conventional controls.
‘shared spaces’ as a possible design solution is We were commissioned to assist with the
now clear. Indeed, the DfT Manual for Streets and design, operation and monitoring of the trial,
LTN 1/08 Traffic Management and Streetscape which commenced in September 2009 with the
encourage designers to start with a ‘blank sheet’, switching-off of the traffic signals.
which includes the absence of any prescribed
priority or traffic signal control. However, there Three months later the trial is still running due
is currently no advice or recognised technique to its overwhelming success. The junction safely
for assessing under what traffic conditions accommodates over 2,000 vehicles and 250
such schemes would be appropriate in traffic pedestrians during peak hours; additionally, delays
management terms. This led Colin Buchanan to and queues have reduced by 50%. Pedestrian
promote a form of junction trial that would begin journey times have improved despite the lack of
to provide an evidence-base for such schemes. formal control. The scheme demonstrates that
courteous behaviour from all road users does work
In June 2009, a brief traffic signal failure at well when it is allowed to, and that it might be
Portishead’s notorious Cabstand junction, at possible to consider unregulated control at many
the intersection of B3124 High Street and A369 more such junctions across the UK. It is hoped
Wyndham Way, resulted in improved traffic that this project marks the start of a fundamental
conditions and this encouraged North Somerset rethinking in traffic management and our team is
Council to undertake a 4-week trial. now working with Bristol City and other councils on
similar projects.
management design.”
In this issue:
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
TfL speed limit mapping 04
Transport for London’s Road Safety Unit’s
Intelligent Speed Adaption (ISA) project is
intended to trial an ISA system on the streets
of London. ISA compares a vehicle’s speed
with the known speed limit for the vehicle’s
current location. TfL recognised that a critical
objective of the project would be to obtain an
accurate electronic speed limit map of London’s
road network for the ISA system to use. Colin
Buchanan, with help from Buchanan Computing,
was commissioned to accurately collect all speed
limit terminal and repeater signs throughout
London and also to provide this data as a digital
speed limit map ready for use with the ISA system.
This project was shortlisted for the Transport
Innovation award at the London Transport Awards.
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
TfL framework 06
Colin Buchanan is delighted to have been As part of a consortia we have linked-up with
successful in its tender for Transport for London’s Interfleet, an international rail consultancy,
Engineering and Project Management framework. whose services encompass all aspects of the
We have been working continuously for Transport railway system and its operation and ERM for
for London since its inception in 2000 and are environmental services.
currently involved in a number of high profile
projects. Together with Interfleet we are on five of the
11 categories:
We are also pleased to have been ranked top road user/transport engineering
on quality/price on both Transport Planning transport planning & analysis
and Transport Impact Monitoring and Data transport impact monitoring and data
categories; and are one of only seven on the Traffic railway engineering - asset
Engineering - Road User category (being the only
SME on the Traffic Engineering panel).
railway engineering - process
Contact: [email protected]
[email protected]
Traffic and Transport
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
A406 Henlys Corner 09
TfL commissioned us to develop a scheme for
Henlys Corner, a key junction on the A406 North
Circular Road. We prepared designs for and
analysed a number of potential options before the
proposed concept was selected in consultation with
the Mayor’s team. The preferred scheme design
developed by us is highly innovative and will deliver
on the objectives of improved pedestrian and
cycle accessibility, while simultaneously relieving
congestion and reducing bus journey times. We
are assisting TfL in delivering the proposed scheme
which is due to be constructed before the Olympics
in 2012.
Contact: [email protected]
Parking tariffs and local authorities 10
How should a council set its parking charges? Parking is a business where councils are often
At a level that maximises revenue, or maximises in competition with other centres as well as
usage of its parking spaces, or at a level that private sector operators. We help councils fully
ensures parking is always available? Should understand the market they are in and how to
they be using parking charges to try and change segment that market to derive suitable charges
people’s behaviour; for example by charging extra but also to become much more customer
for more polluting cars, preventing all day parking focused in an increasingly competitive world.
or offering discounts to people who spend more
money in their town? In setting charges, many Contact: [email protected]
councils are trying to juggle conflicting demands
while often failing to fully understand the market
they are operating in.
Transport Modelling
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
To provide the CELLO (CEntraL LOndon) Board
(composed of senior TfL management and borough
representatives) with an impact assessment of
planned schemes on the road network in central
London, Colin Buchanan developed a series of
future year SATURN models from the CRISTAL-H
refresh model. We produced an extensive set of
model results and a comprehensive analysis of each
scenario to inform the Board about how the planned
network developments would affect central London
at borough and sector level. A set of performance
indicators, including an estimate of the capacity and
average speeds at sector and borough levels were
also produced. Heat diagrams were then created to
show the performance of the network for the base
and future scenarios. Recent tests have included the
impact on emissions of increased usage of electric
vehicles in London.
Contact: [email protected]
West Bromwich regeneration business case 14
Colin Buchanan has developed an integrated
modelling framework for Sandwell Metropolitan
Borough Council to test various highway designs,
demand management measures and to produce a
business case submission for West Bromwich. The
project involved the development of an integrated
modelling suite that used VISUM for strategic
modelling, which interacts with VISSIM for
micro-simulation and economic appraisals using
TUBA. The VISSIM model also included a detailed
pedestrian network assignment model and a
parking choice model.
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
18 Bromley-by-Bow Tesco
Tesco Stores Ltd commissioned Colin Buchanan sustainable goal of the Games while meeting local
to produce a framework travel plan for the needs. Development of an effective management
redevelopment of the Bromley-by-Bow store site structure for the site was central to creating a
to influence the travel behaviour of all site users, successful framework travel plan. As a result of
including construction workers, travelling to the the project, TfL are now considering the travel
site due to the length of the site’s build schedule. plan as best practice guidance for supermarket
Owing to the location of the site and the vicinity developments.
to the 2012 Olympic Games, it was necessary to
produce a travel plan that was consistent with the Contact: [email protected]
iTRACE online travel plan tool 19
We were tasked with creating the residential
monitoring component of iTRACE, the online
travel plan tool adopted by TfL. The residential
component serves as a major expansion to their
widely established workplace travel planning tool
and will be rolled out London-wide in 2010. We
have developed a methodology for conducting
travel surveys amongst residents of sites with
travel plans in place. Compared to workplaces,
residents are notoriously difficult to engage,
requiring a precise methodology to be developed
that will ensure minimum response rates are met
while keeping costs down. This initial piece of
work has been followed by the development of the
monitoring report template for all residential sites
in London and the testing of the survey process in
a pilot project. We developed an interactive toolkit
enabling independent surveyors to successfully
carry out iTRACE compliant residential surveys,
including instructions and adaptable materials to
be distributed to residents.
Contact: [email protected]
Focus on London’s cycle hire scheme 20
The bike rental scheme that is due to be Some have pointed out that the stakes are
implemented in central London this year is a high. If successful, it will be a step-change
significant step forward in the development in cycling provision, and some argue the
of cycling in the UK. First and foremost it has presence of so many cyclists may have a
been conceived and developed as a ‘mode’ by cumulative safety benefit on London’s streets.
Transport for London. It is an extension of the Colin Buchanan has long been involved in the
public transport network, with docking stations design and development of cycling schemes
and information terminals as well as the bikes in London. We have been developing various
themselves, which will have distinctive TfL livery. aspects of the London Cycle Network, and are
Secondly, it obviates the need for cycle parking taking forward ‘Biking Borough’ schemes.
and storage, which is a perennial problem in
London with its demands on private and public Contact: [email protected]
space. Thirdly, being in such a busy high-profile
location, there are likely to be a wide range of
uses, be they commercial, personal or tourism.
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
DART Underground business case 23
We have been working on a business case for the
DART Underground, a proposed 7.1km twin bore
tunnel for electrified heavy rail in Dublin city
centre, linking the Northern line to the Heuston
Main line. It will serve five new underground
stations in the city centre. We applied our
expertise in Wider Economic Benefits (WEBs)
to estimate the likely agglomeration impacts of
the scheme, the first time this has been done for
a scheme in Ireland. Our study showed that the
WEBs are likely to be substantial, significantly
boosting the case for the scheme.
Contact: [email protected]
The economics of hub airports 24
High quality transport infrastructure is a In total the economic benefit of a third runway
prerequisite to sustain economic growth and is in the region of £30bn while the capital cost
maintain competitiveness. The most innovative of the scheme will be funded by the private
and productive firms in any economy tend to sector (unlike high speed rail proposals which
be those competing at a global level. Heathrow are overwhelmingly dependent on the taxpayer
is the UK’s only hub airport. The benefit of a and would free up less than 10% of Heathrow’s
hub is to sustain more destinations and higher capacity). Because of its hub characteristics the
frequencies than justified by local demand economic impact of a third runway at Heathrow
alone. Those benefits are crucial for business is much greater than additional capacity
travellers. Academic research shows that elsewhere in the UK. In determining whether the
improved international connectivity also increases third runway should go ahead, politicians must
productivity; in the case of Heathrow’s third take account of the full environmental, social and
runway the value to the UK is in the region of economic impacts in an holistic manner.
£20bn over 60 years.
Contact: [email protected]
Planning, Regeneration,
Urban Design
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Carlisle Interpretive Framework 28
In the belief that Carlisle has the potential to assets. It is being undertaken in conjunction
establish itself as one of the country’s leading with CMC Associates and will be a source of
heritage cities and thereby derive significant structure and guidance for stakeholders within
economic, social and physical benefits from the community to enable them to contribute
cultural tourism, the Interpretive Framework to the coherent and coordinated development,
for Historic Carlisle, commissioned by Carlisle management and presentation of Carlisle’s rich
Renaissance, is aimed at improving the cultural heritage.
interpretation of the City’s historic and cultural
Contact: [email protected]
Is there a link between design and crime? 30
As our cities become more compact and the local authority intervention. This is encouraging
growing inequalities between those that have as divergent studies in unrelated professional
and those that have not becomes more apparent, disciplines are beginning to show that not only
the disillusionment that this could bring could could good design possibly reduce crime, but may
lead to higher levels of crime. The planning of our also contribute to the broader political agenda
cities has therefore become even more complex of improved community cohesion and individual
as evidence suggests a possible link between well-being. What is therefore required is for design
design and crime. The task is to recognise that to be championed not as a passive element in city
the issue of safety starts with good design and building but as an active contributor to societal
the quality of the places that we create, rather stability and personal happiness: one would
than with an approach that tries to minimise suggest that this should be quite high on the
the impact of crime through increased CCTV political agenda!
surveillance, additional policing and increased
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
NDA policy and design guidance for planners 34
The concept of Universal Design refers to the design the policy and design guidance for planners of
and composition of an environment so that it can Universal Design in shaping our built and natural
be accessed, understood and used to the greatest environment. In the context of an increasingly aging
extent possible by all people, regardless of their population and considering the fact that people
age, size or ability. It goes beyond the prescriptive with disabilities constitute approximately 9.3% of
standards for accessibility and considers the the Irish population, the booklet provides important
broadest range of users, so that suitable facilities guidance on how to deliver, promote and achieve
are incorporated from the outset, avoiding the need Universal Design within the planning system.
for subsequent adaptation, supporting the creation It demonstrates how Universal Design can be
of better places for all abilities and all age groups. integrated into the planning process through careful
We have produced a guidance booklet for planners consideration of the context, user needs, and well
on behalf of the National Disability Authority drafted policies in conjunction with a collaborative
and Centre for Excellence in Universal Design. approach to development management.
The aim of the booklet is to provide the planning
profession in Ireland with greater awareness of Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Sackville Place, Hove 39
Parkridge Developments asked us to provide a
transport assessment in support of a planning
application for the redevelopment of Sackville
Trading Estate. Our focus was to ensure that the
development is as sustainable as possible, with
balanced parking and enhanced facilities for
pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. The final
design included investment in existing pedestrian
crossings, provision of new cycle parking and
advanced cycle stop lines at signalised junctions,
real time information and improved waiting
facilities at bus stops. Controlled Parking Zone
reviews formed part of the strategy along with
a travel plan. The design and layout of the site
itself includes underground car parking and a fully
pedestrianised public square. Planning permission
was granted by Brighton and Hove City Council.
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
41 Port of Tilbury
Port of Tilbury London Limited commissioned
us to provide highways and transport advice on
their proposed plans for expansion. As well as
being Britain’s greenest port, it is the third largest
container port in the UK and the most important
multi-modal distribution centre serving London.
It is proposing to develop a 27 hectare area of
land for storage and distribution, light industry
and offices along with a dedicated serviced
haulier parking area for approximately 500 lorries.
The site is located adjacent to the A1089 (T),
part of the strategic trunk road network, which
already provides direct access to the main port
entrance. Our work includes the preparation of a
comprehensive transport assessment considering
the operational implications of the proposals as
well as assessment of the environmental impacts
as part of the Environmental Statement.
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
About Colin Buchanan
Malcolm’s contribution is not only evident in the hours worked, fees generated and projects won but also
in the way he has continued to infuse the company with integrity and attention to detail which makes the
company what it is today.
Andreas Markides
Contact: [email protected]
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