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TR 10 Wika RTD

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Resistance Temperature Detectors Temperature

TR10 - Industrial RTD Assembly Features:

„„ The sensor can be mounted into a thermowell
WIKA worldwide Measurement

or directly into a process with the use of a fixed,

Pt100, Pt1000, Pt10, spring loaded or compression process fitting.
Sensor Element:
Cu10, or Ni120
„„ The assembly can be supplied with or without a North America Africa/Middle East
-200 °C to +1000 °C
transmitter. Transmitters convert the resistance
Measuring range: (depending upon Canada Benelux Romania Egypt Kazakhstan
signal from the RTD to a linear analogue or

element) WIKA Instruments Canada Ltd. WIKA Benelux WIKA Instruments Romania S.R.L. WIKA Alexander Wiegand TOO WIKA Kasachstan
digital output (commonly 4-20 mA). This signal Edmonton, Alberta Echt Bucuresti GmbH & Co. KG Almaty
2, 3, and 4 wire (single or reduces potential inaccuracies by negating the Tel.: (+1) 780 463 7035 Tel.: (+31) 475 53 55 00 Tel.: (+40) 21-456 31 38 Nasr City, Cairo Tel.: (+7) 3272 33 08 48
Wiring configuration: Fax: (+1) 780 462 0017 Fax: (+31) 475 53 54 46 Fax: (+40) 21-456 31 37 Tel.: (+20) 2-227 33 140 Fax: (+7) 3272 78 99 05
dual) need for compensating output lead wires. E-mail: info@wika.ca
E-mail: info@wika.nl
E-mail: m.anghel@wika.ro
Fax: (+20) 2-227 33 140
E-mail: Ahmed.Azab@wika.de
E-mail: info@wika.kz
Industrial RTD Assembly
„„ The assembly has electrical approvals
„„ Class B to DIN Mexico Bulgaria Russia Iran Korea
for explosion proof hazardous locations,
EN 60751 Instrumentos WIKA México, WIKA Bulgaria EOOD ZAO “WIKA MERA” WIKA Instrumentation Pars WIKA Korea Ltd.
intrinsic safety, ingress protection S.A. de C.V. Sofia Moskau Kish Ltd. Seoul
„„ Class A to DIN and general purpose areas. Álvaro Obregón Tel.: (+359) 2 82138-10 Tel.: (+7) 495-648 01 80 Tehran Tel.: (+82) 2-869 05 05
EN 60751 Tel.: (+52) 55 5020 5300 Fax: (+359) 2 82138-13 Fax: (+7) 495-648 01 81 Tel.: (+98) 21- 8852 6730 3 Fax: (+82) 2-869 05 25
Classification tolerance: „„ Electrical authorities that have registered these Fax: (+52) 55 5020 5301 E-mail: t.antonov@wika.bg E-mail: info@wika.ru Fax: (+98) 21- 8875 7413 E-mail: info@wika.co.kr
„„ 1/3 of DIN Class B E-mail: ventas@wika.com www.wika.bg www.wika.ru E-mail: info@wika.ir www.wika.co.kr
approvals include CSA, FM, ATEX/IEC and www.wika.com.mx www.wika.ir
NAMUR. The approvals can be with or without Finland Serbia Malaysia
„„ 1/10 of DIN Class B USA WIKA Finland Oy WIKA Merna Tehnika d.o.o. South Africa WIKA Instrumentation (M) Sdn Bhd
an attached thermowell. A specially designed WIKA Instrument Corporation Helsinki Beograd WIKA Instruments (Pty.) Ltd. Puchong, Selangor
„„ Less than class B and patented integral flame path fitting makes it Lawrenceville, Georgia Tel.: (+358) 9-682 49 20 Tel.: (+381) 11 2763 722 Gardenview, Johannesburg Tel.: (+03) 80631080
possible when supplied without a thermowell. Tel.: (+1) 770-513 8200 Fax: (+358) 9-682 49 270 Fax: (+381) 11-753 674 Tel.: (+27) 11-621 00 00 Fax: (+03) 80631070
CSA, FM, ATEX/IEC, Fax: (+1) 770-338 5118 E-mail: info@wika.fi E-mail: info@wika.co.yu Fax: (+27) 11-621 00 59 E-mail: info@wika.com.my
Electrical approvals: „„ The RTD sensors available for this assembly E-mail: info@wika.com www.wika.fi www.wika.co.yu E-mail: sales@wika.co.za www.wika.com.my
NAMUR www.wika.com www.wika.co.za
consist of a variety of sheath materials France Spain Singapore
WIKA Instruments s.a.r.l. Instrumentos WIKA, S.A. United Arab Emirates WIKA Instrumentation PTE. LTD.
including stainless steels, corrosion resistant
„„ Lengths and South America Eragny-sur-Oise Sabadell (Barcelona) WIKA Middle East FZE Singapore
diameters standard and high temperature oxidation resistant Tel.: (+33) 1/34 30 84 84 Tel.: (+34) 902 902 577 Jebel Ali, Dubai Tel.: (+65) 6844 55 06
or customer specific alloys. For temperatures greater than Argentina Fax: (+33) 1/34 30 84 94 Fax: (+34) 933 938 666 Tel.: (+971) 4-883 90 90 Fax: (+65) 6844 55 07
E-mail: info@wika.fr E-mail: info@wika.es Fax: (+971) 4-883 91 98 E-mail: info@wika.com.sg
600°C it is advisable to utilize an Inconel WIKA Argentina S.A.
www.wika.fr www.wika.es E-mail: wikame@emirates.net.ae www.wika.com.sg
„„ Transmitter mounted 600 sheath in place of stainless steel. Buenos Aires
Tel.: (+54) 11 4730-1800 Germany - Head Office Switzerland Taiwan
directly within
„„ RTD diameters range from 0.125 inch to 0.250 Fax: (+54) 11 4761-0050 WIKA Alexander Wiegand MANOMETER AG Asia WIKA Instrumentation Taiwan Ltd.
connection head E-mail: info@wika.com.ar GmbH & Co. KG Hitzkirch Pinjen, Taoyuan
or on measuring inch and 2 mm to 8 mm. Standard diameters www.wika.com.ar Klingenberg Tel.: (+41) 41 919 72 72 Tel.: (+886) 3 420 6052
insert DIN plate are 0.125 inch & 0.250 inch and 3 mm & 6 mm. Brazil Tel.: (+49) 9372 132-0 Fax: (+41) 41 919 72 73
WIKA International Trading
Fax: (+886) 3 490 0080
Fax: (+49) 9372 132-406 E-mail: info@manometer.ch E-mail: info@wika.com.tw
„„ The RTD sensor can be spring-loaded ensuring a WIKA DO BRASIL (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
E-mail: info@wika.de www.manometer.ch www.wika.com.tw
„„ Calibration - single Iperó - SP
point, multiple points, positive contact to the base of a thermowell bore. Tel.: (+55) 15 3459 9700 Ukraine Tel.: (+86) 21 53 85 25 72
and to Callendar-Van „„ RTD temperature ranges are dependent on
Fax: (+55) 15 3266 1650 Italy WIKA Pribor GmbH Fax: (+86) 21 53 85 25 75 Australia
E-mail: marketing@wika.com.br WIKA Italiana SRL Donetsk E-mail: wikash@online.sh.cn
Dusen coefficients the RTD element, sheath material, element www.wika.com.br Arese (Milano) Tel.: (+38) 062 345-34-16 India Australia
accuracy and the tip construction: Tel.: (+39) 02-93 86 11 Fax: (+38) 062 345-34-17
„„ Material traceability WIKA Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. WIKA Australia Pty. Ltd.
Fax: (+39) 02-93 86 174 E-mail: info@wika.donetsk.ua
Europe E-mail: info@wika.it www.wika.donetsk.ua
Wagholi, Pune Rydalmere NSW
of the conductors, …… General purpose, the temperature Tel.: (+91) 20-66293200 Tel.: (+61) 2 8845 5222
metal sheath and range is -200°C to 1000°C Austria United Kingdom Fax: (+91) 20-66293325 Fax: (+61) 2 9684 4767
Poland WIKA Instruments Limited E-mail: sales@wika.co.in E-mail: sales@wika.com.au
Options: mineral insulation WIKA Meßgerätevertrieb
…… Fast response copper tip, the Ursula Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG Kujawska Fabryka Manometrow Merstham, Redhill www.wika.co.in www.wika.com.au
„„ Selectable accuracy temperature range is -200°C to 250°C Wien Wloclawek Tel.: (+44) (0) 1737 644 008 Japan
Tel.: (+43) 1-8 69 16 31 Tel.: (+48) 54230 11 00 Fax: (+44) (0) 1737 644 403
tolerance Fax: (+48) 54230 11 01 E-mail: info@wika.co.uk
WIKA Japan K.K.
…… Tip sensitive thin film, the temperature Fax: (+43) 1-8 69 16 34 Minato-ku, Tokyo
E-mail: info@wika.at E-mail: info@manometry.com.pl www.wika.co.uk
„„ Exchangeable range is -50°C to 1000°C www.manometry.com.pl
Tel.: (+81) 3-5439-6673
www.wika.at Fax: (+81) 3-5439-6674
measuring insert
…… Fast response/tip sensitive copper tip E-mail: t-shimane@wika.co.jp
„„ Special designs including the vibration proof construction,
and materials the temperature range is -50°C to 250°C
„„ Explosion protection: „„ A variety of neck extensions are possible. They
CSA, FM, ATEX (EEx-d) provide a fixture from the enclosure (connection
„„ Intrinsically safe head) to the process or thermowell. The standard
version: ATEX (EEx-i) neck extensions are the nipple-union-nipple or
the male threaded neck tube. These extensions
„„ Non-sparking version: allow for directional rotation of the head for field
ATEX (EEx-n) wiring as well as a positive quick disconnection
„„ RTD transmitter of the assembly from the process or thermowell.


103-02010 11/2007 CA
Create your product part number by selecting the appropriate assembly items from each of the
Part of Your Business

categories below. Enter the item code into the applicable box to generate the part number. Note: Some configurations are unavailable. Your WIKA sales person will notify you if you have made an incorrect selection

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TR10 Industrial RTD Assembly 1 Assembly description 5 Flame path fitting 9 Terminal block / Transmitter 12 Fitting style 15 N-Dimension (N) Metric 18 Temperature range
Code -50...+250 °C
1 Yes 1 Crastin terminal block A Fixed fitting, threaded hex bushing 12 mm K
TR10 series resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) are 012
0 Industrial assembly configured Z Without 2 Ceramic terminal block Compression fitting with stainless 025 25 mm S -50…+450 °C
industrial assemblies supplied with or without a temperature steel ferrule
1 Industrial sensor configured T12 (Programmable Digital 030 30 mm M -200...+250 °C
3 Compression fitting with Teflon®
transmitter. An extensive range of elements, connection heads, 6 Connection head Transmitter) C
Measuring insert [TR002] 037 37 mm T -200...+450 °C
T19 (Analogue Transmitter)
insertion lengths, neck lengths, and process connections 1 4000 F (Aluminum) 8
Compression fitting, spring loaded, 050 50 mm H -200...+600 °C
RTD assembly with neck tube with stainless steel ferrule
B T24 (Programmable Analogue
can be individually selected for the appropriate application. [TR200]
2 4000 S (Stainless steel) 4
Transmitter) Z Without
062 62 mm
L 0...+850 °C
DIN RTD assembly with threaded 065 65 mm
Replacement sensors can also be configured for this model. C
protection tube [TR201] 3 7000 W (Aluminum) 6 T32 (HART® Transmitter) 5 0...+1000 °C
13 Fitting material 075 75 mm
RTD assembly with protection tube 7 KN4-A (Aluminum) T53 (Fieldbus Foundation /
RTDs in this series can be inserted directly into a process or D
[TR211 / TR212] 9
PROFIBUS PA Transmitter) Stainless steel 316 (1.4401) 087 87 mm 19 Tip construction

8 KN4-P (Polypropylene)
combined with a variety of thermowell designs. F
DIN RTD assembly with flanged
protection tube [TR401] B
T91.10 (Analogue Transmitter, DIN
form B) B Stainless steel 316 Ti (1.4571)
100 100 mm
C General purpose
9 KNPL-0 (Aluminum)
112 112 mm
RTD assembly without thermowell Z Without F Fast response (copper tip)
H T91.20 (Analogue Transmitter,
[TR750 / TR760] A BS (Aluminum) C 125 125 mm
form J)
G Tip sensitive (thin-film)
RTD assembly with perforated B BSZ (Aluminum) X Without / prepared for transmitter 14 Thread size 130 130 mm
protection tube [TR820] T Fast response tip sensitive (copper tip)
D BSZ-H (Aluminum) Without / flying leads 138 138 mm
Y K 1/2 NPT Vibration proof tip (max. 10 g force)
Measuring insert EEx-d [TRD02] V
K (Replacement insert, for use in 140 140 mm
J BSZ-K (anti static Polyamide) J 3/4 NPT
TRD20 only) 10 Neck extension
Applications: RTD assembly EEx-d [TRD20] K BSZ-HK (anti static Polyamide) N 1/4 NPT
150 150 mm 20 Sensor diameter
Nipple-Union-Nipple 163 163 mm
TR10 series assemblies are suitable for most industrial and „„ Machinery, plant and tank measurement BSZ-H with digital temperature
M M20 x 1.5 1 1/4 inch / 0.250 inch (6.35 mm)
commercial applications including: 200 200 mm
2 Unit of measure N indicator DIH10 (set to transmitter
E Nipple
„„ Oil and gas industries range) F G 1/2 B
210 mm
4 3/16 inch / 0.188 inch (4.75 mm)
„„ Air-conditioning and refrigeration systems Imperial BSS (Aluminum) D Fixed double threaded hex bushing 1/8 inch / 0.125 inch (3.17 mm)
„„ Offshore exploration and drilling I E C G 3/4 B
*** N-Dimension in mm (e.g. 84 mm = 084)
„„ Chemical and petrochemical industries M Metric F BSS-H (Aluminum) Spring loaded Bushing-Union- G 1/4 B 1/4 inch / 0.250 inch (6.35 mm) reduced
„„ Pipeline control and custody transfer R
R ZZZ Without J
to 1/8 inch / 0.125 inch (3.17 mm)
„„ Electronics and semiconductor industries I BVA (Stainless steel) D G 1/8 B
„„ Power and utilities 3 Insert design G Fixed single threaded hex bushing
16 Element 3 0.215 inch (5.46 mm)
„„ Energy and power plant technology R JS (Aluminum) V G 3/8 B
„„ Pulp and paper Self gripping spring K
Spring loaded bushing without A 2.0 mm
S oil seal G1B D Pt100, class B
S JVA (Stainless steel) B 3.0 mm
„„ Water and wastewater treatment B
N Fixed to the fitting H Spring loaded bushing with oil seal C Pt100, class A
Without A M8 x 1.0
Z G 4.0 mm
Spring loaded plate (removable 5 Bushing with oil seal M10 x 1.0 F Pt100, 1/10 DIN of class B at 0°C
D T 6.0 mm
insert) D
7 Cable entry Pt10, class A
Connection Heads M
Fixed miniature terminal plate (not U
Nipple-Union (Protection tube
S M12 x 1.5 E
H 6.0 mm reduced to 3.0 mm
removable) A Cu10, class B
Imperial Grid 1” x 1” S 1/2 NPT
L Adjustable lock nut P M14 x 1.5
F 6.0 mm with 8.0 mm tip
Spring loaded miniature terminal B Ni120, class B
T F 3/4 NPT O M18 x 1.5
plate (removable) Fixed single threaded hex bushing E 8.0 mm
with additional fitting Without K Pt1000, class B
T M20 x 1.5 Z
4 Electrical approval Neck tube unthreaded, diam. 12 Pt1000, class A 21 Sheath material

P M16 x 1.5 X
x 1.5 mm
CSA Ex-proof
15 N-Dimension (N) Imperial Continued
Pt100, accuracy less than class B
C L Stainless steel 316 / 316 L (1.4401
L M12 x 1.5 Neck tube unthreaded, diam. 12 P
V / 1.4435)
FM Ex-proof x 2.5 mm 005 0.5 inch Pt100, 1/3 DIN of class B at 0 °C
Z Without J Inconel® 600 (2.4816)
Neck tube male threaded, diam. 12 010 1.0 inch
EEx-i (ATEX) gas, acc. to directive S
x 1.5 mm (DIN 43772)
94/9/EC 1.5 inch
17 Wiring configuration Q Stainless steel 316 Ti (1.4571)
BSZ-H 8 Head instrument connection Neck tube male threaded, diam. 12
KN4-A EEx-i (ATEX) gas/dust, acc. to T
KNPL-0 4000F 7000W BSS-H w/DIGITAL B x 2.5 mm (DIN 43772) 020 2.0 inch A Single 2-wire
directive 94/9/EC
S 1/2 NPT 22 A-Dimension (A)
Neck tube male threaded, diam. 14 025 2.5 inch B Single 3-wire
EEx-d (ATEX) acc. to directive Q
J F 3/4 NPT x 2.5 mm (DIN 43772) Please specify (e.g. 84 mm =
94/9/EC 030 3.0 inch *****
C Single 4-wire 00084) (e.g. 9.5 inch = 00950)
Z Without

EEx-n (ATEX) acc. to directive B G 1/2 B (BSP 1/2 inch) 3.5 inch
H 035 Single 4B-wire
94/9/EC D
23 Certificates
D EEx-i, confirmation NAMUR NE24
T M20 x 1.5 11 Neck material 040 4.0 inch
E Dual 2-wire
A M24 x 1.5 045 4.5 inch 1 Quality certificates
Z Without G Galvanized steel F Dual 3-wire
M10 x 1.0 050 5.0 inch Z Without
J Dual 4-wire
S Stainless steel 316 (1.4401) G
055 5.5 inch
Z Without
F Stainless steel 316 Ti (1.4571)
6.0 inch
H Dual 4B-wire 24 Additional order details
BSZ-HK BSZ-K Z Without 065 6.5 inch T Additional text

080 8.0 inch Z Without

Resistance Temperature Detectors Temperature

TR10 - Industrial RTD Assembly Features:

„„ The sensor can be mounted into a thermowell
WIKA worldwide Measurement

or directly into a process with the use of a fixed,

Pt100, Pt1000, Pt10, spring loaded or compression process fitting.
Sensor Element:
Cu10, or Ni120
„„ The assembly can be supplied with or without a North America Africa/Middle East
-200 °C to +1000 °C
transmitter. Transmitters convert the resistance
Measuring range: (depending upon Canada Benelux Romania Egypt Kazakhstan
signal from the RTD to a linear analogue or

element) WIKA Instruments Canada Ltd. WIKA Benelux WIKA Instruments Romania S.R.L. WIKA Alexander Wiegand TOO WIKA Kasachstan
digital output (commonly 4-20 mA). This signal Edmonton, Alberta Echt Bucuresti GmbH & Co. KG Almaty
2, 3, and 4 wire (single or reduces potential inaccuracies by negating the Tel.: (+1) 780 463 7035 Tel.: (+31) 475 53 55 00 Tel.: (+40) 21-456 31 38 Nasr City, Cairo Tel.: (+7) 3272 33 08 48
Wiring configuration: Fax: (+1) 780 462 0017 Fax: (+31) 475 53 54 46 Fax: (+40) 21-456 31 37 Tel.: (+20) 2-227 33 140 Fax: (+7) 3272 78 99 05
dual) need for compensating output lead wires. E-mail: info@wika.ca
E-mail: info@wika.nl
E-mail: m.anghel@wika.ro
Fax: (+20) 2-227 33 140
E-mail: Ahmed.Azab@wika.de
E-mail: info@wika.kz
Industrial RTD Assembly
„„ The assembly has electrical approvals
„„ Class B to DIN Mexico Bulgaria Russia Iran Korea
for explosion proof hazardous locations,
EN 60751 Instrumentos WIKA México, WIKA Bulgaria EOOD ZAO “WIKA MERA” WIKA Instrumentation Pars WIKA Korea Ltd.
intrinsic safety, ingress protection S.A. de C.V. Sofia Moskau Kish Ltd. Seoul
„„ Class A to DIN and general purpose areas. Álvaro Obregón Tel.: (+359) 2 82138-10 Tel.: (+7) 495-648 01 80 Tehran Tel.: (+82) 2-869 05 05
EN 60751 Tel.: (+52) 55 5020 5300 Fax: (+359) 2 82138-13 Fax: (+7) 495-648 01 81 Tel.: (+98) 21- 8852 6730 3 Fax: (+82) 2-869 05 25
Classification tolerance: „„ Electrical authorities that have registered these Fax: (+52) 55 5020 5301 E-mail: t.antonov@wika.bg E-mail: info@wika.ru Fax: (+98) 21- 8875 7413 E-mail: info@wika.co.kr
„„ 1/3 of DIN Class B E-mail: ventas@wika.com www.wika.bg www.wika.ru E-mail: info@wika.ir www.wika.co.kr
approvals include CSA, FM, ATEX/IEC and www.wika.com.mx www.wika.ir
NAMUR. The approvals can be with or without Finland Serbia Malaysia
„„ 1/10 of DIN Class B USA WIKA Finland Oy WIKA Merna Tehnika d.o.o. South Africa WIKA Instrumentation (M) Sdn Bhd
an attached thermowell. A specially designed WIKA Instrument Corporation Helsinki Beograd WIKA Instruments (Pty.) Ltd. Puchong, Selangor
„„ Less than class B and patented integral flame path fitting makes it Lawrenceville, Georgia Tel.: (+358) 9-682 49 20 Tel.: (+381) 11 2763 722 Gardenview, Johannesburg Tel.: (+03) 80631080
possible when supplied without a thermowell. Tel.: (+1) 770-513 8200 Fax: (+358) 9-682 49 270 Fax: (+381) 11-753 674 Tel.: (+27) 11-621 00 00 Fax: (+03) 80631070
CSA, FM, ATEX/IEC, Fax: (+1) 770-338 5118 E-mail: info@wika.fi E-mail: info@wika.co.yu Fax: (+27) 11-621 00 59 E-mail: info@wika.com.my
Electrical approvals: „„ The RTD sensors available for this assembly E-mail: info@wika.com www.wika.fi www.wika.co.yu E-mail: sales@wika.co.za www.wika.com.my
NAMUR www.wika.com www.wika.co.za
consist of a variety of sheath materials France Spain Singapore
WIKA Instruments s.a.r.l. Instrumentos WIKA, S.A. United Arab Emirates WIKA Instrumentation PTE. LTD.
including stainless steels, corrosion resistant
„„ Lengths and South America Eragny-sur-Oise Sabadell (Barcelona) WIKA Middle East FZE Singapore
diameters standard and high temperature oxidation resistant Tel.: (+33) 1/34 30 84 84 Tel.: (+34) 902 902 577 Jebel Ali, Dubai Tel.: (+65) 6844 55 06
or customer specific alloys. For temperatures greater than Argentina Fax: (+33) 1/34 30 84 94 Fax: (+34) 933 938 666 Tel.: (+971) 4-883 90 90 Fax: (+65) 6844 55 07
E-mail: info@wika.fr E-mail: info@wika.es Fax: (+971) 4-883 91 98 E-mail: info@wika.com.sg
600°C it is advisable to utilize an Inconel WIKA Argentina S.A.
www.wika.fr www.wika.es E-mail: wikame@emirates.net.ae www.wika.com.sg
„„ Transmitter mounted 600 sheath in place of stainless steel. Buenos Aires
Tel.: (+54) 11 4730-1800 Germany - Head Office Switzerland Taiwan
directly within
„„ RTD diameters range from 0.125 inch to 0.250 Fax: (+54) 11 4761-0050 WIKA Alexander Wiegand MANOMETER AG Asia WIKA Instrumentation Taiwan Ltd.
connection head E-mail: info@wika.com.ar GmbH & Co. KG Hitzkirch Pinjen, Taoyuan
or on measuring inch and 2 mm to 8 mm. Standard diameters www.wika.com.ar Klingenberg Tel.: (+41) 41 919 72 72 Tel.: (+886) 3 420 6052
insert DIN plate are 0.125 inch & 0.250 inch and 3 mm & 6 mm. Brazil Tel.: (+49) 9372 132-0 Fax: (+41) 41 919 72 73
WIKA International Trading
Fax: (+886) 3 490 0080
Fax: (+49) 9372 132-406 E-mail: info@manometer.ch E-mail: info@wika.com.tw
„„ The RTD sensor can be spring-loaded ensuring a WIKA DO BRASIL (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
E-mail: info@wika.de www.manometer.ch www.wika.com.tw
„„ Calibration - single Iperó - SP
point, multiple points, positive contact to the base of a thermowell bore. Tel.: (+55) 15 3459 9700 Ukraine Tel.: (+86) 21 53 85 25 72
and to Callendar-Van „„ RTD temperature ranges are dependent on
Fax: (+55) 15 3266 1650 Italy WIKA Pribor GmbH Fax: (+86) 21 53 85 25 75 Australia
E-mail: marketing@wika.com.br WIKA Italiana SRL Donetsk E-mail: wikash@online.sh.cn
Dusen coefficients the RTD element, sheath material, element www.wika.com.br Arese (Milano) Tel.: (+38) 062 345-34-16 India Australia
accuracy and the tip construction: Tel.: (+39) 02-93 86 11 Fax: (+38) 062 345-34-17
„„ Material traceability WIKA Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. WIKA Australia Pty. Ltd.
Fax: (+39) 02-93 86 174 E-mail: info@wika.donetsk.ua
Europe E-mail: info@wika.it www.wika.donetsk.ua
Wagholi, Pune Rydalmere NSW
of the conductors, …… General purpose, the temperature Tel.: (+91) 20-66293200 Tel.: (+61) 2 8845 5222
metal sheath and range is -200°C to 1000°C Austria United Kingdom Fax: (+91) 20-66293325 Fax: (+61) 2 9684 4767
Poland WIKA Instruments Limited E-mail: sales@wika.co.in E-mail: sales@wika.com.au
Options: mineral insulation WIKA Meßgerätevertrieb
…… Fast response copper tip, the Ursula Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG Kujawska Fabryka Manometrow Merstham, Redhill www.wika.co.in www.wika.com.au
„„ Selectable accuracy temperature range is -200°C to 250°C Wien Wloclawek Tel.: (+44) (0) 1737 644 008 Japan
Tel.: (+43) 1-8 69 16 31 Tel.: (+48) 54230 11 00 Fax: (+44) (0) 1737 644 403
tolerance Fax: (+48) 54230 11 01 E-mail: info@wika.co.uk
WIKA Japan K.K.
…… Tip sensitive thin film, the temperature Fax: (+43) 1-8 69 16 34 Minato-ku, Tokyo
E-mail: info@wika.at E-mail: info@manometry.com.pl www.wika.co.uk
„„ Exchangeable range is -50°C to 1000°C www.manometry.com.pl
Tel.: (+81) 3-5439-6673
www.wika.at Fax: (+81) 3-5439-6674
measuring insert
…… Fast response/tip sensitive copper tip E-mail: t-shimane@wika.co.jp
„„ Special designs including the vibration proof construction,
and materials the temperature range is -50°C to 250°C
„„ Explosion protection: „„ A variety of neck extensions are possible. They
CSA, FM, ATEX (EEx-d) provide a fixture from the enclosure (connection
„„ Intrinsically safe head) to the process or thermowell. The standard
version: ATEX (EEx-i) neck extensions are the nipple-union-nipple or
the male threaded neck tube. These extensions
„„ Non-sparking version: allow for directional rotation of the head for field
ATEX (EEx-n) wiring as well as a positive quick disconnection
„„ RTD transmitter of the assembly from the process or thermowell.


103-02010 11/2007 CA
Create your product part number by selecting the appropriate assembly items from each of the
Part of Your Business

categories below. Enter the item code into the applicable box to generate the part number. Note: Some configurations are unavailable. Your WIKA sales person will notify you if you have made an incorrect selection

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TR10 Industrial RTD Assembly 1 Assembly description 5 Flame path fitting 9 Terminal block / Transmitter 12 Fitting style 15 N-Dimension (N) Metric 18 Temperature range
Code -50...+250 °C
1 Yes 1 Crastin terminal block A Fixed fitting, threaded hex bushing 12 mm K
TR10 series resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) are 012
0 Industrial assembly configured Z Without 2 Ceramic terminal block Compression fitting with stainless 025 25 mm S -50…+450 °C
industrial assemblies supplied with or without a temperature steel ferrule
1 Industrial sensor configured T12 (Programmable Digital 030 30 mm M -200...+250 °C
3 Compression fitting with Teflon®
transmitter. An extensive range of elements, connection heads, 6 Connection head Transmitter) C
Measuring insert [TR002] 037 37 mm T -200...+450 °C
T19 (Analogue Transmitter)
insertion lengths, neck lengths, and process connections 1 4000 F (Aluminum) 8
Compression fitting, spring loaded, 050 50 mm H -200...+600 °C
RTD assembly with neck tube with stainless steel ferrule
B T24 (Programmable Analogue
can be individually selected for the appropriate application. [TR200]
2 4000 S (Stainless steel) 4
Transmitter) Z Without
062 62 mm
L 0...+850 °C
DIN RTD assembly with threaded 065 65 mm
Replacement sensors can also be configured for this model. C
protection tube [TR201] 3 7000 W (Aluminum) 6 T32 (HART® Transmitter) 5 0...+1000 °C
13 Fitting material 075 75 mm
RTD assembly with protection tube 7 KN4-A (Aluminum) T53 (Fieldbus Foundation /
RTDs in this series can be inserted directly into a process or D
[TR211 / TR212] 9
PROFIBUS PA Transmitter) Stainless steel 316 (1.4401) 087 87 mm 19 Tip construction

8 KN4-P (Polypropylene)
combined with a variety of thermowell designs. F
DIN RTD assembly with flanged
protection tube [TR401] B
T91.10 (Analogue Transmitter, DIN
form B) B Stainless steel 316 Ti (1.4571)
100 100 mm
C General purpose
9 KNPL-0 (Aluminum)
112 112 mm
RTD assembly without thermowell Z Without F Fast response (copper tip)
H T91.20 (Analogue Transmitter,
[TR750 / TR760] A BS (Aluminum) C 125 125 mm
form J)
G Tip sensitive (thin-film)
RTD assembly with perforated B BSZ (Aluminum) X Without / prepared for transmitter 14 Thread size 130 130 mm
protection tube [TR820] T Fast response tip sensitive (copper tip)
D BSZ-H (Aluminum) Without / flying leads 138 138 mm
Y K 1/2 NPT Vibration proof tip (max. 10 g force)
Measuring insert EEx-d [TRD02] V
K (Replacement insert, for use in 140 140 mm
J BSZ-K (anti static Polyamide) J 3/4 NPT
TRD20 only) 10 Neck extension
Applications: RTD assembly EEx-d [TRD20] K BSZ-HK (anti static Polyamide) N 1/4 NPT
150 150 mm 20 Sensor diameter
Nipple-Union-Nipple 163 163 mm
TR10 series assemblies are suitable for most industrial and „„ Machinery, plant and tank measurement BSZ-H with digital temperature
M M20 x 1.5 1 1/4 inch / 0.250 inch (6.35 mm)
commercial applications including: 200 200 mm
2 Unit of measure N indicator DIH10 (set to transmitter
E Nipple
„„ Oil and gas industries range) F G 1/2 B
210 mm
4 3/16 inch / 0.188 inch (4.75 mm)
„„ Air-conditioning and refrigeration systems Imperial BSS (Aluminum) D Fixed double threaded hex bushing 1/8 inch / 0.125 inch (3.17 mm)
„„ Offshore exploration and drilling I E C G 3/4 B
*** N-Dimension in mm (e.g. 84 mm = 084)
„„ Chemical and petrochemical industries M Metric F BSS-H (Aluminum) Spring loaded Bushing-Union- G 1/4 B 1/4 inch / 0.250 inch (6.35 mm) reduced
„„ Pipeline control and custody transfer R
R ZZZ Without J
to 1/8 inch / 0.125 inch (3.17 mm)
„„ Electronics and semiconductor industries I BVA (Stainless steel) D G 1/8 B
„„ Power and utilities 3 Insert design G Fixed single threaded hex bushing
16 Element 3 0.215 inch (5.46 mm)
„„ Energy and power plant technology R JS (Aluminum) V G 3/8 B
„„ Pulp and paper Self gripping spring K
Spring loaded bushing without A 2.0 mm
S oil seal G1B D Pt100, class B
S JVA (Stainless steel) B 3.0 mm
„„ Water and wastewater treatment B
N Fixed to the fitting H Spring loaded bushing with oil seal C Pt100, class A
Without A M8 x 1.0
Z G 4.0 mm
Spring loaded plate (removable 5 Bushing with oil seal M10 x 1.0 F Pt100, 1/10 DIN of class B at 0°C
D T 6.0 mm
insert) D
7 Cable entry Pt10, class A
Connection Heads M
Fixed miniature terminal plate (not U
Nipple-Union (Protection tube
S M12 x 1.5 E
H 6.0 mm reduced to 3.0 mm
removable) A Cu10, class B
Imperial Grid 1” x 1” S 1/2 NPT
L Adjustable lock nut P M14 x 1.5
F 6.0 mm with 8.0 mm tip
Spring loaded miniature terminal B Ni120, class B
T F 3/4 NPT O M18 x 1.5
plate (removable) Fixed single threaded hex bushing E 8.0 mm
with additional fitting Without K Pt1000, class B
T M20 x 1.5 Z
4 Electrical approval Neck tube unthreaded, diam. 12 Pt1000, class A 21 Sheath material

P M16 x 1.5 X
x 1.5 mm
CSA Ex-proof
15 N-Dimension (N) Imperial Continued
Pt100, accuracy less than class B
C L Stainless steel 316 / 316 L (1.4401
L M12 x 1.5 Neck tube unthreaded, diam. 12 P
V / 1.4435)
FM Ex-proof x 2.5 mm 005 0.5 inch Pt100, 1/3 DIN of class B at 0 °C
Z Without J Inconel® 600 (2.4816)
Neck tube male threaded, diam. 12 010 1.0 inch
EEx-i (ATEX) gas, acc. to directive S
x 1.5 mm (DIN 43772)
94/9/EC 1.5 inch
17 Wiring configuration Q Stainless steel 316 Ti (1.4571)
BSZ-H 8 Head instrument connection Neck tube male threaded, diam. 12
KN4-A EEx-i (ATEX) gas/dust, acc. to T
KNPL-0 4000F 7000W BSS-H w/DIGITAL B x 2.5 mm (DIN 43772) 020 2.0 inch A Single 2-wire
directive 94/9/EC
S 1/2 NPT 22 A-Dimension (A)
Neck tube male threaded, diam. 14 025 2.5 inch B Single 3-wire
EEx-d (ATEX) acc. to directive Q
J F 3/4 NPT x 2.5 mm (DIN 43772) Please specify (e.g. 84 mm =
94/9/EC 030 3.0 inch *****
C Single 4-wire 00084) (e.g. 9.5 inch = 00950)
Z Without

EEx-n (ATEX) acc. to directive B G 1/2 B (BSP 1/2 inch) 3.5 inch
H 035 Single 4B-wire
94/9/EC D
23 Certificates
D EEx-i, confirmation NAMUR NE24
T M20 x 1.5 11 Neck material 040 4.0 inch
E Dual 2-wire
A M24 x 1.5 045 4.5 inch 1 Quality certificates
Z Without G Galvanized steel F Dual 3-wire
M10 x 1.0 050 5.0 inch Z Without
J Dual 4-wire
S Stainless steel 316 (1.4401) G
055 5.5 inch
Z Without
F Stainless steel 316 Ti (1.4571)
6.0 inch
H Dual 4B-wire 24 Additional order details
BSZ-HK BSZ-K Z Without 065 6.5 inch T Additional text

080 8.0 inch Z Without

Create your product part number by selecting the appropriate assembly items from each of the
Part of Your Business

categories below. Enter the item code into the applicable box to generate the part number. Note: Some configurations are unavailable. Your WIKA sales person will notify you if you have made an incorrect selection

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


TR10 Industrial RTD Assembly 1 Assembly description 5 Flame path fitting 9 Terminal block / Transmitter 12 Fitting style 15 N-Dimension (N) Metric 18 Temperature range
Code -50...+250 °C
1 Yes 1 Crastin terminal block A Fixed fitting, threaded hex bushing 12 mm K
TR10 series resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) are 012
0 Industrial assembly configured Z Without 2 Ceramic terminal block Compression fitting with stainless 025 25 mm S -50…+450 °C
industrial assemblies supplied with or without a temperature steel ferrule
1 Industrial sensor configured T12 (Programmable Digital 030 30 mm M -200...+250 °C
3 Compression fitting with Teflon®
transmitter. An extensive range of elements, connection heads, 6 Connection head Transmitter) C
Measuring insert [TR002] 037 37 mm T -200...+450 °C
T19 (Analogue Transmitter)
insertion lengths, neck lengths, and process connections 1 4000 F (Aluminum) 8
Compression fitting, spring loaded, 050 50 mm H -200...+600 °C
RTD assembly with neck tube with stainless steel ferrule
B T24 (Programmable Analogue
can be individually selected for the appropriate application. [TR200]
2 4000 S (Stainless steel) 4
Transmitter) Z Without
062 62 mm
L 0...+850 °C
DIN RTD assembly with threaded 065 65 mm
Replacement sensors can also be configured for this model. C
protection tube [TR201] 3 7000 W (Aluminum) 6 T32 (HART® Transmitter) 5 0...+1000 °C
13 Fitting material 075 75 mm
RTD assembly with protection tube 7 KN4-A (Aluminum) T53 (Fieldbus Foundation /
RTDs in this series can be inserted directly into a process or D
[TR211 / TR212] 9
PROFIBUS PA Transmitter) Stainless steel 316 (1.4401) 087 87 mm 19 Tip construction

8 KN4-P (Polypropylene)
combined with a variety of thermowell designs. F
DIN RTD assembly with flanged
protection tube [TR401] B
T91.10 (Analogue Transmitter, DIN
form B) B Stainless steel 316 Ti (1.4571)
100 100 mm
C General purpose
9 KNPL-0 (Aluminum)
112 112 mm
RTD assembly without thermowell Z Without F Fast response (copper tip)
H T91.20 (Analogue Transmitter,
[TR750 / TR760] A BS (Aluminum) C 125 125 mm
form J)
G Tip sensitive (thin-film)
RTD assembly with perforated B BSZ (Aluminum) X Without / prepared for transmitter 14 Thread size 130 130 mm
protection tube [TR820] T Fast response tip sensitive (copper tip)
D BSZ-H (Aluminum) Without / flying leads 138 138 mm
Y K 1/2 NPT Vibration proof tip (max. 10 g force)
Measuring insert EEx-d [TRD02] V
K (Replacement insert, for use in 140 140 mm
J BSZ-K (anti static Polyamide) J 3/4 NPT
TRD20 only) 10 Neck extension
Applications: RTD assembly EEx-d [TRD20] K BSZ-HK (anti static Polyamide) N 1/4 NPT
150 150 mm 20 Sensor diameter
Nipple-Union-Nipple 163 163 mm
TR10 series assemblies are suitable for most industrial and „„ Machinery, plant and tank measurement BSZ-H with digital temperature
M M20 x 1.5 1 1/4 inch / 0.250 inch (6.35 mm)
commercial applications including: 200 200 mm
2 Unit of measure N indicator DIH10 (set to transmitter
E Nipple
„„ Oil and gas industries range) F G 1/2 B
210 mm
4 3/16 inch / 0.188 inch (4.75 mm)
„„ Air-conditioning and refrigeration systems Imperial BSS (Aluminum) D Fixed double threaded hex bushing 1/8 inch / 0.125 inch (3.17 mm)
„„ Offshore exploration and drilling I E C G 3/4 B
*** N-Dimension in mm (e.g. 84 mm = 084)
„„ Chemical and petrochemical industries M Metric F BSS-H (Aluminum) Spring loaded Bushing-Union- G 1/4 B 1/4 inch / 0.250 inch (6.35 mm) reduced
„„ Pipeline control and custody transfer R
R ZZZ Without J
to 1/8 inch / 0.125 inch (3.17 mm)
„„ Electronics and semiconductor industries I BVA (Stainless steel) D G 1/8 B
„„ Power and utilities 3 Insert design G Fixed single threaded hex bushing
16 Element 3 0.215 inch (5.46 mm)
„„ Energy and power plant technology R JS (Aluminum) V G 3/8 B
„„ Pulp and paper Self gripping spring K
Spring loaded bushing without A 2.0 mm
S oil seal G1B D Pt100, class B
S JVA (Stainless steel) B 3.0 mm
„„ Water and wastewater treatment B
N Fixed to the fitting H Spring loaded bushing with oil seal C Pt100, class A
Without A M8 x 1.0
Z G 4.0 mm
Spring loaded plate (removable 5 Bushing with oil seal M10 x 1.0 F Pt100, 1/10 DIN of class B at 0°C
D T 6.0 mm
insert) D
7 Cable entry Pt10, class A
Connection Heads M
Fixed miniature terminal plate (not U
Nipple-Union (Protection tube
S M12 x 1.5 E
H 6.0 mm reduced to 3.0 mm
removable) A Cu10, class B
Imperial Grid 1” x 1” S 1/2 NPT
L Adjustable lock nut P M14 x 1.5
F 6.0 mm with 8.0 mm tip
Spring loaded miniature terminal B Ni120, class B
T F 3/4 NPT O M18 x 1.5
plate (removable) Fixed single threaded hex bushing E 8.0 mm
with additional fitting Without K Pt1000, class B
T M20 x 1.5 Z
4 Electrical approval Neck tube unthreaded, diam. 12 Pt1000, class A 21 Sheath material

P M16 x 1.5 X
x 1.5 mm
CSA Ex-proof
15 N-Dimension (N) Imperial Continued
Pt100, accuracy less than class B
C L Stainless steel 316 / 316 L (1.4401
L M12 x 1.5 Neck tube unthreaded, diam. 12 P
V / 1.4435)
FM Ex-proof x 2.5 mm 005 0.5 inch Pt100, 1/3 DIN of class B at 0 °C
Z Without J Inconel® 600 (2.4816)
Neck tube male threaded, diam. 12 010 1.0 inch
EEx-i (ATEX) gas, acc. to directive S
x 1.5 mm (DIN 43772)
94/9/EC 1.5 inch
17 Wiring configuration Q Stainless steel 316 Ti (1.4571)
BSZ-H 8 Head instrument connection Neck tube male threaded, diam. 12
KN4-A EEx-i (ATEX) gas/dust, acc. to T
KNPL-0 4000F 7000W BSS-H w/DIGITAL B x 2.5 mm (DIN 43772) 020 2.0 inch A Single 2-wire
directive 94/9/EC
S 1/2 NPT 22 A-Dimension (A)
Neck tube male threaded, diam. 14 025 2.5 inch B Single 3-wire
EEx-d (ATEX) acc. to directive Q
J F 3/4 NPT x 2.5 mm (DIN 43772) Please specify (e.g. 84 mm =
94/9/EC 030 3.0 inch *****
C Single 4-wire 00084) (e.g. 9.5 inch = 00950)
Z Without

EEx-n (ATEX) acc. to directive B G 1/2 B (BSP 1/2 inch) 3.5 inch
H 035 Single 4B-wire
94/9/EC D
23 Certificates
D EEx-i, confirmation NAMUR NE24
T M20 x 1.5 11 Neck material 040 4.0 inch
E Dual 2-wire
A M24 x 1.5 045 4.5 inch 1 Quality certificates
Z Without G Galvanized steel F Dual 3-wire
M10 x 1.0 050 5.0 inch Z Without
J Dual 4-wire
S Stainless steel 316 (1.4401) G
055 5.5 inch
Z Without
F Stainless steel 316 Ti (1.4571)
6.0 inch
H Dual 4B-wire 24 Additional order details
BSZ-HK BSZ-K Z Without 065 6.5 inch T Additional text

080 8.0 inch Z Without

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