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MID EXAM-1 [16EC370 - Microcontrollers for Embedded Systems]

1 mark questions:

1. Define embedded system.

2. What are the different fields of applications of Embedded Systems?
3. Name any five Embedded Systems.
4. List the categories of embedded system.
5. List the classifications of embedded system.
6. Compare CISC and RISC processor.
7. What are the building blocks of embedded system?
8. List few development tools for embedded systems.
9. What is a hard real-time system?
10. What is soft real-time system?
11. Differentiate between general purpose computing system and an embedded system.
12. Name the components of CPU.
13. Draw the Von Neumann architecture.
14. Draw Harvard Architecture.
15. Draw Super-Harvard Architecture.
16. Differentiate Von-Neumann architecture and Harvard architecture.
17. Name the different types of memories.
18. List different hybrid memory devices.
19. What is the need for sensors and transducers?
20. What is the functionality of watchdog timer?
21. List some important signals used in JTAG port.
22. Draw inter-integrated circuit bus.
23. List the functions of operating system.
24. Differentiate single tasking and multi-tasking operating system.
25. Give some examples of embedded operating systems.
26. List some communication interfaces.
27. What do you mean by footprint?
28. List the important functional units of operating system.
29. What are the function calls provided by an operating system?
30. How does ADC work?
31. What is the need for DAC?
32. What are the important characteristics considered for choosing ADC and DAC?
33. What are the different layers of TCP/IP stack?
34. Draw the software architecture of an embedded system.
35. List some hardware development tools.
36. List some software development tools.
37. Give the booting processes of an embedded system.
38. What do you mean by emulator?
39. Name some functional or non-functional requirements in embedded system design.
40. What is the need for specification phase in embedded system design process?
41. At what stage of the design methodology we determine what type of CPU to use?
42. What is cross-compiler?
43. What is cross-assembler?
44. List the major goals of embedded system design.
45. What is Microcontroller?
46. What is the difference between a microprocessor and a microcontroller?
47. List the major components of a microcontroller.
48. Name some popular of microcontrollers.
49. List the criteria for selecting a microcontroller.
50. Give the applications of microcontrollers.
10 mark questions:

1. a) Discuss about the applications of embedded systems. (5 marks)

b) Explain about the different categories of embedded systems. (5 marks)
2. With neat sketch explain the hardware architecture of an embedded system.
3. With neat sketch explain in detail about the development and testing tools in embedded
4. Explain in detail about the software architecture of an embedded system.
5. Explain in detail about the application software and communication software in an
Embedded Systems.
6. a) Discuss in detail about the process of creating an executable image. (5 marks)
b) What are the different types of input/output devices? Explain in detail. (5 marks)
7. With neat sketch explain in detail about the waterfall model for embedded system
development process.
8. Discuss in detail about the types of various microcontrollers.
9. Explain in detail about the procedure of selecting a microcontroller.
10. Discuss in detail about the popular microcontrollers.

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