Physical Science DLL1
Physical Science DLL1
Physical Science DLL1
GRADES 12 Section
Teaching Dates and Time Nov. 11-14, 2018 SEMESTER/ 2nd Sem
QUARTER 3rd Quarter
C. Learning Competencies / At the end of the lesson , the learners shall be able to: At the end of the lesson , the learners shall be able to:
Objectives 1. Describe the general types of intermolecular forces
1. Define electronegativity
2. Give the type of intermolecular forces in the
A. Reviewing previous Review the definition of Remind the learners that
lesson or presenting Review the difference electronegativity polar molecules Remind the learners of the
the new lesson between ionic and are also referred to as following:
covalent compounds. “dipoles” due to - difference between cation
their two poles. and anion
- atomic sizes of the given
B. Establishing a purpose Review Grade 9 chemistry Introduce the two factors Ask the learners to predict
for the lesson discussions on properties of that determine the what will happen when
elements found in the polarity of molecules. These the paper clip/ pepper is
periodic table such as are: carefully placed on the
boiling points, melting 1) The polarity of the surface of the water.
points, oxidation number, bonds between atoms Distinction between
etc. Point out that one of which can be studied intramolecular forces and
the properties found in based on electronegativity, intermolecular forces of
the periodic table is the and attraction .
electronegativity of 2) The geometrical shape of Ask the learners to derive
elements. the molecule which can be the meaning of the words
predicted via the valence focusing on the prefix
shell electron intra and inter.
pair repulsion (VSEPR)
Have the learners Introduce that Liquid mercury being able
C. Presenting examples/ familiarize themselves intermolecular forces to glide on a surface , a
instances of the new lesson
with the periodic table . Let called Van der Waals forces, video of mercury can be
them find the named after Johannes found in:
EN value of several Diderik van der Waals
elements. Have them .com/
who first proposed these
determine the most watch?v=WR7SIeD-8-o
electronegative Create a list on the board
element and the least of the different properties
electronegative relating to intermolecular
element. properties that will be
Show this quick video
showing how a limp plant
gradually gains life when
placed in water
ension_capillary_action .ht
Introduce polar covalent Polarity Experiment Introduce the four main Discuss certain properties
D. Discussing new and non-polar covalent types of intermolecular relating to intermolecular
concepts and practicing
bonds. forces : properties , namely:
new skills #1
1.Polar covalent bonds 1. Ion-ion interaction - boiling point
occur when electron pairs 2. Dipole-dipole - melting point
are unequally shared . The interaction
- surface tension
difference in 3. Hydrogen bonding -Adhesion and cohesion
electronegativity between 4. Dispersion forces also -Viscosity
atoms is significant. known as London forces in -Capillary action
2.Non-polar covalent honor of Fritz London . -evaporation and
bonds occur when electron vaporization
pairs are shared equally or
the difference in
electronegativity between
atoms is less than 0.5.
Proceed to discuss . Quick demonstration on
E. Discussing new concepts molecular geometry, viscosity by filling 6-inch
and practicing new skills #2
another important concept test tubes with different
which determines if a kinds of liquid like
Determine the following: Determine the following: Identify the most probable Describe the relationship
I. Evaluating learning A. Bond polarity between Molecular geometry intermolecular force of of the following properties
atoms 1. H2O 2. CCl4 3. BF3 attraction in the following: with intermolecular forces
B. Polarity of the molecule 1. KCl-KCl of attraction . Choose
1. H2O 2. CCl4 3. BF3 2. CO2_CO2 only two properties.
3. H2O_H2O a. Boiling point /
4. Cu_Cu evaporation
5. HF_HF b. Surface tension
c. Capillary action
d . Convex and concave
e . Viscosity
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
VI. REFLECTION students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.