Radhika 2012
Radhika 2012
Radhika 2012
Bioresource Technology
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h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Saccharified water hyacinth hydrolysates (acid and enzyme hydrolysate) were used for the efficient pro-
Received 25 April 2012 duction of poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) via the Cupriavidus necator bacteria. The bacterium signifi-
Received in revised form 28 June 2012 cantly utilizes the enzymatic hydrolyzate which gave the maximum PHB concentration
Accepted 29 June 2012
(4.3 ± 0.4 g L1), this was greatly exceeded the value of 2 ± 0.1 g L1 obtained from the acid hydrolysate
Available online 7 July 2012
amended media. Moreover, for the optimal PHB production, response surface methodology was used
through central composite rotary design method which gave improved PHB concentration in microbial
cells. After 72 h, 35 g L1 of reducing sugar contained water hyacinth hydrolysate and 1.5 g L1 of
Water hyacinth
(NH4)2SO4 supplementation in laboratory scale fermentor gave 12 g L1 of dry cell weight and 7 g L1
Glucose of PHB. The produced PHB was characterized under FTIR, GPC and DSC instruments to find out the num-
Fermentation ber average molecular mass, polydispersity index and melting temperature were 1.7 105 kDa, 1.9 and
Hydrolysates 170 °C respectively.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
84 D. Radhika, A.G. Murugesan / Bioresource Technology 121 (2012) 83–92
potentially inexpensive renewable feedstocks for the biorefineries sterile plastic box until further analysis in room temperature. The
of alternative fuels (Sathesh Prabu and Murugesan, 2011; Bala chemical compositions of the raw material have been analyzed
Amutha and Murugesan, 2011), chemicals and materials have to using standard AOAC manual methods. Water hyacinth powder
be drastically reducing the production cost. One of the bioproduct (5%) was pretreated with 1% wv1 NaOH incubated at room tem-
poly (b-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), a widely acceptable microbial perature for 24 h. Afterward, the insoluble residue was collected
polymer (bioplastic) produced intracellularly by wide variety of by filtration using muslin cloth subsequently washed thoroughly
microbes P ( seudomonas, Azohydromonas, Azotobacter, Bacillus, Cupri- with hot water further, which was neutralized with 0.1 M HCl.
avidus necator, etc.) which provides energy for their growth and After neutralization, the residues were oven dried at 50 °C for over-
development during nutrient starved condition. Moreover, PHB is night then it powdered once more and stored for hydrolysis.
a biodegradable and biocompatible thermoplastic compound, has
similar physical properties to polypropylene. It is used to a wide 2.3. Acid and enzymatic hydrolysis
range of medicinal, veterinary and agricultural practices due to
its biodegradability. The PHB derived from the lignocellulosic Acid hydrolysis was performed to the yield of reducing sugars. The
materials offers environmental advantages over petroleum-de- concentrated acid hydrolysis was performed with 72% of 10 ml (per
rived polymers in terms of non-renewable energy consumption gram pretreated substrate) H2SO4; they were kept at room tempera-
and greenhouse-gas emissions (Kim and Dale, 2008). Nevertheless, ture for 30 min. Insoluble residues were removed through filtration.
their production cost is found to be high compared to the other The filtrates obtained from the hydrolysis was overlimed with 10 M
commercially available thermopolyesters. Over 40% of total oper- NaOH and neutralized with 1 M H3PO4. For the detoxification of acid
ating expense of PHB production is relates to the raw materials, hydrolysate 2% activated charcoal was used. Inhibitor concentration
and more than 70% of this cost is attributed to the carbon source was determined by the total phenol estimation procedure (Folin
(Salehizadeh and Van Loosdrecht, 2004). The thermopolyester res- Ciocalteu assay). For the enzyme hydrolysis experiment pretreated
ins are made from the petroleum wastes. According to Global substrate was further subjected to the action of cellulase enzyme (ex-
Industry Analysts Inc. the global consumption of plastic materials tracted from Aspergillus niger SRL, Mumbai) in the ratio of 20 FPU: 1 g
is increased to 297.5 million tonnes by 2015. Using water hyacinth (Filter Paper Units enzyme: g substrate) with citrate buffer (0.01 M,
like lignocellulosic materials for the synthesis of bioplastic materi- pH 4.8) and incubated at 50 °C for saccharification for 24 h (Mishima
als may help to reduce overall production cost. Recently many re- et al., 2008). Amount of saccharification was estimated in terms of re-
search activities were published about the microbial production of lease of reducing sugars by dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method. Unit of
PHAs (polyhydroxyalkanoates) using cheap substrates. In the pres- cellulase was expressed as the amount of enzymes producing 1 lmol
ent study, various hydrolysates were prepared from the water hya- of reducing sugars per minute. All experiments were at least dupli-
cinth through the hydrolysis process, used for PHB production cated, and the mean values were shown as a result. The clear solution
through batch culture experiment via C. necator bacteria. The C. containing sugars were collected by centrifugation (6000g, 10 min)
necator is a gram-negative, facultative chemolithoautotrophic and and used for fermentation.
hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium belonging to the order betaproteo-
bacterium. Unbalanced growth conditions, whenever an available
2.4. Optimization of PHB production and extraction
carbon source is in excess level, which can stores large amounts
of organic carbon in the cytoplasm as PHB while another macroel-
Organic nitrogen [yeast extracts (1.5 g L1) peptone (1.5 g L1),
ement like oxygen is limited (Peplinski et al., 2010). This bacterium
beef extracts (1.5 g L1) and tryptone (1.5 g L1)] and inorganic
is far the most studied microbe when it comes to PHB research. The
nitrogen [(NH4)2 SO4 (1.5 g L1), NH4 Cl (1.5 g L1) and (NH4 H2
reason for that it can produce PHB through the utilization of simple
PO4 (1.5 g L1) sources were optimized. For efficient production
monomeric sugars as its carbon source.
of PHB physical conditions (pH and temperature) and nutrient
compositions were optimized using response surface methodol-
2. Methods ogy. The central composite design was carried out using statistical
software package Design Expert (Stat – Ease Inc., Minneap-
C. necator MTCC-1472 was obtained from the Microbial type olis, USA). The levels of independent factors carbon source (Water-
culture collection, Chandigarh; India used for throughout this hyacinth hydrolysate), nitrogen source ((NH4)2SO4), pH and
study and activated in nutrient agar media by incubating at 27 °C temperature were used by studying each factor in the design at
for 24 h. Glycerol stock was prepared and stored at 80 °C. three different levels (1, 0 and +1) (Table 1). The actual level of
variables for central composite rotary design was selected as a cen-
2.1. Growth condition and media tral point of experiments. For the regression model development,
the variables were transformed to coded variables using the fol-
Culture inoculum was prepared by a loopful of culture inocu- lowing Eq. (1)
lated into 250 ml flask containing 100 ml of a sterile culture media
X i X i
in which the nutrient concentrations were: peptone – 10 g L1, Xi ¼ ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3::: ð1Þ
DX i
yeast extracts – 5 g L1, NaCl – 10 g L1, glucose – 10 g L1 at
27 °C for 96 h incubation with the agitation speed of 100 rpm. where Xi = coded value, Xi = uncoded value, xi = uncoded value of Xi
The PHB production medium and their compositions were fol- at the centre value of chosen and DXi = step size, for ith test
lowed by the prior literature (Beaulieu et al., 1995).
Table 1
Illustration of coding levels involved in the optimizing the medium components.
2.2. Raw material pretreatment
Independed variables Symbols Coded levels
the Tamirabarani River, Tamil Nadu. Then it was washed with Carbon source (g L1) A 25 30 35 40 45
water by several times intended for the removal of dirts and it Nitrogen source (g L1) B 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
pH C 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
dried in the hot air oven at 70 °C for 48 h followed by pulverized
Temperature (°C) D 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5
into fine powder (5 mm mesh screen) after that packed in the
D. Radhika, A.G. Murugesan / Bioresource Technology 121 (2012) 83–92 85
variable. The optimum value of each factor was taken on a central was defined as the percentage of PHB weight to dry cell weight (Lee
coded value considered as zero. The minimum [coded as (1)] et al., 1994). The biomass and PHB yield coefficients on glucose
and maximum [coded as (+1)] range of the experimental values of were calculated by the DCW produced per unit mass of reducing su-
each factor used and the full experimental plan for central compos- gar consumed.
ite design performed with 31 experiments were listed in Table 2. In
those 31 experiments the central point consists of 4 trials. 3D re- 2.5. Analysis of PHB
sponse graphs were created to understand the interaction of various
factors. The resulting graphs were used to analyze the optimized 2.5.1. FTIR analysis
components of the medium. After performing the experiments, The produced PHB was identified by PHB granules using Sudan
the data were used to develop three-dimensional curves and qua- Black–B staining method. For this Sudan Black-B solution (0.3% in
dratic equation in the form of Eq. (2) 70% ethanol), xylene (decolourizer) and 0.5% of safranine solutions
were used. Produced PHB was confirmed using FTIR spectroscopy
Y ¼ b0 þ b1 A þ b2 B þ b3 C þ b4 D þ b1 b1 A2 þ b2 b2 B2 þ b3 b3 C 2
for that 1 mg of sample and 10 mg of spectral pure anhydrous
þ b4 b4 D2 þ b1 b2 AB þ b3 AC þ b2 b3 BC þ b1 b4 AD þ b2 b4 BD potassium bromide crystals were ground well and was made into
þ b3 b4 CD ð2Þ a pellet. The relative intensity of transmitting light energy was
measured against the wavelength of absorption 4000–400 cm1
where Y is the predicted value, A, B, C, D are the coded independent using FTIR-4100 LE, JASCO, Japan. Growth was monitored spectro-
variables, b1 b1, b2 b2, b3 b3 and b4 b4 are the quadratic coefficients, photometrically by measuring turbidity at 600 nm.
b1 b2, b1 b3, b2 b3, b1 b4, b2 b4 and b3 b4 are the interactive coeffi-
cients, b1, b2, b3 and b4 were linear coefficients, b0 is the constant. 2.5.2. DSC analysis
All assays were conducted in 500-ml Erlenmeyer flasks with Thermal transition of produced PHB was characterized by dif-
250 ml of culture medium on a rotary shaker with the agitation ferential scanning calorimetry (TA Instruments-Q20, USA) with
speed of 120 rpm for 96 h incubation. Experiments were initiated an autocooling accessory calibrated by indium over a temperature
by transferring 5% (vv1) seed culture medium; this was centrifuged range from 30 to 200 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C min1 under
at 2000 rpm for 5 min and the cell pellet was inoculated into the nitrogen atmosphere (50 ml min1). The PHB film was formed by
prepared medium and they were carried out for three days in labo- the powder was dissolved into chloroform and dried at room tem-
ratory conditions. Ten milliters of cultured broth were collected at perature. Sample of PHB film weighed approximately 2 mg were
predefined intervals of time from the flask for the product and bio- packed in an aluminum pan and then heated from 30 to 170 °C
mass analysis. The produced PHB from the bacterial cell pellet was at a scanning rate of 10 °C min1 The DSC curve was used to ana-
recovered by using a dispersion technique. The supernatant and cell lyze the thermal property. The melting temperature (Tm) was
pellets were used for the analysis of residual sugar and PHB extrac- determined from the DSC endothermal peak. In the presence of
tion respectively. The dry cell weight (DCW) was determined by multiple endothermal peaks, the maximum peak temperature
gravimetrically. The washed cell pellet was dried to constant weight was taken as Tm.
at 90 °C for 24 h, cooled in a desiccator, and weighed. PHB content
Fig. 1. PHB production observed in C. necator during various water hyacinth hydrolsates supplimentation.
PHB as well as biomass; this may due to the inhibitor concentra- production through central composite design methods. The levels
tions in the hydrolysate which were released during acid catalyt- of these factors used in the optimization studies by RSM were
ical hydrolysis. It was produce only 2 ± 0.1 g L1 PHB determined by preliminary experiments. The effect of the four vari-
intracellularly. Fractions of volatile fatty acids were found in the ables, each at five levels, and their interactions in PHB production
hydrolysates could reduce the proton gradient across the mem- have been determined by carrying out 31 experiments given by the
brane, increase osmotic pressure, and reduce acid utilization rates, model. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for DCW and PHB production
growth rate, and microbial yield (Wang et al., 2010). After that in is presented in Tables 4 and 5. The analysis gave the value of the
this study, for the control of inhibitor concentrations 2% activated model and determines the requirement of a more complex model
charcoal was used as detoxifying agent. It was found to reduce con- with a better fit. The results found that the R2 values were
siderable amount of phenolic compounds (78%) and little amount 0.9996 and 0.9943 indicating that the model was fitted which ex-
reducing sugar (4.2 g L1). After detoxification with charcoal, the plained 99.96% and 99.43% of the variabilities in DCW and PHB
acid hydrolysate was supplemented in the minimal media for the production. F-test for regressions were significant at a level of 5%
production of PHB; as a result the bacterium produce significant (P < 0.05) indicating that the model is fit and can adequately ex-
quantities of PHB (3.2 ± 0.1 g L1) with the cell concentration of plain the variations observed in DCW and PHB productions with
(5.7 ± 0.2 g L1) (Fig. 1). However in this study, all water hyacinth the designed levels of the factors. If the F-test for lack of fit is sig-
hydrolysates used as a sole substrate has the potential to the pro- nificant, then a more complicated model is needed to fit the data.
duction of PHB at optimum environmental conditions (pH value 7 The lack of fit values was not significant at the 5% level (P > 0.05)
and temperature 27 °C). Obtained PHB concentrations from the indicating that the experimental data obtained fitted well with
water hyacinth hydrolysates coincided with the work described the model. The model F-values of 3095.9 and 197.8 implies the
by Koller et al. (2005) who were found that the effect of green grass model is significant. There is only a 0.01% chance that the model
juice and silage juice as carbon substrate for the production of PHB F-values this large could occur due to noise. Thirty-one experi-
using Woutertia eutropha bacteria. The water hyacinth hydroly- ments were carried out from the design and by applying multiple
sates not only provide a carbon source also it can give nitrogen regression analysis on the experimental data; the following second
and phosphate sources at trace amounts for the controlled PHB order polynomial equations were found to explain DCW and PHB
production (Table 3). According to Silva et al., 2007, acid catalyzed production by C. necator bacteria.
saw dust can provide excess carbon source as well as fractions of
nitrogen and phosphate sources for bacteria to the production of
DCWðg L1 Þ ¼ þ8:00 0:30 A þ 1:17 B 0:083 C 8:333E 003 D þ 0:14 A B þ 0:11 A C
PHB. 2 2
þ 0:12 B C þ 0:075 B D 0:13 C D 0:47 A 0:22 B 0:66 C 0:80 D 2 2
PHBðgl Þ ¼ þ4:64 þ 0:61 A 0:29 B þ 0:18 C þ 0:025 D þ 0:18 A B þ 0:14 A C 0:025 A D
3.2. Optimization using response surface methodology (RSM) þ 0:075 B C 0:16 B D 0:025 C D 0:40 A2 0:36 B2 0:31 C 2 0:24 D2 ð4Þ
Table 4
ANOVA for the regression model of DCW production obtained from the experimental results.
Table 5
ANOVA for the regression model of PHB production obtained from the experimental results.
variable for maximal response. Each response surface plot for DCW (NH4)2 SO4 supplemented minimal media with the DCW of
and PHB production were explored in Figs. 2 and 3 which repre- 7.5 ± 0.1 g L1. Only 3.5 ± 0.2 g L1 of PHB produce intracellularly
sents the different combinations of two test variables at one time during beef extract addition. The supplementation of other com-
while maintaining the other variable at the zero level. It is also find plex nitrogen sources like tryptone, peptone and yeast extract
the region where the optimal response occurs. The response sur- used in this study respectively produce 4.1 ± 0.2 g L1,
face plots of Figs. 2 and 3 explore the results of optimized environ- 3.8 ± 0.2 g L1 and 4.1 ± 0.3 g L1 (Fig. 4a). Simultaneously, other
mental conditions and nutrient concentrations for biomass (DCW) inorganic nitrogen sources like NH4 Cl and NH4 H2 PO4 enhances
and PHB production. The optimized factors for PHB production are the PHB concentrations in C. necator (Fig. 4b). Usually the PHB
as follows: carbon source, 35 g L1; nitrogen source, 2 g L1; tem- synthesis rate of C. necator depends on the nitrogen source and
perature, 27 °C; pH, 7. their limitation. Under nitrogen depleted conditions, the metabo-
lism of TCA cycle will be induced, resulting in an increase of acet-
3.3. Effect of nitrogen sources yl-CoA (Wang et al., 2009). In the present study 1.5 g L1 of
complex and inorganic nitrogen sources were provided in the
This study proved the best PHB production capability ob- minimal medium. Highest PHB yield obtained when the addition
served in the inorganic nitrogen sources amended minimal med- of inorganic nitrogen sources in the medium. Generally, the lim-
ia. For the optimization studies water hyacinth enzymatic ited nitrogen concentrations reduce the bacterial growth rate; to
hydrolysate (35 g L1 reducing sugar) has been used in the min- compensate that trouble increased concentration of inorganic
imal media. In the present study complex nitrogen sources used nitrogen sources were added in the hydrolysate supplemented
for the PHB production via C. necator produce a lesser amount of medium, than the standard glucose amended medium which ini-
PHB than in inorganic nitrogen sources. Improved concentration tially enhances the biomass growth rates and PHB accumulation
of PHB (4.67 ± 0.2 g L1) has been observed in 1.5 g L1 of capacity of C. necator.
88 D. Radhika, A.G. Murugesan / Bioresource Technology 121 (2012) 83–92
Fig. 2. Response surface plots showing the effects of (a) nitrogen source vs. carbon source; (b) pH vs. carbon source; (c) temperature vs. carbon source; (d) pH vs. nitrogen
source; (e) temperature vs. nitrogen source; (f) temperature vs. pH on biomass [DCW(g L1)] production during supplementation of water hyacinth hydrolysate as sole carbon
3.4. Fermentation studies in bioreactor The PHB production capacity of the cultures was strongly influ-
enced by the composition of substrates. The batch experiment with
The results shows that the growth of C. necator on water hya- water hyacinth hydrolysates as a sole carbon substrate, the maxi-
cinth hydrolysate at the initial reducing sugar of 35 g L1 and the mum PHB content about 58% but in glucose addition 62% was ob-
nitrogen source concentration of 1.5 g L1, enter a stationary phase tained. PHB biopolyesters were synthesized and accumulated to
after 54 h of cultivation with the l of 0.36 h1. Other parameters 57 wt.% of cell mass using sugar cane molasses hydrolysated med-
obtained were biomass yield (Yx/s) 0.35 gg1 sugar and product ium (Yu and Stahl, 2008). Recent publications by Mothes et al.
yield (Yp/s) 0.24 gg1 sugar and substrate utilization efficiency (2007) and Cavalheiro et al. (2009) described direct fermentation
reached 97%. Even though, the sugar utilization rate was initially of biodiesel-glycerol to PHB by C. necator (Formerly known as Alca-
much lower in water hyacinth reducing sugar hydrolysate com- ligenes eutrophus, Woutertia eutropha and Ralstonia eutropha) with
pared to the pure glucose addition. The higher Yx/s values and low- polymer production approaching 50% of dry microbial biomass.
er Yp/s values obtained from water hyacinth hydrolysates fed In contrast, Yp/s (product yield) values were also higher when glu-
experiments indicated that fewer substrates was used for product cose was used as the substrate. The product yield was 0.29 gg1,
synthesis, and more substrate was used for biomass production. which is higher than the PHB yield value of a previous report
D. Radhika, A.G. Murugesan / Bioresource Technology 121 (2012) 83–92 89
Fig. 3. Response surface plots showing the effects of (a) nitrogen source vs. carbon source; (b) pH vs. carbon source; (c) pH vs. nitrogen source; (d) temperature vs. carbon
source; (e) temperature vs. nitrogen source; (f) temperature vs. pH on PHB (g L1) production during supplementation of water hyacinth hydrolysate as sole carbon source.
(Sharifzadeh Baei et al., 2011). The high accumulation capacity of C. amended media. Therefore, there is a need for the development
necator using standard carbon source seems strongly related to the of more efficient fermentation strategies for production of these
purity of glucose monomer and there were no inhibitors in its bio- polymers from the cheap carbon sources. Moreover, another
synthesis medium. Therefore, with respect to rates and maximal source to the inhibition of PHB production was the total phenolic
storage capacity, glucose is a more suitable substrate for PHB pro- content of hydrolysate, which also hindered the bacterial growth.
duction by C. necator bacteria. Harsh pretreatment conditions result in the formation of toxic
Earlier studies reported that the PHB production was observed compounds in the hydrolysate that are inhibiting agents to the fer-
in C. necator when the supplementation of glucose, fructose and menting microorganisms. The main inhibitors are the furan deriv-
sucrose in production media as sole carbon sources (Khanna atives, organic acids and phenolic compounds (Nigam, 2002). To
and Srivastava, 2005; Kim et al., 1994; Nurbas and Kutsa, 2004). overcome these inhibitions the hydrolysates require detoxification
In this study, it is proven that this strain had potential to synthesis steps. The hydrolytic byproducts at moderate concentrations are
PHB in their cells when the water hyacinth hydrolysates used as a toxic or inhibitory to many microbial strains and are removed be-
sole carbon source which might be due to the hydrolysates contain fore use in microbial fermentation, such as ethanol fermentation
glucose monomers at maximum concentration. Nevertheless, the (Nigam, 2002).
present study results compared to the glucose based PHB produc- All observed results were focused towards the maximum PHB
tion the lower production rate have been found. Kim et al. (1994) production rates were at the incubation period of 72 h. After the
reported the higher PHB production rate of 2.42 g L1 h1 was ob- increased incubation period above 72 h and up to 96 h the PHB
tained by the Ralstonia eutropha bacteria grown under glucose production ability of bacteria was declined. PHB loss because of
90 D. Radhika, A.G. Murugesan / Bioresource Technology 121 (2012) 83–92
Fig. 4. Effect of complex organic (a) and inorganic (b) nitrogen sources with water hyacinth hydrolysate amended minimal media for PHB production.
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