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Capstone Project Proposal Form

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Student Name:
Capstone Faculty Advisor:
Date Received: Total Score:
Approved? YES NO


What is the title of your Capstone Project?

The Efficacy of Acapulco (Cassia alata) extract in producing an herbal ointment against

Project Merit:

Describe your physical project in detail.

This project aims to produce an ointment from Acapulco to alleviate the itchiness caused
by Enterobiasis.

Who benefits from your project? How do they benefit?

Enterobiasis is a parasitic disease commonly known as pinworm infection which is

adversely found in children. A symptom of this is itching and creating an ointment that combats
the said itching will help mitigate the discomfort brought by this infection to the children.

Explain the importance of your project. Explain why it is worthwhile.

This project aims to help little children who suffers from pinworm infection, an infection
common in the Philippines. This project, when properly executed, may greatly affect the health
or the comfort of the children in their everyday lives.

Project Challenge:

How is this project a challenge to you?

This project engages the researchers in an environment that is relatively different from
the ones they always belong to. It presents a problem that, when solved, will contribute to a
greater purpose.

How does this project relate to you?

The researchers’ concern for the well-being of the children living in discomfort engages
them in a challenging yet humanitarian aspect of being a researcher.
Project Logistics:

When is the project going to occur? Why are you choosing this time to do your project?

What materials will you need to complete this project? How will you acquire them?

Where do you plan to hold your project or display your product?

Explain whom you think you need your mentor to be (need not be a specific person).

Projected Time:

Predict the amount of time each of the components of your project will take.

Component Time Spent (hrs.) Reason for time allotment


List any other reasons not already mentioned why this project/product should be approved.

Upon review of the student’s proposal, the project/product will be assessed by using the following rubric as a
guideline. To ensure project success, it is imperative that the evaluations are honest. If the student scores
particularly low, the student will be advised as to ways in which to increase his or her score.

5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Project The paper and the There is a strong There is a There is a small There is no
Relationship project are closely relationship relationship relationship relationship
tied together. between the paper between the paper between the paper between the paper
and the project. and the project. and the project. and the project.

Project The project The project is The project itself Benefiting only The purpose of
Merit extends beyond something that shows some the student, the the project is
the scope of a should be done importance; project itself unclear, with little
school and is however, the shows a little bit to no benefit to
assignment. It is worthwhile. It project mainly of merit. anyone.
important on a benefits more benefits the one
broader scale. than the student. completing it.
Project The student The project shows The project is Project has merit Project seems
Challenge details the an application of well within the but poses little trivial in nature
challenges of the abilities learned. abilities of the challenge to the and shows little or
project. The project will student to student. Learning no application of
Completion will be a challenge complete and stretch is high school
take considerable with some chance demonstrates the minimal. learning.
time and of failure. educational
dedication to abilities gained.
Project Student provides The student has The student has a The project is The student lacks
Logistics a complete and shown thought vision of the merely in the any idea or
well thought out pertaining to project but seems vision state. direction. There
plan for project project to be lacking a Student might is a complete
completion. completion, and concrete plan. have a general disconnect
Additionally, the the plan presented Some ideas are idea of what between the
student has will probably presented, but needs to be done, project choice and
identified a allow him/her to they are vague but has almost no understanding of
potential mentor. navigate through and lack direction. plan to complete how the project
obstacles. it. will get done.
Projected The student The student For the most part, The student The student
Time shows a clear and shows an the student figures out the shows little or no
accurate understanding of understands the amount of time realization of the
understanding of time allotment; amount of time required for the time it would take
the amount of however, he or required, but project, but it is to finish the
time it will take to she ignores the ignores or mostly inaccurate project.
complete the time required to underestimates due to many
project. complete one part the time required omissions and
of the project. for some parts. over estimations.
<=5 pts to may be
added if there is a
reason beyond those
previously listed.
Please explain

Total Score Please add total points awarded from above sections and place this total on the front page of
the Capstone Project Proposal Form. 15 points or greater required for approval.

Capstone Paper Requirements

 1 inch margins
 12 point font size with font chosen from one of the following:
o Times New Roman
o Arial
o Tahoma
 Page numbers in a consistent location according to APA format.
 Double-spaced throughout the outline, text, and references page.
 Minimum of five sources, including one personal interview.
o Research articles must be saved in your digital portfolio, with any referenced or
quoted text highlighted
o Put the APA citation at the top of the article
 Proficient level of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage.
 In-text citations according to APA format.
 Title page and a references page according to APA format.
 Five pages in length, not including the title page and references page
 The paper must be written in the student’s own words, except for properly documented
quotes from sources.
 Note: papers that show evidence of plagiarism (cutting and pasting information from the
internet, representing someone else’s ideas as your own, copying from another student’s
paper, or failing to document sources and use in-text citations) will not receive credit.

For guidance, conference with your Capstone Faculty Adviser.

APA Format Information

The Purdue Online Writing Lab provides students with excellent information on APA format.
Access online at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

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