AGBT05-18 Guide To Bridge Technology Part 5 Structural Drafting
AGBT05-18 Guide To Bridge Technology Part 5 Structural Drafting
AGBT05-18 Guide To Bridge Technology Part 5 Structural Drafting
Structural Drafting
Sydney 2018
Guide to Bridge Technology Part 5: Structural Drafting
Third edition prepared by: Hanson Ngo
Austroads Ltd.
Level 9, 287 Elizabeth Street
Third edition project managers: Parvez Shah and Matthew Thompson Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Phone: +61 2 8265 3300
Abstract [email protected]
Part 5 of the Guide to Bridge Technology: Structural Drafting sets out the
principles involved in the presentation of bridge structural drawings and is
intended to give engineers and draft persons at all levels a sound guide in About Austroads
drafting presentation and information.
Austroads is the peak organisation of Australasian
The Guide covers a variety of principles used within bridge structural drafting road transport and traffic agencies.
practice including line work, text and dimensions, scales, definitions, drawing
Austroads’ purpose is to support our member
order and numbering, use of abbreviations and symbols, and concrete and
organisations to deliver an improved Australasian
reinforcement detailing.
road transport network. To succeed in this task, we
undertake leading-edge road and transport
Keywords research which underpins our input to policy
development and published guidance on the
Sketches, detailed design drawings, fabrication drawings, dimensions, design, construction and management of the road
symbols, patterns, setting out, cover sheet, general arrangement, footings, network and its associated infrastructure.
piles, concrete detailing, reinforcement detailing, structural steel detailing,
vertical alignment, horizontal alignment. Austroads provides a collective approach that
delivers value for money, encourages shared
knowledge and drives consistency for road users.
Third edition published February 2018
Austroads is governed by a Board consisting of
Second edition published March 2012 senior executive representatives from each of its
eleven member organisations:
First edition published June 2009
• Roads and Maritime Services New South Wales
ISBN 978-1-925451-96-2
• Roads Corporation Victoria
• Queensland Department of Transport and Main
Austroads Project No. BT1830 Pages 66 Roads
Austroads Publication No. AGBT05-18 • Main Roads Western Australia
• Department of Planning, Transport and
Infrastructure South Australia
© Austroads Ltd 2018
• Department of State Growth Tasmania
This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the
Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without • Department of Infrastructure, Planning and
the prior written permission of Austroads. Logistics Northern Territory
• Transport Canberra and City Services
Directorate, Australian Capital Territory
Acknowledgements • Australian Government Department of
Infrastructure and Regional Development
Second edition prepared by Matthew Thompson and Rudolph Kotze and
project managed by Paul Gunn. • Australian Local Government Association
First edition prepared by Matthew Thompson and project managed by Mark • New Zealand Transport Agency.
This Guide is produced by Austroads as a general guide. Its application is discretionary. Road authorities may vary their practice
according to local circumstances and policies. Austroads believes this publication to be correct at the time of printing and does not
accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of information herein. Readers should rely on their own skill and
judgement to apply information to particular issues.
The latest edition provides editorial changes and technical changes to various sections. Major changes include:
• Section 3.1 Cover Sheet | Updated loading information to be included in the cover sheet and added Appendix A for examples of
cover sheets used currently in various road agencies.
• Section 3.2 General Arrangement | Updated information to be included in the plan views elevation and typical cross-section and
added Appendix B for examples of general arrangement drawings currently in use in various road agencies.
• Section 3.3 Footings and Piles | Updated information to be included for geotechnical information, pile schedule and rock anchors.
• Section 3.4 Concrete Detailing | Added Section 3.4.8 Surface Finishes.
• Section 3.7 Bridge Widenings | New section to include requirements on dimensioning and drawings for bridge widening projects.
Guide to Bridge Technology Part 5: Structural Drafting
References ...................................................................................................................................................... 49
Examples of Cover Sheet ....................................................................................................... 50
Examples of General Arrangement Drawings ...................................................................... 54
Glossary .......................................................................................................................................................... 61
Table 2.1: Order of drawings...................................................................................................................... 8
Table 2.2: Metric abbreviations ................................................................................................................ 10
Table 2.3: Acceptable abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 10
Table 2.4: Example of list of coordinates ................................................................................................. 19
Figure 2.1: Example of conceptual sketch .................................................................................................. 4
Figure 2.2: Proposed design sketch............................................................................................................ 5
Figure 2.3: Scale bars ................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2.4: Sub-titles ................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2.5: Hatching and patterns ............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 2.6: Example of shading ................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 2.7: Material representation ........................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.8: Note leader convention ........................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.9: Cross-referencing.................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.10: Section orientation .................................................................................................................. 17
1.1 Scope
This Guide details the principles required in the presentation of bridge structural drawings.
The Guide is intended to cover the most common bridge information used, giving engineers and drafting
persons at all levels of experience a sound guide in drafting presentation and information.
For more detailed information, the relevant road jurisdiction should be contacted to ascertain their
requirements in the production of bridge structural drawings.
The Guide will cover a variety of areas within bridge structural drafting based on drafting principles such as
the following:
• line work, text and dimensions
• scales
• definitions
• drawing order and numbering
• use of abbreviations and symbols
• concrete and reinforcement detailing.
The information contained in this Guide is intended for adoption by engineers and drafting persons
throughout the industry. The Guide is intended to provide a basis for common practice and to promote a
consistency in application throughout the industry.
The Austroads Guide to Bridge Technology (AGBT) is published in eight parts and addresses a range of
bridge technology issues, each of which is summarised in Table 1.1
2. General Applications
All drawing types produced can be classified as sketches, detailed design drawings, fabrication drawings or
shop drawings, and as-constructed (as-built) drawings. These types of drawings are discussed in the
following sections.
2.1.1 Sketches
Sketches come in a number of forms depending on their intended use and requirements.
Conceptual sketches are sketches that develop multiple design options or alternatives for the proposed
bridge site. Options may include various horizontal and vertical alignments as well as superstructure types,
bridge lengths, bridge widths and locations. A conceptual sketch is used to help the designer and client
choose the most appropriate structure type and/or alignment for the planned site. An example of a
conceptual sketch is shown in Figure 2.1.
A proposed design sketch is a plan or set of plans produced to depict what is considered to be the most
appropriate design solution for the planned site. In some cases it may be deemed necessary to produce a
number of alternative design options in order to help the designer receive client feedback prior to detail
design commencing.
The information to be shown on conceptual sketches is similar to that shown in proposed design sketches;
however, in most instances the information shown in conceptual sketches is less refined.
A proposed design sketch should show all necessary dimensions, notes and components, particular to the
structure. An example of proposal sketches is shown in Figure 2.2.
A details sketch can be a sketch or a set of sketches providing details for construction purposes or temporary
works. A details sketch should be detailed similar to detailed design drawings (Section 2.1.2).
A detailed design drawing is defined as a drawing depicting all the necessary information required to
construct a structure or any part or component of a structure in accordance with the design. Detailed design
drawings make up a set of plans used to construct a structure.
A fabrication drawing is defined as a drawing depicting all the necessary information required for the
fabrication of a structural component or components. Also known as shop drawings, fabrication drawings are
intended for use in a fabrication workshop. In some cases fabrication drawings may be included in a set of
construction drawings.
The purpose of ‘as-constructed’ drawings is to reflect the ‘as-built’ conditions. All departures shall be clearly
recorded on an A1 size set of plans for record purposes. Each as-constructed drawing shall have the
following information:
• date the drawing was issued
• a brief description of departures from the approved design
• the initials of the engineer responsible for the departures
• the initials of the person responsible for recording the departures
• the issue shown in the title block shall show ‘As-constructed’ (‘As-built’ or ‘WAE’).
Line work on drawings should generally be in accordance with Table 3.1 in AS 1100.101. Variations on the
theme may be allowed according to the application. For a specific project, refer also to the relevant road
jurisdiction for the requirements for line thickness and line types.
2.3 Text
Though full size drawings are generally produced for the final design, the minimum text size used should be
clearly read on an A3 size set of plans. Table 4.1 in AS 1100.101 shows recommended minimum text
heights. Text sizes should not be less than what is stated. The height in millimetres of text should be one of
the following: 2.5, 3.5, 5, 7, 10, 14 or 20. For special requirements, other text heights may be used.
2.4 Dimensions
Each dimension necessary for the complete definition of a particular element should be clearly shown on the
drawing and shall be shown only once. The dimensioning of any element shall not be such that a dimension
relating to that element shall need to be deduced from other dimensions, nor, that the drawing must be
scaled to determine a dimension.
In all cases, dimensions shown on drawings shall be in millimetres and they shall be shown in accordance
with AS 1100.101.
A chain of dimensions shall be covered by an overall dimension except where dimensional tolerances are of
critical importance.
Where practical, dimensions shall be placed using the aligned method with each dimension placed parallel to
its dimension line in order to be read from either the bottom or the right hand side of the drawing.
Dimension lines shall not be interrupted for the insertion of dimensions and shall terminate in easily readable
arrowheads or a small circle as appropriate.
Projection lines for dimensions shall extend from a point no less than 2 mm (A1 drawing) from the surface of
the object to a point not less than 2 mm beyond the dimension line. Projection lines shall, in the majority of
cases, be unbroken.
Leader lines for notes shall commence from either the beginning or the end of a note with a short (minimum
length 3 mm) horizontal line before being angled to the point of reference. The termination of the leader line
shall be with an arrow to the outline of the element or a small fully shaded circle (nominal 3.5 mm diameter –
A1 drawing) within the area being noted.
• concrete dimensions 1 mm
2.5 Scales
Scales may be shown either in the title block or under the relevant detail to help with the ease of reading a
Scale used on drawings will vary in accordance with the size and character of the feature being detailed or
the degree of detailing required.
The scales on all drawings should be drawn to a defined natural scale (A1 drawing) with the scale to be such
as to be easily read on an A3 size drawing.
Distorted scales should only be used under special circumstances where clarity is the most important
Presentation of scales e.g. as ratios (1:100) or scale bars, shall be as per the relevant road jurisdiction’s
requirements. Figure 2.3 shows scale bar examples.
Drawings shall not contain two scales which are similar, e.g. 1:20 shall not be used on the same drawing as
2.6.1 General
The order of the drawings in a set of plans should follow the logical order of the construction procedure of the
structure. Table 2.1 is an example of order of drawing on a structure.
The above is only a representative list of drawings showing a generic order of drawings for a simple bridge
structure. This may vary according to the type of structure or the road jurisdiction’s requirements.
When producing a numbering system for a set of bridge construction plans, the relevant road jurisdiction’s
numbering system is used.
All drawing sheets shall carry a title block and shall adhere to the requirements of each road jurisdiction. The
dimensions and location of the title block as well as the information that are provided in the title block should
conform to the standards of the relevant road jurisdiction.
Cover sheets (see Section 3.1) may or may not require title blocks. This will depend on the road jurisdiction.
The title block on every sheet of a set of drawings shall have the same identifying title which adequately
describes the location of the structure site.
The title block of each sheet shall also include a description of the details shown on that sheet, e.g. piers
concrete, piers reinforcement, piers profile.
Where more than one sheet is required to detail a part of a structure, it is considered to be a sheet series
and the sheet titles shall reflect the particular situation. Sheet titles shall depend on the requirements of the
relevant road jurisdiction.
A sheet generally comprises several views, sections, details, tables, etc., and each are given an appropriate
sub-title, e.g. plan, elevation (Figure 2.4).
Elevations, section, views and details shall be identified and cross-referenced in accordance with
AS/NZS 1100.501. For the convention of cross-referencing refer to Section 2.10.1.
2.7 Abbreviations
A list of standard abbreviations for metric units is shown in Table 2.2. The arrangement of upper and lower
case letters for each abbreviation shall be strictly adhered to.
Unit Symbol
Degree (angular) …°
Degree (Celsius) °C
Kilogram kg
Kilometre km
Kilonewton kN
Kilopascal kPa
Megapascal MPa
Metre m
Millimetre mm
Minute (angular) …’
Newton N
Pascal Pa
Radian RAD
Second (angular) …”
Tonne t
A list of acceptable abbreviations for bridge and related structures is given in Table 2.3.
Word(s) Abbreviation/Symbol
Approximate APPROX
Australian certification authority for reinforcing steel ACRS
Australian height datum AHD
Average recurrence interval ARI
Average AV
Bench mark BM
Bore hole BH
Bottom face B
Calculated high flood level CALC HFL
Centre to centre C/C
Centres CTRS or Crs
Centreline CL
Control line CTRL
Construction joint CJ
Chainage CH
Circular hollow section CHS
Construction joint CJ
Countersink CSK
Curve-tangent CT
Deck wearing surface DWS
Diameter DIA or Ø
Word(s) Abbreviation/Symbol
Inside/internal diameter ID
Outside diameter OD
Downstream DS or D/S
Drawing DWG
Drawing number DRG No
Each face EF
Equal angle EA
Expansion bearing E
Expansion joint EJ
Far face FF
Fixed bearing F
Flat FL
Geocentric datum of Australia GDA
Head (bolt): HD
Cheese CH HD
Countersunk CSK HD
Hexagon HEX HD
Hexagon socket HEX SOC HD
Mushroom MUSH HD
Height HT
High density polyethylene HDPE
High flood level HFL
Circular hollow section CHS
Rectangular hollow section RHS
Square hollow section SHS
Horizontal intersection point HIP
Horizontal tangent point HTP
Hot-dip galvanised GALV
Inside diameter ID
International system of units SI
Intersection point IP
Maximum MAX
Minimum MIN
Modulus of elasticity E
Near face NF
No chamfer or fillet NCF
Nominal NOM
Number No/NO
Parallel flange channel PFC
Percentage %
Permanent mark PM
Pitch circle diameter PCD
Plate PL
Polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE
Polyvinylchloride PVC
Word(s) Abbreviation/Symbol
Prestressed concrete PSC
Radius R
Reduced level RL
Reference point RP
Reinforced concrete RC
Reported high flood level REP HFL
Required REQD
Restrained bearing R
Revision REV
Road RD
Spiral SP
Station STA
Street ST
Tangent point TP
Taper flange beam TFB
Taper flange channel TFC
Temporary bench mark TBM
Top face TF
Typical TYP
Ultimate ULT
Ultimate limit state ULS
Ultimate tensile strength UTS
Unequal angle UEA
Universal beam UB
Universal bearing pile UBP
Universal column UC
Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride UPVC
Upstream US or U/S
Vertical intersection point VIP
Vertical tangent point VTP
Vertical curve VC
Water levels:
normal water level NWL
mean high water MHW
mean high water springs MHWS
mean low water MLW
mean low water springs MLWS
The use of abbreviations other than those listed in Table 2.2 and Table 2.3 should be minimised. However,
any other abbreviations used in a drawing, not described in AS 1100.101 or the relevant road jurisdiction’s
manual, must be listed and explained in a legend on each drawing where such abbreviations have been
2.8.1 Hatching
Hatching is a useful tool when a component is required to standout or be clearly visible. Hatching can be
displayed by showing thin lines. When hatching, consideration about scale, congestion and possible
confusion should be taken when drawings are read at an A3 size (Figure 2.5).
Shading is a useful tool when a component is required to standout or be clearly visible at a scale when
hatching is no longer useful. Shading can be displayed by showing a consistent full covering over an area
(Figure 2.6).
Material representation
Material representation can be a useful tool when showing the differences between a number of materials,
e.g. mass concrete and reinforced concrete. Material representation can be displayed by showing a material
specific pattern over an area. When using patterns, consideration about scale, congestion and possible
confusion should be taken when drawings are read at an A3 size. Examples of patterns used for material
representation are shown in Figure 2.7.
Common material specific patterns used in bridge and related structures should be related back to the
relevant road jurisdiction.
Reference symbols
When considering the use of reference symbols the following points should be taken into account:
• The size of the symbol used shall be no less than the size of text it is placed near and should be easily
identifiable when read on an A3 size drawing.
• Different symbols shall be used for subsequent references on any drawing.
• The reference note shall be located either close to the point of interest, or in the drawing notes for the
same drawing.
Notes to be symbol referenced are to be considered only when deemed necessary, e.g. to avoid note
repetition, or where space is too confined to allow the note to be clearly displayed.
Where on drawings a component’s surface texture for metal work is required to ensure an acceptable
surface finish, the necessary information shall be given by the use of standard symbols and roughness grade
2.8.3 Welding
The necessary information concerning the location, type, size and length of welds in welded joints and
whether the welds are made in the shop or on site shall be given on the drawings with the use of standard
welding symbols.
Notes on drawings shall be clear and concise with regard to the required information and instructions.
All lettering shall be in upper case except where standard metric abbreviations dictate otherwise.
In the general or drawing specific notes, references to the relevant Australian Standards shall be used.
Grade/class of a material or materials shall be noted, e.g. ‘Steel sections shall conform to AS/NZS 3679.1’.
General notes or drawing specific notes shall be shown on the structure component drawing.
Each bridge/structure component drawing, or drawing set, shall contain clear and concise general notes
relating the required information needed to construct the component being detailed in its entirety. At no such
time should a designated notes sheet be created to contain all notes for a complete set of bridge/structure
For a component where more than one sheet is required to show adequate details for construction, the
general notes are not required to be produced on each subsequent sheet, a note referring to the sheet
containing these notes is adequate. e.g. ‘For other General Notes relating to this sheet, see sheet No. X’ or
‘For other General Notes relating to this sheet, see sheet Nos. X and Y’.
Where a note applies to a particular view, section or detail only, it shall be placed as close as possible to the
point to which it applies and not under general or drawing specific notes. The leader dimension shall be
placed either at the beginning or the end of a note. Figure 2.8 shows examples of a particular note.
2.10 Conventions
2.10.1 Cross-referencing
Where elevations, section, views and details are shown on a different sheet, cross-referencing shall be
carried out in accordance with AS/NZS 1100.501. Where a series of sheets is necessary to adequately detail
an element, e.g. Abutments Concrete – Sheet A, Abutments Concrete – Sheet B, etc., the same section
number or detail letter shall not be used more than once in the sheet series. A typical example is shown in
Figure 2.9.
3rd Angle Projection is used by most amongst the bridge construction industry and is the preferred practice
by Austroads and the state and territory road jurisdictions. Refer to Section 3.4.6 and Section 3.4.7 for
examples of sections and views, respectively.
Plan views shall be drawn horizontally, and, so that the chainage increases from left to right. Consequently
elevations shall be drawn as a view directly in front of the plan view.
Views shall be drawn representing what is seen from outside an element previously drawn as an elevation,
plan or section.
The designation of views shall be numerical with view numbers not replicating any section number already
Where the scale used to draw elements on drawings is too small to adequately show minute details, the item
requiring enlargement shall be enclosed in a circle, or other suitable shape and a detail mark shall be placed
in a convenient location.
Abutments and piers are generally drawn so the elevations are shown looking in the direction of increasing
chainage. However, Abutment A contradicts this rule with the elevation shown looking in the direction of
decreasing chainage (Figure 2.10).
Alternatively, a north point arrow can be shown to indicate the abutment direction in relation to the bridge
The geometry of the road defines the shape of the bridge (more particularly the deck). The geometry of the
deck therefore must be defined before that of the substructure and footings and/or piles. Road design
information and bridge site survey information provide relevant coordinates, alignment data, etc. Generally
setting out is carried out by one of two methods:
• alignment method (chainage and offset)
• a coordinate system (with current technologies, this is the preferred method).
For structures which have a straight alignment, the setting out should be carried out using the control line.
Chainages and offsets or, alternatively, coordinates may be used to locate the centre of elements
e.g. spread footings, piles; pier headstocks etc. Dimensions for each element shall be related to the defined
location and shall be normal to the element centreline.
Chainages, given along the control line, shall be adopted from the road design and/or site survey information
Where possible and practical, chainages for the centrelines of piers, bearings etc., shall be given in metres to
the nearest 0.005 metre.
Compass bearing
The bearing of a line is the angle measured clockwise from grid north to the subject line and is given in
degrees, minutes and seconds.
The bearing of the control line shall always be given in the direction of increasing chainage along the line.
The bearing of a line is relative to the station from where it is taken (Figure 2.11).
The coordinate system adopted for a project may be an arbitrary local one, ISG (Integrated Survey Grid),
GDA (Geocentric Datum of Australia) or MGA (Map Grid of Australia).
The coordinates are normally quoted in metres to the nearest 0.001 metre. In recording GDA, ISG and MGA
coordinates, the Easting value is always placed before the Northing value.
Table 2.4 shows an example of listing of coordinates in which a gap is placed between the third and fourth
figures, and also between the sixth and seventh figures from the decimal point to assist in the alignment of
The coordinates shall be obtained from a road design and/or from site survey information.
Survey marks or benchmarks are points located in an area with known survey information, such as the
height datum and coordinate location. This information can either be a localised point with localised height
and coordinate values, or values related to the Australian Height Datum (AHD) and Geocentric Datum of
Australia (GDA).
Some locations may also have datum conversions and corrections which must be applied to give correct
datum for an area of interest.
Each road agency should be consulted for their datum conversions and corrections.
Heights are used to define heights on a bridge/structure component related to a relative datum.
All heights on a deck which directly refer to a road or path geometries (wearing surface) shall be shown to
the design heights of said road or path.
Heights shall be shown in metres on all drawings with the following order of accuracy being used:
3. Particular Applications
The first sheet of any set of bridge construction plans shall be the ‘Cover Sheet’. The Cover Sheet shall be
numbered ‘1’ in any set of bridge construction plans.
Note: Where bridge construction plans are an integral component of a set of road construction plans the
bridge construction plans do not require their own cover sheet.
Arrangement of the cover sheet and text format should be related back to the relevant road jurisdiction. Refer
to Appendix A for examples of the cover sheets used in various Australian road jurisdictions.
3.2.1 General
General arrangement drawings are an important part of a set of bridge construction plans.
The general arrangement gives the reader an overall view of how the bridge/structure will appear once
construction has been completed and shall not contain any construction requirement information or
construction sequences.
Depending on the complexity of the bridge/structure and the detail required, multiple sheets may be used
and titled in accordance with Section 2.6.4.
Refer to Appendix B for examples of general arrangement drawings currently in use in various road
Plan views are important in showing the reader the location of the bridge/structure and the surrounding site,
which may contain utilities, roads, waterways and other points of interest and therefore should show
adequate details.
3.2.3 Contours
A contour is a line derived from the joining of points at the same height above a datum on an existing surface.
Contours shall be drawn as uniform lines, except under a bridge/structure where the line shall then be shown
as dashed lines. The line thickness shall be shown so as not to distract from the bridge/structure elements.
The level annotation of each contour shall be shown, at a minimum, once at the end of the contour; however
more level annotations may be shown on the same contour line for easier reading if deemed necessary due
to the complexity of the contour.
The contour intervals should be determined to suit the slope of the existing surface, however for very steep grades
the intervals shall not exceed 1.0 metre and for very flat grades the intervals shall be no more than 0.25 metres.
3.2.4 Elevation
Elevations are important in showing the reader the location in height of the bridge/structure and the level of
the surrounding site, the locations of roads, waterways and other points of interest and therefore should
show adequate details. The elevation should be placed as a projection above or below the plan, depending
on the road jurisdiction method of projection.
A typical cross-section is important in showing the type of bridge/structure detailed in the set of bridge
construction plans. The section should be drawn in the direction of increasing chainage, from left to right.
Vertical and horizontal alignment diagrams shall be shown when a grade on a vertical alignment or a
constant bearing on a horizontal alignment are not constant, and shall directly relate to the bridge/structure
control line (Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2).
Note: Depending on the complexity of the horizontal geometry, values such as chainage and coordinates
may be placed in a table.
Skew diagrams shall be in the following format with the following information:
• a right angle triangle with the base parallel to the control line, the hypotenuse parallel to the abutment or
pier centreline with the skew angle designated at the apex of the triangle
• a dimension for the vertical side of the triangle (typically 10 000 mm). A dimension for the base (‘L1’) and
the hypotenuse (‘L2’) of the triangle calculated from the vertical dimension and the skew angle (Figure
3.3.1 General
Various types of structural elements are used in bridge construction to transfer loads to the foundation
material, such as the following:
• piles
• spread footings
• rock anchors.
For further information on bridge foundation types, refer to Section 13 of the Guide to Bridge Technology
Part 3: Typical Superstructures, Substructure and Components.
These elements can also be combined such as piles and spread footings, which when designed will form the
base element to support the structure above.
Footing, spread footing and pile layout drawings shall be shown in a set of bridge construction plans,
showing the correct setting out, orientation and plan size of all elements. The layout will also show the
locations of any test piles (Figure 3.4).
Geotechnical information
Test bores for foundations are taken at nominated locations on bridge sites to establish the type and strength
of the foundation material. The information is shown by the drilling contractor in a bore hole log.
As a rule at least one bore hole would be taken at each pier and abutment location; however this process
may vary from one site to the next.
The locations of the bore holes should be shown on the plan view of a general arrangement drawing.
As part of a set of bridge construction plans, the geotechnical reports that form the basis of the design should
be cross-referenced, either on the pile/footing drawings or on the Cover Sheet.
Geotechnical data shall comply with AS 1726 and AS 1289.0 and the relevant road jurisdiction requirements
for presentation.
3.3.2 Piles
For further information on bridge foundation types, refer to Section 13 of the Guide to Bridge Technology
Part 3: Typical Superstructures, Substructure and Components.
Pile drawings may require a schedule. The details to be supplied in the schedule may include, but are not
limited to:
• pile location
• pile length
• numbers of each pile type
• headbar diameter, length and number per pile
• total mass of piles.
Driven piles
Driven piles are generally prefabricated members made from various types of material, such as, steel (‘H’
piles, tubular piles), concrete (precast reinforced concrete, prestressed reinforced concrete), and timber in
some cases. Driven piles also come in various shapes, such as round, square, octagonal, and shaped (e.g.
‘H’ pile).
A separate drawing for the fabricated members shall be added as part of the set of bridge construction plans
and shall contain all relevant information required for the fabrication of each member.
Where piles are required to be spliced, the minimum depth below ground level to the splice shall be clearly
shown on the drawings.
All relevant information for the placement and location of the piles, such as reduced levels, rakes and
coordinates shall be clearly shown on the drawings.
These piles are fabricated on site by first boring a hole into the foundation material and then placing the
reinforcement and concrete. Permanent or temporary casing may be used prior to boring as a supporting
structure for the foundation material.
All relevant information for the placement and location of the piles, such as reduced levels, rakes, rock
sockets and coordinates shall be clearly shown on the drawings.
Generally cast-in-place piles can come in various diameters, sometimes on the same bridge construction
The setting out of the piles shall be shown on a layout view. This drawing is not necessarily to scale but
should have reasonable proportions. On curved bridges it may be advantageous to exaggerate the curvature
to show dimensions more clearly. Horizontal alignment data for the control line shall be provided on the pile
layout drawing.
The layout should be shown on the pile detail sheet where possible and include all information necessary for
the positioning of the piles (Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5).
The centreline of the pile group shall be defined by chainage and bearing to the control line with the location
of each pile being dimensioned from the intersection of the control line and the centreline of piles,
parallel/normal to the centreline of the piles; or alternatively by a set of coordinates for each individual pile
location (Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5).
Piles in a group
The centre of the pile group shall be defined by a chainage and bearing to the control line together with a
dimension from the control line; or alternatively by a set of coordinates with the location of each pile being
dimensioned from the centre of the pile group parallel or normal to the centreline of the piles (Figure 3.6).
Raked piles
Where raked piles are used, a note shall be added to the drawing to indicate that the location shown is at a
nominated reduced level/height (usually the top of the pile).
Raked piles shall also have the degree of rake shown together with an arrow to indicate the direction of the
rake in relation to the centreline of the piles.
Where raked piles are in two or more rows beneath a pile cap, a dimension between the design levels
(usually the top of the pile) of the pile centrelines shall be provided (Figure 3.4).
Generally spread footings are detailed on pier or abutment drawings; however the location of any spread
footing shall be shown in plan on the layout view.
The setting out of footings on structures with complicated geometry shall generally be shown on a layout
view, however on straight, square bridges; the location of footings can be clearly indicated on the plan of
piers or abutments.
The layout shall indicate plan dimensions of the individual footings. The layout shall provide the horizontal
alignment data for the control line, such as chainage, bearing and coordinates, and include all information
necessary for the positioning of the footing from the intersection of the control line and the centreline of the
footing, such as the bearing of the footing centreline (Figure 3.7).
The layout does not necessarily need to be to scale, however it should be reasonably proportioned. On
curved bridges it may be advantageous to exaggerate the curvature in order that dimensions may be shown
more clearly.
The location of rock anchors should generally be shown in the layout view. Where rock anchors are used to
tie back walls and abutments, locations shall be shown on an elevation and any other views necessary to
clearly show angles, etc.
3.4.1 General
Line work on drawings should generally be in accordance with Table 3.1 in AS 1100.101 or as specified by
the relevant road jurisdiction. Variations on the theme may be allowed according to the application.
Concrete detail drawings should show the physical dimensions and reduced levels of a concrete structure. It
is important that sufficient information is shown to enable formwork to be built and erected and concrete
quantities to be easily calculated.
Formed holes, cast-in metal work, construction joints and any necessary layers of mass concrete shall be
General notes
General notes applicable to concrete detail sheets will cover such information as concrete exposure
classification, concrete strength and any other applicable notes relating to the concrete structure.
Holes in concrete
Concrete structures may require some form of hole to be formed, cored or drilled, depending on their
Formed holes are cast at the time of placing the concrete either by using some form of sacrificial material,
such as a polystyrene block, or by using some type of hollow pipe as a permanent formwork. The location of
the formed holes shall be sufficiently dimensioned to enable their correct positioning inside the formwork.
Cored holes are created in existing concrete by the use of coring drills and are used when large diameter
holes are required. The location of the cored holes shall be sufficiently dimensioned to enable their correct
positioning in the existing concrete structure.
Drilled holes are drilled in existing concrete and are deemed a small diameter hole. The location of the drilled
holes shall be sufficiently dimensioned to enable their correct positioning in the existing concrete structure.
Cast-in items
Cast-in items (where applicable) shall be cross-referenced to the sheet where the respective details are
shown. The location of cast-in items shall be sufficiently dimensioned to enable their correct positioning
inside the concrete structure formwork.
3.4.3 Dimensioning
Dimensioning of concrete items shall be in accordance with Section 2.4 and Section 2.4.2 of this Guide.
Dimensioning of concrete elements, whose details appear on a separate sheet, shall not be given, e.g. the
dimensions for the positioning of piles relative to the pile cap and its extremities shall not be shown on the
pile cap drawing.
The detailing of standard chamfers and fillets should not be shown on small scale views or sections.
However, standard chamfers and fillets shall be detailed to their correct size on any view or section where
the scale is 1:10 or larger (e.g. 1:10, 1:5, 1:2 etc.).
Non-standard fillets i.e. greater than 20 x 20 mm, shall be shown in all instances and shall be either called up
or dimensioned.
3.4.4 Plan
Plan views, used to show the location of such elements as footings, columns, headstocks etc. may also be
used to show reference markings, co-ordinates and chainages.
Plan views shall be drawn as a horizontal view taken immediately above the element under consideration.
Hidden details such as piles, columns and footings shall be shown as broken lines where appropriate
(Figure 3.8).
3.4.5 Elevation
Elevations shall be drawn as a view seen from a vertical plane immediately in front of the element under
Hidden details, such as abutment wing walls and associated fillets shall be shown as broken lines (Figure
3.4.6 Section
Sections shall be drawn as a view from a cutting plane located through an element previously drawn as an
elevation, plan or view.
Generally, only the details at the cutting plane of the section should be shown, however, details beyond the
cutting plane may be included provided that the included details are not confusing to the main details being
Sections, where possible, shall be drawn adjacent to the plan or elevation to which they relate. Where
section details cannot be shown on the sheet of origin, they shall be cross-referenced in accordance with
Section 2.10 of this Guide.
If a series of cutting planes are used to define section details, any change in direction of the cutting plane
shall be shown by thick lines (Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.11).
Construction joints are not permitted in prestressed concrete items except where directed by the designer.
Such construction joints, where required, shall be detailed on the drawings.
Construction joints, where critical for design purposes e.g. continuous deck slabs, voided slabs and
continuity connections, shall be adequately located by dimensions on the drawings.
Construction joints may also be required in tall members (e.g. pier columns) to avoid height-related access
and concrete compaction problems.
The aesthetic aspect of construction joints in highly visible members should be considered and detailed if
deemed necessary.
Where formed or unformed surface finishes are required by the designer, the required finishes shall be
indicated on drawings using the symbols required by the relevant road jurisdiction. For further information on
concrete finishes, refer to Section 13.2 of the Guide to Bridge Technology Part 6: Bridge Construction.
The following section has been written to conform to the following standards:
• AS 5100.5 Bridge design: concrete
• AS/NZS 1100.501 Technical drawing: structural engineering drawing
• AS/NZS 4671 Steel reinforcing materials.
3.5.1 General
The elevations, plans, views and sections shall be drawn using the same principles as outlined in Section 3.4
of this Guide and will show the required reinforcement details.
In some cases concrete and reinforcement can be shown on the same drawing, even on the same view,
however, in more complex reinforced concrete elements, such as abutments, it is preferable to detail the
concrete and reinforcement on separate drawings.
The full description of a bar, as above, will appear on a drawing only once. All subsequent references to the
bar shall require only the bar mark (e.g. A2). For a more detailed view see Section 3.5.3 of this Guide.
When labelling reinforcement, the first bar labelled shall be ‘1’ and each subsequent bar shall be numbered
in sequence (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.). No reinforcement bar with different characteristics shall be labelled with the
same bar number as a previously labelled bar (e.g. 12 m long straight bar carries the label – A1 4–N16–S–
300T, 8 m long straight bar cannot carry the label,
A1 4–N16–S–300T and therefore must carry the next available bar label – A2 4–N16–S–300B).
The letter suffix attached to the bar number is used to aid in isolating various elements of a reinforced
concrete structure, which allows in the detailing of each element individually (e.g. A – Abutment, P – Pier, D
– Deck).
This refers to the total number of bars in a set and is typically shown as in Figure 3.13.
The letter placed before the bar size defines the bar’s structural properties, as a default setting for the most
commonly used steel grade – D500N (Deformed, 500 Grade, Normal Ductility), the label shall show an ‘N’
before the bar size (Figure 3.13).
Where a grade other than D500N is required (e.g. D250N), the bar’s structural properties shall be placed
before the bar size (Figure 3.14).
Where the bar’s surface shape is required to be plain round, the letter before the bar size shall be shown as
an ‘R’ (Figure 3.15).
Bar size
Bar shapes in general shall be taken from Table 3.1 (A) and Table 3.1(B) of AS/NZS 1100.501. See Bar
shapes within this Section.
Bar spacing
The spacing of a bar or bars, along a limit line is expressed in millimetres (Figure 3.13).
This additional information helps in the placement of the reinforcing bar. The acceptable abbreviations are
shown in Table 3.2 of AS/NZS 1100.501. An example is shown in Figure 3.16.
The numbering of reinforcement, whether bars or fabric, shall be in sequential order and shall proceed from
the bottom to the top of the element under consideration wherever possible and/or practical.
In a pier spread footing, the bar placed closest to the bottom face shall be numbered first, and then each
subsequent bar numbered in the order the bars would be placed during construction (Figure 3.16).
In bridge decks where cross girders/diaphragms are used, the first bar marks used shall be in the cross
girders/diaphragms as these bars should be placed before the main slab reinforcement (Figure 3.17).
When locating reinforcement bars during detailing the following should be considered:
• The location of reinforcing bars in relation to each other, particularly in connection details such as a
column/headstock connection, pile/pile cap connection and footing/column connection, etc., should be
closely examined to ensure that bars may be easily placed and concrete compaction in that area can be
• The placement of reinforcement bars to minimise the interference with objects, such as cast-in metal work
(e.g. dowels, anchor bolts), formed holes and recesses. Where the location of the cast-in item is critical,
reinforcement shall be detailed to suit the particular application.
Where interference is of a minor nature only and is not critical, a suitable note shall be added to the drawing,
such as the following:
• The spacing of vertical bars may be adjusted slightly where necessary to clear formed holes and dowels.
• Reinforcement may be displaced slightly where necessary to clear dowels, anchor bolts, formed holes
and recesses.
Bar shapes
Bar shapes in general can be taken from Table 3.1 (A) and Table 3.1(B) of AS/NZS 1100.501.
In addition to the Australian Standard bar shapes, each road jurisdiction may have adopted bar shapes that
are commonly used in the detailing of a set of bridge construction plans. Each road agency shall be
consulted for their commonly used bar shapes.
Where the shape of a particular bar does not conform to the Australian Standard bar shapes or the bar
shapes used by the road jurisdiction, a different letter, for example, ‘Z’ shall be added to the bar shape code
with the first non-standard shape being ‘AZ’. Variations within a particular non-standard bar shape (e.g. same
general shape with different leg lengths), shall be identified by the use of the next available numerical prefix
(Figure 3.18).
Any subsequent non-standard bar shapes shall be labelled 'BZ', 'CZ' etc. and all non-standard shapes shall
be clearly defined on the ‘Bar shapes diagram’ sheet. Where non-standard bars require fitment of bends and
hooks, this and any other special feature shall be specified in the bar shapes diagram.
As stated in Section 3.5.1, elevations, plans and views shall be drawn using the same principles as outlined
in Section 3.4. The structure element shall be treated as transparent showing the required reinforcement.
In elevations, plans and views reinforcement is typically detailed using the following method:
• Only one bar in a set of bars is drawn with the extents of that bar shown using limit lines.
• The number and spacing of the bars over the extents is shown as a reinforcement label.
When showing bars in elevation, plan and view, bars should not be shown in section, only under special
circumstances should this rule not apply (Figure 3.16 and Figure 3.19 to Figure 3.21).
Figure 3.20: Elevation, plan and view – detail principle (variable bars)
As stated in Section 3.5.1, sections shall be drawn using the same principles as outlined in Section 3.4. The
structure element at the cut line shall be treated as transparent showing the required reinforcement.
A bar shape shall not be shown next to an elevation, plan, view or section, the bar shall be detailed in its final
position, in relation to the concrete shape (Figure 3.22 to Figure 3.25).
Reinforcement laps
When the length required exceeds the bar length, two or more bars are lapped together to produce the
required length.
Laps need not be shown unless they are required in a specific location.
The length of lap should only appear on the drawing if not covered in the general notes.
When lapped in a specific location the lapped reinforcement is typically detailed using the methods as shown
in Figure 3.26 to Figure 3.28.
Source: Roads and Maritime (n.d.).
Bundled bars
When two or more bars are placed together (e.g. fitments in a parapet, etc.), they shall be called up as a
bundle. Not all the bars in a bundle need to be shown, particularly when the number of bars exceed the
practical limit of showing the clear representation of the bundle.
In Figure 3.29 a number of bars are displayed in a slab, in both section and elevation. Figure 3.30 displays
two simple alternative methods of detailing a bundle.
Cover to reinforcement
All reinforcement drawings shall contain a note giving the required cover from a concrete face to the
reinforcement, e.g. ‘Nominal cover to reinforcement nearest to the concrete surface shall be 40 mm, unless
specified otherwise.’
When the cover is not as stated, the cover must be detailed (Figure 3.22).
3.6.1 General
Structural steelwork drawings shall show sufficient detail for the complete fabrication of a particular item or
sufficient detail to enable the fabricator to prepare detailed shop drawings for the particular item.
For simple fabrication work, such as bridge girders that are made from rolled steel sections, universal beams
and built-up plate girders, shop drawings are not usually prepared.
Each item of fabricated steelwork shall be detailed in the form with which the item would be released from
the fabrication shop, with each and every part that would be attached in the fabrication shop, shown as part
of the total assembly.
Fabricated items that form part of the total assembly need not be detailed as separate items, nor shall the
quantity of those items be shown separately unless unduly complicated, and in such a case, the quantity of
those items is shown and detailed separately.
In the majority of cases, it is sufficient to detail a fabricated item in one or two views, with enlarged details of
the more complex portions as necessary.
Where items are to be bolted or welded together in the field, (e.g. where steel cross girders are to be
attached to the main girders), an assembly drawing showing all components in their final position in the
structure shall be provided. The spacing of bolt holes and the edge distances to all plates shall be provided
on these assembly drawings.
Standard items, such as bolts, nuts and screws need not be fully detailed. If items are not fully detailed, they
shall be sufficiently described to enable correct identification.
All non-standard items shall be fully detailed with all relevant dimensions, thread length, thread type and
surface finish indicated as appropriate.
In accordance with industry practice, overall dimensions of steel items shall be provided to enable correct
Dimensions required for the correct positioning of holes etc. in items shall be provided from one end only and
no closing dimensions shall be given on the drawings.
The required protective treatment shall be specified on the drawings and it shall be appropriate for the item
under consideration, (e.g. for large items, it may be inappropriate to specify that the item be hot-dip
galvanised after manufacture).
In all cases where protective treatment of steelwork is required, a note shall be included in the general notes
on the drawing.
Where fabricated steel items have been hot-dip galvanised and the surface of the protective coating has
been disturbed or damaged for any reason, a note shall be included in the general notes on the drawing for
the treatment and repair of the damaged surface.
Bridge widenings are significant upgrade schemes that can be treated similarly to new bridge designs. They
should follow the same format and drawing for new bridge designs that is required by the relevant road
3.7.1 Dimensioning
Dimensions of the widening should be shown in relation to a bridge control line, and not from the centreline
of the existing bridge. Typically, the location of this line for bridges that are widened on both sides (Figure
3.31) or on one side (Figure 3.32) can be determined as follows.
It should be noted, however, that some road jurisdictions, such as Roads and Maritime Services (Roads and
Maritime) NSW, disregards the existing bridge (and its centreline), whether it is a one sided or both sided
widening. The only consideration is how the additions interact with the existing bridge and how the future
lanes arrange on the deck. With all widenings, alignments will change in the approaches and therefore,
require a Road Designed Control Line to which everything is related. At this point the widening is then
designed as a new bridge.
3.7.2 Drawings
Drawings for widening projects should be prepared similarly to those of new bridge projects for the relevant
road jurisdiction. The following additional details should be considered best practice for preparing widening
• the general arrangement drawing prepared as per the relevant road jurisdiction guidelines, with the
exception of bridges widened on one side only
For this case, the orientation of the drawing should be changed so that the widening is shown on the
• details of the joint between the existing structure and the widening
• a note stating that all dimensions to be verified on site and that they should be adjusted to suit the actual
as-constructed dimensions of the existing structure
• stages of construction and widths available for traffic at each stage
• provision and removal of any temporary barriers
It is unnecessary to provide the full details of the existing structure, however, sufficient details should be
shown to clearly describe the extent of works.
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure 2011, Drafting guidelines for consultants, version 4,
Structures group, DPTI, Adelaide, SA.
Main Roads Western Australia 2009, Drafting guidelines and practices manual, MRWA, Perth, WA.
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads 2017a, Drafting and design presentation standards,
volume 1, TMR, Brisbane, QLD.
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads 2017b, Drafting and design presentation standards,
volume 3, TMR, Brisbane, QLD.
Roads and Maritime Services 2011, Structural drafting and detailing manual, Roads and Maritime, Sydney,
Standards Australia
The definitions below are provided for guidance and shall be used in preference to other terms.
Term Definition
Abutment An end support of a bridge or similar structure
Alignment The geometric form of the centreline (or other reference line) of a carriageway in both
the horizontal and vertical directions
Horizontal – plan geometry of road/design
Vertical – elevation geometry of road/design
Approaches A relatively short length of carriageway leading up to a bridge, including embankment,
pavement and safety barriers
Approach slab A reinforced concrete slab supported on the abutment or deck and the approach fill
As constructed A set of plans on which all variation to the original design, made during construction,
are recorded for record purposes. Also referred to as ‘As built’ or ‘works-as-executed’
Asphalt A mixture of bituminous binder and aggregate with or without mineral filler, produced
hot in a mixing plant, which is delivered, spread and compacted while hot. (Used as a
road surface)
Australian height datum A level datum, uniform throughout Australia, based on an origin determined from
observations of mean sea level at tide gauge stations, located at more than 30 points
along the Australian coastline
Back fill Fill placed in an excavation
Back wall A narrow reinforced concrete wall, forming part of the abutment to prevent the earth fill
reaching the abutment sill and bearings (see curtain wall, fender wall, ballast wall)
Ballast wall A narrow reinforced concrete wall, forming part of the abutment to prevent the earth fill
reaching the abutment sill and bearings (see curtain wall, fender wall, back wall)
Bar mark A label given to a reinforcement bar for the purposes of identification
Barrier An obstruction placed to prevent vehicle access to a particular area
Base centreline The pegged centreline of the road alignment
Batter The uniform side slope of walls, banks, cuttings, etc. Usually expressed as a ratio of
horizontal to vertical, e.g. 2 to 1, 1.5 to 1
The amount of such slope or rake, usually expressed as a ratio of horizontal to vertical,
distinct from grade
To form a uniform side slope to a wall, bank, or cutting
Beam A load bearing member which supports the deck of a bridge (see girder)
Bearing (structural) A device for transmitting horizontal and vertical forces of a bridge superstructure to the
supporting structure
Bearing (surveying) The bearing of a straight line is the angle measured clockwise from grid north to the
subject line and is given in degrees, minutes and seconds
The bearing of the Control Line shall always be given in the direction of increasing
chainage along the line
Bench mark A defined mark of a permanent nature, the level of which, relative to some datum, has
been determined or assumed and to which the level of other points may be related
Blinding (preliminary A layer of lean mass concrete placed on soil to provide a clean bed for reinforced
concrete) concrete work
Bore (bore hole, drill hole) A hole produced in the ground by drilling or driving for geotechnical investigation
Box culvert A culvert of rectangular cross-section
Bridge A structure designed to carry a road or path over an obstacle by spanning it
Bundle mark A label given to a bundle/group of reinforcement bars for the purposes of identification
Term Definition
Carriageway The portion of road or bridge devoted particularly to use by vehicles, inclusive of
shoulders and auxiliary lanes
Cast-in-place Concrete which is cast directly into its final position
Cast-in situ Concrete which is cast directly into its final position (see cast-in-place)
Centreline The line which defines the axis or alignment of the centre of a road or other work. It
may be defined by pavement markings on a road delineating opposing traffic flows
Chainage The distance of a point along a control line, measured horizontally from a datum point
Concrete A mixture of fine and coarse aggregate, water, cement and admixtures
Construction joint A joint made during the placement of concrete or pavement base material to divide the
work into parts for convenience during construction or to provide for unavoidable
interruption to placing
Contours Lines on a map or plan joining all points of the same level
Contraction joint A provision made in a structure or pavement to allow contraction of components,
induced by temperature change or other causes, to occur in a controlled manner (e.g. a
groove in concrete)
Contract level The level shown on the drawings representing the extent of the work in the piles and
footings (e.g. toe of a pile)
Control line A line, generally at or near the centre line of a road, on which design is based and from
which measurements for setting out construction may be conveniently made
Coordinates Distances measured in a certain way from fixed straight lines which intersect at the
origin – used to locate points. Systems include MGA and ISG (Section 2.11.1)
Cover The depth of material between the surface of the ground or pavement and the top of a
culvert or pipe
The thickness of concrete between a reinforcing bar, tendon or duct, and the nearest
surface of a concrete member
The depth of material over the subgrade or any layer in the pavement structure
Crossfall The slope, measured at right angles to the alignment, of the surface of any part of a
carriageway (shown as a percentage e.g. 3.0%)
Cross beam/cross girder Transverse beam, used to support longitudinal members, such as girders, planks,
stringers, etc.
Cross head Part of a pier or abutment that supports the superstructure (see sill beam, headstock)
Culvert One or more adjacent pipes or enclosed channels for conveying surface water or a
stream below formation level
Curtain wall A narrow reinforced concrete wall, forming part of the abutment to prevent the earth fill
reaching the abutment sill and bearings (see back wall, ballast wall, fender wall)
Cut The depth from the natural surface of the ground to the subgrade level
Datum A defined horizontal or level plane to which the relative elevations of other points may
be referred
Deck The bridge floor directly carrying traffic loads
Deck units Load bearing deck members which comprise the bridge deck
Designed surface level A required level of the road as a basis for construction which is generally located on a
control line, such as a base centreline, a true centreline or other nominated line
Design load The load distribution, or combination of loads, for which a structure is designed
Design standard Identifies particular standards used in the design
Diaphragm A transverse stiffening member between girder webs or inside a hollow pier (see end
Discharge The volumetric rate of water flow
Earthworks All operations involved in loosening, removing, depositing, shaping and compacting soil
or rock
The structure resulting from this operation
Elevation A view through a vertical plan, viewed at a right angle to the object
Term Definition
End beam A transverse stiffening member between girder webs or inside a hollow pier (see
End of deck The back face of the curtain wall or back wall (if wall extends to the design surface
level) or the end of superstructure when the approach slab sits above the curtain. As
shown in the figure below.
Gradient The longitudinal slope of a road or path, usually represented as the ratio of a one metre
rise to the horizontal distance (e.g. 1: 50), or expressed as a percentage (e.g. 2%)
Grid A coordinate reference system used in surveying
Ground level The reduced level of any particular point on the surface of the ground
Grouting The operation of pouring or forcing binders such as cement grout into the interstices of
a structure
Guardrail A rail erected to restrain vehicles that are out of control
Headstock Part of a pier or abutment that supports the superstructure (see sill beam, cross head)
Head wall A retaining wall at the end of a culvert
Term Definition
Height A level relative to an agreed datum (see reduced level)
Hog The vertical deflection caused by the application of prestress in prestressed concrete
Invert The lowest portion of the internal surface of a drain or culvert
Kerb A raised border of rigid material formed at the edge of a carriageway, pavement or
Mass concrete Unreinforced concrete, usually of low strength and having a large maximum aggregate
size normally placed in large masses such as gravity retaining walls, and bridge
Median A strip of road, not normally intended for use by traffic, which separates carriageways
for traffic in opposite directions. Usually formed by painted lines, kerbed and paved
areas, grassed areas, etc.
Mortar A mixture of cement and/or lime and sand with water
A mixture of fine aggregate with an epoxy compound or other binder
Obvert The highest portion of the internal surface of a drain or culvert
Overlay The addition of pavement material to a bridge deck to provide a wearing surface
Overpass A grade separation where the subject carriageway passes over an intersecting
carriageway or railway
Parapet A raised kerb with a profile and height sufficient to prevent vehicles leaving the
carriageway, formed at the edge of a carriageway, usually on a bridge or similar
Pier An intermediate support in a bridge having more than one span
Part of the substructure supporting the superstructure and transferring the loads to the
Pile A slender member driven, jetted, screwed, or formed in the ground to resist loads
Pile cap A structural member designed to connect and distribute loads from the above structure
to a group of piles
Plank A load bearing member which supports or forms part of the deck of a bridge
Plinth A low level barrier subjected to repeated flooding (also known as a castellated kerb)
A concrete member raised above the surrounding concrete
Post-tensioning A method of prestressing in which tendons are tensioned after the concrete has
Precast A concrete component which has been cast into form before being transported to site
for installation
Prestressed concrete Concrete in which effective internal stresses are introduced, usually by means of steel
(PSC) tendons
Pretensioning A method of prestressing in which tendons are tensioned before the concrete is placed
(e.g. Super T Girders, Deck Units)
Term Definition
Safety screen A screen barrier usually placed behind a bridge safety barrier, designed to prevent
objects being thrown to the carriageway which is being spanned
Screed The operation of forming a surface by use of screeds to impart a grade for directing
water flow in small areas (e.g. landings)
Setting out line A straight reference line between known fixed points from which a bridge/structure can
be set out
Settlement A downward movement of the soil or of the structure it supports
Side wall A thin wall which extends upwards from the side of a pier or abutment, to either hide
deck joints from view, or to retain a batter from filling on to an abutment sill
Sill beam Part of a pier or abutment that supports the superstructure (see headstock, cross head)
Skew angle The angle between a line at right angles to the control line/setting out line and the pier
or abutment
Slope The inclination of a surface with respect to the horizontal and can be expressed as a
ratio (e.g. 1:50), or expressed as a percentage (e.g. 2%)
Soffit The underside of a structural component (i.e. sill beam)
Span length End spans – the distance between the end of the superstructure and the centre of the
nearest pier
Intermediate spans – the distance between the centres of piers
Note: for design purposes the span length is the length between centres of supports
Strand A product consisting of two or more wires spun together in a helical form. Usually
bundled together to form a tendon
Stringer A load bearing member which supports the deck of a bridge (see girder)
Subgrade The trimmed or prepared portion of the formation on which the pavement is
constructed. Generally taken to relate to the upper line of the formation
Substructure In a bridge, the piers and abutments (including wing walls) which support the
Superelevation A slope on a curved pavement selected so as to enhance forces assisting a vehicle to
maintain a circular path
Superstructure That part of a bridge which is supported by the piers and abutments
Survey Work performed to record features which are described and presented on a plan
Tangent point The point on a centreline where straight and curve meet tangentially
Tendon A tension element usually made up of a number of steel strands or wires, used in
concrete members, to impart prestress
Traffic barrier railing A railing usually fabricated from steel, consisting of one or more rails, with posts,
positioned on a reinforced concrete barrier/plinth designed to restrict the lateral
movement of vehicles
Truss A framed structure comprised of steel or timber which acts as a beam
Underpass A grade separation where the subject carriageway passes under an intersecting
carriageway or railway
Waterway area The area of the cross-section of the stream at right angles to the direction of the flow,
up to the assumed flood level
Wearing surface That part of the pavement specifically designed to resist abrasion from traffic and to
minimise the entry of water (see running surface)
Widening The widening of an existing pavement or carriageway generally without alteration of
Width of carriageway The clear width, measured at right angles to the longitudinal centreline of the bridge or
carriageway, between the inner faces of the traffic barrier or kerb
Wing wall The extension of an abutment wall as in a bridge, or of an end wall in a culvert, used for
retaining the side slopes of earth filling
The figure below presents a diagrammatic view of a bridge structure showing bridge components and
Bridge components