Final Exam16
Final Exam16
Final Exam16
*Answer all the following Five questions (support your answers with drawings as much as
Question No. 1: Write about the following (with drawing) (15 degrees)
1. Three types of plate boundaries.
2. Different types of unconformity.
3. Geometrical classification of joints.
4. Inter-limb fold angle.
5. Stratigraphic repetition and omission as a fault criteria.
Question No. 4: True or False (correct and explain with drawing) (10 degrees)
1. In plastic deformation if the stress is removed, the material return to its original shape.
2. Joints don't affect quarrying operations and ground water flow.
3. In the plunging anticline the beds on the opposite limbs strike parallel to hinge line.
4. Both Gulf of Aqaba and Gulf of Suez are affected by left lateral strike slip faults.
5. It's common that volcanoes are formed due to transform movement of tectonic plates.
Question No. 5: What is the difference between the following (with drawing) (15 degrees)
1. Paraconformity and disconformity.
2. Systematic & Non Systematic Joints.
3. Drag and Reverse Drag folds.
4. Block faults and step faults.
5. Trench and Ridge.
Best wishes
Dr. Mostafa Teama