Application Form For Vehicle Car Loan

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The document outlines an application form for car/two-wheeler loans including applicant details, employment/income information, assets/liabilities, and co-applicant details if any.

The application collects personal details of the applicant like name, address, contact information, identity details, employment/income details, banking details, asset/liability details, education details, and references.

The application process involves filling the form, providing collateral details if needed, ensuring necessary approvals, using the loan only for the specified purpose, and fulfilling pre-conditions for disbursement mentioned in the sanction letter.

Application-cum-Appraisal/Sanction Form for Car/ 2-wheeler Loan

Branch Office: ____________ Date of Application:_________________

Part – I Applicant/Co- Applicant information (separately)

1. Applicant’s/Co-Applicant’s Name Last: First: Middle:

2. Father’s/Husband’s Name
3. (i)Address a) Residence Present*: ____________________________________
. City/Location_________________________ Recent Self Attested
District ______________________________ Photograph of the
Pin Code ____________Country__________ applicant

b) Office ___________________________________
District ______________________________
Pin Code ____________Country__________

(c) Residence Permanent ____________________________________

City/Location_________________________ 4. Category of Applicant
District ______________________________ (Tick appropriate)
Pin Code ____________Country__________
Physical Handicapped Y/N
(d) E-mail Id ____________________________________ Ex-Serviceman Y/N
Minority Y/N
(e) Mobile: SC/ST Y/N
5. Telephone No. : a) Residence: ____________________________________
(with STD Code) b) Office:
6. (a) Income Tax Pan No.* Aadhar No. *
(b) (i) Voter ID No.*
(ii) Passport No.* Any one of these
(iii) Driving Licence No.*
7. Individual Type: ❏ Salaried ❏ Professional ❏ Self Employed ❏ Other
8. a) Age (yrs)
b) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)*:
c) Gender (male/female/Transgender)
d) Marital Status ❏ Single ❏ Married
e) Number of dependents in the household
f) Earning Member, if any, in family excluding applicant
g) Banking with us Yes/No, if yes, a/c no. & Customer Id.
9. Qualification/Education* ❏Matriculation ❏Intermediate ❏Graduation ❏PG ❏Ph.D.
10.Whether relative of Staff /Director of bank ❏Yes ❏No
11.Residence Ownership ❏Owned (self/spouse) ❏Owned (Parents) ❏Other
12.Years at current residence*
13. Collateral security provided? ❏Yes ❏No
14.Type of collateral ❏Property ❏NSC/LIC ❏Shares ❏Other
15.Value of collateral (`) ` ` ` `

16.Profession, Please specify

17.(a) If Self Employed / His/her firm is ❏Proprietorship ❏Partnership ❏Pvt. Ltd. Co. ❏Others
Professional No of yrs in Business/ Profession ____________________________________________________________
Line of Activity ____________________________________________________________

Income in Last 3years(`) Current Year: Last year : Year before last :

(b) If Salaried He/she works for ❏Govt./Public Sector ❏ Public Ltd.Co. ❏ Private Ltd.Co. ❏ Others

Salary account with PNB Yes/No, If yes, 16 Digit account no. and if no details of Salary Account
with Bank, Branch and Account No.
Name of the employer ______________________________ Address ______________________
Years with current employer ________Years ; Since when: _______ ______________________
Years with previous employer(s) _____ Years; From ________ To ________

Length of Service _________________________

Date of Retirement _________________________

Designation ____________________ Since: ____________________.

Total Annual Income (`)* Gross________________ Net: ____________________.

(c) If Other Occupation

Total Annual Income (`)* Gross: ____________________. Net____________________.

(d) Annual deductions (statutory savings, IT etc in `)*

18. Other loans taken (including previous loans from PNB):

Limit (`) : ____________________
Present Outstanding (`) : ____________________
Whether regular: ❏ Yes ❏ No
Monthly Repayment (`) : ____________________
19. Statement of Assets and Liabilities ( Amount in `)
Liabilities Assets
Outstanding Loans/Advances Amount Amount
Immovable properties:
Bank Building
Employer Movable properties:
Provident fund Cash
Relatives and friends Deposits with banks
Others Investment in Govt. Securities
Total Total
Net Worth (Actual in `) -_________________________

20. Spouse Information:

a) Name of the spouse: ____________________ Office Tel No. : ____________________________
b) Occupation/Profession: Office Address ____________________________
c) Total Annual Income*: Gross____________________ Net: ____________________

d) Is she/he furnishing guarantee? ❏Yes ❏No

e) Income Tax PAN no. ____________________________

21. Details of Car Loan requested from PNB:
a) Vehicle to be purchased : Type :____________ Make:____________ Model:_____________
b) Total Cost of the Vehicle: ` _____________________________________________________
c) Margin/Applicant’s Contribution: `_____________________________________________________
d) Loan amount `_____________________________________________________
e) Name & Address of the dealer to whom the _______________________________________________________
payment is to be made _______________________________________________________
22.Repayment Period (yrs)
23.Monthly installment a) Amount (`)
b) Mode ❏ Advance Cheques ❏ Standing instructions
24.Guarantor : Whether available ? ❏Yes ❏No
25.Name, Address and telephone numbers of two references

Reference 1 Reference 2

26.Details of any pending court cases of Banks/Financial

Institutions against Applicants/Partners/Directors:
(Enclose details on an Annexure, if needed)
27. Name of the applicant borrower in whose name vehicle to
be got registered (Applicable only in case of joint borrowers)
28. I/We request for sanction of loan of `. _____________for purchase of _______________ (name of vehicle) on the basi
the basis of information given above.
It is declared that:
The information given in the loan application is true and nothing has been concealed. The undersigned undertakes to inform
the Bank any change in my residence / office address and to provide any further information that the Bank may require. The
undersigned has been informed of the charges / fee to be levied by the Bank and agrees to pay upfront fee, documentation
charges, etc. as applicable and charged by the bank. The undersigned hereby agree to be bound by these terms and
conditions or by the revised additional terms and conditions which may at any time hereafter be made while the loan obtained
by me/us is still outstanding. I have read the attached Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC) annexed to the
application form carefully and agree to the same.
I/We have read and have been advised the terms and conditions relating the scheme for
financing____________________________________(name of the vehicle) and I/We hereby agree to be bound by these
rules or by the revised additional terms and conditions which may at any time hereafter be made while the loan obtained by
me/us is still outstanding.

In case the loan is sanctioned I/We authorize Punjab National Bank, BO: ___________________________________ to remit
the total cost of vehicle to M/s ________________________________________________. I/We have deposited/agreed to
deposit with the bank the difference between the total cost of vehicle and the amount of loan sanctioned and also agree to
comply with all other prescribed formalities and also agree to pay processing charges as applicable and charged by the bank.

Yours faithfully,

Signature and name(s) of applicant(s))

Note: All columns of the form should be properly filled up and supporting documents duly signed by applicant wherever
required should be attached, particularly those marked with a *. If there is a co-applicant, he/she should fill up another form. If
there is guarantor, he/she should also fill up the guarantor information (Part II)

*Sl. No.________ Date:____________

Received application from Mr/Ms/M/S _______________________________ R/O/Office at

_______________________________________________________________ for a ______________ (Type of Loan)
loan/limit of Rs._____________________ for ______________________________ (State the purpose). The loan
application will be disposed-off and acceptance/ rejection would be intimated within ____ days from date
of receipt of completed application form with supporting documents.
Serial number and date of the acknowledgement should be quoted in all future correspondence.

Officer/Manager (Loans)/Incumbent

(Seal of the Receiving Branch)

*Sl. No. of the acknowledgement format should be the same as indicated in the register for receipt of
credit proposals.
Part – II Guarantor information

1. Name

2. Father’s/Husband’s Name ________________________________________________

3. Address a. Residence* _________________________________________________
Photograph of
District__________________ Pin Code___________Country____________

b. Office. _____________________________________________________________
District ________________ Pin Code___________ Country___________

c. Permanent Address _____________________________________________________________

District ________________ Pin Code________Country___________

d. E-mail Id _____________________________________________________________

e. Mobile _____________________________________________________________

4. Telephone No.: Residence _____________________________________________________________

(with STD code) Office _____________________________________________________________
5. Age (yrs.) _____________________________________________________________
6. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):* _____________________________________________________________
7. Gender (male/female/Transgender) _____________________________________________________________
8. Qualification _____________________________________________________________
9. Is he/she is an Income-tax payer? _____________________________________________________________
10. Income Tax PAN no.* _____________________________________________________________
11. Aadhar No. * _____________________________________________________________
12. Voter ID No*. _____________________________________________________________
Any one of
13. Passport No.* _____________________________________________________________
12,13 or 14
14. Driving Licence No.*

15. Type of guarantor ❏Self Employed ❏Salaried ❏ Professional ❏ Others

16. (a)If Self His/her firm is ❏Proprietorship ❏Partnership ❏Pvt. Ltd. Co. ❏ Others
Employed/ Years in Business
Professional Total Income in Last 2 yrs(`) Last year: Year before last:
(b) If He/she works for ❏Private sector ❏Public sector (including govt. enterprise) ❏ Others
Salaried Designation _____________________________________________________________
Name & Address of the
employer _____________________________________________________________
Years with current employer _____________________________________________________________

Salary a/c with PNB Yes/No, If yes, 16 Digit account no. and if no details of Salary Account
with Bank, Branch and Account No

Total Annual Income (`) Last Year: Year before last:

16.Statement of assets and liabilities of the guarantor
Liabilities Assets
Outstanding Loans and Amount Amount
Immovable properties:

Bank Building
Employer Movable properties:
Provident fund Cash
Relatives and friends Deposits with banks
Others Investment in govt. Securities
Total Total
Net Worth (Actual
in `)
(Enclose photocopies of documentary evidence in support of the above)

17. Having fully apprised myself of the particulars submitted in loan application dated ________________for
______________________________ (mention purpose ) loan of `. __________________________ to be considered
by the Bank to Shri/Smt./Miss_______________________________________________________
ughter of Shri___________________________________________________________________

I have agreed to furnish my guarantee for repayment of the loan. I hereby declare that I know the above mentioned
applicant (s) very well for the last _________ no. of years. The information furnished by me is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge & belief.

(Signature and name of Guarantor)


Retail Banking Division (Advances)
1. Interest:
a) Interest whether floating type or fixed type will be charged in the account as
per sanction. Reset of interest will be as per stipulated in the sanction. Interest
is to be calculated on daily balance due to the Bank so long as the amount due
from the borrower is not paid in its entirety and the same will form part of the
principal and carry interest at the applicable rate at monthly rests.
b) All floating loans/credit facilities linked with MCLR are subject to Reset clause. On
Reset date, the interest rate may change and if the same is not acceptable to the
borrower, the outstanding credit facility shall have to be adjusted in full, failing which the
bank would charge the revised interest rate from the date of reset.
c) If the bank chooses to revise the interest rate due to the reset clause, and in case,
the borrower is not agreeable with the proposed rate fixed at the time of reset or no
consensus is arrived at mutually on rate of interest to be charged from the reset date,
pre-payment option may be exercised by the borrower for discontinuation of the loan. In
such an eventuality, no pre-payment penalty will be levied which will provide a comfort
to the good corporate borrowers. However, a reasonable time of not more than one
month shall be given to the borrower to make arrangement for repaying the bank’s loan.
After expiry of the stipulated period, the interest rate as fixed by the bank shall be
d) The bank will make efforts to keep its borrowers’ informed of any change in interest
rates through the official website ( , annual statement of accounts,
display in its offices and general announcements from time to time.
2. Penal Interest:
Penal Interest @2% will be levied in the account in case of:
a. Non-payment of any installment of principal and/or interest, costs and other charges
due, on the amount in default from the date of default; or
b. Any irregularity in the Loan account; or
c. Default in Furnishing information as prescribed/called for by the Bank; or
d. Diversion or siphoning of the Loan amount; or
e. Default in creation of security within the stipulated time; or
f. Non-compliance of any of the terms & conditions of this Agreement; or
g. Any other case as the Bank may deem fit.
3. Margin/ Promoter’s contribution:
The applicant should bring in their entire contribution before release of the
Loan or in the manner otherwise provided in the sanction. Further, it should
also be ensured that margin stipulated is maintained / provided at each stage
of disbursement.
4. Fee & other Charges: Fees and other charges as applicable on
application/ during the currency of the loan/ conversion charges for
a) All service charges viz. Upfront Fees/ processing Fees, Documentation
Charges, Inspection charges etc. will be charged from the applicant as per
sanction before release of credit facilities.
b) All other event based charges like legal fees, charges for dishonour of
cheques/ NACH mandate/ standing instructions, charges for drawing of Credit
Information Report from Credit Information Companies like CIBIL etc.,
registration of charge with CERSAI in case of mortgage of property etc. will be
recovered from the applicant immediately on occurring of the event.
c) Processing Fee paid by the Customer for availing the loan is non-refundable.
5. Repayment of loan: Loan to repaid in Equated Monthly Instalments (EMI)
or as stipulated in the sanction if otherwise.
6. Security: The loan will be secured by mortgage of/ hypothecation of/ charge
on assets purchased through bank funds in case of primary security and/or
assets in case of collateral security, within the stipulated time period as
specified in the sanction. Personal guarantee if any, will be obtained as per
7. Insurance:
a) The borrower shall get the assets, mortgaged/ hypothecated/ charged to the
bank, insured against all risks at their own cost with usual bank clause. A
copy of the insurance policy will be kept on bank's records also.
b) In case the same is not complied with, the bank will get the same insured
and cost recovered from the borrower.
c) The Borrower may avail health and/or life insurance cover for himself with
the Bank as the sole beneficiary under the policy / policies.
5. Disbursement:
a) The borrower shall submit all relevant documents as mentioned in the
Sanction Letter/Loan Agreement before disbursement.
b) The borrower will intimate the Bank of any change in his
employment/contact details.
c) The borrower will request for disbursement of the loan in writing (as per the
manner prescribed by Bank).
d) The payments will preferably be made directly to vendor/ seller from whom
the applicant proposes to purchase the asset. Original bills/cash memos for all
the assets financed by bank/ payments made by the bank, shall be submitted
by the borrower to be placed on bank’s record.
e) In case of housing loan, the Loan will be released in stages as per physical
progress of the project. Before actually disbursing the loan, the Branch Head
must satisfy that the borrower has contributed the required margin for the
loan. In case of housing loan for construction of house, payment will preferably
be made directly to the suppliers.
f) Before disbursement of Loan, applicant to ensure that all necessary statutory
and other approvals/permissions have been obtained.
g) Loan will be utilised strictly for the purpose as per sanction. Deviation if any,
will be treated as non-compliance.
h) Borrower to comply with all preconditions for disbursement of the loan as
mentioned in the Sanctioned Letter.
6. Recovery of dues:
a) Customers have been explained the repayment process of the loan in
respect of, tenure, periodicity, amount and mode of repayment of the loan.
No notice, reminder or intimation is given to the customer regarding
his/her obligation to pay the EMI/ Instalment regularly on due date.
b) On non-payment of EMI/ Instalment by the due dates, Bank shall remind
the customers by making telephone calls, sending written intimations by
post and electronic medium or by making personal visits by Bank’s
authorized personnel at the addresses provided by the customer. Costs of
such calls/communication /visits shall be recovered from the customer.
c) Notwithstanding what is stated herein, it shall be the liability of the
customer to ensure that the EMIs/ Instalments are regularly paid on the
due dates.
d) Credit information relating to any customer's account is provided to the
Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL) or any other licensed
bureau on a monthly basis. To avoid any adverse impact on the credit
history with CIBIL, it is advised that the customer should ensure timely
payment of the amount due on the loan amount.
e) The recovery process of enforcement of mortgage/securities, including but
not limited to, taking possession and sale of the mortgaged property in
accordance with the procedure prescribed under the Securitisation and
Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act) or under any other law, is followed purely as per
the directions laid down under the respective law.
f) Intimation/Reminders/Notice(s) are given to customer prior to initiating
steps for recovery of overdues, under the Negotiable Instruments Act, Civil
Suit as well as under the SARFAESI Act.
7. Customer Service: Customer Service Queries including requirement of
documents can be addressed to the Bank through the following channels:
i) Write to the branch or contact us through toll free number 1800-180-2222 /
1800-103-2222 / 0120-2490000 (tolled).
ii) Contact the branch within the working hours for:
a. Photo Copies of loan documents, which can be provided in 7 working days
from date of placing request. Necessary administrative fee shall be applicable.
b. Original documents namely Title Deed of Property, Registration Certificate
etc. will be returned within 10 working days from the date of closure of loan.
c. Loan Account statement (time line): Within 3 working days of the receipt of

8. Grievance Redressal: There can be instances where the Borrower is not

satisfied with the services provided. To highlight such instances & register a
complaint the Borrower may follow the following process:
a) Borrower can meet or write to the Branch Head of the concerned branch or
b) The Borrower can complain to customer care through our website: or email at [email protected] or Mobile Application “wecare”
(can be downloaded through Google Playstore) or through Internet Banking/
Mobile Banking or
c) In case the grievance remains unresolved beyond a period of 15 days, the
borrower may escalate the matter to Principal Nodal Officer, Punjab National
Bank, Customer Care Division, Head Office, Sector 10 Dwarka, New Delhi
**The above list is illustrative and may vary on case to case basis.

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