Embedded Systems Unit IV

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Pipes are kernel objects that provide unstructured data exchange and facilitate synchronization among tasks. In a
traditional implementation, a pipe is a unidirectional data exchange facility, as shown in below Figure.

Two descriptors, one for each end of the pipe (one end for reading and one for writing), are returned when the
pipe is created. Data is written via one descriptor and read via the other. The data remains in the pipe as an
unstructured byte stream. Data is read from the pipe in FIFO order.

A pipe provides a simple data flow facility so that the reader becomes blocked when the pipe is empty, and the
writer becomes blocked when the pipe is full. Typically, a pipe is used to exchange data between a data-
producing task and a data-consuming task, as shown in the below Figure.

It is also permissible to have several writers for the pipe with multiple readers on it. The function calls in the OS
API to manage the pipes are:

• Create a pipe

• Open a pipe

• Close a pipe

• Read from the pipe

• Write to the pipe


Messages are sent to a task using kernel services called message mailbox. Mailbox is basically a pointer size
variable. Tasks or ISRs can deposit and receive messages (the pointer) through the mailbox. A task looking for a
message from an empty mailbox is blocked and placed on waiting list for a time (time out specified by the task)
or until a message is received. When a message is sent to the mail box, the highest priority task waiting for the
message is given the message in priority-based mailbox or the first task to request the message is given the
message in FIFO based mailbox.

A mailbox object is just like our postal mailbox. Someone posts a message in our mailbox and we take out the
message. A task can have a mailbox into which others can post a mail. A task or ISR sends the message to the
mailbox. To manage the mailbox object, the following function calls are provided in the OS API:

• Create a mailbox

• Delete a mailbox

• Query a mailbox

• Post a message in a mailbox

• Read a message form a mailbox

Message Queues:

It is used to send one or more messages to a task. Basically Queue is an array of mailboxes. Tasks and ISRs can
send and receive messages to the Queue through services provided by the kernel. Extraction of messages from a
queue may follow FIFO or LIFO fashion. When a message is delivered to the queue either the highest priority
task (Priority based) or the first task that requested the message (FIFO based) is given the message.

Message queue can be considered as an array of mailboxes. Some of the applications of message queue are:

• Taking the input from a keyboard

• To display output

• Reading voltages from sensors or transducers

• Data packet transmission in a network

In each of these applications, a task or an ISR deposits the message in the message queue. Other tasks can take
the messages. Based on our application, the highest priority task or the first task waiting in the queue can take the

At the time of creating a queue, the queue is given a name or ID, queue length, sending task waiting list and
receiving task waiting list.

The following function calls are provided to manage message queues:

• Create a queue

• Delete a queue

• Flush a queue

• Post a message in queue

• Post a message in front of queue

• Read message from queue

• Broadcast a message

• Show queue information

• Show queue waiting list

Event Registers:

Some kernels provide a special register as part of each tasks control block as shown below. This register, called
an event register, is an object belonging to a task and consists of a group of binary event flags used to track the
occurrence of specific events. Depending on a given kernel’s implementation of this mechanism, an event register
can be 8 or 16 or 32 bits wide, maybe even more.

Each bit in the event register treated like a binary flag and can be either set or cleared. Through the event register,
a task can check for the presence of particular events that can control its execution. An external source, such as
another task or an ISR, can set bits in the event register to inform the task that a particular event has occurred.
For managing the event registers, the following function calls are provided:

• Create an event register

• Delete an event register

• Query an event register

• Set an event register

• Clear an event flag


A signal is a software interrupt that is generated when an event has occurred. It diverts the signal receiver from its
normal execution path and triggers the associated asynchronous processing.

Essentially, signals notify tasks of events that occurred during the execution of other tasks or ISRs. As with
normal interrupts, these events are asynchronous to the notified task and do not occur at any predetermined point
in the task’s execution. The difference between a signal and a normal interrupt is that signals are so-called
software interrupts, which are generated via the execution of some software within the system. By contrast,
normal interrupts are usually generated by the arrival of an interrupt signal on one of the CPU’s external pins.
They are not generated by software within the system but by external devices.

The number and type of signals defined is both system-dependent and RTOS-dependent. An easy way to
understand signals is to remember that each signal is associated with an event. The event can be either
unintentional, such as an illegal instruction encountered during program execution, or the event may be
intentional, such as a notification to one task from another that it is about to terminate. While a task can specify
the particular actions to undertake when a signal arrives, the task has no control over when it receives signals.
Consequently, the signal arrivals often appear quite random, as shown in below Figure.

When a signal arrives, the task is diverted from its normal execution path, and the corresponding signal routine is
invoked. The terms signal routine, signal handler, asynchronous event handler, and asynchronous signal routine4


are interchangeable. This uses asynchronous signal routine (ASR). Each signal is identified by an integer value,
which is the signal number or vector number.

The function calls to manage a signal are:

• Install a signal handler

• Remove an installed signal handler

• Send a signal to another task

• Block a signal from being delivered

• Unblock a blocked signal

• Ignore a signal


A timer is the scheduling of an event according to a predefined time value in the future, similar to setting an
alarm clock. For instance, the kernel has to keep track of different times:

• A particular task may need to be executed periodically, say, every 10ms. A timer is used to keep track of this

• A task may be waiting in a queue for an event to occur. If the event does not occur for a specified time, it has to
take appropriate action.

• A task may be waiting in a queue for a shared resource. If the resource is not available for a specified time, an
appropriate action has to be taken.

The following function calls are provided to manage the timer:

• Get time

• Set time

• Time delay (in system clock ticks)

• Time delay (in seconds)

• Reset timer

Memory Management:

Most RTOSs have some kind of memory management subsystem. Although some offer the equivalent of the C
library functions malloc and free, real-time systems engineers often avoid these two functions because they are
typically slow and because their execution times are unpredictable. They favor instead functions that allocate and
free fixed-size buffers, and most RTOSs offer fast and predictable functions for the purpose.

The memory manager allocates memory to the processes and manages it with appropriate protection. There may
be static and dynamic allocations of memory. The manager optimizes the memory needs and memory utilization.5
An RTOS may disable the support to the dynamic block allocation, MMU support to the dynamic page allocation
and dynamic binding as this increases the latency of servicing the tasks and ISRs. An RTOS may or may not
support memory protection in order to reduce the latency and memory needs of the processes.

The API provides the following function calls to manage memory:

• Create a memory block

• Get data from memory

• Post data in the memory

• Query a memory block

• Free the memory block

Priority Inversion Problem:

Priority inversion is a situation in which a low-priority task executes while a higher priority task waits on it due
to resource contentions.

• In Scheduling, priority inversion is the scenario where a low priority Task holds a shared resource that is
required by a high priority task.

• This causes the execution of the high priority task to be blocked until the low priority task has released the
resource, effectively “inverting” the relative priorities of the two tasks.

• If some other medium priority task, one that does not depend on the shared resource, attempts to run in the
interim, it will take precedence over both the low priority task and the high priority task.

Priority Inversion will:

• Make problems in real time systems.

• Reduce the performance of the system

• May reduce the system responsiveness which leads to the violation of response time guarantees.
This problem can be avoided by implementing:

Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP):

The Priority Inheritance Protocol is a resource access control protocol that raises the priority of a task, if that task
holds a resource being requested by a higher priority task, to the same priority level as the higher priority task.

Priority Ceiling Protocol (PCP):

The priority ceiling protocol is a synchronization protocol for shared resources to avoid unbounded priority
inversion and mutual deadlock due to wrong nesting of critical sections.

In this protocol each resource is assigned a priority ceiling, which is a priority equal to the highest priority of any
task which may lock the resource.


A semaphore is a protected variable or abstract data type that provides a simple but useful abstraction for
controlling access by multiple processes to a common resource in a parallel programming environment.


A useful way to think of a semaphore is as a record of how many units of a particular resource are available,
coupled with operations to safely (i.e., without race conditions) adjust that record as units are required or become
free, and if necessary wait until a unit of the resource becomes available.

Semaphores are a useful tool in the prevention of race conditions and deadlocks; however, their use is by no
means a guarantee that a program is free from these problems. Semaphores which allow an arbitrary resource
count are called counting semaphores, whilst semaphores which are restricted to the values 0 and 1 (or
locked/unlocked, unavailable/available) are called binary semaphores.

The semaphore concept was invented by Dutch computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra, and the concept has found
widespread use in a variety of operating systems.

The OS function calls provided for Semaphore management are:

• Create a semaphore

• Delete a semaphore

• Acquire a semaphore

• Release a semaphore

• Query a semaphore

Types of Semaphores:

We will consider three different types of Semaphores are Binary Semaphores, Counting Semaphores and

Binary Semaphores:

A binary semaphore is a synchronization object that can have only two states. They are not taken and taken.

Two operations are defined:

• Take: Taking a binary semaphore brings it in the “taken” state, trying to take a semaphore that is already taken
enters the invoking thread into a waiting queue.

• Release: Releasing a binary semaphore brings it in the “not taken” state if there are not queued threads. If there
are queued threads then a thread is removed from the queue and resumed, the binary semaphore remains in the
“taken” state. Releasing a semaphore that is already in its “not taken” state has no effect.

Binary semaphores have no ownership attribute and can be released by any thread or interrupt handler regardless
of who performed the last take operation. Because of these binary semaphores are often used to synchronize
threads with external events implemented as ISRs, for example waiting for a packet from a network or waiting
that a button is pressed.

Because there is no ownership concept a binary semaphore object can be created to be either in the “taken” or
“not taken” state initially.

Counting Semaphores:

A counting semaphore is a synchronization object that can have an arbitrarily large number of states. The internal
state is defined by a signed integer variable, the counter. The counter value (N) has a precise meaning:

Negative, there are exactly -N threads queued on the semaphore.

Zero, no waiting threads, a wait operation would put in queue the invoking thread.

Positive, no waiting threads, a wait operation would not put in queue the invoking thread.

Two operations are defined for counting semaphores:

• Wait: This operation decreases the semaphore counter; if the result is negative then the invoking thread is

• Signal: This operation increases the semaphore counter; if the result is nonnegative then a waiting thread is
removed from the queue and resumed.

Counting semaphores have no ownership attribute and can be signaled by any thread or interrupt handler
regardless of who performed the last wait operation.

Because there is no ownership concept a counting semaphore object can be created with any initial counter value
as long it is non-negative.

The counting semaphores are usually used as guards of resources available in a discrete quantity. For example the
counter may represent the number of used slots into a circular queue, producer threads would “signal” the
semaphores when inserting items in the queue, consumer threads would “wait” for an item to appear in queue,
this would ensure that no consumer would be able to fetch an item from the queue if there are no items available.


A mutex is a synchronization object that can have only two states. They are not owned and owned.

Two operations are defined for mutexes:

• Lock: This operation attempts to take ownership of a mutex, if the mutex is already owned by another thread
then the invoking thread is queued.

• Unlock: This operation relinquishes ownership of a mutex. If there are queued threads then a thread is removed
from the queue and resumed, ownership is implicitly assigned to the thread.

Note that, unlike semaphores, mutexes do have owners. A mutex can be unlocked only by the thread that owns it,
this precludes the use of mutexes from interrupt handles but enables the implementation of the Priority
Inheritance protocol, and most RTOSs implement this protocol in order to address the Priority Inversion problem.
It must be said that few RTOSs implement this protocol fully (any number of threads and mutexes involved) and
even less do that efficiently.

Mutexes have one single use, Mutual Exclusion, and are optimized for that. Semaphores can also handle mutual
exclusion scenarios but are best used as a communication mechanism between threads or between ISRs and

The OS functions calls provided for mutex management are:

• Create a mutex

• Delete a mutex

• Acquire a mutex

• Release a mutex

• Query a mutex

• Wait on a mutex

Difference between Mutex & Semaphore:

Mutexes are typically used to serialize access to a section of re-entrant code that cannot be executed concurrently
by more than one thread. A mutex object only allows one thread into a controlled section, forcing other threads
which attempt to gain access to that section to wait until the first thread has exited from that section.

A semaphore restricts the number of simultaneous users of a shared resource up to a maximum number. Threads
can request access to the resource (decrementing the semaphore), and can signal that they have finished using the
resource (incrementing the semaphore).


A condition that occurs when two processes are each, waiting for the other to complete before proceeding. The
result is that both processes hang. Deadlocks occur most commonly in multitasking and client/server
environments. Ideally, the programs that are deadlocked, or the operating system, should resolve the deadlock,
but this doesn't always happen.

In order for deadlock to occur, four conditions must be true:

• Mutual Exclusion: Each resource is either currently allocated to exactly one process or it is available.

• Hold and Wait: processes currently holding resources can request new resources.

• No Preemption: Once a process holds a resource, it cannot be taken away by another process or the kernel.

• Circular Wait: Each process is waiting to obtain a resource which is held by another process.


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