Assessments 2
Assessments 2
Assessments 2
Guided Practice:
Students will watch an Ancient Mesopotamia geography video that will recap what they have
learned. Students will answer the follow questions as they watch:
1. How does the speaker connect geography and civilization? What were some examples he
2. What were some important points the speaker made? Do you agree with him? Why/Why
Directions: You will reflect on class today. Students will complete an exit slip on how river
valley civilizations are shaped by their surrounding geography.
2. What are the downfalls of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
5. Would you consider settling along side the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers? Why/Why
Guided Practice:
Students will watch a “Ted Talk” on Language and Culture and will answer the follow questions
as they watch:
1. How is language connected to culture? What are some examples Lera Boroditsky gives?
Name: _______________________________
Date: ________________________________
1. What is cuneiform?
a. wedge-shaped characters used in the ancient writing systems of Mesopotamia on
clay tablets
b. an ancient language in which the Hindu scriptures and classical Indian epic poems
are written
c. a system that employs characters in the form of pictures
d. a tactile writing system used by people who are visually impaired
2. What is agriculture?
a. an amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of
production or supply over demand
b. a structure carrying a road, path, railroad, or canal across a river, ravine, road,
railroad, or other obstacle
c. the cultivation of land and breeding of animals and plants to provide food and
other products to sustain and enhance life.
d. hunting, fishing, and harvesting wild food
4. What is a ziggurat?
a. a building used for public Christian worship.
b. a Muslim place of worship.
c. a part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups
d. An ancient temple tower consisting of a lofty pyramidal structure built in
successive stages with outside staircases and a shrine at the top
1. How did farming start? What were some examples / situations that were talked about?
What were some strategies/tools that were used?
G- Create a proposal for or against settling along side the Tigris River
R- A farmer
A- The local government, fellow farmers, merchants, craftsmen and other peers.
S- You need to compose a convincing proposal to the local government as to why settling down
near the Tigris river could beneficial or detrimental to Ancient Mesopotamian society /
civilization. A decision must be made in 3 days, you must have 3 separate arguments in favor of
your situation.
P- Be as detailed and creative as possible so you can convince the local government of your
argument. Explain why even though there are upsides/downsides, that your position holds water.
S- Convincing and detailed proposal with 3 seperate arguments.You should
include outside quotes, academic wording, and proper spelling and grammar.
Argumentative Essay The essay explicitly The essay conveys an The essay is not clear /
states an argument argument has no argument
Explains in detail what The explanation There is no argument.
the pros or cons are to disregards detail
settling down along the ____________
Tigris River.
______________ ____________
Grammar and Vocab There are no spelling The essay has a few The essay exhibits
mistakes spelling mistakes many spelling mistakes.
Punctuation is precise Punctuation is The essay has many
throughout the essay inconsistent throughout punctuation errors.
AND the essay OR
Academic words as AND There are a
well as vocabulary Academic words as minimal/rarely any
words from class well as vocabulary academic
lectures and the words from class words/vocabulary
textbook are lectures and the words from class
implemented into the textbook are vaguely lectures and the
essay. implemented into the textbook
_____________ ____________
Total Score: ______________