The Relation of Moderate Alcohol Consumption To Hyperuricemia in A Rural General Population

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International Journal of

Environmental Research
and Public Health

The Relation of Moderate Alcohol Consumption to
Hyperuricemia in a Rural General Population
Zhao Li 1 , Xiaofan Guo 1 , Yamin Liu 2 , Ye Chang 1 , Yingxian Sun 1, *, Guangshuo Zhu 3 and
Maria Roselle Abraham 3
1 Department of Cardiology, the First Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, China;
[email protected] (Z.L.); [email protected] (X.G.); [email protected] (Y.C.)
2 Department of Pharmacy, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, China;
[email protected]
3 Department of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA;
[email protected] (G.Z.); [email protected] (M.R.A.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-24-8328-2688

Academic Editor: Paul B. Tchounwou

Received: 4 June 2016; Accepted: 13 July 2016; Published: 20 July 2016

Abstract: Background: although alcohol abuse is known to increase serum uric acid, the relation
between moderate drinking and uric acid have remained poorly understood. We performed this
study to evaluate whether different alcohol consumption level has different effects on the risk of
hyperuricemia based on a rural general population. Method: multi-stage cluster sampling method
was used to select a representative sample of individuals aged 35 years or older. Participants were
asked to provide information about their alcohol consumption. Data regarding the demographic and
lifestyle characteristics and the blood biochemical indexes of these participants were collected by
well-trained personnel. Results: in total, 11,039 participants aged 35 years or older were included
(4997 men and 6042 women). The prevalence of hyperuricemia in the different male alcohol
consumption groups was 11.9% in non-drinkers, 12.6% in moderate drinkers, and 16.3% in heavy
drinkers (p < 0.001). In females, the rates were 6.3% in non-drinkers, 8.1% in moderate drinkers, and
6.6% for heavy drinkers (p = 0.818). In males, multivariate logistic regression analyses shows heavy
drinkers had an approximately 1.7-fold higher risk of hyperuricemia (OR: 1.657, 95% CI: 1.368 to
2.007, p < 0.001) than non-drinkers; moderate drinkers did not experience a significant increase in
risk (OR: 1.232, 95% CI: 0.951 to 1.596, p = 0.114)). Multivariate logistic regression analyses of females
showed that, compared with non-drinkers, neither moderate nor heavy drinkers had a significantly
increased risk of hyperuricemia (OR: 1.565, 95% CI: 0.521 to 4.695, p = 0.425 for heavy drinkers;
OR: 0.897, 95% CI: 0.117 to 6.855, p = 0.916 for moderate drinkers). Conclusions: heavy alcohol
consumption increased the risk of hyperuricemia for males but not for females. Among both males
and females, moderate alcohol consumption did not increase the risk of hyperuricemia.

Keywords: alcohol; consumption; risk factor; prevalence; hyperuricemia

1. Introduction
Data has shown the incidence of hyperuricemia is increasing worldwide [1–3]. Such an epidemic
has deleterious consequences on quality of life and may increase cardiovascular mortality [4–8]. Recent
studies suggest that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with a low risk of cancer and coronary
heart disease [9–11]. However, there is a lack of studies which evaluate the effect of moderate alcohol
consumption on serum uric acid. Among 2062 healthy volunteers, Alatalo et al. reported the serum
uric acid concentrations in male moderate drinkers were significantly higher, and in females they were
lower, than in the corresponding groups of abstainers [12]. The report which is based on the Third

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 732; doi:10.3390/ijerph13070732
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National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in America suggested that the effect of individual
alcoholic beverages on serum uric acid levels varied substantially: beer conferred a larger increase
than liquor, whereas moderate wine drinking did not increase serum uric acid levels [13].
Until now, few studies have focused on the relation between moderate alcohol consumption and
serum uric acid level in a general population. If there is a different effect of high and moderate alcohol
consumption on uric acid in a general crowd, it would have practical implications for prevention and
management of hyperuricemia in the real world. Thus, we performed the present study to evaluate
whether different alcohol consumption has different effects on the risk of hyperuricemia in a general
population from rural China, with the aim of providing evidence that may be useful for the prospective
study on management of individuals with different alcohol consumption rates.

2. Methods

2.1. Study Population

The detailed methods have been previously published [14,15]. This study adopted a multistage,
stratified, random cluster sampling scheme. From January 2012 to August 2013, a representative
sample of individuals who were at 35 years of age or older was selected in order to examine the
prevalence, incidence, and natural history of cardiovascular risk factors in Liaoning Province. In the
first stage, three counties (Dawa, Zhangwu, and Liaoyang County) were selected randomly to represent
the eastern, southern, and northern regions of Liaoning province. In the second stage, one town was
randomly selected from each county (a total of three towns). In the third stage, 8–10 rural villages
from each town were randomly selected (a total of 26 rural villages). Participants that were pregnant,
had malignant tumors, malnutrition, hepatic disease, and or mental disorders were excluded from
the present study. All eligible permanent residents aged ě35 years from each village were invited to
participate in the study (a total of 14,016 potential participants). Of those, 11,956 participants agreed to
participate in the present study (response rate of 85.3%). This research was approved by the Ethics
Committee of China Medical University (Shenyang, China, AF-SDP-07-1, 0-01). Procedures were
performed in accordance with ethical standards. Written consent was obtained from each participant,
after they had been informed of the objectives, benefits, medical items, and confidentiality agreement
of personal information. If the participants were illiterate, we obtained written informed consents from
their close relatives. We used baseline data in this report, and only participants who had complete
data sets for the variables analyzed were included, yielding a final sample size of 11,039 individuals
(4997 males and 6042 females).

2.2. Data Collection and Measurements

Via an interview with a standardized questionnaire, data was obtained on demographics, lifestyle,
dietary habits, and history of disease. Using the questionnaire, the information of “any self-reported
medication used in the past two weeks” was recorded including any medication used over the past two
weeks by the participants. Blood pressure was measured three times at 2-min intervals after at least 5
min of rest using a standardized automatic electronic sphygmomanometer (HEM-907; Omron, Tokyo,
Japan) according to American Heart Association protocol, which had been validated according to the
British Hypertension Society protocol. The participants were advised to avoid caffeinated beverages
and exercise for at least 30 min before the measurement. During the measurement, the participants
were seated with their arm supported at the level of the heart. The mean of three blood pressure
(BP) measurements was calculated and used in all analyses. Blood samples were obtained from all
of the subjects in the morning after at least 12 h of fasting. Serum uric acid, as well as other routine
blood biochemical indexes, were analyzed using an auto-analyzer (Olympus AU 640; Olympus Corp.,
Kobe, Japan). Details of data collection and measurements methods of this study were described
elsewhere [16,17].
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2.3. Alcohol Consumption Assessment

Alcohol consumption was assessed during the interview using the questionnaire. Participants
were asked to provide information regarding whether they regularly consumed alcohol, their average
alcohol consumption per day, and the number of days per month that they consumed alcohol.
The ethanol weight content differed among beverages: 5% for beer, 12.5% for red wine, and 45%
for hard liquor. One drink was defined as an average of 15 g of ethanol [18]. We used cut-off values
based on the definition of daily alcohol consumption from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism to classify the participants’ level of consumption: non-drinkers (abstainers, no alcohol
consumption history), moderate drinkers (up to 1 drink/day for women and up to 2 drinks/day for
men), and heavy drinkers (>1 drink/day for women and >2 drinks/day for men) [19].

2.4. Definitions
Hyperuricemia was defined as serum uric acid ě416 µmol/L in men and ě357 µmol/L in women
according to guidelines [20]. According to the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee,
hypertension is defined as a systolic BP (SBP) above 140 mm Hg and/or a diastolic BP (DBP)
above 90 mm Hg and/or use of antihypertensive medications [21]. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO) criteria, obese was defined as body mass index (BMI) values ě30 kg/m2 [12].
Dyslipidemia was determined by the National Cholesterol Education Program, Third Adult Treatment
Panel criteria [22]. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) above 7 mmol/L (126 mg/dL) and/or receiving
treatment for diabetes was diagnosed as diabetes according to the WHO criteria [23]. Using the
Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was
estimated [24]. Decreased eGFR was defined as an estimated GFR (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 [25].

2.5. Statistical Analysis

As described in detail previously [16,17], descriptive statistics were calculated for all the variables,
including continuous variables (expressed as the mean values and standard deviations) and categorical
variables (expressed as numbers and proportions). Differences among categories were evaluated using
a t-test, an ANOVA, non-parametric tests or a χ2 test, as appropriate. Comparisons between groups
were performed using the Scheffe method. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to
identify independent associations between weight, metabolic status, and prolonged QTc in different
models by calculating the odds ratios (ORs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). All of
the statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 20.0 software, and p values less than 0.05
were considered to be statistically significant.

3. Result

3.1. Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population by Gender

The baseline characteristics of the included participants are shown in Table 1. In total,
11,039 participants aged 35 years or older were included (4997 men and 6042 women). Male participants
had a higher rate of current drinking than females (44.9% vs. 2.90%, p < 0.001). The percentage of non-,
moderate, and heavy drinkers in males was 50.5%, 15.0%, and 34.5%, respectively; the percentage of
non-, moderate, and heavy drinkers in females was 96.8%, 1.2%, and 2.0%, respectively. The mean level
of uric acid was 333.3 ˘ 83.5 mmol/L in males and 255.8 ˘ 67.7 mmol/L in females. The total mean
alcohol consumption per day was also lower in females than in males (1.0 ˘ 8.3 g/d vs. 32.6 ˘ 49.6 g/d,
p < 0.001). Alcohol consumption from beer was 3.9 ˘ 12.8 g/d for males and 0.1 ˘ 2.0 g/d for females.
Alcohol consumption from liquor was 28.6 ˘ 46.9 g/d for males and 0.9 ˘ 7.7 g/d for females. Alcohol
consumption from wine was 0.0 ˘ 1.8 g/d for males and 0.0 ˘ 0.0 g/d for females.
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Table 1.
Table 1. Baseline
Baseline characteristics
characteristics of
of study
study population
population by
by gender
gender (N
(N == 11039).

TableVariables Male
1. Baseline characteristics of study (4997)
population Female
by gender (6042)
= 11039). p-value
Age (year)
Age (year) 54.4 ±± 10.8
54.4 10.8 53.4 ±± 10.3
53.4 10.3 <0.001
Current drinking
Current drinking Male (4997)
2244 (44.9%)
2244 (44.9%) Female 173(6042)
173 (2.9%) p-value
Total alcohol
Total alcohol consumption (g/d)
Age (year)
consumption (g/d) 54.4 ˘ 32.6
32.6 ±± 49.6
49.6 1.0
53.4 ˘1.0 ±± 8.3
10.3 8.3 <0.001
Current drinking
Alcohol consumption
consumption fromfrom beer
beer (g/d)
(g/d) 2244 (44.9%)
3.9 ±± 12.8
12.8 173 (2.9%)
0.1 ±± 2.0
2.0 <0.001
Alcohol 3.9 0.1 <0.001
Total alcohol consumption (g/d) 32.6 ˘ 49.6 1.0 ˘ 8.3 <0.001
Alcohol consumption
consumption from
from liquor
liquor (g/d) 28.6 ± 46.9 0.9 ± 7.7 <0.001
Alcohol consumption from beer (g/d)(g/d) 3.9 ˘28.6
12.8 ± 46.9 0.1 ˘0.92.0± 7.7 <0.001
Alcohol consumption
Alcohol from
consumption wine
liquor (g/d)
wine (g/d) 28.6 ˘0.00.0
46.9±± 1.8
1.8 0.0
0.9 ˘0.07.7±± 0.0
0.0 <0.001
Alcohol consumption
Alcohol from wine (g/d)
consumption 0.0 ˘ 1.8 0.0 ˘ 0.0 <0.001
Alcohol consumption <0.001
Alcohol consumption <0.001
No drink
No drink 2524 (50.5%)
(50.5%) 584 77 (96.8%)
No drink 25242524
(50.5%) 584 7584
Moderate 751 (15.0%)
751 (15.0%)
751 (15.0%) 74 (1.2%)
74 (1.2%)
74 (1.2%)
Heavy 1722 (34.5%)
1722 (34.5%)
1722 (34.5%) 121 (2.0%)
121 (2.0%)
121 (2.0%)
Data areexpressed
are expressed as
expressed asthe
as themean
the mean˘±±SD
mean SDoror
SD orasas
asn n

3.2. Levels
3.2. Levelsofof
Levels ofAlcohol
Alcohol Consumptionand
Consumption andSerum
and Serum Uric
Serum Uric Acid
Uric Acid
AsAs shownin
shown in Figure
in Figure 1, 1, among
amongthe the
males, thethe
the mean
level of serum
of serum uric acid
of serum
uric acid was
uricwas higher
acid in
was in
higher heavyin
and moderate
and moderate
and moderate drinkers
drinkers than in
than inthan
the non-drinkers
the non-drinkers (heavy vs.
in the non-drinkers
(heavy vs.(heavy
non-drinker: 343.0 ±± 83.2
vs. non-drinker:
non-drinker: 343.0 83.2 vs.
vs. 326.6
343.0 ˘ ±±83.2
326.6 84.7vs.
326.6 ˘ 84.7pp mmol/L,
mmol/L, << 0.001;
0.001; moderate
p < 0.001;vs.vs. non-drinker:
non-drinker: 333.4 ±± 78.8
vs. non-drinker:
333.4 78.8 vs.
vs. 326.6
333.4 ±± 84.7,
˘ 78.8
326.6 84.7,
vs. pp326.6
== 0.027).
0.027). Among
˘ 84.7,
Among the
p = 0.027).
females, there
the there
females, was no
no wasdifference among
no difference
difference among amongthe three groups.
the three
the three groups. Figure
Figure 2
Figure shows
2 shows
2 shows the prevalence
thethe prevalence
prevalence ofof
hyperuricemiaininthe in the different
differentmalemale alcohol
malealcohol consumption
alcohol consumption
consumption groupsgroups was
groupswas 11.9%
was11.9% in non-drinkers,
non-drinkers, 12.6%
inin moderatedrinkers,
moderate drinkers, and
drinkers, and 16.3%
16.3%in in heavy
inheavy drinkers
drinkers(p (p
(p << 0.001).
0.001). In females,
< 0.001). females, the rates
In females, rates were
the were 6.3%
rates6.3% in6.3%
werein non-in
drinkers, 8.1%
non-drinkers, 8.1% in in
8.1% moderate
moderate drinkers,
drinkers, and
6.6% forfor
6.6% heavy
heavy drinkers
(p == =0.818).
Alcohol consumption
was much
much higher in males
higher maleswithwith hyperuricemia
hyperuricemiathan than
than inin those
in those without
those without hyperuricemia
without hyperuricemia
hyperuricemia (38.6 (38.6
2.0 g/d
vs. 31.6 ± 0.75 g/d, p = 0.001) (Figure 3). Alcohol consumption was slightly higher in females with
g/d, pp == 0.001)
0.001) (Figure
(Figure 3).3). Alcohol
Alcohol consumption
consumptionwas wasslightly
females with
hyperuricemia than
hyperuricemia than inin those
those without hyperuricemia;
hyperuricemia; however,
however, the the difference waswas not significant
significant (1.1
(1.1 ±±
hyperuricemia than in those without
without hyperuricemia; however, difference
the differencenot was not significant
0.4 g/d
0.4 g/d vs. 1.0
1.0 ±± 0.1
0.1 g/d,
g/d, pp == 0.530)
0.530) (Figure 4). 4).
(1.1 ˘ 0.4vs.
g/d vs. 1.0 ˘ 0.1 g/d, p (Figure
= 0.530) (Figure 4).

Figure 1.The
The meanlevel
mean levelof
level ofserum
of serum uric
serum uric acid
uric acid in
in different
different alcohol
different alcohol consumption
alcoholconsumption groups
consumptiongroups bybygender.
groupsby gender.

Figure 2. Prevalence of hyperuricemia in different alcohol consumption levels by gender.

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 732 5 of 11
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 732 5 of 11
Figure 2. Prevalence of hyperuricemia in different alcohol consumption levels by gender.

Figure 3. Alcohol consumption by hyperuricemia or

or not
not in
in males.

Figure 4.
Figure 4. Alcohol
Alcohol consumption
consumption by
by hyperuricemia or not
hyperuricemia or not in
in females.

3.3. Association
3.3. Association Between
Between Alcohol Consumption and
Alcohol Consumption and Hyperuricemia
Hyperuricemia by
by Gender
Table 22 presents
Table presents characteristics
characteristics of of study
study population
population according
according to to homocysteine
homocysteine or or not
not bybygender.
Similar to
Similar to the
reports[26], thethe
[26], difference
difference of age, life life
of age, styles, BMI,BMI,
styles, blood pressure,
blood eGFR,eGFR,
pressure, lipid
level, prevalence of disease, and medication used was significant between
lipid level, prevalence of disease, and medication used was significant between hyperuricemia and hyperuricemia and not
not hyperuricemia. Additionally,
post-menopausal females had higher
females had higherprevalence of homocysteine
prevalence of homocysteine than
pre-menopausal females (p < 0.001). So we selected related variables
than pre-menopausal females (p < 0.001). So we selected related variables mentioned above as thementioned above as the
confounders in the multivariate logistic regression model. Figures 5 and 6
confounders in the multivariate logistic regression model. Figures 5 and 6 showed multivariate logisticshowed multivariate
logistic regression
regression analysesanalyses
of the riskof the risk of hyperuricemia
of hyperuricemia correctedcorrected
according according to the different
to the different levels oflevels of
alcohol consumption. In males, after adjusting for factors including age, race, education,
consumption. In males, after adjusting for factors including age, race, education, income, diet scores, income, diet
scores, smoking
smoking status, status,
activityactivity level, obesity,
level, obesity, hypertension,
hypertension, dyslipidemia,
dyslipidemia, diabetes,
diabetes, and medication
and medication used,
used, heavy
heavy drinkers
drinkers had anhad an approximately
approximately 1.7-fold1.7-fold
risk ofrisk of hyperuricemia
hyperuricemia (OR: 1.657,
(OR: 1.657, 95% CI:95% CI:
1.368 to 2.007, p < 0.001) than non-drinkers; moderate drinkers did not experience
to 2.007, p < 0.001) than non-drinkers; moderate drinkers did not experience a significant increase in a significant
risk (OR:in risk 95%
1.232, (OR: CI:
0.95195%to CI: 0.951
1.596, p =to 1.596,For
0.114). p = females,
0.114). For wefemales,
adjustedwe adjusted menopausal
menopausal status plus
status plus the same factors as the males, multivariate logistic regression
the same factors as the males, multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that compared analyses showed with that
compared with non-drinkers, neither moderate nor heavy drinkers had a significantly
non-drinkers, neither moderate nor heavy drinkers had a significantly increased risk of hyperuricemia increased risk
of hyperuricemia
(OR: 1.565, 95% CI: (OR: 1.565,
0.521 95% CI:
to 4.695, p =0.521
4.695, p = 0.425
heavy drinkers;for heavy drinkers;
OR: 0.897, 95% OR: 0.897, to
CI: 0.117 95% CI:
0.117 to 6.855, p = 0.916 for
p = 0.916 for moderate drinkers). moderate drinkers).

Table 2. Baseline characteristics of study population according to hyperuricemia or not by gender.

Female Male
Non-Hyperuricemia Hyperuricemia p-value Non-Hyperuricemia Hyperuricemia p-value
Age (year) 53.1 ± 10.2 57.8 ± 10.6 <0.001 54.6 ± 10.8 53.2 ± 11.1 0.002
SBP (mmHg) 139.7 ± 2.8 146.4 ± 25.0 <0.001 143.2 ± 22.6 145.6 ± 22.9 0.010
DBP(mmHg) 80.3 ± 11.4 83.9 ± 12.7 <0.001 83.1 ± 11.6 87.2 ± 12.7 <0.001
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 732 6 of 11

Table 2. Baseline characteristics of study population according to hyperuricemia or not by gender.

Female Male
Non-Hyperuricemia Hyperuricemia p-value Non-Hyperuricemia Hyperuricemia p-value
Age (year) 53.1 ˘ 10.2 57.8 ˘ 10.6 <0.001 54.6 ˘ 10.8 53.2 ˘ 11.1 0.002
SBP (mmHg) 139.7 ˘ 2.8 146.4 ˘ 25.0 <0.001 143.2 ˘ 22.6 145.6 ˘ 22.9 0.010
DBP(mmHg) 80.3 ˘ 11.4 83.9 ˘ 12.7 <0.001 83.1 ˘ 11.6 87.2 ˘ 12.7 <0.001
Serum creatinine (mmol/L) 64.3 ˘ 11.8 82.7 ˘ 63.1 <0.001 78.1 ˘ 16.2 88.7 ˘ 30.3 <0.001
eGFR(mL/min) 95.2 ˘ 14.3 88.0 ˘ 19.4 <0.001 92.9 ˘ 15.4 75.6 ˘ 19.1 <0.001
Serum uric acid (µmol/L) 245.1 ˘ 53.7 413.8 ˘ 54.7 <0.001 309.9 ˘ 58.3 482.9 ˘ 62.6 <0.001
FPG (mmol/L) 5.8 ˘ 1.6 6.2 ˘ 1.6 <0.001 5.9 ˘ 1.7 6.0 ˘ 1.5 0.705
TC (mmol/L) 5.3 ˘ 1.1 5.8 ˘ 1.3 <0.001 5.1 ˘ 1.0 5.5 ˘ 1.2 <0.001
TG (mmol/L) 1.6 ˘ 1.2 2.5 ˘ 2.2 <0.001 1.5 ˘ 1.4 2.5 ˘ 2.7 <0.001
HDL-C (mmol/L) 1.4 ˘ 0.3 1.3 ˘ 0.3 <0.001 1.4 ˘ 0.4 1.3 ˘ 0.4 <0.001
LDL-C (mmol/L) 2.9 ˘ 0.8 3.3 ˘ 0.9 <0.001 2.8 ˘ 0.8 3.0 ˘ 0.8 <0.001
Dietscore 2.1 ˘ 1.1 2.0 ˘ 1.1 0.009 2.5 ˘ 1.1 2.6 ˘ 1.1 0.101
BMI(kg/m2 ) 24.7 ˘ 3.7 26.7 ˘ 3.8 <0.001 24.5 ˘ 3.4 26.4 ˘ 3.9 <0.001
Race group (han) 5361 (94.8%) 374 (97.4%) 0.010 4092 (94.7%) 646 (95.6%) 0.200
Education <0.001 0.535
Primary school or below 3173 (56.1%) 258 (67.2%) 1811 (41.9%) 278 (41.1%)
Middle school 2047 (36.2%) 97 (25.3%) 2036 (47.1%) 314 (46.4%)
High school or above 438 (7.7%) 29 (7.6%) 474 (11.0%) 84 (12.4%)
Physical activity 0.010 0.001
Low 3173 (56.1%) 374 (97.4%) 913 (21.1%) 180 (26.6%)
Moderate 2047 (36.2%) 10 (2.6%) 3160 (73.1%) 471 (69.7%)
High 438 (7.7%) 384 (100.0%) 248 (5.7%) 25 (3.7%)
Currently smoking 929 (16.4%) 66 (17.2%) 0.694 2504 (57.9%) 351 (51.9%) 0.002
Family income (CNY/year) 0.360 0.482
ď5000 646 (11.4%) 53 (13.8%) 582 (13.5%) 90 (13.3%)
5000–20,000 3135 (55.4%) 209 (54.4%) 2349 (54.4%) 353 (52.2%)
>20,000 1877 (33.2%) 122 (31.8%) 1390 (32.2%) 233 (34.5%)
Medication used a 0.004 <0.001
Yes 2277 (87.8%) 317 (12.2%) 2418 (96.6%) 85 (3.4%)
No 2008 (85.0%) 355 (15.0%) 3196 (91.5%) 295 (8.5%)
Menopause status <0.001
Yes – – 3233 (91.9%) 285 (8.1%)
No – – 2385 (96.2%) 94 (3.8%)
Data are expressed as the mean ˘ SD or as n (%); QTc: corrected QT; CNY: China Yuan (1 CNY = 0.157 USD); BMI: body mass index; WC: waist circumference; SBP: systolic blood
pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; FPG: fasting plasma glucose; TC: total cholesterol; TG: triglyceride; LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C: high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol; a Indicating any self-reported medication used in the past two weeks; ps: p for category from chi-square; for continous from non-parametric test.
No – – 2385 (96.2%) 94 (3.8%)
Data are expressed as the mean ± SD or as n (%); QTc: corrected QT; CNY: China Yuan (1 CNY = 0.157 USD);
BMI: body mass index; WC: waist circumference; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure;
FPG: fasting plasma glucose; TC: total cholesterol; TG: triglyceride; LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol;
HDL-C: high-density
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Res. Public Health cholesterol;
2016, 13, 732 a Indicating any self-reported medication used in the past two weeks;7 of 11

ps: p for category from chi-square; for continous from non-parametric test.

Figure 5. Multivariate logistic regression analyses of the risk of hyperuricemia corrected according to
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the different
different levels
of 2016, 13,
of alcohol
alcohol 732
consumption in
in males.
males. 7 of 11

Figure 6. Multivariate logistic regression analyses of the risk of hyperuricemia corrected according to
the different
different levels
levels of
of alcohol
alcohol consumption
consumption in
in females.

4. Discussion
In the present study,
study, we first evaluated the association between different different levels of alcoholic drink
consumption and hyperuricemia in a general population. We We found
found that males who were heavy
drinkers had an increased risk of hyperuricemia, but the same result was not found in females who
were heavy
were heavy drinkers.
drinkers. In both males and females, moderate alcohol consumption, compared with the
absence of alcohol consumption, did did not
not increase
increase the
the risk
risk of
of hyperuricemia.
Hyperuricemia is
Hyperuricemia is considered
considered the
the precursor
precursor toto gout,
gout, which
which can
can cause
cause multiple
multiple organ
organ damage
Although the the relationship
drinking hashas
been well
been investigated,
well there
investigated, is a lack
there is a
of research
lack specifically
of research focusing
specifically on different
focusing levels
on different of alcohol
levels consumption
of alcohol consumption andand
hyperuricemia. A
A studyincluding
including 2062
reported that
that serum
serum uric acid
concentrations in male moderate drinkers were significantly higher than those in the corresponding
groups of alcohol abstainers,
groups abstainers, and in females, these concentrations
concentrations werewere lower
lower [12].
[12]. A study consisting
of Japanese men who worked for a metal products factory in Toyama prefecture, prefecture, between
between the ages
of 20–54 years, reported that both moderate and heavy alcohol intake increased the risk of incident incident
hyperuricemia [32].[32]. Our
studies also focused
also focused onondrinking
hyperuricemia; however, the
the of different
effect of differentlevels of of
levels alcohol consumption
alcohol consumption hashasnot
the best
best of
of our
knowledge, the present study is the first to focus on the the relationship
relationship between different levels of
alcohol consumption and hyperuricemia in a general population in rural rural China.
China. The results show
that heavy but not not moderate
moderate drinkers
drinkers had
had anan increased
increased risk
risk of
of hyperuricemia
hyperuricemia in in males.
males. Compared
with the absence of alcohol consumption, moderate alcohol consumption did not increase the risk of
hyperuricemia in both males and females. It is possible that the results are affected in part by the
menopausal status the female cohort since estrogen is known to increase renal uric acid clearance [34].
Additionally, in this study, alcohol consumption from beer in males was significantly higher than in
woman population. Since beer contains large amounts of purine, it is possible that attenuated rise in
serum uric acid levels in the male cohort was due to the differences in beer consumption. So we
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 732 8 of 11

hyperuricemia in both males and females. It is possible that the results are affected in part by the
menopausal status the female cohort since estrogen is known to increase renal uric acid clearance [34].
Additionally, in this study, alcohol consumption from beer in males was significantly higher than in
woman population. Since beer contains large amounts of purine, it is possible that attenuated rise
in serum uric acid levels in the male cohort was due to the differences in beer consumption. So we
adjusted bottles of beer consumption per week in the multivariate analyses for further analyses and
got the same conclusions which data was shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Multivariable logistic regression analyses for hyperuricemia.

Male Female
p-value OR (95% CI) p-value OR (95% CI)
Race (han) 0.204 0.770 (0.515–1.152) 0.069 0.457 (0.196–1.061)
Current smoking 0.002 0.756 (0.634–0.902) 0.038 0.656 (0.440–0.977)
Medication use a 0.022 1.224 (1.030–1.454) <0.001 1.734 (1.273–2.362)
Age (years) <0.001 0.978 (0.969–0.988) 0.308 1.009 (0.992–1.026)
Diabetes 0.058 0.760 (0.572–1.009) 0.012 1.563 (1.105–2.210)
Dyslipidemia <0.001 2.167 (1.822–2.577) <0.001 2.630 (1.995–3.468)
Obesity <0.001 2.066 (1.569–2.719) 0.001 1.886 (1.303–2.730)
Hypertension 0.004 1.315 (1.094–1.581) 0.023 1.422 (1.051–1.924)
decreased eGFR <0.001 7.400 (4.581–11.953) <0.001 11.136 (6.873–18.042)
Annual income (CNY/year)
ď5000 0.864 1.000 (reference) 1.000 (reference)
5000–20,000 0.589 0.929 (0.711–1.214) 0.753 1.071 (0.698–1.643)
>20,000 0.679 0.940 (0.703–1.258) 0.495 1.179 (0.735–1.890)
Dietscore 0.354 1.038 (0.959–1.123) 0.619 0.970 (0.859–1.095)
Physical activity
Low 0.013 1.000 (reference) 1.000 (reference)
Moderate 0.047 0.811 (0.659–0.997) 0.050 1.340 (0.999–1.795)
High 0.007 0.535 (0.339–0.845) 0.991 0.996 (0.523–1.899)
Education level
Primary school or below 0.733 1.000 (reference) 0.659 1.000 (reference)
Middle school 0.442 0.927 (0.764–1.124) 0.425 0.874 (0.628–1.217)
High school or above 0.880 0.978 (0.732–1.306) 0.813 1.068 (0.621–1.835)
Beer (bottles/weeks) 0.222 1.010 (0.994–1.027) 0.088 1.135 (0.981–1.312)
Alcohol consumption group
No <0.001 1.000 (reference) 0.979 1.000 (reference)
Moderate 0.168 1.201 (0.926–1.558 ) 0.843 0.814 (0.106–6.238)
Heavy <0.001 1.573 (1.285–1.926) 0.951 0.956 (0.228–4.001)
Menopause – 0.595 1.083 (0.806–1.456)
OR: odds ratio; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval; CNY: China Yuan (1CNY = 0.157 USD); a Indicating any
self-reported medication used in the past two weeks.

However, the mechanism of the different effects due to different levels of alcohol consumption is
unclear. We speculate that moderate alcohol intake can increase the glomerular filtration rate, which
may increase uric acid excretion. However, this requires further study. In addition, we found that
males who were heavy drinkers had an increased risk of hyperuricemia, while the same result was
not observed in females. There are several reasons for these disparate results. First, in this general
population, there were significantly fewer female drinkers than male drinkers; therefore, we speculate
that the smaller sample size may have driven the non-significant results. Second, women absorb and
metabolize alcohol differently than men [35,36]. However, further research should be conducted to
explore the mechanism underlying our findings.
This estimate has an important implication for public health policy. Our present results corroborate
previous findings that moderate alcohol consumption was reasonable for men and women. For an
individual person, hyperuricemia could exist in combination with heart disease and other diseases, as
shown in our basic characteristics. However, other studies have reported that moderate consumption
of alcohol is harmless for some diseases such as coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke [37,38].
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 732 9 of 11

As such, according to the present results, a reduction in alcohol intake in heavy drinkers among the
male population could be recommended to lower the risk of hyperuricemia.
Our study had some limitations. First, the data are not representative of the adult population
throughout China. Second, since some of the study population had several risk factors including
hypertension, DM, and dyslipidemia, we could not eliminate the possible effects of underlying diseases
and medications used for these diseases on the present findings. Additionally, we did not analyze
every type of medication used by the participants, including uric acid lowering medication which may
affect the results, but we adjusted the “any self-reported medication used in the past two weeks” in
the multivariate analyses which may reduce the influence of drug confounders. Finally, our study was
descriptive and the results were obtained using a cross-sectional design, thus, the conclusions are based
only on correlations and no cause-and-effect relationships could be established. So, further prospective
population-based studies are needed to confirm our result and investigate the related mechanism.

5. Conclusions
In conclusion, based on this rural general population, we found that male heavy drinkers had
increased odds of hyperuricemia, but the same result was not found in females. Among both males
and females, moderate alcohol consumption did not increase the odds of hyperuricemia. This will
have practical implications for prevention and management of hyperuricemia in rural areas.

Acknowledgments: This study was supported by grants from the “Twelfth Five-Year” project funds (National
Science and Technology Support Program of China, Grant No. 2012BAJ18B02) and the Natural Science Foundation
of Liaoning Province (2013021090).
Author Contributions: All authors participated in the primary research. Zhao Li and Yamin Liu managed and
analyzed the data and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Xiaofan Guo and Guangshuo Zhu managed and
analyzed the data. Zhao Li, Xiaofan Guo, and Ye Chang enrolled participants and collected data. Yingxian Sun
and Maria Roselle Abraham was responsible for designing the study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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