Digital Resources Project Lesson Plan
Digital Resources Project Lesson Plan
Digital Resources Project Lesson Plan
Group Members: Stephanie Wallace, Ashley Frew, Mike Rawls, Lacy Cargle, Amanda Jones
Standards for the 21st Century Learner: ISTE Standard for Students:
Knowledge Constructor - Students critically
Inquire- Build new knowledge by inquiring, curate a variety of resources using digital
thinking critically, identifying problems, and tools to construct knowledge, produce
developing strategies for solving problems; creative artifacts and make meaningful
Create-Learners engage with new knowledge learning experiences for themselves and
by following a process that includes: 1. Using others.
evidence to investigate questions. 2. Devising Creative Communicator - Students
and implementing a plan to fill knowledge communicate clearly and express themselves
gaps. 3. Generating products that illustrate creatively for a variety of purposes using the
learning; platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital
media appropriate to their goals.
Learning Outcome: For students to Essential Question: What is the effect of the
understand that the position of the sun position of the sun on a fixed object on Earth?
changes throughout the day resulting in
shadows changing size and shape
throughout the day.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will I Can Statement:
be able to effectively use digital tools to I can plan an experiment to observe the effect
create models that demonstrate patterns of of the sun on a stationary object on Earth.
the sun and the moon and/or the sun’s effect I can identify changes in the position of the
on the Earth. sun.
I can record changes in the position of the
Day 1 Teacher will initiate a discussion about -book of choice about the sun. Options can
the sun. Teacher will ask students to turn and include Bear Shadow by Frank Asch, The
talk to their neighbor sharing something they Sun our Nearest Star by Franklyn M.
know about the sun. After allowing time for Brandley, or Objects in the Sky by Rachel
students to share, teacher will allow students Hudson.
to share on a course Padlet, What do you
know about the sun? Each student will add a Each group gets each of the following-
response to the padlet, and then after “Our Investigation Sheet”
refreshing the padlet page, the teacher will
review students responses, clearing up any Digital Timeline Tool
Day 2
The teacher will tell the children he/she wants
to find out what effect the sun has on a
certain object throughout the day. Children
will be put into three or four small groups (3-4
children in a group).
Day 3
Group Members: Stephanie Wallace, Ashley Frew, Mike Rawls, Lacy Cargle, Amanda
Module 2: Seasons Change Students Georgia Performance Standard: S2E2.
represent data (length of day and night) in Obtain, evaluate, and communicate
tables and/or graphs to recognize the change information to develop an understanding of
in seasons. the patterns of the Sun and the moon and the
sun’s effect on the Earth.
Standards for the 21st Century Learner: ISTE Standard for Students:
Inquire- Build new knowledge by inquiring, Knowledge Constructor - Students critically
thinking critically, identifying problems, and curate a variety of resources using digital
developing strategies for solving problems; tools to construct knowledge, produce
Create-Learners engage with new knowledge creative artifacts and make meaningful
by following a process that includes: 1. Using learning experiences for themselves and
evidence to investigate questions. 2. Devising others.
and implementing a plan to fill knowledge Creative Communicator - Students
gaps. 3. Generating products that illustrate communicate clearly and express themselves
learning; creatively for a variety of purposes using the
platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital
media appropriate to their goals.
Graphs created and printed
Adobe Spark video
Digital Resources:
Create-A-Graph website
Farmer’s Almanac website
Adobe Spark-
Unit Lesson Plan: Use data from personal observations to describe, illustrate, and predict
how the appearance of the moon changes over time in a predictable pattern.
Group Members: Stephanie Wallace, Ashley Frew, Mike Rawls, Lacy Cargle, Amanda Jones
I Can Statement:
I can predict the shape of the moon based on
my personal observations.
Science Journal
Moon Changes Shape quiz
Brainpop quiz
Chatterpix using an iPad to explain the
patterns associated with the changing phases
of the moon.
Moon Phases Digital Animation
Why Does the Moon Change?