E-Mail: [email protected]
University of Michigan School of Public Health Master of Public Health Expected: May 2019
Program: Public Health Nutrition
Concentration: Dietetics
Achievements: Dean’s Scholar, Maxine Moore Forsyth Scholar, PHSAD Scholarship Recipient
University of Chicago Bachelor of Arts: June 2017
Major: Comparative Human Development specializing in Mental Health & Personality
Minor: Biological Sciences
UM School of Nursing |Grader| Ann Arbor, MI August 2018 – Present
• Provide academic and administrative support for the Introduction to Global Health: Issues and Challenges course using
• Manage attendance, coordinate group work, and grade all assignments for a group of over one hundred students, ranging
from freshmen to graduate students from a variety of academic disciplines.
Food Gatherers |Evaluation Intern| Ann Arbor, MI May 2018 – Present
• Develop and standardize data management system for Summer Food Service Program meals, assess and advise site
consumption practices, and manage invoices for two food service systems.
• Coordinate evaluation activities including interviews, focus groups, and surveys and use data to generate internal and
external reports.
Youth Policy Lab |Research Assistant| Ann Arbor, MI February 2018 – Present
• Code math curricula used in elementary education in the U.S. according to specific math practices in alignment with
ongoing classroom observations.
• Conduct literature reviews regarding maternal and infant health in low-income and marginalized populations, specifically
collaborating with the state of Michigan, to better understand how program uptake may be affected by factors such as
unconscious bias and social determinants.
Momentum Center for Childhood Obesity |Graduate Student Assistant| Ann Arbor, MI August 2017 – Present
• Work under the executive director to maintain contact with fifty members of the interdisciplinary team across twelve
University of Michigan schools, institutes, and centers, while preparing resources including newsletters, infographics, and
website materials.
MAPSCorps |Lead Field Coordinator| Chicago, IL June 2017 – August 2017
• Worked in a team of field coordinators as the lead field coordinator, acting as the liaison between the home organization
and community-based organization to ensure active and productive communication while supervising program field
coordinators, social media field coordinators, and student data scientists.
• Taught youth about social determinants, how to produce high quality data about community assets, and prepared them to
present their research at the annual symposium.
University of Michigan |Health Management & Policy Intern| Ann Arbor, MI May 2016 – July 2016
• Retroactively analyzed case data for St. John Providence Community Health to determine breastfeeding rates among
Maternal Infant Health Program clients in order to best design a new survey data collection tool while complying with
Healthy Michigan 2020 goals.
• Researched human trafficking in Detroit to educate local police precincts about recognizing signs and available resources
while also informing curriculum to be disseminated in the hospital system.