Energy Conversion and Management: Francesco Cherubini
Energy Conversion and Management: Francesco Cherubini
Energy Conversion and Management: Francesco Cherubini
The biorefinery concept: Using biomass instead of oil for producing energy
and chemicals
Francesco Cherubini *
Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A great fraction of worldwide energy carriers and material products come from fossil fuel refinery.
Received 22 June 2009 Because of the on-going price increase of fossil resources, their uncertain availability, and their environ-
Accepted 29 January 2010 mental concerns, the feasibility of oil exploitation is predicted to decrease in the near future. Therefore,
Available online 6 March 2010
alternative solutions able to mitigate climate change and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels should be
promoted. The replacement of oil with biomass as raw material for fuel and chemical production is an
Keywords: interesting option and is the driving force for the development of biorefinery complexes. In biorefinery,
almost all the types of biomass feedstocks can be converted to different classes of biofuels and biochem-
icals through jointly applied conversion technologies. This paper provides a description of the emerging
Biochemicals biorefinery concept, in comparison with the current oil refinery. The focus is on the state of the art in bio-
Green chemistry fuel and biochemical production, as well as discussion of the most important biomass feedstocks, conver-
sion technologies and final products. Through the integration of green chemistry into biorefineries, and
the use of low environmental impact technologies, future sustainable production chains of biofuels
and high value chemicals from biomass can be established. The aim of this bio-industry is to be compet-
itive in the market and lead to the progressive replacement of oil refinery products.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Background and introduction tially greater, growing by at least 3% per year [4]. Concerning
chemicals, their dependence on fossil resources is even stronger.
Our strong dependence on fossil fuels comes from the intensive The majority of chemical products are produced from oil refinery
use and consumption of petroleum derivatives which, combined and almost 4% of oil is worldwide used for chemical and plastic
with diminishing petroleum resources, causes environmental and production [5].
political concerns. There is clear scientific evidence that emissions In order to simultaneously reduce the dependence on oil and
of greenhouse gases (GHG), such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane mitigate climate change in transport and chemical sectors, alterna-
(CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), arising from fossil fuel combustion tive production chains are necessary. It is increasingly recognized
and land-use change as a result of human activities, are perturbing that there is not a single solution to these problems and that com-
the Earth’s climate [1]. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate bined actions are needed, including changes in behavior, changes
Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report highlighted that the in vehicle technologies, expansion of public transport and intro-
world’s growing population and per capita energy demand are duction of innovative fuels and technologies [6].
leading to the rapid increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Recently, society began to recognize the opportunities offered
In particular, over the past 10 years, transport has shown the high- by a future sustainable economy based on renewable sources and
est rates of growth in GHG emissions in any sector [2]. has been starting to finance R&D activities for its implementation.
The world’s primary source of energy for the transport sector It is increasingly acknowledged globally that plant-based raw
(and production of chemicals as well) is oil. World demand is materials (i.e. biomass) have the potential to replace a large frac-
approximately 84 million barrels a day and is projected to increase tion of fossil resources as feedstocks for industrial productions,
to about 116 million barrels a day by 2030, with transport account- addressing both the energy and non-energy (i.e. chemicals and
ing for some 60% of such a rising demand [3]. While the transport materials) sectors [7].
sector continues to expand in the US and Europe, growth in the At national, regional and global levels there are three main driv-
emerging economies of India and China is predicted to be substan- ers for using biomass in biorefinery for production of bioenergy,
biofuels and biochemicals. These are climate change, energy secu-
* Tel.: +4773598942; fax: +4773598943. rity and rural development. The political motivation to support
E-mail address: [email protected]. renewable sources of energy and chemicals arises from each
0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Cherubini / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 1412–1421 1413
individual driver or combinations. Policies designed to target one Biogas is produced after anaerobic digestion of mixtures of corn
driver can be detrimental to another. For example, policies aimed derived starch, manure, organic waste and grasses. However, when
at ensuring energy security may result in increased GHG emissions biogas is mainly derived from waste and residues can be catego-
where local coal reserves are preferentially exploited at the ex- rized as 2nd generation biofuel, because its feedstock is not in com-
pense of imported oil or gas. In addition, electricity and heat can petition with the food and feed industry. The production of biogas
be provided by a variety of renewable alternatives (wind, sun, is common in most world countries, and in the last few years it has
water, biomass and so on), while biomass is very likely to be the been strong implemented in countries with economic subsides for
only viable alternative to fossil resources for production of trans- electricity generation from biogas (especially European countries).
portation fuels and chemicals, since it is the only C-rich material In some countries (such as Germany and Sweden), biogas is also
source available on the Earth, besides fossils. As a consequence, used as transportation biofuel, after upgrading to biomethane.
the sustainable biomass production is a crucial issue, especially For instance, Sweden leads the world in automotive biogas produc-
concerning a possible fertile land competition with food and feed tion, with a total fleet of approximately 4500 vehicles with 45% of
industries. its fuel supplied by biomethane [9].
This paper investigates the possibilities to use biomass feed- The main advantages of first generation biofuels are due to the
stocks as raw materials in biorefinery. Firstly, an overview of the high sugar or oil content of the raw materials and their easy con-
current status in biofuel production is provided and then the version into biofuel. Many biofuel production chains have been
emerging biorefinery concept is described. The latter is done analysed by means of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in order to point
through an overview of the most promising biomass feedstocks, out their environmental performances [10–12]. With the exception
technological processes and final products. The current oil refinery of a few studies, most LCAs have found a net reduction in global
industry is taken as benchmark throughout the paper. Finally, after warming emissions and fossil energy consumption when the most
reviewing the strategic role played by green chemistry in estab- common transportation biofuels (bioethanol and biodiesel) are
lishing sustainable conversion technologies, some guidelines for used to replace conventional diesel and gasoline [13–15]. Several
future biorefinery complexes are proposed. LCA studies have also evaluated life cycle impacts under other
environmental aspects, including local air pollution, acidification,
eutrophication, ozone depletion, land use, etc. These environmen-
2. State of the art in biofuel production
tal burdens are much more affected by site specific assumptions
than GHG and energy balances, showing that it is not that easy
Currently, transportation fuels based on biomass (i.e. biofuels)
to draw simplified conclusions. Studies that have examined these
are identified as 1st and 2nd generation biofuels. First generation
other environmental issues have concluded that most, but not
biofuels usually refer to biofuels produced from raw materials in
all, biofuels substituting fossil fuels lead to increased negative im-
competition with food and feed industries. Because of this compe-
pacts [16,17].
tition, these biofuels give rise to ethical, political and environmen-
In addition, 1st generation biofuels are in competition with food
tal concerns. In order to overcome these issues, production of
and feed industries for the use of biomass and agricultural land,
second generation biofuels (i.e. from raw materials based on waste,
giving rise to ethical implications: as prices for fossil fuels increase,
residues or non-food crop biomass) gained an increasing world-
a larger proportion of cereals or agricultural land will be dedicated
wide interest in the last few years as a possible ‘‘greener” alterna-
to biofuel production instead of using it to produce food.
tive to fossil fuels and conventional biofuels. As a development of
In conclusion, first generation biofuels currently produced from
2nd generation biofuel production, the use of biomass in biorefin-
sugars, starches and vegetable oils cause several concerns: these
ery complexes is expected to ensure additional environmental ben-
productions compete with food for their feedstock and fertile land,
efits and implement national energy security, thanks to the
their potential availability is limited by soil fertility and per hectare
coproduction of both bioenergy and high value chemicals.
yields and the effective savings of CO2 emissions and fossil energy
consumption are limited by the high energy input required for crop
2.1. First generation biofuels cultivation and conversion [18,19]. These limitations are expected
to be partially overcome by developing the so-called 2nd genera-
First generation biofuels are produced from sugar, starch, vege- tion biofuels [20].
table oil or animal fats using conventional technologies. The basic
feedstocks are often seeds and grains such as wheat, corn and rape- 2.2. Second generation biofuels
seed. The most common first generation biofuels are bioethanol,
biodiesel and starch-derived biogas, but also straight vegetable Second generation biofuels are produced from a variety of non-
oils, biomethanol and bioethers may be included in this category. food crops. These include the utilization of lignocellulosic materi-
Bioethanol is recovered from biomass feedstocks such as sugar- als, such as residues from agriculture, forestry and industry and
cane, sugar beet and starch crops (mainly corn and wheat). In 2006, dedicated lignocellulosic crops. In the scientific literature, the term
total world production reached 51.3 billion litres. USA is currently 2nd generation shows wide variation in usage and can variably re-
the largest producer of bioethanol with a production of 19.8 billion fer to feedstocks (e.g. lignocellulosic material), conversion routes
litres per year, with corn as primary feedstock. Sugarcane is used as (e.g. thermochemical, flash pyrolysis, enzymatic, etc.) and end
primary feedstock in Brazil, currently the world’s second largest products (e.g. gas or synthetic liquid biofuels).
producer (17.8 billion litres per year). The European Union pro- Contrarily to first generation biofuels, where the utilized frac-
duces 3.44 billion litres of bioethanol, mainly from sugar beet tion (grains and seeds), represents only a small portion of the
and starch crops [8]. above-ground biomass, second generation biofuels can rely on
Biodiesel is produced from oil based crops such as rapeseed, the whole plant for bioenergy production. In fact, rapeseed grain
sunflower, soybean but also from palm oil and waste edible oils. yield is 3.4 t/ha but the oil content of the grain is only 40%, thus
World biodiesel production surpassed 6 billion litres in 2006. Ger- the ‘effective’ yield is reduced to 1.35 t/ha [21].
many led biodiesel production in 2006, producing 2.5 billion litres Second generation biofuels (e.g. Fisher Tropsch (FT)-diesel from
mainly from rapeseed and sunflower. The USA are the second larg- biomass and bioethanol from lignocellulosic feedstock) promise
est producer with 0.86 billion litres, but other countries (France, advantages over 1st generation biofuels in terms of land-use effi-
Italy, Austria) are increasing their biodiesel production [8]. ciency and environmental performance, according to most of the
1414 F. Cherubini / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 1412–1421
LCA studies published in the literature [22,23]. Thanks to technol- concept, and usually require materials in competition with the
ogy development, environmental performances of 2nd generation food and feed industry. Their exploitation is thereby limited. By
biofuels could benefit of the use of high quantities of lignocellu- contrast, lignocellulosic crops reduce the competition for fertile
losic residues and waste which are already available: they can con- land, since they can be grown on land which is not suitable for
stitute the main raw material sources, which can be also agricultural crops. Moreover, in comparison with conventional
supplemented with non-food crops such as perennial grasses, crops that can contribute only with a small fraction of the above
and short-rotation forestry. Most processes and technologies for standing biomass, biorefineries based on lignocellulosic feedstocks
2nd generation biofuels from biomass residues are still at a pre- can rely on larger biomass per hectare yields, since the whole crop
commercial stage, but could enter the market within 10–15 years is available as feedstock [24,28].
if corresponding investments (R&D, infrastructure) are achieved. Concerning the conversion plant, consumption of non-renew-
On the one side the raw material situation is optimum (wide- able energy resources during biorefinery processing should be
spread, relatively cheap and easily available); on the other side, minimized, along with related environmental impacts, while the
their use could allow the coproduction of valuable biofuels, chem- complete and efficient biomass use should be maximized. This eco-
ical compounds as well as electricity and heat, leading to better en- logical perspective requires:
ergy, environmental and economic performances through the
development of biorefinery concepts [24]. analyses of three important agricultural and forestry cycles,
namely carbon (respiration, photosynthesis, and organic matter
decomposition), water (precipitation, evaporation, infiltration,
3. The biorefinery concept and runoff) and nitrogen (N fixation, mineralization, denitrifica-
tion) and their interdependencies [29],
3.1. Definition and perspectives system performance evaluations at plant scale [30],
environmental impact evaluations carried out by means of Life
Among the several definition of biorefinery, the most exhaus- Cycle Assessment [31].
tive was recently performed by the IEA Bioenergy Task 42 ‘‘Biore-
fineries” [25]: ‘‘Biorefining is the sustainable processing of biomass Biorefinery industries are expected to develop as dispersed
into a spectrum of marketable products and energy”. industrial complexes able to revitalize rural areas. Unlike oil refin-
The biorefinery concept embraces a wide range of technologies ery, which almost invariably means very large plants, biorefineries
able to separate biomass resources (wood, grasses, corn. . .) into will most probably encompass a whole range of different-sized
their building blocks (carbohydrates, proteins, triglycerides. . .) installations. In this context, several bio-industries can combine
which can be converted to value added products, biofuels and their material flows in order to reach a complete utilization of all
chemicals. A biorefinery is a facility (or network of facilities) that biomass components: the residue from one bio-industry (e.g. lig-
integrates biomass conversion processes and equipment to pro- nin from a lignocellulosic ethanol production plant) becomes an in-
duce transportation biofuels, power, and chemicals from biomass. put for other industries, giving rise to integrated bio-industrial
This concept is analogous to today’s petroleum refinery, which pro- systems. In addition, biomass resources are locally available in
duces multiple fuels and products from petroleum. many countries and their use, may contribute to reduce national
A forward looking approach is the stepwise conversion of large dependence on imported fossil fuels.
parts of the global economy/industry into a sustainable biobased
society having bioenergy, biofuels and biobased products as main 3.2. Feedstocks
pillars and biorefineries as the basis. Such a replacement of oil with
biomass will require some breakthrough changes in the today’s The term ‘‘feedstock” refers to raw materials used in biorefin-
production of goods and services: biological and chemical sciences ery. The biomass is synthesized via the photosynthetic process that
will play a leading role in the generation of future industries and converts atmospheric carbon dioxide and water into sugars. Plants
new synergies of biological, physical, chemical and technical sci- use the sugar to synthesize the complex materials that are gener-
ences must be developed [24]. ically named biomass. An important stage in biorefinery system is
The efficient production of transportation biofuels is seen as one the provision of a renewable, consistent and regular supply of feed-
of the main promoting factors for the future development of bior- stock. Initial processing may be required to increase its energy den-
efineries [26]. In fact, the transportation sector is growing steadily sity to reduce transport, handling and storage costs.
and the demand for renewable (bio-)fuels, which can only be pro- Renewable carbon-based raw materials for biorefinery are pro-
vided from biomass, grows accordingly. As a consequence, the vided from four different sectors:
main challenge for biorefinery development seems to be the effi-
cient and cost effective production of transportation biofuels, 1. agriculture (dedicated crops and residues),
whereas from the coproduced biomaterials and biochemicals addi- 2. forestry,
tional economic and environmental benefits can be gained. 3. industries (process residues and leftovers) and households
The main biobased products are today obtained from conver- (municipal solid waste and wastewaters),
sion of biomass to basic products like starch, oil, and cellulose. In 4. aquaculture (algae and seaweeds).
addition, chemicals like lactic acid and amino acids are produced
and used in the food industry. Other already commercially avail- A further distinction can be done between those feedstocks
able biobased products include adhesives, cleaning compounds, which come from dedicated crops and residues from agricultural,
detergents, dielectric fluids, dyes, hydraulic fluids, inks, lubricants, forestry and industrial activities, which can be available without
packaging materials, paints and coatings, paper and box board, upstream concerns. The main biomass feedstocks can be grouped
plastic fillers, polymers, solvents, and sorbents. Some examples in 3 wide categories: carbohydrates and lignin, triglycerides and
of biorefinery and non-conventional biomass industries which mixed organic residues.
are already competitive in the market are listed in Cherubini
et al. [27], along with some existing pilot and demo plant. 3.2.1. Carbohydrates and lignin
Most of the existing biofuels and biochemicals are currently Carbohydrates (from starch, cellulose and hemicellulose) are
produced in single production chains and not within a biorefinery molecules of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and are by far the most
F. Cherubini / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 1412–1421 1415
common biomass component found in plant feedstocks. Six-car- ing plants such as restaurants, fast food chains and households
bon, single-molecule ‘‘monosaccharide” sugars (C6H12O6) include [38].
glucose, galactose and mannose, while the most common 5-carbon
sugars (C5H10O5) are xylose and arabinose. The two most impor- 3.2.3. Mixed organic residues
tant sugar crops are sugar cane and sugar beet which, together Other types of biomass sources that do not fall within the pre-
with corn (a starch crop), supply almost all the ethanol that is pro- vious categories are organic fraction of the Municipal Solid Waste
duced today [32]. (MSW), manure, wild fruits and crops, proteins and residues from
Starch (C6H10O5)n is a very large polymer molecule composed of fresh fruit and vegetable industries. The physical and chemical
many hundreds or thousands of glucose molecules (polysaccha- characteristics of this wide spectrum of biomass resources vary lar-
rides), which must be broken down into one or two molecule gely. Certain streams such as sewage sludge, manure from dairy
pieces prior to be fermented. The most widespread starch crops and swine farms and residues from food processing are very wet,
are wheat and corn. Once sugars have been depolymerized (for with moisture contents over 70%. Therefore, these feedstocks are
starch crops) or extracted (for sugar crops) they can be easily fer- more suited for an anaerobic digestion process to generate biogas,
mented to ethanol or used as a substrate for chemical reactions rather than other fuels or chemicals. Other streams, such as organic
leading to a wide range of chemical products. MSW, may be more or less contaminated with heavy metals or
Lignocellulosic biomass has three major components: cellulose, other elements, but represents a high potential for energy recovery
hemicellulose and lignin. Cellulose (C6H10O6)n has a strong molec- [39]. Clearly, the different properties and characteristic of the bio-
ular structure made by long chains of glucose molecules (C6 sugar). mass waste require the application of different conversion
The distinction with starch is given by the configuration of the technologies.
bonds formed across the oxygen molecule that joins two hexose
units. Starch can be readily hydrolyzed by enzymes or acid attack 3.3. Technological processes in biorefinery
to the single sugar monomers, while cellulose (30–50% of total lig-
nocellulosic dry matter) is much more difficult to hydrolyze and The aim of technological process in biorefinery is depolymeriz-
set free individual glucose monomers. Hemicellulose (C5H8O5)n is ing and deoxygenating the biomass components. In order to con-
a relatively amorphous component that is easier to break down vert biomass feedstock into valuable products within a
with chemicals and/or heat than cellulose; it contains a mix of biorefinery approach, several technological processes must be
C6 and C5 sugars. It is the second main component of lignocellu- jointly applied. They can be divided in four main groups: thermo-
losic biomass (20–40% of total feedstock dry matter). Lignin chemical, biochemical, mechanical/physical and chemical
(C9H10O2(OCH3)n), is essentially the glue that provides the overall processes.
rigidity to the structure of plants and trees and is made of phenolic
polymers. While cellulose and hemicellulose are polysaccharides 3.3.1. Thermochemical processes
that can be hydrolyzed to sugars and then fermented to ethanol, There are two main thermochemical processes for converting
lignin cannot be used in fermentation processes, but it may be use- biomass into energy and chemical products. The first is gasifica-
ful for other purposes (chemical extraction or energy generation). tion, which consists in keeping biomass at high temperature
Lignin (15–25% of total feedstock dry matter) is the largest non- (>700 °C) with low oxygen levels to produce syngas, a mixture of
carbohydrate fraction of lignocellulose. H2, CO, CO2 and CH4 [40,41]. Syngas can be used directly as a sta-
Lignocellulosic biomass can be provided either as a crop or as a tionary biofuel or can be a chemical intermediate (platform) for the
residue. Large amounts of cellulosic biomass can be produced via production of fuels (FT-fuels, dimethyl ether, ethanol, isobutene. . .)
dedicated crops like perennial herbaceous plant species, or short or chemicals (alcohols, organic acids, ammonia, methanol and so
rotation woody crops. Other sources of lignocellulosic biomass on). The second thermochemical pathway for converting biomass
are waste and residues, like straw from agriculture, wood waste is pyrolysis, which uses intermediate temperatures (300–600 °C)
from the pulp and paper industry and forestry residues. The use in the absence of oxygen to convert the feedstock into liquid pyro-
of waste biomass offers a way of creating value for society, displac- lytic oil (or bio-oil), solid charcoal and light gases similar to syngas
ing fossil fuels with material that typically would decompose, with [42,43]. Their yields vary with process conditions and for biorefin-
no additional land use for its production [33]. ery purposes the treatment which maximizes the production of li-
quid bio-oil is the most desirable (flash pyrolysis). The application
3.2.2. Triglycerides of bio-oil as a transportation biofuel is nowadays problematic and
Oils and fats are triglycerides which typically consist of glycerin its use as a source of chemicals is still under development [44,45].
and saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (their chain length Together with charcoal, it is generally best suited as a fuel for sta-
ranges between C8 and C20, but 16, 18 and 20 carbons are the most tionary electric power or thermal energy plants. In addition to gas-
common). The sources of oils and fats are a variety of vegetable and ification and pyrolysis, direct combustion is also included among
animal raw materials. Soybean, palm, rapeseed and sunflower oil the thermochemical processes. This is the most common and old-
are the most important in terms of worldwide production est form of biomass conversion that involves burning biomass in an
[34,35]. Vegetable oils are nowadays used for production of biodie- oxygen-rich environment mainly for the production of heat [46].
sel by reacting with an alcohol, usually methanol. However, they
can also be used as a substrate for chemical reactions thanks to 3.3.2. Biochemical processes
two chemically reactive sites: the double bond in the unsaturated Unlike thermochemical processes, biochemical processes occur
fatty acid chain and the acid group of the fatty acid chain [36]. Like at lower temperatures and have lower reaction rates. The most
sugar and starch crops, oilseed crops are characterized by low yield common types of biochemical processes are fermentation and
and high use of inputs. In the future, non-edible crops like Jatropha anaerobic digestion. The fermentation uses microorganisms and/
curcas and Pongamia pinnata, which require lower inputs and are or enzymes to convert a fermentable substrate into recoverable
suited to marginal lands, may become the most widespread oil products (usually alcohols or organic acids). Ethanol is currently
crops for biorefinery purposes, especially in dry and semiarid re- the most required fermentation product, but the production of
gions [32,37]. Other sources of vegetable oil for biofuel conversion many other chemical compounds (e.g. hydrogen, methanol, succi-
can be found in waste streams of food industry, where waste edible nic acid, among others) is nowadays object of many research and
oil is mainly generated from commercial services and food process- development activities. Hexoses, mainly glucose, are the most fre-
1416 F. Cherubini / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 1412–1421
quent fermentation substrates, while pentoses (sugars from hemi- Table 1. If compared to petroleum, biomass generally has too little
cellulose), glycerol and other hydrocarbons required the develop- hydrogen, too much oxygen, and a lower fraction of carbon.
ment of customized fermentation organisms to enable their The compositional variety in biomass feedstocks is both an
conversion to ethanol [47]. Anaerobic digestion involves the bacte- advantage and a disadvantage. An advantage is that biorefineries
rial breakdown of biodegradable organic material in the absence of can make more classes of products that can petroleum refineries
oxygen over a temperature range from about 30 to 65 °C. The main and can rely on a wider range of raw materials. A disadvantage is
end product of these processes is biogas (a gas mixture made of that a relatively larger range of processing technologies is needed,
methane, CO2 and other impurities), which can be upgraded up and most of these technologies are still at a pre-commercial stage
to >97% methane content and used as a surrogate of natural gas [51].
[48]. In order to be used for production of biofuels and chemicals,
biomass needs to be depolymerized and deoxygenated. Deoxygen-
3.3.3. Mechanical processes ation is required because the presence of O in biofuels reduces the
Mechanical processes are processes which do not change the heat content of molecules and usually gives them high polarity,
state or the composition of biomass, but only perform a size reduc- which hinders blending with existing fossil fuels [19]. Chemical
tion or a separation of feedstock components. In a biorefinery path- applications may require much less deoxygenation, since the pres-
way, they are usually applied first, because the following biomass ence of O often provides valuable physical and chemical properties
utilization requires reduction of the material size within specific to the product.
ranges, depending on feedstock specie, handling and further con- Unlike petroleum, biomass experiences seasonal changes, since
version processes. Biomass size reduction is a mechanical treat- harvesting is not possible throughout the entire year. A switch
ment that refers to either cutting or commuting processes that from crude oil to biomass may require a change in the capacity
significantly change the particles size, shape and bulk density of of chemical industries, with a requirement to generate the materi-
biomass. Separation processes involve the separation of the sub- als and chemicals in a seasonal time-frame. Alternatively, biomass
strate into its components, while with extraction methods valuable may have to be stabilized prior to long-term storage in order to en-
compounds are extracted and concentrated from a bulk and inho- sure continuous, year-round, operation of the biorefinery [52].
mogeneous substrate [49]. Lignocellulosic pre-treatment methods Biorefinery represents a change from the traditional oil refinery
(e.g. the split of lignocellulosic biomass into cellulose, hemicellu- based on large exploitation of natural resources and large waste
lose and lignin) fall within this category, even if some of hemicel- production towards integrated systems in which all resources are
lulose is also hydrolyzed to single sugars [50]. used. An example of how the biorefinery of the future will evolve
can be found in the history of the existing corn wet-milling indus-
try [53]. Initially the corn wet-milling industry produced starch as
3.3.4. Chemical processes
the major product. As technology developed and the need for high-
Chemical processes are those processes which carry a change in
er value products drove the growth of the industry, the product
the chemical structure of the molecule by reacting with other sub-
portfolio expanded from various starch derivatives such as glucose
stances. The most common chemical processes in biomass conver-
and maltose syrups to high fructose corn syrup. Later on, fermen-
sion are hydrolysis and transesterification, but this group also
tation products derived from the starch and glucose such as citric
includes the wide class of chemical reactions where a change in
acid, gluconic acid, lactic acid, lysine, threonine and ethanol were
the molecular formula occurs. Hydrolysis uses acids, alkalis or en-
added. Many other by-products, such as corn gluten, corn oil, corn
zymes to depolymerise polysaccharides and proteins into their
fiber and animal feed are now being produced. The final picture is
component sugars (e.g. glucose from cellulose) or derivate chemi-
that the development of the technical, commercial and political
cals (e.g. levulinic acid from glucose) [50]. Transesterification is the
infrastructure of a biomass refinery (biorefinery) makes it similar
most common method to produce biodiesel today and is a chemi-
to the current oil refinery concept.
cal process by which vegetable oils can be converted to methyl or
ethyl esters of fatty acids, also called biodiesel. This process in-
4.2. Current chemical platforms in oil refinery
volves the coproduction of glycerine, a chemical compound with
diverse commercial uses [34]. Other important chemical reactions
Today’s chemical industry processes crude oil into a limited
in biorefining are Fisher–Tropsch synthesis, methanisation, steam
number of base fractions [54]. Using numerous cracking and refin-
reforming, among others.
ing catalysts and using distillation as the dominant separation pro-
cess, crude oil is refined into fractions such as naphtha, gasoline,
4. From oil refinery to biorfinery kerosene, gas oil and residues. The relative volumes of the fractions
formed depend on the processing conditions and the composition
4.1. Biomass vs. fossils as raw materials of the crude oil. The naphtha fraction is subsequently used as a
feedstock for the production of just a few platform chemicals from
The structure of biorefinery raw materials is totally different which all the major bulk chemicals are subsequently derived. An
from that on which the current oil refinery is based. In fact, the important characteristic of the naphtha feedstock is that, unlike
crude oil is a mixture of many different organic hydrocarbon com- biomass, it is very low in oxygen content. The majority of bulk
pounds. The first step of oil refinery is to remove water and impu- chemicals can be produced starting from these few platform chem-
rities, then distil the crude oil into its various fractions as gasoline, icals (see Fig. 1):
diesel fuel, kerosene, lubricating oils and asphalts. Then, these frac-
tions can be chemically changed further into various industrial ethylene,
chemicals and final products. propylene,
Unlike petroleum, biomass composition is not homogeneous, C4-olefines,
because the biomass feedstock might be made of grains, wood, the aromatics benzene, toluene and xylene (often referred to as
grass, biological waste and so on, and the elemental composition BTX).
is a mixture of C, H and O (plus other minor components such as
N, S and other mineral compounds). Chemical and elemental com- These hydrogen- and carbon-containing platform chemicals are
position of some lignocellulosic biomass feedstocks is reported in subsequently used, for instance as solvents (benzene, toluene),
F. Cherubini / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 1412–1421 1417
Table 1
Difference in composition of some lignocellulosic feedstocks.
Parameter Unit (dry) Softwood Switchgrass Corn stover Wheat straw Petroleum
Water % 15 15 15 15
LHV MJ/kg 19.6 18.6 18.5 17.6
Cellulose % 44.5 35.4 38.1 32.6
Glucan (C6) % 44.5 35.4 38.1 32.6
Hemicellulose % 21.9 26.5 25.3 22.6
Xylan (C5) % 6.3 22.4 20.2 19.2
Arabinan (C5) % 1.6 2.73 2.03 2.35
Galactan (C6) % 2.56 0.96 0.74 0.75
Mannan (C6) % 11.4 0.39 0.41 0.31
Lignin % 27.7 18.2 20.2 16.8
Acids % 2.67 2.15 4.84 2.24
Extractives % 2.88 11.5 4.78 12.9
Ash % 0.32 4.28 8.59 10.2
C % 50.3 46.9 46.7 43.9 83–87
H % 5.98 5.54 5.49 5.26 10–14
O % 42.1 42 38.4 38.7 0.1–1.5
N % 0.03 0.62 0.67 0.63 0.1–2
S % 0.01 0.7 0.1 0.16 0.5–6
Sources: softwood [47]; switchgrass [62] (biomass sample type: switchgrass alamo whole plant #94); corn stover [62] (biomass sample type: corn stover zea mays stalks and
leaves w/o cobs #55); wheat straw [62] (biomass sample type: wheat straw (Triticum aestivum) thunderbird whole plant #154); petroleum [63].
starting material for polymers (ethylene, propylene, butadiene) or than those currently used in the petrochemical industry. Given the
are further functionalized via the introduction of elements such as chemical complexity of biomass, there is some choice of which
oxygen, nitrogen or chlorine [55]. platform chemicals to produce since, within limits, different pro-
cessing strategies of the same material can lead to different break-
4.3. Expected chemical platforms in biorefinery down products.
Although, in principle, all oil refinery platform chemicals can be
A biorefinery industry aiming at producing bulk chemicals from also derived from biomass, but with lower yields and higher costs
biomass will be based on a different selection of simple platforms (as depicted in [55]), the future biorefineries are expected to be
1418 F. Cherubini / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 1412–1421
based on a limited number of platforms, from which all the other a heterogeneous catalyst. As opposed to adding functionality, as it
commodity and bulk chemicals can be derived. In particular, the normally occurs in the petroleum-based chemical industry, there
carbohydrate fraction of biomass feedstock (i.e. cellulose and will be a switch to where a large part of the desired functionality
hemicellulose in lignocellulosic biomass) is expected to play the or pre-functionality is already present in the substrate [57].
biggest role as a renewable carbon source for biochemical prod- An example of the applications of one of these biobased plat-
ucts. In fact, biomass polysaccharides can be effectively hydrolyzed form chemicals is the following. Levulinic acid (C5H8O3) is formed
to monosaccharides (e.g., glucose, fructose and xylose) which can by acid hydrolysis of C6 sugars and can be converted to a large
then be converted, via fermentations or chemical synthesis, to an number of chemical derivatives thanks to its high reactivity: since
array of bio Platform Molecules (bPM – building block chemicals it has both a ketone carbonyl group and an acidic carboxyl group, it
with potential use in the production of numerous value-added can react as a ketone and as a fatty acid. Firstly, cellulose is hydro-
chemicals), analogous to the petro-platform molecules of the cur- lyzed to C6 sugars and then levulinic acid is obtained through
rent oil refinery. hydroxymethylfuran (HMF) with an efficiency of 50% [58]. Then,
In 2004, a list of the most promising bPMs was compiled by the levulinic acid is converted to the desired products, either chemicals
US Department of Energy, with the intention that research into the or fuel additives. Among the possible alternatives, the main inter-
area of bPM utilization would focus on those molecules highlighted esting derivatives are [58,59]:
(Fig. 2) [56]. Some chemicals, such as lactic acid, citric acid and eth-
anol, were omitted from the list as research into their use was con- methyltetrahydrofuran (MTHF, a biofuel which can be blended
sidered to be already extensive and at an advanced stage. with gasoline and is obtained by dehydratation and hydrogenta-
Several functional groups are available from this list, offering a tion of levulinic acid),
huge choice of potential reactions and products. When considering d-aminolevulinic acid (a herbicide which can be produced after a
the type of reactions to perform on bPM’s, the chemist should ide- chemical synthesis process),
ally consider those that are greenest. Addition reactions are more diphenolic acids (a polymer constituent produced by reaction of
favourable than substitutions or eliminations as atom economy is levulinic acid with phenols),
higher. Pericyclic reactions, such as Diels–Alder, are also inherently ethyl levulinate (a transportation biofuel, produced after reac-
green, typically with atom economies of 100%. Any reactions tion with ethanol, which can be added to conventional diesel
involving extensive use of auxiliaries, such as solvents or stoichi- without engine modifications).
ometric reagents, or hazardous species should be avoided. Cata-
lysts should be incorporated into every step, as long as they are 5. Biorefinery products
recoverable and reusable [57].
In comparison to oil-derived platform molecules (e.g., ethylene, The products of biorefinery systems can be grouped in two broad
benzene, etc.), bPMs have much higher oxygen content. This will categories: material products and energy products. Energy products
result in an interesting shift in chemistries from the often harsh are those products which are used because of their energy content,
and environmentally damaging oxidation procedures to largely providing electricity, heat or transportation service. On the other
greener reduction chemistry; for example using hydrogen gas over hand, material products are not used for an energy generation
purpose but for their chemical or physical properties. In some cases, proteins and lipids. Modification of natural polymers is of extreme
a further distinction for the characterization of products is needed interest, since they can replace fossil derived polymers like plastics
because some products like biohydrogen or bioethanol might be and textiles. For instance, lignin is a highly complex matrix of aro-
used either as fuels or as chemical compound in chemical synthesis. matic units and can be a renewable source of aromatic compounds
In these cases, it is necessary to identify the addressed markets, for so widely used in chemical industry. Breakdown of lignin to indi-
instance the transportation sector for H2 and bioethanol. vidual aromatic units, such as vanillin, is object of research and
The products of a biorefinery must be able to replace fossil fuel development activities, but current technology is low-yielding
based products coming from oil refinery, both chemicals and en- even under extreme conditions [61].
ergy carriers. Concerning the chemicals, this objective can be met The range of chemicals and materials that future biorefineries
by producing the same chemical species from biomass instead of could produce is extensive, and with further research the selection
from fossils (e.g. phenols), or producing a molecule having a differ- will become larger. As argued by Clark et al., environmental impact
ent structure but an equivalent function. Concerning the fuels, a evaluation methodologies like LCA and metrics such as atom econ-
biorefinery must replace conventional fossil fuels (mainly gasoline, omy should become as important in measuring the sustainability
diesel, heavy oil, coal and natural gas) with biofuels coming from of a chemical process as yield and selectivity are today [52].
biomass upgrading.
The most important energy products which can be produced in 7. Guidelines for future biorefineries
biorefineries are:
With all this, some final guidelines for the development of
gaseous biofuels (biogas, syngas, hydrogen, biomethane), biorefinery complexes can be elaborated. A biorefinery, similarly
solid biofuels (pellets, lignin, charcoal), to what occurs in oil refinery, should be based on feedstock
liquid biofuels for transportation (bioethanol, biodiesel, FT-fuels, upgrading processes, where raw materials are continuously up-
bio-oil). graded and refined. This means that a biorefinery should separate
all the biomass feedstock components, and leading, through a
The most important chemical and material products are the chain of several processes, to a high concentration of pure chem-
following: ical species (e.g. ethanol) or a high concentration of molecules
having similar, well identified functions (e.g. the mixture of C al-
chemicals (fine chemicals, building blocks, bulk chemicals), kanes in FT-fuels). As a consequence, a feedstock cannot be di-
organic acids (succinic, lactic, itaconic and other sugar rectly burnt without any previous treatment, since the aim of a
derivatives), biorefinery is to increase the value of the different biomass com-
polymers and resins (starch-based plastics, phenol resins, furan ponents as material and energy source: the most desirable option
resins), is to send to combustion, for heat and electricity production, only
biomaterials (wood panels, pulp, paper, cellulose), the residues and leftovers of previous technological treatments
food and animal feed, and conversion processes. This concept leads to the following
fertilizers. remarks:
6. The role of green chemistry a biorefinery should produce at least one high value chemical/
material product, besides low-grade and high-volume products
In order to establish a sustainable future production of these bio- (like animal feed and fertilizers), according to the specifications
fuels and biochemicals, the integration of green chemistry into bior- given above,
efineries, along with the use of low environmental impact a biorefinery should produce at least one energy product besides
technologies, is mandatory. Green chemistry can be considered as heat and electricity; the production of at least one biofuel
a set of principles for the manufacture and application of products (liquid, solid or gaseous) is then required.
that aim at eliminating the use, or generation, of environmentally
harmful and hazardous chemicals. It offers a tool kit of techniques A biorefinery plant should also aim at running in a sustainable
and underlying principles that any researcher could, and should, ap- way: all the energy requirements of the several biomass conver-
ply when developing the next generation of biorefineries. The overall sion processes should be internally supplied by the production of
goal of green chemistry combined with a biorefinery is the produc- heat and electricity from combustion of residues (within a properly
tion of genuinely green and sustainable chemical products [52]. sized set of processes/technologies). For instance, in a lignocellu-
Green chemistry offers a protocol when developing biorefinery losic ethanol plant, lignin, after separation from cellulose and
processes and may play an important role in facilitating production hemicellulose, can be burnt to provide the heat and electricity re-
of commodity chemicals from biomass. During chemical product quired by the plant. Since lignin can also be used to produce chem-
manufacture, and indeed during the whole product life cycle, en- icals and polymers, direct external fossil energy inputs are allowed
ergy demands should be minimized, safer processes used, and haz- if they ensure overall economic benefits and do not unduly burden
ardous chemical use and production avoided. The final product the life-cycle environmental concerns.
should be non-toxic, degradable into innocuous chemicals and Similarly, solid, liquid and gaseous waste should be minimized.
with minimum production of waste. This target can be achieved in two ways: using all the different bio-
Green chemistry methodologies and techniques can be used to mass components for producing a wide spectrum of multiple prod-
reach these goals. For instance, supercritical carbon dioxide is rec- ucts in one location, or setting up industrial ‘‘bio-clusters”, where
ognized as a green solvent, since it is non-flammable, non-toxic, material flow exchanges among different plants are promoted in
available as byproduct of many conversion technologies (e.g. bio- order to transform a downstream residue of a plant into an up-
mass fermentation) and gives no solvent residues. Other technolo- stream raw material for another plant.
gies with great potential as energy efficient extraction methods are
microwaves and ultrasounds [60]. 8. Conclusions
In addition, there are numerous natural polymers directly avail-
able from biomass with potential for physical and chemical modi- The use of biomass as raw materials for bioenergy and biochem-
fications. These include starches, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, ical production is encouraged by a reduction of fossil CO2
1420 F. Cherubini / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 1412–1421
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