An Analysis of 80KW Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant A
An Analysis of 80KW Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant A
An Analysis of 80KW Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant A
ISSN 2348-117X
Volume 7, Issue 4
April 2018
Abstract— In grid connected rooftop solar PV system, are needed in off-grid plants. Batteries require
available rooftop area on buildings is used for setting up replacement once in every 3-5 years in off-grid.
solar power plant and DC power generated from solar In Grid connected solar rooftop power plant, the DC
photovoltaic (SPV) cells is converted to AC power by power generated from solar photovoltaic (SPV) panel
solar grid inverter and is fed to the grid during day time.
is converted to AC power using solar grid inverter
In night when solar power is not sufficient, loads are
served by drawing power from grid. In this paper, real and is fed to the grid either of 11KV lines or of
time monitoring of 80KW solar photovoltaic roof top grid 400/230V, three / single phase lines and if any
connected power plant at St.Peter’s Engineering College, shortfall of solar energy is imported from grid[1]. A
Hyderabad city is carried out. The real time meter schematic diagram of a grid connected solar rooftop
readings on import side and export side of energy are photovoltaic power plant is shown in Fig.1 [10].
recorded. The annual average solar radiation at
St.Peter’s Engineering College is 5.67 kWh/m2/day. The
real time energy output of PV array on daily and hourly
basis and energy injected to grid are monitored. The
energy output and effect of losses is taken into account by
simulating 80KW grid connected PV system with PV Syst
and recommended the suggestions to improve energy
output of PV module.
Keywords— Solar rooftop; Peak demand; Energy
output; solar radiation; Inverter efficiency.
Fig1. A Schematic diagram of a Grid connected
St.Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad is located Solar Roof Top Photo Voltaic Power Plant.
at latitude of 17.35 0N and longitude of 78.45 0E and
at an elevation of 505m from sea level. [3].
Electric utilities are finding it difficult to meet rise in III. SOLAR PANEL CHARACTERSTICS
peak demand and as a result, most of cities and towns The typical I-V curve and P-V curve for a solar
are facing severe electricity shortages. It is proposed panel are shown in fig.2 [7]
to achieve a minimum of 3000MW’s of grid
connected rooftop solar power plants in Telangana
state by 2018.
In the above figure, the Knee point is called Other components of solar rooftop power plant are
“maximum power point” (MPP). In the curve, Isc is cables, junction boxes, fuses etc. The expected life
the solar panel circuit current in short circuit of solar PV plant is 25 years.
condition & Voc is the solar panel circuit voltage
under open circuit condition. V PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF PV SYSTEM
IMP and VMP are those of tracking point for maximum A. Inverter efficiency
current and maximum voltage respectively and can The inverter efficiency appropriately called as
be track by MPPT system. Thus, the multiplication conversion efficiency is given by the ratio of AC
of both IMP and VMP gives the condition of maximum power generated by the inverter to the DC power
power for solar module as generated by the PV array system [5]. The
PMAX = VMP * IMP watt instantaneous inverter efficiency is given by,
inv,T= PAC / PDC
A Grid-connected solar PV system consists of The instantaneous daily system efficiency is given as
following main components: PV module efficiency multiplied by inverter
A. Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules and PV module efficiency.
standards sys, T = ηPV, T * ηinv,T
Solar Photovoltaic modules are mounted on the roof C. Energy output or energy fed to utility grid
of any buildings and convert sunlight energy into The energy generated by the PV system is the
direct current. Photovoltaic modules are formed with measure of energy across the inverter output
an array to get required voltage and current [8]. terminals for every minute. It is defined as the total
The PV modules must conform to the latest edition daily monitored value of AC power output and the
of any of the following IEC /equivalent BIS monthly AC energy generated [9].
Standards for PV module design qualification and
type approval: Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial PV VI REAL TIME SYSTEM DESIGN
Modules IEC 61215 / IS14286, Thin Film Terrestrial The main target is to design and install 80KW solar
PV Modules IEC 61646 / Equivalent IS (Under rooftop solar power plant.
Dev.), Concentrator PV Modules & Assemblies IEC A. Key facts of solar rooftop power plant
62108. Plant capacity in KWp : 80KWp Rooftop Solar power plant
In addition, the modules must conform to IEC61730 PV Technology/Module: Polycrystalline modules
Part 1-requirements for construction & Part 2 – Power conditioning unit: 80 KVA (30+30+20)
requirements for testing, for safety qualification or Power evacuation : 400/230V, three/single-phase, 50HZ
Equivalent IS (Under Dev.) A typical Design of 80KW Solar Roof Top Power
PV modules to be used in a highly corrosive Plant of St.Peter’s Engineering, Hyderabad city is
atmosphere (coastal areas, etc.) must qualify Salt shown in Fig 3.
Mist Corrosion Testing as per IEC 61701 / IS
B. Solar PV array support structure
Solar PV array support structure consists of
galvanized steel structures secure the solar PV
modules on the roof of any buildings.
C. Solar grid inverter
Solar grid inverter tied PV systems consist
of solar panels and a grid-tie inverter, with no
batteries. The solar panels feed a
special inverter know as Solar grid inverter which
converts the DC voltage coming from Fig.3 A typical Design of 80KW Roof top solar
the solar panels directly into AC power to match power plant at St.Peter’s Engineering College,
the grid[6]. Hyderabad.
D. Balance of system
Actual on-site 80KW Solar Roof Top Power Plant of Fig.5 Actual onsite of 80KW solar roof top PV
St.Peter’s Engineering, Hyderabad city is shown in modules at St.Peter’s Engineering College,
Fig 4. Hyderabad City
The PV module parameters and ratings are given in
Table 1 and more specifications of PV module and
dimension [2] are given in Table 2.
F. Feeder rating
The details of feeder are summarized as follows:
Name of 11KV Feeder: St.Peter’s Engineering
College, Hyderabad city.
Feeder Number: CF
Name of 66 / 11 KV substation: Kompally,
Hyderabad city
Type of conductor / cable (Size): Rabbit
G. Meter specifications
The meter specifications are given below:
Meter Make: Secure meters Ltd.
Model No: Premier 300 Type E3M024, 3-phase, 4-
Fig.6 Actual onsite 80KVA solar grid inverter at Meter Number (RR Number): RRN1458
St.Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad City
Tariff: LT – 2
The inverter parameters are given in Table 3
Sanctioned Load: 100 KW
Table 3. Inverter parameters
Inverter specifications for 30KWp Inverter
Model Name Growatt 30000TL3-SE
A. Meter output readings on Import and Export side
Maximum DC voltage 1000 d.c. V
The meter readings of energy meters on 03.03.2018
Maximum input current 2*34 d.c. A are given in Table 4.
Maximum apparent 33000VA Table 4 Meter reading on Import and Export side on
power 03.03.2018
Nominal output current 3*34 a.c. A Date &
Import side Export side
Maximum apparent 20800VA 11:00am 3483.2 3583.3 414.0 17.9 2243.4 2367.7 115.5 14.60
power 12:00pm 3489.2 3589.5 415.6 17.9 2243.4 2367.7 115.5 14.60
Nominal output current 32 a.c. A 1:00pm 3499.2 3599.8 418.0 17.9 2243.4 2367.7 115.5 14.60
Nominal output voltage 230V/400 a.c. V 2:00pm 3507.3 3608.1 419.8 17.9 2243.4 2367.7 115.5 14.60
The import and export meter readings of energy The energy output of First 30KVA inverter at
meters on 03.03.2018 are given in in Fig. 7 1:00PM on 03.03.2018 is 87 KWh, second 30KVA
inverter is 87 KWh and 20KVA inverter is 57 KWh.
The total output energy from 80KW PV Plant on
03.03.2018 at 1:00 pm is 231KWh.
1000 Import The energy output of three inverters on 03.03.2018
0 Export
are given in Fig. 8
200 30KVA-I
Fig.7 The import and export meter readings of 150
energy meters in KWh on 03.03.2018 30KVA-II
The energy at the import side on 03/03/18 at 50 20KVA
9:00AM is 3479.6KWh & export side is 2243.4KWh 0
so the energy injected into grid is 2243.4 KWh.
The energy at the import side on 03/03/18 at 1:00PM
is 3499.2KWh & export side is 2243.4KWh so the
energy injected into grid is 2243.4 KWh.
The Energy output of three inverters from the actual Fig.8 The energy output of three inverters on
site of 80KW solar roof top plant at St.Peter’s 03.03.2018
Engineering College, Hyderabad on 03.03.2018 as
The meter readings of energy meters on 05.03.2018
shown in Table. 5
are given in Table 6.
Table5. Energy output of Inverters on 03.03.2018
Table 6 Meter reading on Import and Export side on
Date & Energy Energy Energy Total
Time output output output Energy Date & Import side Export side
2018 KVA KVA KVA of 80 05-03- KWh KVAh KVArh KVA KWh KVAh KVArh KVA
Inverter Inverte Inverte KVA 2018
in KWh r in r in Inverte
KWh KWh r in
3613.2 3715.3 424.5 17.94 2302.5 2428.6 115.5 14.60
KWh 9:00am
9:00am 13 12 9 35
10:00am 21 20 13 54
10:00am 3621.7 3723.1 426.5 17.94 2302.5 2428.6 115.5 14.60
11:00am 40 39 26 105 11:00am 3625.8 3727.5 428.1 17.94 2302.5 2428.6 115.5 14.60
12:00pm 52 52 34 138 12:00pm 3636.9 3739.3 432.0 17.94 2302.5 2428.6 115.5 14.60
1:00pm 87 87 57 231
1:00pm 3645.7 3748.4 434.7 17.94 2302.5 2428.6 115.5 14.60
2:00pm 93 93 61 247
3:00pm 113 112 74 299 2:00pm 3651.4 3754.5 436.6 17.94 2302.5 2428.6 115.5 14.60
The import and export meter readings of energy The energy output of three inverters on 05.03.2018
meters on 05.03.2018 are given in in Fig. 9 are given in Fig.10
3000 350
2000 250
1000 200 30KVA-I
Export 150
0 30KVA-II
0 80KVA
10-1-18 1057.9 759.2 1058.5 775.6 The energy at the import side on 24/02/18 at
11-1-18 1094.9 777.8 1098.2 791.4 9:00AM is 2987.2KWh & export side is 2065.2
KWh so the energy injected into grid is 2065.2 KWh
18-1-18 1310.9 1132.9 1310.9 1159.1
The energy at the import side on 24/02/18 at 4:00PM
19-1-18 1345.3 1162.4 1345.6 1190.1
is 3045.5KWh & export side is 2065.2 KWh so the
20-1-18 1378.7 1192.4 1379.4 1222.4 energy injected into grid is 2065.2 KWh
22-1-18 1454.1 1298.0 1461.2 1300.3 VIII Energy Output and Effect of Losses using PV
23-1-18 1500.6 1302.2 1517.4 1305.4 Syst
24-1-18 1558.3 1306.4 1565.8 1314.9 The loss diagram over the whole year is obtained by
25-1-18 1605.2 1316.4 1605.8 1326.7 simulation 80KW grid connected PV Plant using PV
26-1-18 1649.1 1329.5 1649.3 1376.6
Syst Software as shown in Fig.11[12]
27-1-18 1683.1 1378.1 1683.6 1406.4
The horizontal global irradiation is 2021KWh/m2.
The IAM losses on global irradiation accounts for
29-1-18 1756.3 1483.7 1766.9 1486.2
3.1% so, the effective irradiance on collectors is
30-1-18 1809.6 1488.2 1818.8 1495.1 1975KWh/m2. The efficiency of PV module is
31-1-18 1864.1 1497.7 1865.3 1512.1 11.63%, the array nominal energy will be
01-2-18 1910.9 1515.5 1911.9 1540.9 157.9MWh. After deducting the PV losses due to
irradiance level is 4.1%, the PV losses due to
2-2-18 1942.8 1545.0 1942.0 1567.2
temperature is 14.9%, module quality loss is 2.7%,
03-2-18 1989.8 1569.0 1989.8 1603.7 the ohmic wiring loss is 1.1%, the array virtual
5-2-18 2067.4 1686.2 2068.9 1709.5 energy at MPP is 121.3MWh. After meeting of
6-2-18 2107.9 1712.2 2109.8 1738.8 inverter losses during operation of 4.8%, the
7-2-18 2148.4 1739.8 2164.9 1744.3 available energy at inverter output is 115.4MWh, so
the energy injected into grid is 115.4MWh/year.
8-2-18 2208.5 1744.8 2209.3 1775.2
9-2-18 2245.1 1777.1 2248.8 1795.6
12-02-18 2363.3 1859.1 2371.4 1369.4
14-2-18 2464.7 1925.0 2465.1 1938.6
15-2-18 2506.6 1940.3 2511.3 1948.8
16-02-18 2564.5 1950.4 2566.3 1960.6
17-02-18 2614.6 1962.9 2618.5 1972.1
19-02-18 2695.6 2045.1 2724.2 2049.5
20-02-18 2772.5 2050.6 2787.1 2052.4
21-02-18 2824.6 2053.1 2835.2 2056.0
22-02-18 2870.8 2056.7 2877.5 2062.2
23-02-18 2925.3 2063.3 2928.0 2065.2
24-02-18 2987.2 2065.2 3045.5 2065.2
26-02-18 3105.9 2150.0 3120.9 2177.1
27-02-18 3164.3 2178.0 3179.0 2179.8
28-02-18 3223.0 2181.3 3259.6 2181.4
The energy at the import side on 06/01/18 at
9:00AM is 854KWh & export side is 673.3KWh so
the energy injected into grid is 673.3 KWh.
The energy at the import side on 06/02/18 at
9:00AM is 2107.9KWh & export side is 1712.2
KWh so the energy injected into grid is 1712.2 KWh
Fig.11 The loss diagram over the whole year of The energy output of PV Plant depends on
80KW grid connected PV Plant irradiation, solar cell performance, PV losses and
also dust deposited on the solar panels. It is
recommended to clean solar panels daily to avoid
The balances and main results of 80KW grid
dust deposition on solar panels that reduces the
connected rooftop using PV syst is presented in
energy output of PV Panels.
Table 9.