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Tig - Mig Welding Consumables

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Brand name Typical chemical composition of rod or wire (%) Typical mechanical properties of all-weld-metal Approvals
Size Equivalent Application
Classification T.S EI.
TIG MIG (mm) specification Cr Mo
C Si Mn Ni N/mm2
[kgf/mm2] (%)
AWS ER70S-6 580 30 Welding of pipes, steel sheets, plates and other structural steel where
T-50 - 0.08 0.82 1.52 - - - { 59 } ABS -
JIS YGT 50 the requirements for quality and
finish are exacting.
For high tensile AWS ER70S-G 580 Welding of mild steel, 490N/mm high tensile steel and aluminum-killed steel for low temperature use.
T-50G - 0.09 0.70 1.50 - - - { 59 } 32 - -
JIS YGT 50 It is suitable for root pass welding of pipes and all position welding of thin plates.
strength steel
AWS ER70S-3 0.07 0.65 1.18 550 Welding of pipes, steel sheets, plates and other structural steels where the
(490 Mpa) T-53 - JIS YGT 50 - { 56 } 32 requirements for quality and finish are exacting. - -
TIG ; AWS ER70S-2 570
T-70S2 - 0.05 0.50 1.09 - - - 29 Welding of pipes, steel sheets, plates and other structural steels. - -
Dia. : 1.2 - 3.2 JIS YGT 50 { 58 }
- Length : 1,000 AWS ER80S-D2 0.08 0.63 1.85 700 Welding of 0.5% Mo steel
T-80D2 0.5 { 71 } 22 - -
For high-resisting AWS ER80S-B2 500
T-80SB2 - 0.10 0.43 0.44 1.27 - 0.43 26 Welding of 1.25%Cr-0.5%Mo Heat Resistant steels. - -
steel JIS YGT1CM { 51 }
AWS ER90S-B3 - 680 Welding of 2.25%Cr-1%Mo Heat Resistant steels.
T-90SB3 - 0.10 0.40 0.42 2.33 0.43 { 68 } 26 - -

22 23
Brand name Typical chemical composition of all-weld-metal (%) Typical mechanical properties of all-weld-metal Approvals
Size Equivalent
Classification T.S Application
(mm) specification EI.
TIG MIG C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo N/mm2
[kgf/mm2] (%) TIG MIG
T-2209 M-2209 AWS ER2209 0.01 0.4 1.75 22.7 8.7 3.2 { 86 } 28 Welding of 22%Cr-9%Ni-3%Mo (UNS S31803, S32900) steels.
EN 12072 610
- M-307LSi 0.07 0.8 7.1 18.0 8.0 - { 62 } 40 Welding of dissimilar steel such as austenitic manganese sgteel to carbon steel forgings.
AWS ER308 610
T-308 M-308 0.04 0.38 1.90 19.8 9.8 - { 62 } 42 Welding of AISI Types 301, 302, 304 and 308.
JIS Y308
AWS ER308L 570 BV, DNV,..KR, CWB
T-308L M-308L 0.02 0.38 1.90 19.8 9.8 - { 58 } 44 Welding of low carbon 18%Cr-8%Ni steel such as AISI Types 304L and 308L.
M-308H 590
T-308H AWS ER308H 0.05 0.42 2.06 19.90 9.70 - { 60 } 42 Welding of high carbon 18%Cr-8%Ni steel (AISI 304H)
590 ..
T-308LSi M-308LSi AWS ER308LSi - 42 Improves the usability of the filler metal, welding of low carbon 18%Cr-8%Ni steels.
0.02 0.75 1.95 19.7 10.4 { 60 } CWB CWB, TUV
M-309 AWS ER309 - 610 Welding of base metals of similar alloys in wrought or cast forms.
T-309 0.05 0.36 1.84 23.6 13.3 { 62 } 40 BV
JIS Y309 Welding of dissimilar steel such as Type 304 to carbon steel or low alloy steels.
M-309L AWS ER309L 570 Welding of similar alloys in wrought or cast forms. Joining of Type 304 to BV, DNV,
T-309L 0.01 0.40 1.92 23.2 13.8 - { 58 } 42 CWB
For stainless steel JIS Y309L carbon steel and welding the clad side of Type 304 clad steels. KR, CWB
M-309LSi AWS ER309LSi 590 Welding of similar alloys in wrought or cast forms. Joining of Type 304 to
T-309LSi 0.02 0.75 2.28 23.2 13.7 - { 60 } 40
JIS Y309LSi carbon steel and welding the clad side of Type 304 clad steels.
TIG ; 660 Sutabile for dissimilar metal joint and underlaying on ferritic steels for overlaying
T-309LMo M-309LMo EN 1207Z G 2312SL 0.02 0.45 1.45 14.50 21.40 2.61 33
Dia. : 1.2 - 4.0 { 67 } stainless steel weld metals.
Length : 1,000 AWS ER310 600
T-310 M-310 0.10 0.10 1.73 26.6 20.9 - { 61 } 40 Welding of similar composition base metals .
JIS Y310
M-312 MIG ; AWS ER312 - 730 Welding of cast alloys of similar aomposition.Welding of dissimilar metals
T-312 0.10 0.43 1.72 8.70 30.4 { 75 } 30
Dia. : 0.8 - 1.6 JIS Y312 such as carbon steel to stainless steel.
M-316 AWS ER316 2.3 580
T-316 0.04 0.40 1.62 19.1 12.1 {59} 38 Welding of 18%Cr-12%Ni-Mo steel.(AISI Type 316)
JIS Y316
M-316L AWS ER316L 0.02 2.2 570 40 Welding of low carbon 18%Cr-12%Ni-Mo steel where the corrosion resistant .. BV, DNV,
T-316L 0.39 1.89 18.6 11.8
JIS Y316L {58} qualities are required. KR,CWB, TUV KR, CWB
M-316LSi AWS ER316LSi 2.3 570 Improves the usability of the filler metal. ..
T-316LSi 0.02 0.76 1.85 18.7 12.2 {58} 39 CWB CWB, TUV
JIS Y316LSi Welding of low carbon 18%Cr-12%Ni-Mo steel.
M-317L AWS ER317L 3.40 640 40
T-317L 0.02 0.48 1.09 18.90 13.10 {65} Welding of low carbon 18%Cr-12%Ni-Mo steel (AISI 317L)
M-347 AWS ER347 640 41 Welding of 18%Cr-9%Ni-Nb steel(AISI Type347),
T-347 0.05 0.46 2.24 19.3 9.3 Cb : 0.6 {65}
JIS Y347 18%Cr-9%Ni-Ti steels(AISI Type321).
M-409Cb 31: 850 ℃ 56 Welding of 13%Cr-Nb steel(AISI Type 409), used on robots
- AWS ER409Cb 0.01 0.45 0.46 0.23 11.40 Nb+Ta : 0.36 within the automotive industry for vehicle exhaust systems.
M-410 AWS ER410 540
T-410 0.02 0.34 0.39 12.8 - - { 55 } 750℃×1hr. S·R 35 Welding of 13%Cr steels(AISI Types 403, 410)
JIS Y410

T-420 M-420 AWS ER420 0.33 0.41 0.37 12.70 - - Surfacing in requiring corrosion resistance.
- -
510 Welding of 17%Cr steel and clad side types 403, 405 clad steels.
M-430 AWS ER430 0.02 { 52 } 780℃×1hr. S·R 30 Welding of dissimilar steels such as Cr-stainless steel to carbon steel.
T-430 0.33 0.44 16.6 - -
JIS Y430
48: 850 ℃ 45 Welding of 18%Cr Nb steels (AISI Types 429, 444) used on robots
- M-430LNb - 0.01 0.49 0.46 18.50 0.20 Nb+Ta : 0.5 within the automotive industry for vehicle exhayst systems.
AWS ERNi-1 450
29 Welding of pure nickel and nickel alloy.
KW-T61 KW-M61 Ti : 3.0 ABS
0.03 0.30 0.30 - 93.0 { 46 } Repair welding of cast iron.
AWS ERNiCr-3 Cb: 2.5 640 Welding of Ni-Cr-Fe alloys (Inconel 600 alloy)
KW-T82 KW-M82 JIS YNiCr-3 0.03 0.05 3.0 Rem. { 65 } 36
KS YNiCr-3
19.8 Fe : 1.0 Welding of carbon steel, stainless steel to Inconel
AWS ERNiCrMo-3 8.6 770 Welding of Ni-Cr-Mo alloys (Hastellyc)
KW-T625 KW-M625 41 ABS
0.02 0.22 0.20 21.5 Rem. Fe : 3.70 { 79 } Surfacing steel with Ni-Cr-Mo weld metal.
TIG ; AWS ERNiCrMo-4 740 Welding of low carbon Ni-Cr-Mo alloy.
KW-T276 KW-M276 16.0 { 76 } 32
JIS YNiCrMo-4 0.01 0.06 0.80 15.9 Rem. w : 3.6 Welding of low carbon Ni-Cr-Mo alloy to steel and to other nickel base alloys.
Dia. : 1.6 - 3.2 KS YNiCrMo-4
KW-T690 KW-M690 Length : 1,000 AWS ERNiCrFe-7 { 70 } 40 Welding of Ni-Cr-Fe alloy. (Inconel 690)
JIS ERNiCrFe-7 0.016 0.26 0.33 29.7 59.4 Fe : 9.10
AWS ERNiCu-7 510 Welding of Ni-Cu alloys (Monel)
KW-M60 Cu : 28.9 { 52 } 30 Surfacing steel with Ni-Cu alloy weld metal.
For nickel alloy KW-T60 MIG ; JIS YNiCu-7 0.01 0.19 3.44 Rem. Ti : 2.30
KS YNiCu-7 -
and copper alloy Dia. : 0.8 - 1.6 780 Welding of lnconel 617 alloy
KW-M617 Fe:1.40 { 80 } 40 Dissmilar combinations of High temperature alloys.
KW-T617 AWS ERNiCrCoMo-1 0.07 0.30 0.30 22.10 Rem. 8.70 Co:11.10
AWS ERCuNi 510
Ti : 0.4 { 52 } 30 Welding of Cu-Ni alloys. (Cupro Nickel) ABS
KW-TCuNi KW-MCuNi JIS YCuNi-3 0.03 0.10 0.80 - 31.0
KS YCuNi-3 Cu : Rem.
370 Welding of Cu-Ni(90Cu/10Ni)alloys. (Cupro Nickel)
0.01 0.05 - 10.5 Cu { 38 } 37
KW-TCuNi9 KW-MCuNi9 KS YCuNi-1 0.9 Rem.
535 Welding of Al-Bronze (Al 8%) Alloy. Surfacing in requring corrosion resistance and wear resistance.
- KW-MCuAI A1 AWS ERCuAI-A1 Cu Zn Mn Fe Si Al: 8.20 { 55 } 39
Rem. 0.01 0.30 0.16 0.06 Pb: 0.01
Cu Zn Mn Fe Si Al: 9.20 556 Welding of Al-Bronze (Al 9%) Alloy. Surfacing in requring corrosion resistance and wear resistance.
- KW-MCuAI A2 JIS YCuAl { 57 } 32
KS YCuAl Rem. 0.01 0.10 0.85 0.06 Pb: 0.01
- AWS ERCuSi-A Cu Zn Mn Fe Si Al: 0.005 375 Welding of Silicon (Si 3%) Alloy. Welding of copper-sillicon and copper-zinc base metals, to
Rem. 0.005 0.89 0.05 3.00 Pb: 0.005 { 38 } 43 themselves and also to steel.


Typical chemical composition of rod (%) Typical mechanical properties
of all-weld-metal.
Size Equivalent
Classification Brand name T.S EI. Application Approvals
(mm) specification C Mn Si P S Cu Al N/mm2
[kgf/mm2] (%)
Dia ; 1.0~5.0 AWS R45
For carbon steel T-40 JIS GA46 0.08 0.45 0.02 0.013 0.010 0.20 0.005 450 20 Welding of low carbon steel with oxyfuel gas.
Length ; 1,000 KS GA46 {46}

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