Lung Opening and Closing During Ventilation of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Lung Opening and Closing During Ventilation of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Lung Opening and Closing During Ventilation of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Figure 1. (A) Nonaerated lung tissue at end-inspiration and end-
expiration and (B) end-inspiratory alveolar strain for patients with either
a lower or a higher percentage of potentially recruitable lung after the
application of 5 and 15 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP).
For clarity, data are expressed as means 6 standard error. To describe the
relationship between nonaerated lung tissue and the airway pressure
applied, exponential decay functions were used [y 5 y0 1 a 3 exp(–b 3
x)]. Alveolar strain was defined as the ratio between end-inspiratory lung
inflation and lung resting volume. For more details, see the online
supplement. In patients with a higher percentage of potentially recruit-
able lung, the increase in PEEP to 15 cm H2O markedly reduced the
difference between end-expiratory and end-inspiratory nonaerated lung
tissue, that is, the amount of opening and closing lung tissue (P , 0.001,
dotted lines). In contrast, no effect was observed in patients with a lower
percentage of potentially recruitable lung, as the amount of opening and
closing lung tissue already equaled a negligible amount at 5 cm H2O PEEP
(*P , 0.001 vs. patients with a lower percentage of potentially recruitable
lung at the same PEEP, #P , 0.001 vs. 5 cm H2O PEEP within the same
group). At 5 cm H2O PEEP, the alveolar strain of patients with a higher
percentage of potentially recruitable lung was significantly greater than
that observed in patients with a lower percentage of potentially recruit-
able lung. In contrast, the application of 15 cm H2O PEEP similarly
increased alveolar strain both in patients with either a lower or higher
percentage of potentially recruitable lung (P , 0.001).
We analyzed data from a database of a multicenter study investigating
lung recruitment during ALI/ARDS (5). The study design is briefly
Study Population
Sixty-eight patients were studied at four university hospitals, after
approval by the local institutional review boards had been given.
Informed consent was obtained according to the national regulations of
each institution. Patient enrollment was based on standard criteria for
ALI/ARDS (21), excluding those with age less than 16 years, preg-
nancy, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Study Design
Under sedation and paralysis, patients underwent whole-lung com-
puted tomography (CT) scanning at three different airway pressures:
45 cm H2O end-inspiratory airway pressure, and 5 and 15 cm H2O
PEEP applied in random order. Baseline mechanical ventilation was
set according to the daily clinical treatment. Before each CT scanning,
a recruitment maneuver was performed (see additional METHODS in the
online supplement) (5).
therefore conceivable that the potential effectiveness of high CT Scan Analysis
levels of PEEP will depend on the balance between deleterious
and beneficial effects (13). Each cross-sectional image was processed and analyzed with a custom-
designed software package (5, 22). Assuming the specific lung weight to
So far, no clinical data are available to support the application
be equal to 1, total lung weight and tissue weights of lung regions with
of higher levels of PEEP to improve survival in unselected different degree of aeration were calculated on the basis of the ‘‘CT
patients with ALI/ARDS (14, 15). After the conclusion of the number’’ of each voxel (5). To investigate lung morphology along the
ALVEOLI (Assessment of Low Tidal Volume and Elevated sterno–vertebral and cephalo–caudal axes, CT images of the whole
End-expiratory Volume to Obviate Lung Injury) study (16), two lung were divided into 4 equal segments from sternum to vertebral
further multicenter randomized clinical trials apparently did not region, and then arbitrarily grouped into 10 equal intervals, from lung
demonstrate any benefit for the application of higher levels of apex to base (23).
PEEP (as compared with lower levels) during low tidal volume
ventilation (17, 18). However, no study has considered the impact CT-derived Variables
of potentially recruitable lung characterizing each patient in 1. Potentially recruitable lung was defined as the difference be-
relation to the effects of different levels of PEEP on the de- tween the weight of nonaerated lung tissue at 5 and 45 cm H2O
airway pressure, expressed as a proportion of the weight of the
terminants of VILI (19). We therefore set out to investigate how
total lung tissue, and it represents the proportion of the total
lung recruitability may influence the development and the effects lung weight accounted for by nonaerated lung tissue in which
of alveolar strain as well as alveolar opening and closing after the aeration was restored from 5 to 45 cm H2O airway pressure. The
application of PEEP during ALI/ARDS. study population was divided into two groups, according to its
Some of the results of these studies have been previously median value (9% of the total lung tissue), as previously
reported in form of an abstract (20). reported (5).
2. On the basis of the strict similarity between pressure–volume strain were analyzed at 5 and 15 cm H2O PEEP for the whole lung.
and pressure–recruitment curves during ALI/ARDS (24), a sig- At 5 cm H2O PEEP, opening and closing lung tissue recorded in
moid equation describing the pressure–volume curve of the patients with a higher percentage of potentially recruitable lung
respiratory system (25, 26) was derived from the four values of was markedly greater than that observed in patients with a lower
gas volume and airway pressure available for each patient (5 cm
percentage of potentially recruitable lung (141 6 85 vs. 20 6 22 g,
H2O PEEP, end-inspiratory plateau pressure from 5 and 15 cm
H2O PEEP, and end-inspiratory 45 cm H2O airway pressure). P , 0.001; Figure 1A). In the latter group of patients, its amount
Gas volume was expressed as a percentage of total lung capacity, was almost negligible, equaling only 2 6 2% of the total lung
defined as the gas volume inflated into the lungs at 45 cm H2O weight (1,266 6 327 g). When PEEP was increased to 15 cm H2O,
airway pressure. From each equation, end-inspiratory nonaer- opening and closing lung tissue significantly decreased only in
ated lung tissue at the corresponding plateau airway pressure patients with a higher percentage of potentially recruitable lung
was estimated as a percentage of the total amount of potentially (down to 63 6 87 g, P , 0.001), resulting unchanged in patients
recruitable lung of each patient (assuming 0 and 100% lung with a lower percentage of potentially recruitable lung (7 6 35 g,
recruitment, respectively, at 5 and 45 cm H2O airway pressure). P 5 0.23 vs. 5 cm H2O PEEP; Figure 1A).
3. The amount of opening and closing lung tissue at 5 and 15 cm After the application of a similar VT at 5 cm H2O PEEP, the
H2O PEEP was calculated as the difference between end- alveolar strain of patients with a higher percentage of potentially
expiratory and end-inspiratory nonaerated lung tissue, that is, recruitable lung was significantly greater than that observed in
the cycling reduction of nonaerated lung tissue caused every patients with a lower percentage of potentially recruitable lung
breath by VT application. (1.29 6 0.58 vs. 0.93 6 0.41, P , 0.001; Figure 1B), likely due to
4. Alveolar strain at 5 and 15 cm H2O PEEP was defined as the a lower estimated FRC recorded in the former group of patients
ratio between end-inspiratory lung inflation, that is, lung volume (P 5 0.005; Table 1). In contrast, after 15 cm H2O PEEP was
variation above the estimated volume at 0 cm H2O airway applied, alveolar strain similarly increased in both groups of
pressure (due to both VT and PEEP application), and the lung patients (up to 1.82 6 0.79 and 1.55 6 0.70, respectively, P 5 0.89;
resting volume, estimated as lung volume at 0 cm H2O airway
Figure 1B).
pressure, that is, FRC (27). The calculation was corrected for
PEEP-induced and intratidal lung recruitment (see additional Regional Distribution of Potentially Recruitable Lung
methods and Figure E1 in the online supplement).
To examine the possibility that inhomogeneity of the ALI/
5. Superimposed pressure was defined as the hydrostatic pressure ARDS lung may affect the distribution of the determinants of
at the dependent portion of the lung resulting from the weight of VILI within the lung parenchyma, we first investigated the
the tissue above.
regional distribution of potentially recruitable lung along the
Statistical Analysis cephalo–caudal axis.
In patients with a lower percentage of potentially recruitable
Statistical significance was defined as a P value less than 0.05. Unless lung, the total amount of nonaerated lung tissue at 5 cm H2O
otherwise indicated, data are expressed as means 6 SD.
PEEP progressively and linearly increased along the entire
Additional details on the methods used in this study are provided in
the online supplement. cephalo–caudal axis, from about 10% to about 50% of the total
lung tissue weight at each lung level (P , 0.001, one-way analysis
of variance [ANOVA]; Figure 2A). In contrast, the amount of
RESULTS nonaerated lung tissue potentially recruitable at 45 cm H2O
airway pressure, that is, the potentially recruitable lung, appeared
Intratidal Opening and Closing Lung Tissue and Alveolar
to be negligible throughout the entire parenchyma. Of note, the
Strain of Whole Lung
application of 45 cm H2O airway pressure determined, at lung
To initially investigate the effect of mechanical ventilation on the base (levels 8 to 10), an alveolar derecruitment, as shown by
determinants of VILI and their relationship with the potentially a negative percentage of potentially recruitable lung (P , 0.05 for
recruitable lung, opening and closing lung tissue and alveolar levels 9 and 10 vs. other lung levels; Figure 2A).
Patients with Lower Patients with Higher
Percentage of Potentially Percentage of Potentially
Recruitable Lung (n 5 34) Recruitable Lung (n 5 34) P Value*
Figure 2. Regional distribution of consolidated and potentially recruit-
able lung for patients with either (A) a lower or (B) a higher percentage of
potentially recruitable lung, and regional distribution of superimposed
pressure at the most dependent lung regions (C ) for both groups of
patients at 5 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). For regional
analysis, lung parenchyma was equally divided into 10 intervals along the
cephalo–caudal axis. Consolidated lung tissue denotes the lung tissue that
remained nonaerated even after the application of 45 cm H2O airway
pressure, whereas the potentially recruitable lung denotes the amount of
nonaerated lung tissue at 5 cm H2O PEEP that has been recruited at 45 cm
H2O airway pressure. Therefore, the sum of both the consolidated and the
potentially recruitable lung denotes the total amount of nonaerated lung
tissue at 5 cm H2O PEEP for each lung interval. Both the consolidated and
the potentially recruitable lung were expressed as a percentage of the total
lung tissue weight of each cephalo–caudal lung interval. For clarity, data
are expressed as means 6 standard error. For statistical analysis, see the
text. In patients with a lower percentage of potentially recruitable lung, the
amount of consolidated lung tissue and the total amount of nonaerated
lung tissue progressively and linearly increased along the entire cephalo–
caudal axis, whereas the percentage of potentially recruitable lung
appeared to be negligible throughout the entire parenchyma. Conversely,
in patients with a higher percentage of potentially recruitable lung, the
total amount of potentially recruitable lung was homogeneously distrib-
uted along the cephalo–caudal axis, and the amount of nonaerated lung
tissue at 5 cm H2O PEEP equaled about 40 to 50% of the tissue weight of
each lung level, with the exception of a slight reduction observed in the
first levels. Finally, superimposed pressure at the most dependent lung
regions detected in patients with a higher percentage of potentially
recruitable lung was markedly greater than that observed in patients with
a lower percentage of potentially recruitable lung along the entire lung
parenchyma, with the exception of levels at lung base (*P , 0.005 vs.
patients with a lower percentage of potentially recruitable lung).
During ALI/ARDS, when PEEP is increased, two different
phenomena may simultaneously occur: on the one hand, the
increase in pressure applied at end-expiration will determine
a greater inflation of the aerated portion of the lung, leading to
hyperinflation and an increase in alveolar strain; on the other
hand, the increase in PEEP will prevent a greater portion of the
lung from collapsing, thereby reducing the amount of lung tissue
undergoing intratidal and cycling opening and closing (27, 29).
We found that in patients with a lower percentage of potentially
recruitable lung the application of higher levels of PEEP did not
Figure 3. Regional distribution of opening and closing lung tissue for significantly affect the amount of opening and closing lung tissue,
patients with either (A) a lower or (B) a higher percentage of potentially as it already equaled, at lower PEEP, a negligible fraction of lung
recruitable lung at 5 and 15 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure tissue weight. In contrast, in patients with a higher percentage of
(PEEP). For regional analysis, lung parenchyma was equally divided into
potentially recruitable lung, opening and closing lung tissue was
10 intervals along the cephalo–caudal axis. Opening and closing lung
almost halved by the increase in PEEP from 5 to 15 cm H2O.
tissue was computed for each PEEP level as the difference between end-
expiratory and end-inspiratory nonaerated lung tissue. In patients with
Surprisingly, the increment of PEEP led to an identical increase in
a lower percentage of potentially recruitable lung, the amount of alveolar strain in the two groups of patients, despite the lower
opening and closing lung tissue was similar and almost negligible both estimated FRC detected in patients with a higher percentage of
at 5 and 15 cm H2O PEEP along the entire parenchyma. In contrast, in potentially recruitable lung. These findings suggest a great impact
patients with a higher percentage of potentially recruitable lung, the of the amount of intratidal lung recruitment on the effective end-
amount of opening and closing lung tissue was particularly high at lung inspiratory alveolar strain resulting from the ventilatory setting
apex and hilum and was significantly reduced, although not to a neg- applied (30). In fact, in patients with a higher percentage of
ligible amount, by the application of 15 cm H2O PEEP (*P , 0.05 vs. potentially recruitable lung, the ‘‘open’’ lung area potentially
5 cm H2O PEEP). receiving VT at the beginning of inspiration (i.e., FRC) is
relatively smaller. In contrast, at end-inspiration, such an area
will consist of the sum of the aerated regions at the beginning of
beginning of the study. For this purpose, the study population was inspiration and the nonaerated lung regions that have been
divided into quartiles according to the percentage of potentially recruited during the tidal breath (31) (i.e., the amount of opening
recruitable lung (5). As previously reported (5), VT and PEEP and closing lung tissue), which will increase the size of the initial
appeared to be identical between the four groups of patients ‘‘baby lung’’ receiving the delivered gas volume. Therefore, it is
(see Table E1 in the online supplement), equaling, respectively, conceivable that the greater the potentially recruitable lung, the
about 9 ml/kg predicted body weight and 11 cm H2O. Alveolar lower the actual increment of end-inspiratory alveolar strain
strain appeared to be constant in the first three quartiles of derived from the application of specific VT and PEEP (see the
potentially recruitable lung, whereas it significantly increased online supplement for details of modeling), thereby ‘‘protecting’’
only in patients with a very high percentage of potentially the lung parenchyma from PEEP-induced overdistention.
recruitable lung (Figure 4 and Table E1, P 5 0.03, one-way It has been previously observed that the amount of lung
ANOVA). In contrast, the amount of opening and closing lung tissue that remained nonaerated after the application of 45 cm
tissue linearly increased from patients with a very low percent- H2O airway pressure is quite constant in the ALI/ARDS pop-
age (21 6 12 g) to patients with a very high percentage of ulation (5) (z25% of the total lung tissue). We have therefore
Caironi, Cressoni, Chiumello, et al.: Lung Opening and Closing in ARDS 583
hypothesized that the potentially recruitable lung may reflect and colleagues [32]), it is conceivable that the visual inspection
the extent of the inflammatory reaction surrounding the initial of lung imaging morphology may initially single out patients less
‘‘core disease,’’ that is, the unrecruitable or ‘‘consolidated’’ lung responsive to high levels of PEEP and at a greater risk of lung
tissue. The regional analysis here presented may provide an hyperinflation (37).
important confirmation of this hypothesis. In fact, whereas in When we regionally investigated alveolar strain at the two
patients with a higher percentage of potentially recruitable lung different levels of PEEP, a similar distribution was observed
the consolidated lung tissue was homogeneously distributed between patients with either a lower or higher percentage of
along the entire parenchyma, in patients with a lower percent- potentially recruitable lung. In contrast, patients with a higher
age of potentially recruitable lung it appeared to be located percentage of potentially recruitable lung showed a greater
mainly in the lung basal section, suggesting a ‘‘lobar’’ pattern of prevalence of opening and closing lung tissue at the dependent
its distribution (32, 33). Moreover, the derecruitment observed regions of lung apex and hilum, as compared with that observed at
in the latter group at the highest airway pressure applied (levels the lung base (see Figure E5 in the online supplement). These
8–10; Figure 2A), as compared with the moderate lung re- data suggest that, as a consequence of intratidal lung opening and
cruitment in patients with a higher percentage of potentially closing, the dependent areas of the hilar regions may represent
recruitable lung at similar values of superimposed pressure, may pulmonary areas more susceptible to the injury induced by
indicate different causes for the development of atelectasis in mechanical ventilation. In support of this hypothesis, CT scan
those lung regions (23, 34, 35). In fact, we may speculate that analysis of lung morphology demonstrated a higher prevalence of
the lobar ‘‘nature’’ of the collapsed lung regions in patients with bullae per lung in patients with late ARDS after long-term
a lower percentage of potentially recruitable lung determines mechanical ventilation, with predominance in the dependent
high values of threshold opening pressure in those lung regions, portion of lung hilum and base (38). Moreover, the histological
thereby leading to local alveolar compression when insufficient analysis at autopsy of a series of patients with ARDS revealed
opening pressures are applied (even 45 cm H2O), as previously a higher incidence of ‘‘bronchopneumonia’’ (defined as a general
observed (24, 36). Taken together, these findings support the inflammation) in the lung segments of posterior lobes (39).
hypothesis that patients with a lower amount of potentially Therefore, we may speculate that the intratidal lung opening
recruitable lung are those in whom the initial pathologic lesion and closing may create alveolar shear stresses located predomi-
remains anatomically and functionally compartmentalized. In nantly in the dependent portion of the lung, which may lead to
contrast, patients with a higher percentage of potentially pathological lesions (such as bullae and pseudocysts) that are not
recruitable lung are likely those in whom a more diffuse insult simply related to the development of alveolar overdistention,
affects the lung parenchyma, leading to the loss of compart- located predominantly in the nondependent lung regions (40).
mentalization, a generalized inflammation with edema forma- Because we have previously observed a linear increase in
tion, a greater increment of lung weight, and a greater and mortality rate at intensive care unit discharge associated with the
widespread alveolar collapse (24, 36). Moreover, these results increment of potentially recruitable lung (5), we analyzed in
could further suggest how the possible findings detectable both the study population the determinants of VILI derived from the
by CT scanning and chest X-ray may help to elucidate lung ventilatory settings clinically used before the beginning of the
functional morphology of patients with ALI/ARDS. In fact, on study. Despite similar values of VT and PEEP, the amount of
the basis of the more frequent recurrence of a ‘‘lobar’’ pattern opening and closing lung tissue linearly increased with the pro-
of lung atelectasis in patients with a lower percentage of po- gressive increment of potentially recruitable lung, as previously
tentially recruitable lung (as previously observed by Puybasset suggested by Grasso and colleagues (41). No major differences
Survivors (n 5 49) Nonsurvivors (n 5 19) P Value*
Age, yr 53 6 17 59 6 16 0.26
SAPS II†‡ 34 6 10 42 6 11 0.008
VT, ml/kg predicted body weight 8.9 6 1.9 8.9 6 1.5 0.89
PEEP, cm H2O 12 6 3 10 6 2 0.08
Plateau airway pressure, cm H2Ox 25 6 4 25 6 4 0.86
Respiratory rate, breaths/min 18 6 6 19 6 8 0.37
Minute ventilation, L/min 9.7 6 3.0 10.0 6 3.0 0.76
PaO2/FIO2k 172 6 66 147 6 75 0.18
PaCO2, mm Hgk 40 6 8 45 6 10 0.03
Respiratory system compliance, ml/cm H2Ok{ 46 6 16 41 6 24 0.30
Dead space, % VT†k** 53 6 12 67 6 12 ,0.001
Shunt, % cardiac outputk†† 37 6 14 45 6 17 0.06
Total lung tissue weight, gk 1,446 6 489 1,640 6 534 0.16
Nonaerated lung tissue, % total lung weightk 34 6 16 45 6 15 0.02
Potentially recruitable lung, % total lung weight 10 6 10 19 6 13 0.005
Opening and closing lung tissue, gx 96 6 105 184 6 116 0.006
Alveolar strainx 1.52 6 0.80 1.74 6 0.95 0.35
Survival was calculated at intensive care unit discharge. Plus-minus values represent means 6 SD.
* P values were obtained by Student t test or Wilcoxon test, as appropriate.
Data regarding these variables, which have been previously reported (5), are presented here for completeness.
The Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) (48) was used to assess the severity of systemic illness at study entry. Scores
can range from 0 to 163, with higher values indicating more severe illness.
Values of plateau airway pressure resulting from the VT clinically applied, and consequently values of opening and closing lung
tissue and alveolar strain are available for 61 patients (43 survivors and 18 nonsurvivors).
Values of PaO2/FIO2, PaCO2, respiratory system compliance, dead space, shunt, total lung tissue weight, and nonaerated lung
tissue were obtained at 5 cm H2O PEEP.
Respiratory system compliance was calculated as the ratio of VT to the difference between inspiratory plateau pressure and
** Dead space was calculated by a standard formula, as previously reported (5), and was available for 48 patients (33 survivors
and 15 nonsurvivors).
The intrapulmonary right-to-left shunt was calculated by a standard formula, as previously reported (5), and was available for
60 patients (42 survivors and 18 nonsurvivors).
were observed regarding alveolar strain, with the exception of ventilatory setting clinically used. Moreover, these findings
patients with a very high percentage of potentially recruitable support the hypothesis that these patients may really benefit
lung. Moreover, opening and closing lung tissue appeared to be an from a level of PEEP greater than 10 cm H2O. In fact, if we
independent risk factor for death. On the basis of these findings, estimate the balance between the increase in alveolar strain and
although a greater severity of lung disease cannot be separated the associated decrease in opening and closing lung tissue for each
from lung recruitability, we may speculate that the higher cm H2O increase in PEEP, two considerations become evident:
mortality rate observed in patients with a higher potentially first, in patients with a lower percentage of potentially recruitable
recruitable lung may be due not only to the greater severity of lung the balance is entirely in disfavor of an increase in PEEP, as it
the underlying lung injury (as previously observed [5]), but also to will cause an excessive increase in alveolar strain and a negligible
the higher amount of opening and closing lung tissue caused by the reduction of opening and closing lung tissue (Figure E7 in the
online supplement); second, in patients with a higher percentage relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this
manuscript. M.R. received $10,001–$50,000 from Eli Lilly in consultancy fees for
of potentially recruitable lung, the increase in PEEP will deter- PI Prowess Shock and $10,001–$50,000 from Maquet and $10,001–$50,000
mine an extensive reduction of opening and closing lung tissue, from Hemodec for serving on an advisory board. M.Q. does not have a financial
associated with a moderate enhancement of alveolar strain. relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this
At this point, we may ask ourselves: is there any clinical manuscript. S.G.R. does not have a financial relationship with a commercial
entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript. R.C. does not have
evidence to confirm the critical role of opening and closing lung a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject
tissue in determining VILI and thereby affecting survival during of this manuscript. G.B. does not have a financial relationship with a commercial
ALI/ARDS? Although not straightforward, the answer may be entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript. E.C. does not have
a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject
considered affirmative. Villar and colleagues (42) showed in of this manuscript. R.R. does not have a financial relationship with a commercial
patients with ALI/ARDS ventilated with low VT and high PEEP entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript. L.C. does not have
a lower mortality rate as compared with those ventilated with a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject
of this manuscript. L.G. does not have a financial relationship with a commercial
a lower PEEP and a relatively higher VT. As the plateau airway entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript.
pressure on Day 1 (which may be considered an indirect signal
for alveolar strain) did not differ between the two groups, these Acknowledgment: The authors are indebted to Pietro Biondetti, M.D., Marco
Lazzarini, M.D., Benedetta Finamore, M.D., and Cristian Bonelli, of the Diparti-
results may indirectly suggest an impact of opening and closing mento di Radiologia, Fondazione IRCCS–Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Man-
lung tissue on the difference in survival observed. Similarly, giagalli, Regina Elena di Milano, Milan, Italy, for technical assistance with CT scan
Hager and colleagues (43), in a secondary analysis of the ARDS image analyses and to Milena Racagni, M.D., Laura Landi, M.D., Alice D’Adda,
M.D., Serena Azzari, M.D., Sonia Terragni, M.D., Federico Polli, M.D., Paola
Network database, highlighted the critical role of VT reduction Cozzi, M.D., Giuliana Motta, M.D., Federica Tallarini, M.D., Cristian Carsenzola,
for the improvement of survival regardless of the values of M.D., and Monica Chierichetti, M.D., of the Dipartimento di Anestesiologia,
plateau airway pressure derived, further suggesting a greater Terapia Intensiva, e Scienze Dermatologiche, Fondazione IRCCS–Ospedale
Maggiore Policlinico, Mangiagalli, Regina Elena di Milano, Università degli Studi
importance of opening and closing lung tissue in mortality as di Milano, Milan, Italy, for help in data analysis. The authors are also indebted to
compared with the overall alveolar strain. More recently, the two the study patients for their participation and to the physicians and nursing staff of
concluded and published clinical trials, the ExPress (Comparison the participating units for their valuable cooperation.
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