Assignment Questions - Heat Transfer
Assignment Questions - Heat Transfer
Assignment Questions - Heat Transfer
1 a With a neat sketch and practical examples explain the phenomenon of free and 5
forced convection.
b A coolant fluid at 30°C flows over a heated flat plate maintained at a constant 5
temperature of 100°C. The boundary layer temperature distribution at a given
location on the plate may be approximated as T = 30 + 70×e–y where y (in m) is
the distance normal to the plate and T is in °C. If thermal conductivity of the
fluid is 1.0 W/mK, then what will be local convective heat transfer coefficient
(in W/m2K) at that location?
2 a Using Prandtl number discuss the relation between hydrodynamic and the 5
thermal boundary layer over a flat plate.
b Air at 20°C blows over a hot plate of 50 × 60 cm made of carbon steel 5
maintained at 220°C. The convective heat transfer coefficient is 25 W/m2K.
What will be the heat loss from the plate?
3 a Explain the physical significance of the following; 5
i)Nusselt number,
ii)Reynolds number,
iii)Prandtl number,
iv)Grashoff number,
v) Stanton number.
b Heat is lost from a 100 mm diameter steam pipe placed horizontally in ambient 5
at 30°C. If the Nusselt number is 25 and thermal conductivity of air is 0.03
W/mK, then what will be the heat transfer co-efficient?
4 a Which non-dimensional numbers are used to analyze the problem of forced 5
convection? Using Buckingham 𝜋 theorem derives the relation between the
non-dimensional numbers for forced convection.
b A 320 cm high vertical pipe at 150°C wall temperature is in a room with still 5
air at 10°C. This pipe supplies heat at the rate of 8 kW into the room air by
natural convection. Assuming laminar flow, what will be the height of the pipe
needed to supply 1 kW only?
5 a Which non-dimensional numbers are used to analyze the problem of free 5
convection? Using Buckingham 𝜋 theorem derive the relation between the
non-dimensional numbers for free convection.
b Water at 27°C flows over an isothermal, 1-m-long, flat plate with a velocity of 5
2m/s. Plot the variation of the local heat transfer coefficient with distance
along the plate. What is the value of the average coefficient?
Use below given water properties at 300K; ρ = 997kg/m3, = 855×10-6N.s/m2,
= 0.858×10-6m2/s, k = 0.613W/m. K, Pr = 5.83
Use following correlations for estimating the local heat transfer coefficient;
Nux = 0.332Rex1/2Pr1/3 (over the region 0 ≤ x ≤ xcr)
Nux = 0.0296Rex4/5Pr1/3 (over the region xcr < x ≤ L)
6 a Is it possible to calculate the value of heat transfer coefficient without 5
measurement of temperatures in laminar flow? If yes then explain the analogy
for the same.
b The back side of a metallic plate is perfectly insulated while the front side 5
absorbs a solar radiant flux of 800W/m2. The convection coefficient between
the plate and the ambient air is 112W /m2. K.
(a) Neglecting radiation exchange with the surroundings, calculate the
temperature of the plate under steady-state conditions if the ambient air
temperature is 20°C.
(b) For the same ambient air temperature, calculate the temperature of the plate
if its surface emissivity is 0.8 and the temperature of the surroundings is also
7 a What is the effect on velocity profile for the following cases in free 5
i) Flat plate with top surface hot
ii) Flat plate with bottom surface hot
iii) Inclined flat plate with top surface hot
iv) Inclined flat plate with bottom surface hot
Discuss the examples where the above situation occurs which affect the heat
b In a heat exchanger water flows through the tube of 2.2 cm in diameter with a 5
velocity of 2 m/s. The water is heated from 15oC by condensing the steam at
150oC on the outer surface of the tube, using the Dittus Bolter equation find
the heat transfer coefficient and length of the tube required for transferring the
above amount of heat. Neglect the tube resistance as well as outer surface film
8 a What are the different correlations used to analyze the forced convection heat 5
transfer problems for different situations?
b In a long annulus (3.125cm ID and 5 cm OD) the air is heated by maintaining 5
the temperature of outer surface of the inner tube at 50oC. The air enters at
16oC and leaves at 32oC and its flow rate is 30m/s. Estimate the heat transfer
coefficient between the air and the inner tube by using equation Nu = 0.023
Re0.8 Pr0.4.
9 a What are the different correlations used to analyze the free convection heat 5
transfer problems for different situations?
b An electrical transmission line made of a 2m mm annealed copper wire carries 5
200 A and has a resistance of 0.4 x 10-4 Ohm/cm length. If the surface
temperature is 200oC and the ambient temperature is 10oC, determine the heat
transfer coefficient between the wire surface and the ambient air and the
maximum temperature in the wire. Assume k = 150 W/mK.
10 a For the same inlet and outlet temperatures of hot and cold fluids, the Log 5
Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) is:
(a) Greater for parallel flow than for counter flow heat exchanger.
(b) Greater for counter flow than for parallel flow heat exchanger.
(c) Same for both parallel and counter flow heat exchangers.
(d) Depends on the properties of the fluids.
Justify your answer.
b In a condenser, water enters at 30°C and flows at the rate 1500 kg/hr. The 5
condensing steam is at a temperature of 120°C and cooling water leaves the
condenser at 80°C. If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 2000 W/m2K, then
what will be the heat transfer area requirement in this heat exchanger? Use Cp
of water = 4.187 kJ/kg K
11 a Which one of the following heat exchangers gives parallel straight line pattern 5
of temperature distribution for both cold and hot fluid?
(a) Parallel-flow with unequal heat capacities
(b) Counter-flow with equal heat capacities
(c) Parallel-flow with equal heat capacities
(d) Counter-flow with unequal heat capacities.
Show temperature profile for your choice.
b In a heat exchanger, the hot liquid enters with a temperature of 180ºC and 5
leaves at 160ºC. The cooling fluid enters at 30ºC and leaves at 110ºC. What is
the capacity ratio of the heat exchanger?
12 a Consider the following statements: The flow configuration in a heat 5
exchanger, whether counter flow or otherwise, will NOT matter if:
1. A liquid is evaporating
2. A vapour is condensing
3. Mass flow rate of one of the fluids is far greater
Of these statements:
(a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 1 and 3 are correct
(c) 2 and 3 are correct (d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
Justify your answer.
b In a counter flow heat exchanger, cold fluid enters at 30°C and leaves at 50°C, 5
whereas the enters at 150°C and leaves at l30°C. Then what will be the mean
temperature difference for this case?
13 a Consider the following statements: In a shell and tube heat exchanger, baffles 5
are provided on the shell side to:
1. Prevent the stagnation of shell side fluid
2. Improve heat transfer
3. Provide support for tubes
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 2 and 3.
Provide justification for your choice.
b A designer chooses the values of fluid flow ranges and specific heats in such a 5
manner that the heat capacities of the two fluids are equal. A hot fluid enters
the counter flow heat exchanger at 100°C and leaves at 60°C. The cold fluid
enters the heat exchanger at 40°C. Then what will be the mean temperature
difference between the two fluids?
14 a For evaporators and condensers, for the given conditions, the logarithmic mean 5
temperature difference (LMTD) for parallel flow is:
(a) Equal to that for counter flow
(b) Greater than that for counter flow
(c) Smaller than that for counter flow
(d) Very much smaller than that for counter flow.
Shows graphically answer of your choice.
b Given the following data, 5
Inside heat transfer coefficient = 25 W/m2K
Outside heat transfer coefficient = 25 W/m2K
Thermal conductivity of bricks (15 cm thick) = 0.15 W/mK,
The overall heat transfer coefficient (in W/m2K) will be closer to the
(a) Inverse of heat transfer coefficient
(b) Heat transfer coefficient
(c) Thermal conductivity of bricks
(d) Heat transfer coefficient based on the thermal conductivity of the bricks
Support your answer with calculations.
15 a In a heat exchanger with one fluid evaporating or condensing the surface area 5
required is least in;
(a) Parallel flow (b) Counter flow (c) Cross flow (d) Same in all above.
Justify your answer.
b After expansion from a gas turbine, the hot exhaust gases are used to heat the 5
compressed air from a compressor with the help of a cross flow compact heat
exchanger having effectiveness of 0.8. What is the number of transfer units of
the heat exchanger required?
16 a The equation of effectiveness ε = 1 − e−NTU for a heat exchanger is valid in 5
the case of:
(a) Boiler and condenser for parallel now
(b) Boiler and condenser for counter flow
(c) Boiler and condenser for both parallel flow and counter flow
(d) Gas turbine for both parallel now and counter flow.
Give justification.
b In a counter flow heat exchanger, the product of specific heat and mass flow 5
rate is same for the hot and cold fluids. If NTU is equal to 0.5, then what will
be the effectiveness of the heat exchanger?
17 a ε -NTU method is particularly useful in thermal design of heat exchangers 5
(a) The outlet temperature of the fluid streams is not known as a priori
(b) Outlet temperature of the fluid streams is known as a priori
(c) The outlet temperature of the hot fluid streams is known but that of the cold
fluid streams is not known as a priori
(d) Inlet temperatures of the fluid streams are known as a priori.
b A counter flow shell - and - tube exchanger is used to heat water with hot 5
exhaust gases. The water (Cp = 4180 J/kg°C) flows at a rate of 2 kg/s while the
exhaust gas (1030 J/kg°C) flows at the rate of 5.25 kg/s. If the heat transfer
surface area is 32.5 m2 and the overall heat transfer coefficient is 200 W/m2°C,
what is the NTU for the heat exchanger?
18 a What is transmissivity of an opaque solid material? Radiant energy with an 5
intensity of 800 W/m2 strikes a flat plate normally. The absorptivity of material
is twice transmissivity and thrice the reflectivity. Determine the rate of
absorption, transmission and reflection of energy.
b On clear nights there is radiation from earth’s surface to space on such night, 5
the water particles on the leaves of plant radiate to the sky whose temperature
may be taken as 200K. The water particles receive heat by convection from the
surrounding air; the convective heat transfer coefficient has a value of 30
W/m2-degree. If the water should not freeze, do the calculations for air
19 a A furnace emits radiation at 2000K. Treating it as a black body radiation 5
calculate the;
i. Monochromatic radiant flux density at 1micro meter wavelength.
ii. Wavelength at which emission is maximum and the corresponding
radiant flux density.
iii. Total emissive power.
b A black body of total area 0.045m2 is completely enclose in space bounded by 5
5cm thick walls. The walls have a surface area of 0.5m2 and thermal
conductivity of 1.07 W/m2K. If the inner surface of the enveloping wall is to
be maintained at 215oC and the outer wall surface is at 30oC, calculate the
temperature of the black body. Neglect the difference between inner and outer
surface areas of enveloping material.
20 a A polished metal pipe 5cm outside diameter and 370K temperature at the outer 5
surface is exposed to atmospheric conditions at 295K temperature. The
emissivity of the surface is 0.2 and the convection coefficient of heat transfer
is 11.35 W/m2-K. Calculate the heat transfer by radiation and natural
convection per meter length of the pipe. What would be the overall coefficient
of heat transfer by the combined mode of convection and radiation?
b A grey surface has an emissivity of 0.35 at a temperature of 550K source if the 5
surface is opaque,
A) Calculate its reflectivity for a black body radiation coming from a 500K
B) A small 25mm hole square hole is made in the thin wall door of furnace
whose inside walls are at 920K. If the emissivity of the walls is 0.72, calculate
the rate at which radiant energy leaves from the furnace through the hole to the
21 a A black body of 0.2 m2 area has an effective temperature of 800K. Calculate 5
the following
A) the total rate of energy emission
B) the intensity of normal radiation
C) the intensity of radiation along a direction 60 degree to the normal and
D) the wavelength of maximum monochromatic emissive power.
b The sun is nearly spherical radiation source that is approximately 1.385×109m 5
diameter and located at 1.50×1011m from earth. On a clear day, the energy flux
associated with solar radiation incident on the outer surface of earth has been
accurately measured and known to be 1135W/m2 with an additional 285W/m2
absorbed by the earth atmosphere. Assume that the sun emits as black body,
estimate its surface temperature.
22 a A truncated cone of height 10cm has top and bottom diameters surface is 5
stated to intercept 15 % of radiation leaving from the top surface. Determine
the shape factor between the 1) top surface and the conical side surface, and 2)
the side surface and itself.
b A ring has emissivity 0.85 of 8cm inner and 16cm outer diameter is placed in a 5
horizontal plane. A small element has emissivity 0.7 of 1 cm2 is placed
concentrically 8cm vertically below the centre of the ring. The temperature of
the ring is 800K and that of small area is 400K. Make calculations for the
radiant heat gain by the small ring.
23 a A conical cavity of base diameter 15cm and height 20cm has inside surface 5
temperature 650K. If emissivity of each surface is having value of 0.85,
determine the net radiative heat transfer from the cavity. How this heat transfer
would be affected if this conical cavity is replaced by a cylindrical cavity of
15cm and 20cm height?
b A thermos flask has double walled bottle and the space between the walls is 5
evacuated so as to reduce the heat flow from it. The bottle surfaces are silver
plated and the emissivity of each surface is 0.025. if the contents of the bottle
are at 375K, find the rate of heat loss from the thermos bottle to the ambient
air at 300K. What thickness of quark (k= 0.03W/m-degree) would be required
if the same insulating effect is to be achieved by the use of cork?
24 a A floor of a hemispherical furnace is at 800K and has an emissivity of 0.5. The 5
corresponding values for the hemispherical roof are 1200K and 0.25.
Determine the net radiation heat transfer from the roof to floor.
b A steel tube, 5cm outside diameter and 2m long, is at 500K temperature. This 5
tube is located centrally in 1) a large brick room having wall temperature 300K
and 2) a square brick conduit of 20cm side and at 300K. If the emissivity’s of
steel and brick are 0.8 and 0.95 respectively, do calculations for the rate of
heat loss by radiation from the tube in each case and comment on the results.
25 a Determine the net radiant heat exchange per m2 area for two infinite parallel 5
plates held at temperature of 800K and 500K respectively. Take emissivity as
0.6 for the hot plate and 0.4 for the cold plate. What should be the emissivity
of a polished aluminium shield placed between them if heat flow is to be
reduced to 40 % of its original value? Calculate the equilibrium temperature
of the shield.
b Two black discs each of diameter 50cm are placed parallel to each other 5
concentrically at a distance of 1m. The discs are maintained at temperature of
1000K and 500K respectively. Calculate the heat flow between the discs.
i. When no other surface is present,
ii. When the disks are connected by a cylindrical black no-flux surface.
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