Values and Competencies
Values and Competencies
Values and Competencies
Beliefs Values
Feelings Motives
Can a competency exist without value? Whether value can be a competency? How
do we differentiate? There was chain of discussion on the net and some concluding
points raised by the members are worth to note.
Honesty plays a major role in personal upbringing and personal character which
indirectly affects the performance of individual towards the company contribution.
With my limited knowledge and understanding to make it simple, I can say that
`values’ define what we are and ` Competencies’ demonstrate what we do. Values
are why we do or don’t do things. The growing definition of `competency’ from 70’s
is simplified nowadays to K, S, A (Knowledge, Skill and Attitude).
Knowledge is the knowhow and skill is the ability to apply that and perform an
activity. Attitude actually decides the outcome of knowledge+skill application. If all
the three combined results in an outstanding performance, that integration is
Competency. While the ‘knowledge+Skill’ part is observable simply and easily
assessable, attitude is the complex element. Attitude is the key.
Stephen Covey, in his 8th Habit, separates values from competencies when he
defines Trust Worthiness comes from Character and Competence. Personal
Character and Values are the terms and aspects used from centuries while
‘competency-competence’ came into usage from 1970 onwards. A firm line of
separation is difficult to draw between competency and values and what we need
today is ‘Values Based Competencies’. This terminology brings in more clarity for
practicing competency based people programs especially in a business scenario. If
we say that values are part of competencies, it is taken for granted and not
highlighted in terms of development and assessment. That may be the reason for
organisations to define their values separately along with Mission and Vision
statements. If we look at most of the F500 companies they have defined their values
besides having their own competency models in place.
Though values are important for all organisations, they are very critical for some and
if it is not displayed, such organisations or concerned people are removed, since the
impact is instant and effect is visible. For such reasons, specific values are defined as
competencies by some organisations.