ISO and CEN Documents On Quality in Medical Laboratories: Desmond Kenny
ISO and CEN Documents On Quality in Medical Laboratories: Desmond Kenny
ISO and CEN Documents On Quality in Medical Laboratories: Desmond Kenny
The forthcoming international standard ISO 15189 AQuality management in the medical laboratoryB is a document of
great importance for the development of quality systems and accreditation for medicalrclinical laboratories. For the first
time, there will be an internationally recognized standard designed specifically for the accreditation of medical laboratories.
The document takes into account the special requirements imposed by the medical environment and by the essential
contribution of the medical laboratory service to patient care. It recognizes that medical laboratories must provide not only
testing of patient samples, but also advisory, interpretative and educational services. A further document, still in draft form
ŽISOrDIS 15190., deals with safety management for medical laboratories. ISO 15189 Žand probably 15190 also. are
expected be adopted by CEN as a European Standard ŽEN.. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0009-8981r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 8 9 8 1 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 5 0 8 - 3
122 D. Kenny r Clinica Chimica Acta 309 (2001) 121–125
Table 1 Table 2
ISO definition of accreditation Structure of ISOrDIS 15189
Accreditation: Contents:
AProcedure by which an authoritative body gives formal Introduction
recognition that a body or person is competent to carry out 1. Scope
specific tasksB ŽISOrIEC Guide 2.. 2. Normative references
3. Terms and definitions
4.Management requirements . . .
5. Technical requirements . . .
Ø contributing to clinical audit, Annexes
Ø organizing the service to meet medical needs, A Žinformative.: Cross reference tables
for example with respect to turnaround times B Žinformative.: Lab Information Systems
C Žinformative.: Ethics in Laboratory Medicine
and responding to medical emergencies,
D Žinformative.: Bibliography
Ø education and training, not only of laboratory
staff but also of medical, nursing and other
professional staff Žthis is not an exhaustive
clinical laboratories. For the first time, there will
be an internationally recognized standard designed
specifically for the accreditation of medical laborato-
To fulfil this need, a newly established ISO Tech-
ries. Work on this document started in 1995 in
nical Committee, ISO TC 212, began work in 1995
Working Group 1 of ISO technical Committee 212
on a draft which is now wDecember 2000x close to ŽISOrTC 212rWG 1.. The text discussed here is
acceptance as an ISO standard: ISO 15189 AQuality
that agreed at the ISOrTC 212 meeting in Philadel-
management in the medical laboratoryB w4x. The
phia in June 2000.
document is also being processed by CEN ŽComité
The uses of 15189 will probably differ in different
´ de Normalisation. as a draft European
When finalised within ISO, this document will be
Ø as a stand-alone accreditation standard in coun-
circulated by ISO and CEN for final vote as an
tries which currently use AlocalB standards de-
international and European standard. Its adoption as
signed specifically for the accreditation of med-
a European standard ŽEN. will give it the status of a
ical laboratories and in countries which are
national standard in all CEN member countries.
Table 3
ISOrDIS 15189, extract from the Introduction
2. ISO r DIS 2 15189 CQuality management in the
medical laboratoryD 3 This International Standard provides requirements relevant to the
quality management of medical laboratories . . . .
The purpose of this standard is to provide a basis Medical laboratory services are essential to patient care and
for Quality systems and Accreditation in medicalr therefore should be available to meet the needs of all patients and
clinical personnel . . . .
These services include arrangements for requisition, patient
preparation, patient identification, collection of samples,
DISs Draft International Standard. transportation, storage, processing and examination of
Since the presentation of this paper in October 2000, the title clinical samples with subsequent validation, interpretation,
of this document has been changed to CMedical laboratories— reporting, and advice, as well as safety and ethics of
Particular requirements for quality and competenceD. The Intro- medical laboratory work . . . .
duction and Scope clauses have been slightly modified and Annex Bodies that recognise the competence of medical laboratories may
A has been normative. In all other respects, the text and format of use this International Standard as the basis for their activities.
the document are unchanged as of the date of writing this note If a laboratory seeks accreditation for a part or all of its activities,
ŽJune 2001.. Changes proposed at the meeting of ISOrTC it should select an accreditation body that operates in a manner,
212rWG 1 in Vancouver, March 2001, were withdrawn by which takes into account the special requirements of
resolution w5x at the meeting of ISOrTC 212 in Dublin, June medical laboratories . . . .
D. Kenny r Clinica Chimica Acta 309 (2001) 121–125 123
Table 4 Table 6
ISOrDIS 15189, subclause headings of clause 4 ISOrDIS 15189, subclause headings of clause 5
4 Management requirements: 5 Technical requirements
4.1 Organization and management 5.1 Personnel
4.2 Quality management system 5.2 Accommodation and environmental conditions
4.3 Document control 5.3 Laboratory equipment
4.4 Examination by referral laboratories 5.4 Pre-examination process
4.5 External services and supplies 5.5 Examination procedures
4.6 Identification and control of nonconformities 5.6 Assuring the quality of examination procedures
4.7 Corrective action 5.7 Post-examination process
4.8 Advisory services and resolution of complaints 5.8 Reporting of results
4.9 Continuous improvement process 5.9 Alterations and amendments of reports
4.10 Quality and technical records
4.11 Internal audits
4.12 Management review
3. ISO r DIS 15190 Csafety management for medi- Criteria for quality systems of Point of Care Testing
cal laboratoriesD 5 are included in the EC4 AAdditional essential crite-
riaB document w7x, which can be used as a source of
This draft standard w10x, also produced by ISOrTC material for the new draft on this subject.
212rWG 1, has been circulated by ISO for comment
and voting, with a deadline of 23 April 2001. As
DIS, it will then be subject to modification in re-
sponse to the comments received. This document Acknowledgements
may be regarded as a supplement to 15189, covering
the safety issues which must also be considered in Text quoted from ISOrDIS 15189 is used here by
the accreditation of medical laboratories. permission of ISO, which holds the copyright.
In addition to the normative text, the document
has three Informative annexes.