Screening Tools For Postpartum

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REVIEW Afr J Psychiatry 2010;13:357-365

Screening tools for postpartum

depression: validity and cultural

C Zubaran1,2, M Schumacher3, M R Roxo3, K Foresti2

1School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney, Australia

2Department of Psychiatry, West Sydney Area Health Service, Australia

3School of Medicine, University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Objective: The purpose of this study is to review the main postpartum screening tools currently used in terms of their ability to
screen for postnatal depression. Furthermore, the cultural characteristics of depressive postpartum symptomatology are examined.
Method: A systematic literature search was conducted for the period 1987-2009, using the Medline electronic database for the
following keywords: postpartum depression and postnatal depression. These terms were combined with: assessment, screening and
psychometric tools. Results: Of the four screening tools reviewed and compared, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)
and the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PDSS) presented substantial sensitivity and specificity as screening tools. However,
none of the instruments could be rated flawless when applied to different cultural contexts. Conclusions: In addition to the EPDS,
a new generation of instruments is currently available. Supplementary research is needed to substantiate their use as screening tools
in general practice. Additional studies are needed to adapt and test instruments to detect postnatal depression within a wider range
of languages and cultures.

Key words: Acculturation; Postnatal depression; Postpartum depression; Scales; Screening

Received: 25-05-2009
Accepted: 14-01-2010

Introduction in the puerperal period, with about 20% of those women

Mood disturbances represent the most frequent form of developing postpartum depression.4 However, there is a wide
maternal psychiatric morbidity in the postpartum period1, and range of reported prevalence of postpartum depression from
are traditionally divided into three categories: maternal almost 0% to almost 60% in different countries. In some
sadness (postpartum blues), postpartum depression and countries such as Singapore, Malta, Malaysia, Austria and
puerperal psychosis.2 Yet there is little written about screening Denmark there are very few reports of postpartum depressive
for these conditions within a cultural perspective. symptoms, whereas in other countries (e.g. Brazil, Guyana,
The concept of postpartum depression as a specific Costa Rica, Italy, Chile, South Africa, Taiwan and Korea)
diagnosis recognized by the American Psychiatric Association reported prevalence is high.5 It has been advocated that “the
prompted the creation of diagnostic criteria to be listed in the widely cited mean prevalence of 10-15% for postpartum
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (DSM- depression is not representative of the magnitude of the
IV) as referring to depression with postpartum onset that problem, due to the wide range of reports”, which may be due
occurs during the first four weeks after birth.3 However, the to transcultural variations in reporting and interpretation of
definition of postpartum morbidity differs among several symptoms as well as distinct socio-economic variables.5
authors, and varies from one month to one year after birth.2 The consequences of postpartum depression affect not
Maternal sadness affects approximately 50-80% of women only the mother, but also the child and the family, and may
cause matrimonial conflict and damage the child’s social and
cognitive development.4 Postpartum depression is infrequently
diagnosed and indeed treated, despite its significant
Carlos Zubaran incidence and morbidity.6 The diagnosis is often masked by
Department of Psychiatry, Blacktown Hospital, NSW 2148 Australia normal postpartum behaviors such as the mother's reactions
email: [email protected] during the adjustment period to the new physiological, social

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REVIEW Afr J Psychiatry 2010;13:357-365

and behavioral conditions, including anxiety and fatigue.7 studies have tested specific screening tools to investigate
Moreover, the lack of clear information, as well as the lack of depressive disorders in the postpartum period. Table I
programs of appropriate training for the health professionals, presents the different validated versions of the Edinburgh
often results in an imprecise diagnosis.6 Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), whereas Table II presents
The routine use of screening scales for the purpose of the available versions of the Postpartum Depression Screening
identifying symptoms of depression is an effective, simple and Scale (PDSS) in different languages.
economical way to identify women at risk.8 Timely In the postpartum period, the EPDS has been the most
opportunities for routine and longitudinal screening for widely used scale to identify postpartum depression. It was
depression occur during the postpartum visits for maternal developed to assist health professionals to screen community
and pediatric re-assessment in the local health clinic.8,9 samples of postnatal mothers for depressive symptoms
Postpartum visits are generally conducted by obstetricians, following childbirth and has been extensively studied and
family physician, nurses and midwives, while the well-child used in a number of countries due to its good sensitivity,
visits, usually conducted by pediatricians and nurses.10 specificity and positive predictive values.14
Evidence from several studies indicate that formal screening The PDSS is a more recent instrument also developed
for depression is not only feasible in the outpatient setting but specifically to identify postpartum depression. A series of
also improves rates of detection and treatment of depressive studies have demonstrated the reliability, construct validity,
disorders, whereas informal or irregular interventions result in and sound psychometric properties of the PDSS, which is
detection of fewer than half of cases revealed via formal and considered an effective instrument for identifying minor and
structured screening.10-12 major depression.54,59,60 The short-form version of the above-
In addition, questionnaires that are not specifically mentioned questionnaire is called PDSS-SF and it consists of
designed for the screening of postnatal depression fail to seven items, which were extracted from the PDSS 35-item
differentiate the affective from the physical symptoms and scale, each one representing a dimension evaluated by the
physiological changes that are typical of the puerperium, such PDSS.61 The PDSS-SF is considered advantageous because it
as fatigue and changes of sleep and eating habits.13 provides a “quick, but accurate, overall level of postpartum
The range and variability of validation studies undertaken depression symptomatology ”.59
with regard to the use of screening scales for postpartum Finally, the Bromley Postnatal Depression Scale (BPDS) is
depression are prolific and beg analytic interpretation before also included here due to its specific conception and design
recommending their use in general (medical, midwifery or for postpartum depression. However, there is still limited
nursing) practice. In this paper commonly available scales evidence on the reliability of this instrument, particularly
specifically designed for screening for postpartum depression across different cultural parameters.13,62
are critically analyzed. In our study, particular emphasis was The specific screening tools, as mentioned above, differ
given to the cultural aspects of postpartum depression. conceptually from predictive inventories, which identify risk
factors for postnatal depression and therefore can be used
Method prenatally.63 There are several instruments within this class, and
A systematic literature search was conducted using the most of them have not been tested extensively across different
Medline electronic database, with the following Mesh terms: cultures. This review focuses exclusively on the specific
postpartum depression and postnatal depression. These terms postnatal screening tools. Research evidence on the use of
were combined with assessment, screening and psychometric postpartum depression screening instruments as well as their
tools. The literature search focused on publications from 1987 respective psychometric data are presented here. The
to 2009. The articles selected presented at least one topic Transcultural usefulness of these tools are also addressed in
related to maternal postpartum depression, including this review.
epidemiologic data, clinical and cultural aspects of depressive
symptomatology and consequences for the offspring and the Discussion
family. Additional articles specifically related to psychometric Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale – EPDS
properties of screening tools were also examined. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is the most
well-known and evaluated instrument for postpartum
Results depression.64 The development of the EPDS was described
Several measures have been used for the assessment of firstly by Cox et al in 1987, and subsequently by Cox and
depressive symptoms in the postpartum period.14 However, Holden.30,65 The EPDS was developed firstly with 13 items, six
some of these instruments were not specifically designed to of these being adapted from pre-existent questionnaires, and
measure PPD. This is the case of the Beck Depression its original validation study was published in 1986.21 Later, the
Inventory (BDI and BDI-II)15,16, the General Health scale was reduced to the current 10 items and validated in a
Questionnaire (GHQ)17, the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale sample of 84 postpartum women.30 The scale asks the
(Zung SDS)18, the Center for Epidemiological Studies respondent about their feelings over the previous seven days.
Depression Scale (CES-D)19 and the Inventory of Depressive Possible responses are scored from 0 to 3, in growing order of
Symptomatology (IDS).20 These are in fact instruments that severity, creating a maximum score of 30. In the initial studies,
measure general symptoms of depression and associated the sensitivity and the specificity of the EPDS were 86% and
distress. In addition, the psychometric properties of some of 78%, respectively, with a positive predictive value of 73% using
the instruments used to measure depressive symptoms have a cutoff point of 9/10. This value is capable of detecting most
not been completely characterized and some tools have been cases of potential depression.30
used infrequently.21 On the other hand, a series of other Some of the psychometric properties of the EPDS, such as

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Table I: The available versions of the EPDS according to different languages and their respective screening properties.

Language Country Cut-Off Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)

Amharic Ethiopia22 6/7 78.9 75.3 42.9 93.8

Chinese Hong Kong (China)23 9/10 82 86 44 97
Mainland China24 9.5 80 83 - -
Taiwan25 12/13 96 85 46 99
English Australia26 12.5 100 95.7 69.2 100
Canada27 11.5 94 86 56 99
Nigeria28 9 75 97 75 97
South Africa29 11/12 80 76 52.6 92.2
United Kingdom30 12/13 86 78 73 -
Farsi Iran31 12/13 95.3 87.9 - -
French France32 10.5 80 92 91 97
German Germany33 9.5 96 100 100 -
Greek Greece34 8/9 76.7 68.3 70.8 74.5
Italian Italy35 9/10 100 83 50 100
Lithuanian Lithuania36 7 92 73 35 98
Maltese Malta37 11/12 83.3 96.6 68.2 98.5
Mongolian Mongolia38 11/12 85.7 71.1 81.4 77.1
Nepalese Nepal39 13 100 92.6 41.6 -
Norwegian Norway40 10 100 87 60
Norway41 11 96 78 62 -
Portuguese Brazil42 13 59.5 88.4 60 -
Portugal43 10 65 96 91 82
Punjabi United Kingdom44 12.5 71.4 93.7 73 -
Shona Zimbabwe45 11/12 88 87 74 94
Sinhalese Sri-Lanka46 9 90.7 86.8 - -
Spanish Chile47 9/10 100 80 37 -
Mexico48 11/12 75 93 50 97.6
Peru49 13.5 84.2 79.5 - -
Spain50 10/11 79 95.5 63.2 97.7
Swedish Sweden51 11.5 96 49 59 -
Thai Thailand52 6/7 74 74 26 95
Turkish Turkey53 12.5 75.5 71.5 30.3 94.5

PPV: Positive Predictive Value; NPV: Negative Predictive Value

Table II: The available versions of the PDSS according to different languages and their respective screening properties.

Language Country Cut-Off Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)

English Canada27 71.5 94 59 31 98

United States54 80 94 98 90 99
Spanish United States55 60 84 84 75 90
Portuguese Brazil56 102 94 95 75 99
Brazil57 81 89 72 23 97
Thai Thailand58 51 72 79 28 96

PPV: Positive Predictive Value; NPV: Negative Predictive Value

its specificity and sensitivity, have been tested extensively period between childbirth and the moment of application of
among various cultures in different countries. The scale has the instrument.66
been tested in countries as diverse as England, Australia, Studies developed in United Kingdom have demonstrated
Sweden, Chile, Canada, Portugal, Italy, France, China, South that using a cutoff point of 12/13, in the sixth week of the
Africa, Brazil, Spain, Turkey and Germany.66 The sensitivity postpartum period, the EPDS shows a sensitivity from 68 to
observed in the validation studies presented variations 95% and a specificity of 78% to 96%, when compared to the
ranging from 65% to 100%, while the specificity presented diagnosis of major depression through psychiatric
variations from 49% to 100%. The great variability of results interview.30,67 The cutoff point of 9/10, used to increase the
among the different studies was due to variations in sensitivity of the instrument, demonstrates a sensitivity of 84 to
methodology used, cut-off points, diagnostic criteria and in the 100%, as well as specificity of 82% to 88%.67 A total score

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higher than 12 in the postpartum period indicates a larger evaluate more introspective concerns of a woman in the
probability of depression, but it does not supply a measure postpartum period.56 Seven conceptual domains are
of the severity of the symptoms.68 Matthey et al. investigated included in the PDSS: sleep and appetite disturbance;
the increasing use in the literature of non-validated cutoff anxiety/insecurity; emotional lability; cognitive impairment;
scores of the EPDS, as well as different wording and loss of self-esteem; guilt/shame and suicidal thoughts. Each
formatting in the scale.69 It was advocated in this study that domain is composed of five identifying symptoms that the
the scale should be worded and formatted as originally mothers can present with in the period after childbirth. These
described by its authors, which includes the validated score are itemized in degree of intensity, that can vary from full
of 13 or more and of 15 or more when reporting a probable disagreement to full agreement using a 5-point Likert scale;
depressive episode in English-speaking women during scores range from 35 to 175, and relate to how women were
postnatal and antenatal periods, respectively.69 However, feeling in the preceding two weeks.60 The PDSS is available
different cutoff scores may be warranted for different in English60, Spanish59, Turkish75, Thai58 and Portuguese
cultural groups.14 versions.56,57 The original English version of the PDSS has
Some researchers suggest that mothers with increased also been tested among Native American English76 and First
risk of developing postpartum depression can be identified Nations and Métis women.27
early in the postpartum period, which would assist In the first PDSS validation study60, 525 mothers were
secondary prevention.64 Dennis et al. demonstrated that the recruited during the first 6 weeks of the postpartum period
EPDS, when applied with cutoff points of 9/10 during the to test the reliability and the validity of the new instrument.
first week of the postpartum period, has satisfactory Reliability analysis identified Cronbach’s alpha indexes
discriminative and prognostic power to distinguish the higher than 0.80 for each of the seven domains. The PDSS
mothers with increased risk of developing depression was filled out initially by the mothers, and followed by a
during the period between the fourth and eighth weeks.1 Structured Clinical Interview (undertaken by clinicians
The author suggests that there is a strong connection to ‘blinded’ to the score) based on DSM-IV to confirm, or not,
maternal mood during the three appraised weeks and the correlation. A cutoff point of 80 was proposed for major
women with symptoms of major or minor depression in the postpartum depression, with sensitivity of 94% and
first week of postpartum have a larger probability of specificity of 98% and a cutoff point of 60 for major or minor
developing a mental disorder in the subsequent weeks. The depressive distress, with sensitivity and specificity of 91%
results make possible the implementation of secondary and 72%, respectively, using the Receiver Operator Curve
prevention for later postpartum depression.1 On the other (ROC). In an additional study54, to strengthen the findings,
hand, Lee et al. demonstrated that when the EPDS is used in Beck and Gable investigated a further 150 mothers in the
the first 48 hours after the child's birth, the psychometric sixth week of postpartum period. According to this study, a
properties of this instrument show a significant number of cutoff value of 70 can cause a reduced number (6%) of false-
false-positive results.64 negative results. However, up to 16% of the mothers in a
The EPDS measures emotional symptoms of postpartum non-depressive state will have a false positive result.
depression and does not evaluate somatic symptoms, The PDSS can also be applied in its brief version that
except for one item that measures sleep difficulties.14 The consists of the first seven items of the full scale. These items
main limitations of EPDS is that this instrument does not demonstrate a high correlation with the seven dimensions
evaluate the context of a women’s experience as a new that are used in the longer version (r = 0.91). The obtained
mother, and features such as loss of control, loneliness, scores range from 7 to 35 and present similar levels of
unrealness, irritability, loss of self and concentration reliability and validity when compared to the complete
difficulties.14 Moreover, appetite loss, weight reduction and PDSS.61 Using the Flesch index (1948), a score of 91.9 was
reduced libido, symptoms that can happen due to a achieved in ease of reading by the PDSS, which is consistent
depressive episode, are not detected by EPDS. Postnatal with "very easy" comprehension.77 In addition to this
depression with predominant features of psychomotor favorable characteristic of the PDSS, further comparison with
retardation seems also not to be detected by this scale, and the EPDS demonstrated reliability and validity. The PDSS
could be particularly important for studies about the impact offers specific information on the interviewee’s clinical status
of maternal depression on the mother-baby interaction.70 in each one of the seven appraised domains. Such references
Although EPDS is a screening instrument and not a are useful for the doctor, midwife or nurse, since they inform
diagnostic one, it is often used as an assessment/diagnostic on the mother’s current state in the specifically appraised
tool in clinical practice. The application of the EPDS should areas and the clinician can target specific and appropriate
not be a substitute for a psychiatric evaluation. A clinical therapeutic interventions to meet individual needs. In a study
interview is essential for diagnosis, since the scale does not that compared the PDSS with the EPDS and with the Beck
provide a measure of severity of the distress, but only Depression Inventory (BDI-II)78, the PDSS was the only
indicates the probability of postpartum depression.71 instrument of the three instruments studied which evaluated
all the five initial symptoms of postpartum depression –
Postpartum Depression Screening Scale – PDSS anxiety, insomnia, agitation, irritability and confusion.77
The PDSS is a self-rating scale recently developed and Furthermore, loss of self-esteem was only measured by the
conceptually based on a series of qualitative data collected PDSS. This scale is the one which has the highest
and analyzed in previous research by Beck.72-74 This combination of sensitivity and specificity to (94% and 98%,
instrument is not a diagnostic tool and was developed to respectively) when using 80 as the cutoff point for major
overcome some of the EPDS limitations cited above and depression.77

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The Bromley Postnatal Depression Scale – BPDS phenomena confirmed the transcultural nature of
The Bromley Postnatal Depression Scale (BPDS) was PPD.5,82,85,86,87,88 However, transcultural comparative studies
developed in 1992 in the United Kingdom, and is an of depressive symptomatology also demonstrated that
instrument specifically designed for detecting the symptoms tend to vary according to specific cultural
presence of both current and previous episodes of backgrounds.89 Results from a study conducted in nine
postnatal depression.79 It allows women to report their countries not only corroborated that postpartum
mood and behaviors during pregnancy and the symptomatology is manifested across different cultural
postpartum period for the current and all previous births. It boundaries but also indicated that depressive symptoms
has 10 items as well as a chart to indicate when the can be even more prominent among non-Western
postpartum depression began, how long it lasted and when women.87
it was the worst for all births. These characteristics make Members of non-Western cultures tend to express
this instrument unique, because there is a possibility for specific depressive symptoms such as somatization, which
establishing a longitudinal course of postpartum contrasts with common “Western world” symptoms such
depression.14 It is mainly designed to detect previous and as sadness and guilty feelings.90 A study designed to
current episodes of PND, as well as, appropriate for use in compare postnatal depression in the United Kingdom and
postal surveys.13 Taiwan91 obtained similar prevalence rates of postnatal
There is limited information about the psychometric depression, although British women reported a better
properties of the BPDS. This instrument has not been quality of care during the postnatal period, which appears
validated transculturally either. In a community sample, this to favor biological determinants for the manifestation of this
scale demonstrated good test-retest reliability, but the disorder. Although specific cultural factors may mold the
internal consistency has not been established.14 A study expression of distress through predominantly physical or
conducted with a sample of 165 women revealed that the psychological manifestations, recent evidence indicates
sensitivity and specificity of the BPDS were respectively that both forms of manifestation are significantly
62% and 94%.13 Although the BPDS was considered by its correlated.57
proponents to “reliable”, the analysis of reliability of this The “transcultural approach” to postnatal mental
questionnaire was established via test-retest ratings only.13 disorders might help to clarify “the ways in which social
The lower sensitivity of the BPDS may be related to the fact factors can influence the evolution of psychopathology”.84
that this instrument also detects cases of less severe forms In addition, culturally validated methodologies are
of depressive and anxiety disorders.13 available for comparative research into postnatal
depression among different health systems and countries.88
The cultural contours of depressive postpartum The Western-non-Western dichotomy is no longer
symptomatology considered an adequate divide to account for the clinical
It has been observed that factors such as socio-economic and epidemiological variations of PPD.81 The significant
status, biological factors, and stigma associated with variation in the prevalence figures of PPD according to
mental health disorders may influence expression of studies conducted in different non-Western countries
depressive symptoms and prevalence rates of postpartum suggests that the way PPD presents itself cannot be
depression.80 Contrary to the theories postulated by Stern matched transculturally by a stationary diagnostic criteria
and Kruckman (1983), who advocated that PPD was established according to Western yardsticks.81
infrequent or absent in non-Western cultures, recent
evidence has demonstrated that PPD is a transcultural The worldwide prevalence variations of postpartum
phenomenon.81 Despite the fact that postnatal depression depression
appears to be a universal condition with apparently similar There is a consensus among practitioners that postpartum
rates in different countries, anthropologists question the depression may advance unrecognized92, despite the fact
cross-cultural equivalence of depression, particularly at a that depressive symptomatology reported by women in the
life stage so influenced by cultural factors.82 postpartum period can be collected across diverse
From an anthropological perspective, postpartum countries and regions.87 The wide variability of postnatal
depression has been considered a “culture-bound depression suggests that the proposed prevalence rates of
syndrome”, since major changes in family structure that 10 to 15% in the general population may underestimate the
occur in Western and secularized societies may result in actual magnitude of the disorder. The majority of studies
increased rates of depression.83 On the other hand, that investigated PPD have been developed in developed
medical professionals advocate that the similarity of countries (Affonso, 2000 #64) and the most commonly
postpartum depression symptoms and continuous rates used screening instruments for postnatal depression were
across the cultures would indicate a common biological conceived and developed in the developed Western world.
diathesis. Although biological factors appear to play a In fact, there is worldwide evidence that postnatal
central role in explaining the homogenous prevalence depression and prevalence figures vary according to
trends of postnatal depression worldwide, cultural forces different countries even when the same screening
and socio-economic elements play a pivotal role in the way instrument is used.90
that maternal distress is manifested during the postpartum A literature review on prevalence of postpartum
period.84 depression and depressive symptoms in 40 countries
A series of international projects aimed at the revealed that the prevalence of PPD, measured mostly by
transcultural understanding of perinatal depressive the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale, ranged from

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almost 0% to almost 60%.5 In another international study, a associated with women reproductive health in the West
set of research instruments were tested in eight countries African subregion, including Sexually Transmitted Diseases
in order to investigate the cross-cultural equivalence of (STDs), especially HIV/ AIDS, and the high maternal
postnatal depression.88 Although a state of morbid mortality, which is associated with insufficient provision of
postpartum sadness comparable to postnatal depression health care and associated resources, adds to the burden
was reported in all countries, there was no consensus on of psychiatric complications faced by women during the
the understanding of this process as an illness that requires life cycle, particularly PPD.100 In Uganda, PPD was
a categorical treatment approach.82 In addition, the rates of associated with negative life events, including unplanned
postpartum depression may fluctuate according to native pregnancy and physical illness of both mother and
or immigrant status, since acculturation stress appears to newborn.101 Research conducted in a South African peri-
be conducive to more prominent postpartum difficulties.90 urban settlement revealed elevated rates of PPD (34.7%),
A study designed to investigate the prevalence of being maternal depression in that community associated
depressive symptoms in two Latin American countries, with deprived engagement with the partner and child.102 In
Costa Rica and Chile93, observed that, albeit with different Morocco, an Arab African country, maternal depressive
socio-demographic measures, rates of depression were disorders were also associated with marital conflicts and
comparable in developing countries of Latin America as stressful life events during pregnancy, including health
well. In Brazil, among women of low income, 43% problems of the infant.103
presented with at least one depressive episode during the In fact, in some cases, as described in a descriptive
first six months after birth and the prevalence of report in Nigeria, folklore beliefs and intense family
depressive episodes in the third month was 12%.94,95 In involvement with maternal affairs may cause additional
Brazilian women, depressive symptoms are common stress and be a reason for delay in the referral process to
during pregnancy and are associated with indicators of appropriate medical care.104 The prevalence rate of PPD
socio-economic deprivation, violence and the loss of an among Nigerian women has been reported around 14%
intimate relationship.96 Nonetheless, Brazilian studies rate at 6 to 8 weeks postpartum and psychosocial factors
examining this issue indicate a prevalence of postpartum appear significantly related to the genesis this morbidity.105
depression similar to the international average – The gender of thee baby has also been linked to PPPD I
approximately 13%.66,94 A Brazilian study about maternity Nigeria.106 The prevalence of maternity blues was reported
blues97 demonstrated a postpartum symptom peak to be 31.3%, being strong predictor of this disorder single
occurrence on the fifth day, with symptoms more mothers107 and obstetrics complications.108
significantly associated with overemotionalism and A recent study that investigated PPD in the Democratic
oversensitivity. Republic of Congo reported that, despite the fact that
Asian countries differ considerably in terms of Western models of psychopathology may be inappropriate
philosophical traditions, religious practices, cultural life and for establishing diagnosis according to local tenets, a local
general attitudes toward physical and psychological syndrome similar to depression was observed.109 The
problems.98 As the world’s largest and most populous shortage of psychiatrists in West Africa combined with of
continent, Asia encompasses members of the Arab world in limited screening skills of the obstetric personnel hinders
Western Asia to Eastern capitalist economies, such as the detection and effective treatment of PPD in Africa.100
Japan and Korea. A recent review which examined Nevertheless, a research conducted in Zimbabwe
research conducted in 17 Asian countries revealed that the demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of a brief
prevalence of PPD in Asian countries ranged from 3.5% to method for identifying women at high risk for developing a
63.3%, having Malaysia and Pakistan the lowest and highest postnatal mental disorder.110
prevalence respectively.98 In summary, although postpartum depression is a
The risk factors for postpartum depression in Asian disorder of worldwide occurrence, there are regional
cultures were categorized in five main groups: variations in the prevalence rates as well as the
physical/biological, psychological, obstetric/pediatric, symptomatic expressions of PPD. The prevalence of PDD in
socio-demographic and cultural factors.98 Although Arab a given society appears to be influenced by a myriad of
women also receive familial support in the postpartum local and environmental factors, including cultural and
period, as it is the case for Asian women, the reported folklore elements, religious practices, socioeconomic
prevalence rates of PPD are comparable to those reported deprivation, lack of health care infrastructure and poor
in Western countries.81 Marital difficulties, polygamy, public health indicators. The EPDS has been the most
previous psychiatric history, first child, and pediatric widely screening tool, whereas some other methodologies
illnesses have been reported as the most common are starting to be used as screening alternatives.
psychosocial factors associated with PPD in the United
Arab Emirates.99 Conclusion
After Asia, Africa is the world's second largest and most Since there is a high prevalence of mood disturbance
populous continent. Africa's population is relatively young during the postpartum period, as well as potentially
and in some African states almost half of the population is harmful consequences to the mother and the child, and the
under 25 years of age. The burden imposed on the African marital relationship, it is important that the postpartum
people through the spread of infectious diseases and dysphorias are correctly identified). The early diagnosis of
frequent tribal and military conflicts aggravate further the postpartum depression makes possible the
impact of mental disorders on women. The challenges implementation of preventive measures to avoid the

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