Launching of Bio Gas in Gujranwala
Launching of Bio Gas in Gujranwala
Launching of Bio Gas in Gujranwala
Submitted By:
Date: 25-05-2010
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
Table of contents
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
Green Gas limited Company is a company which is providing the bio gas as a substitute
of Sui gas, LP gas to the people of Gujranwala and near by villages. The company is
situated on the Noshehra Saansi Road, Near Malhi Chowk GT Road Gujranwala.The
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
Company has its distribution centers in the main and important areas of the city to
provide the gas.
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
“To make Green Gas Limited an unparalleled natural gas distribution company,
providing eco-friendly, less priced and clean fuel to domestic, with a total commitment to
provide quality service to its customers”
“To provide safe, convenient and reliable gas supply to our customers for domestic usage
and to provide a cleaner and environment friendly fuel to clients”
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
This is the logo which represents naturalism.
“Environment Friendly, its green gasp limited”
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
2008. This document details technological, organizational and institutional aspects for a
national biogas programs, including an activity schedule and budget requirements. In
January 2009, the implementation of the Domestic Biogas Programs in Pakistan was
launched. The program activities will initially take place in four provinces of Pakistan
(Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Phaktoonkhawa and Baluchistan), supporting the construction of
30,000 installations over a period of four years.
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
The goal of the Pakistan Domestic Biogas Programs is to improve the livelihoods and
quality of life of rural farmers in Pakistan through exploiting the market and non-market
benefits of domestic biogas. The purpose of the programs is to develop a commercially
viable domestic biogas sector. The programs has forecast a production of 275,000
domestic biogas installations over a period of 10 years, out of which the proposed first
phase of 4 years aims to install 30,000 digesters.
Market Segmentation
We have three main segments in the market to serve:
• Companies:
Biogas plants are currently booming in South Asian states like Pakistan, India, Nepal,
Srilanka, Europe, USA, and China and becoming more popular all the time. The share of
biogas is comparatively low in Pakistan, despite the great potential worldwide. The
potential can not only be seen in the use of renewable resources, but also in the use of
refuse from agricultural and industrial waste that currently pose a big problem for most
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
countries especially Pakistan. 32 percent of the Bio plants show poor results, which are
not state of the art, show poor efficiency in heat and energy production. Thatswhy large
companies in Pakistan are reluctant to use that resource for the energy production.
Without construction of biogas plant new enterprise anyway need to have waste storage
facilities or treatment systems. For example untreated manure storage is 2 times larger
then storage of digested biomass after biogas plant. Manure in combination with water
forms colloid compounds. Due to that water evaporates rather hardly and in case of
precipitations Biogas is accumulated and it will be the good source of energy for the
corporations in Pakistan.
• Small Businesses:
Use of digesters at industrial complexes (to treat the waste generated at the factory) is
also increasing. For the small businesses concerned, this is an excellent avenue to dispose
of waste in a cost effective manner while at the same time generate heat and/or
electricity. Small businesses that have an especially high potential for using anaerobic
digestion include cattle and poultry industry, small business setups of breweries, pulp and
paper, leather, and the fruits & vegetables. As pointed out earlier, some of these small
businesses are already producing electricity from biogas, and this trend is likely to grow
further in future.
Many Pakistani small businesses, in their quest for becoming more environment
conscious, are turning to biogas one of their energy sources. In 2009, Biogas plants are
installed and continue its operations to use biogas. Small businesses can use those novel
biogas digesters for their small businesses as a renewable energy resource.
• Residential Homes:
Biogas production has been quite dominant in Pakistan at household and community
levels (especially in rural areas) than on large scales. In villages especially, thousands of
small biogas plants use the cattle waste (especially cow dung) and provide biogas used
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
for home heating and cooking. It is estimated that over 2 million such biogas plants will
have been estimated to installed all over Pakistan.
Target Market:
Our main target market is domestic people. The green gas company has decided to target
the domestic people first because initially the company wants to penetrate in the market
to create a market share and other fact to target this section is that the company in its
initial stages will have such infrastructure that it can provide this gas only to the
household people for domestic use.
The greatest demand at domestic level, because of the shortage of energy sources is the
main reason to select this section as target customers.
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
On other side the gas may be used for the commercial purposes but according to our
research the machinery which being used in the factories is very heavy.
But if any factory or business wants this facility we will provide this gas to them after
making a contract and provide them the complete plant structure to them.
Competitively, markets are still developing and a high degree of fragmentation is
apparent across Pakistan. New entrant companies are uncommon in this niche sector and
opportunities for companies to progress from smaller system installations to larger ones
are apparent. As a result companies are striving hard for position under current market
growth conditions and it's likely that some consolidation will occur into the medium
term. This scenario will be compounded if the larger OEM (original equipment
manufacturer) and OEM packagers of gas engines become interested in developing a
large share of the market as it develops. Various factors are to be considered in order to
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
study the competition of Biogas in Pakistani market. These factors are described in the
diagram below:
from larger
Fragmented markets
Room for
company Growing
development niche
New entrants
Acquisitions and
Sui Gas:
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) is the largest integrated gas company
serving more than 3.4 million consumers in North Central Pakistan through an extensive
network in Punjab and NWFP. The Company has over 46 years of experience in
operation and maintenance of high-pressure gas transmission and distribution systems.
Our main competition is with the Sui gas which is prevailing in the whole market from a
longer period of time. This is being used for many purposes such as cooking, and to
produce the electricity etc. The customers are well familiar with this kind of energy
source. According to our survey most of the people and probably all the people are using
this kind of source. So this will be a great competition for us to make our product
Wood Keepers:
At this stage we have a small competition with the wood keepers who provide the wood
for the purpose of burning for cooking etc. But we think that this is a small portion in the
cities like Gujranwala. So this is not a strong force for us to compete with.
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
Marketing mix
According to the marketing mix elements like Product, Price, Place and Promotion the
Green Gas Company has decided launch the product in the market.
can be used to generate power or fed into the grid and used as a clean, renewable energy
source for homes and businesses in place of some fossil fuels. Currently, biogas can be
produced only in limited quantities but hopefully, one day will become a viable
renewable energy source for Pakistan. The companies may also upgrade their well-know
and marketing share through supporting some social activities and scholastic conferences.
The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. It is determined by a number of
factors including market share, competition, material costs, product identity and the
customer's perceived value of the product. The business may increase or decrease the
price of product if other stores have the same product.
According to our survey and research our customers are willing to pay price less than the
competitors so according to the Penetration pricing strategy the Green Gas Company has
decided to penetrate in the market so the range of price will be much lesser than the
competitors prevailing in the market.
Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as
the distribution channel. It can include any physical store as well as virtual stores on the
Methods of Distribution:
Biogas will be able to provide at least ten per cent of the need for natural gas and be used
with the same degree of flexibility as fossil fuels. After treatment, biogas has the same
gas quality as conventional natural gas and can be fed directly in the natural gas
distribution system. Feeding bio-methane into the natural gas system is of particular
interest where there are no local consumers of heat. This option makes the use of biogas
more versatile. Farmers, municipal utilities and energy supply companies can share the
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
profit of feeding bio-methane into the natural gas distribution system. Depending on the
gas quality in the distribution system, the calorific value and other characteristics must
also be adjusted.
In Pakistan as an entrepreneur we have two methods of mechanized distribution systems
of Bio gas:
• Distribution via piping systems
The Biogas is pumped directly from the storage tank onto the field and is
distributed there. If the pump is rather small and the pressure and transported
amounts are low, the distribution can be done by hand. With increasing pressure
and transported amounts, the distribution system is attached to a tractor. The
tractor does not have to be very powerful as there is no need to pull a heavy
tanker. The main advantage of this method is the low ground pressure and the
ability to enter into fields of steep slope, of fragile soil structure and during bad
weather. This method is only economic for fields close to the slurry storage
container. But it requires high cost and labor.
The tanker is filled with Biogas and pulled to the field for distribution. At initial
stage we will install 2 plants to produce the gas.
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
tanker with the help of pipes then the gas will be filled to the cylinders of different sizes
according to the need.
The Green Gas Company has decided that we will open our shops in the different areas of
the Gujranwala like Model town, GT road etc.
Promotion represents all of the communications that a marketer may use in the
marketplace. Promotion has four distinct elements:
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
Advertising covers any communication that is paid for, from cinema commercials, radio
and Internet adverts through print media and billboards. The Green Gas Company has
decided that we will adopt the following methods to advertise our product:
Pictures: The pictures of the whole product and process will be shown to the
customers to develop the interest of the customers, like:
• Bill Boards: We have decided that we will use this tool also and we will
convey our message to the consumers through bill boards along other ways.
• Posters: This tool is also a very impressive tool to gabber the intention of the
customers so we will also distribute and paste the posters in the whole city to
create more awareness.
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
Public relations:
Public relations are where the communication is not directly paid for and includes press
releases, sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade fairs and events.
To promote our product the Green gas Company has decided to go for following tools:
Word of mouth:
Word of mouth is any apparently informal communication about the product by ordinary
individuals, satisfied customers or people specifically engaged to create word of mouth
momentum. Sales staff often plays an important role in word of mouth and Public
Relations. To create the positive word of mouth at initial stage we will use the following
Point of sale:
Point of sale (POS) or checkout is the location where a transaction occurs. A "checkout"
refers to a POS terminal or more generally to the hardware and software used for
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
checkouts, the equivalent of an electronic cash register. As a point of sale our shops will
be available in the different places of the city. The process will be in the following way:
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
When we have decided to introduce the Biogas into the market of Gujranwala, We made
a survey by questionnaire of potential customers to get their opinion and determine the
demand before go into selling. We also have made interviews it could also call existing
customers of SUI Gas to get their opinion too. Telemarketing is a lot more economical
and up to date than launching a new product on gut feel or paying for expensive industry
marketing data.
Larger farms with huge animal populations have created a need to manage massive
volumes of waste. The idea of turning this manure into electricity is appealing. It could
help us to gain value from manure, protect groundwater and local streams, reduce odors,
and recycle fertilizer nutrients, while generating a renewable source of electricity. With
all these benefits, it's easy to lose sight of the technical factors, economic barriers, and
manpower/management requirements associated with a successful biogas installation.
That phenomenon of Biogas can be marketed through telemarketing. That type of
marketing is used more in Pakistan. We can see various call centers where Tele sales
representatives provides information about the concerning products.
Telemarketers can be performed their tasks in order to promote the biogas regarding
when they contact consumers and what they disclose about themselves and about biogas.
For example, if Pakistani government launches are call centers for providing information
to the citizens that will be a good source of providing information about biogas.
Telemarketers are also required to identify themselves with their name, the company they
represent, and a phone number at which their company may be contacted so that the
customer can order the cylinder of biogas or to get full information about that cheap and
quality resource.
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
Communication, customer management, and cross-selling skills are the three essential
components that are possessed by telemarketers when they are describing the customers
about biogas. Sales courses and sales training courses about the methods to sell biogas
are also created to train not only the one-on-one seasoned sales executive or the
ambitious company door to company door new sales person. Telemarketers are sales
professionals. Sales training and especially about biogas awareness can turn
telemarketers into sales professionals. Courses in biogas awareness for telemarketers can
train a telemarketer how to define biogas or related products in a manner that will
uncover the key buying motives from the potential buyer.
Direct Mail:
Direct mailing campaigns are less visible to competitors – it is therefore possible to be
more creative for the biogas providers. The advertiser can target a promotional message
about the benefits of Biogas down to an individual level, and where possible personalize
the message. There are a large number of mailing databases might be available that allow
businesses to send direct mailing to potential customers based on household income,
interests, occupation and other variables
Businesses can first test the responsiveness of direct mailing (by sending out a test
mailing to a small businesses and domestic users that first they are offered to use biogas
and then based upon their results they can create the more significant cost of a larger
campaign. Direct mailing is based on the “mailing list” – a critical part in the direct
marketing process. The mailing list is created on the base on market research that
includes the mailing addresses of all the customers who want to use Biogas. This creates
a database which collects together details of past, current and potential customers. A
properly managed mailing database for biogas customers enables a business to:
Green Gas Limited Company Marketing Plan
The starting point is that the existing information about Biogas is communicated to the
customers. All forms of communication between a customer and the business need to be
recorded so that a detailed, up-to-date profile can be maintained. It is also possible to
“buy” mailing lists from elsewhere. There are numerous mailing list owners and brokers
who sell lists of names. The Internet, directories, associations and other sources are good
Company must need to keep its customers database up to date and stay in touch with your
customers every 90 days. Have someone call to his customers every 3 months to update
the details and to get feedback about the quality of Biogas. It even asks from customers
what they think about Biogas and if they have any ideas how to improve it. Take note of
their favorable comments too.