Gilboa and Marlatte - 2017 - Neurobiology of Schemas and Schema-Mediated Memory
Gilboa and Marlatte - 2017 - Neurobiology of Schemas and Schema-Mediated Memory
Gilboa and Marlatte - 2017 - Neurobiology of Schemas and Schema-Mediated Memory
suggested by some models) or synchronize (as suggested by others) to opti- Schema instantiation appears to
mize schema-related learning depending on the specific operationalization of involve earlier processes than
schema memory. This highlights the need for more precise definitions of schema-mediated mnemonics and
possibly sustained activity across the
memory schemas. network.
Schemas also greatly influence how new information is encoded, retained, and later retrieved.
Moderate degrees of prior knowledge
The idea that cognitive schemas influence how memory is constructed and reconstructed has a may lead to vmPFC–hippocampal
long history in cognitive psychology [3]. Curiously, however, only recently has the neurobiology interaction to resolve overlapping
of memory schemas been tackled systematically [4–10]. associations and their relevant
Schemas are higher-level knowledge structures that organize lower-level representations from
long-term memory. They serve as general-form reference templates against which new
information can be compared, binding multiple features that consistently co-occur; their
elements are nonspecific, reflecting commonalities among experiences, and have considerable
overlap and interconnectedness [1,3,10]. Importantly, schemas are dynamic structures con- 1
Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest
stantly evolving with new experiences and memories [3] through processes dubbed assimi- Health Sciences, Toronto, Canada
lation (see Glossary) and accommodation [1,10]. 2
Department of Psychology, University
of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute,
The recent neuroscience literature has used the term schema rather loosely to refer to relevant University Health Network, Toronto,
mental and neurobiological prior associative networks that influence new information process- Canada
ing [8,9], a definition that matches multiple forms of prior knowledge (Box 1). The present review
therefore adopts an inclusive approach to schema definition, also because many of these forms
of prior knowledge are important components of schemas as classically defined (Figure 1). [email protected]
These subcomponents are likely to share neurobiological processes with richer, more complex (A. Gilboa).
618 Trends in Cognitive Sciences, August 2017, Vol. 21, No. 8
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Box 1. Types of Prior Knowledge
Multiple forms of prior knowledge bear substantial resemblance to schemas. Certain definitions equate these forms with
Accommodation: occurs in
schemas [8,9]; others consider them the building blocks of schemas and highlight important distinctions that arise from
conjunction with assimilation;
schemas' superordinate properties [10].
involves adapting existing schemas
to take into account new related
Narratives and Event Gists information and is at the heart of the
idea that schemas are essentially
Narratives are accounts of connected events that unfold over time, often according to causal principles. Like schemas active knowledge structures.
they are organized as associative networks. Unlike schemas narratives can be encoded in a single episode rather than Angular gyrus (AG): located in the
extracted over multiple experiences and have(see Figure 1C in main text) relatively fixed, rather than adaptable, structure inferior lateral parietal lobe, posterior
and unit details [75]. Event gist is a related term referring to high-level central elements that are critical to the overall to the supramarginal gyrus; a
storyline coherence, as opposed to low-level details whose omission would not alter the event essence [23,76]. Neural heteromodal part of the TPJ
networks of narrative comprehension and gist extraction are similar and involve the dorsal (but not the ventral) mPFC, surrounding the parietal extension of
the left IFG, the posterior STS/TPJ, the bilateral anterior temporal cortex, and midline posterior cortices [75,77]. vmPFC the STS corresponding to Brodmann
recruitment during gist extraction could reflect schema reinstatement when relevant preexisting schemas serve as area (BA) 39. Within semantic
scaffolds for interpretation of the gist of specific events (e.g., for highly typical events; see Figure 1B in main text). memory the AG supports the
integration and retrieval of
Concepts and Categories supramodal complex knowledge,
such as the integration of single
concepts into large wholes,
Categories have an associative network structure of related concepts and their linked defining features that determine a
consistent with schemas. It is highly
concept’s membership of a category [26,27,78,79]. Defining features, rather than the associative relationships between
developed in humans and almost
the nodes of the network, are what determines memberships (e.g., that mammals have fur) and therefore categories
missing in other primates. The AG is
tend to be less flexible and adaptable than schemas [10], although they can hold exceptions as anomalies (e.g., the
connected almost entirely with other
naked mole-rat). Conceptual knowledge is a critical part of most schemas and they are likely to share posterior
associative areas.
neocortical structures, but the ATL and TPJ are considered conceptual knowledge hubs [26,27] and critically support
Assimilation: the active process of
the integration of new information into conceptual knowledge networks [67,68,71,80,81].
adapting new external information to
fit with internal cognitive structures or
Statistical Regularities schemas. Individuals may apply any
mental structure available to them to
This often-implicit knowledge involves the detection and extraction of recurrent patterns of stimuli and their interrelation- assimilate a new event.
ships [82–86]. Like schemas they possess an associative network structure, are based on multiple episodes, and are Concept: a mental representation
sensitive to chronological organization. Most statistical-learning studies focus on repetition within a limited perceptual denoting a class of items or entities
dimension and require a simple motor response, limiting the capacity of the information to be updated in response to that belong to a particular category;
environmental changes. However, enriching the learning context by varying stimulus characteristics and their asso- often conceived as a hierarchy with
ciated motor outputs results in dynamic knowledge structures that allow the correct interplay between specificity and superordinate, basic-level, and
flexibility [87]. Learning statistical regularities involves local computations in modality-specific cortices coupled with subordinate levels of specificity.
multidomain contributions from the MTL/hippocampus, basal ganglia, and thalamus [86]. Gist: refers to high-order elements of
a narrative or a memory that if
omitted or changed would
substantially alter the meaning of the
storyline. Note that while schemas
are typically detail-rich and highly
superordinate cognitive structures; whether the difference between these is qualitative or elaborate cognitive structures, a gist
merely quantitative is currently unknown. is a representation of a single
episode that is stripped of much of
its detailed information.
How Prior Knowledge Is Organized into Schemas in the Brain Schema instantiation: the process
Most neuroscientific studies of memory schemas focus on the way their presence influences of matching input from ongoing
the acquisition of new information. Much less direct attention has been devoted to schema reality into activated schema
‘variables’, reflecting the manner in
representations themselves, how they are acquired, stored, and retrieved or instantiated to
which activated schemas may bias
support the multitude cognitive processes for which they are required, and how they are information processing from the input
modified as a result of new learning. stream.
Schema-linked interactions
between medial prefrontal and
Acquisition medial temporal regions (SLIMM):
Controlled experimental investigation of acquisition or accommodation [1] of large-scale a competition-based model
knowledge systems is challenging because constructing these schemas can take years [2]. accounting for the roles of the
Some studies attempted schema acquisition designs to examine the influence of pretrained vmPFC and MTL in schema-
mediated mnemonic functions.
knowledge on the learning of new associations in controlled settings. Several studies exten- Schema reinstatement: the
sively trained participants on experimental stimuli (e.g. [11–13]) or followed the acquisition of process of activating and sustaining
large-scale knowledge in naturalistic academic environments [14,15]; these studies, however, a prototypical, abstracted ‘template’
Context A
(iv) Schema
Figure 1. Hypothetical Functional Neuroanatomical Model of Memory Schemas. (A) Memory schemas are coactivated long-term representations in the posterior
neocortex [e.g., retrosplenial cortex (RSPL), middle temporal gyrus (MTG)/superior temporal sulcus (STS), anterior temporal lobe (ATL), temporoparietal junction (TPJ)]
typically do not track the neural signature associated with the acquisition and accommodation
of the premise information itself.
Studies that have directly examined the dynamics of schema acquisition have: (i) trained
participants on specific spatial arrays of object–location paired associates (PAs) [16] inspired
by influential rodent studies of memory schema [4–6,17] (Box 2; cf. [12]); (ii) taught participants
rule-based relationships [18] based on weather-prediction tasks; or (iii) had participants learn
overlapping paired associations that allowed inference of an unlearned pair during the test
[19–22] (we discuss these in the next section).
In one of the most intensive attempts to teach experimentally controlled new schemas,
participants were followed over 9 months as they learned ten distinctive arrays of object–
location PAs. Only some of the potential locations in each array were associated with objects,
so that empty locations could later be trained in the context of old knowledge [16]. Tracking
changes in representations of the premise PA structure took place on training days 1 and 2 and
again after 3 and 6 months of training [16]. Consistent with prior research on time-
that are temporarily bound together by the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) to form a superordinate knowledge template. The schematic structure activated is
context sensitive: specific associative pathways (unbroken lines) biased by the vmPFC reflect context-relevant information while other potential but contextually
irrelevant associations (broken lines) are not activated or even inhibited. The hippocampus may interact with the vmPFC during schema instantiation or its activity could
reflect memory assimilation and schema adaptation processes. (B) Schemas comprise prototypical sets of variables such as general concepts (represented by circles)
and associated action scripts (represented by squares). (i) When a schema is reinstated or activated, these variables and their interrelationships serve as a template (ii)
for the interpretation of incoming information that populates the schema nodes (instantiated schema). (iii) From the onset of encoding, schemas drive the process of gist
extraction, in which inconsequential unique details or schema-incongruent components are weakened and eventually lost while connections for schema-congruent
components are strengthened and the event gist is retained. Reiterative processes of gist extraction can ultimately lead to concept abstraction. (iv) Schemas
themselves are not static: relevant schema-incongruent components can lead to a process of schema adaptation, and with repeated experiences new components
can become assimilated into the existing schema or the existing connections can shift to accommodate the new information. (C) Memory transformation processes can
lead to multiple forms of long-term representations such as gist (detail-poor) memory for a single event or a schematic representation that results from multiple similar
experiences and that can be highly detailed but not unique.
There is clearly a need for more rigorous investigation of the dynamics of schema acquisition.
The data suggest similar patterns of brain activity as those described in the rich literature on
semantization and gist extraction [23]. However, there is some evidence that more intense
exposure results in a different neural signature that involved the vlPFC and ATL rather than the
vmPFC, bearing similarity to semantic networks [26,27]. As discussed below, however,
reinstatement of even highly learned schemas strongly engages, and even requires, the
vmPFC. Perhaps when training involves repeated encoding of specific associations it results in
denotational semantic representations. Schemas, however, involve highly variable abstract
representations of both the nodes and their interrelations, and under these conditions the
vmPFC and its interactions with posterior cortices could be necessary even when no specific
episodic information is retrieved. Training protocols that capture the abstraction of commonali-
ties across variable encoding episodes in combination with previous knowledge may result in
structured, flexible symbolic representations. That is, rather than specific PAs or formal rules,
training could involve the detection of statistical regularities but also be constrained by rational
inference of relationships based on prior abstract knowledge and assumptions [2].
Human lesion studies have been central in demonstrating the critical roles of the parietal lobes
and vmPFC in memory generally and schema memory in particular [32]. For example, lesion
studies demonstrated that the right TPJ/AG is critical for extracting language-independent
schematic iconic spatial relationships from richly textured visual representations in which they
are embedded [33]. Similarly, a patient with severe perceptual deficits (simultanagnosia)
following bilateral occipital damage (sparing the TPJ/AG) was better at matching concrete
exemplars of spatial relations only when they could be directly compared with schematic iconic
representations (abstracted analog forms) but not when compared with prepositions or with
other exemplars [34]. Together these studies point to the TPJ/AG as critical for online
processing of superordinate abstracted (visual) relationships.
Deficits in processing schema-related information online have more often been observed
following vmPFC damage [35–37]. Patients with vmPFC damage and confabulation were
impaired in making simple decisions on whether words (e.g., ‘receptionist’) were associated
with common everyday schemas (e.g., ‘visit to doctor’s office’). Thus, even when memory is not
challenged vmPFC lesions impair the process of maintaining an active schema as a template for
processing incoming information [35]. Conversely, on the Deese–Roediger–McDermott false-
memory paradigm [36,37] damage to the vmPFC protects against the normal false-memory
Figure 2. Activation Likelihood Estimates (ALEs) of the Convergence of Activated Foci Reported in fMRI Studies of Memory Schema (P < 0.001; >100 mm3). (A) ALE
maps for contrasts that reflect schema reinstatement and instantiation derived from 132 foci from 12 experiments (Table S1 in the supplemental information online).
Significant clusters include the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) (left posterior medial orbitofrontal cortex, right anterior cingulate, and bilateral subcallosal gyrus),
the bilateral anterior temporal cortex, the temporoparietal junction including the angular gyrus (R > L), the bilateral hippocampus, the fusiform/parahippocampal gyrus,
the posterior cingulate, and the left posterior cingulate/retrosplenial cortex. (B) ALE maps for contrasts that reflect schema-related encoding of new information derived
from 96 foci from 15 experiments (Table S1). Significant clusters include the bilateral anterior cingulate (L > R), the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, superior and inferior
parietal lobules, and angular gyrus (R > L), and the right anterior hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus.
phenomenon of recalling non-presented target lures (e.g., ‘sleep’) after encoding thematically
related word lists (e.g., dream, slumber, tired). Presumably, patients fail to construct a meta-
mnemonic thematic representation that could bias encoding and therefore target lures are not
activated and memory is paradoxically more accurate. Similar effects were found in healthy
controls following transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) targeting the medial PFC (mPFC)
Several fMRI studies have demonstrated similar activity patterns when schema information is
brought online (Figure 2A). In a series of studies using simple associative learning, participants
studied triads of stimuli (e.g., ABC) where only two of the possible three associations are
explicitly learned (e.g., AB, BC), such that knowledge of the third (AC) reflects associative
inference [19–21]. Spontaneous reactivation of pre-established AB pairs, and hippocampal
interactions with content-relevant neocortical modules, predicted later BC learning as well as
inferred AC knowledge and their neural signatures [19]. In a later study, representational
similarity analysis on individual A and C items before and after triad training was used to index
the reinstatement of these mini-associative networks [20]. Because A and C are never explicitly
trained together, this provides insight on schema-based memory integration [20]. Patterns
consistent with memory integration emerged in the anterior hippocampus and posterior
vmPFC but only when new, overlapping representations (BC) were acquired in the context
of well-established prior knowledge (AB). As discussed below, this is consistent with models
that focus on the vmPFC and schema functions [8,10,39,40] and with those that highlight
Neuroimaging studies have also highlighted the role of posterior cross-modal cortices such as
the AG [12,45–48] and of modality-specific cortices [21,46–48] in schema instantiation
(Figure 2A). For example, the inferior occipitotemporal cortex (‘fusiform face area’) is implicated
in schema representation when faces are central components within newly acquired mini-
schemas [21], are associated with domain expertise [14], or contain rich pre-experimental
knowledge [47]. Connectivity analyses demonstrate coactivation of these posterior neocortical
structures with the vmPFC and hippocampus.
How are such early top-down influences facilitated? According to schema theories, instantia-
tion involves activating and sustaining a general ‘template’ (Figure 1) representing contextually
relevant knowledge structures and biasing information processing from the input stream to be
consistent with activated schema variables [10,28]. This should appear as protracted, tonic
effects of interaction between the vmPFC and posterior cortical regions even before a stimulus
is processed. One study found pre-stimulus sustained changes in low-frequency power (theta)
and interregional coherence between the vmPFC and bilateral inferior and lateral temporal
cortices [30], regions relevant to schema instantiation (Figure 1). Controls, but not patients with
vmPFC lesions, demonstrated decreased interregional coherence before stimulus onset, a
pattern that can support better expression of relevant neural codes during memory encoding
and retrieval [53]. Thus, the vmPFC could bias processing of stimuli in a schema-consistent
manner by maintaining tonic low-frequency desynchronization over schema-relevant posterior
neural networks.
Other models, however, emphasize the central role of the hippocampus in relating new events
to prior knowledge, in addition to its role in relational binding of arbitrary associations. These
models argue that bidirectional hippocampus–mPFC interactions are required to support
efficient memory encoding and context-dependent memory retrieval [9,41]. These latter
models build on extensive animal work, predating current interest in memory schemas, that
investigated associative inference and transitive inference in rodents [54–56] and primates [57]
and that highlighted the complementary role of the hippocampal and prefrontal cortices in
constructing flexible memory representations that allow abstraction of information. Together
with more recent animal studies (Box 2), it is suggested that the hippocampus encodes
hierarchical representations of feature overlaps of closely related events while differentiating
the contexts in which these events occur. According to this view, context-defining information
is relayed to the mPFC where distinguishable contextual ‘rules’ are encoded [9]. These rules are
engaged when the same contextual information is again relayed from the hippocampus to the
mPFC and that in turn determines the activation of appropriate hippocampal representations
and suppression of context-inappropriate memories.
As we outline below, evidence for both models exists. It should be kept in mind, however, that
events are never completely congruent of completely incongruent with existing schemas, and
existing schemas may vary in strength. The current laboratory-based experimental data may
emphasize more the joint contributions of the hippocampus and mPFC, while SLIMM might
capture the interplay between them under conditions with particularly well-established, rich
Using a similar task during fMRI, participants encoded item–context associations by rating their
congruency (e.g., umbrella–racecourse) [60]. Congruency effects for items and their associ-
ations were reported as well as parametric mPFC increases and hippocampal decreases with
Other studies, however, suggest that – rather than a functional tradeoff – the mPFC and
hippocampus both serve (complementary) roles during schema-mediated memory formation
[9,41,62]. For example, in the associative inference paradigm described above [19,20],
increased vmPFC–hippocampus coactivation presumably reflects replay of the premise infor-
mation during encoding of new related associations, and the extent of coupling predicts
successful expression of inferred associations [9]. Thus, rather than inhibition, during formation
of overlapping associations the vmPFC exerts control that allows conflict resolution between
competing associations in the hippocampus and the creation of an integrated schematic
representation. Several studies have observed increased coupling between the vmPFC and
hippocampus during schema-related encoding [16,47].
Not all studies report mPFC activation or interactions with other structures during schema-
related encoding of new information. In a continuous recognition paradigm, to-be-recognized
objects were presented with either a congruent or an incongruent background [63]. Neither
encoding nor repetition at these very short lags revealed mPFC activation, but instead schema-
related retrieval was associated with hippocampal and posterior temporal and visual regions
[63]. Similarly, there was no reliable mPFC activation or connectivity when medical students
encoded face-diagnosis PAs before and after they acquired medical expertise [14]. It was
suggested that only when congruence with prior knowledge is perceived subjectively is the
mPFC recruited, which is not the case for face-diagnosis PAs [14]; While task demands are
probably important, it is worth noting that faces and houses are also not inherently congruent or
incongruent, yet strong mPFC effects were reported [47].
One important question is to what extent the neural effects observed during schema-related
encoding of new information (Figure 2B) are independent of schema instantiation. Some
neuroimaging analyses suggest independent contributions of prior knowledge effects and
subsequent memory effects within the same neural network [47]. Electrophysiological studies
also suggest that schema-related subsequent memory effects have spatiotemporal signatures
that differ from those of schema instantiation (see the above section on schema reinstatement
and instantiation). ERP effects of online integration during schema-related encoding were
observed later (400 ms) [64] than those associated with schema instantiation (170–270 ms)
[30,50–52]. Subsequent correct recognition was associated with greater amplitude for
schema-congruent items over frontocentral electrodes around 400 ms, which is likely to be
related to initial semantic access, and was clearly distinguishable from the later subsequent
memory effect at 650 ms that was insensitive to congruence effects [64].
Much of the evidence for rapid neocortical consolidation processes in humans comes from
schema memory and sleep studies that demonstrate unique patterns of sleep-related memory
reactivation and transformation (Box 3). Several studies have investigated post-encoding offline
processes associated with schema-related information during wakefulness. In a pioneering
study, participants viewed the first half of a movie either intact or temporally scrambled and the
other half on the next day during scanning [7]. Having intact prior narrative induced greater
intersubject synchronization in the vmPFC during encoding of the second part and weaker
mPFC–MTL functional connectivity during encoding and post-encoding rest. Greater vmPFC–
hippocampal crosstalk in this case may be necessary to compensate for the poorly organized
prior knowledge to support consolidation or schema-mediated gist extraction (Figure 1B).
Schema and sleep studies have provided support for aspects of this model. Associating new memories with prior
knowledge was found to be essential for successful memory reactivation and schema integration via increased spindle
activity [96]. Slow oscillations and spindles are also critical for the integration of new lexical [97] and semantic [98]
information into preexisting neocortical representations, while sleep spindle density predicts accelerated hippocampal
disengagement in schema-dependent consolidation [11].
By contrast, during associative and creative thinking preexisting schemas must be disbanded to create new schemas.
This schema disintegration is thought to preferentially occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which fosters
creativity [99]. This may explain why REM sleep has been associated with a consolidation memory benefit for the
memorization of tonal melodies and is thus consistent with a Westerners schema of music but not for atonal, schema-
inconsistent melodies [100]. Thus, while the reactivation of overlapping memories may act synergistically with neural
downscaling during SWS to initially form and update various abstract networks of neural nodes into a single refined
relational representation (i.e., schema), disintegration and flexible representation of schemas could rely on REM sleep.
Finally, very few studies have investigated the neural basis of retrieval of information encoded in
the context of prior knowledge [12,16,63,73,74]. Some of these appear to indicate the
reestablishment of thematic context to support retrieval. For example, subsequent true-
and false-memory effects for objects that were either congruent or incongruent with previously
encoded thematic scenes (bathroom, farm) demonstrated that strong schematic contexts lead
to an increase in both correct and incorrect memories. Lateral temporal cortices and the mPFC
were associated with schema-related retrieval regardless of accuracy, whereas recollection of
true memories was associated with greater activity in the hippocampus and posterior visual
cortex [74]. Others, however, argue that congruence-related differences are less pronounced
during retrieval, when all memories may begin to depend more on schematic information,
irrespective of an event’s original congruence with prior knowledge. Using a human analog of
the rodent spatial schema task [4], it was found that retrieval of schema-defining PAs was
associated with mPFC activity while schema-related new associations were associated with
greater reaction times and greater activity in frontoparietal networks, including the AG, possibly
reflecting greater top-down attention to memory [12].
Schematic memory is a particularly strong candidate for supporting value-based decision-making and some have even
proposed that a central role of schema extraction is to optimize reinforcement-driven behaviors in dynamic environ-
ments [44]. Value-based decision-making depends on one’s prior experiences with the available options and on the
specific context in which the decision is made. Schemas are powerful cognitive structures that organize prior knowledge
and therefore could bias the process of decision-making, either consciously or preconsciously, and promote its
efficiency. In more strategic decision-making, they can provide frames of reference through which decision-makers can
represent complex strategic problems, draw analogies across similar schemas from other domains, or directly apply
previously acquired schema to a current problem. Thus, the posterior vmPFC may serve a domain-general role in
biasing relevant long-term representations in the posterior neocortex. These serve to assess the subjective relevance
and value of new information to the current context, a function that occurs rapidly and automatically. Automatic biases
often drive behavior, as reflected by phenomena such as intention superiority effects in action-based prospective
memory that involve the implicit maintenance of bias [108,109] probably mediated by the vmPFC. Similar ideas of
vmPFC biasing representations in a context-sensitive manner have been proposed with respect to its role in the
extinction of conditioned fear responses [110]. In this view, fear extinction constitutes a new learning of a conditioned
stimulus (CS)–no unconditioned stimulus (US) association and is highly context specific. The posterior vmPFC appears
to bias the expression of one set of associations over another in a context-sensitive manner based on prior subjective
Perhaps the greatest progress was made in identifying the neural systems that support A related question is what is the role of
schema-related functions, with particular emphasis on vmPFC–hippocampal–posterior cortical abstract hierarchical knowledge in
accelerating the information learned
interactions. Here, too, many questions are left unanswered (see Outstanding Questions). For through statistical learning?
example, the vmPFC is also identified as key to many other, seemingly unrelated, cognitive
functions (e.g., decision-making, fear extinction; Box 4). It could be that the vmPFC serves a How do the temporal dynamics of
general-purpose function of biasing information processing in a context-sensitive manner. It is a activity and cross-communication
‘schema structure’ only in the sense that context-appropriate representations and actions are between neuroanatomical regions
determine schema instantiation and
determined by the accumulation of subjective experiences. Its participation in multiple memory- schema-mediated mnemonic
related domains may arise because of its role in the detection and establishment of meta- processes?
mnemonic structures that support specific-event gist extraction, inference of non-presented
relationship, superordinate organization of concepts and action plans, and so forth. What are the roles of synchronous and
desynchronous neural oscillation in
preparing the relevant neural networks
Acknowledgments for processing of schema-relevant
The authors thank Adina Levi for her assistance in the literature review and preparation of coordinates for the ALE analysis. information?
A.G. is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (grant 405649) and the Canadian
Foundation for Innovation/Ontario Innovation Trust and the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery. Under what schema-related condi-
tions is there an inhibitory relationship
Supplemental Information between the vmPFC and hippocam-
pus and when is there interactive
Supplemental information associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at
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