Rainfall is the most important hydrologic input for designing drainage systems. The amount of rainfall is converted to runoff which is measured as rainfall depth. Rainfall intensity over time is represented by a hydrograph. Risk analysis is used to determine the probability of flooding events based on rainfall records and return periods. Methods like the Rational Method are used to calculate peak runoff rates to design drainage systems to withstand flooding risks over the project design life.
Rainfall is the most important hydrologic input for designing drainage systems. The amount of rainfall is converted to runoff which is measured as rainfall depth. Rainfall intensity over time is represented by a hydrograph. Risk analysis is used to determine the probability of flooding events based on rainfall records and return periods. Methods like the Rational Method are used to calculate peak runoff rates to design drainage systems to withstand flooding risks over the project design life.
Rainfall is the most important hydrologic input for designing drainage systems. The amount of rainfall is converted to runoff which is measured as rainfall depth. Rainfall intensity over time is represented by a hydrograph. Risk analysis is used to determine the probability of flooding events based on rainfall records and return periods. Methods like the Rational Method are used to calculate peak runoff rates to design drainage systems to withstand flooding risks over the project design life.
Rainfall is the most important hydrologic input for designing drainage systems. The amount of rainfall is converted to runoff which is measured as rainfall depth. Rainfall intensity over time is represented by a hydrograph. Risk analysis is used to determine the probability of flooding events based on rainfall records and return periods. Methods like the Rational Method are used to calculate peak runoff rates to design drainage systems to withstand flooding risks over the project design life.
System Komponen paling masukan hidrologi Banyaknya air dalam bentuk kedalaman hujan (rainfall depth) dialihkan menjadi aliran Lamanya hujan terjadi disebut durasi Intensitas curah hujan VS waktu dinamakan hidrograph PENJELASAN TABEL periode ulang dan Resiko Hidrologi Probabilitas kejadian Hujan kebalikan periode ulan p= 1/Tr p adalah probabilitas Tr= periode ulang Resiko Hidrologi Resiko hidrologi J= 1- (1-1/Tr)**N J resiko hidrologi Tr= periode ulang N = Umur Ekonomi. PROBLEM Saluran drainase di desain mampu menampung buangan air 25 tahun. Berapa resiko hidrologi jika dipergunakan 30 tahun. Umur ekonomi 30 tahun, Pada kala ulang berapa jika saluran drainase didesain dengan resiko hidrologi 0,10 (10%) Hydrograph Variasi debit dengan waktu pada lokasi sungai atau titik tertentu. Analisa frekuensi Pt= Ptm + K s Tt= rainfall depth for spesifiied return period (Tr) Ptm= mean of annual maximum depth s= standard deviacion of annual maximum depth K = factor frequency. Ptm =∑Pj / n s = ((∑(Pj – Ptm)**2) / n-1)**0,5 Contoh Hasil Tabel Hubungan Intensitas dan curva periode ulang Intensity duration frequency (IDF) Analisis frequensi mempergunakan curah hujam maksimum (mm/in) Contoh Plotkan Tabel pada grafik 2.5 Time of concentration Soil Concervation Service (scs 1985 Tf = (Cf (n L)**0.8)/ P2**0.5 So **0.4 n = effective maning roughnes factors (Table 4.2) L = flow length P2= 2 year 24 hr rainfall So slope land Setelah jsrsk 300 ft biasanya aliran menjadi dangkal maka Tf= L/ 3600 V Tf = travel time (hr) L = flow length ( ft or m) V = average flow velocity (fps or m/s) V = (k Rh**(2/3) So **(1/2)) / ( n) K = 1.0 m **(1/3) / s = 1.49 ft **(1/3) / s Rh = A/P = Hydraulic radius (ft or m) So = slope (ft/ft or m/m) n = maning roughnes factor. Asumsi : Rh 0.4 ft n 0.05 un paved area. Rh 0.2 ft n 0.025 for paved surface. Kirpich Tc = Ck L**0.77 / S**3.85 Tc time concetration in minutes L in ft S dimentionales Ck 0.0078 m/ft**0.77 dan Ck=0.0195 min/m**0.77 THE RATIONAL METHOD Qp= C i A Qp= debit puncak= debit disain C= dimension runoff coeficient i=rate of rainfall A=surface area of the drainage basin. contoh Problem 5.11 Problim 5.12