Application of Taguchi Method For Resistance Spot Welding of Galvanized Steel
Application of Taguchi Method For Resistance Spot Welding of Galvanized Steel
Application of Taguchi Method For Resistance Spot Welding of Galvanized Steel
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Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) is a process that is being used in industry for sheet joining purposes especially in
the Automobile and Aerospace industry. The problems associated with RSW are tendency of alloying with the electrode
resulting in increased tool wear, and subsequent deterioration of weld quality. More current and time lead to expulsion and
over heating of the electrode affecting the weld quality and less value result in insufficient weld strength. The complicated
behavior of this process must be analyzed to set the optimum parameters to get good quality weld. This paper presents an
experimental investigation for optimization of Tensile Shear (T-S) strength of RSW for Galvanized steel by using Taguchi
method. RSW of galvanized steel is always difficult due to tendency of zinc coating alloying with electrode. The
experimental studies were conducted under varying welding current, welding time, electrode diameter and electrode force.
Taguchi quality design concepts of L27 orthogonal array has been used to determine Strength to Noise(S/N ratio), Analysis
of Variance (ANOVA) and F test value for determining most significant parameters affecting the spot weld performance.
The experimental results confirmed the validity of used Taguchi method for enhancing welding performance and
optimizing the welding parameter in RSW process. The confirmation test indicated that it is possible to increase tensile
shear strength significantly.
Keywords: resistance spot welding, galvanized steel, taguchi method, sheet joining, S/N ratio, weld performance.
VOL. 5, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2010 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2010 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Min Jou [9] in his research explored how a Table-1. Process parameters with their values at
change in controllable parameter (i.e., percentage heat three levels.
input) affects a measurable output signal indicative of
Welding Weld Electrode Welding
strength and weld quality (i.e., electrode displacement) for
Level current time diameter force
various steel sheets used in automotive industry.
(kA) (Cycle) (mm) (kN)
Spot welding parameters and heat generation (A) (B) (C) (D)
The three main parameters in spot welding are 1 8 8 4 2
current, contact resistance and weld time. In order to 2 10 12 6 3.5
produce good quality weld the above parameters must be 3 12 16 8 5
controlled properly. The amount of heat generated in this
process is governed by the formula, Selection of orthogonal array
Q = I R T [1]
2 Any nonlinear relationship among the process
Where parameters, if it exists can only be revealed if more than
Q = heat generated, Joules two levels of parameters are considered [10]. Thus each
I = current, Amperes parameter is selected at three levels. According to Taguchi
R = resistance of the work piece, Ohms method based on robust design, a L27 orthogonal array is
T = time of current flow, second employed for the experimentation.
Following input and output parameters are
considered: Higher the best performance
Input parameters selected are welding current,
weld time, electrode diameter and welding force. Output
parameter predicting strength of weld joint is Tensile-
shear strength. The input parameters are shown in Table-1.
Lower the best performance
Mean and S/N ratio are shown in Table-2.
VOL. 5, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2010 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2010 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) F-test value at 95 % confidence level is used to decide the
The main aim of ANOVA is to investigate the significant factors affecting the process and percentage
design parameters and to indicate which parameters are contribution is calculated. The ANOVA analysis for T-S
significantly affecting the output parameters. In the strength is shown in Table-3. The S/N ratio analysis of
analysis, the sum of squares and variance are calculated. rank of various parameters is shown in Table-4.
VOL. 5, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2010 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2010 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS to be set for getting optimum value of T-S strength are
Figure-1 shows the S/N ratio graph where the A3B3C2D2.
horizontal line is the value of the total mean of the S/N According to ANOVA analysis as shown in
ratio. Basically, the larger the S/N ratio, the better is the Table-3, the most effective parameters with respect to
quality characteristic for the tensile shear strength. As per tensile shear strength is welding current, welding time,
the S/N ratio analysis from graph the levels of parameters electrode force and electrode diameter. Percent
VOL. 5, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2010 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2010 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
contribution indicates the relative power of a factor to controlling the tensile shear strength. An optimum
reduce variation. For a factor with a higher percent parameter combination for the maximum tensile shear
contribution, a small variation will have a great influence strength was obtained by using the analysis of S/N ratio.
on the performance. The percent contributions of the The confirmation tests indicated that it is possible to
welding parameters on the tensile shear strength are shown increase tensile shear strength significantly (13.43 %) by
in Table-3 According to this, welding current was found to using the proposed statistical technique. The experimental
be the major factor affecting the tensile strength (68.93%), results confirmed the validity of Taguchi method for
whereas welding time was found to be the second factor enhancing the welding performance and optimizing the
(18.66 %). The percent contributions of electrode force welding parameters in resistance spot welding operations.
and electrode diameter are much lower, being 8.57 % and
1.14 %, respectively. Welding current and welding time ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
interaction is also having influence of 1.14% on T-S The authors gratefully appreciate the Board of
strength. College and University Development (BCUD), University
of Pune, Pune for financial help and Management,
CONFIRMATION EXPERIMENT Principal of SRES College of Engineering Kopargaon for
The confirmation experiment is the final step in timely help and motivation.
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