Complete Coin Teg Example
Complete Coin Teg Example
Complete Coin Teg Example
Technical Discussion
Nonparametric Kernel
Kernel Functions
Automatic Bandwidth Selection
Andrews Automatic Selection
Newey-West Automatic Selection
Parametric VARHAC
Prewhitened Kernel
Our basic discussion and notation follows the framework of Andrews (1991)
and Hansen (1992a).
is the autocovariance matrix of at lag . When is second-order
stationary, equals times the spectral density matrix of evaluated at
frequency zero (Hansen 1982, Andrews 1991, Hamilton 1994).
The matrix , which we term the strict one-sided LRCOV, is the sum of the
lag covariances, while the also includes the contemporaneous
covariance . The two-sided LRCOV matrix is related to the one-sided
matrices through and .
Despite the important role the one-sided LRCOV matrix plays in the
literature, we will focus our attention on , since results are generally
applicable to all three measures; exception will be made for specific issues
that require additional comment.
In the econometric literature, methods for using a consistent
Nonparametric Kernel
The class of kernel HAC covariance matrix estimators in Andrews (1991)
may be written as:
Note that for for all kernels with the exception of the Daniell
and the Quadratic Spectral. The Daniell kernel is presented in truncated form
in Neave (1972), but EViews uses the more common untruncated form. The
Bartlett kernel is sometimes referred to as the Fejer kernel (Neave 1972).
A wide range of kernels have been employed in HAC estimation. The
truncated uniform is used by Hansen (1982) and White (1984), the Bartlett
kernel is used by Newey and West (1987), and the Parzen is used by Gallant
(1987). The Tukey-Hanning and Quadratic Spectral were introduced to the
econometrics literature by Andrews (1991), who shows that the latter is
optimal in the sense of minimizing the asymptotic truncated MSE of the
estimator (within a particular class of kernels). The remaining kernels are
discussed in Parzen (1958, 1961, 1967).
The bandwidth operates in concert with the kernel function to determine
the weights for the various sample autocovariances in Equation (F.4). While
some authors restrict the bandwidth values to integers, we follow Andrews
(1991) who argues in favor of allowing real valued bandwidths.
To construct an operational nonparametric kernel estimator, we must choose
a value for the bandwidth . Under general conditions (Andrews 1991),
consistency of the kernel estimator requires that is chosen so
that and as . Alternately, Kiefer and Vogelsang
(2002) propose setting in a testing context.
The that one uses depends on properties of the selected kernel function.
The Bartlett and Parzen-Geometric kernels should use since they
have . should be used for the other EViews supported kernels
which have . The Truncated kernel does not have a theoretically
proscribed choice, but Andrews recommends using . The Daniell kernel
has , though we remind you that it does not satisfy the conditions for
Andrews’s theorems.“Kernel Function Properties” summarizes the values
of and for the various kernel functions.
It is of note that the Andrews and Newey-West estimators both require an
estimate of that requires forming preliminary estimates of and the
smoothness of . Andrews and Newey-West offer alternative methods for
forming these estimates.
Andrews Automatic Selection
The Andrews (1991) method estimates parametrically: fitting a simple
parametric time series model to the original data, then deriving the
autocovariances and corresponding implied by the estimated
which may be inserted into Equation (F.8) to obtain expressions for the
optimal bandwidths.
The Newey and West estimator for may then be written as:
Parametric VARHAC
Den Haan and Levin (1997) advocate the use of parametric methods,
notably VARs, for LRCOV estimation. The VAR spectral density estimator,
which they term VARHAC, involves estimating a parametric VAR model to
filter the , computing the contemporaneous covariance of the filtered
data, then using the estimates from the VAR model to obtain the implied
autocovariances and corresponding LRCOV matrix of the original data.
Prewhitened Kernel
Andrews and Monahan (1992) propose a simple modification of the kernel
estimator which performs a parametric VAR prewhitening step to reduce
autocorrelation in the data followed by kernel estimation performed on the
whitened data. The resulting prewhitened LRVAR estimate is
then recolored to undo the effects of the transformation. The Andrews and
Monahan approach is a hybrid that combines the parametric VARHAC and
nonparametric kernel techniques.
There is evidence (Andrews and Monahan 1992, Newey-West 1994) that this
prewhitening approach has desirable properties, reducing bias, improving
confidence interval coverage probabilities and improving sizes of test
statistics constructed using the kernel HAC estimators.
The Andrews and Monahan estimator follows directly from our earlier
discussion. As in a VARHAC, we first fit a VAR( ) model to the and obtain
the whitened data (residuals):
Then the prewhitened kernel one-sided LRCOV estimators are given by:
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