Chemical Mediators of Inflammation

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Chemical mediators of inflammation

Chemical mediators account for the events of inflammation. Inflammation has the following sequence:
Cell injury ---- Chemical mediators ----- Acute inflammation (i.e. the vascular & cellular events).
Sources of mediators:
The chemical meditors of inflammation can be derived from plasma or cells.
a) Plasma-derived mediators:
i) Complement activation
􀂾 increases vascular permeability (C3a,C5a)
􀂾 activates chemotaxis (C5a)
􀂾 opsoninization (C3b,C3bi)
ii) Factor XII (Hegman factor) activation
Its activation results in recruitment of four systems: the kinin, the clotting, the fibrinolytic and the
compliment systems.
Cellular mediators Cells of origin Functions
Mast cells,
Histamine , basophiles Vascular leakage & platelets
Serotonine Platelets Vascular leakage
enzymes , Neutrophiles Bacterial & tissue destruction
macrophages All leukocytes All leukocytes
Prostaglandines All leukocytes Vasodilation, Pain and Fever
Chemoattractant LC4, LCD4, & LE4 Broncho
Leukotriens All leukocytes and vasoconstriction
Platlete activating
factor All leukocytes Bronchoconstriction and WBC priming
Activated oxygen
species All leukocytes Endothelial and tissue damage
Nitric oxide Macrophages Leukocyte activation
Cytokines macrophages Leukocyte activation
Histamine by mast cells -vasodilatation.
Prostaglandins–Cause pain & fever.
Bradykinin-Causes pain.

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