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International Journal of Information Research and Review, September, 2016

International Journal of Information Research and Review

Vol. 03, Issue, 09, pp. 2800-2805, September, 2016

Research Article
1Mr. Raj Kumar, A., 2Dr. Janardhana Raju, G. and 3Dr. Hemachandra Reddy, K.
1Associate Professor and HOD ME, Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Hyderabad, India
2Dean, School of Engineering, Nalla Narasimha Reddy Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, India
3Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, J.N.T.U Ananthapur, India


Article History: This paper presents research that has sought to improve the in- cylinder air flow characteristics by
using the guide vane swirl device (GVSD). Four guide vanes with various numbers of vanes were
Received 20th June 2016 adopted to evaluate the performance and emission analysis before and after the installation to the
Received in revised form normal engine. The investigation is performed by an experiment on a four-stroke single-cylinder D.I
08th July 2016
diesel engine test bed with four different types of guide vane swirl devices, were installed at the
Accepted 25th August 2016
Published online 30th September 2016 downstream of the air intake manifold. There by increasing the mixture quality of air & fuel in the
combustion chamber before the initialization of ignition. The engine load tests were carried out at
Keywords: different loads with and without air swirl devices. This research found that five vanes was the
optimized number of vanes since it decreased 21.2% of BSFC and 30.7% of NOX respectively and
Guide Vanes,
Emission, Brake thermal efficiency was increased 23.04% as compared with normal engine at full load.
Air Swirl,
Diesel Engine,
Intake Manifold.

Copyright © 2016, Raj Kumar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION At cold start conditions and part load conditions engine require
slightly rich mixture. Modeling of device is done taken into
Although there is large development in the CI engine in last consideration the fact that it should be able to develop variable
few decades it is still lagging in the performance in the sense swirl while its operation. In-cylinder flow field structure in an
of fuel economy & exhaust emission. It is due to the internal combustion engine has a major influence on the
ineffective use of air in the engine causes improper atomization combustion, emission and performance characteristics. Fluid
of the air-fuel mixture results in the poor combustion, which flows into the combustion chamber of an I.C engine through
affects the engine performance characteristics in terms of fuel the intake manifold with high velocity. Then the kinetic energy
economy and emissions at part load conditions. So to enhance of the fluid resulting in turbulence causes rapid mixing of fuel
the performance of engine better utilization of intake charge is and air, if the fuel is injected directly into the cylinder. With
necessary, different techniques are introduced in form of optimal turbulence, better mixing of fuel and air is possible
modification of intake manifold, development of swirl and which leads to effective combustion. A good knowledge of the
tumble devices, modification of piston profile for efficient flow field inside the cylinder of an I.C engine is very much
combustion of charge. In this paper different swirl generating essential for optimization of the design of the combustion
devices are analyze and their result is compared with base chamber for better performance. Swirl can be defined as
model without swirl device. Resistance offered by device to rotational of intake charge about the cylinder axis. This can be
flow is prime factor. Since volumetric efficiency of CI engine done by carrying the intake charge flow with an initial angular
is always a critical parameter due to numerous component in momentum such that non uniform flow distribution will occur.
intake system. Addition of swirl generating device should not At part load operating conditions it is advantageous to dilute
develop more resistance to flow. Requirement of swirl is also air fuel mixture with introduction of swirl for these reasons.
varying in engine and is not constant at all loading conditions. Geometry of device is maintained in such a way that it should
allow max air to flow inside it will affect volumetric efficiency
*Corresponding author: Mr. Raj Kumar, A., of engine as low as possible. In case of uniform flow device
Associate Professor and HOD ME, Guru Nanak Institutions Technical the volumetric efficiency is more because resistance in the
Campus, Hyderabad, India. flow way is less.
2801 Raj Kumar et al. Experimental investigation of in-cylinder air flow to optimize number of guide vanes to
improve performance and emissions of di diesel engine

By considering this factor the geometry has created. The place among all conFigurations and the soot emissions are
geometry has curvature like that flow gets deflected into reduced. They have also found that the laser carbon deposits in
angular momentum. the combustion chamber, piston crown and exhaust system due
to controlled combustion. Also, more power is derived from
Literature Survey the same charge.

Idris Saad & Saiful Bari has modeled the guide vane & tumble Ramakrishna Reddy et al. (2014), have performed various
device for improving the air-fuel mixture for the highly viscous experiments to find the effect of swirl on the performance of
fuel in diesel engine. They have created a device with four & the engine as well as on its emissions, by inducing swirl with
six number of vanes. Prime importance is given to different inlet manifolds having helical, spiral and helical-
improvement of the air flow & the effect of vane twist angle. spiral shapes. The test were done on the 4-stroke, water cooled
number of vane device swirl generated is more than 4 vanes but C.I engine. First they have made the 3D model of three
the resistance in the flow way is increased on other hand. The manifolds and then take the observations. The analysis shows
vane angle is varied from 30 to 600 it is found that with 350 that all the three types of inlet manifolds yields much better
vane angle in-cylinder air pressure increases by 0.02%, total performance and fewer amounts of emissions in comparison
kinetic energy of air by 2.7% & velocity of air by 1.7% with normal manifold.
compared to the unmodified diesel engine (Idris Saad and
Saiful Bari, 2013) Objective of the study

A.K. Mohiuddin investigates the swirl effect on the engine The objective of this study is to investigate the ability of an air
performance by using insert swirl adapter. The testing has enhancement device in improving the performance of a DI
carried out on the protons CAMPRO engine model of 1.6 liter. Diesel engine and reduce emissions. This research intended to
In swirl device adapter blade angle is maintained at 300 & is optimize the number of guide vanes to be used in DI Diesel
fitted in the intake port. Obtained results compared with the engine.
normal engine & it has found that at the full load condition the
swirl generation is less but at the part load condition the swirl Guide vane Swirl Device Model
produce is effective. The BSFC reduces at part load condition
but as the speed increases beyond 3500 rpm BSFC increases, as The parametric optimization technique required the parameter
the speed increases beyond 3500 rpm BSFC increases (Number of guide vanes) to be varied and tested one by one on
(Mohiuddin, 2011). the base model. This research determined that the optimized
number of guide vanes between 3 to 6 with equal spacing set
Liu Shenghua investigates the effect of new swirl system & its between the vanes i.e the size of each space was equal to 3600
effect on DI engine economy. In this ring type generator with divided by number of vanes. Hence, a total of four guide vane
four curvilinear blades used. The generator fitted in the intake swirl devices were developed. While optimizing the number of
air duct & the comparison is carried out, the result found out vanes, the other parameters (Vane height, Vane angle and
that with 1500 rpm effective swirl is generated and with Vane length) were set as: R, 400 twist angle (TA) and 0.9 times
reduced emissions (Liu Shenghua, 1999). Dr. Pankaj N.Shrirao, R of vane length respectively. These values were selected by
Dr. Rajeshkumar U. Sambhe (2014), have worked on the air referring to various sources regarding the development of
swirl created by directing the air flow in intake manifold on guide vanes to improve in cylinder air flow characteristics
single cylinder 4-stroke engine performance as well as its (Siber et al., 2012; Sun and Du, 2011 and Kim,
exhaust emissions. Experiments were done with different types 2006).Moreover this values set constantly for all four guide
of internal threads, viz. acme, buttress and knuckle of constant vane models in order to optimize the number of guide vanes.
pitch and also take the exhaust emissions of different Table 2 summarizes the specifications of guide vane model.
manifolds. Finally they have found experimentally that Fig 3.2 shows the guide vane assembly at the base model. Fig:
compare to other two conFigurations, the inlet manifold with 2 illustrate the Guide vane swirl devices.
buttress thread has better air-fuel mixing process and hence
thermal efficiency is increases and BSFC and exhaust Table 2. Specifications of Guide vane devices
emissions are reduced.
Radius of intake manifold (R) 22 mm
Phaneendra et al.(2012) , have experimentally investigated that Guide vane length (L) 0.9 R = 20 mm
by designing and changing the orientation of the inlet manifold Guide vane height(H) R = 22 mm
Guide vane twist angle(θ) 400
of a four stroke air cooled C.I engine at rated speed 1500 rpm Guide vane number 3 Vanes, 4 Vanes, 5 Vanes and 6 Vanes
the performance characteristics of an engine are increased and
emissions levels are decreased. Experiments were done in
Experimental Set Up
various shaped threaded manifold of pitch 10mm, 15mm,
20mm, and 25mm, and they have proved that the performance
The investigation is performed by an experiment on a four-
characteristics with 10mm pitch showed better for performance
stroke single-cylinder diesel engine test bed with four different
as well as emission levels compared to normal manifold. The
types of guide vane swirl devices, were installed at the
tests are carried with different conFigurations by varying the
downstream of the air intake manifold as shown in the Fig: 3.1.
pitch of the helical groove from 2 mm to 10 mm in steps of 2
There by increasing the mixture quality of air & fuel in the
mm inside the intake manifold. The results indicate that
combustion chamber before the initialization of ignition. The
conFiguration of 8 mm pitch groove has increases the
engine load tests were carried out at different loads with and
turbulence and hence better mixing of air-fuel process takes
without air swirl devices.
2802 International Journal of Information Research and Review Vol. 03, Issue, 09, pp.2800-2805, September, 2016

Table 3.1. Engine Specifications

Make and Model Research Engine Test setup code 240 PE

Apex innovations pvt.Ltd.
Type of Engine Multi fuel
Number of Cylinders Single cylinder, Four Stroke
Cooling Media water cooled,
Rated Capacity 3.5 KW @ 1500 rpm,
Cylinder diameter 87.5 mm
Stroke length 110 mm,
Compression ratio range 12-18
Injection variation 0- 25 o BTDC
Dynamometer Eddy current Dynamometer
Overall dimensions W 2000 x D 2500 x H 1500 mm

Fig. 2. Four different types of guide vane swirl devices

Fig 3.2 five gas analyzer

AVL Digas 444 five gas analyzer was used to measure the
concentration of concentrations of gaseous emissions like
oxides of nitrogen (NOX), unburned hydrocarbons (UHC),
carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as shown in
the Fig: 3.2.


Fig. 3.1Engine Setup Load Vs Brake Power

The emissions from the engine were also tested before and Brake power of the engine increases with the increase in load
after the setup installation to estimate the environmental on the engine. It can also be seen that as we increase the load,
effects. The setup consists of single cylinder, four stroke, VCR torque increases and thus there is an increase in brake power
(Variable Compression Ratio) Research engine connected to with the load. Fig 4.1 illustrates that all most all guide vanes
eddy current dynamometer as shown in Fig: 3.1 and the are showing slightly increase in brake power of normal engine.
specifications of the test engine are shown in Table 3.1. It is Four guide vane device shows slightly more at full load i.e
provided with necessary instruments for combustion pressure, 0.78% higher than base line engine.
crank-angle, airflow, fuel flow, temperatures and load
measurements. These signals are interfaced to computer
through high speed data acquisition device. The set up has
stand-alone panel box consisting of air box, twin fuel tank,
manometer, fuel measuring unit, transmitters for air and fuel
flow measurements, process indicator and piezo powering unit.
Rotameters are provided for cooling water and calorimeter
water flow measurement. The setup enables study of VCR
engine performance for both Diesel and Petrol mode and study
of ECU programming. Engine performance study includes
brake power, indicated power, frictional power, BMEP, IMEP,
brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency,
Mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency, specific fuel
consumption, Air fuel ratio, heat balance and combustion
analysis. Fig: 4.1 Variation of brake Power with variation of load
2803 Raj Kumar et al. Experimental investigation of in-cylinder air flow to optimize number of guide vanes to
improve performance and emissions of di diesel engine

Load Vs Brake thermal efficiency

Brake thermal efficiency of the engine increases with the

increase in load on the engine. Fig: 4.2 illustrates that for 5
guide vanes is highest brake thermal efficiency at full load
condition when compared with other devices as well as normal
engine and observed that 23.04% of increase in brake thermal
efficiency. The brake thermal efficiency for all types of guide
vanes is more when compared to normal engine at all loads.

Fig: 4.3 Variation of Hydrocarbons with variation of load

Load Vs Carbon monoxide (CO)

The carbon monoxide emission depends upon the oxygen

content and cetane number of the fuel. The maximum carbon
monoxide emission was observed at full brake power of the
engine. Fig. 3.5 illustrates carbon monoxide emissions
decreases for all the guide vanes when compare to the normal
engine. At full load 6 guide vane emits low carbon monoxide
which is 36.36% lower than normal engine
Fig: 4.2 Variation of brake thermal efficiency with variation of

Load Vs Brake Specific fuel consumption

Brake specific fuel consumption of the engine decreases with

the increase in load on the engine. Due to the air swirl
generation there is an increase in the mixture quality of air &
fuel in the combustion chamber before the initialization of
ignition. Hence the amount of heat released is more so that the
fuel consumption is less for the all vanes nozzle when
compared to the normal engine. It is observed that in 5 guide
vanes there is a decrease in 21.2 % of specific fuel
consumption at full load. Fig: 4.5 Variation of Carbon monoxides with variation of load

Load Vs Carbon dioxide (CO2)

The carbon dioxide emission depends upon the oxygen content

and cetane number of the fuel. The maximum carbon dioxide
emission was observed at full brake power of the engine. Fig.
3.5 illustrates the variation in Carbon dioxide with the change
in load. The carbon dioxide emission depends upon the
complete combustion of the fuel. At full load condition 4 guide
vanes emits 23.3 % higher carbon dioxide when compared
with normal engine.

Fig: 4.2 Variation of brake specific fuel consumption with

variation of load

Load vs Hydro Carbons

Unburned Hydrocarbons of the engine increases with the

increase in load on the engine. From Fig: 3.4 it is observed that
the hydrocarbon emissions decreases for all the types guide
vane when compared to the normal engine. At 9 kgs load 5
guide vane emits low hydrocarbons and which is 47.6% lower
when compared with normal engine.
Fig: 4.6 Variation of Carbon dioxides with variation of load
2804 International Journal of Information Research and Review Vol. 03, Issue, 09, pp.2800-2805, September, 2016

Load Vs NOx engine at a Compression ratio of 18. The combustion and

emission characteristics of single cylinder compression
The variation in the NOx emissions at different engine load is ignition engine with vane nozzle have been analyzed and
shown in Fig. 3.6. Oxides in the engine exhaust are the compared to the standard normal engine. Based on the
combination of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). experimental results, the following conclusions are obtained
Nitrogen and oxygen react relatively at high temperature.
Therefore high temperature and availability of oxygen are the  It was observed that at full load brake power is higher
two main reasons for formation of NOx. When the more for 6 guide vane compared to normal engine which is
amount of oxygen is available, the higher the peak combustion 0.7% higher than the normal engine.
temperature the more is the NOx formed. . At lean and rich air-  Five guide vanes is highest brake thermal efficiency at
fuel mixture the NOx concentration is comparatively low. The full load condition when compared with other devices
NOx emissions are less in 5 guide vane emits less NOx and is as well as normal engine and observed that 23.04% of
30.7% l decrease when compared with normal engine. increase in brake thermal efficiency when compared
with normal engine.
 It is observed that in 5 guide vanes there is a decrease in
21.2 % of specific fuel consumption at full load.
 At 9 kgs load 5 guide vane emits low hydrocarbons and
which is 47.6% lower when compared with normal
 At full load 6 guide vane emits low carbon monoxide
which is 36.36% lower than normal engine.
 At full load condition 4 guide vanes emits 23.3 %
higher carbon dioxide when compared with normal
 At peak loads the smoke density is lower for 6 guide
Fig: 4.7 Variation of NOx with variation of load vane when compared with normal engine. The smoke
density reduces to17.76% at peak loads when compared
Load Vs Smoke Opacity to normal depleted.
 The NOx emissions are less in 5 guide vane emits less
Fig 4.8 represents the smoke emission measured in the engine
NOx and is 30.7% decrease when compared with
exhaust. Any volume in which fuel is burned at relative fuel-air
normal engine.
ratio greater than 1.5 and at pressure developed in diesel
engine produces soot. The amount of soot formed depends
upon the fuel ratio and type of fuel. If this soot, once formed
finds sufficient oxygen it will burn completely. If soot is not
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