Leading The Advance From Preventive To Predictive Maintenance
Leading The Advance From Preventive To Predictive Maintenance
Leading The Advance From Preventive To Predictive Maintenance
24 – 27 March 2008
Novotel Hydro Majestic
Leading the Advance from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Preventive to Predictive Maintenance Main Conference: 25 – 26 March
Workshops and Masterclasses: 24, 27 March
Media Partners
Organised by
Tel: +65 6506 0965 Fax: +65 6749 7293 Email: [email protected]
Conference Day One
25 March 2008
8.30 Registration and Coffee 12.20 Asset Failure & Repair History
9.00 Chairman’s Welcome and Opening Remarks
Asset failure & repair history is one of the most useful and
important tools in maintenance management. Learn how
SALMAN TARIQ, Head of Engineering and Inspection
Abqaiq Plants created a scientific controlling mechanism
Attock Refinery (Pakistan)
to measure history from quantitative and qualitative
9.10 KEYNOTE ADDRESS perspectives.
Dry Gas Seal Reliability Improvement Challenges
ZAKI M. AL KHOWAITIM, Maintenance Planner
Common problems associated with dry gas seals. Saudi Aramco (KSA)
Design Issues responsible for the poor reliability.
What can Vendors and Operators do to improve dry ZAKI M. AL KHOWAITIM has more than 20 years of experience
in maintenance planning and scheduling and was involved in
gas seals reliability? developing several applications in Abqaiq Plants Maintenance to
augment the plants’ various functions and processes.
ABDULLA H. EL-SHERIF, Rotating Equipment Expert
ADMA (UAE) 1.00 Networking Lunch
2.00 Rotating Equipment Maintenance in Gas Processing Plants
ABDULLA H. EL SHERIF is a Rotating Machinery Expert with the
Facilities Engineering Division of the Abu Dhabi Marine Operating
Benchmark maintenance best practices for rotating
Company (ADMA-OPCO). Previously he was a Staff Machinery
Engineer with Esso Standard Libya, Marsa Brega, Libya.
equipment in gas processing plants with Petronas Gas’
mechanical rotating engineering manager.
9.50 Developing Pro-active Start-up Checks on Gas Turbine to
Optimize Start-up in Conformance with Safety Needs Raeny Razlee, Staff Engineer
Petronas Gas (Malaysia)
Developing proper start-up checklist
Avoiding unsafe start-up for gas turbines 2.40 Engine and Turbine Maintenance in Aviation
Optimizing start-up time
Main areas of concern in GT that need more Learn how Kingfisher Airlines maintains their engines and
turbines for optimum performance from their Vice President
for engineering and maintenance.
Improving machine reliability and stability
C S TOMAR, VP – Engineering and Maintenance
ALI SAAD AL-ZAHRANI, Elect. & Inst. Superintendent Kingfisher Airlines (India)
TAREQ AMEEN ASHOUR, Rotating Superintendent
SAFCO (Saudi Arabia) 3.20 Achieving Sustained Reliable Operation of Recycle Gas
and Make Up Gas Compressor in DHDS Plants
ALI SAAD AL-ZAHRANI has 12 years of experience in fertilizer
plants maintenance, projects, pre-commissioning, commissioning Approaches in solving the frequent failure of
and reliability. compressors and improving reliability
Introduction and adoption of Snapshot Condition
TAREQ AMEEN ASHOUR has 12 years of experience in fertilizer Monitoring tool for total health assessment of
plants projects, pre-commissioning, commissioning and inspection
monitoring compressors for sustained reliable operation
8.30 Registration and Coffee Data analysis and root cause identification
Pro-active solution – correlating predictive and proactive
9.00 Chairman’s Welcome and Recap maintenance methodologies
9.10 Impact of the Effective Implementation of Integrated Quality SAJEEV KOSHY is a Level III vibration analyst from Vibration Institute,
Control System USA. He has previously done multiple technical presentations with
successful case histories from his experience with Equate Petrochemicals
Systematic approach to quality control and other companies.
Proper definition of and classification 1.00 Networking Lunch
Criticality assessment
Optimized scope and resources 2.20 Vibration Monitoring & Analysis of Rotating Equipment in
Proper coordination and records maintenance Attock Refinery
11.00 Oil Analysis and Petronas’ Journey towards Superior AZUANI HASLINDA, Senior Facilities Engineer
Performing Rotating Equipment Hess Oil & Gas (Malaysia)
Researchers have concluded that both vibration and oil ABDEL KADER ATTOU, Head of Maintenance
analyses are required to effectively monitor and diagnose the Qatargas (Qatar)
condition of plant rotating machinery because each technique
evaluates different and complimentary symptoms. Learn how 3.45 Coffee and Networking Break
you can integrate Oil Analysis with your Vibration Analysis 4.00 Reliability - A Concept to reform Maintenance Management to
programme. Value adding Business Center
ROSLI YUSOF, Staff Engineer (Rotating Equipment) Reliability concepts and applications
Petronas Penapisan (Malaysia) Maintenance techniques
11.40 Rotating Equipment in Indonesian LNG Plants Getting management buy-in for maintenance
improvements using benchmarking
Overview of LNG Plant Maintenance as a value-adding business center
Badak LNG Plant Turbo Compressor Motivating your staff for change management
Badak LNG Plant Gas Turbine & Steam Gas Turbine
History SOURAV KUMAR CHATTERJEE, Senior Manager Reliability
Hindustan Petroleum (India)
H. RASWARI, Chairman
Indonesian Professional Engineer Association SOURAV KUMAR CHATTERJEE has more than 24 years experience
in thermal power plant operation and maintenance including boilers,
steam turbines, gas turbines, generators, and maintenance of refinery
rotary equipment. He specializes in failure analysis and equipment
IR. H. RASWARI has more than 25 years experience involved in LNG reliability.
projects in Indonesia (Arun & Bontang LNG Plants), as well as 8 months
in London with Bechtel International to design the Balikpapan Refinery 4.40 Holistic Approach to Enhancing Plant Availability and
Expansion. Reliability Targets
12.20 Delivering a Pro-active Solution to a Unique Hydraulic Unbalance
Problem Benchmark with BP Pakistan’s holistic approach to optimizing
plant availability and reliability targets from their senior
Evaluation of the source and symptoms reliability engineer.
Identification and evolution of the investigation strategy
Importance of the cross-functional team support for validation ALLAH BAKHSH, Senior Reliability Engineer
and verification BP (Pakistan)
5.20 Chairman’s Closing Remarks
5.30 Close of Conference
Tel: +65 6506 0965 Fax: +65 6749 7293 Email: [email protected]
Pre-conference Masterclasses Post-conference Masterclasses
24 March 2008 27 March 2008
8.30 – 11.30
9.00 – 12.00
Best Ways of Implementing TPM in Your Plant Failure and Root Cause Analysis
Total Productive Maintenance provides the methods to measure and eliminate much
This masterclass provides an extensive analysis into the different types of
of the non-productive time, if implemented properly. It involves the cooperation
component failures observed in industry. Benefit from case studies on failures
of the equipment and process support personnel, equipment operators and the
equipment supplier. This highly interactive session will equip you with the necessary of pumps, mechanical seals, gas turbines and other rotary machinery and
skills to implement TPM successfully within your facility. components.
TPM benefits and performance improvements Discuss solutions to manufacturing problems and get advice from the masterclass
Autonomous Maintenance: How to encourage Operators to take up small leader and your peers about selecting the appropriate materials to improve
maintenance jobs overall product quality, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.
Planned Maintenance: root cause analysis and integrating RCM
Focused improvement and Kaizens including waste elimination: Lean Six At the end of the masterclass, participants shall be able to:
Training to motivate people so that they work as a team Develop in-house solutions to your manufacturing problems.
Continuous Learning Process: Setting goals for excellence Improve overall product quality through appropriate materials selection.
Quickly recognise the different types of failure for particular units.
At the end of the masterclass, participants shall be able to:
1.30 – 4.30
Ultratech Cement, Aditya Birla Group
Detailing Classification of Equipment Inspection and Quality
12.00 – 3.00
Categories on the Bases of Criticality Assessment
Analyzing the use of critical rating assessments to identify various levels and
Managing and Resolving Problems Related to Rotating Machinery categories of inspection and certification is critical for hazards equipment used
Operation in Oil & Gas Projects.
This assessment covers any main equipment, structure, components, assembled
A major proportion of machinery problems are attributed to their improper parts and installations which may identify as critical items, severe and
operation. Improper operation would eventually lead to poor performance, low catastrophic. The failure of proper assessment could cause or contribute
availability and eventually costly failures. This masterclass shall assist participants substantially to prevent or limit the effect of a major accident.
identifying such operation related problems, introduce necessary solutions and The masterclass will cover:
use lessons learnt to ensure future machinery installations are properly selected,
installed and operated for trouble free operation. Procedures required to maintain the integrity and reliability of this critical
Several case studies shall be presented to demonstrate the criticality of the proper Application of the criticality rating assessment (CRA) during the design of
machinery operation. equipment and material fabrication.
Case histories, when CRA has been used in major oil & gas projects.
At the end of the masterclass, participants shall be able to: Results of the study used effectively in organizing the design review and
verification and categorising the inspection classes on criticality bases.
Appreciate the criticality of proper machinery operation.
Identify operation related problems from mechanical ones. Your Masterclass Leader
Revise operating procedures for trouble free operation.
Recommend possible upgrades to manage/eliminate operation related MOHAMED DAOUD
problems. Team Leader (Quality Control)
Properly specify, select and install future machinery for trouble free operation. ADCO
Your Masterclass Leader RoTech 2008 Official Media
In publication since 1989, the DEW (Drilling & Exploration World)
ABDULLA H. EL-SHERIF Journal holds the distinction of being the only monthly energy
Rotating Equipment Expert journal published in India. Each issue is packed with technical
Facilities Engineering Division – Discipline Engineering Team write-ups, latest developments in oil and gas industry, conference/
ABU DHABI MARINE OPERATING COMPANY (ADMA-OPCO) Official training previews, books/CD-ROM reviews, new/updated software
Knowledge information, useful website brief, new products information,
3.00 – 5.30 BONUS MASTERCLASS FOR GOLD PACKAGE! Partner technology trends, case studies and success stories prepared by a
MASTERCLASS E wide group of researchers. Besides, the journal features insightful
interviews with energy industry professionals and executives.
Additional information about DEW Journal is available on the web
Optimizing the Performance of Gas Turbines in Process/Power
page www.dewjournal.com
Generation Plants
Control Engineering Asia is the primary information source for the
control, instrumentation, and automation marketplace in Southeast
Case study of Aero/Aero Derivative GTPP Asia. Published nine times a year in English, the publication is read
Performance of Modules including compressors and turbines by 8,000 qualified professionals across the region. At the inaugural
Cost effective Maintenance strategy from Light to Heavy maintenance such as Asian Publishing Management Awards held in August 2007,
Overhauling (save millions of Dollars of Budget) Control Engineering Asia garnered an Excellence award for the
Optimal performance of rotary equipment “Most successful launch of a licensed brand”. For more information,
please visit www.CEAsiamag.com
Your Masterclass Leader PTIT FOCUS MONTHLY is the only monthly magazine in Thailand
that provides updates on special issues, news, statistics, and
S. NADEEM AHMED progress on the development of the petroleum, petrochemical, and
Senior Power Plants Engineer energy related industries. Keep close track of milestones and issues
PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES ENGINEERING (PIAC) facing the industry without going through news reports from so
many sources. The statistics section is a unique source of Thailand
data. www.ptit.org
Tel: +65 6506 0965 Fax: +65 6749 7293 Email: [email protected]
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