Description: Status Information Management System by NIC

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SIMNIC is a data collection and compilation program that generates the data entry screen on the
fly as per the format design. It addresses the need of status information compilation formats
prepared and circulated now and then in the Government for its various projects /schemes for
effective decision making. SIMNIC also ensures easy and timely submission of data from line
departments, concurrency, compilation, consolidation etc. SIMNIC enables data collection in all
major language scripts of India, using Unicode. This web based application is available at URL


Contact Details

State Informatics Officer

National Informatics Centre,

11th Floor, New Administrative Building,
Mantralaya, Madam Cama Road, Maharashtra
Phone: 91-22-22046934, 22837339 Fax: 91-22-22853562

SIMNIC � Status Information Management system by NIC (ver 2.0)

Objective: Every department of Government has a need to collect the information about status
of projects from filed offices through various formats. With a view to provide speedy format
preparation and online collection of information and its management, NIC, Mumbai has
developed this package which is implemented on NICNET as an G2G package.

How it is achieved: A generic web-based module is designed & developed keeping in the view
the basic parameters of required formats. Administrator of the SIMNIC generates an ID and
gives administrator password for the format to be prepared. This ID & password is used for the
formation definition and its administration by the concerned department. Format Administrator
can give passwords for each of the reporting field office or a global password for user operator
can be used.

Future Scope:

1. Data Collection from tree like reporting structure

2. Simple Formulas for calculation such as %, Average, Maximum, Minimum
3. Analysis module to view the collected data with different search criteria and comparison
with old / cumulative data
4. Program availability at national level for collecting inter state (nation wide data)
5. Other languages support using ISM utilities/UNICODE

LOGIN Authorization plan:

Logged in as Authorised to
SIMNIC Administrator Create New Formats only
(ADMINISTRATOR) Manage location list
Manage Format administrators password
Format Administrator Modify new formats
(administrator) Manage format columns
Manage format rows
Manage format timelimit
Manage format operator/user passwords
Format Operator Format filling for all location users data
(operator) Format columns code creation
Generate/Compile Format for given criteria
Format user Format filling for his location and below only.

Format creation procedure:

Format area What is to be decided
Format Header  Heading of the format
 The frequency at which format is to be filled up (One time,
Yearly(Calendar/Financial), Half-Yearly, Quarterly, Bimonthly, Monthly,
Fortnightly, Weekly, Daily or Latest)
 The Level of Report (National/State/Division/District etc.)
 Depth of Report (State/Division/District/Taluka/Village etc.)
 The script of the Format (English, Hindi, Marathi etc.)
 Time limit for submitting information after report date (in no. of days)
Format Columns  Column Heading
 Column data unit of measure
 Column type (Text, Multi Row, Numeric, Date, Time, Codes, Yes/No,
Formula etc.)
 Column format (e.g. 99999.99,
 Column data width
 Column data precision for numeric data OR rows for multi row
 Columns to be totaled/counted
 Column Alignment (left/right/center)
 Column default Data
Format Rows  Title of each row
 Is row total required
Column Codes  If any column is accepting codes then codes and there corresponding
values are required
Step 1: (SIMNIC Administrator)
SIMNIC Administrator will create a format ID for a particular format and give its administrator
and operator password.
Step 2: (Format Administrator)
Login as administrator for a particular format
Through OPTIONS-Column define the columns for the format
Through OPTIONS-Timelimit give the timelimit for filling of the format by user after due date
Through OPTIONS-Rows define the rows for the format (if any)
Through OPTIONS-Codes enter the codes and their values for columns having codes (if any)
Through OPTIONS-Passwords assign the passwords for field offices/locations
Format filling procedure: (Field/location user and operator)
Login as operator/user for a particular format
Through OPTIONS-data entry form enter the format columns
Format Compilation:
Login as operator for a particular format
Through OPTIONS-Compilation form generate the report for required period

Available at:
On internet at URL :
Architecture : J2EE, XML
Software Platform:
Development: Windows 98, MySQL, Apache Tomcat
Deployment: Linux, MySQL, Apache Tomcat

For more information : Contact

State Informatics Officer: [email protected]
Development team: [email protected]

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