Smart Roads (Permeable Roads) : Abstract

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Now a day’s cities and suburbs are constantly expanding ,Natural areas are
disappearing ,the water cycle is disrupted ,blockage of drainage system ,so water
management is now problematic .To overcome this problem a new Innovative
sustainable proven solution is invented known as Smart Roads (Permeable roads
/Water soaking roads ),which allows the water to soak through the ground below
.And later to the pipes and further can be used for irrigation purposes ,domestic
purposes .

There are two types of material are used :

1. Permeable asphalt
2. Non –permeable asphalt

Non permeable asphalt is using in India,which can’t absorb the water

Whereas permeable asphalt is using in other countries,which can absorb the

water .

There are several types of materials are used:

1) Pervious concrete
2) Porous Asphalt
3) Paving Stones
4) Plastic –based pavers
5) Porous turf

 Cost per square foot is Rs.36 to Rs.72

Advantages of permeable roads

1) Managing Run-off
2) Maintenance cost is low
3) Avoids damages to road ,less repair
4) Can avoid over loads
5) Ground water recharge
6) Controlling pollutants
7) Increases the growth of trees
8) Increases the ground water table
9) Reduces the traffic accidents
10) Used for irrigation purposes
11) Keeps the surrounding cool
12) It recreates natural hydrological conditions
13) Possible of more vegetation
14) Improve the water quality
15) Life span more
16) Increases the urbanization
17) Avoids water –logging etc……

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