09 10 00 Lath and Plaster

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09 10 00


1.1 Contract Documents
1.2 Work Included
1.3 Related Work Specified Elsewhere
1.4 Quality Assurance
1.5 Submittals
1.6 Environmental Conditions
1.7 Protection

2.1 Acceptable Manufacturers
2.2 Plaster Materials
2.3 Lathing Materials
2.4 Protective Coatings
2.5 Plaster Mixes

3.1 General Requirements
3.2 Metal Lath Installation
3.3 Preparation for Plastering
3.4 Plaster Application
3.5 Patching
3.6 Cleaning

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1.1 Contract Documents
1.1.1 All Work of this Section shall comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents
for the Main Building Works, with the Drawings, Schedules and with all other Contract
1.2 Work Included
1.2.1 Plaster systems to include the following:
a) Portland Cement Plaster at all locations shown on the Drawings and as
otherwise required for furring and enclosing mechanical/electrical work in
finished spaces.
b) Portland Cement Scratch Coat for tile.
c) Plaster Skim Coat.
d) Gypsum Plaster.
e) Skim Coat on Gypsum Board
f) Multiple Plaster Coats.
1.2.2 Gypsum veneer plaster, shall include reinforcing of joints between gypsum baseboard
with joint reinforcing tape. Gypsum baseboard shall be as specified elsewhere.
1.2.3 Provide and install metal lath and lath accessories.
1.2.4 Provide and install metal corner beads, casing beads, control joints, expansion joints,
screeds, corner lath, tie wires, clips, bracing and all other accessories required for
plastered surfaces and to complete the work of this Section. Where required, include
special (custom) casing beads and trim as detailed and approved to suit design
condition. Additional reinforcement for framing for openings and support of MEP
ceiling elements shall also be provided.
1.2.5 Furnish and install metal control joint assemblies in plastered surfaces.
1.2.6 Build-in access doors and plaster rings furnished by other trades of work, in plaster
1.2.7 Coordinate with work of other trades including marking and making penetrations for
mechanical and electrical services.
1.2.8 Coordinate with MEP services and provide all bridging members to underside of
services, etc.

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1.3 Related Work Specified Elsewhere
1.3.1 Metal furring and support systems
including ceiling suspension attachment
devices (inserts) to structure : 09 40 00
1.3.2 Painting : 09 80 00
1.3.3 Tiling : 09 60 00
1.3.4 Masonry : 04 10 00
1.3.5 Metal Fabrication : 05 20 00
1.3.6 Sealant : 07 30 00
1.3.7 Cement and Gypsum Plaster : 09 30 00
1.4 Quality Assurance
1.4.1 All materials furnished and installed under the Work of this Section shall comply with
and be equal to the latest versions of the Reference Standards listed herein, unless
otherwise specified.
1.4.2 Metal Lath Association's "Specifications for Metal Lathing and Furring, July 1974"; BS
1191, BS 369 and PD 6472. All materials furnished and installed under this Section
shall comply with the specific requirements of the Local Authorities or more stringent
requirements specified.
1.4.3 British Standards
a) BS 12 Specification for Portland cements
b) BS 146: Specification for Portland-blast furnace cement
Part 2 Metric units.
c) BS 890 Specification for building limes
d) BS 1191: Specification for gypsum building plasters
Part 1 Excluding premixed lightweight plasters
Part 2 Premixed lightweight plasters
e) BS 1014 Integral Coloured Plaster
f) BS 1199 & 1200 Specification for building sands from natural

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g) BS 1230: Gypsum plasterboard
Part 1 Specification for plasterboard excluding materials
submitted to secondary operations
h) BS 1369: Steel lathing for internal plastering and external
Part 1 Specification for expanded metal and rib lathing
i) BS 4551 Methods of testing mortars, screeds and plasters
j) BS 4721 Specification for ready-mixed building mortars
k) BS 5262 Code of Practice. External rendered finishes.
l) BS 5270: Bonding agents for use with gypsum plasters and
Part 1 Specification for polyvinyl acetate (PVAC)
emulsion bonding agents for internal use with
gypsum building plasters
m) BS 5492 Code of Practice for internal plastering
n) BS 5493 Code of Practice for protective coating of iron and
steel structures against corrosion
o) BS 6100: Glossary of building and civil engineering terms
Parts 6 Concrete and plaster
Subsection 6.6.2 Plaster
Section 6.1 Binders
p) BS 6452: Beads for internal plastering and dry lining.
Part 1 Specification for galvanised steel beads.
q) PD 6472 Guide to specifying the quality of building mortars.
1.4.4 American Standards
ASTM C144, 1966T
ASTM C150, Type 1
ASTM C206, Type N
1.4.5 Conflicts
In the event of conflict in the above references, the more stringent standard will apply.
1.4.6 Maintenance
The following will be considered defects in plasterwork and shall be corrected if
occurring within Contract Maintenance period.
a) Lack of adhesion of plaster to substrate surfaces or to plaster undercoats.
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b) Cracking of plaster.
c) Dusting or disintegration of plaster, as evidenced by falling plaster particles.
d) Discolouration of plaster.
1.4.7 Rejection Items
The following will be considered as rejected in plaster works and shall be corrected
during the contract period.
a) Trowel marks, waves, or ridges in plaster surfaces.
b) Telegraphing of metal trim flanges, staples, or screws.
1.5 Submittals
1.5.1 Product Data
Submit manufacturer's literature for all plaster materials and accessories, together
with samples (itemised below).
1.5.2 Reference Standards
Submit copy of Reference Standards referred to in this Section for that part of the
Work intended to be installed in accordance with said standards. Indicate on
submittal, applicable portions of Reference Standards to requirements of this Project.
1.5.3 Shop Drawings
Indicate locations of control and expansion joints for location confirmation by
Architect. Coordinate with requirements of Metal Furring, 09 40 00.

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1.5.4 Samples
Submit three samples for each type and condition:
a) Metal Lath : 300mm square
b) Corner Lath : 300mm long
c) Tie Wires : 300mm long
d) Corner Beads : 300mm long
e) Control Joint and Expansion Joint Beads : 300mm long
f) Casing Beads : 300mm long
g) Special Beads and Accessories : 300mm long
h) Wire Clips : Actual
1.5.5 Sample Panels
Provide, sample panels at locations selected by the Architect, 1200mm x 1200mm of
each type of plaster finish system specified, for review prior to commencing Work.
Sample panels to be retained in original condition for the duration of the works as
reference/control panels.
1.6 Environmental Conditions
1.6.1 Temperature, Humidity and Ventilation
In the area of any plastering work maintain environmental conditions continuously (24
hours a day) starting one week before, continuing during and after plastering
application, and until plaster is thoroughly cured in accordance with accepted and
referenced standards. Optimum conditions shall be in the ranges specified:
a) Uniform temperature between 13oC. minimum and 27oC, maximum.
b) Uniform relative humidity between 50% and 60%.
c) Ventilation shall be provided to the extent required by project condition and
for control of curing methods.
d) The Contractor shall provide all electrical or mechanical equipment to
maintain ambient temperature/humidity conditions.
1.6.2 In addition, conform to approved manufacturer's recommended requirements and
Local Authorities' requirement for installation of plaster materials. The more stringent
requirements shall prevail.
1.7 Protection
1.7.1 Protect all plastered surfaces from dust, dirt and draught during plastering application
and until completely cured.

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2.1 Acceptable Manufacturers
2.1.1 Acceptable manufacturers, subject to compliance with specified requirements.
a) Gypsum Plaster:
i) U.S. Gypsum Company
ii) National Gypsum Company
iii) Bestwall of Georgia-Pacific.
b) Bonding Agents:
i) Larsen Products Corporation
ii) Sonneborn/Contech Co
iii) Chem-Masters Corporation
iv) Euclid Chemical Co
c) Lathing Materials:
i) U.S. Gypsum Co
ii) Milcor Co
iii) Penn Metal Co
iv) Expanded Metal Co
2.1.2 The Contractor may propose other manufacturers providing similar or equal products.
Equal consideration will be given, subject to review.
2.1.3 All materials or systems offered for use shall comply with the specified ASTM
standard, or equivalent British Standard (BS) and be approved for use in Kingdom of
2.2 Materials
2.2.1 Gypsum Neat Plaster, fibred for scratch coat on metal lath, unfibred elsewhere.
2.2.2 Portland Cement:
Grey or white to BS 12. Coloured cement for integral coloured plaster shall have
colouring additive to BS 1014 not exceeding 5% of the cement by weight
incorporated. Colours shall be as selected by Architect.
2.2.3 Sand (for Gypsum Plasters), clean, natural sand.

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2.2.4 Sand (for Portland Cement Plaster):
Sand shall be naturally occurring material. It shall be hard, clean and free from
adherent coatings and shall not contain any appreciable amount of clay balls or
pellets. It shall be free from deleterious matter likely to affect adversely the hardening,
strength, durability or appearance of the plaster or any subsequently applied
decoration, or to cause corrosion. Sand shall be as light colour as possible. Its
grading shall conform with the requirements of BS 1199 and 1200 - Building Sands
from Natural Sources.
2.2.5 Bonding Agent:
Equal to "Plaster-Weld" (for interior plaster) and "Weld-crete" (for exterior plaster), by
Larsen Products Corporation, or approved equal.
2.2.6 Water:
Clean, fresh and suitable for drinking, free from mineral and organic substances that
would adversely affect the installation or set of the plaster.
2.2.7 Prepared Plaster Mixes:
Acceptable manufacturers, prepared plaster mixes designed to provide plaster
systems as described herein will be given consideration, subject to review, and where
approved for use in Kingdom of Bahrain.
2.2.8 Binder:
Fibreglass fibre, 12mm to 50mm long, free of grease, oil, dirt, and other impurities.
2.2.9 Skim Coat Plaster:
Cement/sand plaster or "Imperial Finish Plaster" of US Gypsum Company, or
approved equal.
2.2.10 Reinforcing Tape : (for joints between gypsum veneer plaster baseboards).
To manufacturer's recommendations
2.3 Lathing Materials
2.3.1 Fittings:
a) Metal lath of mild steel, galvanised for both internal and external use.
i) Lath shall be self-furring diamond mesh, standard diamond mesh,
flat rib, or 10mm rib as required and specified herein for the specific
ii) Lath weight:
1.61 Kg minimum per square metre.
iii) Example - Expamet BB expanded metal lath, ref BB 264

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b) Corner Lath
i) Lath shall be bent to form two 75mm wide wings.
ii) Lath Weight:
1.9 Kg minimum per square metre.
iii) Example - Expamet corner mesh, ref 583
c) Rib Lath
i) Rib lath shall be in integrally ribbed galvanised steel expanded metal
lath with 10 mm deep ribs.
ii) Lath Weight:
1.33 Kg minimum per square metre
iii) Example - Expamet rib-lath reference 271
2.3.2 Wires and Clips:
a) Tie Wires:
Galvanised soft-annealed steel; 1.2 mm thick for attaching metal lath to
supports and for lacing of metal lath. Use 1.6 mm thick for attaching metal
furring to main runners.
b) Wire Clips:
Galvanised copper bearing steel, 4mm thick hairpin clip for attaching metal
lath to supports.
2.3.3 Beads:
a) Corner Beads:
Galvanised steel for internal work, zinc for external work (subject to
manufacturer's recommendations). Nominal sizes to provide 5mm bead with
62mm minimum expanded metal wings (subject to manufacturer's
Example - Expamet angle bead, ref 558
b) Casing Beads:
Galvanised steel for interior work, zinc for exterior work (subject to
manufacturer's recommendations). Nominal sizes to be 5mm return square-
edged bead with 75mm wide expanded metal wing, depth to suit plaster
thickness. Materials, gauges and size to be subject to manufacturer's
Example - Expamet plaster stop, ref 561 and 566

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c) Control Beads:
For plaster to plaster surfaces, use two casing beads back-to-back of same
type and manufacturer as specified for casing beads. For joints between
plaster and dissimilar material use a single casing bead.
d) Expansion Joint Beads:
Galvanised steel for interior work, zinc for exterior work with adjustable
opening (subject to manufacturer's recommendations). Metal gauge and size
to manufacturer's recommendations, where shown on Drawings.
e) Special Beads and Accessories:
Metal, corner trim, rola-bead, metal reinforcement, gypsum plasterboard joint
and type. Proko Products from Proko Industries are equivalent.
2.4 Protective Coatings:
2.4.1 Mild Steel
a) To be hot dipped galvanised.
b) Cut sections of lathing to be touched up with rust-inhibitive paint.
c) Damaged sections of lathing to be cut and replaced at the Contractor's
2.5 Plaster Mixes
2.5.1 Mixing:
Machine mix all plaster. Measure plastering materials with accurate and approved
measuring devices.
a) "Shovel" measurements and hand mixing not permitted.
b) Add minimum quantity of water to produce sufficient workability.
c) Clean mixer and remove all set or hardened materials prior to loading mixer
with each new batch of materials. Mix each batch separately. Partially set
materials shall not be retempered or used.
d) Caked or lumpy material shall not be used.
e) Carefully measure and thoroughly incorporate specified additives and
pigments etc into the mix where integral coloured plaster is required. Do not
use mixtures or additives without approval.
2.5.2 Portland Cement Plaster:
a) Scratch Coat (on metal lath):
One part Portland cement to three parts damp, loose sand, by volume, plus
0.05 kg of binder to each sack (50 kg) of Portland cement.

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b) Scratch Coat (on masonry or concrete) and Brown Coat:
Same as Scratch Coat (on metal lath) for "Portland Cement Plaster" mixes,
but no binder.
c) Finish Coat:
One part Portland cement, three parts damp, loose sand, by volume.
2.5.3 Portland Cement Scratch Coat for Ceramic Tile:
One part Portland Cement to three parts damp, loose sand, by volume.
2.5.4 Plaster Skim Coat:
One part Portland Cement to three parts damp loose fine sand.
2.5.5 Gypsum Plaster:
Scratch Coat : (on metal lath) one part gypsum neat plaster, fibred, to two parts damp,
loose sand, by weight.
2.5.6 Gypsum Skim Coat Plaster:
Mix the specified skim coat with water only, and in accordance with manufacturer's
3.1 General Requirements
3.1.1 Install Work of this Section so that plastered and drywall finished surfaces will be
finished true to required lines, level, plumb, square and rigid, with required
3.1.2 Replace lathing disturbed or damaged due to installation work of other trades.
3.1.3 Provide scratch and brown plaster coats, on metal lath, at all locations shown on the
3.2 Metal Lath Installation
3.2.1 Types of Metal Lath:
a) At ceilings, soffits and ceiling drops:
Provide standard diamond mesh lath for maximum support spacing of
137mm, flat rib lath for maximum support spacing of 475mm, or 10mm rib
lath for maximum support spacing of 600mm.
b) At Masonry & Concrete Backing:
Provide self-furring metal lath.

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c) Other Conditions:
At vertical furring, suspended vertical furring, wall furring, column and shaft
furring, chase furring, and elsewhere where metal lath type not indicated:
Provide standard diamond mesh lath for maximum support spacing of
400mm, flat rib lath for maximum support spacing of 475mm, or 10mm rib
lath for maximum support spacing of 600mm.
3.2.2 Metal Lath Application:
a) Install metal lath only after all mechanical and electrical services to be
enclosed by plasterwork have been installed, tested, and approved.
b) Apply lath to form true surfaces, without sags and buckles, and with the long
dimension and ribs at right angles to the supports. Curved surfaces shall be
true to radius shown.
c) Lap diamond mesh, self-furring, and flat rib laths 12mm at sides and 25mm
at ends; lap 10mm rib lath by nesting ribs or selvage at sides and 25mm at
ends. Ends shall lap over supports and shall be staggered.
d) Tie side laps to supports and at intervals of 150mm o.c. maximum, with 3
twists of tie wire. Tie lath to its supports 150mm o.c. maximum, with
3 twists of tie wire.
e) Nail self-furring lathing to backing at 150mm intervals each way, using 37mm
galvanised self-furring nails.
3.2.3 Corner Lath:
Install corner lath at all internal corners of surfaces to be plastered unless otherwise
detailed. Secure corner lath along outer edges only, 300mm maximum apart.
3.2.4 Corner Beads and Casing Beads:
Set vertical members plumb and horizontal members level. For true arrises and neat
a) Use longest lengths so as to minimise joints between members. Wedge
beads as necessary to provide proper ground for plaster finish.
b) Secure beads to metal lath with tie wire, at ends and 300mm maximum apart.
c) Install corner beads at all external plaster corners and install casing beads
where plaster terminates or abuts dissimilar surfaces.
3.2.5 Control Joint and Expansion Joint Locations:
a) Install only at locations indicated on drawings. If conditions are not indicated
on drawings, install as specified herein subject to detail and location. Provide
closer spacing than maximum spacings specified for details, alignments and
other conditions as directed by Architect, or at specific locations shown on
the Drawings.

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b) Interior Wall Control Joints:
Install 3mm vertical joints at maximum spacing of 10 metres on centre, at
perimeter conditions, and where plaster abuts dissimilar materials.
c) Interior Ceiling Control Joints:
Install 3mm control joints at maximum spacing of 15 metres on centre, at
perimeter conditions, and where plaster ceiling abuts dissimilar material.
d) Cement Plaster Expansion Joints:
i) At Exterior Locations:
Cement plaster panel sizes shall not exceed 9 square metres.
Provide expansion joints where plaster abuts plaster. Install thru-
building expansion joints, furnished as specified elsewhere, to allow
for designated building movements.
e) Interior Expansion Joints (Walls and Ceilings) :
Install at through-building expansion joints to allow for designated building
f) Cement Plaster Control Joints (Exterior and Interior Work) :
Install 3mm control joints for the following locations:
i) At all inside corners.
ii) At ceiling to wall conditions.
iii) Where plaster abuts dissimilar material.
3.2.6 Control Joint and Expansion Joint Installation :
Set beads true to line and plane. Set plumb and level. Form true arrises and neat
mitres. Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, install corner and/or expansion
joints as specified herein.
a) Use longest lengths so as to minimise joints between members.
b) Shim as necessary to provide proper grounds for finish. Secure control joint
beads and expansion joints beads to metal lath, masonry, or concrete as
specified herein for "Corner Beads".
c) Do not extend main runners, cross furring, or metal lath across control joints
or expansion joints. Support furring and hangers shall be installed both sides
of joints.
d) Control joints and expansion joints shall align with substrate and back-up
joints where possible.
e) For through building expansion joints, units furnished as specified elsewhere,
install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

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3.3 Preparation For Plastering
3.3.1 Clean all masonry, concrete, metal lath, and other plaster backing surfaces of dust,
dirt, debris, oil and any other detrimental materials. Irregular masonry and concrete
surfaces, which cannot be covered by plaster base coat, shall be corrected prior to
base coat application.
3.3.2 Paint all rust producing surfaces with rust-inhibitive paint where plaster is in direct
3.3.3 Examine work to ensure that all casing beads, corner beads, screeds, joints, and
other metal accessories are properly secured and accurately located.
3.3.4 Moisten masonry surfaces prior to base coat application to obtain uniform suction.
a) Apply bonding agent to concrete and masonry surfaces prior to base coat
application in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
3.4 Plaster Application
3.4.1 General
a) At plastered partitions, fill metal bucks, frames, grounds and beads solid with
plaster during plastering application. Groove back brown and finish coats
where plaster finishes against metal bucks or frames.
b) Extend plaster on vertical surfaces 100mm above ceiling level, unless
otherwise indicated on drawing.
c) Terminate plasterwork at end of each day at casing bead, corner, opening,
or other acceptable intersection of surfaces.
d) See Drawings for multiple layer plaster applications.
3.4.2 Finished Surfaces:
a) All plaster finished surfaces shall be plumb, level, and true, accurately
finished to planes or profiles indicated, without trowel marks or defects of any
b) Angles, intersections, and corners shall be clean sharp, crisp and accurately
c) Flat surfaces shall be level and true within 3mm in 3 metres, checked with a
metal straight edge. Curved, radial, splayed and irregular plaster surfaces
shall be true to profile and shall be formed and verified by means of accurate
metal forms and templates
3.4.3 Number of Coats:
a) Gypsum Plaster and Cement Plaster:
i) On Metal Lath:
3 coats : Scratch, brown and finish coats.

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ii) On Masonry:
2 coats : Combined and finish coats.
b) Plaster Skim Coat on Concrete Surfaces: 1 coat
c) Provide multiple layers where shown. See Drawings for thickness.
d) Plaster skim coat on Gypsum Plaster Base Board : 1 coat.
3.4.4 Thickness:
Unless indicated otherwise on drawings or in specifications total plaster thickness
shall be:
a) Gypsum Plaster and Cement Plaster:
i) On Metal Lath : 20mm minimum from back plane of lath,
Lath exclusive of ribs.
ii) On Masonry : 20mm
iii) On Concrete : 20mm on vertical surfaces, 13mm on
horizontal surfaces.
iv) Plasterwork to columns may, in certain locations, be required to be
dubbed out to 35mm and 50mm thicknesses. Use expanded metal
as reinforcement in such instances, and provide Shop Drawings.
b) Plaster Skim Coat on Concrete: 5mm thick.
c) Skim coat on Gypsum Plaster Base Board 2 mm to 3 mm.
3.4.5 Gypsum Plaster Application:
a) Scratch Coat:
Apply scratch coat with sufficient material and pressure to form good keys
and adhere firmly. Scratch surface vertically and horizontally. Scratch coat
to set firm and hard before application of brown coat.
b) Brown Coat:
Apply brown coat out to face of grounds, straighten to a true surface without
application of water, then cross rake or scratch to receive finish coat. Brown
coat to set firm and hard before application of finish coat.
c) Finish Coat:
(Smooth Finish) Dampen base coat evenly by brushing or spraying with
water. Avoid excessive water. Apply finish coat, 3mm to 5mm thick, well-
troweled with a steel trowel, then double back and fill out to a true, even
surface. Allow finish to draw a few minutes and then well-trowel with a steel
trowel and water to produce a smooth finish.

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3.4.6 Portland Cement Plaster Application:
a) Scratch Coat:
Apply scratch coat on metal lath approximately 9mm thick with sufficient force
to form good keys, adhere firmly and form good bond into lath. Scratch
surface horizontally. Keep scratch coat moist with fog spray of water until
scratch coat (about 4 to 5 hours), or for 48 hours if brown coat is not to be
applied immediately after scratch coat has set up, except scratch coat on
concrete surfaces shall be water cured with fog spray for 48 hours and then
allowed to dry for at least 24 hours.
b) Brown Coat:
Dampen scratch coat prior to brown coat application to obtain uniform
suction. Apply brown coat approximately 6mm to 9mm thick, bring out to face
of grounds and bring to a true surface with straight edge, and float to a
uniform texture to receive finish coat. Keep brown coat moist with fog spray
of water for 48 hours, then allow to dry out for at least 5 days, total of at least
7 days.
c) Finish Coat:
Dampen brown coat evenly with fog spray just before finish coat application.
Float finish coat, 3mm thick minimum to a uniform fine sand texture. Water
cure finish coat starting 12 hours after completion of application by fog
spraying very lightly the first time and then continue fog spray for 36 hours.
Thereafter protect against rapid drying until thoroughly cured.
d) Smooth finish of plaster shall match approved finish shown on the mock-up.
3.4.7 Portland Cement Scratch Coat Application for Tiling:
Apply same as for Scratch Coat for "Portland Cement Plaster Application", 8mm thick
minimum, brought to required plane for ceramic tile installation, comb the scratch coat
with notched trowel within 10 minutes before applying tile.
3.4.8 Skim Coat (on concrete surfaces):
a) Fill surfaces and irregularities of concrete surface with approved filler.
b) Apply bonding agent as recommended by manufacturer.
c) Remove all protrusions, fins, imperfections and blemishes from concrete
surface. Apply skim coat 5mm thick. Finish coat shall be smooth, level,
plumb, true finish, and free of waves, trowel or brush marks, telegraphing,
and other defects.
d) Water cure skim coats commencing 12 hours after completion by fog
spraying very lightly and then continue fog spraying for 36 hours. Thereafter
protect against rapid drying until the whole surface is thoroughly cured.
e) Skim coat plaster (on concrete surfaces) shall only be provided where shown
on the Drawings or Finish Schedules.
3.4.9 Gypsum Veneer Plaster
a) Reinforcement of Skirting Joints :
All joints between skirting panels, and joints at internal corners shall be
reinforced by application of specified "perf-A-Tape" system. Centre tape over
joints, butt tape ends, do not lap. Stagger tape ends. Tape must be smooth,
free of wrinkles.

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b) Skim Coat Plaster Application (finish coat) :
Embed reinforcing tape and fill metal trim flanges solid with thin coat of
gypsum veneer plaster and allow to set; then scratch in a tight, thin coat of
gypsum veneer plaster over the entire area, and then immediately double
back with steel trowel to a thickness of 2mm to 3mm, in accordance with
manufacturer's directions, to produce a smooth, level, plumb, true finish, free
of waves, trowel marks, telegraphing of metal trim flanges or staples, and
other defects.
3.5 Patching
3.5.1 Repair, point, cut and patch all plaster work around all work abutting, setting into, or
extending into plastered surfaces after work of other trades is in place.
a) Repair plaster disturbed or damaged due to installation of work of other
b) Cut out and repair all plaster in which hairline cracks, pits, checks, waves,
blisters, discolouration, or other defects develop.
c) Cut out and replace with new materials all bends or screeds which are rusted,
improperly set, out of alignment or otherwise defective.
3.5.2 Repair work shall be thoroughly raked out, or cut out, moistened and filled with plaster
finish coat material, surfaces floated or trowelled flush to match adjoining work. Use
bonding agent on existing plaster edges or surfaces to which new plaster will be
3.6 Cleaning
3.6.1 Clean all metal and adjoining work immediately upon completion of plasterwork in
each room or space. Remove all stains, fingermarks, writing, markings and the like
prior to acceptance of plasterwork.

- END -

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