Biochemical Changes in Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Obese Diabetic Male Albino Rats
Biochemical Changes in Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Obese Diabetic Male Albino Rats
Biochemical Changes in Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Obese Diabetic Male Albino Rats
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[email protected] (F. Azzeh) To
Abstract: The effect of high fat diet on lipid and carbohydrate metabolic changes was studied in mature male albino rats.
The animals were rendered obese by feeding a high fat diet for 60 days. Half of obese rats were become diabetic by injecting
with a reduced dose of alloxan; to produce a non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus state. These obese models of non diabetic
and diabetic rats were compared with normal male rats kept on a basal diet for 60 days. The fat fed rats beside gaining weight
showed a significant rise in their hepatic lipid contents and observed an insulin resistant state. Lipid profile of the omental
adipose tissue exhibited a significantly higher total lipid content, but lower total cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids
contents in both obese (non diabetic and diabetic) as compared with the normal rats. On the other hand, the brown adipose
tissue showed a reduced fat catabolism with a significant rise in its phospholipid contents. Correlation between plasma
atherogenic index and plasma fatty acids pattern showed that in the obese diabetic rats atherogenic index was positively
correlated with total polyunsaturated fatty acids, while significantly negative correlation with total saturated fatty acids. This
work showed that high fat substrates have been got remarkable impacts on rats body weight and metabolism.
1. Introduction
Obesity is a state of abnormal accumulation of neutral fat in the storage depot of the body. It is ultimately the
consequence of ingesting more calories than those needed. Obesity is the most common disorder of metabolism and is also
one of the oldest stresses and dietary habits. The predisposing factors to obesity may be physical, nutritional, pharmacological,
maturational, socioeconomic and environmental factors. Obesity has been identified as an important risk factor in the
development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease [1]. Although, there are recognized hereditary and hormonal factors
contributing excess weight, overeating is without doubt one of the causative factors in obesity. It is associated with four major
factors for atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceriemia. Therefore, it is not
surprising that obese subject have more susceptibility to sudden death [2]. Storlien and his team demonstrated that feeding
rats a high fat diet (59 % of energy) for 24 days induced whole body insulin resistance and inhibited insulin stimulated glucose
utilization by the liver, skeletal muscles as well as brown and white adipose tissues [3]. Also, they found that the fat diet
induced insulin resistance in rats can be prevented by the inclusion of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet [3].
Pelinkanova et al reported that insulin sensitivity has been correlated with the ratio of n-6 polyunsaturated to the ratio of
saturated fatty acids in human serum [4].
The analysis of fatty acids composition in blood and tissue lipids has lately gained renewed interest to study the
pathogenesis of metabolic diseases. Fatty acids of the adipose tissue are a major supply for the plasma fatty acids pool [5].
The liver utilizes plasma fatty acids in building up the different plasma lipids and lipoprotein [6], that is implicated in the
different metabolic reactions in health and disease [2].
The present study is an experimental attempt carried out on male albino rats to find out how dietary obesity affects
carbohydrate, lipid and lipoprotein metabolism and their correlation with the different fasting plasma fatty acids, which reflect
the endogenous composition of adipose tissues.
All results were expressed as means ± S.E. Data were analyzed in SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) software
version 17 using student's t- test. Qualitative variables expressed as percentage were compared in different groups.
Relationships between variables were analyzed using the simple correlation coefficient of Armitage [19].
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2013, 2(2) : 24-30 27
3. Results
As shown in Table 2, obese rats exerted significantly (P< 0.05) higher in body weight, fasting blood glucose and
plasma insulin than control rats. Furthermore, obese diabetic rats showed significantly (P< 0.01) higher values of previous
parameters than other groups.
Table 2. Body weight (g), Fasting blood glucose (mg/dl) and plasma insulin (µIu/ml) of studied groups after 60 days.
Group Body weight Blood Glucose Insulin
From Table 3, it was shown that the mean values of hepatic total lipids, total cholesterol, and triglycerides concentrations
were significantly elevated (P<0.01) in obese non diabetic and obese diabetic (P<0.01) as compared with the control rats,
while liver phospholipids were not changed between groups. Plasma lipids, with regard to total lipids, total cholesterol,
triglycerides and phospholipids, were significantly increased in both obese non-diabetic and diabetic rats when compared
with the control rats.
Table 3. Liver and Plasma lipids concentrations in obese diabetic and non diabetic rats.
Liver lipid Plasma Lipid
Group T. Lipid Tri-Glyc Mg Phos-Lipid T. Choles T. Lipid Tri- Glyc Mg Phos-lipid T.Choles Mg
Mg /g /g Mg /g Mg /dl Mg /g /g Mg /g /dl
Group I 43.99±2.59 11.02±0.83 22.43±0.55 2.81±0.10 392.9±6.7 42.4±3.44 117.3±6.2 67.2±4.52
Group II 73.92±4.67** 38.46±2.70** 24.13±0.74 4.45±0.10** 589.5±11.2** 90.79±5.75** 242.4±7.8** 99.3±3.53**
Group III 81.88±4.60** 43.72±2.87** 24.24±0.90 6.69±0.17** 877.4±11.7** 221.3±5.11** 417.2±3.1** 124.7±4.96**
Data are expressed as Means ± S.E. * < 0.05: Significant . ** < 0.01: High significant
Low density and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C & VLDL–C), and also atherogenic index (Table 4) were
significantly increased in obese (non-diabetic and diabetic) rats. Moreover, while the high density lipoproteins (HDL-C) and
its ratio were significantly reduced in obese non diabetic (P<0.01) and also were significantly lower in obese diabetic (P<0.05)
than in obese non diabetics rats (P<0.01).
Table 4. Plasma lipoproteins in obese diabetic and non diabetic rats.
Groups (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl) HDL-C/ LDL-C HDL-C/ VLDL-C
Group I 23.26±1.18 30.26±1.71 8.47±0.68 0.79±0.06 2.84±0.21 1.695±0.132
Group II 17.05±1.33** 64.97±4.19** 18.16±1.15** 0.27±0.02** 0.97±0.11** 5.069±0.452**
Group III 10.18±1.01** 72.63±4.06** 44.26±1.02** 0.15±0.02** 0.23±0.02** 12.67±1.790**
Data are expressed as Means ± S.E. * < 0.05: Significant. ** < 0.01: High significant
The omental adipose tissue (from Table 5) showed a higher content of total lipids in obese (non diabetic & diabetic) rats
(P<0.05), meanwhile, the mean values of total cholesterol, triglycerides an phospholipids were significantly lower in obese
non diabetic and also in obese diabetic rats. The results also showed that the triglycerides concentration was significantly
lower (P<0.01) in obese diabetic versus obese non diabetic rats. Brown adipose tissue of obese non diabetic rats showed a
significant rise (P<0.05) in total lipids and phospholipids contents; while the mean value of total cholesterol was significantly
lower (P< 0.05) in obese non diabetic & obese diabetic rats (P< 0.01) when compared with the control rats.
Table 5. Lipid contents of omental and Brown adipose tissue in obese diabetic and non diabetic rats.
The percentage of mean value for most plasma saturated fatty acids was significantly elevated in obese non diabetic and
obese diabetic when compared with control rats, as shown in Table 6, except for C15:0. While, the percentage of mean values
of plasma unsaturated fatty acids were reduced considerably in obese non diabetic and remained unchanged in obese diabetic
rats as compared to control group. The ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids were significantly (P<0.05) decreased
in obese (non diabetic and diabetic) rats. Correlations between the sum of plasma fatty acids and liver fatty acids, plasma
lipids and lipoproteins are illustrated in Tables 7 and 8.
Table 6. Plasma Fatty acids profile in Obese diabetic and non diabetic rats.
1.807± 2022± 2.049± 1.906± 1.270± 2.147± 1.623± 2.004± 2.493± 2.524± 1.812± 1.879± 2.732± 2.420± 3.041± 0.424±0
Group II
0.037** 0.062** 0.062** 0.098** 0.142 0.070* 0.061** 0.069** 0.073** 0.077** 0.033** 0.064** 0.070* 0.073** 0.064* .019**
Group III
1.381± 1.382 1.340± 1.394± 1.125± 2.255± 2.503± 2.777±
0.046** 0.101 0.042* 0.097 0.123 0.055** 0.037** 0.025** 2.930± 2.822± 2.398± 2.348± 2.969± 3.168± 3.256± 0.548±
0.042** 0.046** 0.028** 0.061** 0.054 0.052 0.043 0.024*
P:S ratio = Ratio between sum of polyunsaturated and sum of saturated fatty acids. Data are expressed as Means ± S.E. * < 0.05: Significant. ** < 0.01:
High significant
Table 7. Correlation coefficient of fatty acids in Plasma and liver triglycerides in Obese diabetic and non diabetic Rats.
flux of fatty acids to the liver consequent to the reduced antilipolytic effect of insulin is responsible for VLDL-C production
[34]. In fact both basal and glucose stimulated insulin concentration were elevated in rats fed high fat diet [35].
Correlation studies between the percentages of plasma fatty acids and liver TG in obese (non diabetic & diabetic) rats
showed that the decrease in P:S ratio was associated with enhanced hepatic triglycerides synthesis in obese diabetic rats which
was not detrimental in the obese non diabetic rats. Thus the P:S ratio was weakly positively correlated with hepatic TG in the
obese non diabetic rats. The hepatic synthesis of TG in the form of VLDL-C was reflected on the plasma lipids in the obese
non diabetic rats. In the last group of rats, correlation of plasma fatty acids with plasma TG showed the same correlation as
those with liver TG with the exceptions of C16:1 and C18:3. In the obese diabetic rats on the other hand, such correlation
were not similar, perhaps this was because diabetic livers showed fatty changes as a result of TG accumulation in the liver
The correlation between the plasma fatty acids and the various lipoprotein ratios, atherogenic index (VLDL-C + LDL-C /
HDL-C) found that in obese non diabetic rats, the atherogenic index (where HDL-C is the denominator) was inversely
correlated with the percentage of the individual saturated fatty acids especially C14:0, but weakly negatively correlated with
the percentage of the sum of saturated fatty acids. On the other hand, with the unsaturated fatty acids, this index was weakly
positively correlated with the percentage of the polyunsaturated fatty acid C18:3 and the sum of the polyunsaturated fatty
acids and P:S ratio. The correlation with the HDL-C/LDL-C and HDL-C/VLDL-C (where HDL-C is the nominator), were
more or less the reverse to those of the atherogenic index where they were weakly positively correlated with the saturated
fatty acid C14:0 and the sum of the saturated fatty acids. Meanwhile, they were weakly inversely correlated with the
percentage of the sum polyunsaturated fatty acids and P:S ratio. In the obese diabetic rats, the above findings were met with
but, they were more pronounced and in some instance they were more significant. The positive correlation of the atherogenic
index with the P:S ratio can be explained by the fact that polyunsaturated fatty acids besides their hypocholesterolemic and
hypotrigyceridemic effect they also depress HDL-C [37] which in case of the atherogenic index formula (HDL-C forms the
donominator). These correlations findings are more or less the reverse to those found in human subjects in previous study
published in 1999 by Osfor et al [38], but it should be remembered that in the rat most of the cholesterol in the plasma is
carried with the HDL-C moiety [29]. Unlike in humans where cholesterol is mostly carried with LDL-C. This means that
saturated fatty acids including C14:0 are more hypercholesterolemic than unsaturated.
In conclusion, although the results of experiments on rats cannot be exclusively exploited on human, however this work
showed that dietetic substrates have got their impact on body metabolism, which undoubtedly adds to the genetic effect of
predisposed individuals. In this regard, it seems appropriate to conduct some wider comparative study on rats which are
genetically predisposed to dyslipidemias and on those which are not genetically predisposed to find out how diet and
inheritance interplay.
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